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(CS) Sem VI Cloud Computing and Web Services Question Bank

Unit 1

1. Differentiate between parallel and distributed computing.

2. Describe about distributed system and its architecture.

3. List and explain the characteristics of distributed systems.

4. Describe distributed systems and hence discuss their components.

5. Explain Architectural styles for distributed computing.

6. Explain briefly about the technologies for Distributed Computing.

7. Explain RPC in detail.

8. Explain Distributed object frameworks in detail.

9. Explain hardware Architecture for Parallel Processing.

10. Explain the concept of distributed computing.

11. Explain the level of parallelization.

12. What is a Web Service?

13. What are the different types of web services?

14. What are the different characteristics of web services?

15. Explain the difference between SOAP and REST.

16. What is WSDL?

17. What role does XML play in Web Services?

18. Explain the purpose of HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) in RESTful Web


19. What is SOAP? Explain the architecture of SOAP messages.

20. Explain the SOAP header.

21. What is Client-side SOAP handler? Explain the steps to create Client-side SOAP


22. Explain REST along with its key principles.

23. Explain Java API for RESTful Web Services

24. Explain Characteristics of Virtualized environment.

25. List and explain the advantages and disadvantages of virtualization.

26. Explain in detail about KVM.

27. Write a note on oVirt.

28. What is Virtualization explain its types in detail?

29. Distinguish between Hot/Live and Cold/Regular Migration

30. Explain the Life Cycle of virtualization in detail.

31. Explain Hypervisor in detail.

32. Explain the process of creating a virtual machine.

Unit 2

1. Explain cloud computing security fundamentals

2. Write a note on Confidentiality with respect to cloud information security

3. Write a note on Integrity with respect to cloud information security.

4. Write a note on Availability with respect to cloud information security

5. Explain the cloud security design principles.

6. Explain the requirements for secure cloud software.

7. Explain secure development practice with respect to cloud computing.

8. Explain the approaches to Cloud Software Requirement Engineering.

9. Explain Cloud Security Policy Implementation.

10. Discuss about cloud computing in detail.

11. List and explain the types of cloud in depth.

12. Explain the concept of Public Cloud in detail.

13. Explain the concept of Private Cloud in detail.

14. Explain the concept of Hybrid Cloud in detail.

15. Explain the concept of Community Cloud in detail.

16. What is cloud reference model? List and explain three different models.

17. Explain IaaS in detail.

18. Explain PaaS in detail.

19. Explain SaaS in detail.

20. Define cloud computing. Explain essential characteristics of cloud computing.

21. Explain open challenges of cloud computing.

22. Described the vision introduced by cloud computing.

23. What is the Cloud Deployment Model?

24. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing

Unit 3

1) Write a note on the CloudSim simulator.

2) Explain CloudSim architecture with a diagram.

3) Write a note on GridSim and SimJava.

4) Explain the Java working platform operations for CloudSim.

5) Write a short note on OpenStack.

6) Write a short note on the OpenStack operation.

7) Explain OpenStack Client Command-Line Interface (CLI).

8) What are the key components of OpenStack?

9) What is DevStack? Explain the installation steps.

10) Explain the concept of QUOTAS in OpenStack.

11) Explain Architecture of Neutron.

12) Explain Architecture of Nova.

13) Explain the Controller deployment in OpenStack.

14) Explain networking deployment in OpenStack.

15) Explain Heat Orchestration in OpenStack.

16) Write a note on Architecting on AWS.

17) Explain Components and services of AWS.

18) Write a note on Amazon VPC.

19) Write an example of building a complex solution.

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