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Hello everyone, and welcome to our presentation today. Project on unit 7: Education options for
school –leavers will be on the scene, and our team, including Hải Anh, Hải Đăng, Bảo Minh,
Hùng Đức and Minh Quân will be the presenters. Our project is divided into 5 sections: About
options for future, Comparation between vocational and academic school, Student’s choices in
Vietnam, Some famous schools in Vietnam and finally, an Introduction about HUST
The first part, ‘About options for future’, will be presented by me…. Have you ever wondered
about what career you will choose for the future? (Hỏi vài ba đứa) Moreover, what job do you
want to do in the future? (Lại hỏi tiếp). For me, my dream is to become……………………… In
the future, there will be endless choices for you to choose. For example, you can become a
doctor, a musician, or an artist. It is all up to you, but the most important part is do you love your
Here are some ideas that can help you to choose your ideal school:
- Before choosing school, you must choose your career
- Choose a school with your favourite major
- Choose a university with many admission criteria
- Choose a school with good training quality
- Choose a school with appropriate tuition fees
- Choose a school that suits social needs
Next… will present the next part: Students’ choices in Vietnam
Thank you for introducing me, P1. As P1 said, I would like to tell you more about the
comparison between vocational and academic study.
First, let’s go for the pros and cons of academic study. About its advantages, it provides students
an in-depth and comprehensive knowledge base in different fields. College students are trained
in the specialized knowledge necessary to develop careers in fields such as science, engineering,
business, healthcare, education,… Besides of these benefits, there is some disadvantages such as
long training and studying time, high tuition fees,…
Before going to the next part, can anyone tell me what a vocational school is?
Next, we will analyze the benefits and drawbacks of vocational study. Vocational schools have
training courses that are close to reality, so that students can have more work experience for the
future. In contrast to university, vocational schools usually have low tuition fees and short
training time. For example, time you have to spend in university in 4-6 years compared to 6
months to a year at vocational school. On the other hand, you must be very concentrated on what
you can learn from it because of short studying time.
That is the end of my part. In the next section, I would like to introduce P3 for researching
students’ choices in Vietnam.
Thanks, P2. As you can see, I’m here to present the next part: Students’ choices in Vietnam. In
today’s world, apprenticing has become a trend among youth. This form of education is not only
become well known in Vietnam but also in some developed countries. Besides, university
choices is popular at some fields. Can anyone name some jobs that are common?
This is some career that I think everyone should consider:
- Information technology: this can also be called I.T. The programmer profession is closely
related to computers and technology. You will learn about the construction process,
develop software and use technology tools and platforms.
- Graphic design: Graphic design is a profession in which you will have to design graphics
based on ideas and creative skills. To do this you will need to learn how to use graphic
tools such as AI, Photoshop, Indesign, Autocad... To work as a graphic designer, you
need to have creativity and aesthetics.
- Businessperson: Sales staff jobs are currently one of the professions with great
recruitment demand at companies and businesses in many provinces and cities across the
- Accountant: Accounting is the job of recording, receiving, processing and providing
information about the economic and financial activities of an organization, business or
agency. This career often focuses on logic and calculation, so it will suit orderly and
disciplined person.
I think that should be enough for this part. P4 will be on the scene to introduce some of the
best schools in Vietnam
Just like P3 said, the fourth part of this presentation is the leaderboard about top 10 schools that
are well-known in Vietnam
As you can see on the board, the first place on the leaderboard is Vietnam National University
Hanoi, also called VNU at number 758 among the world’s top schools, followed by Ton Duc
Thang University and Duy Tan University. At the fourth and fifth place are Hanoi University of
Science and Technology and VNUHCM University of Technology. Because of the limited time,
we will just give some basic information about the top 5 schools.
- Vietnam National University Hanoi is a center for training, scientific research, and multi-
disciplinary, multi-field, high-quality knowledge and technology transfer; on par with the
region, gradually reaching the international level; meets the country's development
requirements, in line with the trend of developing higher education.
- Ton Duc Thang University: is responsible for human development; and educating high-
quality human resources for Ho Chi Minh City and the whole country; in particular, there
is a focus on training workers and laborers; carrying out applied research and scientific
research more effectively to promote the country's long-term development
- Duy Tan University: has the mission to train and research associated with science and
technology to create generations of patriotism, humane qualities imbued with Vietnamese
identity, community responsibility, good health,
- VNUHCM University of Technology: its mission is to educate the intellectual human
resources with leadership competence; to create new knowledge through scientific
research and technological transfer; and to assume and perform social responsibilities and
community services.
Hanoi University of Science and Technology will be introduced further in the final part of
this presentation by P5
Thanks for your quick introduction, P4. I will tell you more about HUST.
Hanoi University of Science and Technology (English name Hanoi University of Science and
Technology - abbreviated HUST) was established under Decree No. 147/ND dated March 6,
1956, signed by Minister of Education Nguyen Van Huyen. This is our country's first technical
university with the task of training industrial engineers for the construction of socialism in the
North and the struggle to liberate the South; is a multi-disciplinary and multi-field science and
technology training and research center. Its mission is to develop people, train high-quality
human resources, do scientific research, create technology and transfer knowledge, serving
society and the country. There are five main values of HUST:
1, Quality - efficiency: The core element that makes up the Hanoi University of Science and
Technology brand is excellent quality associated with optimal efficiency in all activities and in
all aspects.
2, Dedication: Dedication and passion are the keys to all success; create the noblest values of
generations of staff and students of Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
3, Integrity - respect: Integrity in expertise, profession, and lifestyle, along with respect for
human dignity, respect for laws and regulations, and respect for diversity and differences are
core ethical standards core in the university environment.
4, Individual talent - collective intelligence: All breakthrough success stems from individual
creativity and talent, but the key to ensuring sustainable success is solidarity and collective
5, Inheritance - creativity: The main driving force for sustainable development is innovation
based on absorbing the quintessence of human knowledge, inheriting achieved achievements and
promoting good traditional values.

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