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Current Electricity

Grade 9 – Clifton College

Electric circuit: a system for transferring electrical energy

Electrical energy: provided by

 a power station (ac: alternating current – current that changes
direction at regular intervals) or
 a battery (dc: direct current – current that flows in one direction

Electric current definition: the rate of flow of charge.

Electric charge can be:
 electrons in metals, or
 ions in solutions (sea water or brine) or in plasma (TV

For current to flow we must have:  a closed circuit

 a source of electrical energy


A cell: One or more cells connected in a circuit is called a battery.

 contains chemicals that react when the terminals are connected in a circuit.
 chemical potential energy is converted into electrical potential energy
 electrical potential energy is converted into kinetic energy of moving charges

Circuit symbol:

Conventional current: is the flow of electric charge from the positive terminal of the
battery to the negative terminal of the battery.

Connecting leads: insulated (plastic) copper wire.

(Aluminium Aℓ in overhead powerlines because it has a much smaller
mass than copper)
Three types: croc-croc; banana-banana & croc-banana

These are drawn as a line in a circuit.

Switches: provide a means of controlling the flow of electric current.

Circuit symbol:

Resistors: a device that opposes the flow of charge through it.

 It does not slow the current down or use it up, but only allows a certain
amount of charge through it.
 some are heating elements that convert electrical energy into heat energy
and are made from a metal that has a HIGH melting point, eg: nichrome
 resistance is measured in ohms (Ω)

Circuit symbol:

Light bulb:  incandescent bulb has a tungsten (W) filament.

 filled with an inert (unreactive) gas such as argon (Ar) and not air
containing O2 because the filament will oxidise (react with the O2)
 converts 100% electrical energy into 10% light energy and 90% heat
 offers resistance to the flow of electric current

Circuit symbol:

filled with gas have a tungsten filament

produce 90% light and (W – wolfram)
10% heat produce 10% light and
 more energy efficient 90% heat
 less energy efficient

Low energy fluorescent tube Incandescent light bulb

Components connected in series are connected along a single "electrical path".

Components connected in parallel are connected along multiple paths.

Electric current

The current strength in a circuit is the rate of flow of charge.

I =
I is the symbol for current strength measured in amperes, A.
Q is the quantity of charge measured in coulombs, C.
t is the time measured in seconds, s.

An ammeter is a device that measures the rate of flow of charge i.e. current

The circuit symbol for an ammeter is:

The resistance of the instrument is usually negligible and it can, therefore, be connected in
series with other circuit components without reducing the current in the circuit.

Potential Difference

Potential difference is the work done per unit positive charge.

V is the symbol for potential difference and is measured in volts, V.
Q is the symbol for quantity of charge and is measured in coulombs, C.
W is the symbol for work done (or energy converted) and is measured in joules, J.

A voltmeter is a device which measures the potential difference between two points in
a circuit.

The circuit symbol for a voltmeter is:

The resistance of the instrument is very high and it must, therefore,

be connected in parallel across a circuit component so that it does
not interfere with the flow of charge in the circuit.

The potential difference of cells in series and parallel:

Total potential difference = 4,5 V

Total potential difference = 1,5 V

Disadvantage: Less energy is offered to the charges

moving through the circuit

Advantage: The battery of cells lasts longer


Resistance is a material's opposition to the flow of electric


In words: In symbols:

resistance =
potential difference
current I

R represents RESISTANCE and is measured in Ω (ohms)

V represents POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE and is measured in V (volts)
I represents CURRENT and is measured in A (amperes)


1. If a charge of 20 C flows through a conductor in 4 s, what current is flowing?

2. If a current of 5 A flows for 12 s, what quantity of charge has been made to move?

3. For how long must a current of 0,5 A flow so as to transfer a charge of 4 C through
a circuit?

4. If a battery needs to supply 12 J of energy to push 2 C of charge through a circuit,

what is the potential difference across the terminals of the battery?

5. What energy is supplied by a 12 V battery to move 3 C of charge through a circuit?

6. If a 2 V cell supplies 10 J of energy to a conductor so that it takes 4 s for the charge

to move through the conductor,

a) what amount of charge was made to flow?

b) what current does the 2 V cell supply to the circuit?

7. What is the resistance of a conductor which requires a potential difference of 12 V

to make a current of 3 A flow through that conductor?

8. If a potential difference of 6 V is applied across a conductor of resistance 4 Ω, what

current will be made to flow in that conductor?

9. A current of 3 A is flowing through a circuit of resistance 3 Ω.

a) What potential difference is required to make this current flow?

b) How long will it take for 12 C of charge to flow through this circuit?
c) What energy is needed to push this 12 C of charge through the circuit?


A series circuit is one that provides only one path for the current to flow along. If any of
the components in a series circuit burns out, no current will flow as the circuit will be

Bulb burns out, causing

a break in the circuit

An open switch in a series circuit will not permit the flow of current.

open switch –
closed switch – both bulbs do
both bulbs shine not shine

In a series circuit, the current is the same everywhere thus the current through each
circuit device is the same in the series combination.

Connecting additional resistors (like a bulb) into a series combination of resistors

increases the total resistance in the circuit and decreases the total current in the


Investigation 1

What effect does the number of cells connected in series have on the current strength in a
series circuit?

Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagrams above and measure the reading on
the ammeter when one cell, two cells and three cells are connected in series.


I (A) I (A) I (A) current

One cell

Two cells

Three cells

Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________

Investigation 2

Is the current strength the same at all points in a SERIES circuit?

Connect the circuit as represented by the diagram and take the ammeter reading before
and after the bulb.

Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________

Investigation 3

What effect will increasing the number of bulbs in a series circuit have on the current


1. Set the circuit up as per the diagram above.

2. Record the reading on the ammeter.
3. Place a second bulb in series.
4. Record the new reading on the ammeter.


Ammeter reading (A)

1 light bulb
2 light bulbs

Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________

A series circuit is one that provides only one path for the current to flow along. If any of
the components in a series circuit burns out, no current will flow as the circuit will be

In a series circuit, the current is the same everywhere thus the current through each
resistor is the same in the series combination.

Thus, if I(A1) = 1,2 A

I(A2) = 1,2 A
I(A3) = 1,2 A
I(A4) = 1,2 A

If each cell has a potential difference of 1,5 V then the total potential difference of the
battery will be 6 V. The resistors in series act as potential dividers.

V1 = I.R V2 = I.R
= (1,2)(2) = (1,2)(3)
= 2,4 V = 3,6 V

and note: VTOTAL = V 1 + V2

= 2,4 + 3,6
= 6V

Also note: The greater the resistance, the greater the potential difference across the
resistor because more energy will be needed to drive the charges through a resistor that
offers a greater opposition to the flow of charge.

The total resistance of resistors connected in series, is given by the following equation:

RT = R1 + R2 + R3 + …..

where: RT is the equivalent resistance of any number of resistors in series.

Thus, calculating the total resistance of the circuit given in the circuit above, gives:

RT = R1 + R2
= 2 + 3 2Ω 3Ω
= 5Ω

Connecting additional resistors into a series combination of resistors increases the total
resistance in the circuit and decreases the total current in the circuit.

For the circuit alongside:

RT = R1 + R2 + R3 A
= 2 + 3 + 1
= 6Ω 2Ω 3Ω 1Ω

If each cell has a potential difference of 1,5 V and the total potential difference of the
battery is 6 V, then the total current in the circuit will now be:

I(A1) =
= 1A


A parallel circuit is one where an alternative path is provided for the current to flow


In a parallel circuit, the current in the main part of the circuit is the same everywhere but
the current will split in a parallel combination such that more current will flow through the
path/branch of least resistance. If each path/branch carries the same resistance, then the
current will split equally.

Connecting additional resistors in a parallel combination of resistors, decreases the total

resistance in the circuit and increases the total current in the circuit.

1 2

The brightness of the bulbs in the above two pictures is the same.

A switch in a parallel combination allows us to switch bulbs on and off independently –

meaning that when we switch one bulb off, the other will remain on. The brightness of the
bulbs does not change when we switch on additional bulbs. This is how our lights are
connected in our homes.

If a bulb blows in a parallel combination, the other bulbs will remain on because the current
is still able to flow through them.

Investigation 4

Connect the two bulbs in SERIES and then in PARALLEL and compare the readings on
the ammeter.

Is the ammeter reading higher or lower when circuit 2 is connected? _____________

What has happened to the total resistance of the circuit?


Now place the ammeter in each parallel branch and take the reading on the ammeter.

What do you notice about the ammeter readings in these two circuits compared to the
ammeter reading in CIRCUIT 2 above?



Resistors in series offer ___________ resistance than resistors connected in parallel.

A parallel circuit is one where an alternative path is provided for the current to flow

In a parallel circuit, the current in the main part of the circuit is the same everywhere but
the current will split in a parallel combination such that more current will flow through the
path/branch of least resistance. If each path/branch carries the same resistance, then the
current will split equally. We note that resistors in parallel are thus current dividers.

In the circuit alongside, all the cells are

identical. Circuit 1

Thus, if
I(A1) = 1 A & I(A4) = 1,2 A

I(A2) = 1 A
I(A3) = 2 A
I(A5) = 0,8 A
I(A6) = 2 A

The equivalent (total) resistance of a parallel combination of ONLY TWO BRANCHES is

given by:

Rp =

Applying the formula to Circuit 1 above,

Rp =
= 1,2 Ω

If the emf of each cell in Circuit 1 on page 14 is 1,2 V then:

V1 = 2,4 V
V2 = 2,4 V
V3 = 2,4 V

And if we look at the potential difference of the parallel combination in Circuit 1 on Page

If I(A4) = 1,2 A then V4 = I.R

= (1,2).(2)
= 2,4 V


If I(A5) = 0,8 A then V5 = I.R

= (0,8).(3)
= 2,4 V

On page 15, we found the total resistance of the parallel combination of Circuit 1 to be
1,2 Ω and the total current flowing through the parallel combination to be 2 A …

Thus, V6 = ITOTAL.Rp
= (2).(1,2)
= 2,4 V

And so we see that the potential difference across each branch in a parallel
combination, as well as across the entire parallel combination, is the same and that
provided there are no other parallel combinations or resistors in series in the circuit, this
potential difference will be equal to the potential difference across the battery (V 3 … as
calculated above).


More bulbs in series More bulbs in parallel

The brightness of the bulbs remains the
The brightness of the bulbs decreases
The total resistance increases The total resistance decreases

The total current decreases The total current increases

Investigation 5

Set up a circuit with three cells in series, a switch, two resistors in series and two bulbs in
parallel. Draw a circuit diagram of your circuit:


1. Measure the potential difference across each component with the switch open.
2. Now close the switch and measure the potential difference across each component.
3. Record your results in a table.


Switch open; V across battery

Switch open; V across all resistors
Switch closed; V across battery
V across both series resistors
V across each series resistor
V across both parallel bulbs
V across each parallel bulbs


• _____________________________________________________________________
• _____________________________________________________________________
• _____________________________________________________________________
• _____________________________________________________________________
• _____________________________________________________________________

Question 1:



What is the potential difference across each of the resistors in parallel? _____________

Question 2:

Use the circuit diagram alongside to provide the

relationship between the potential difference
across components in a series circuit?


Question 3:

Use the circuit diagram alongside to provide the

relationship between the potential difference
across components in a series circuit?


Question 4:

Why would the reading on the voltmeter connected across the battery of cells drop, when
the switch is closed?


SUMMARY: Series circuits





A3 R2 A2

Cells / Batteries:

• The more cells you add in series, the greater the total voltage – but they last only as
long as one battery would.

Potential Difference (Voltage):

• The total voltage of the battery is divided up between all the resistors.
Therefore: V1 = V2 + V3 + V4
• The voltage splits in proportion to the resistance of the resistors
ie: a 2 ohm resistor will use double the voltage of a 1 ohm resistor
• V  R  The higher the resistance of the resistor, the more energy needs to be
given to the charges to move them through the resistor.

Current Strength
• Current strength is the same at all points in a series circuit
Therefore: IA1 = IA2 = IA3

Total Resistance
• The more resistors there are, the greater the resistance will be (direct proportion)
Therefore: Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3


The formulae V = I x R and Q = I x t work for both series and parallel circuits

SUMMARY: Parallel Circuits



R1 A2




Cells/ Batteries
• If you add a second cell in parallel, it doesn’t increase the total voltage of the
battery, but the battery will last twice as long.

Potential Difference (Voltage)

• The voltage of the battery does not split between the parallel branches – it is the
same across each branch and the same across the whole parallel section.
Therefore: V1 = V2 = V3 = V4

Current Strength
• The main current splits up when it gets to the parallel section.
Therefore, if R1 = R2 then IA1 = IA2 + IA3
• Current is inversely proportional to resistance. Thus, if the resistors in the branches
are NOT equal, then the branch carrying the least resistance, will allow the most
current to pass through it.
ie: A 2 Ω resistor in parallel with a 1 Ω resistor, will get half the current that the 1 Ω
resistor does.

Total Resistance
• Adding resistors in parallel, decreases the total resistance of the parallel
combination, and increases the total current flowing through the circuit.

For example:
If a 3 Ω and a 4 Ω resistor are connected in parallel, their total resistance will be: 1,71 Ω


1. Assume the batteries have no internal resistance, if each cell has an EMF of 1,5 V, what is the
EMF of each of these batteries?

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

………………………… ………………………… ………………………… …………………………

On each of the above diagrams, mark in:

• + and – to show the terminal of each battery
• An arrow to show the direction of the conventional current

2. Write down the reading on each ammeter:

2.1 2.2

I(A1) = 2 A I(A2) = …………… I(A2) = 1 A I(A3) = 0,5 A

I(A3) = …………… I(A4) = …………… I(A1) = …………… I(A4) = ……………

2.3 2.4

I(A1) = 1 A I(A2) = 1 A I(A1) = 3 A I(A2) = 1 A

I(A3) = …………… I(A4) = …………… I(A3) = …………… I(A4) = ……………


I(A1) = 5 A I(A2) = ……………

I(A3) = …………… I(A4) = ……………

3. Fill in <, >, =, + or – signs to make these statements true:

3.1 3.2

I(A1) ………….. I(A2) I(A1) ………….. I(A2) I(A3) ………….. I(A4)

I(A3) ………….. I(A2) I(A2) ………….. I(A4) I(A3) ………….. I(A5)
I(A1) ………….. I(A3) I(A2) = I(A3) …….. I(A4) I(A4) = I(A2) …….. I(A3)


I(A1) ………….. I(A4)

I(A2) ………….. I(A3)
I(A1) + I(A3) ………….. I(A1)

4. Calculate the reading on each voltmeter:

V1 = 6V V2 = 3 V
V3 = ……………
V4 = ……………
V5 = ……………


V1 = 3 V V2 = ………….. V3 = ………….. V4 = ………….. V5 = ……………


V3 = 6 V
V1 = ……………
V2 = ……………

5. If each cell has a potential of 1,5 V, calculate the voltmeter reading in each case:

5.1 5.2

V1 = …………… V2 = ……………

6. If each cell has a potential of 2 V, calculate the voltmeter readings in each case:

V1 = …………… V2 = …………… V4 = ……………

V3 = …………… V5 = ……………

V6 = …………… V7 = …………… V9 = …………… V10 = ……………

V8 = …………… V11 = …………… V12 = ……………

7. Calculate the resistance in the bulb R.

R = …………..

8. In the circuit alongside:

V1 = 4 V R1 = 2 Ω
V2 = 2 V R2 = 1 Ω
V4 = 12 V R3 = 3 Ω
I(A1) = 2 A

Calculate: 8.1) Reading on V3 ……………

8.2) Total resistance of the circuit …………..
8.3) Reading on I(A2) …………..

9. In the circuit alongside, if V1 = 4 V, calculate:

9.1) Reading on V2 ………….

9.2) The resistance of each resistor.

R1 = ……………
R2 = ……………

10. Calculate:

10.1) V3 ……………
10.2) V1 ……………
10.3) V2 ……………
10.4) I(A2) …………..
10.5) R1 ……………
10.6) R2 ……………

11. In the circuit alongside:

I(A3) = 0,3 A
I(A5) = 0,4 A
V3 = 4 V
The light bulbs have identical resistance.

11.1) I(A1) …………..
11.2) I(A1) …………..
11.3) I(A1) …………..
11.4) V5 ……………
11.5) The value of R …………..


V1 In the circuit alongside, each cell
has a potential difference of 2 V
and the reading on ammeter 1 is
2 A. Ignore the internal resistance
R1 of the battery.
V2 A2

A1 R2


a) What is the reading on V1?

b) What is the reading on ammeter 2?
c) Calculate the value of:
i) the reading on V2 if the bulb offers a resistance of 0,5 .
ii) the resistance of R2 if the reading on V3 is 2 V.
d) Calculate the value of R1.
e) Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.

2) The battery in the circuit below has a potential difference of 18 V. Ignore internal resistance and

a) the total resistance of the two resistors.

b) the reading on the ammeter. A
c) the current in the 4 Ω branch of the combination.
d) the current in the 6 Ω branch of the combination. 4Ω
e) the potential difference across the 4 Ω resistor.
f) the potential difference across the 6 Ω resistor. 6Ω

3) Consider the circuit diagram shown below. Switch S is now closed. Ignore internal resistance and
calculate ….

• •
V1 4 V2
600 mA
• A •

a) the total current flowing through the circuit (give your answer in amperes).
b) the reading on V2.
c) the total resistance of the circuit.
d) the reading on V1.


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