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Yesha Lei A. Morong.

BSA 12M1


Technology and Build your Body & Mind

The organizational structure of a corporation like Technology and Gym Corporation can be
designed to meet the specific needs and goals of the company. One possible organizational
structure for such a corporation could be a divisional structure.

In this structure, the company is divided into different divisions based on the specific functions or
areas of expertise. For example, Legal Division Finance Division, Human Resources Division,
Technology Division and Gym Division could be 5 separate divisions within the company. Each
division would have its own set of employees and resources dedicated to their respective
functions. Within each division, there could be further departments or teams that focus on
specific aspects of the division's function.

At the top of the organizational structure, there would be a CEO or President who oversees the
entire corporation. Below the CEO, there could be divisional heads or vice presidents who are
responsible for the overall performance and strategic direction of their respective divisions.
Secretaries are on their own functions depending if they are in the CEO, Vice President, and
other division heads.

This divisional structure allows for specialization and focus within each division, which can help
to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in each area. It also allows for clear accountability and
decision-making within each division.

However, it's important to note that the specific organizational structure for Technology and Gym
Corporation would depend on various factors such as the size of the company, the industry it
operates in, and its unique requirements and objectives.

CEO/President: Overall strategic direction and oversight of the entire corporation.

Vice President: Oversees specific divisions, sets strategic goals, and supports the President in
decision-making and leadership.
Secretaries: Provides administrative support to the HR Division and other departments within
the organization. Their responsibilities may include managing correspondence, scheduling
meetings, maintaining employee records, preparing reports, and assisting in various. The CEO,
Vice President, and other division heads may have a secretary that is functional depending on
their position.

The Divisional Heads of each Division:

-Legal Division Head
-Finance Division Head
-Human Resources Division Head
-Technology Division Head
-Gym Division Head

Legal Division:
- Corporate Law Department: Handles legal matters related to corporate governance, company
structure, and compliance with corporate laws and regulations.
Contracts and Agreements Department: Drafts, reviews, and negotiates contracts and
agreements with external parties to protect the company's legal interests.
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department: Manages and represents the company in legal
disputes and litigation processes.
- Regulatory Compliance Department: Ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations,
and industry standards.
- Intellectual Property Department: Protects the company's intellectual property rights, including
patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
- Employment and Labor Law Department: Handles legal matters related to employment
contracts, labor laws, and employee rights.
- Data Privacy and Security Department: Ensures compliance with data protection laws and
manages legal issues related to data privacy and security.
- Risk Management Department: Identifies and manages legal risks, develops risk mitigation
strategies, and provides guidance on risk-related legal matters.

Finance Division:
- Accounting Department: Handles financial transactions, records, and prepares financial
- Treasury Department: Manages cash flow, investments, and financial risk.
- Financial Planning and Analysis Department: Conducts financial forecasting, budgeting, and
analysis to support strategic decision-making.
- Tax Department: Ensures compliance with tax regulations and manages tax planning and
- Internal Audit Department: Assesses the effectiveness of internal controls and processes to
mitigate risks and ensure compliance.
- Financial Operations Department: Manages financial transactions, accounts payable, and
accounts receivable.
- Strategic Financial Management Department: Develops financial strategies and provides
financial insights to support the organization's long-term goals.

Human Resources Division:

- Recruitment Department: Responsible for sourcing, attracting, and hiring new employees.
- Training and Development Department: Provides training programs and opportunities for skill
development and career advancement.
- Compensation and Benefits Department: Manages employee compensation, benefits, and
rewards programs.
- Employee Relations Department: Handles employee grievances, conflicts, and overall
employee satisfaction.
- Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Department: Manages HR data, technology,
and systems for efficient record-keeping and analysis. and ensuring the welfare of employees.

Technology Division:
- Research and Development: Conducts research and develops new technologies.
- Software Engineering: Designs and develops software applications.
- Hardware Engineering: Designs and develops hardware components.

Gym Division:
- Operations: Manages the day-to-day operations of the gym facilities.
- Fitness Training: Provides fitness training services to clients.
- Marketing: Develops and implements marketing strategies to attract customers.

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