Determination of Dextrose

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NutraPharms Pvt. Ltd.

AlgalR NutraPharms Pvt. Ltd.

Standard Operating Procedure
Department Quality Control SOP.No. AQC024
Effective Date: 02/05/2021 Rev. No. 2.0
Determination of Dextrose
Review Date: 02/05/2021 Page No. Page 1 of 2

1. Objective :To follow the procedure for determination of dextrose

2. Scope :This procedure is applicable only to determination of dextrose at AlgalR
NutraPharms Pvt. Ltd.
3. Responsibility :QC
4. Accountability :Head – QC/R&D
5. References : DNS Method by Miller, G.L. (1071). Anal.Chem. 31, p.426.
6. Abbreviations : SOP, Standard Operating Procedure; QC, Quality Control; R&D, Research and
Development; DNS, Dinitrosalicylic acid
7. Definitions :Nil

8.1. Reagent preparation

8.2.1. DNS reagent: Dissolve by stirring 1 g of Dinitrosalicylic acid, 200 mg
crystalline phenol and 50 mg sodium sulphite in 100 ml of 1% NaOH.
Store at 4°C, as the reagent deteriorates, due to Sodium sulphite, if long
storage is required.
8.2.2. Potassium sodium tartrate(Rochelle salt) solution (40%).
8.2.3. 100ml of 1% Dextrose monohydrate solution as standard

8.2. Sample analysis(Follow the table)

8.2.1. Pipette-out 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 ml of the dextrose standard solution into
series of test tubes.
8.2.2. Make-up the volume to 1 ml with distilled water.
8.2.3. Pipette-out 1 ml of distilled water in a separate tube to set a blank.
8.2.4. Pipette-out 0.1 ml of sample and make up the volume to 1 ml with distilled water
(10 dilutions) in a separate tube.
8.2.5. Add 3 ml of DNS Reagent to each test tube.
8.2.6. Heat the contents at boiling water bath for 5 min.
8.2.7. When the content of the tube is still warm, add 1 ml of 40 % Potassium sodium
tartrate solution
8.2.8. Cool and read the intensity of dark red colour with 10 dilutions at 510nm.
8.2.9. Plot the standard graph using Glucose concentration Vs. OD510nm.
8.2.10. Do all the analysis in triplicates.

8.3. Calculation: Dextrose (g/L) = (Sample OD510nm/slope) 10 DF

AlgalR NutraPharms Pvt. Ltd. | Standard Operating Procedure | Confidential

NutraPharms Pvt. Ltd.

Table 1


Heat the contents at boiling water

Standard Distilled Sodium OD
Sample DNS Concentra
S. No Volume water potassium Dilution 510n
No. (ml) tion
(ml) (ml) tartrate m

bath for 5 min.

1 Blank 0 10 3 1 10 0
2 S1 0.1 0.9 3 1 10 10
3 S2 0.2 0.8 3 1 10 20
4 S3 0.3 0.7 3 1 10 30
5 S4 0.4 0.6 3 1 10 40
6 S5 0.5 0.5 3 1 10 50

8. Records :Nil
9. Annexure :NA
10. Change history : New SOP/Revision 00.

Control Name Designation Signature Date

Prepared by Mr. B. Darszhan QC Executive
Reviewed by Dr. T. Ushadevi Head QA
Approved by Dr. S. Mohan Raj Managing Director
Doc.Ctrl.No. ANPL/QA004/2017/Rev.

AlgalR NutraPharms Pvt. Ltd. | Standard Operating Procedure | Confidential

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