Independent Work of The Student

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Independent work of the student (СРО) 4: Why did the question of the reform of the UN Security

Council arise? - essay.

The question of reforming the UN Security Council (UNSC) has arisen due to several factors. Firstly, the
current composition of the Security Council, with its five permanent members holding veto power, does
not reflect the contemporary geopolitical landscape. This lack of representation undermines the
legitimacy and effectiveness of the Council in addressing global security issues.

Secondly, there is a growing demand for increased inclusivity and democratization within international
institutions. Many countries argue that decisions affecting global peace and security should not be solely
determined by a handful of nations, but should involve a broader representation of the international

Thirdly, the emergence of new global challenges, such as climate change, terrorism, and pandemics,
requires a more flexible and responsive Security Council. The current structure, established in the
aftermath of World War II, may not be adequately equipped to address these modern threats.

Additionally, there are concerns about the misuse of veto power by some permanent members, which
can lead to gridlock and inaction on critical issues. Reforming the UNSC could potentially mitigate these
challenges by introducing mechanisms for greater accountability and transparency.

Overall, the question of reforming the UN Security Council has arisen due to the need to adapt to the
changing global landscape, enhance representation and legitimacy, and address the shortcomings of the
current system in effectively maintaining international peace and security.

Independent work of a student under the guidance of a teacher (СРОП):

7. Kazakhstan and the processes of Eurasian integration

For your on Kazakhstan and the processes of Eurasian integration, you can cover several key points:

1. *Historical Context*: Begin by providing an overview of Kazakhstan's historical relationship with

Eurasia and its role in the region's integration processes throughout history.
2. *Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)*: Discuss Kazakhstan's involvement in the EAEU, highlighting its
role as one of the founding members alongside Russia, Belarus, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. Analyze the
benefits and challenges Kazakhstan faces within this economic bloc.

3. *Geopolitical Significance*: Explore Kazakhstan's geopolitical significance in Eurasian integration,

considering its vast territory, rich energy resources, and strategic location at the crossroads of Europe
and Asia.

4. *Bilateral Relations*: Examine Kazakhstan's bilateral relations with other Eurasian countries, such as
Russia, China, and Central Asian neighbors. Evaluate how these relationships contribute to or hinder
Eurasian integration efforts.

5. *Trade and Investment*: Assess the impact of Eurasian integration on Kazakhstan's trade and
investment patterns, including both opportunities and potential risks.

6. *Challenges and Opportunities*: Discuss the challenges Kazakhstan faces in balancing its participation
in Eurasian integration with its broader geopolitical interests and economic diversification efforts.
Highlight potential opportunities for Kazakhstan to leverage Eurasian integration for its development

7. *Future Outlook*: Offer insights into the future trajectory of Kazakhstan's involvement in Eurasian
integration, considering evolving geopolitical dynamics, economic trends, and regional cooperation

By addressing these points, you can provide a comprehensive analysis of Kazakhstan's role in the
processes of Eurasian integration.

8. Cooperation between the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) and Kazakhstan at the present

For your on cooperation between the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Kazakhstan at the
present stage, consider the following structure:

1. *Introduction to the OIC and Kazakhstan*: Provide a brief overview of the OIC as an international
organization representing the interests of the Muslim world and Kazakhstan's membership in the
2. *Historical Background*: Discuss the historical context of Kazakhstan's relationship with the OIC,
including the country's efforts to strengthen ties with Muslim-majority nations since gaining
independence in 1991.

3. *Areas of Cooperation*: Analyze the various areas of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the OIC,
such as economic development, trade, cultural exchange, education, and humanitarian assistance.
Provide examples of joint initiatives and projects undertaken by Kazakhstan and the OIC.

4. *Diplomatic Engagements*: Examine Kazakhstan's active involvement in OIC activities, including

participation in OIC summits, ministerial meetings, and specialized conferences. Highlight Kazakhstan's
contributions to shaping the OIC's agenda on regional and global issues affecting the Muslim world.

5. *Economic Partnerships*: Evaluate the significance of economic cooperation between Kazakhstan

and OIC member states, particularly in sectors such as energy, agriculture, infrastructure, and
investment. Discuss the potential for further enhancing economic ties through bilateral and multilateral

6. *Cultural and Educational Exchanges*: Explore the role of cultural and educational exchanges in
fostering mutual understanding and cooperation between Kazakhstan and OIC member states. Highlight
initiatives aimed at promoting Islamic culture, language, and education in Kazakhstan and vice versa.

7. *Challenges and Opportunities*: Identify challenges that may hinder deeper cooperation between
Kazakhstan and the OIC, such as geopolitical tensions, economic disparities, and cultural differences.
Discuss opportunities for overcoming these challenges and strengthening collaboration in areas of
mutual interest.

8. *Future Prospects*: Offer insights into the future trajectory of cooperation between Kazakhstan and
the OIC, considering emerging geopolitical dynamics, economic trends, and evolving priorities within the
Muslim world. Discuss potential areas for expanding cooperation and enhancing mutual benefits.

By addressing these points, you can provide a comprehensive analysis of the cooperation between
Kazakhstan and the OIC at the present stage.

9. United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement: features and development prospects

Your on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) should include the following elements:
1. *Introduction*: Provide a brief overview of the USMCA as a trade agreement between the United
States, Mexico, and Canada, replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

2. *Key Features of the USMCA*: Discuss the main features of the agreement, including provisions
related to trade in goods, services, investment, intellectual property, labor, and the environment.
Highlight any significant changes or updates compared to NAFTA.

3. *Market Access and Tariffs*: Analyze the provisions on market access and tariffs for each member
country, focusing on sectors that are particularly affected by the agreement, such as agriculture,
automotive, and manufacturing.

4. *Rules of Origin*: Explain the rules of origin under the USMCA, which determine whether a product
qualifies for preferential treatment under the agreement. Discuss how these rules impact regional
supply chains and trade flows.

5. *Labor and Environmental Standards*: Evaluate the provisions aimed at enhancing labor rights and
environmental protections in the region. Discuss mechanisms for enforcing these standards and
addressing disputes related to labor and environmental practices.

6. *Digital Trade and Intellectual Property*: Explore the provisions related to digital trade, e-commerce,
and intellectual property rights in the USMCA. Assess how these provisions address emerging challenges
in the digital economy and protect innovation and creativity.

7. *Dispute Resolution Mechanisms*: Discuss the dispute resolution mechanisms included in the
USMCA, such as the state-to-state dispute settlement process and the special labor enforcement
mechanism. Evaluate the effectiveness of these mechanisms in resolving disputes between member

8. *Development Prospects*: Provide an analysis of the potential impact of the USMCA on the
economies of the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Consider factors such as GDP growth, job creation,
investment flows, and regional integration.

9. *Challenges and Opportunities*: Identify challenges that may hinder the implementation and success
of the USMCA, such as political opposition, regulatory differences, and external economic shocks.
Discuss opportunities for leveraging the agreement to promote economic growth and competitiveness
in the region.

10. *Conclusion*: Summarize the key points of your analysis and offer insights into the future trajectory
of the USMCA, considering evolving geopolitical dynamics, economic trends, and policy developments in
North America.

By addressing these elements, you can provide a comprehensive overview of the features and
development prospects of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

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