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Department of Computer Engineering

K J’s Educational Institute

A Mini Project Report


Mohit Patil(B-16)
Saket Patil (B-17)
Umer Pinjari (B-17)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Harsha Jain

K J College of Engineering & Management Research, Pune


This is to certify that,
Mohit Patil(B-16)
Saket Patil (B-17)
Umer Pinjari (B-17)

of class T.E Computer Engineering have successfully completed their

mini project work on “Student Feedback System’’ at K J College of
Engineering & Management Research in the partial fulfilment of the
Graduate Degree course in T.E at the department of Computer
Engineering in the academic Year 2023-2024 Semester – I as prescribed
by the Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Prof. Harsha Jain Dr. Nikita Kulkarni

Project Guide Head of Department

With deep sense of gratitude, we would like to thanks all the people who have lit our path with
their kind guidance. We are very grateful to these intellectuals who did their best to help during
our project work.

It is our proud privilege to express deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Suhas S. Khot, Principal
of K J College of Engineering & Management Research, Pune for his comments and kind
permission to complete this project. We remain indebted to Dr. Nikita Kulkarni, H.O.D. of
Computer Engineering Department for her timely suggestion and valuable guidance.

The special gratitude goes to Dr. Nikita Kulkarni for her excellent and precious guidance
in completion of this work .We thanks to all the colleagues for their appreciable help for our
working project. With various industry owners or lab technicians to help, it has been our
endeavor to throughout our work to cover the entire project work.

We also thankful to our parents who providing their wishful support for our project
completion successfully. And lastly we thanks to our all friends and the people who are directly
or indirectly related to our project work.

The Student Feedback System is an online platform

designed to collect valuable feedback from students
regarding their learning experiences, courses, and
instructors. This system aims to enhance the overall
educational environment by providing a structured and
efficient way for students to express their opinions.
The system allows students to submit feedback
anonymously, encouraging honest and constructive
responses. It covers various aspects, including course
content, teaching methods, assessment procedures, and the
overall learning environment. The feedback is categorized to
provide specific insights into different aspects of the
educational process.
The Student Feedback System is a web-based application developed
using a combination of CSS for styling, PHP for server-side scripting,
and a database for data storage. This system serves as a crucial
tool for educational institutions to collect valuable feedback from
students. This report outlines the key features and benefits of this system.

Creating a student feedback form is a crucial step in fostering a dynamic

and responsive learning environment. This tool serves as a direct channel
for students to articulate their perspectives on various aspects of their
educational experience. From the effectiveness of teaching methods to
the relevance of course content, the feedback form empowers students to
express their opinions constructively. It not only provides valuable
insights for educators to enhance their teaching approaches but also
promotes a sense of collaboration and shared responsibility in the pursuit
of academic excellence. By encouraging open communication, the
student feedback form becomes a catalyst for continuous improvement
and ensures that the educational journey remains a positive and enriching
one for all parties involved.

In essence, the student feedback form acts as a bridge between students

and educators, fostering a culture of mutual respect and improvement.
This reflective tool goes beyond a mere evaluation of performance; it
becomes a means to understand the unique needs and preferences of
students. Through thoughtful responses, students contribute to the
ongoing dialogue that shapes the learning environment, making it more
tailored and responsive to their educational needs. In embracing this
feedback loop, educational institutions demonstrate a commitment to
adaptability and growth, valuing the voices of those who directly
experience the impact of their policies and practices. The student
feedback form, therefore, stands as a testament to the collaborative spirit
that underpins a truly student-centered approach to education.
Need Of Student Feedback System-

Continuous Improvement: Student feedback provides valuable

insights into the quality of education and the learning experience.
Educational institutions can use this feedback to make continuous
improvements in their teaching methods, curriculum, and overall
learning environment.

Quality Assurance: Feedback systems help ensure the quality of

education by allowing students to report issues or concerns. This
can be especially important for accreditation and quality assurance

Enhanced Student Experience: A well-designed feedback

system demonstrates to students that their opinions are valued. This
can lead to increased satisfaction and a sense of ownership in their

Implementing a student feedback system is imperative for several compelling

reasons. Firstly, it serves as a crucial tool for quality assurance in education. By
gathering feedback directly from students, educational institutions gain valuable
insights into the effectiveness of their teaching methods, curriculum, and overall
learning environment. This information is instrumental in identifying areas of
improvement and refining educational practices to meet the evolving needs of
Secondly, a student feedback system contributes to accountability and
transparency. It provides a platform for students to express their opinions on the
fairness and impartiality of assessments, the clarity of instructions, and the
responsiveness of educators. This transparency fosters a sense of trust between
students and the institution, demonstrating a commitment to continuous

Moreover, a well-structured feedback system promotes student engagement and

ownership of the learning process. When students know that their opinions are
valued and can influence positive change, they are more likely to actively
participate in the educational experience. This not only enhances the overall
quality of education but also cultivates a culture of collaboration between students
and educators.

Faculty Development: Constructive feedback can help

educators understand their strengths and weaknesses. Faculty can use
this information to improve their teaching methods and better meet the
needs of their students.
Requirement Analysis:

1. MySQL:
To store and manage information related to books, users,
transactions, etc.

2 . PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor):

To handle server-side logic, process requests,
and interact with the database.

3 . HTML, CSS, JavaScript:

• HTML: To structure the content and layout. •
CSS: To style and format the user interface.
• JavaScript: To add interactivity, validate forms, and
enhance user experience.

4. XAMP Server

Developing an effective student feedback system requires careful

consideration of various factors to ensure its success and meaningful
impact. Firstly, clarity in the purpose and objectives of the feedback
system is essential. Clearly define what aspects of the educational
experience you aim to assess, whether it's teaching methods, course
content, or overall satisfaction.

User-friendliness is another crucial requirement. The feedback system

should be easily accessible and navigable for students of diverse
backgrounds and technological proficiency. This may involve creating a
user interface that is intuitive and ensuring compatibility with various
Feedback Collection: Create a user-friendly platform for students to
submit feedback on their educational experiences, courses, and

Data Integrity: Ensure the integrity, security, and privacy of feedback

data through effective data validation and storage in a database.

User Roles: Define distinct roles for students, faculty, and

administrators to facilitate their respective tasks within the system

Anonymity: Allow students to provide feedback anonymously to

encourage honest and candid responses.

Feedback Categorization: Enable students to submit feedback on

various categories, including course content, teaching methods,
infrastructure, and more, for comprehensive analysis.

Faculty Access: Provide faculty members with access to feedback

reports for their courses, fostering a sense of ownership and
Project Scope:

System Overview: Define the three primary user roles: students,

faculty, and administrators.Specify the core features, including feedback
submission, data processing, and reporting.

User Interface: Design a user-friendly and responsive interface using

CSS for consistent styling.Ensure cross-browser compatibility and
accessibility for all users.

Feedback Submission: Create a user interface for students to

submit feedback on various categories, such as courses, instructors,
and facilities. Implement options for anonymous feedback submission.

Data Processing: Develop PHP scripts for data validation,

processing, and storage in the database.Ensure data security and
privacy by employing encryption and access control measures.

Response Mechanism: Implement a feature for faculty to

respond to feedback and take necessary actions for improvement.
Ensure a structured communication channel between students and faculty.

Administrator Control:
Develop an admin panel with user management capabilities,
allowing administrators to add, modify, or remove user accounts.
Final Output:
The Student Feedback System, developed using CSS, PHP, and a
database, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the educational experience.
It provides an efficient and secure platform for collecting and
analyzing feedback, driving continuous improvement, and ensuring
the quality of education in the institution. With its user-friendly
interface and customizable features, it is a valuable asset for any
educational institution.

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