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IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen

Edition August 2003

Line Differential Protection

in RE.316*4
Operating Instructions
 1998 ABB Switzerland Ltd

4th Edition

Applies from software version V6.x to V7.x

All rights with respect to this document, including applications for patent and
registration of other industrial property rights, are reserved. Unauthorised use, in
particular reproduction or making available to third parties without our explicit consent
in writing, is prohibited.
The use is only allowed for the purpose laid down in the contract.

This document has been carefully prepared and reviewed. Should in spite of this the
reader find an error, he is requested to inform us at his earliest convenience.

The data contained herein purport solely to describe the product and are not a
warranty of performance or characteristic. It is with the best interest of our customers
in mind that we constantly strive to improve our products and keep them abreast of
advances in technology. This may, however, lead to discrepancies between a product
and its “Technical Description” or “Operating Instructions”.
IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd


1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 3
1.1. Reference documents................................................................. 3
1.2. Scope.......................................................................................... 3
1.2.1. Software version ......................................................................... 3
1.2.2. Contents of IEC60870-5-103 ...................................................... 3
1.2.3. RE.316*4 configuration requirements ......................................... 3

2. INTEROPERABILITY.................................................................. 4
2.1. Compatibility level ....................................................................... 4
2.2. Identification string ...................................................................... 4
2.3. Physical layer.............................................................................. 4
2.3.1. Electrical interface ...................................................................... 4
2.3.2. Optical interface.......................................................................... 4
2.3.3. Transmission speed.................................................................... 4
2.4. Application layer ......................................................................... 5
2.4.1. Basic application functions.......................................................... 5
2.4.2. Measurands rated value ............................................................. 5
2.4.3. Measurands ASDUs ................................................................... 6

3. PUBLIC PART SIGNALS AND FUNCTIONS ............................. 7

3.1. Physical connection .................................................................... 7
3.2. Supported application functions.................................................. 8
3.3. Supported public signals............................................................. 8
3.3.1. General ....................................................................................... 8
3.3.2. System functions ........................................................................ 9
3.3.3. Status Indications ..................................................................... 10
3.3.4. Supervision indications ............................................................. 11
3.3.5. Earth fault indications................................................................ 11
3.3.6. Fault indications........................................................................ 11
3.3.7. Auto-reclosure indications......................................................... 12
3.3.8. Commands ............................................................................... 12
3.4. Disturbance Data Transfer........................................................ 13
3.4.1. CT/VT inputs supported ............................................................ 13
3.4.2. Supported tags ......................................................................... 13

4. GENERIC PART SIGNALS AND FUNCTIONS ........................ 15

4.1. General ..................................................................................... 15
4.2. Generic events and general interrogation ................................. 15
4.3. Generic measurements............................................................. 16
4.4. Generic read and write.............................................................. 16

5. CONFIGURATION GUIDE ....................................................... 17

5.1. System and Protection functions .............................................. 17

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

5.1.1. CT/VT channels ........................................................................ 18

5.1.2. System IO ................................................................................. 19
5.1.3. IBB Configuration...................................................................... 19
5.1.4. Line Differential Protection........................................................ 20
5.1.5. Autoreclosure............................................................................ 20
5.1.6. IEC60870-5-103 ....................................................................... 21
5.1.7. Disturbance recorder ................................................................ 23
5.2. Generic signals ......................................................................... 25
5.2.1. Binary Inp.................................................................................. 25
5.2.2. Measurands .............................................................................. 26

6. TEST GUIDE ............................................................................ 27

6.1. Test of the physical connection................................................. 27
6.2. Test of the link connection ........................................................ 28
6.3. Signals test ............................................................................... 29
6.3.1. Status indications...................................................................... 30
6.3.2. Supervision indications ............................................................. 31
6.3.3. Fault indications........................................................................ 31
6.3.4. Auto-reclosure indications......................................................... 32
6.4. Test of the disturbance data ..................................................... 32
6.5. Test of generic signals .............................................................. 32

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd


1.1. Reference documents

The following references serve as a base for this description.
SYSTEMS, PART 5-103 Transmission Protocols, First
Edition, December 1997
[2] RE.316*4 Operating Instructions

1.2. Scope

1.2.1. Software version

The following description is valid for the „VDEW“ variant of the
RE.316*4 firmware.

1.2.2. Contents of IEC60870-5-103

IEC60870-5-103 defines the four types of protection distance,
transformer differential, overcurrent and line differential protec-
tion. These Operating Instructions only concern line differential
The functions described in IEC60870-5-103 are divided into the
three categories “Public Defined Signals”, “Disturbance Data
Transfer” and “Generic Services”. This paper describes the
parts “Public Defined Signals” and “Disturbance Data Transfer”.

1.2.3. RE.316*4 configuration requirements

The RE.316*4 is only configured as a line differential protection
in the sense of IEC60870-5-103 when all conditions listed below
are fulfilled.
• The line differential protection function is configured once.
• Neither a transformer differential nor a distance protection
function may be configured.
• The IEC60870-5-103 function is configured.
• When operating with several parameter sets, the IEC60870-
5-103 function may not be configured a second time, but
must be copied from the first parameter set.

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B


2.1. Compatibility level

Level 3

2.2. Identification string

A B B D x y y

Manufacturer ID is: ABB

Version ID is: Dxyy,
where x.yy is the SW version of the RE.316*4.

2.3. Physical layer

2.3.1. Electrical interface

EIA RS-485

number of loads ........ for one protection equipment

Electrical interface is not supported.

2.3.2. Optical interface

x optical; glass fibre

optical; plastic

x F-SMA type connector

BFOC/2,5 type connector

2.3.3. Transmission speed

x 9600 bit/s

x 19200 bit/s

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd

2.4. Application layer

2.4.1. Basic application functions

Test Mode

x Blocking of Monitoring Direction

x Disturbance Data

x Generic Services, partly

Private Data

2.4.2. Measurands rated value

Measurands are transmitted with ASDU 3 as well as with
ASDU 9. As defined in [1], paragraph "Measurands with
Quality descriptor", the maximum MVAL can either be 1.2 or 2.4
the rated value. No different rating shall be used in ASDU 3 and
ASDU 9, i.e. for each measurand is only one choice.

Measurand rated value

1.2 or 2.4

current L1 x

current L2 x

current L3 x

voltage L1-E x

voltage L2-E x

voltage L3-E x

active power P x

reactive power Q x

frequency f x
voltage L1 - L2 x

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

2.4.3. Measurands ASDUs

ASDU 3.1 measurands I

ASDU 3.2 measurands I

x ASDU 3.3 measurands I

x ASDU 3.4 measurands I

x ASDU 9 measurands II

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd


3.1. Physical connection

The RE.316*4 has an RS232C electrical interface at the rear for
the IEC60870-5-103. This is converted to an optical glass fibre
link with the electrical/optical converter 316BM61b. The charac-
teristics of this interface are shown in the table below.

Characteristics 316BM61b

connector F-SMA
cable type graded index 62.5/125 µm
optical wavelength 850 nm
temperature range -5...+55°C
transmission power in fibre -18.2...-11.2 dBm
minimal receiving power -24.0...-10.0 dBm
budget worst case 5.8 dB
budget typical 12.8 dB
typical distance 1000…3000 m (*)
Consumption +12 V < 21 mA
Consumption -12 V < 42 mA

(*) Based on optical fibres with 1.0...5.5 dB/km attenuation.

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

3.2. Supported application functions

The functions supported in this version are described in the ta-
ble below.

Application function Supported Remark

Station initialisation Yes

General interrogation Yes
Clock synchronisation Yes
Command transmission Yes
Test mode Yes
Blocking of monitoring direction Yes
Transmission of disturbance data Yes
Generic services Partly Events, GI and measurements only

3.3. Supported public signals

3.3.1. General
In the tables below the signals of the RE.316*4 distance protec-
tion are listed. The tables have the following columns:
INF The information number according to [1].
GI An x means: the signal is a part of the general in-
Description Textual description of the signal according to [1].
Function The RE.316*4 function according to the table in
Section 5.1.
Signal RE.316*4 signal designation.
The combination ‘Function’ and ‘Signal’ uniquely defines the ori-
gin of each information number in the RE.316*4. Some signals
are generated by the communication interface or the diagnostic
software and have no direct coupling to a function or signal in
the RE.316*4. These signals are marked ‘Internal’ in the ‘Func-
tion’ column.
The function type of all public signals is 192 (Line Differential

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.3.2. System functions

Below are tables defining which of the IEC60870-5-103 informa-
tion numbers that are supported. For each information number
is defined from what RE.316*4 protection/system function and
signal the information number is derived.

INF GI Description Function Signal

<0> - End of general interrogation Internal Generated by the communication

<0> - Time synchronisation Internal Generated by the communication
<2> - Reset FCB Internal Generated by the communication
<3> - Reset CU Internal Generated by the communication
<4> - Start /restart Internal Warmstart

<5> - Power on Internal Coldstart

Internally generated signals from the communication software

are for communication co-ordination purposes and do not have
any equivalent protection/system functions or signals.
No configuration is necessary for any of the signals above.

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

3.3.3. Status Indications

INF GI Description Function Signal Remark

<16> x Auto-recloser active IEC 103 ARCOM

<18> x Protection active IEC 103 PROT_COM

<19> - LED reset IEC 103 RESLEDCOM

<20> x Monitor direction IEC 103 MELDE_MW_SP

<21> x Test mode SysIO Test active

<22> x Local parameter setting SysIO HMI is on

<23> x Characteristic 1 SysIO ParSet1 From SW V5.1b

<24> x Characteristic 2 SysIO ParSet2 From SW V5.1b

<25> x Characteristic 3 SysIO ParSet3 From SW V5.1b

<26> x Characteristic 4 SysIO ParSet4 From SW V5.1b

<27> x Auxiliary input 1 IEC 103 HILFSEING_1

<28> x Auxiliary input 2 IEC 103 HILFSEING_2

<29> x Auxiliary input 3 IEC 103 HILFSEING_3

<30> x Auxiliary input 4 IEC 103 HILFSEING_4

For COT (cause of transmission) of the above information numbers

please see [1]. Please note that COT: 7 = test mode is not supported.
The characteristics (information numbers 23 through 26) up to and in-
cluding version V5.1a are only present in the GI. This is due to the fact
that after a parameter set change (characteristic) in the RE.316*4 the
protection is restarted. From V5.1b events are also created.

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.3.4. Supervision indications

INF GI Description Function Signal Remark

<36> x Trip circuit supervision - - NOT SUPPORTED

<39> x Teleprotection disturbed IEC 103 HF_GESTOERT
<46> x Group warning Internal - Sent when the diag-
nostic status is ‘non-
urgent error’
<47> x Group alarm Internal - Sent when the diag-
nostic status is ‘ur-
gent’ or ‘fatal error’

The group warning and group error signals are derived from the
diagnostic of the RE.316*4. They are not possible to be forced
for test purposes.

3.3.5. Earth fault indications

No earth fault indications are supported for line differential pro-

3.3.6. Fault indications

INF GI Description Function Signal Remark

<64> x Start /pickup L1 - NOT SUPPORTED 1)

<65> x Start /pickup L2 - NOT SUPPORTED 1)

<66> x Start /pickup L3 - NOT SUPPORTED 1)

<67> x Start /pickup N - NOT SUPPORTED 1)

<68> - General trip SysIO GenTrip
<69> - Trip L1 Diff-Line Trip-R 1) 2)

<70> - Trip L2 Diff-Line Trip-S 1) 2)

<71> - Trip L3 Diff-Line Trip-T 1) 2)

<84> x General start/pickup SysIO GenStart

1) In the event that a distance protection function is configured as back-up protection,
then their signals ‘Start R’, ‘Start S’, ‘Start T’, ‘Start E’, ‘TRIP CB R’, ‘TRIP CB S’ and
‘TRIP CB T’ are also transmitted, provided that their event recording is switched on.

2) In the event that a breaker failure protection is configured, then their signals ‘TRIP t1
L1’, ‘TRIP t1 L2’ and ‘TRIP t1 L3’ are also transmitted, provided that their event re-
cording is switched on

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

3.3.7. Auto-reclosure indications

INF GI Description Function Signal Remark

<128> - CB "Close" by AR AutoRec First AR com- If it is the first AR only.


<129> - CB "Close" by slow AR AutoRec 2nd…4 th AR If it is the second, third

completed or fourth AR only.

<130> x AR blocked AutoRec AR Blocked

3.3.8. Commands
The following table describes which general commands are sup-

INF Description Function Signal Remark

<16> Autorecloser active IEC 103 ARCOM

<18> Protection active IEC 103 PROT_COM

<19> LED reset IEC 103 RESLEDCOM

<20> Monitor direction IEC 103 MELDE_MW_SP No command, local op-

blocked eration only
<23> Characteristic 1 SysIO ParSet1 from SW V5.1b

<24> Characteristic 2 SysIO ParSet2 from SW V5.1b

<25> Characteristic 3 SysIO ParSet3 from SW V5.1b

<26> Characteristic 4 SysIO ParSet4 from SW V5.1b

• To be able to switch the characteristic by command
the parameter “Rem. Setting” of the system function
must be T (ON) (from SW V5.1c).
• Switching the characteristic restarts the unit

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.4. Disturbance Data Transfer

3.4.1. CT/VT inputs supported

The disturbance recorder supports all the publicly defined ana-
logue values, as described in the table below. Please note that
the ninth channel must not be configured.
Explanation to the table:
Signal The channel in the RE.316*4 disturbance re-
Value The process signal according to [1].
Channels No The DDT channel number according to [1].
Remark All publicly defined channels are supported.

Signal Value Channel No Remark

AnalogInp 1 - 74 All private channels

AnalogInp 2 - 75

AnalogInp 3 - 76

AnalogInp 4 - 77

AnalogInp 5 - 78

AnalogInp 6 - 79

AnalogInp 7 - 80

AnalogInp 8 - 81

AnalogInp 9 - 82

3.4.2. Supported tags

Any binary signal can be selected for the disturbance recorder.
The signals listed with information numbers above will be trans-
ferred with these information numbers and the function type line
differential protection (192). The binary signals outside the pub-
licly defined range will be transferred with the private function
type 130 and a private information number. The private informa-
tion number is the ordinal value of the private signal in the con-
figuration of the disturbance recorder.

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

Explanation of the table:

Signal The channel in the RE.316*4 disturbance
Value The binary signal in RE.316*4.
Function Type No The function type with which this signal is
addressed during the disturbance data
Information Number The information number with which this
signal is addressed during the disturbance
data transfer.
Publicly defined signals (bold) have function type 192. Not all
possible signals are configured in this example.

Signal Value Function Type Information

No Number

BinInp 1 Trip R 192 69

BinInp 2 Trip S 192 70

BinInp 3 Trip T 192 71

BinInp 4 General Trip from SysIO 192 68

BinInp 5 Start R Aux from Dist 130 1

BinInp 6 Start S Aux from Dist 130 2

BinInp 7 Start T Aux from Dist 130 3

BinInp 8 -

BinInp 9 -

BinInp 10 -

BinInp 11 -

BinInp 12 -

BinInp 13 -

BinInp 14 -

BinInp 15 -

BinInp 16 -

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd


4.1. General
The RE.316*4 supports the transmission of generic events (bi-
nary signals) and generic measurands. For this “VDEW6EKZ”
must be selected as project directory (see Section 5.2). General
interrogation is also supported, but not general write and read
commands, however (see Section 4.4). Generic data are always
transmitted in the format of an ASDU 10 (ASDU = Application
Service Data Unit) (see Section in [1]. Thereby the in-
formation number 244 is always used, i. e. only single values
are transmitted. The termination of the general interrogation is
signalled by an ASDU with the information number 245. In the
other fields of the ASDU there are defined the data for the group
numbers and the entry, as specified in the following chapters.

4.2. Generic events and general interrogation

There are all together 64 generic events that can be configured
to an arbitrary binary signal in the RE.316*4. Of the 64 events,
32 are status indications with status and time stamp
(DATATYPE 18 in [1],, and 32 are fault indication with
status, time stamp, relative time and fault number (DATATYPE
19 in [1], All events that are configured are also sent
during a generic general interrogation.

For group and entry addresses see table below:

Group Entry GI DATATYPE Remark

101 1…32 Yes 18 Time tagged message for status

102 1…32 Yes 19 Time tagged message with rela-
tive time for fault indications

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

4.3. Generic measurements

There are 16 freely configurable measurands in the generic part.
They all have the range ±2.4 times nominal value. All measure-
ments have a tolerance, which is determined by a delta and a
timeout . Measurements are updated at changes exceeding 5%.
If there are no changes, updating follows at intervals of x sec-
onds. For x a setting of 10…1000 seconds is foreseen (Parame-
ter “EventTXDelay” ; see Chapter 5.1.3).

Group Entry GI DATATYPE Remark

141 1…16 No 12 measurand with quality descriptor

4.4. Generic read and write

All generic read and write commands are accepted by the link
but rejected by the application. The present version does not
contain any directory or other generic data.

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd


5.1. System and Protection functions

In the RE.316*4 there are 13 system functions (inserted by the
system automatically) followed by a number of protection func-
tions as selected by the user. In the tables below a configuration
is shown that will generate all available signals listed in Section
3.3. If one or several functions are not needed, they may be ex-
cluded. The signals generated by the excluded functions will
then also be missing. If more functions are needed in a configu-
ration they may be added to the configuration. Please see below
for constraints on the sequence of the configured functions.
Func No. The number the functions have in the set file. Sub-
tract 13 to obtain the numbers configured by the
user using the HMI.
Name The name the functions have in the set file.
Abbr. Short name used in the tables in Section 3.3 to re-
fer to the function.
HMI The path in the HMI on the PC to access the func-
tions parameters.

System functions

Func No Name Abbr. HMI

1 System_Vers -

2 SigToSCS -

3 System -

4 AD Channels ADCh Editor / Relay configuration / A/D

config. K
5 SigOut Hold -

6 BinInp Card -

7 TripOut Hold -

8 System IO SysIO Editor / SystemParameters

9 IBB Config IBBConf Editor / Edit IBB/PB configuration

10 Analog Outpu -

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

Func No Name Abbr. HMI

11 LBIO’s -

12 RBIO’s -

13 Analog Input -

User configured functions

Func No Name Abbr. HMI

14 Line differential Diff-Line Editor / Configure Protection

15 Autoreclosure Autorec

16 IEC60870-5-103 IEC 103 Select with or without generic

17 DisturbanceRec DistRec

If one or several functions are not configured, then the corre-

sponding information numbers (see Section 3.3) will also be

5.1.1. CT/VT channels

These ratios are used by the disturbance recorder to calculate
the primary values.
Editor / Relay Configuration / Edit A/D Configuration

Parameter Setting

1.Prim/sec Ratio… All Prim Ratios from 1…9 must be set to the
9.Prim/sec Ratio ratios of the CTs and VTs actually installed.

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.1.2. System IO
These signals generate fault and status indications.
Editor / System Parameters
Parameter Setting

GenTrip Event recording on (ER) always.


Test active

HMI is on

Rem. Setting Set to ON should a command be used to switch


5.1.3. IBB Configuration

Communication parameters for the link and measurement filter.
Editor / IBB/BP Configuration / General Parameters
Parameter Setting

SlaveNodeAddr Slave address of this RE.316*4. Permissible

range 2...254
TimeSynchr Whether during summer time the time is syn-
chronised to standard or summer time

Editor / IBB/BP Configuration / SPA Parameters

Parameter Setting

Baudrate Effective baudrate used. Permissible settings

are 9600 or 19200 Baud.
Initiating Event recording ‘ON’. This enables the HMI to
determine when the communication interface is
ready after initialisation.

Editor / IBB/BP Configuration / LON Parameters

Parameter Setting

EventTxDelay Time required to refresh the measurands, i.e.

interval in seconds between refresh operations
when measurands have not changed. Range:
10…1000 seconds. This parameter is needed
by the tolerance supervision function.

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

5.1.4. Line Differential Protection

Editor / Configure Prot Func / Diff-Line

Parameter Setting

BlockInp To be configured as follows if used:

Output of a prot. function – IEC60870-5-103 –
OUT_PROT COM (12) inverted
Trip-R Event recording always ‘ON’ (ER).



5.1.5. Autoreclosure
Editor / Configure Prot Func / Autoreclosure / Binary inputs

Parameter Setting

Ext. Blk. AR To be configured as follows if used:

Output of a protection function – IEC60870-5-103 –
OUT_ARCOM (9) inverted

Editor / Configure Prot Func / Autoreclosure / Signals Out-


Parameter Setting

AR blocked Event recording ON if used

First AR terminated Event recording always ON
2nd…4th AR terminated Event recording always ON

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.1.6. IEC60870-5-103
Parameters in the sub-menus ‘General’, ‘Binary Inp’ and ‘Binary
Out’ have to be configured for the IEC60870-5-103 function,
which has more parameters than described here. The additional
parameters are intended for future generic services (see Section
Editor / Configure Prot Func / IEC60870-5-103 / General
If the generic services are being used, select the file ‘PRO-
JECT1 BIN’ in the subdirectory ‘VDEW6EKZ’ of the HMI direc-
tory, otherwise ‘PROJECT1.BIN’ in the subdirectory ‘VDEW6’.
The project directory then appears as ‘VDEW6EKZ’ resp.
Editor / Configure Prot Func / IEC60870-5-103 / Binary Inp
There are four alternative procedures for configuring the
IEC60870-5-103 binary inputs:
1. Direct setting via the HMI to ‘always off’ resp. ‘always ON’
2. Configure binary input
3. Configure the output of a protection function.
4. Configure an SCS signal (mandatory for the command in-
The procedure chosen depends on the settings of the protection

Parameter Setting

IN_MELDE_MW_SP Source of the blocking signal for signals and

measurands. An ‘always on’ disables them and
an ‘always OFF’ enables them.
Normally assigned to a binary channel, but can
also be set to ‘always ON’ or ‘always off’ using
the HMI.
IN_AUTO_FALL Leave at default setting F (FALSE)

IN_HILFSEING_1 Assigned to a binary channel or to a protection

function output when used.



ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

Parameter Setting

IN_HF_GESTOERT Protection function output / System IO / Modem

error (13)
IN_HF_EMPFANG Leave at default setting ‘always OFF’

IN_ARCOM SCS input, Group 1, Signal 1 Æ SCS1/1

IN_HFCOM Leave at default setting ‘always OFF’

IN_RESLEDCOM Leave at default setting ‘always OFF’

IN_PROTCOM SCS input, Group 1, Signal 4 Æ SCS1/4

Remaining inputs Leave at default setting ‘always OFF’

Editor / Configure Prot Func / IEC60870-5-103 / Binary Out

Parameter Setting

OUT_MELDE_MW_SP Cannot be configured for event recording, but

may be configured as an indication via a LED
and/or signal relay.

OUT_HILFSEING_1 When it is used, it:

OUT_HILFSEING_2 • must be configured for event recording ‘ON’

• may be configured as an indication to LED
and/or signal relay.

OUT_HF_GESTOERT When it is used, it:

• must be configured for event recording ON
• may be configured as an indication to LED
and/or signal relay.

OUT_ARCOM When it is used, it:

• may be configured as an indication to LED
and/or signal relay.
• may not be configured as an event.
• must be assigned to the inverted input
Ext.Blk. AR of the autoreclosure function (see
Autoreclosure / Binary inputs).

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd

Parameter Setting

OUT_PROTCOM When it is used, it:

• may be configured as an indication to LED
and/or signal relay.
• may not be configured as an event.
• must be assigned to the inverted blocking
input of all functions. This has to be done for
each individual function.
OUT_RESLEDCOM Not assigned to a function.

Remaining signals Must all be left with the default setting <blank>
i.e. not configured to anything.

5.1.7. Disturbance recorder

The disturbance recorder must be configured as described be-
low to assure an interoperable mode of operation. It is important
that “GenStart” is used as the trigger and that “GenTrip” is re-
corded as a tag. “GenStart” as trigger guarantees that the fault-
number of events and disturbances remains the same. “Gen-
Trip” is used to evaluate if a recorded disturbance has also led
to a trip.

Editor / Configure Prot Func / DisturbanceRec

Parameter Setting

preEvent Choose values that are multiples of 30. To get

a disturbance record status “with trip”, the re-
Event cording period must be set longer than the
maximum tripping time.

recMode Must be “A”.

TrigMode Must be “TrOnStrt&Bin”.

StorageMode Must be “Overwrite”.

AnalogInp 1 Any input

AnalogInp 2 Any input

AnalogInp 3 Any input

AnalogInp 4 Any input

AnalogInp 5 Any input

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

Parameter Setting

AnalogInp 6 Any input

AnalogInp 7 Any input

AnalogInp 8 Any input

AnalogInp 9 Any input

AnalogInp 10…12 May not be configured, always 0.

BinInp 1…16 (BinaryAddr) For interoperable use the following must apply:
• Assign GenStart to one BinInp (any).
• Assign GenTrip to one BinInp (any).
• Any signal may be assigned to any of the
remainder (see Section 3.4.2 for addressing
of the tags).
• Unused BinInp’s must be set to ‘always
OFF’ (default).
BinInp 1…16 (Select) Must all be set to “no trig”.

MWAInp 1…12 May not be connected (default).

MWAScale 1…12 Must all be set to ‘1’ (default).

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.2. Generic signals

Signals not defined as public are transferred as generic signals.
All generic signals that are configured are automatically included
when general polling of generic signals takes place.
Generic signals are defined as IEC60870-5-103 function signals
Editor / Configure Prot Func / IEC60870-5-103 / General
Where generic services are required, enter ‘PROJECT1.BIN’ in
the subdirectory ‘VDEW6EKZ’ of the HMI directory. The ‘Project
Sub Dir’ then appears as ‘VDEW6EKZ’.

5.2.1. Binary Inp

Editor / Configure Prot Func / IEC60870-5-103 / Binary Inp

Parameter Setting

IN_BI1…IN_BI32 These are status signals. On change they gener-

ate events with new status and a time stamp
(DATATYPE = 18 in [1]).
They may be configured as:
• Binary channel
• Output from function
• Always off

IN_BI33…IN_BI64 These are fault signals. On change they generate

events with new status, fault number, relative
time and a time stamp (DATATYPE = 19 in [1]).
They may be configured as:
• Binary channel
• Output from function
• Always OFF

All signals defined as generic signals in the binary inputs menu

as described above, must also be configured with event re-
cording on (ER) in the binary output menu. If not they will not
generate events and will not partake in the generic general inter-

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

Editor / Configure Prot Func / IEC60870-5-103 / Binary Out

Parameter Setting

OUT_BI1…OUT_BI32 If defined as generic signals in the Binary Inp they:

and • must be configured with event recording on

• may be configured as indication to LED and/or
signal relay.

5.2.2. Measurands
There are 16 freely configurable generic measurands available.
They can be assigned to any measurement output of any
RE.316*4 function. In the MW Inputs menu the source of the
measurand in RE.316*4 is selected and in the MW Outputs
menu a value is set in order to activate the measurand for the
communication interface.

Editor / Configure Prot Func / IEC60870-5-103 / MW Inputs

Parameter Setting

IN_ME1…IN_ME16 Sixteen freely configurable measurands with

quality descriptor (DATATYPE = 12 in [1],
They may be configured with outputs of functions

Editor / Configure Prot Func / IEC60870-5-103 / MW Outputs

Parameter Setting

OUT_ME1…OUT_ME16 All measurands used (i.e. where there is an input

in the MW input menu) must have a value other
than 0 in “MW Outputs”. Setting the value the
same as the measurand’s number is recom-
mended, e.g.
OUT_ME1 set to 1, OUT_ME10 set to 10 etc.

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd


6.1. Test of the physical connection

a) Connect the converter 316BM61b to the rear of the RE.316*4
and turn on the power. Do not connect any optical fibres to
the 316BM61b.
b) Look into the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) diodes alter-
natingly. There must be a small spot of red light out from the
transmitter diode.
Possible problems and solutions:
• The RE.316*4 has no power. Check that the power is on to
the RE.316*4 and that the green led on the front of the
RE.316*4 is either lit or blinking.
• The 316BM61b has no power. Measure with a voltmeter on
the following pins of the 9 pin sub-D connector at the rear.
View from rear.
Pin 4 +12V
Pin No1
Pin 5 Ground 3 7
4 9
Pin 9 -12 V

If the above voltages are not present the 316VC61a/b must

be changed.
• The 316BM61b is not OK. Try with another 316BM61b.

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

6.2. Test of the link connection

The following steps will test the start up procedures and the time
synchronisation. Both cold and warm starts are tested.
a) Before starting the HMI on the PC set the time and/or date
to an incorrect value e.g. change the year to 1960. This is
for the test of the time synchronisation later. Then start the
b) Start the RE.316*4 and load a set file from the HMI. The set
file must at least include the line differential function and the
IEC60870-5-103 function. Make sure the baudrate and the
slave address are correct and that the initiating event is set
for event recording (ER).
c) Connect the optical fibres from the 316BM61b to the control
d) Wait until the RE.316*4 has started and the link is initialised,
this takes approximately 1 minute and is signalled on the
HMI with the event „initiating“.
e) The control system is now able to establish the link connec-
tion. Check in the control system that the RE.316*4 is com-
municating and that the identification string is correct.
f) The control system will normally as a first action try to syn-
chronise the RE.316*4. Select the display of the CT and VT
inputs in “Measurement Values” on the HMI. Check that the
time is changed from the incorrect time set under point a) to
the time used in the control system.
g) Turn off the power to the RE.316*4 for at least 10 seconds
and then turn it on again. Wait until the communication is es-
tablished again, see under d).
h) When the communication is established the control system
must have registered a cold start from the RE.316*4.
i) Cause a warm start in the ‘Reset Menu’ of the local control
unit. Wait until the communication has been established
again, see under d).

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd

Possible problems and solutions:

• The initialisation is not yet finished. Wait until you see the ini-
tiating event on the HMI.
• The optical fibres are not connected properly. Check the con-
nections at either end.
• The optical fibres or connectors are damaged. Try with other
optical fibres.
• There are no functions loaded in the RE.316*4 or the
IEC60870-5-103 function is missing. Check that at least the
line differential and IEC60870-5-103 functions are loaded.
• There are other problems in the software or hardware. Check
the diagnostics of the RE.316*4, see [2].

6.3. Signals test

All signals described above (public as well as generic but except
the group warning and the group error) can be tested with injec-
tion tests.
a) Connect an injection test system e.g. XS92b to the RE.316*4.
b) Connect the HMI and make sure the correct set file is loaded.
c) Make sure that the optical fibres are connected and that the
connection with the control system is working.
Test all signals and measurands configured. Below is a list of
the signals with a comment on how to test them. Compare all
events displayed on the HMI with the events received by the
control system. Compare the measurands displayed on the
HMI with the measurands received by the control system.

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

6.3.1. Status indications

INF GI Description Test

<16> x Auto-recloser active Send commands (on/off) from

control station and check that:
• the status of GI is correct.
• the AR is blocked resp. un-
• the command procedure is
OK in the control station.
<18> x Protection active Send command (on) from control
station and check that:
• the status of GI is correct.
• the protection is active/not
• the command procedure is
OK in the control station.
<19> - LED reset Send command (on) from control
station and check that:
• the leds go off (must be lit
• the command procedure is
OK in the control station
<20> x Monitor direction blocked Turn on and off and check that:
• the status of GI is correct.
• no events, GI or measurands
come through and no com-
mands from control station
are accepted when the infor-
mation blocking is on.
<21> x Test mode Switch the RE.316*4 to the test
mode and check:
• the GI status and events
<22> x Local parameter setting Connect (on) and disconnect (off)
the HMI and check:
• the GI status and events.
N.b. it takes some time for the
RE.316*4 to notice when the HMI
is disconnected.

IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B ABB Switzerland Ltd

INF GI Description Test

<27> x Auxiliary input 1 Assert input and check the GI

status and events.
<28> x Auxiliary input 2 As above <27>

<29> x Auxiliary input 3 As above <27>

<30> x Auxiliary input 4 As above <27>

6.3.2. Supervision indications

INF GI Description Test

<39> x Teleprotection disturbed Interrupt the optical fibre com-

munication and check:
• the GI status and events.

<46> x Group warning Can not be simulated.

<47> x Group alarm Can not be simulated.

6.3.3. Fault indications

INF GI Description Test

<68> - General trip Cause a trip in any function and

• the events.

<69> - Trip L1 Inject a fault so that the protec-

tion trips in phase R and check:
• the events.

<70> - Trip L2 Inject a fault so that the protec-

tion trips in phase S and check:
• the events.
<71> - Trip L3 Inject a fault so that the protec-
tion trips in phase T and check:
• the events.
<84> x General start /pickup Inject a fault so that one of the
protection function picks up and
• the GI status and events.

ABB Switzerland Ltd IEC60870-5-103 1MRB520229-Uen / Rev. B

6.3.4. Auto-reclosure indications

INF GI Description Test

<128> - “Close CB” by AR Inject a fault that excites the

autoreclosure function once and
• the events.

<129> - “Close CB” by slow AR Inject a fault that excites the

autoreclosure function two or
more times if configured, and
• the events.

<130> x AR blocked Block the autoreclosure function

and check:
• the GI and events.

6.4. Test of the disturbance data

Test with injection test.
a) Inject a fault that triggers the disturbance recorder.
b) Wait until the control system has read the complete distur-
bance and acknowledged it positively.
c) Check that the disturbance is no longer presented to the con-
trol system.
d) Check that the disturbance data presented on the control sys-
tem is correct with respect to the injected fault and generated

6.5. Test of generic signals

Test of generic events and status is done by asserting the con-
figured signals and check the GGI status and events sent.
Test of generic measurands is done in the same way as de-
scribed above for the publicly defined measurands.

Notification Form for Errors in this Document
Dear User,
We constantly endeavour to improve the quality of our technical publications and
would like to hear your suggestions and comments. Would you therefore please fill in
this questionnaire and return it to the address given below.

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Utility Automation System
Betreuung Dokumentation, PTU-BD1
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5401 Baden
Telefax +41 58 585 35 82
Concerns publication: 1MRB520229-Uen (IEC60870-5-103 LD RE. 316*4 V6.x to V7.x)
Have you discovered any mistakes in this publication? If so, please note here the
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Do you find the publication readily understandable and logically structured? Can you
make any suggestions to improve it?

Is the information sufficient for the purpose of the publication? If not, what is missing
and where should it be included?

Name: Date:


Postal code: Town: Country:

Notification Form for Equipment Faults and Problems
Dear User,
Should you be obliged to call on our repair service, please attach a note to the unit
describing the fault as precisely as possible. This will help us to carry out the repair
swiftly and reliably, which after all is to your own advantage.
Please attach a completed form to every unit and forward them to the address below.

Place of delivery Baden/Switzerland:

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Utility Automation Systems
Warenannahme PT-EG
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5401 Baden
Equipment data:
Unit type:
Serial No.: ……….....................................
In operation since:

Reason for return: (tick where applicable)

❑ Overfunction
❑ No function
❑ Outside tolerance
❑ Abnormal operating temperature
❑ Sporadic error
❑ Unit for checking

Remarks/Description of fault:

Customer: Date:


Please contact: Phone: Fax:

Notification Form for Software Errors and Problems
Dear User,
As we all know from practice, software does not always function as expected for all
applications. A precise description of the problem and your observations will help us
to improve and maintain the software. Please complete this form and send it together
with any supporting information or documents to the address below.

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Utility Automation System
Betreuung Software, Abt. PTUSX
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5401 Baden
Telefax +41 56 205 02 53
Unit/ ❑ REC 316*4 SW Version: ❑ REC 216 SW Version:
System: ❑ REG 316*4 SW Version: ❑ REG 216 SW Version:
❑ REL 316*4 SW Version: ❑ HMI SW Version:
❑ RET 316*4 SW Version: ❑ other: SW Version:
❑ XS92a / XS92b SW Version:

Problem: ❑ Program error (unit/system) ❑ Program error (HMI /PC)

❑ Error in manual ❑ Suggestion for improvement
❑ other:

Can the error be reproduced at will? ❑ yes ❑ no

Particulars of hardware and software (unit/system configuration including jumper

positions, type of PC etc.):

Problem located? ❑ yes ❑ no

Suggested changes enclosed? ❑ yes ❑ no
The following are enclosed (floppy with settings etc.):
❑ Floppy ❑ Unit/system settings, file name:
❑ other:
Description of problem:

Customer: Date:


Please contact: Phone: Fax:


ACTION (internal use of ABB Switzerland Ltd, Dept. PTUSX only)
Received by: Date:
Answered by: Date:

Problem solved? ❑ yes ❑ no

Week: Name: Position: Consequence:


Experience has shown that reliable operation of our products is

assured, providing the information and recommendations con-
tained in these Operating Instructions are adhered to.

It is scarcely possible for the instructions to cover every eventu-

ality that can occur when using technical devices and systems.
We would therefore request the user to notify us directly or our
agent of any unusual observations or instances, in which these
instructions provide no or insufficient information.

In addition to these instructions, any applicable local regulations

and safety procedures must always be strictly observed both
when connecting up and commissioning this equipment.

Any work such as insertion or removal of soldered jumpers or

setting resistors, which may be necessary, may only be per-
formed by appropriately qualified personnel.

We expressly accept no responsibility for any direct damage,

which may result from incorrect operation of this equipment,
even if no reference is made to the particular situation in the
Operating Instructions.
ABB Switzerland Ltd
Utility Automation Systems
Brown Boveri Strasse 6
CH-5400 Baden / Switzerland
Telefon +41 58 585 77 44
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