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On September 12, 1997 there are six men who robbed the dunbar armored
car on mateo street. In LA California. The robbers were so aggressive. It
was the largest cash robbery that happens in United States. They got 18.9
million. The robbers were arrested and sentenced to 24 years of

The United California bank heist

On March 24, 1972, professional burglars under the direction of Amil

Dinsio broke into the safe deposit vault at United California Bank in
Laguna Niguel, California, stealing $9 million or 66 million. Even though
the actual burglary was carried out without leaving any evidence that could
identify the perpetrators, the robbers had committed a related crime in
Ohio a few months ago. After establishing a connection between the two
break-ins, the FBI looked into transportation records and discovered that
five of the gang members had taken a single flight to California under their
own identities. James Dinsio, the sixth man, arrived the day before the
crime on an unrelated flight. They also found out about the townhouse that
the Barber brothers had rented and used as an HQ. Nothing was found
during the initial search until the dishwasher was examined.

The British Bank of the Middle East robbery

The British Bank of the Middle East robbery, also known as the Beirut
bank job, was a real life bank heist that took place on January 20, 1976, in
Beirut, Lebanon. The heist involved a great plan that included gaining
access to the bank's vault through a nearby church basement. The robbers
spent weeks drilling through the wall between the church and the bank's
vault, using techniques that displayed a high level of planning and

On the night of the robbery, the robbers managed to pass the bank's
security measures and gain entry to the vault. They made off with millions
of dollars in cash, gold, and jewelry. The exact amount stolen remains
uncertain, with estimates ranging from 20 million to 50 million.

The heist also had significant political implications, as it was linked to the
ongoing conflict in Lebanon and the activities of militant groups in the

The Northern Bank robbery

The robbery took place starting on December 19, 2004, and continuing into
December 20. The robbers, believed to be members of the Provisional Irish
Republican Army (IRA), targeted the headquarters of the Northern Bank in
Belfast. The robbers gained access to the homes of two bank officials, held
their families hostage, and forced the officials to help them gain entry to
the bank's vaults. Once inside the bank, the robbers took millions of
pounds in cash, totaling around £26.5 million approximately $50 million
USD at the time. The theft caused widespread shock and led to a
significant investigation by law enforcement agencies in both Northern
Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

The Brink's-Mat burglary

The Brink's-Mat burglary is one of the most infamous heists in British

criminal history. It took place in November 1983 at the Heathrow
International Trading Estate near London. A gang of robbers, led by
criminal mastermind Brian Robinson and including some corrupt security
guards, targeted the Brink's-Mat warehouse. The Brink's-Mat burglary
remains one of the most talked-about and studied heists in British history
due to its scale, audacity, and the far-reaching consequences it had on both
the criminal landscape and law enforcement efforts.

The Banco Central burglary

The Banco Central burglary, also known as the Banco Central vault heist,
is one of the largest bank robberies in history and occurred in Fortaleza,
Brazil, in August 2005. A gang of thieves spent three months digging a
tunnel from a rented house to underneath the Banco Central's vault. The
tunnel was approximately 78 meters 256 feet long and reached a depth of
about 2.4 meters 8 feet. It was equipped with electric lighting and
ventilation to facilitate the excavation. The Banco Central burglary
captured international attention due to its audacious nature and the
meticulous planning involved in executing such a complex heist. It
highlighted weaknesses in bank security systems and prompted discussions
about the need for improved measures to prevent similar incidents in the

The Securitas depot robbery

The Securitas depot robbery was a high-profile heist that took place in
Tonbridge, Kent, England, on the evening of February 21, 2006. It is
considered one of the largest cash robberies in British history. On the
evening of February 21, 2006, the robbers arrived at the Securitas depot in
Tonbridge, where Dixon was employed, in a stolen van. They tied up the
depot staff at gunpoint and proceeded to load approximately 53 million
about 92.5 million USD at the time into the van. The Securitas depot
robbery shocked the nation and garnered widespread media attention due
to its scale, audacity, and the violent tactics employed by the perpetrators.
It also prompted discussions about the security of cash-handling facilities
and the need for enhanced measures to prevent similar heists in the future.

The Knightsbridge Security Deposit robbery

The Knightsbridge Security Deposit robbery, also known as the

Knightsbridge Safe Deposit Centre heist, occurred in London on July 12,
1987. The robbery took place at the Knightsbridge Safe Deposit Centre, a
high-security facility in London's affluent Knightsbridge area. A gang of
thieves led by notorious criminal Valerio Viccei entered the building
posing as wealthy potential clients interested in renting a safe deposit box.
The heist is remembered for its audaciousness and the flamboyant persona
of its mastermind, Valerio Viccei. It also raised questions about the
security of high-end safe deposit facilities and prompted improvements in
security measures at similar establishments.

The Dar Es Salaam Bank heist

The robbery, of 282 million from the Dar Es Salaam bank, a private
financial institution, they ask more questions than it answered, and officials
were tip about the crime. The local police said two guards engineered the
robbery, but an official at the Interior Ministry said three guards were
involved. Both confirmed that the stolen money was in American dollars,
not Iraqi dinars. It was unclear why the bank had that much money on hand
in dollars, or how the robbers managed to move such a large amount
without being detected. The committee, a nongovernmental group in
Washington, said that of the 790,000 people who left Iraq last year,
449,000 went to Syria and 250,000 to Jordan. About 80,000 went to Egypt
and 202 to the United States.

The Central Bank of Iraq robbery

Beginning on 18 March 2003 the day before United States forces entered
Baghdad as oart of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Almost 1 billion was stolen
from the bank of Iraq. Bank officials state that Qusay and another
unidentified man oversaw the cash, boxes of 100 bills secured with
stamped seals known as security money, being loaded into trucks and
trailers during a five-hour operation. On 25 January 2011, the supreme
court of Iraq ruled that the Central Bank of Iraq should be under
supervision of the council of ministers of Iraq.

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