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Blue Valentine (2010)

Written by Derek Cianfrance

Directed by Derek Cianfrance


Dean follows behind Cindy.

DEAN​​: Last night got fucked up, OK? I know it. I know I’m lazy, I eat too much, I drink too
much, I drive you crazy with all my jealous bullshit. I fuck up. I know I’m clumsy. But you’re
not trying anymore.

Cindy hurls the bags into the back of the car. Dean helps.

DEAN (CONT’D):​​ Please don’t make me be alone.

CINDY:​​ Are you drunk?

DEAN:​​ I’m OK.

CINDY: ​Can you drive?

DEAN:​​ Yeah. Let’s go.

CINDY: ​No, you go. Take the car home.

She hands him the keys.

DEAN: ​You don’t think about anyone but yourself. Do you? You got no time for me
anymore. It all goes to this fucking job. You give it all to them. All these people who don’t
give a shit about you. They get the beautiful version of you. What does your family get?
Nothing. You come home and you’re empty. You think I don’t notice? You think Frankie
doesn’t notice? Her mom walking around like a ghost?

CINDY: ​You know how many sacrifices I make every day.

DEAN:​​ You! What about me? I gave up everything for you.

CINDY:​​ I never asked you to! I can’t take this shit anymore.

DEAN: ​Take what? What can’t you take... The truth? I know you can’t... You never could.

CINDY​​: You’re right Dean, I can’t take the truth...I’ve had it with the truth or whatever it is
you make up along the way and label as truth... You win. I give up... I’ve been lying to you
for a long time.

DEAN:​​ Who is it?

CINDY: ​It’s me, Dean. I didn’t want to hurt you. But I’m not the person you fell in love with.
And you won’t let me be anything but that person. That’s why I can’t look at you. Because
every time I do I can’t stop thinking about how much I want you to hate me. But you’re too
stupid to see it, and too chicken shit to do anything about it.

DEAN: ​Wait a second...

He grabs her in a hug. Her arms are pressed into her side.

CINDY:​​ I don’t love you anymore... Why can’t you stop loving me?

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