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Assignments for Unit Test III


Human Settlements Planning


The following Four assignments shall be evaluated towards the Unit Test III marks
The Four assignments covers Units II to Unit V as Unit 1 assignments is already
completed and evaluated

There shall be no written Test

Important dates :

i. Semester last working day : 03 May 24

ii. Last date to enter marks on Anna University Portal : 04 May 24

Hence late submissions shall not be entertained. Plan accordingly

Submission date : 30 Apr ‘24

Assignment 02

Syllabus Topic : Factors

influencing the growth and
decay of human settlements.

Assignment Brief :

Discuss the factors that led to the

shifting of the Mughal capital
from Fatehpur Sikhri to Delhi by
Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan

Format :

A4 sheets
Hand written with illustrations
Assignment 03

Syllabus Topic : Regional Plan

Assignment Brief :

Make a brief summary

presentation of Coimbatore
Regional Plan 2038 explaining its
salient features

Format :

A4 Word Document ( Digital )

Printed on A4 sheets
Illustrate as necessary
Max 5 pages
Assignment 04

Syllabus Topic : Scope, content and

limitations of master plan

Assignment Brief :

Make a brief summary presentation of

the proposed master plan of any
Indian city of your choice elucidating
its salient features

Format :

A4 Word Document ( Digital )

Printed on A4 sheets
Illustrate as necessary
Max 5 pages
Assignment 05

Syllabus Topic : New forms of


Assignment Brief :
Choose any one of the following New forms of
Urban Development and present one Case study
example of the same.

1. Self sustained communities

2. SEZ
3. Transit oriented development (TOD)
4. Integrated townships
5. Smart cities

Format :

A4 Word Document ( Digital )

Printed on A4 sheets
Illustrate as necessary
Max 5 pages
Pic: TOD plan for Ahmedabad

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