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Date : 23/04/2024

Experiment - 10 : Precision Rectifiers


Implementation of Op-Amp for precision rectification as half and full wave rectifier.


In this exercise, precision half-wave and full-wave rectifiers will be examined. The investigation will
include the accuracy of rectification and peak detection.

Theory Overview

Simple passive diode circuits cannot rectify small signals accurately. The forward bias potential of the
diode acts as a constant barrier. By placing the diode inside the feedback loop of an op amp, the forward
bias potential can be compensated for to a great extent. Both half-wave and full-wave circuits can be
created in this fashion. Further, the addition of load capacitance can be used to create a simple envelope
detector. On the downside, the frequency response of precision rectifiers is limited by the op amp(s) used.


(1) Oscilloscope
(1) Function generator
(1) Dual DC power supply
(1) DMM
(2) General purpose op amps IC uA 741
(2) Small-signal diodes 1N914
Resistors - 22ohms, 10Kohms

Half Wave Rectifier

Full Wave Rectifier

Half Wave Rectifier

Full Wave Rectifier

In conclusion, here we successfully demonstrated the use of op-amps to improve rectification
accuracy in half-wave and full-wave circuits. The addition of load capacitance allowed for peak
detection. While op-amps enhance precision, their frequency response remains a limiting


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