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I. Objectives:
At the end of the one-hour period, the students should be able to:
a. identify the common wood defects;
b. describe wood defects and
c. understand the importance of using good quality of wood.

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Wood Defects
Materials : Laptop, Projector, Power Point Presentation, Visual Aid, Marker, White board.
References : Module 2 Prepare Tools, Equipment and Materials for skating-out building lines

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Routine Activities
1. Prayer.
Everybody stand up, (Name of the students) please
lead the prayer. (The student will stand and recite the prayer)
Let us pray.
In the name of the Father, of the son and the
Holy Spirit. Amen. Our father who art in
(Our Lord’s prayer)
Good morning Class!

Good morning Ma’am Chie

Before you take your seat, I want you to arrange your

chairs properly and pick up the pieces of paper under
your chair.
(Student will arrange their chairs)

2. Checking of attendance
You may now take your seat, is there any absent

No one is absent today Ma’am.

I’m glad that no one is absent today, because I’m
going to discuss an important lesson.

3. Review
Before we proceed to our discussion proper, let’s have
a short review for our last discussion, anyone who can
recall our previous topic?
Ma’am, we discussed about the
properties of wood.

Thank you! Okay, give me one example about

properties of wood?
Weight, Strength,

Very good! Anything else?

I will be giving recitation points who can tell me what
is weight when it comes to property of wood?

Weight is significant, because lighter materials

or wood, tend to be weaker and heavier materials
or wood tend to be made of tougher wood.

Very good! It is good to know that you are able to

remember our previous lesson.

4. Motivation

Before we move on to the discussion proper I will be

showing a picture of a house, I will give you three
minutes to observe the picture.

For the mechanics I want you to raise your hand and I

am going select who will give his/her observation, the
selected student will be given one minute to provide
the observation.

Ma’am I think the first picture they used the

good materials and the second picture they did
not used a good quality of materials like wood?

Thank you wonderful observation Class, our first

activity is related to the topic that I am going to
discuss today, we are going to discuss about wood
Before we begin, do you have any concern or

None, Ma’am!
B. Lesson Proper


Wood defects are any irregularities or abnormalities

that can occur in wood.

Class , do you have a question or clarification about

what is wood defects?

None, Ma’am
Alright, let’s proceed to the different kind’s of wood
defect’s, first is Crook or crown, Class please read.

1. Crook or crown

Crook or crown - defect found in a board that is

bent end-to-end in the direction of the tall ends
of a board as it continues down the length of the

Thank you class for reading, okay the crook is the

bend of tall end of the wood, like what’s in the picture
but actually crook usually happen when there’s a
changes of moisture of the wood, but crook can be fix
by some newest technology machine.

Okay, class next is Cupping, Any volunteer to read?

Cupping - Occurs when one side dries faster the
other. Where the face of a board warps up across
its width such that if one looks at the end of the
board, it will look like a shallow letter “U”

Thank you Class, Cupping or cup usually when the

other side of the wood dry faster than the other side
that’s why it formed as letter U, any one is familiar
with the Bahay kubo? There’s a bamboo cut there?
that serve as a floor or flooring?

Yes Ma’am!

Very good, that bamboo cut is also same form of

cupping wood defect’s.

Class, before we move on to our next wood defect’s

do you have any question regarding with the crook and

No, Ma’am!
Okay, since you understand Crook and Cupping, lets
proceed to the next wood defect’s, Please read any

Checking- Crack in the wood structure of a

piece, running lengthwise usually caused by
rapid seasoning
Thank you Class, okay class for checking it is a crack
in wood also caused by rapid seasoning since there’s a
crack on the wood example if you are going to build
like cabinet, and you’re going to use nail there’s a
possibility that wood will split into two so it mean’s
that you have to double check if the wood that you are
going to use has a checking defect’s cause it may
affect the quality of the product, that you are going to

Do you understand class?

Yes! Ma’am

Thank you, let’s proceed to the next defect’s please

read what’s on the screen any volunteer?

Wood bores – Holes in the wood caused by

insects and beetles.

Thank you Class, so class wood bores as you can see

In the picture the caused is by some insect specially
adult beetles, usually it is visible below the infested
wood. The wood is damage it mean’s you cannot use
wood bores for any woodwork activity.

Okay before we proceed, do you have any question?

None, Ma’am!
Okay let’s proceed, please read the next wood defect’s
Volunteer to read on the this page?

Wane- The presence of bark or absence of wood

on corners of a piece of lumber.

Usually wane is due to uneven process of timber,

everyone is familiar with the wane that you can see in
the picture?

Yes Ma’am!
Thank you class, since everyone is familiar with wane
and you are able to identify it, let’s proceed to the next
defect’s please read Class.

Tight knot – Fixed by growth or position in the

wood structure so that it firmly places in its

Knots are one of the most common wood defects and

are caused by the presence of branches on the tree and
sometimes can weaken the wood and affect its

Before we move on to our next slide, do you have any

question regarding with knots and wane?

Okay let’s move forward to the next wood defects ,

please read Class.
None Ma’am!

Longitudinal separation of the fibers which
extends to the opposite face of a piece of sawn

Thank you Class, So basically split Is same with

checking wood defects, but the difference between
them is split has a long line of crack which is from end
to end of the wood.

So class, those are the different types of wood defects,

primarily only carpenters or woodworker are aware of
the quality of wood. However, since we discussed it
today, you are now able to know those details as well,
so if you ever have the opportunity to buy wood, you
will be able to tell if you bought good quality wood,

do you have question regarding with our topic for Yes! Ma’am if ever that our parent’s will ask us
today? to buy wood we will be able to check the wood
before purchasing or buying it.

C. Generalization
Okay class, to wrap up our discussion, again what are None, Ma’am!
the different kind’s of wood defect’s?

(Students will raise their hands, and the teacher

Thank you Class. will select which students are allowed to answer)

1.Tight knot Ma’am which is due to absent of

Aside from being able to know the different type of
wood defects, what else? Anyone? 2.Ma’am Wane, due to uneven process of the

3.Wood bores , it has holes due to insect bites or

What else? beetles.

5.Split Ma’am which is a long crack of the


6.Cupping due to the other side of the wood dry

faster than the other side
Aside from being able to know the defects, it
will also help us save time from returning it to
Very good thank you Class the shop incase we purchase a defective wood!

D. Application
Now that you are completely aware of the different
type’s of wood defect’s, let’s have an activity!
I posted a picture on the board all you have to do is
identify each picture! And I will give you (3) minutes
for the activity.

Answer Key:
1. Knot
2. Cup/Cupping
4.Wood Bores
5. Wane

E. Evaluation.

Read the following questions carefully, write your
answer on your notebook activity.
1. _________It has a hole in the wood caused by
insect and beetles

2. _____ This wood defect called _____ due to

discoloration that penetrates the wood fiber.

Answer Key:
3. ______It has a presence of bark or absence of 1.Crook
wood on corner. 2. Split
3.Machine Burn
4. ____A board that rocks from end when laid on 5.Cupping
one face.

5. ____ this type of wood defect that has a crack

in the wood structure, usually caused by rapid
For your assignment class I posted the instruction on
the board just copy the instruction on your activity
notebook I will give you (3) minutes to copy the

Okay, class I hope that you all learned a lot today, and
thank you for being an active participant as always
have great day, and class dismissed good bye class see
you tomorrow.

Answer the following questions about properties and defects of wood. Write your answer in your activity

1. Identify the (5) different measuring tools used in carpentry.




2.Enumarate different way’s on how to handle instrument/tools?




Prepared by

Mishiell D. Sintos

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