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Fe “June 2023 cht, Social_Security. legislations (_the_Emplajoes_stetke Trsurance_Ack 1848. prod . [benelits 4 employees io sickness, maternity. and ee a] S | employment tojuyye TE is applicable 40 oll establishments whee oor more than _\o__warkers _are employed. | Em loyees_state Tasurane aes —— Section 98 1+ Te ts mandatory. that _olll_ermpleyees —— in Jactovies or establishments 4o_ which his act applies shall be insured in_the_maaner_— provided by this ack. pein * Tnsured. persons, acd_emplayee ers should poy—contri butions in _Tnsura nce fund +s udh_tsured persons vill get Some_benelits ___ from TTnsurancefund.._and— ong: dlispute_uill _ ettled by Employees Tnsuirance__courk. ee | —__ peeves ol te nS. il |_pdentai cretion ob unt ley gaeilvalaten insurance — sche ee Be leds ise. To __-mongge_Schome_of emplyees. _state_‘insurance___ Emplyees _State_“Tnsurance_Cerparation Sta dingy —Camerirttee “and Medical_Beneftt Gund) has constituted _under_this_act_ _| a Pas Slate —Tnsurance Corporation ___ Section ee = _Tt_Stetea_that Em ee tion _shall__be _eaterblis hed cara a Enaplojjeoa _S-tert Tnsurance__Scheme__ ——— a ee abady. corporate, ——__+______and_have perpetual succession ard comma, edl,-ond can sue or canbe sued _fonstitution *- H The centta) government: shall _dgpaint a ||_chairpers« an-,a_vice = chairperson ard others members fo represent _emplayees and _members_of state _gavernment_ | or_union__-territories _aad__medical_proftessioners, Three members__of _parliament__, Director General_and_its_ex-obhig members. Powers. and: Duties i= | Section 14 Ht authorises __cntporation +e _promete measures__+4o_improvement ot the health and__welfare__o¢ insured _persons. ~ Sealine 28-9 Her pouers__corpotcition te purchase er — Sale orld b_aquite property. ee Bec Thsurance_Grporaton_can— invesk__or reinvest money. : = chseute Ti Corporation con dake leans and can dis hi ee ate a ea — ———— mer = iW Th icon constitute ter the benelit of its. — Stott or any class ck_them preuident—_orother benedit- fund which may Fit, ‘ el ogitimen ob eae boards The _centra) |_government_should_appeiat— ‘Regiocal ,locol__committees andl Regional. or_Locel_Medical beneHit_ ” touincils —in_such_areas__and_can__give them powers — dnd Junctions._as may be_| ecalnele— ca butions _ the comibutions shally -which _are.specified by» Central Government, those 1 rates : __The employe. _should Poy —0.7S:1._ob_cartri bution : “and. the__employer—shall__ pay»___8. 25. ._ot _cantri bution.__ The contributions which -ore4o_be__payable_whth __ respect 4o_wage period _shal]__be _due_on_last_ —day> of the wage — period. fe Weta Be secant = kdl _ Principal. employer +o pay. soaihoneine Sirst jnstance 4h __The _emploger- should _ Poy? _cantribuHon of ever ~ enol _ on behalf of them and then cert thect arnaui oo contribution Prom __their_ —selory___ saan | Setaa 227 tegen %, 8 tangy —upon_+the— principal employer to, Pay in tes pect of every employee whether dire . + employed bys_hirn or by —dhrouth_an_iemih ernplajer bath the employers ~ carteibuti andthe _emplyees. oetidida | Section 84(5) = According to this _secton_,_ if Gay _ Coattibution payable isnot paid bythe principal_em kyon: on_date on which such contribution has__became due, he Shall be _ liable to poy. simple interest 2 tobe of IDh pa. or higher rote oa may. be Specified in lations Hl) date ot acteal fayuenk of contribution Pron immediate employer * ll Recover | Section 41 = principal employer who has paid cantti- : bution in _tespect of employee or thraysh ao_immediate sta er_ig. entitled +o recover amount of contribution tam _-immedialz a. rT Lr sts lc Z| employer either by deducting amount ~~ atin vf gue steven 4o_him by — Principal employer ell -under any Contrack _ar_as debt 6 ain by! the Tmmedictz emplyer ee — : ply TS — \Methad_ of payment: sof caivtt bution FS ’ Section 48 This. sectinn provides conparalion K lations fo: syemerth ine make tbat Hoi __pag cand coll . of cont cin payoble under the at ke Sch reguiladinns may. provide fo - =) Manner ond time For pa of Conti butions yea SAThe_poyment_ot conttibutions means 6 adhesive or other Stamps. atfixedt ty oo impressed __upon_books' cards at tharuise cnd_teguleetings the manner, times and_condilins and_uader which such_stamps_ate_to_be offiged or_imptessed 3) th erate lla alee a butions having: been__poid__is__4n he received by. Corpo tation 4\ The ot_cords_ot portculars of contribution paid_h benefit distributed tn case af Insured_persons__+y_shom such books ee or_catd relates. =) The issue _sole_-custady. , production, a inspection —_and_delivery. a8 bovks_or_corda— ~ and _+the replacement of beaks! _ot_cards. - _____which_have _been_lost__, destroyed or defaced. = Geedion 46 noe a case__of _sfcknesg > - _pracHtioner |. | Periadical__payments_io. stead {i r 4 Periadical ats_-to_insured__person_in_Case_ : a E of confinement _or_miscarriqge or_sickneéss——|-._ Peviodiealpaynents h_Ynswred_person_i eae ~|__persen _is_suHfering trom disablemect_as_a | _\tesull of emaloymert injury ee Periodical pqyment_-to_ _dependamts 04 _insured_ a | Medical treatment and eee eee ee “Paynent of funresl expenses on death of) ———|-—* Right +o receive. _benettks_ ciara pkovisions— relating. Or__assignable.__ kdhen, A__person_ benedtts. ae his oct ——is__not__entitled +o receive __benelits_under_ am other__enactmest *An_insured person is_noti_entiHed 4 teceive the some pariad more than one -benebit TE Deans__benelit of_sicbnets__cannob_be combined twith benefit of maternity, or disablement eke + Employees ‘Tnsurance. (our ——_|l Constitution 27 i oe ® Section 94 of Ack provides that State governmun, -—Shall —cons-itate _‘Emplayeet surance Court’ by notification 5 n_ofRciol gazette tor such local ote -—-0a__may._be__prescribed in __notiNcation + As_the Slate _ vernment_moy think tt the court _ Shall __consist- ¢ Such_number_of judges. |* A __person__aho_is_or_has been judicial officer_or 3. Is! o_legal Practitioner ot S\_years standing Shall_be qualitied to be_judge ot Ernployees Thsuronce |__ Court. = - |__for_ the _Same_Jocal_orea__and. may regulate. the 1 “The__stabe._ government “mayp—-appoint_she some. _ court for kod or _more! Socal areas or mote courts. teibution__of business _ between them. = Maktes tobe decided by (ET court) Emglayee. —. “The Employees _Tasurance Cant hos jurisdiction . to_adjudicate__dis putes_, namely, _-whether_any person— _is_on__employee undet._the _act_, rate _ of wages. [conttibu=—_ Hon_,.0s_to| who! ts-_or was the ‘pri ncipal__employer_,—— : right of _o__person_4o_any» bene under_the_ack | Adjudicotfon of claims : : i _The Empl ees_—Tnsurance court olso__has_jurisdie=—_ [tion 40! decide claims _for_recovery of conttibuHon _Ftom__prtecipal_emplquer—or immediate ___emplayar_, action | for failure__or_negligence 4o_pay,condtitourtion__,.claim iL | recovery, ef any benefit admissible _under_-the aa Act. Fl Crection of fund = “Section. 94 — Tt stakes that oll conbeibutioas under Hi this Ack and__olll_ other money received an I os8l pd nya behalf. of the Corporation shall_be_poid___ indo o_fund called * Employees State __ _Insuronce_fund” a S Trsurone fund shal be Operating as “The .Corparation roy. accept gronlt | danalions fromthe Cental or Slate at [ ~ ae ok body whether. —incorporated ar not de ———nment_, local authority _, oF any, Individual all__, or any. of ‘the _purpose of his feb a Section lo + Tt empowers the Centtd Govetnmeat to_ Constitute a_ Medical Benefit Guncil ly Medical benettt icund) oo Section a2 + Ht determines the duties of the Medea ——________= advise __+the cor parertion andthe Sta nding, [ Benefit Council Stating, thatthe Council __ Shall — Committee on matters relating. te _admixi= ! Station oP medical benefit. the certification, | for_purpase of _the grant of benefit ond | d other connected matters = have such powers and duties of investi- gation s_may, be prescribed —in_telotion il —} _________in_lconnection with medical treatment ond__| +o_complaia against medical _Proc-titioners

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