The Impact of Absolute Monarchies On Ice Cream Consumption and Walking Sticks

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The Impact of Absolute Monarchies on Ice Cream Consumption and Walking Sticks.

According to me, there is no direct impact of absolute monarchies on ice cream consumption or the
usage of walking sticks, but some factors can affect both aspects that have been mentioned. The
factors that can have an effect are the following:

1. Political Stability: If a Monarch territory is politically unstable, there may be chances of conflict
or war that hamper the consumption of ice cream and the sale of walking sticks.

2. Economic Policies: Economic policies directly impact in significant ways. If the economic policies
are favourable, then the consumption of ice cream and the use of walking sticks will increase, and
vice versa.

3. Cultural and trendsetters: Whenever a monarch takes over a territory, a change in trend and
culture is seen. If the changes are positive for the aspects mentioned above, then we can see the
impact of the absolute monarchies on them.

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