CSE 121 Assingment

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1. Why C++ Programming is better than C programming language?

Explain with an example with your own logic.

"C ++ is an advanced object-oriented programming language known for its
adherence to structured principles and fixed syntactical constructs. It offers
a balance between code simplicity and expressiveness. Unlike its
predecessor, the C programming language, C++ embraces the concept of
encapsulation, promoting the protection of data and methods from
external interference. This design contributes to enhanced code security.
Overall, C++ is recognized for its robustness in enabling efficient, secure,
and well-organized programming practices."

For Example
The main difference between C and C++ is that C++ was developed as an
extension of C. C++ was designed to be easier to use and to allow programmers
to make efficient use of computer resources. C++ also has some similarities with
C, but there are some important differences. C++ is a good choice for
experienced programmers who want to learn a new programming language.
Well, we will be first looking at the core of what is C and C++ followed by a
tabular representation of detailed head-to-head comparison.

2. Why the following code every time gives different output when you run it

multiple times? Explain with your own logic.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

int score = 5;

cout <<&score <<endl;

return 0;

The code prints the memory address of the ‘ score ‘variable. Modern
systems use address randomization for security, so the address changes
each time you run the program. This is to prevent attackers from predicting
memory locations. As a result, the output varies each time you run the

3. There are 3 jars, namely, A, B, C. All of them are mislabeled. Following

are the labels of each of the jars:A: CandiesB: SweetsC: Candies and
Sweets (mixed in a random proportion) You can put your hand in a jar and
pick only one eatable at a time. Tell the minimum number of eatable(s) that
has/have to be picked in order to label the jars correctly. Explain the answer
with your own logic.


To correctly label the mislabeled jars A, B, and C, you can take the following steps:

Step 1: Choose a random jar, say jar A (labeled "Candies").

 Since all jars are mislabeled, there are two possibilities for the contents of jar A: it could
either contain candies, or it could contain a mix of candies and sweets.
 If you pick a candy from jar A, then it must be full of candies (because it cannot be the
mixed jar). Thus, it should be labeled "Candies."
 If you pick a sweet from jar A, then it cannot be labeled "Candies" because the jar that is
labeled "Candies" must only contain candies. This means jar A must actually be the
mixed jar, so it should be labeled "Candies and Sweets."

Step 2: Now that you've correctly labeled jar A, you can deduce the labels for jars B and

 Jar B, which is labeled "Sweets," cannot be the mixed jar, as the mixed jar has already
been identified as jar A. So, jar B must contain only sweets.
 Jar C, which is labeled "Candies and Sweets," cannot actually be the mixed jar since
you've identified jar A as the mixed jar. Therefore, jar C must actually contain only

In conclusion, by picking just one eatable from jar A and making logical deductions, you
can correctly label all three jars.

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