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I fett rod il

Pock 2 DittU Boot< 7

Iltustroted bg Tim Archbol"d
Series devetoped by Ruth Miskin
6losscrg of terms
Frcd ralk Fred is a puppet who con onlg sag and read words in pure sounds;
he cantnt sal the whole word. He never adds 'uh' after a consonanf
sound e.g. fuh, !uh, nuh.
(A slight'uh'cannot be helped when soging the sounds
b, d, S. j. w and g.)
eea *ords: words thaf can be saunded ouf in 'Fred Talk,
Pd wards: cofftmon words thaf cannot be sounded ouf easilg in,Fred

How to use this book

children will be able fo read sef 1 speed sound cards
ond sound-blend before reading this book.
Follow the steps below for everg ,dittg,.

' pracfise reading the speed sounds on pcge 4:
forwards, b;ackwards and in and out of order
. read the ped words on page 5
' read fhe 6reen words in Fred Tark ond then sag
the whore word
' read the dittg, onrg using Fred Tark if theg need
fo work ouf a word
(fold the book back so tlte pictures cannot
be seen)
' re-read the dittg and discuss the 'guestions to
tark abouf,
. read the dittg again unti! f luent
- practise reading fhe speed words on pages l4_lb
Fold the book back so fhe lef-t-hond pcoe ccn nof be seen.

Hold o sentence
The senfence for eoch book is risted ef fhe boftom of the leff-hand pages.
1. Sag fhe sentence. Ask the children fo repeat it.
2' Repeal f he sentence several times fo hetp chitdren nemorise, 'hold',
the sentence.
3' Sag the f irst word of fhe sentence in Fred Talk, identifging
and ticking the- :,:
fhe individuol sounds
t anyaur fingers' write the word' Repeof with the nexf word of ihe
senfence, and so on. Affer eacn
word, re-read the sentence so far, asking the children ta help gau renembet.
Now erose the senfence.
4. Children write fhe sentence.
5. children check their work wirh gou and fick eoch carrecf word

Complete a sentence
1' Use the picture lo help complefe each sentence. saE fhe
sentence. Ask fhe children to repeat it.
2. children complefe fhe senrence using Fred Tark for each
3. children check fheir work wfth gou ond tick each correct

Speed sqrnds

Consonants Sag fhe pure sounds (cc nat odd 'uh')

f I m n r s v z sh th ng

b c d I h j p gu t w x v ch

Vowels 1ag the scunds in ond out of order

o e i o u

Eoch box confoins only one sound


r the no

Tell the children the word and then laok f*r the sound that doesn't'look'right: thte, rto
uords J
r f elt sad
bed best cut
r got mod
dress f elt got I cut jli , best dress
mod sad sent
snip snip snip

&g*t sent te bed

Questbns to talk about
Whg did lhe girl cut fhe Cress)
Whg da gou think she wos sa mad?
What was her punishment?

Hold a sentence
Iam in bed

. Xar\^.tlXIflICrlltrr<1r'l'\!'u^
f telt '
f got
A'- j
t ' d\'i

f cut MI
-f got en ?rr
\ ¤-

Hold a senfence
o0r tnb

it gets wet ,r\

d 'i

Green words
a fot duck

big crob -*i

duck fat f ish o big frog I /e
flat frog TJ
o thin f ish
gets;t pink
thin wet oflstpi nk crob
Questions to folk abou-f
What is in lhe wcie')
Which animal is thin?
Which animal is flat?

Hold a sentence
it tvill get *et

1 . h .-'''1'
o fst {v"t_\_- r

o big
CI thin t d

lat **-**F+,i-} fl*, + .f

af .
glrrrl q
Dittg 3

Green words
in fte cat f lap
bed cot on the,mqt
f lap in on mU bed
lop mat in rng lop
Questions ta talk about
Wha came tn f hz ccf f lap?
Who is siftinq cn tke fici)
Who has jumped on nu sed2
Wha is sleeping in mg lap?
Who am f stoking?

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r l, '

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tn Ymffi '-t-J

on x,he

on mu

in mU

Dittg 4 Jack snd Ji I
Green words
went uP the: hill
ond drink
f rom get hill to gzt it
is it Jock from i.i.ii::l well
Jill uP well
went wet
Jack ond Jill will
drink it
Qrrest r/r; to ?alk about
Who went uP the hill?
What did theg get from the well?

Hold a sentence
Jack got wef it is !..
Jack went up tha

Jock got it frorn &m

.... r,L\.
+ !"L - _\"_f-F
L went up g$.,. hill
\ i\

it iS i*Ya , i,' :V- \\,\


Hold a sentence

2 Ditty Book 7

The Ditty Books offer early
practice in reading and writing

I fett rsd
short decodable passages that
reinforce Speed Sounds Set 1.

Further ditties are included in

the Ditty Photocopy Masters.
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t.: N IVIr ll.SI "l'Y l']l(F.SS
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2: Ditty Books 6 to 10
: 978-0 -1 9 -846269 -9
O Oxford Unrv(.rslry Pre's ]006
Iirst published by Oxford Universiry Press 2006

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