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Pre-reading: Look at the symbols and answer the questions below

1-What does each of them represent?

2-What do they have in common?
3-Do the people working for them get paid?

While reading:
Algerian Red Crescent’s Ramadan Solidarity

As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, the Algerian Red Crescent is gearing up to
launch a comprehensive solidarity program aimed at providing essential assistance to needy
families across the nation.
The program, set to commence at the beginning of Ramadan, includes the
establishment of iftar (breaking fast) restaurants and the distribution of food parcels to those
in need, particularly in underserved areas. Throughout the month, the Algerian Red Crescent
will continue its solidarity services by ensuring the provision of iftar meals to travelers and
road users, as well as distributing food parcels to disadvantaged families and marginalized
groups across different regions of the country. Moreover, the Red Crescent’s initiative
extends beyond basic sustenance, encompassing additional support measures such as
organizing circumcision operations and providing Eid clothing for children from needy
families. Additionally, the organization plans to conduct visits to patients in hospitals, with a
focus on individuals battling cancer, offering them comfort and solidarity during their
challenging journey.
The operation commenced from the central warehouse of the Algerian Red Crescent in
Blida’s industrial area, where 2000 food parcels, along with medicines, medical equipment,
mattresses, and other essentials, have been allocated for distribution.

Task1: Answer the following questions according to the text
1-Why does the Algerian Red Crescent plan Ramadan solidarity program?
2- What does the red crescent Ramadan program consist of?
3- What does the Algerian Red Crescent provide to the needy families.

Task2: Complete the chart below

Situation Suggestion S acceptance S refusal

Poor children need -1
.Our friend is ill-2
The news forecast an -3

:Task3: Find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to the following

………………=Prepare=..................... / Deprived=…………….. / distribution

.We could give him old clothes- Yes, why not- Sorry, I cant .I have
?Why don’t we visit him- How about visiting
?What should I do- Good idea- him tomorrow
First, you had better not panic- instead

gear up \Disadvantaged \allocation

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