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Circuit Analysis by Classical Method

Inside this Chapter
Introduction Differential Equations
Initial Conditions in Circuits Various Responses
Transient Response of series R-L-C circuit having DC excitation
Transient Response of series R-L circuit having DC excitation
Transient Response of series R-C circuit having DC excitation
Transient response of series R-L cireuit having sinusoidal excitation
Transient response of series R-Ccircuit having sinusoidal excitation

Whenever a circuit is switched from one condition to another, either by achange in the applied
Source or a change in the circuit elements, there is a transition period during which the branch
currents and element voltages change from their former values to new ones. This period is called the
transient. After the transient has passed, the circuit is said to be in_the steady state.
Now, the linear differential equation that describes the circuit willhavetwo partsto its solution.
the complementary function corresponds to the transient and the particular solution corresponds to
the steady-state.
The u-irelation for an inductor ora capacitor is a differential. Acircuit containing an inductorL
or acapacitor C. and resistors willhave current and voltage variables given bydifferential equations
of the same form. It is a linear first order differential equation, with constant coefficients when the
values of R, L and Care constant. Land C are storage elements. Circuits have two storage elements
ike one Land one Care referred to as second order circuts.
Therefore, the series or parallel combinations of Rand Lor R and Care first order circuits, and
RLC in series and RLC in parallel are typical second order circuits.
The circuit changes are assumed
to occur at timet=0, and represented i=0 t=0

by a switch. The switch may be

supposed to close/ and openr at t= (a) (6)
0 as shown in figure 3.1 (a) or (b) Fiz. 3.1. Switch S is (a) closed at t=0. (b) opennd at t =0.
respectively, for convenience, it is
defined that:
t =0, the instant prior to t =0 and
t= 0*, theinstant immediately after switeching.
storage element
Switching on or off an element or source in a cireuit at (= 0will noi disturb the
SO that i, (0)=i, (0)and u, (0) =v, (0). This provides abasis for construeting an equivalentereut
for acharged capacitor voltage (V) and current (,) carryinginductor.
Circuits and Systems
elements R, L and Circuit Analysis by Classical Method 21
20 three circuit Care giv
relationships of the
voltage-current Take K' =ln K
Tha Parameters
for the ln y(t) = ln ePt + ln K = In(Ke P
Table 3. 1.
Table 3.1: Relationship
Voltage-current Energy rith the equation in this form_ the-antijogarithm may be taken to give a general solution
Basic Relationships
y() = KePt
Relationship where K is a constant.
If the constant K is evaluated, the solution is a partiular solution.
vt) = Rit) vp(e) Riglt) Wae) = JUR(t)ip(a'ype II (First Order Non-homogeneousDifferential Equation)
dy) +Py(t) = Q
G ipl). =Gg(t) where Pis a constant and Qmay be a function of independent variable t or a constant.
The equation is not altered if every term is multiplied by the e". i.e.

L Yt)= Li(t) V;(t) = L di,(0) di +ePtPy () =QeP

since d (ry) = x dy + y dx, so left hand side of above equation is equal to Lt)e.Thus we

daLv(t)-e) =Qe
0 Thus equation may be integrated to give
y(0)-ePt = Qedt+ K (aes
P) =ePt[Q.edt + K.e
qt) = Cu(t)

where Kis a constant.

The first term of above solution is known as the particular integral; the second is known as the
WAt) = complementary function. Note that the particular integral does not contain the arbitrary constant,
and the complementary function does not depend on the forcing function .
If Q is a constant, then
dt e?

3.2. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS yt) = eP.Q. p + Ke-Pt )

To study the y() =p +KePt
transients in electric circuits, it is necessary to be
concept of ditferential equations, and the familiar with the matne Bi-AS
The order of the diferential golution techniqus. Type II(Second Order DifferentialEquation) COLiE :NG
the number of energy
storing equation represents the highest. derivative involved and 1s e
as ordinary. elements. As the differential equation
it is d'y(t) +BY) NEW LLLIi -
considered contains no partial dess dt
+ Cy(t) 0
Hence, in this book. the
linear. differential
ordinary, differential equations equations that are formed for transient The general solution of the above second order differential equation is
analysis wi
Tyg1(First Order (LODE) with constant y(t) = K, ePll + K, eP2t
dyít). Homogeneous
Pr(t) =0) Differential Equation)
where K, and K, are constants.
d And, p, and p, are the roots of the quadratic equation
(wherePis any onstant.) A p²+ Bp + C = 0, and are given by
dyt) P: P2 2A 2A
+1B - 4AC
On integrating =-Pdt If p, =p,, i.e., roots of the quadratic equation are repeated, then the general solution of the
In yt) = Pt+ K given second order differential equation is given as
y(t) = K,eeli + K,tePl!
Cireuits and Sslems
Circuit Analysis by Clasgical Method 23
CIRCUITS discussed:
CONDITIONS IN arbitrary constants in the general soh Some of the important characteristics of the inductor/capacitor re now
the current/voltage
INITIAL toevaluate
conditions reguired
is equal to 1. There is no voltagelcurrent across/through the inductorlcapacitor if the
of initial
the order o through/across it is not changing with time. "Therefore, the inductorleapacitor is the short/
We need initialequations. The number
unique solution. open circuit to d.c.
of dtlerential for a if the voltagelcurrent
d1ferentual equaton lnitial
First 2. Ainite umount of energy can b¹ stored in the nductorlcapacitor even
Procedure to
Evaluate the
in determiningthe initial cconditions. step is to drau across/through the inductorlcapacitor is zero, such as when the current/voltage
to follow Table 3.2. The next step is to
Thereis no set prooedure
based on the element given
equivalent cireuit at != 0*andcrrents of all the branches.
After this, th: evaluat
derivatives at t= 0 across it is constant.
3. The inductorlcapacitor never dissipates energy, but only stores
it. Although this is true for
initial values of voltages the mathematical model, it is not true for a physical inductorlcapacitor
lnitial values of current and voltage may befound directly from a study of the network schem,
just what will happen theswites 4.
cach element in the network, we must deterine equivalent network for t = VARIOUS RESPONSES
For analysis, n new scheratic of' an 0
Action takes place. From this rules: ma
according to these 3.4.1. Transient Response: (Transient means short lived)
(onstrueted current generators having tho . , The values of voltage and current during the transient period are known as the transient
) Replace all inductors with open circuits or with that goes to zero as time becomes
current flowing at t= 0 esponses. It is also leined as The part of the totnl time response
u Eelre allepuitorswith hort cireuits or with voltage sOureves having the value V,arga, It depends upon thefunction
networkis the
elements alone and independent of the foreing function tsource).
solution of the differential equation with forcing function set
if there is an initial charge, 4o: Thecomplementary
() Resistors are left in the network without
change. :o zero and hence, the complementary function represents the source-free response or simply
The equivalent cireuit for the three parameters (R, Land ) at t=0* and = oo are showresponse or natural response or transient response.
Table 3.2.
3.4.2. Steady State Response:
Table 3.2: The Equivalent circuit of the parameter steady-state
The valuesof voltage and current after the transient has died out are known as the
after the transient
Element with Equivalent Equivalent responses. It is also defined as the part of the total time response which remains
initial condition8 cireuit a7 t= CIrcuit at t oo has passed. It depends on both the network elements and forcing function.
The particular integral represents the forced response or steady state response. It satisfies the
differential equation but not the initial conditions.
R R R Note:
The complete or total response of a network is the sum of the transient respense and the steady
SC state response or the sum of the natural and forced responses.

B.4)3. Zero Input Response:
OC The values of voltage and current that resul from initial conditions when the excitation Gnput)
or forcing function 1s zeroare known as zero input responses.
3.4)4. Zero State Response:
The values of voltage and current for an excitation which is applied when allinitialconditions
are zero are known as zero state responses. Such a network is also said to be at rest or initially


OC EXMPÉ 3.1eonsider the RLC series circuit shown in figure 3.2. V, =2V: R=60:
0C-Open circuit L= 2H; C= 0.25F. Determine i(0*); (0), (0*) and i(t),/

sc. Shortcircu Note :The forcing function may be a direct voltage or current source, a ramp functinn, ar exponential
function or a sinusoidal soure or any other function.
Circuitsand Systems
Circuit Analvsis by Classical Method 25
circuit of fgure 3.2 is gven by Kirch
current in the
differential equation for the
law as ..(1)
forR, Land 0.5
numerical alues V i(t)
Ditterentzat:ngand using
=0 Fig. 3.2. t, sec

- ,di)2i(t) =0

Substiruting p² for d-u and p dilt). thus

d dt
component parts that sum to giue the response
p'+3p + 2=0 Fig. 3.3. Response including the two
solution is shown in figure 3.4. I, = 2A;
Thisequation has the roots p, and P, =-2, so that the general EXAMPLE3.2 Consider the RLC parallel circuit d'u
ilt) = K, et+ K, e-21 (0"),2-(0) and v(t).
a knowledge of the i
2;L=H; C= 4F. Determine v(0"),
The constants K, and K, can be evaluated for a specitic problem by

If the switch S is closed at t=0, then
i(0*) = 0 t=0

(because current cannot change instantaneously in the inductor or inductor behaves as aa

Circuut at t=0 R
In equation (1).the second and third voltage terms are zero at the instant of switching. B
Fig. 3.4.
being zerobecaue i0)= 9and fidt being zero because it is the initial voltage across the capa
Solution: The circuit equation by KCL is
1, = ipt) tif() +id)
dt =
R i/uodt+cdo

Differentiating andusing numerical values for R, L andC gives

di (0) =lA/sec
From equation (2). 0 = 16 16ut) +4 d'ut)
dt d?
d'ut)dut) 4ult) = 0
Le. di 0) =-3x1-2 x0 dt? dt

dult) du(t)
d'i Substituting p² for d
and pforthus
The above two de (0) = -3 A/sec?
initial conditions (4) and(5),
p²+ 4p +4 = 0
give the equations This equation has the'repeated roota p, , =-2
K, + K, =0 substituted into the general solution. equation Thus, the general solution to our problem with repeated
The solutior. of and -K - 2K, =1 vlt) = K, e + K, te
these equations is conditions.
Aplot of the i(t) =et -e2K, A=1, and K, =-1, To obtain a particular solution for this
problem will require knowledge of two initial
separate parts and their hence the particular solution is zero, since the capacitor acts as a circuit at the
From the circuit of figure 3.4, v(0*) must equal
combination is shown in
fgur 3.3.
initial instant. L.e.,
26 Cireuit Analysin by Classcal Method 27
at the instant of
0 termsare zero

In equatIon
v (0') =
(l), the
there 1s no
irstand second current
currentin the
indutor at the initial iDstant H..
HWitehiny, bheg K

I0'* 0 and
Therefore, i(l) =
V V v,
du, V/sec And voltage across the resistór and inductór re given as

From cquation (2).

Unl) =
d"o'.40 =0
d' 0) =-2 V/sec? Vil) = L dil) (or V-ull))
de conditions (4) and (5), substituted into equation (3), give the equation du
The above two initial
= L.
K, =0 and -2K, +K, : or K, =
Therefore. the particular solution of our problem is
or V(t) =Ve L
() =,te 21 y ...(7)
at t= 0; i(t) =0 and v,(0) = V, v ) =0
Aplot fthis solution is shown in figure 3.5.
at t= oo; i(l) = and v,() = 0, U) = V

at t==t; ú)= -e') = 0.632 R

and v,() = V.el= 0.368 V, Up(t) =0.632 V
These i(t) and vp() and v,() are plotted in figure 3.7(a) and (b).
1/2 V/R V
2 L, sec
Fig. 3.5. Vo! age response of network of Figure 3.4 as 0.632 0.632V A0.632V
given byequation (7).


Vime ! =0.Find the currentseries R-L circuit, as shown in
figure 3.6. The 01 T= L/R
i(t) through and voltage
aoross the resistor switen , T= L/R
Solution: Applying KVL, and indue (a) (b)

" Rút) = V S R Fig. 3.7. (a) for i(t) and (b) for Ut) and v,().
dut) R t=0 interval after which
dt is known as the time constant of the circuit and is defined as the
General solution of this i(t) current or voltage changes 63.2% of its total change.
difterential equation is given as the circuit reaches at steady
Let us now analyse another transient condition of the R-Lcircuit as
withdrawn by opening the switch Sand throwing it to S"
Since inductor Fig. 3.6. state (at t= o) and suddenly the voltage is
hehaves as a
i 0) =0open circuit at
as shown in figure 3.7 (c) at t 0.

switching Then,
di (t) + Ri() =0
R dt
Cirruits .
is given
28 difterentialequation Circuit Analysis by Classical Method 29
General solution ofthis s
The voltage across the inductor after lapse of 0.02 sec from switching is given as
inductor keep the
the = 200 20 x 8.646 = 27V
Hwever, at (= 0 dt
i0)=i)= R
V Fig. 3.7 (c).
= K or K'= R EXAMPLE 3.5 Consider a series R-C circuit, as shown in figure 3.8. The switch S is elosed at
R time t= 0. Find the current i (t) through and voltage across the resistor and capacitor.
Solution: By Kirchhoff's voltage law,
Therefore. R

The corresponding voltagesacross

the resistor and inductor are then givon Ri() +fie) dt =V t= 0

'plt) = i)R= ve L' Or Ri(t) +

Fig. 3.8.
and U', () = L. dt
Assume, Initially, capacitor was uncharged, i.e.,
Vc (0)= 0
Differentiating, we get
These i' t) and v'plt) and u', () are plotted in figure 3.7 (d) and (e). R di(t)-+äi) = o
di(t) 1
RG'() =0
General solution of this differential equation is
0.368V i(t) =Ke RC

at =0*, i0)
(Since capacitor behaves as a short circuit at switching)
= K0 =K
(e) V
Fig. 3.7 (d) for i'(t)
and (e) for ¯' pt) Therefore, i(t)
3.4 Ad.c.
voltage of 200 Vis andy(t). R

nductance Determine
0.2 suddenly havingR=l And voltage across the resistor and capacitor are
on and 0.02 sec H.
later. the voltage drop applied to a series L-R circuit UR (t) = i(t) R
acrossthe inductor at the instant of switch
Solution Since inductor 1
Hence, at instant of initially behaves as a open circuit at t= 0, then i(o) Or Vplt) = Ve RC
After the instant of switching, the voltage drop across =0
switching the current is given by inductor is 200 V" Vc () = [or V-v))
i(t) V 200 20
l-p 0.2
0.02 sec, i(t) =10(1 10 (1-e-100t). 1VRc' (-RC) = -Ve RC = -Ve
e CR
Rut) + íty - 200 l00x0.02) =8.646A

dt = 200 -
Rilty vel) = v1-e Rc'
and v) =0, vpl?) =
Circuit Analysis by Classical Method 31
|=0; it) = R
v) = V, Upt) =0
(z; it)=0and and

0.368 1

|= RC=t:it) = R or v'c) = Ve RC
A)=V1-e)=0.632 V, up(t) =0.368 [Obviously v'pl) + u'c) = 0]
figure 3.9 (a) and (b). These i'() and v't) and v'A) are plotted in figure 3.9 (d) and (e).
These it) andrt)and v) are plotted in


U) -0.368
T=RC 0 t= RC

Fig. 3.9 (a) for i(t), and (b) for v(t) and v(t). - (d) - Vf (e)

Fig. 3.9. (d) for i' (t) and (e) for v't) and v'At).
Here = RC is known as time d.c.
constant of the circuit. EXAMPLE 36 A resistance R and 5 uF capacitor are connected in series across a l00 V
capacitor becomes 50 V in 5
Let us now analyse supply.Calculate the value of R such that the voltage across the
state (at t =) and another transient condition of the R-C circuit as the circuit reaches at ec after the circuit is switched on.
suddenly voltage is withdrawn by
as shown in figure 3.9 the of charging, the voltage at any time across the capacitor is given
(c) at = 0. opening the switch S and throwingiiaolution: In case
Then by KVL.

Rit)+be(0") =0
50 = 100 1-e Rx5x10-6

Differentiating, we get
Ri() 106

Ita solution is Fig. 3.9 (c).


during However. at t=
8 6,the
i't) = Ke 106

discharge negative.capaciThustor keeps the steady state

R = 0.5

directiond R= 1.45 x 106 Q

iG) = V voltage V0)= V. And the
EXAMPLE 37 In the given circuit as shown in figure
3.10, switch S is changed from position
R d'i
Or di at t=0+.
'a' to b' at t= 0, Find values ofi, d de SW
or K V
Solution: At position 'a':
Therefore, The steady state value of current
i(0 ) L00V
L0luF IH3
corresponding transent volLaye%
R 100
= 0.1A

across he At position b': Fig. 3. 10.

'alt) =-Ve k resistor and capacitor are given by i(0*) =i(0 )=0.IA
Circuits and Systems
Circuit Analysis by ClassIcal Method
32 is in the steady
EXAMP;E 3.9 The circuit shown in figure 3.12,opened
have at t = 0.
Applying KVZ,we state with the switch S closed. The switch is 12

-6 Jiodt=0 Determine voltage across the switch u, and du,
dt at t= 0. 0.5F
1000 i() + 1. dt T2V
switching instant capacitor
Since initially
capacitor is
uncharged and at
hand side of above equation is zero. Then from behaves
equation (1);: as a Solution: When, Circuit is in the steady state with
closed, capacitor is shore circuited i.e. voltage across
the switch S
capacitor is Fig. 3.12.
i.e. last term of left
circuit, zero.
dit) 2
1000 ()+ =0 i(0)==2A.
dt Or v, (0) = 0, and steady state current
capacitor behaves as a short circuit, so
di(0)- 1000 ¿(o)=- 100 A/sec And, when switch is opened at t=0, the
dt U, at t = 0+ or v,(0*) =
On differentiating, equation (1) i(0) = i(0)= 2 A
=-1000 di(t) 1
d'it) 0.1x10-6(1) du,
d dt dt dt

d'0*) =-1000 x (-100) 107 x (0.1) = -(-10 +106) = 9x

105 Alsedt Hence dls
(o°) =x0) =1,2

ExPLE 3.8 In the network shown in figure 3.11, switch S is closed at t= 0, a steadys du, 0) =4 V/sec
Vearrent having previously been attained. Solve for the current as a function of time. a!ue o
solution of differential equations, fir l the
Solution: Steady state current (before the switching action takes place) EXAMPLE 340 Using classical method of 3.13. Assume initial condition Ur(=9V
in figure
Uc (t)for t> 0in the circuit shown
Applying KVL in the circuit; we have
i(0) R+R Solution: Let the current in the circuit is i(t).
(Since inductor behaves as a short circuit at t= o) 1 =4i (t) + vç ()
R t=0 40
When switch is closed: R, is short-circuited
Applying KVL and Vgl) = 9+

V= Ldt +R i(t) i() 1 =4i(t) +9+

Fig. 3. 13
dt L
The general solution of the
above V equation is given as
differential Fig. 3.11. Or 4i() +16|idt =-8
+Ke L
R Or i)+4fi) dt =-2
iO) = i(0)= R, + On differentiating,
R, di(t) + 4i(t) =0
V dt
-+ K differential equation is
R The general solution of the above
i(t) = Ke-4t
Therefore: K=-V is 9V, therefore, initial current
Since initial voltage across capacitor
Hence, Solution of our R{(R, +R,) 1-9 -2 = Kel
problem is i(0*) = 4
V K=-2
So, The value of the
current; i(t) = - 2e
R(R +R,) .e
Ry Then
i(t) =
R, Rz 0

R, +R, A
Cireuit Analvsis by Classical Method 35
+ 10:, () =0 12

di, (t) - 100i,() =0

figure 3.14. is in the steady
state with the switch Sclo
EXAMPLE311 Th ircuit shownin i, (t) in the circuit.
The swih is opened at t= 0. This gives I,(t) =
the switch S S=0 i, (0) = i, (0)=3= Ke.
Solution: At sicacl siaie with Since
isei The capator behales As &epen 1/2H K = 3
R:,=!rdi, o=0
,.hened. then applving hTI Therefore. L,() = 3e-100
)4V 20
i, () A.) = L =0.1 x 3. (-100)e l00 =-30 e-100 V
it is moved to
EXAMPLB.343 The switch in figure 3.16 has been in position 1for a long time;(UPTli. 002)
Fig. 3.14. 2 at t =0. Obtain the expression for i, for t >0.
Solution: With the switch on 1.
C+22 50 1
n. we have i(0) = 40 = 1.25 A
When switch at 2.
-lp (t) = 0
2 d i(0) = i(0) = 1.25 A 50V
Applying KVZ.
2i, tt) = 0 10= 40 i ) + 2o dt

Cuation is
g- 43 -2=0 di(t)2i() = 0.5 Fig. 3.I6.
P, = -3.414. p, =- 0.5s6 dt
i,12) = K, e 1H - K,eins t i(t) =
0.5 + Ke 2t
i0) =0 requires that K, + K, =0 2
Putting i(0)= 1.25 in above equation
o =-2= Lslh0') ? 1.25 = 0.25 + K
dt or K= 1.00
i(t) = 0.25 + e 2 A

-3.:14 K, -0326 K, = - EXAMPLE 3.14 In figure 3.17. the switch S is closed. Find the time when the current from the
battery reaches to 500 mA.
nngirK, and K, yields Solution: Let the current through 50 2 be I, and through 702

K= 1414 (or 100 uF) be I, after the switch S is closed.

/Enaly. 3.12 The 12i,(t)V = 1.414(e-3.414t -e-.586 A
K,= -1.414
I, = 50
= 0.2 A = 200 mA 5092 100uF
inductor battery
current and voltage in
as a figure 3.15 is I= I, +1,
Solution: Assume
Long time before the function
switch S been closed of time. disconnected (opened) at t = 0.
Find o However.
[Ibeing the current from the supply]
iruit. Le t=0.The inductThasbehaves for a
as a short
42 500 = 200 + I,
Fig. 3.17.

C,i0) = 0 t=0
I, =300 mA
This I, equalto e 70x 100 x10-5 [: iA) =
KZ After the battery is 0.1H 70

disconnected. at >0. Applying

t This gives t= 3.2 mset.

Fig. 3.15.
4.55 0.x8 =i,0.8 =i, =
A) t
3.64A e) -(15.76 = i, t Ke12 =i t)
e =7.2
-(1 i,
48 i=(t)
4.55A -p)= )=7.2(1 103 x -20x
50 msec: 50 = tat(d)
t=0.Then 4dil+t) dt

since i(t) +4
aas inductor dt
0)V,o=) o circuit
so t’ at short behaves
and applyé Then 8.812
A. i(0)=
at492 to m5eased1t) resistance=48
=0 x0 =2 = is it)= let Now,
6 iz(o)=
5.7A =7.2
A; (oo) i,
(4), andequations From oo; t= at (c) sec0.1386 se=0.c 5 t= (d)
ty i
ing, at
0;i,(0")= =t,
get Solvwe
288V V,(0)= 0; (0*)= ,
i.e. =V, whi4c8V
he att,t=

=(0) 0.8i, L,()= and 46(1

e20t) - 5.(1
76 time
(1-e20) 7.2 -20)= -eL1144 20 i,()= Therefore, A/sec. 48 = 48e t=0'= ) lat atSay (c)
20 K=gives This 0,i,(0*)
= Alsec. =48e di

circuit, open
aas inductor
behaves 0*, =t at (1-est)v 48Ri) = V0)= di
i.e. 20 =
i,() And,
Ke-20: +
144 eÑty 48 d Then
general The
as equation
above solution
of 0)(0)= (sini,ce e)A
u(t) 144 = i20 +di dt Or
-(19.6 i= t) gves, This
(1) +5i dit) dt 1 =48
-.08i,)= +2+
80(i, dt i =u(t) 288
KVL, Applying Solution:
dt+2 i,40
From 3.19. Fig.
have we(2), andequations
(1) =0(0) Assumei,
0.8i, = i, determine
i(t). sec, t=0.5
3.21. Fig. ...(2)
(By s04o0 = l and at Q4tofrom
5 resistance
is the
rule)division current 80 V:V=which at
time he
2052S 802 288u(t) +) i,) +2+
- 80( dt 24i, =u(t) 288 48V t=0*; at
3.21. figure shown
in asu(t) 288 = (=0 dtand Vy(0, Vpl), expression
i(), (oythe0;t2
IH for di
2H First 0*: t= at(b) Deterznine:
in of current convert
source we
V,= IH.
source= voltageequivalent V,
xu(t) 12 0(0)= wi:th 3.19figure shown 3.EMPLE
3.20. Fig. 0(0)= i, in circuit series R-L order first Consider
the WI
0(0)= i,Therefore, /Henre,
no There
1s 0, t= at
3.18, Fig. 8Ai(0»)= T}
source. energy cle
the By0: = tat (aution:
) 1 =24
2) i(+
2092 802 2492 12u(t)
A signal. stepDefinition
of So
2001) Uni., (LP. switch the Atter Th
0*, t=opened
sec. m50 t= (d) oot= (c) at EX
V +
t= (6) t=
0 (a) 24V =v,(0) u,(0)
in network
shown the For 3.17AMPLE V24= have
at V, i,i, Find 3.20. figure Therefore. noi voltage
can Solution:
the or
instantaneously change
Ae-4 3.188 -12 i(t)
= Since
=+3.188 K
gives This (0). fithnedbefore
switch i
we the intcapacitor
circuitsteady openunder.behaves
state i
aas was 3.18 tigure
state steady
0. 3.15=R,12, =
and The 200 EXAMPLE
Method Classical Analysis
by Circuit Also (0). andv, (0)determine
37 B6

Systems andCircuits
Circuits and Systems
Circuit Analysis by Classical Method
20,20x50x 10 )= 105.95 V
=2x(7.2 x
Substituting Cand 0.


Vm sin ot + - tan


circuit excited by Vn sin o + o - tan
318 onsider a series R-Lfigure 3.22. The switch i(t)"= R
EXANPLE as shown in /R + 0''
sInusoidal voltagesource response (current) i(t).
sclosei at tine =0. Find the Since inductor behaves as a open circuit at switching
Solution: Aprl hL. Vp sin (ot + o)
i(0*) = 0
.Pio) = V, sin(ot 0) Vm + K
Or -sin - tan
R =
msin (ot@ ...(1) Fig. 3.22.
K =
-sin - tan
Thsir anoh-homogeneous equation. The current i(t) consists of the sum of compleme + 0
ith an dprticular integrali,t), i.e.
i(t) =i(0) ti,) i() = VZ sin(ot + + 0) - sin(o + )e L
Tccmplementary function of equation (1) is
R =- tan
() = K,e L' where, R
tieparticular integral of equation (1) is and Z=R2 + o'L; impedance of R-L circuit.
The i(t) is plotted in figure 3.23.
() =e sin(ot +0)el dt = dt
Steady state
L -j(ot + 0) + component, i,()
2}L R R
J) +
-J0 +

-jo) + -pJ + o) R
2jL. Resultant
jo + current, i(t)
-ju + Transient
component, i,(t)
Fig, 3.23. Variation of it) with time t.
sin(ost +0)- 0cos( oot +
It is observed that if theangle ¢ which represents the angle of the sinusoid at the time switeh s
isclosed, has the value
T 1:t' sin(at + o) =o= tan

rool to a single sinusoid inoL cos(ot +)|

l R

the form the constant Kwill havezero value,and the transient current i,(t) will van1sh In other words, if
the switch is cl0sed at the proper instant, there will be no transient.
Cad9 'n be The first term ofi() is the steady state current which lags the applied voltage bv e= tan

determined as osl. and the second termn is the transient current with decav factor e which dies out with

Circuits and Systems

sinusoidal voltage is applied at. t =0 Circuit Analysis by Classical Method 41

40 (peak value) to a
50 Hz 300V current. steady state
EXAMPLE3.19 A transient current
Also, calculate
hstant t. after
the value
.and resal i(0*)
Vm sin
current 0.01 sec circuit
ImpedanceofR-L 0.1) = 31.5 2 V, sin = K+ Vm sin +tan
Z=2.5)² +(2n x50x R 2 oCR

= Ke
Transientcurrent;i(t) 300 K= Vm sin Vm sin + tan-!
Vm sin ot + - tan-1 sin(314t - 85.45°) )r
R 31.5
Steady state current; ,() = 2
314 x 0.1
0,i.e. ¢= 0and tan =85.45°)
(Since voltage is applied at t= 2.5

= 9.52 sin (314t - 1.49) ISince 85.45° = 1.49 rat: V, sin ! m sin + tan
1 RC
i(t) = 2 oCR
Therefore. ii) = i,(0) +i,0) R
=Ke25t + 9.52 sin (314t -1.49)
Since i0) =0
Sin| t + o + tan-l
0=K+9.52 sin (-1.49) oCR
Therefore, the required expression of current is given by
i(t) =9.49 e25t + 9.52 sin (314t- 1.49) i() =Yasin Ym sin(o + 0)e-tlRC + sin ( ot + o + 0)
At t=0,01 sec, i(t) =9.49 e-25 x0.01 = 7.39 A R
i(0) =9.52 sin (314 x 0.01- 1.49) = 9.49 A -

where A = tan
(t) = i,() + i,() = 16.88 A oCR

3.9. TRANSIENT RESPONSE OF SERIES R-C CIRCUIT and Z = ; impedance of R-C circuit.
decay factor e-tlRC, which dies out with time
The first termn if i(t) is the transient current with
EXAMPLE 3.20 steady state current which leads the applied voltage by =
in figure 3.24. Consider a series R-C circuit excited by a stant RC, and the second term is the
The switch S is closed at voltage source as sho
time t= 0. Find thesinusoidal 1
Solution: Applying KVL, current i(t). oCR
R 2.14 msec to a series R-C circuit
) AMPLE 3.21 A voltage v = 300 sin 314t is applied at t= for current. Also, find the
=Vsin (ot + ) t=0
102 and capacitance 200 uF. Find an expression
ving resistance
On lue of current 1 msec after switching on.
differentiating, we get (Jv, sin (ot t ) lution: It may be noted that the voltage is not applied at
t = 0, but at where o =2.14 msec
dilt) 14 × 103 x 314
d ) = 0.672 rad
Ge,.eral slution of this R -Cos(ot +6)
Impedance of R-Ccircuit
ity = i,t) + i) differential eguation is Fig. 3.24.

= 18.8 S2
= KetlRC
sin |ot +¢ + tan-1 1
Z =
1 Transient current;
R-L particular oC) OCR
circuit of Articleintegral
3.7.J i,(t) has been i(t) = Ke RC = Ke
10 × 200 x10 Ko 500¢

obtained in a similar wav as thecas

has been done for
Cícuits and SyslullS

Circuit Analvsis by Classical Method 43

Steady stalecurrent: On differentlatng, we get

OCR +)si )
0 =
300 0.672+ tan 314 x 200 × 10-0 x 10
-sin 314t + d'it), 2di (1)4i(t) = 0
dt d!
l+ 0.672+ 1.59)
= 13.96 sin(314 Characteristic equation is
Ke 0+l5.96 sin
(314t + 0.672 + 159)
Therefore, i) = i (t) + i,(0) = p² + 2p + 1= 0 or p + 1)²= 0
Since capacitor behaves
as a short-circuit at having the roots, p,y=-1
300 sin(314 x 2.14 >x 10%) = 18.67 A Thus, the general solution
.. i2.14 msec) 10 i(t) =(K, + K, ) e-t
Hence. we get At t = 0+
18.67 = K1)+ 15.96 sin (0.672 + 1.59) () i(0*) = i, (0) =2 = K e
K=18.67 12.29 = 6.38 Or K, =2
Therefore, the requir expression of current is given by
i(t) = 6.:; 5000 + 15.96 sin (314 t + 2.262)
After 1 msec the current becones
(ii) u,0') = ,0) =10- fi) dt =0
+ 10

i=6.38,-500 x 10 + 15.96 sin(314 x 10 + 2.262) = 3.87 + 8.55 = 12.491 gives, K, = 2

Hence, i(t) = (2 + 2i) el
o EXAMPLE 3.22 The switch in circuit of figure 3.25
has been closed for a very long time. It opens at t
=0. Find u,) for t> 0using differential eguation
12 0.5 mH So -fio d+10 =fa+9e't+10 =(1 +)--j 0
dt + 10

(U.P.T.U., 2001)
Solution: At steady state (with switch is cl0sed), IL 12V
inductor behaves as a short circuit while = (1+)(1-e') - fa-e) dt +10 = 1-te -et+t-{+e- 10
bahaves as a open circuit. (circuit capacitor 52 0

3.26(a). shown in figure =.l-te'-e+t-(t +e'- 1) +10

i,(0) Fig. 3.25. V,(t) = 12- 2 e-t- te-t
XAMPLE 3.23 Consider the network shown in figure 3.27. The switch is initially closed for a
relating i, (t) with v(t) and
=12 V 0.5 mH
ng time. The switch is opened at t = 0. Find differential equation (UP.T.U. 2002)
v,(0) lso evaluate imitial conditions.
12 V 2F
i(t) i, (t)
Therefore, Fig. 3.26 (a). i() 292 292
Fig. 3.26 (b). 202
1+5 *2A v(t) IF (t)
v(t) 1F
Now at t =0, u,0) = 2 x 5=
10 V lH
switch is open, then H

applying KVL (circuit is

l2 = 1 i(t)+0.5 ilt) shown in figure 3.26(b)
Fig. 3.28.
fin dr 10 Fig. 3.27.
aolution: When switch is initiallv closed for a long time, the capcitor behaves
as an open circuit
behaves a a short circuit. I.e.
2 = i(o +0.5 t) 1 nd the inductor behaves as an open circuit and the inductor
redrawn as shown in figure 3.2s.
(0)= and i, (0 )=3 .After switch is opened, the circuit is
wehave 45
44 outerloop., di,() Circuit Analysis by Classical Method
KVLin 1."
.Jphing +1i/(!)+ d!
it) From equations (i) and (ii). O+
)= 2 S2
di,() 3 = 3i,(t)+ 2i,(t) Yi,() Y L,()
-i,() dt ..(iii)
) = 4)
3y 12
+i;() At t=to i,(t,) = 1
= 2
But di, () , di, (t) Now, from equation (iii), Fig. 3.30.
dt d + iz (t) 3= 3.2+ 2 i,(to)
it)= 1
we have izll) =
=C du, (to)
(1) and (2), dt
dt C= = 0.15F
(t) =
dt d or

2 at t
DXAMPLE 3.26 In the circuit of figure 3.31 (a), the switch S is moved from position l to
c0 404;i(0+5i, (0) t = 0. (a)
= d :0, hayíng been in position 1for a long time before t 0. Capacitor C, is uncharged at
or dt
7indthe particular solution for i(t) for t>0. (b) Find the particular solution for v,(t) for t > 0.
at time t, after the switch Swas R
EXMPLE 3.24 In the circuit of figure 3.29, closed, it ist
(t,) and (to)
Ahat t,z+ 5V. We are required to determine the values of i, dt
Solution: Applying KCL, ’it)
i) =i(0) +i,l) ....i) 1S2 Fig. 3.31 (a). Fig. 3.31 (b).
A +
SIzolution: At position 1, steady state is reached. Therefore,
where i,(t) = 10 V
Now. applying KVL, vC, (0) = V,
(0) At t> 0, circuit is shown in figure 3.31(6).
10 = 1. i(t) + 2i,(t) ...(i) Applying KVL,
From equations (i) and (ii), we have Fig. 3.29.
10= it) + izt) +2i,(t)
izt) = 10-3i,(t)
t= dt
iz4o) = 10- 3 i,(t) = 2.5A Or V, =R, i)+(o
eq o
U,9) =1.,()+l di, (t)
t= to where Ceq C, +C2
Solution of above equation gives,
5 1di,(t)
=1(2.5) +,dt i(t) = Vo-RËCcq
di,dt(t) 5 AJsec Vo -tlR,Ca dt
EXAMPLE3.25 Inthe circuit of figure 3.30, it
t, is the
And v,t) =
time the the is
SoluWetion:have,Fromafterfigure switch Swas closed, given that v,t))=2 V, and
3.30, nsing
U(o-10Vsec, wl
V e Veg-e-tl RCe
KirchhofsDetermine the C,R, -1/ RCeg lo
it) = i,(t) +two
3= i,lt)
2i(t) + i,(t)
Laws, value of C (1-e RCoqy
U,(t) =
C+Cq -V%
switclh sSis in position 'u'

Values forgivenaloinngt.
the numer;
46 of figure 3.32 using ircut Analyais by (lassical Method 47
circuit v,()
3.27 Inthe 'a' to °b.Find is zerO. ution: From figure 33|
OEXAMPLE from inductor
switch is moved currentin 2H
0. th the initial i)-,()+,)
Ame that b Applying KVL.
position 'a 12
Solution: At U,() =R,i0 + t()
1H $,
pply1ng KCL. From cquations (). (i) and (ii), we have
Fig. 3.32.
l =0

On differentiating, we get Putting the element values, we have

du tt) 3, el=10i, () +
dt 20.
On differentiating, we have

(Since both the inductors behave as oner -et= l0 diË() + 30i,(7)

But at t=0. dt
di (t) + 3i,(t) =
This gives K= - dt 10
The solution of above differential equation is

EXAMPLES.28 The circuit of figure 3.33 reaches a steady state in position 2 and at 30
Awitch S is moved to position l. Find i(t). e e + Kei =
Solution: At position 2,steady state is reached. Therefore, 30 S2 20 2

i 0) =
10 + 2b Since at t=0*, i(t) =
U, (0) 1
20 =0.5 A 20V R,
Now switch is opened. Applying KVL 1 1
+ K
30 = 30i(t) +20i() 4l di(t) 10 V 10 20
2 dt 3
dilt) K=
d +100i(t) = 60 Fig. 3.33. 20
t) = + Ke-100t 1 3
100 i() = 20 e
Since at t =0*, And hence,
i(0*) =
0.5 = 0.6 + K or
Hence. ilt) = 0.6 0.1 e K=-0.1
-100t A
EXAMPLE 3.29. In the given
et for t20 Fig. 3.35.
and is zero forcircuit of figure 3
and C= uncharged,
all t
find v,ít). <0. If the
3.34, v, (t) =
= capacitor
Let R, is i(t) The plot of v., (t) is shown in figure 3.35.
these values 102, R,=202,
F, and for R.
U,(0*) = ! =0
determine values of v,. duyd du, sketch
de ànd u, v,(t). Also
di, (0') =|-e'+3e "
d at t= 0*. dt 2V/see
Fig. 3.34.
Circuit Analysis by Classical Method 49
48 =-8V/sec²
9e" .
dt0')=le'- 102 2.5 S2 5 S2
dt = 26V/sec3
d''(o)=l-e+2+e"0. 10 Q 20S2 5 S2

dr figure 3.36, the voltage 5V 102 ,(t)*

as shown
the circuit Theswitchis
closedlat t=0. (a) Solve for: source folloy
the curren 102 L(0e 2
i(t) <

wherea isa
= Ve , current when L Fig. 3.37 (a). Fig. 3.37 (b).
for the
QSolution: At steady state with the switch S is opened
(6) Solve
that a
applying KVL, 5
Solution:At t= 0*, di(t) i,(0) = (10 +20)||10 = 0,667A
Ve = Ri(t)+ Now at t= 0*, the switch S is closed. And using A - Ytransformation., the
circuit becomes as
Fig. 3.36.
shown in figure 3.37(6). Applying KVL in both the loops, we have
dilt)+, it) =TV -at 5 =2.5 i(t) + 15 [i(t) i,(C))
differentialequation is 1
Generalsolution of the above
i(t) = 3.5 -[1+3i,(t)]

di, (1)
And 15[i,(t) - i(t)]+ 5i, (t) + 2 dt =0

dt+ Ke
2 di,dt(t) + 20i, (t) = 15i) ...4ii)

R From equations (i) and (ii), we get

(a) When az,, from equation (i),
di, (t),25 ()=5
dt 7
i(t) = e-at + Ke
R- aL 15/7
Or i,(0) = 25/7 + Ke 7
Since i(0*) =0
At I=0*, i,(0") = i,(0)=0.667 Or K=0.067
R- aL i(t) = 0.6 + 0.067 e-3.57t A
EXAMPLE 3.32 A switch is closed at t = 0, connecting a battery of voltage Vwith aseries RC
ilt) =
A circuit. (a) Determine the ratio the energy delivered to the capacitor to the total energy supplied
by the sourece as a function of time. (b) show that this ratio approaches 0.50 as t
(b)When a=
,from equation (i), Solution: The charging voltage across the capacitor in a series RC circuit excited bv a voltage
Source Vis given as
R v,(t) = V(1 -e-lR)
ú) =e L e0 dt +Ke'V' .t+ Ke R
And current in the circuit is
i0*) =0 gives K= 0 ilt) =
-t/ RC

Hence, V
it) = Vt
(a) Now, thetotal energy supplied by the source is
a 3.31 In the W, = V.i).t = V. e

steady state. At t= 0,circuit of the

figure circu R R
the Sis
closed, Find3.37(a), the switch Sis open andthet>.
And the energry delivered to the capacitor is
the in the inductor for
current 1
W,. =4 (t) . v, ()
Circuit Analysis by ClassICal Methra 51

ution: Applying KVL,

1 2 R
V= Ril)+) t)
Zherelore. On differentiating equation (i) becomes.
W 0= R44),,d'ilt)
dt d'
circuit. hence
At t= 0*, inductor behaves as an open
i0*) =0
W 1
And from equation (i)
the switch Sis closed at t=0 di (o») =VL 100

EXAMPLE 3.33 In the

circuit of the figure 3.38, with the e, dt 1
= 100A/sec
at t = 0*, for element values as Now, from equation (ii),
tor uncharged. Find
values for i.
d follows::VV 10
.100 = - 1000 A/sec?
R= 1000Q and C= luF. Ldt 1
Solve for t.
Solution: Applving KVL, 3.40 has the switch S opened at t = 0.
AMPLE 3.35 The circuit shown in figure
...) 1002 and L= 1H. Also find the
expression for tl).
2 and de at t =0, if I= l amp, R=
Differentiaking and using element values Fig. 3.38 lution: Applying KCL,
1 )
di(t) lx10-6 u(t) ...()
0 = 1000 ...(iu)
dt R
I() Xt=0 R L*)
Differentiating and using numerical values gives
Again differentiating equation (ii) becomes, 1 dut) + v(t) ...(iü)
0=1000i(t) 1 di(t)
...(ü) 100 dt Fig. 3.40.
di' 1x10 dt On differentiating equation (ii)
A:!=0", capacitor behaves as a short circuit, hence the second voltage term of equatia 1 d'ut) dv(t) ...(iii)
ZEm. Therelore. from equation (i), 100 d² dt

100 inductor behaves as an open circuit. hence

i0") = =0.1 A
At t= 0,
1000 v(0*) = IR = 100,V
T: n equ tion (ü), And from equation (ii).

dt i(0*) C(0*) = - 100 v(0*) = - 10000 = - 10 V/sec

lx10-6 dt
Now, from equation (iii),
d d'v =106 V/see?
10001x 10-6 =-100 A/sec. J0) = -100(0)
And frorn equation (ii).
equation (i1) is
Now, the general solution of the
v(t) = Ke-100:

l1x10-6-100) =1 x 105 A/sec²

1000 But at t = 0*, v(0*) = 100gives K = 100
EXAMPLE 334 In the given circuit of vt) = 100 e-100r y
S is closed at t= 0 with zero
t=0with zero figure 3.39, S is closed at in figure 3.41 (a), the switch
3.36 In the circuit showvn current.
current in the inductor. Find R
apacitor voltage and zero inductor
Solve for
d'i the values of i, di and att= 0*
3 at t (a) U, and v,
=0*, if R= 10 2, L= 1H and
i(t) (6) U, and v, at t=oo
V= 100v
becomes, equation
) On Ly(0).=0 R,(0=
0)(0")= u,(As RC RC) duz dt
A/sec =-87.5
10 x ) 10
(500x 400 =
-0 - R{C
+ +40
Ry+ and
G(0) R,R,C,Ct,GR 10 =-[GR (o') dt
da V
cireuit). short behaves
aas capacitor
C, initially
Atl= L(o) dh(o)=
RR,CC, di²
dt dt
...(U) CR-C,R,- -C,R (0)_ di, Or
RC Therefore,
dt CRy
(1) di, +R R V dt
difhaveferentiatiwe On
dt dt = 0 dt R R
di,tt) dt
have we
equation in(iv) and equations
(ii) from and
(t) dtdi Ry () i,values
of Putting
the have equation
(ii), to (i)
=0dtit) equation from i(t) the
dt R, = dt R) +(R And
d40 valueofdt LPutting
...(i0) (0) di, (2),
1 di, and
| + 0 +L"14
(t) Roi dt R,
i(t). V= KVL,Applying ic)
..(i) (0) di, (2) dtdi
become, (ii) andequations
(i) differentiating On
R+ u,o)
R,i,() +(0)
=dt () i,R,) (R+
, V.R
...(2u) 0(=oo) v, Therefore.
+cJ) de R,i,(4) h())+ R,li,(t)- o,t= Cçrcuit
at (c). 3.41 Fig. 0*. =Circuit
t at (b). 3.41 Fig.
=0 And
Rylh()-i)) J)
+dt V, R
3.42. Fig.
have loops,
we the both inKVLapplying Now
106 x2 i,(0*)= R
A =500x
R 1000 shown as
(c). 3.41 figure in
Therefore, R,. aswell asacross
R, voltage the isV, ce
circuith short =p, (b)
circuit. short the behave
ascapacitors the both 0+, t= ition:
At anda inductor
will capacitor
(a). 3.41 Fig. circuit open as
anbehave U,(0*)
0= And
d l, for solve F,
0) (As
0+t= at d'i, and ,(0)
di, Thercforc, (b).
= andC uF10 =C,ML, =1 R,1000
V, V,= M9, 2 =R,
When 0.t=closed
at switch
is S the inductor and
open as
anbehaves Solution:
V, charged
to capacitor
is C, 3.42, figure shown
in circuit the In 3.37 MPLE ; shown
in circuit,
capacitor (u)
0, =t At
3.41 figure behaves
R,LC LRC du(0'the )= dt R,
L d C circuit short aas (d)
VR2 (0*)= Rz(0*)= d) 0*. t= at
dt (c)
53 dtand diy
Method Classical Analysis
by Cireuit t=
0 at diy
C,R, di,(t) 1 Circuit AnalvsiA by Classical Method 55
CR -C,R, + dt R,R,C,C, iz (t)
din) R,R,C;C2 At t= 0+

(0') =BGh0)= 166) =-83.000 A/sec
At t=0*,
70 10-6).
(500 x 10-6) = 14.06 × dt 20 x1 10 5
-(- 87.5x 400
10 (e) Again, from equation (i) with initial condition, we have

circuit shown in
figure 3.43, a
state is
L=1 1 Hand C= 1 reached
Alsed R2,
EXAMPLE 3.38 Inthe
time with the
2, R, =20 Q, uF. At i, (1) =: R + Ke L=5 + Ke -200
= 10 , R, = 20
R,integro-differential equations for the circuit
open with l'= 100 V,
is closed.
What is
voltage V, across Cbefore
the switch is
the stw=it0,eh , At t= 0*, i, (0*) = 3.33
(b) i, and i, at t = 0*. 3.33 = 5+ Kel or K= - 1.67
Solve for the initial values of
(c) i,(t) =5- 1.67 e -201
dË and di, at t = 0t, (e) What is the
for the initiaivalues of dt dt
ay(=167 -20) e -20 33.4 e 20
R dt
talue o AtI co,

Soiution: At steady state with switch S open,L and C behave

As t -’ o d(o)
dt =0
as he short and open circuit respectively. Hence, The circuit as shown in figure 3.44 has two indepedent node irg If the switci.
100 di
rig. 3.48. S is opened at t= 0. Find the following quantities at t = 0*: (a) U,, (6) U,. (c) ()
i(0)= R, +Ry 10+ 20
=3.33 A dt

Solution: At t= 0*, inductor and capacitor behave as

U, (0) =Ry i, (0) = R VR = 66.6V an open circuit and short circuit respectively. Hence,
+ R, u, (0*) = R, i(0+)
(a) Now, switch is closed at t = 0. V,(0*) =0 R
(Resistance R, is short circuited). Applying KVL, e At any time t,
V'= R, h(t) +1.4()
d with i,(0)=iH(0) =R +Rz Fig. 3. 1 .

and On differentiating, we have

V= R,h0)+jke)dt+ v,(0") dy (t) = R
h Voltage across dt dt
the capacitor (before the
VG switch is closed) is given as At t= *,
(oo At t =* =u(0)=v,(0") = 66.6 V
dy -(0+) (.:: v,(0*) =R,i0 and .(0) = 0)
iH0") =i(0) = R, +R 3.33 A And also at t= 0t, applying KCL,
And U,(0+) +cUg(0*)
(d) Fron
i,0*) =
equation (i),
V-u,(0*)100 -66.6
20 = 1:66 A
0 =
Ry dt

du,(0+) = 0

dh(o) =V- R,i(o*)

In the circuit of figure 3.45, the switch S is closed at t= 0. At t 0, all capacitor
voltages are inde ntified as ',,U.,,
voltages and inductor current are zero. Three node-to-datum
On diffei dt (0) = 100 dy at t = 0 (b) v, and d dis at t= 0*.
enia'ing equation (ü)20(3.33) = 33.3A/sec and u,. Find: (a) U, and dt dt
at t = 0 and (c) U and dt

0= R, di,
becomes, Solution: At t =0t, all capacitors behave as the short circuit.

dt (t) +
Circuit Analysis by Classical Method 57
U )=0 R
(0)=0 VR,
u(0*) =v(0)= R, +R, +R,
C MPLE 342
an /nitial voltage V= 10
In the circuit shown in figure 3.47, capacitor C has The
at inductorL is zero. switch K is closed at
as short circuit Sand at the same instant, current through
L using differential
CG behaves t=0. Find out the expression for the voltage v(t)across the inductor
Since capacitor ntion formulation.
(UP.TU.. 2003 C.0.)
= 0) Fig. 3.45.
U(0*) tion: Applying KVL,
diul0) =
dt R,C t=0 H
10 = 10V1F ult)

0) =0 (where i(t) be the current through the capacitor)

path i.e.,through C.)

Sincecureni flow through the least resistance Jn differentiating, Fig. 3.47.
0= it) du(t) ...1)
duy =0
Now, applying KCL,
sdt (o) =0
Since inductor L, behaves as an open circuit at t= 0*) i(t) =4 1/3
di, (0') = 0 t
XAMPLE 3.41 In the circuit of figure 3.46(a), a steady state is reached, and t=0, the swit
iO) =4u)+3fvo d
sopened. (a)Find the voltage across the switch, v, at t = 0*.
From equations (1) and (2), we have
0=4v() +3|u) dt + dt
On differentiating,
FC R, 4CUli)
+3v(t) +
B 0= dt dt
differential equation is
Fig. 3.46 (a). The general solution of the above ...(3)
Solution: At seady state with Fig. 3.46 (b). v) =K,et+ K, e t ...(4)
figure 3.46b). Sis closed all the v(0) = 10 = K, + K,
capacitors behaves the open circuit as sho But at t= 0*,
Applving KVL, we have
i,(0) =3|v0)dt =0 circuit at t= 0*)
(Since inductor behaves as an open
Therefore. the steady stateR+voltages
R,+ R,
across the OY

VR, capacitors are given a ...(5)

R+R, +R, K, = 3

From equations (4) and (5), ...(6)

U,=V- IR= R,VR,+R,+R,+)Ry K, =-5, K, =15
Now, from equation (3)and (6), we
Now, when Sis V,n=IR VR, v(t) = -5et+ 15 e
open at R+R, +R,
t= 0,
voltage across
cquation relating v() and i(t) in the

EAAii E343

M lH
netwoTk show(UP
Circuit Analysis by Classical Method

d i;(0)
i, () = L.y Asinaot
S12 with ip(0) =iL,(0) +ig(0) =1, + I,
93 IF v) General solution of the above differential equation
where L
L. L
Asinot dt+K , L+L
plt) = e
Fig. 3.48 (a).
Fig. 3.48 (b).

the current in 1H.

Solution: Let i,() be
sinot eu dt + Ke ru
N, Lo
Applsing KCL at node
I = sinot e dt
R_, R

Applying KVL in the loop PMNO, R (-cost) R

R(-cos wt) dt =
cos 0t cos wt dt
0= -1.[it) -i()]+1.+u()
= e
dt Leg (1)

i() - i()+ d,() +u(t) = 0 cOs ot R
R sin ot
ey R sin bt
dt ()
From equations (i) and (i),
Ut) dut) -i(t)+ dult) 2 R,
to(t)= 0 eon cos wt R R sin wt dt
2 dt dt 2 dt eg sin ot

plt)3 2 duue)
R, R
cos 0t R ,Loy sin ot
EXAMPLE 3.44 Consider the circuit shown in figure 3.49, Assume that iz (0)=I, an e

I,. Formulate this problem in the form
equation with initial conditions. Find outofip(t)
for t 0 R
by solving the above R LR
differential equation.
Solution: From the figure e cos 0t Retea sin ot
3.49, Hence, R2
igt) = i(t) +ig() Asin ot o 1+ Leg 92 1+
Asinud =
Ript) +L di,,dt (e) ...(2) A cos wt A R sin ot + Ke ry
Fig. 3.49. Therefore, 'p)= o²L + R²
dt di,,(t), ..(3)

integrating equation (3), we get

Frpm equationsLiz(t) =L,igt) At t= 0*;
(1l) and (4), iR(0*) = i(0) = I, + 1,
A + K
Or 1, + 1,= R'
L 'Ll) 272

Now, from
equations (2) and L(5), Or K = I, + 1, t R²
Asinat =R
id) +y d
L+ L iFdt(t)

Circuit Analysis by ClassicalMethod 61


Acos@t +
+ +I2 + 1ks2 2k2
iplt)= - R' oleg 1+ R' 3.1. In the given circuit shown in figure P.3.1, the switch S is
oLpg changed from position a to position b at time t= 0. Find out
dilt) d'i) ) 200V 0.luF g1H
an expression for current i(). and at t = 0.
dt d²
with Log L+le 3.2. A de voltage of 100Vis applied in the adjoining circuit (fig Fig. P.3.1.
ure P.3.2) and the switch S is open. The switch S is closed
voltage, V() and current ip(t) for t20for the at t= 0. Find the complete expression for the current.
EXAMPLE 345 Calculate the S was closed for a long time before circuitattzsho
figure 3.50. Assume that
being opened l=0

Solution: At steady state with switch S 20kQ 10k2

v, (0)=1V
when switch is opened at t= 0, applying KVL, go.1H CV= 10V R ult)

22 IP
1=2i) + Fig, P.3.2. Fig. P.3.3.
C is 1 F Capacitor C
On differentiating, wè get 3.3. Figure P.3.3 represents a parallel RLCcircuit where R= 0.1S2, L = 0.5 H and S is closed at t = 0.
Fig. 3.50. has an initial voltage of 10 V (polarity being shown in the figure). The switch

dt -+iplt) = 0 Obtain v(t).

value of inductance
Its solution is 3.4. The step voltage applied to a series R-L circuit is 36 Vwith R= 152. Determine the
Lrequired to make the current of 1.0A at 250 u sec. assume the initial current is zero.
3.5. For the initially related circuit shown in figure P.3.5, the switch is closed at t= 0 and then open at
= 1sec. Determine the voltage across the capacitor at t= 2 sec.
At t=
i0)=;=K t=0

Therelore, ipl) =;e

1092 R

1092 0.1F

Fig. P.3.5. Fig. P.3.6.

or 3.6. The switch in the circuit of figure P.3.6, is opened at t=0. Determine the current i and its derivative
,() =-e at t= 0+ du
3.7. In the circuit of figure P.3.7, the switch is moved from position 1to 2 at t =0. Determine . dt and

at l= 0*.
31 What
3.2. Define areall the iutial
3.3. Fnd the he types fconditions! Explain the procedure to evaluate the
34. Find
responses.of (a)
transent reatn% initial conditions. 10V

transentbC renpaones of (a)8eres R-L (b) series R-C
circuits having 8inusojdal excital"

exitation weries R-L-C, (b) parallelcircuits having (a)series Fig. P.3.7. Fig. P.3.8.
R-L-C, (c) series R-L,
capacitor of the
uncharged calculato*L
acrOssthe 63
voltage =2eV.Also Circuit Analysis by Classical Method
Fnd 8,ifut)
igureP.3.2 resistor. t=0
onutofthroughthe figure P.3.9 carries
a L=104) 3H o The switch has been closed for a long time as shown
in figure P.3.17. The switch is opened at t = 0.
i,(0.4 sec).
inductorinthe circuit of t=0. Solve
is Determine the values of (a) i, (0), (b) i,(0 ), (c) i,(0*), (d) i,(0"), (e)
43-H Theswitch
current. t=0 75 S2
100 S2
P.3.2,isin the
stteeady state with
t=0. Find
Fig P39,
ciruitoffgure switch is opened at 10 mF
310. The Sclosed. The 34 V 0.8 i,
theswitch current. 20 S2 25 2
expressionfor the P.3.11, the initial voltage on
the figure .
the circuit of (O) = V, and u,(0) = C
3.11. In
C, is V, such that v, i()
Cisk. andon switch S is closed. (a)
Find Fig. P.3.17.
. Attime t= 0, the Show that v,(oo)= v,o).
(bi Find u,(0. (c) Find v,(t),(d)
V,=2V and V, = 1V. Fig. P.3.11.
Given. R=192. C, =1F. C,=;, 133.2 A/sec, - 400 × 10 A/sec)
figure P.3.12. (66.6 mA,
shown in
312 Find i, for the circuit
-200 mA; where t in msec.
82 t=0.5 sec
602 40 10.21e-9.796t _ 0.21e-0.204t
(6.957 H)
18V) 10 U) VO) 0.05F
10 mH
i(o*) = R, A

di 0)=
d, VR Alsec
Fig. P.3.12. Fig. P.3.13.
313. Find the value of , at t = 0.4 and 0.8 sec i(0*) = 10-4 A
for the circuit shown in
314 For the circuit shown in figure P.3.13. di
0.2 msec. figure P.3.14, find the values of i, and U, at t equal to (a) 0, (b) 0 , (0) =- 100 A/sec

50 mH 2002 d²i
dt (0*) = -108 A/sec
2Cin a) U,
Yi U,(t) =2(e-e)
100 9
100 9 100 U)V) 0.1H i(t) = (e -et) A
i() = 10e-24 A
Fig. P.3.14.
3.15. For the
circuit shown in Fig, P.3.15. 0. i) = 5e-300: mA; where t in msec.
316. Assume that figure
Find u(t) for allthe tcircuit shown inP.3.15. calculate (a) izt), (6) i (0). 5
after the switeh figure P.3.16 has been in the form shown for a
52 opens. 2. i,(t)=0.1 + (0.1
6.32 and 15.66 V
0.le 9000t) U(t) A

4Q t=0
3.4. 4. (a) 0, 0; (b) 0, 200; (c) 1,100; (d) 0.55, 144.9
5. (a) 20(1 - e-40/) U)A; (b) (10 8e 10') U) A
10 2 6. v(t) = 20e-2.5 x 10°%V
40V 7. (a) 0.29 A: (b) 0.2 A: (c) 0.05 A; (d) 0.277 A; (e) 0.0333 A

Fig. P.3.16.

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