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Modified 2014-15

Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit


Energy consumption all over the world is increasing rapidly and there
is pressing need to develop ways to conserve energy for future generation. The
conventional refrigeration system consumes very large amount of power.( about
1.5 KW). Also for cooling, Evaporative coolers are the better option. The cost
of Evaporative coolers is low and also it consumes less power than that of AC.
The main drawback of Evaporative cooler is that the air supplies by it has very
large amount of Humidity. Due to which when an individual sits in the air of
evaporative coolers , he fills stickiness on his body which is not comfortable
condition. So this project work invoves the manufacturing and design of the
split unit which will not increase the humidity of air. It will maintain the room at
comfort conditions by recirculating the air in the room through Split Unit.



The evaporative cooler was the subject of numerous U.S. patents in the twentieth
century; many of these, starting in 1906, suggested or assumed the use of excelsior (wood
wool) pads as the elements to bring a large volume of water in contact with moving air to
allow evaporation to occur. A typical design, as shown in a 1945 patent, includes a water
reservoir (usually with level controlled by a float valve), a pump to circulate water over the
Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

excelsior pads and a squirrel-cage fan to draw air through the pads and into the house. This
design and this material remain dominant in evaporative coolers in the American Southwest,
where they are also used to increase humidity.

Energy consumption all over the world is increasing rapidly and there is a pressing need to
develop ways to conserve energy for future generations. Researchers are forced to look for
renewable sources of energy and ways to use available sources of energy in a more efficient
way. Conventional refrigeration based vapour compression air conditioning systems consume
a large portion of electrical energy produced mostly by fossil fuel. India’s energy demands
are expected to be more than double by 2030, and there is a pressing need to develop ways to
conserve energy for future generations. This implies that we have to look for renewable
sources of energy and use available sources of energy in a more efficient way. Thus energy
consumption can be reduced drastically by using energy efficient appliances.
In India, the Union ministry of power's research pointed out that about 20-25% of the
total electricity utilized in government buildings in India is wasted due to unproductive
design, resulting in an annual energy related financial loss of about Rs 1.5 billion.
Conventional heating ventilation and air conditioning systems consume approximately 50%
of the building energy. Conventional refrigeration based vapour compression air conditioning
systems consume a large portion of electrical energy produced mostly by fossil fuel. This
type of air conditioning is therefore neither eco- friendly nor sustainable.


Evaporative cooling is a physical phenomenon in which evaporation of a liquid,
typically into surrounding air, cools an object or a liquid in contact with it. Latent heat, the
amount of heat that is needed to evaporate the liquid, is drawn from the air. When considering
water evaporating into air, the wet-bulb temperature, as compared to the air's dry-bulb
temperature, is a measure of the potential for evaporative cooling. The greater the difference
between the two temperatures, the greater the evaporative cooling effect. When the
temperatures are the same, no net evaporation of water in air occurs, thus there is no cooling

Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

A simple example of natural evaporative cooling is perspiration, or sweat, which the

body secretes in order to cool itself. The amount of heat transfer depends on the evaporation
rate, however for each kilogram of water vaporized 2257 kJ of energy are transferred. The
evaporation rate in turn depends on the humidity of the air and its temperature, which is why
one's sweat accumulates more on hot, humid days: the perspiration cannot evaporate.

Figure 1.1 Basic process of evaporative cooling

Evaporative cooling is not the same principle as that used by Vapour-compression

refrigeration units, although that process also requires evaporation (although the evaporation
is contained within the system). In a vapour-compression cycle, after the refrigerant
evaporates inside the evaporator coils, the refrigerant gas is compressed and cooled, causing
it to return to its liquid state. In contrast evaporative coolers water is only evaporated once.
In a space-cooling unit the evaporated water is introduced into the space along with the now-
cooled air; in an evaporative tower the evaporated water is carried off in the airflow. Key
evaporative cooling performance descriptors include saturation effectiveness and unit
efficiency. Effectiveness is defined as:

.... eq 1

= Effectiveness (%)
tdb = Outdoor dry bulb temperature
Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

twb = Outdoor wet bulb temperature

ts = Supply dry bulb temperature
In contrast to vapour compression air conditioners, which generally dehumidify
indoor air, evaporative coolers add moisture to the supply air stream.


The evaporative cooling is done in various stages is mentioned as follows:
Single Stage Systems
Single-stage (direct) evaporative coolers generally combine a blower, a pump, an
absorbent evaporative pad, and other components in a metal, fiberglass, or polymer cabinet
that has an air intake and a supply air outlet. Water is circulated by the pump from a sump in
the bottom of the cabinet over the evaporative pad, and the blower draws in outside air,
passing it through the moist pad and into the building to be cooled. Water lost through
evaporation is replaced by the operation of a float valve (or a solenoid valve and float switch)
that feeds in fresh water from a water supply. The direct evaporative cooling process is
illustrated in Figure 1(Direct (single-stage) Evaporative Cooler Airflow Path). Some single
stage coolers do not use a pump but rotate the evaporative pads through a water bath. Rarely,
a cooling pad is not used and the air is passed through a water spray.

Figure 1.2 Direct (single-stage) Evaporative Cooler Airflow Path

There are other variations on this theme, but the principal of operation is the same.
Because the continuous evaporation of water concentrates minerals in the sump water, some
method of removing the minerals must be used. This is typically accomplished by either
bleeding off a small percentage of the water that leaves the pump to a drain, or by
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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

periodically completely emptying the sump using a separate pump or electrically operated
drain valve.
Two-Stage Systems
Indirect/Direct (two-stage) evaporative cooler designs add an indirect cooling stage
upstream of the direct stage. The indirect stage, most commonly a plastic plate air-to-air heat
exchanger, cools the outdoor air evaporatively, but without adding moisture ( Figure 2
Indirect- Direct(Two-Stage) Evaporative Cooler Airflow Paths). The downstream direct stage
further cools the air, in some cases to a temperature below the outdoor wetbulb temperature,
resulting in an overall effectiveness greater than 100%. Two stage systems deliver cooler and
drier supply air than can be achieved with a single-stage cooler, but at the expense of some
added fan and pump energy. Indirect-only evaporative coolers are sometimes used to pre-cool
make-up air for larger commercial buildings, but are not addressed by this proposed standard.
There are currently two, two-stage products on the market. Performance of two-stage systems
can be characterized either by their indirect and direct effectiveness or by an overall
evaporative effectiveness for the two stages. Overall effectiveness can be used to compare
single and two-stage systems and is a preferred metric for standards purposes.

Figure 1.3 Indirect- Direct(Two-Stage) Evaporative Cooler Airflow Paths

Several manufacturers offer portable or spot coolers that are designed to deliver cool
air directly on the work area. These do not connect to an outside air supply and therefore are

Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

not appropriate for general building cooling since they would eventually add moisture until
indoor air reaches saturation. The proposed standard would not apply to these products.

Evaporative Media
Cooler effectiveness depends largely on the capability of the evaporative pads or
“media” to provide a high wetted surface area and minimal airflow resistance. Many
materials have been used for media, including natural and synthetic fabrics.

Type Media
Synthetic Expanded paper, and woven plastic.
Natural wood excelsiors; rigid cellulose media; aspen pads
Matellic copper, bronze or galvanized screening; vermiculite,

Prior to the advent of rigid cellulose media, “aspen pads” were the standard for
production coolers. This material is made from aspen wood excelsior from young trees grown
at altitudes above about 10,000 feet to avoid a fungus commonly found at lower altitudes.
Aspen pads generally cool supply air to lower temperatures than competing materials, but
have a short service life due to sagging, clogging and decay. A woven, expanded paper
product has gained popularity as a replacement for aspen wood pads in many markets. This
media has a longer useful life than aspen wood, but does not cool air as effectively.
Developed in the 1960’s, rigid media proved to be a landmark breakthrough due to its high
performance and comparative durability. This cellulose or fiberglass content material is
bonded in a cross-fluted design that induces turbulent mixing of air and water for improved
heat and moisture transfer and self-cleaning. First introduced in large commercial and
industrial applications, in recent years the material has been adopted by leading cooler
manufacturers for use in premium quality products.

Evaporative coolers are used in residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial
Applications where higher indoor humidity is acceptable and low operating cost is important.
They can provide comfort equivalent to vapour compression cooling systems in dry climates,

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

but during periods of hot, humid weather they may produce indoor conditions that are outside
the ASHRAE “comfort zone” shown in Figure 3 and described (8).

Figure 1.4 ASHRAE comfort zone chart

Common mounting locations for single-stage units include walls, roofs, windows, and
ground equipment pads. They will not function properly if the building is not supplied with a
means of relieving indoor air to the outside. The preferred method of relief is to install
barometric dampers in the ceiling or walls. Open windows or doors are frequently used for
relief with low cost wall/window-mounted systems, and agricultural/industrial systems.
Ceiling-mounted relief dampers in houses with attics have the advantage of cooling the attic
as well as the house, reducing ceiling heat gain.
Manufacturers generally tend to oversimplify sizing methods by specifying airflow
Rate that corresponds to a particular location or design wet bulb temperature. More accurate
techniques calculate building cooling load exclusive of latent and infiltration loads, and
specify a system that will deliver a sufficient volume of air to meet the design load based on
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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

the corresponding design supply air temperature and the desired indoor air temperature. The
supply air temperature is calculated from the system effectiveness and the design wet bulb
temperature as indicated in Equation 1. Latent cooling load can be ignored because all air is
exhausted; infiltration load can be ignored because the evaporative cooler pressurizes the
building. Evaporative coolers are typically controlled using manual switches, timers, and
thermostats. Their low operating cost and relatively low cooling capacity favor the use of low
cost controls rather than the setback thermostats used with vapor compression cooling
systems. Some evaporative coolers have two fan speeds or fully variable fan speed control,
allowing the user to control the temperature to some extent via the supply airflow, making the
capacity of these units variable.
Some of the important applications of Evaporative cooling are explained as under:
Two common applications of evaporative cooling are:
1) To improve the environment for people, animals or processes, without attempting
to Control ambient temperature or humidity.
2 To improve ambient condition in a space.
1) Using re circulated water without prior treatment of the air.
2) Pre-heating the air and treating it with re-circulated water
3) Using heated water
Evaporative coolers are also used to cool and dehumidify air. Heat and moisture are
removed from the air. For this, the temperature of water be lower than DPT of the Entering
Evaporative coolers of all types perform some air cleaning. The dust removal
efficiency of evaporative coolers depends largely on size and density of dust. They are
ineffective in removing smoke.
In most industrial plants and in all confined spaces, makeup air is required to replace
the large volumes of air that must be exhausted to provide the required conditions for

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

personal comfort, safety, process operations and to maintain high indoor air quality.
Evaporative cooling is useful for that.
In dry climate, evaporative cooling is effective with lower velocities that are required
in humid climates. This makes it suitable for use in applications where low air velocity is
a) In a factory having a larger internal heat load, it is difficult to approach outdoor
conditions during the summer without using an extremely large quantity of outside air.
Evaporative cooling can alleviate this heat load problems and contribute to worker efficiency.
b) Area Cooling: Evaporative cooling of industrial buildings may be accomplished on
an area basis or by spot cooling.
c) Spot Cooling: Spot Cooling yields to more efficient use of equipment when the
personnel are relatively stationery. It is applicable in hot areas where individual cooling is
needed such as chemical plants, pig and ingot casting, die casting shops, glass forming
machines etc.
d) Laundry: One of the most difficult or severest applications of evaporative cooling
is laundries, since heat is also produced by the processing equipment. A properly designed
evaporative cooling system reduced the temperature in a laundry from 30 C to 60 C below
outside temperature.
e) Cooling of large motors: The rating of electrical generators and motors is generally
based on a maximum ambient temperature of 400 C. For a temperature higher than this,
excessive temperature will develop in the electrical windings unless the load is reduced. An
air supplied to the motor/generator is through evaporative cooler, they are operated safely
without load reduction.
f) Gas turbine operation: gas turbines require a large quantity of clean cool air
(generally 360-40 kg /kW hr).Evaporative cooling is useful in serving this purpose.
g) Process cooling: In the tobacco, textile, spray coating and other Industries where
manufacturing requires accurate humidities, comfort cooling is also obtainable by
evaporative coolers. High relative humidities are required in cigar plants, textile etc. and
evaporative cooling will provide the solution.

Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

h) Mine cooling: in mine evaporative cooling with mechanical refrigeration is used to

produce desirable conditions.
i) Fruit and Vegetables: Evaporative cooling as it is applied to fruits and vegetables is
to provide an effective yet inexpensive means of improving common storage. Evaporative
cooling is used as a supplement to refrigeration in the storage. Evaporative cooling can be
used effectively to store Potatoes, Apples, Oranges, Lemons etc.



1) Its initial and running cost is low.
2) Unlike air conditioners, air coolers do not require refrigerants and hence
3) It is comparatively less bulky.
4) Its maintenance cost is low.
5) No separate electrical connections are required for installing an air cooler. It can
work at normal voltage and frequency.
6) Power consumption is low.
7) Danger of leakage of toxic refrigerant is not present.
8) The expensive insulation for the walls, ceiling etc. is not required.
9) Desert coolers can be conventionally placed in open space such as corridors,
balcony, verandahs, etc.
10) Tightness of doors and windows are not required while using desert coolers.

1) Humidity control is not possible.
2) It cannot be used effectively in regions with high humidity.
3) It may not be suitable for people suffering from Arthritis, Bronchitis, Asthma, etc.

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

4) After regular intervals, the cooling pads have to be changed and the tank has to be
5) The parts coming in contact with humid air may corrode. Though the disadvantages
cannot be neglected, but the advantages overcome
these disadvantages and make them so popular now-a-days.



Less expensive to install

 Estimated cost for installation is about half that of central refrigerated air conditioning.

Less expensive to operate

 Estimated cost of operation is 1/4 that of refrigerated air.

 Power consumption is limited to the fan and water pump
vs. compressors, pumps and blowers.

Ease of Maintenance

 The only two mechanical parts in most basic evaporative coolers are the fan motor and
the water pump, both of which can be repaired at low cost and often by a mechanically
inclined homeowner.
Ventilation air
 The constant and high volumetric flow rate of air through the building reduces the age-of-
air in the building dramatically.
 Evaporative cooling increases humidity, which, in dry climates, may improve the
breathability of the air.
 The pad itself acts as a rather effective air filter when properly maintained; it is capable of
removing a variety of contaminants in air, including urban ozone caused by pollution,

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

regardless of very dry weather. Refrigeration-based cooling systems lose this ability
whenever there is not enough humidity in the air to keep the evaporator wet while
providing a constant trickle of condensate that washes out dissolved impurities removed
from the air.


 High dewpoint (humidity) conditions decrease the cooling capability of the evaporative
 No dehumidification. Traditional air conditioners remove moisture from the air, except in
very dry locations where recirculation can lead to a buildup of humidity. Evaporative
cooling adds moisture, and in dry climates, dryness may improve thermal comfort at
higher temperatures.


 The air supplied by the evaporative cooler is typically 80–90% relative humidity; very
humid air reduces the evaporation rate of moisture from the skin, nose, lungs, and eyes.
 High humidity in air accelerates corrosion, particularly in the presence of dust. This can
considerably shorten the life of electronic and other equipment.

 High humidity in air may cause condensation. This can be a problem for some situations
(e.g., electrical equipment, computers, paper/books, old wood).


 Evaporative coolers require a constant supply of water to wet the pads.

 Water high in mineral content will leave mineral deposits on the pads and interior of the
cooler. Bleed-off and refill (purge pump) systems may reduce this problem.

 The water supply line may need protection against freeze bursting during off-season,
winter temperatures. The cooler itself needs to be drained too, as well as cleaned
periodically and the pads replaced.


Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

 Odours and other outdoor contaminants may be blown into the building unless sufficient
filtering is in place.
 Asthma patients may need to avoid poorly maintained evaporatively cooled

 A sacrificial anode may be required to prevent excessive evaporative cooler corrosion.

 Wood wool of dry cooler pads can catch fire even by small sparks.


 The evaporative cooler cools air by evaporative action, but the main drawback of
evaporative cooler is that it increases the humidity of incoming air. Humidity of air is net
content of water in dry air. This humidity causes stickiness on the body of individual
which makes him uncomfortable when anyone sits in the environment for long time; this
is the main problem of evaporative cooler. To overcome the problem people move to an
air conditioner, but the AC is very expensive and it consumes large amount of power
(about 1.5 KW). Thus it is not affordable to the common man.
 The goal of this project is to reduce to amount of humidity in the outlet air of
evaporative cooler so that the air will be comfortable to individuals who are in the
vicinity of the air. Also to supply the air in less cost so that common man can also afford
the cooler. This goal can be achieved by constructing a duct in which three heat
exchangers will be placed and water from evaporative cooler will be supplied to them
 and the air will be supplied through this duct to room. Thus the target of reducing
humidity of air will be achieved. This unit requires two fans, three pumps; with total
consumption of 130W thus the unit is affordable to common man.
 To achieve less power consumption of cooler we have done survey of less power
fans in various dealers of Jalgaon city and we have selected 18W fans. Then while
selection of heat exchangers we have selected 2 pass copper tube pipe heat exchangers
with dimension 12*10 inch.


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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit


After exploring all the possibilities in the areas in which the temperature level is as
high as that cannot be tolerated for survival of beings and Jalgaon coming under the highest
temperature zone in Maharashtra, we had come to the conclusion that our findings in making
evaporative cooler in split unit would certainly be helpful to the inhabitants of the area not
only for controlling the humidity level in the areas bound for accommodation but also for the
industries where this coolers can be utilized for the commercial purposes.

I hereby give the contextual references of the former scientist in the field who have
completed their research and find it a convenient reference which is attached herewith for
your kind perusal.


The following research views are considered for achieve our objective as follows:

T. Ravi Kiran , S.P.S. Rajput in (2014) paper they have focused on energy requirements of
the world and further added that Energy consumption all over the world is increasing rapidly
and there is a pressing need to develop ways to conserve energy for future generations.
Researchers are forced to look for renewable sources of energy and ways to use available
sources of energy in a more efficient way. Conventional refrigeration based vapour
compression air conditioning systems consume a large portion of electrical energy produced
mostly by fossil fuel. A novel dew point evaporative cooler (DPEC) can sensibly cool the
incoming air close to its dew point temperature. In this paper feasibility of DPEC system is
investigated for various Indian cities for office buildings during day time. Firstly the weather
data of different cities of India is used to find the suitability of dew point technology for
Indian buildings by estimating the cooling capacity of the cooling system for each city.
Secondly energy saving potential of the dew point cooling system w. r. t. to the conventional
compression based air conditioning system for different cities of India is estimated.

California Energy Commission, In this paper they have worked on increasing efficiency of
cooler. Davis Energy Group has developed a “Generation 3” indirect-direct evaporative
cooler (IDEC) with support from the California Energy Commission’s PIER program. The
unit combines advances in airflow configuration with manufacturing improvements to reduce
Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

costs and improve efficiency and reliability. Like earlier generations, the new IDEC uses a
highly efficient electronically commutated motor and electronic controls. The system
features the following improvements:
• A low pressure drop counterflow indirect heat exchanger that pre-cools secondary air
and is capable of effectiveness values greater than 70%.
• Advanced heat exchanger plates that are modular and manufactured cost-effectively
on an inline thermoformer.
• A leak-proof rotationally molded cabinet with integral top-mount blower and
underside water reservoir.
• A reliable, low-energy spray-less water distribution system.
Laboratory testing, supervised by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, demonstrates
that this new IDEC unit performs with total effectiveness ranging from 109% and 116%,
varying inversely with blower speed. The test unit outperformed both prior generations,
thereby exceeding project performance goals. Measured energy efficiency ratios (EER)
ranged from 40 to 136, again varying inversely with blower speed. Full year performance
simulations based on the test data indicate 89 to 95% IDEC annual energy savings

Chuck Kutscher (2013). This paper reports The use of conventional evaporative cooling has
rapidly declined in the United States despite the fact that it has high potential for energy
savings in dry climates. Evaporative systems are very competitive in terms of first cost and
provide significant reductions in operating energy use, as well as peak-load reduction
benefits. Significant market barriers, such as the cost of the prototype evaporative cooling
systems and consumer perceptions of evaporative coolers being unable to maintain comfort
conditions, still remain and can be addressed through improved systems integration,
including the following:

• Innovative components

• Better design of supply ducts and dampers

• Identification of best climates for full cooling season comfort control and potential limits
imposed by a rainy season

Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

• Development of utility partnerships to roll out evaporative cooling system design

parameters for production builders.

This report investigates the first of these approaches, exploring innovative components. The
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Building America research teams are investigating the use
of two promising new pieces of residential cooling equipment that employ evaporative
cooling as a part of their system design. The OASys unit shown in Figure 1, which is a
combination of direct and indirect evaporative cooling stages developed by Davis Energy
Group (DEG) and manufactured by Speakman CRS, is used to ultimately provide outside air
to the living space
Moien Farmahini Farahani, Ghassem Heidarinejad, Shahram Delfani In this paper, the
results of an investigation on a two-stage cooling system have been studied. This system
consists of a nocturnal radiative unit, a cooling coil, and an indirect evaporative cooler.
During the night in summer, requisite chilled water for a cooling coil unit is provided by
nocturnal radiative cooling and is stored in a storage tank. During the next day, the water in
the tank provides chilled water for the cooling coil unit and hot outdoor air passes through
two-stages: the cooling coil unit and an indirect evaporative cooler. Three sources provide
secondary air for the indirect evaporative cooler. The sources are outdoor air, the air leaving
from the cooling coil, and the air leaving from the indirect stage (regenerative). The
investigation has been conducted in weather conditions in the city Tehran. The results
obtained demonstrate that the first stage of the system increases the effectiveness of the
indirect evaporative cooler. Also, the regenerative model provides the best comfort
conditions. Therefore, this environmentally friendly and energy-efficient system can be
considered as an alternative to the mechanical vapor compression

ASHRAE no 3025 R.H. Turner This paper focuses on potential applications of evaporative
cooling (EC) and an associated survey of research requirements of EC as supplied in
residential and small commercial buildings. To prepare this work, the literature in the field
was reviewed and people active in the field were contacted. Sixteen recommendations are
presented and described in the paper including institutional issues, appropriate roles for EC
systems, necessary analysis and testing, proper applications, and hardware development

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

needs. These recommendations represent composite opinions from the literature review and
phone conversations as analyzed by the authors. There are potential applications for EC
systems and related research issues that are not fully understood by most government
agencies, utility companies, engineers, industries, decision makers, and the consuming public.
However, as energy costs rise there will be increasing demand for operationally inexpensive
cooling systems. Thus, information on the potential of EC systems could benefit these
parties.This paper focuses on residential and small commercial building applications of EC.
Most of the published technical work in the EC field has been done for large industrial and
commercial building applications, but in no way do these analyses, systems, and approaches
generally pertain to residential buildings. However, these papers and reports have been
collected and reviewed to assess available techniques and conditions under which they might
have residential applications. Due to economy of scale, the largesystems are often able to
employ expensive peripheral equipment and ductwork, which is not cost-effective in smaller
buildings. Also, commercial systems generally receive scheduled maintenance, in excess of
the norm for residential units. Thus the problems and solutions of residential EC systems
separate from large commercia 'systems are worthy of study. The intent of this paper is to
recommend what research is required to
- identify appropriate roles for residential EC systems,
- describe necessary analysis and testing,
- place applications into proper technical and economic perspective, and
- improve components, systems, hybrids, and applications

Rin Yun, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher , In this study the seasonal performance
of a residential air conditioning system having either a fin-and-tube condenser or a
microchannel condenser is experimentally investigated. Microchannel heat exchangers offer a
higher volumetric heat exchange capacity and a reduced refrigerant charge amount. However,
the operating characteristics and the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) of the
residential air conditioning system using a microchannel condenser have not been well
known. For this investigation, a commercially available 7 kW capacity residential air
conditioning system having a fin-and-tube condenser served as the base system. After testing
the base unit with the fin-and-tube condenser, the condenser was replaced by a microchannel
heat exchanger with the same face area under identical test conditions.The test results show

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

that the system with a microchannel heat exchanger has a reduced refrigerant charge amount
of 10%, the coefficient of performance increased by 6% to 10%, and the SEER increased by
7% as compared with those of the base system. Moreover, the condensing pressure of the
system is decreased by 100 kPa and the pressure drop across the condenser is decreased by
84%. The microchannel heat exchanger enhances the SEER of the residential air conditioning
system by providing better heat transfers at reduced pressure drops.
R. Rawangkul, J. Khedari, J. Hirunlabh and B.Zeghmati (8), In this Paper the
dehumidification process is important especially in hot and humid countries, such as Thailand
since it helps to improve quality and quantity of products which are used in agriculture and
industries. There are number of methods available to achieve this process, but among all
Desiccant method is quite beneficial for environment, since it is not involved with
fluorocarbons which may impact on ozone layer. In Thailand, the most commercial desiccant
materials such as Silica gel, Molecular sieves, Calcium chloride, Lithium chloride, etc. are
imported from China. Some Silica gel is produced in Thailand but is not adequate for local
requirement as well as for commercial point of view. In addition Calcium chloride and
Lithium chloride are toxic for human being. Therefore finding another alternative which is
cheaper and safer for environment to replace commercial desiccants, for applying in many
applications of dehumidification is extremely essential. Sustainable materials like agricultural
origin waste are receiving much interest worldwide to various reasons including economical,
political etc. The objective of this study is to develop a moisture adsorption isotherms model
of Coconut coir (Cocos nucifera) and to simulate long term performance of this material as
desiccant under Bangkok ambient conditions. Moisture adsorption isotherm of dried coconut
coir is determined by the static method. Isotherms are found to be of type V as per IUPAC
classification. Oswin equation is the best fitted equation for the experimental data for young
coir. The effect of Thailand environment condition for one year on temperature, relative
humidity and moisture content in the surface of coconut coir material was simulated using a
common software WUFI 2D program. Young coconut coir reveals that the average moisture
adsorption capacity is about 26% dry basis, the average air relative humidity and temperature
is about 73% and 28.6oC, respectively. The maximum moisture adsorption capacity is 37%
when air’s relative humidity is 80%.
The determination of moisture adsorption isotherms which is, very important for the
modelization of coconut coir performance and heat and mass transfer correlations were

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

developed. The experimental Analysis depicts that the adsorption isotherms of the coconut
coir are of the type V following the IUPAC classification. Isotherms of type V indicate porous
materials and weak interaction. Young coconut coir is found to have the high performance for
moisture adsorption. Coconut coir isotherm models were developped by using non-linear
regression techniques. Comparisons are made on the basis of statistical errors. Oswin’s
equation was the best fitted equation to the experimental data for young coir. In case of the
use of bed at ambient temperature application like a wall building component, the coconut
coir chip bed long-term performance was simulated using a common software WUFI 2D
program. Young coconut coir reveals that the average moisture adsorption capacity is about
26% dry basis at the average air relative humidity and temperature of about 73% and 28.6oC,
respectively. The maximum moisture adsorption capacity is 37% when air relative humidity
is 80%.

Hisham El-Dessouky, Hisham Ettouney, Ajeel Al-Zeefari (9) ,In this Paper An
experimental rig of two-stage evaporative cooling unit is constructed and tested in theKuwait
environment. The system is formed of an indirect evaporative cooling unit (IEC) followed by
a direct evaporative cooling unit (DEC). The system is operated during the summer season of
Kuwait with dry bulb temperatures higher than 45 ◦C. The system is operated as a function of
the packing thickness and water flow rate of the DEC unit. Other parameters include thewater
flowrate to the IEC unit and the mode for operating the IEC heat exchangers. Results show
that the efficiency of the IEC/DEC varies over a range of 90–120%. Similarly, the efficiency
of the IEC unit is varied over a range of 20–40%. The efficiency of the DEC unit varies over
a range of 63–93%. The data is used to correlate the Nusselt number for the air stream outside
the IEC heat exchange unit. Results showthat the Nusselt number varies over a range of 150–
450, which corresponds to a heat transfer coefficient of 0.1–0.4 kW/m2 K. These results are
consistent with literature data and should be of great value in designing of IEC units. In
summary, the results and analysis presented here indicate the attractiveness of the EC systems
for indoor air conditioning. High efficiency is obtained irrespective of the high intake air
temperature. It is highly recommended to continue research investigations in this area in
search for low energy consumption air conditioning units as thesewould contribute to a
cleaner environment andwould conserve the limited resources of fossil fuel.

Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

The performance of an experimental unit for indoor air conditioning is evaluated in

the hot and humid environment of Kuwait. The unit is composed of indirect and direct
evaporative cooling units. Measurements are made as a function of various operating and
design parameters, which includes number of heat exchangers in the IEC unit, flow direction
of water inside the IEC heat exchange units, flow rate of the air stream outside the heat
exchange units and across the DEC packing, thickness of the DEC packing, water flow rate
across the DEC packing. Measurements include the air temperature across the evaporative
cooling unit as well as the water flow rates in the IEC and DEC units. The system
performance is reported in terms of the temperature efficiency, which gives a measure for the
cooling degrees of the ambient air. Also, the Nusselt number of the air stream across the IEC
heat exchanger is correlated as a function of design and operating conditions. Results show
that the efficiency of the IEC/DEC varies over a range of 90–120%. This implies that the dry
bulb temperature of the outlet air is lower than the wet bulb temperature of the ambient (or
intake) air. Similarly, the efficiency of the IEC unit is varied over a range of 20–40%, which
is less than that of the DEC unit. The efficiency of the DEC unit varies over a range of 63–
93%. Such values are quite higher than those reported in literature for the stand-alone DEC
systems, which commonly vary over a range of 50–75%. This is because of the cooling effect
of the IEC unit. Also, it should be noted that the efficiency of the IEC is also lower than that
for those reported in literature, which commonly vary over a similar range for the stand-alone
DEC system. This is because results reported in literature are for an IEC system combined
with an external cooling tower. However, in the system studied here, water cooling is
accomplished by the DEC unit only.
The Nusselt number for the air stream varies over a range of 150–450, which
corresponds to a heat transfer coefficient of 0.1–0.4 kW/m2 K. These results are consistent
with literature data and should be of great value in designing of IEC
In summary, the results and analysis presented here indicate the attractiveness of the
EC systems for indoor air conditioning. High efficiency are obtained irrespective of the high
intake air temperature. It is highly recommended to continue research investigations in this
area in search for low energy consumption air conditioning units, as this would contribute
towards a cleaner environment and would conserve the limited resources of fossil fuel.


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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

The humidity in the air of evaporative cooler makes the cooling space uncomfortable.
This humidity makes evaporative cooler useless in humid regions. So to make the air of
evaporative cooler comfortable following two processes must be done on it

 Cooling and Humidification

Cooling it already does so important factor is dehumidification.

Split Cooling Unit

Split Cooling Unit consist of three heat exchangers. The temperature of water
of the Evaporative cooler decreases gradually after starting the cooler. This cooled
water is supplied to the Split Cooling Unit. When the air passes through the heat
exchanger, it losses its heat and cooled air of 25oC is supplied to the room without
increasing its humidity. This unit can be used in non coastal region.

CHAPTER 3: Selection of Evaporative Cooler and design of Split


3.1 Selection of Evaporative Cooler

The Cooler buyer finds it difficult to select the right cooler to suit his requirement
because of his inadequate knowledge about coolers. At present, the market is flooded with
different brands of coolers, each one promising something new with large difference in
prices. This further adds the confusion in the minds of buyer .Therefore the purchase is lastly
made on the outer finish and manufacturer’s recommendations. Except a few, most
manufacturers Themselves are not aware of the cooler technique and the coolers are
manufactured with thumb-rule occupied with minor changes.
The following points should be kept in mind by the purchaser.
1) He should select the proper size of the cooler depending on the room volume to be
cooled. The thumb rule is that the cooling capacity of the cooler should be equal to the room
volume. If the room size is 3m X 4m X 3m = 36 cubic m., then the fan capacity should be 36
cubic m. / min. This indicated one air change per minute. There must be cross ventilation
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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

whenever the cooler is fixed. The fixing of the cooler outside the window is best. One air
change per minutes is only with cross-ventilation, otherwise the cooler kept inside the room
will increase the humidity in the room after some time and will make the room more
2) The cooler fan and pump should be of correct specifications. Mostly substandard
Fan and pump are used for earning higher profits and even sold at lower price by the road
side manufacturers.
3) Check the internal fitting of cooler fan and pump. The fan blades should be
properly centered in the front panel opening and should be mounted flush with front panel –
for effective cooling.
4) Check the water spray system on the pads. The water droplets should fall on the
pads uniformly for proper wetting of pads. The water should not fall towards the inner
surface of the pad-as in this position, it is likely that the cooler fan will suck the water
droplets and will throw them with the air in the room and will spoil the carpet etc. The motor
of the cooler fan and pump may burn due to constant water spray.
5) The louvers (air inlets) openings should be maximum possible – to avoid
obstruction in sucking of air. This reduces the pressure loss and power consumption.
6) The body of the cooler should of proper size to match the air delivery of the cooler
fan . In smaller size body the air will be sucked at higher speed through the pads and will
have less time in contact with the water and will not be properly cooled. The higher air
delivery in smaller cooler body is therefore meaningless. The body of the air cooler should be
made of proper gauge of steel to avoid vibration and noise.
7) Check the proper earthing of the fan motor and pump motor before putting the
point avoids the shock.
3.2 Design of split cooling unit

The Split cooling unit consist of three heat exchangers equally spaced in which chilled water
is supplied from the Evaporative cooler by using a high pressure submersible water pump of
40W. A fan of 18 W is fitted between the first and second heat exchanger, as shown in figure.
One common rail is attached at the inlet of split unit which supplies the water to all three heat
exchanger at equal pressure while another common rail is attached at the outlet of heat
exchanger which collects the water from the heat exchanger and supplies to the water tank of
Evaporative cooler.
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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit


1) Internal diameter of the tube is 5mm(As per available in market)

2) Gap between heat exchanger is 13cm.

3) Ambient temperature is 42oC.

4) Water temperature at starting of unit is 32oC.

5) Conductivity of Copper is 386w/moC.

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit



To study the various parameters of split unit over the wide range of DBT, WBT & RH
for inside and outside conditions.


The cooling efficiency of evaporative air cooling is measured by the saturation

effectiveness or the evaporative saturation efficiency () (ASHRAE Standard, ANSI/ASHRAE

Standard 133–2001). It is determined primarily by the measured temperatures of the air
entering and exiting the rigid media using the following equation:

=100X (Td1-Td2/Td1-Twb) ….eq 1

Td1 =inlet dry-bulb temperature (C).
Td2 =outlet dry-bulb temperature (C).
Twb=thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature of the inlet air(C);
η =evaporative saturation efficiency (%).
The coefficient of performance of split unit and the evaporative cooler is given by
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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

COP= h1-h2/w
h1=heat of air at inlet
h2= heat of air at outlet
w= workdone

It should be noted that the above equations consider the water vapour and not the
water liquid. The solid media can be considered to simulate a heat exchanger. Consequently
the heat or mass transfer coefficient can be calculated with log mean temperature difference

T or density difference of water vapour v to proxy q and in me Equations (4) and (5) we
h=q /AsT ….eq 4
h = heat transfer coefficient (W /m2K)
As= total wetted surface area of rigid media (m2); and
T= the log mean temperature difference for a constant water temperature in the heat
exchanger, which is assumed to equal the wet-bulb temperature.


The new design is as shown in figure, it consist of following components
 The conventional evaporative cooler.
 A duct consisting of three heat exchangers and a fan to supply air.
 Two submersible pumps

The heat exchangers are supplied with the cooled water from the Evaporative cooler by using
high pressure submersible pump of 40W via flexible pipes. Outlet water from all heat
exchangers is connected to the common rail and it collected in the water tank of Evaporative
cooler. This water cools Evaporativaly in the Evaporative cooler.

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit


 Firstly the cooled water from water tank of Evaporative cooler is supplied to the heat
exchangers via common rail. The temperature of water at inlet is 24oC for all heat
 When air comes in contact with the heat exchangers, it losses its heat.
 Then cooled air is supplied to the room without increasing its humidity.
 The water at the outlet of heat exchangers is collected in the water tank of
Evaporative cooler.
 The temperatures of outlet water from the third heat exchanger 25.2 oC, 24.7oC from
the second heat exchanger and 24.2oC from first heat exchanger.
 This cooler recirculates the air from the room so its cooling effect will go on
increasing and it can maintain room temperature upto 25°c. Total power consumption
of the unit is just 130W.

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

Table 1: Temperature of air at various points of split Unit

Sr Time Temperature of air at various points of split Unit Troom Tamb

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 9.00am 29.1 29.3 29.3 29.5 29.5 29.5 29 29.5

2 10.00am 25.4 25.9 25.9 26.3 26.3 26.7 26.9 30

3 11.00am 25.3 25.6 25.6 26.1 26.1 27 26.4 31

4 12.00am 25.2 25.7 25.7 26.1 26.1 26.4 26.3 32.4

5 01.00pm 25.2 25.4 25.4 25.7 25.7 26.2 26.2 34

6 02.00pm 25.3 25.7 25.7 26.3 26.3 26.7 26.9 36

7 03.00pm 25.3 25.7 25.6 26.2 26.2 26.8 26.8 38

8 04.00pm 25.2 25.8 25.6 26.1 26.1 26.6 26.8 40.3

9 05.00pm 25.1 25.5 25.4 25.9 25.9 26.3 26.3 38.2

10 06.00pm 25.1 25.5 25.3 25.6 25.6 25.9 25.7 35.1

11 07.00pm 25 25.4 25.2 25.4 25.4 25.6 25.5 31.5

12 08.00pm 25 25.4 25.1 25.3 25.3 25.7 25.5 28

13 09.00pm 25 25.3 25.1 25.3 25.3 25.7 25.4 27.2

5.2 Calculation of heat rejected at particular time in all three heat exchangers

1.) For first heat exchanger

Td1= Inlet temperature of air = 25.8

Td2= outlet temperature of air=25.2

H1= enthalpy of air at inlet=51.5

H2= enthalpy of air at outlet=50

Heat rejected

Q= h1-h2

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit


=1.5 kj/kg

2.) For second heat exchanger

Td1=26.1, Td2=25.6


h2= 50

heat rejected

Q= 50.2-50

=0.2 Kj/kg

3.) For third HE

Td1=26.8, Td2= 26.6

h1=53.5 h2=52

heat rejected

Q= 53.5- 52

Q=1.5 kj/kg

The geometric arrangement of heat exchanger is as shown in fig. typically one fluid (air)
moves over the tubes in cross flow while other fluid(water) at relatively lower
temperature passes through tubes. The rows of tubes are staggered in direction of air flow.
The configuration of tubes is characterized by tube diameter D transverse pitch PL. The
flow condition across tube bank is dominated by boundry layer separation effect and by
wake interaction which influence convection heat transfer.


Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

There are two fans used in the modified system. One in split unit and the other in the
evaporative cooler .The function of the Fan in Desert Cooler is to provide air with sufficiently
high velocity to give desired air motion and effect to the human occupants.

Figure 5.1 Fan

Specification of Fan:
Exhaust Fan:-152.4 mm
1500 rpm, 1 phase, 4 pole
Electric type fan: - 220/240V, 50Hz, AC
Power- 18W

Submersible Pump :
The pump is used to circulate water through the pads of Desert.

Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

Figure 5.2 Pump

Specification of Pump:-
Power Consumption:-18W
Voltage:-AC 220V

Outlet Nozzle Size:-½”

Maximum Head:-1.5m (5 Ft.)

Maximum Flow: - 750 L/H

Tank is used to hold sufficient quantities of water to enable the pump to Circulate the
desired amount of cooling water. It is large enough to hold a good quantity of water. The
capacity of tank may range from 80 to 120 litres. The water being circulated after every cycle
falls back in to the tank and constant circulation is maintained. As the water goes on
evaporating slowly and slowly the water content in the tank goes on decreasing. Hence the
tank should be refilled with water after a definite quantity of time, which depends on the no.
of hours of cooler use. More is the use, quicker the tank gets empty. The tank is generally
made of galvanized sheet metal but it is not at all compulsory to use this kind. Even the
cement tanks can be used. A drain valve should be necessarily present in the tank so as to
facilitate the cleaning and maintenance operations.

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

Figure 5.3 Tank

The above figure 5.3 shows the actual picture of tank used in the cooler. The size for
the same is 68x60x18 cm3 and the capacity is about 80 litres.
The function of pads is to assists in the evaporation of water by capillary action and
thus provides the cooling effect. The pads are fixed in the body of Desert Cooler and exposed
to the atmosphere on the outer side, so that the air keeps on flowing through them. The pads
in use today are generally Aspen Wood Pad, which are easily available with the cooler
dealers. Generally three pads are used in the cooler. The pads under the action of dust and dirt
particles lose their efficiency with use; hence they should be replaced every year. They are
not very costly and cost around 50-100 rupees per pad, depending on the quality.


Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

Figure 5.4 Coconut Coir Pad

Outer Body:
The outer body can be made from different materials depending on the cost and
convenience. They can be either made of Wood or can be Fabricated from sheet metal. Now-
a-days the the Plastic body cooler are also widely manufactured by some companies due to
advantages like Low weight, corrosion free and easy maintenance.

Figure 5.5 Outer Body of Cooler

Their function is to carry the circulating water the pump and distribute the water
evenly above all the pads to produce uniform cooling. The pipes used now-a-days are of
plastic so as to avoid corrosion and long life. Holes are provided in the pipes above the pads,
so as to allow the water to fall over the pads from the holes. These holes should be regularly
checked to ensure a proper flow of water over the pads. If they get clotted under the action of
dust and dirt , they should be cleaned properly.
Also the other piping is used for circulating the coolant through split unit.
Front Cover:
The Front Cover present in front of the Fan serves a no. of purposes. Firstly, they give
a good and pleasing appearance to the cooler. Secondly, they act as a safety device, so as to
keep human organs away from the fan. The louvers present in the Cover are also used to
direct the flow in the desired direction.

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

5.3 Instrumentation

Measuring Apparatus: Thermometer,


A thermometer (from the Greek (thermo) meaning "warm" and meter, "to measure")
is a device that measures temperature or temperature gradient using a variety of different
principles. A thermometer has two important elements: the temperature sensor (e.g. the bulb
on a mercury thermometer) in which some physical change occurs with temperature, plus
some means of converting this physical change into a value (e.g. the scale on a mercury
thermometer). Thermometers increasingly use electronic means to provide a digital display or
input to a computer.

Figure 5.6 Thermometer

Energy Meter
An electricity meter or energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electric
energy consumed by a residence, business, or an electrically powered device.
Electricity meters are typically calibrated in billing units, the most common one being
the kilowatt hour [kWh]. Periodic readings of electricity meters establishes billing cycles and
energy used during a cycle.

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

The energymeter is used to measure the energy consumed by each device individually for a
specific time


The following procedures will be as follows:
a) The testing model (air - cooler) will be observed steady operation.
b) Three calibrated thermometers will be located at the positions shown in setup to
measure the temperatures
i. t1= Wet bulb temp. of moist air ,
ii. t2= temp. of supply air ,
iii. t = Dry bulb temp. of inlet air.
c) Similarly tw2 wet bulb temp. will be measured
d) The readings will be measured after every one hour
e) This procedure is repeated after every hour until 10 pm.
f) This experiment will be repeated for three cooling mediums, three Medias which are
available commercially.
g) Our objective is to tests the cooler on coconut coir under same experimental


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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

The below figures 5.8 & 5.9 shows the actual set up of evaporative (Desert) cooler
used for the testing purpose. All the components used in the assembly of cooler are discussed
in the previous point (5.2)

Figure 5.8 Assembly of Desert cooler used for testing

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

Figure 5.9 Set up of Desert Cooler used for testing

1.) Saturation Effectiveness

=100X (Td1-Td2/Td1-Twb)


Td1 = dry bulb temperature(C)= 42

Td2 = outlet temperature(C)= 25

Twb = thermodynamic wet bulb temperature= 17

 = saturation efficiency()

=100X (42-25/42-17)


2.) Heat transfer Co-efficient


h = heat transfer coefficient (W m-2K-1);
As = total wetted surface area of rigid media (m2); and

Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

T is usually taken to be the log mean temperature difference for a constant

water temperature in the heat exchanger, which is assumed to equal the wet-bulb
q = W/As

where, W= Power consumption in watt

q = Heat flux in watt/ m2

q =131/ 0.025908 = 50.56 w/ m2

h= q/As
h= 50.56/(0.025908 x (42-25))= 114.795
(W m-2K-1)

3.) From Psychometric chart,

Sr Dry Bulb Temp. Wet Bulb Temp. Enthalpy Relative Humidity

(0C) (0C) Kj/Kg %

1 42 35 105 50

2 25 17 50 50

4.) Coefficient of Performance

COP= Energy supplied/ Energy used

COP= ms. (h1 – h2)/ W


ms = Mass flow rate of air in Kg/sec

h1 = Initial Enthalpy of air in Kj/Kg

h2 = Final Enthalpy of air in Kj/Kg

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

W= Power consumption in watt

COP = 0.1666 x (105 –50)/ 131= 7

COP = 7


We have got the results as follows
 The Split unit able to maintain the temperature of upto 25°c so it reduces the
temperature of air by 17°c.
 The COP of the system is 7.
 The total power consumption of unit is 130 watt
 The does not increase the humidity of air


The experimental investigation above confirmed that split unit demonstrated

reasonable potential for use as a wetted media in evaporative cooling systems. Consequently,
it creates the possibility of new sustainable engineering systems where either cooling or
humidifying is required. As the unit maintain the temperature 25°c and it has low cost than
AC so it will be good replacement for AC..
For the future modifications, if the density of the split unit is reduced then we can
achieve better performance than that achieved. Also we can increase the thickness of the pad
to achieve good performance.

Modified 2014-15
Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit


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9) ASHRAE handbook – fundamentals. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
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10) Davis Energy Group. 1993. SMUD Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooler Monitoring
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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit

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Air cooler with Split Cooling Unit


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