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Multicultural and International Literature

What is Literature?
➢ Literature is the body of written works. It can be classified according to a variety of systems,
including language, national origin, historical period, genre, and subject matter.

Multicultural Literature
➢ Multicultural literature refers to literary works that explore and represent the experiences, perspectives,
and cultural identities of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups within a specific country.

International Literature
➢ International literature encompasses literary works that originate from and represent the voices of
different countries and regions across the globe.

Types of Multicultural Literature

• Ethnic Groups

1. African American Literature

➢ It is the literary works composed by the writers of African descent in the united states.
Example: “Dave, the Potter, Artist, Poet, Slave” by Laban Carrick Hill
– A story about a man named Dave who was really good at making pots. Even though he was treated
unfairly, he made beautiful pots and wrote special words on them.

2. Native American Literature

➢ It refers to literature written by and about native Americans and their heritage, traditions, and modern-
day experiences.
Example: “Thirteen Moons on Turtle’s Back” by Joseph Brucach
– A collection of Native American tales representing each lunar month, teaching indigenous cultures
and traditions.

3. Asian American Literature

➢ It is the diverse literary tradition that encompasses the works of writers of Asian descent living in the
united states.
Example: “A Single Shard” by Linda Sue Park
– A story about the relationships between immigrant mothers and their American-born daughters, with
the themes of cultural identity and family dynamics.

4. Latino Literature
➢ It refers to the literary works created by authors of Latin American descent or origin, including
individuals from countries in Latin America as well as those of Latino or Hispanic heritage living in
other parts of the world.
Example: “Esperanza Rising” by Pam Munoz Ryan
– A story about a girl named Esperanza who used to be rich but then had to work on a farm. It shows
how she deals with hard times and learns about family.

Types of International Literature

• Classic Literature
➢ This pertains to literary works that have withstood the test of time and continue to be influential across
Example: “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen
– It explores themes of love and social class in the 19th-century as they criticize personal prejudices
such as marriage to find true happiness.

• Contemporary Literature
➢ It is the current way of writing modern life that captures the experiences and addressing contemporary

Kinds of Contemporary Literature

1. Poetry
➢ A form of literary expression characterized by rhythm, rhyme and often, vivid imagery.
Example: “Fire and Ice” by Robert
– It explores the themes of desire, passion, and destruction.
2. Prose
➢ It is the ordinary form of written or spoken language, without metrical structure like poetry or the
heightened formality of drama.
Example: “Prose Poems” by Megan Pryor
– It has a sense of admiration and apology intertwined with vulnerability.

3. Drama
➢ A work of literature intended for performance, typically on stage.
Example: “Death of A Salesman” by Arthur Miller
– It represents principles of truthfulness, morality, and the preference for human relationships and
family over worldly possessions.

4. Fiction
➢ A literature that portrays imaginary characters, events, and settings.
Example: “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee
– It encourages virtues like compassion, standing up for what's right, and opposing bias and

5. Non - Fiction
➢ A factual writing that represents information, ideas, or accounts of real events.
Example: “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou
– In the face of injustice and misfortune, it reflects the virtues of bravery, resilience, and the strength
of self-expression and self-determination.

Three Main Functions of Multicultural and International Literature:

• They help create an awareness, understanding, and appreciation for the differences of others.
• They help children of color to view their culture in a positive light.
• They provide a vehicle for students to travel to different cultures and witness the rich story-telling
traditions these countries have to offer.

Values of Multicultural and International Literature:

• Educate children about the many rich cultures around the world
• Help children to appreciate the differences in each culture
• Help children to recognize our many similarities

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