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And while talking about their design perspective, they compare it with other countries and discuss why they do not have a
professional design perspective despite receiving a traditional university education. In addition, it emphasizes that in order to

create something new in modern society, you need a way to create your own new proactive value. This article covers topics
related to architecture and design. We discuss issues and development directions in the current design field through various

examples such as works, servers, and Bauhaus schools. It also mentions problems and ways to improve the current Korean
education system and design industry. In conclusion, the design field needs continuous research and improvement, and it
conveys the message that active interest and effort are needed for this. Users talk about human alienation and loneliness in
modern society, and how the fashion industry has developed. did. He also talked about why fashion centers such as the United
States and the United Kingdom have changed, why standards need to be created, and what is important when creating standards.
This contains the message that society must consider diversity in a balanced way and recognize reality. This user is talking about
competition and inadequacy felt in daily life, and through this, he is exploring the problems of modern society. Users talk about

historical events and personal experiences, such as American inflation, the Vietnam War, and hippie culture, and share their
thoughts on human values and environmental issues. Lastly, the importance of resistance to the circumstances of the times is
emphasized by introducing a singer named Bob Dylan. Lee Yong feels that he lacks a sense of challenge, and lists stories of his
disappointment with popular culture and mass production. He asks the question of why mass-produced everyday items are not

recognized as artistic, and points out problems that appear in our society through art. Yong Lee raises awareness of social issues
through artistic experimentation and creation, and demonstrates his will to overcome popular culture and mass production. It is
possible to travel abroad on your own and travel abroad. It is possible to enter the international market. It is open to foreigners.

Matters, things to be considered, open to the public, open to the public, open to the public, move to the

next door, open the door to the new business ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ I'm going to have a good time in Korea.

I'm going to have a good time. I'm going to have a good time. It is easy to change the information, it is easy to use, and it is easy

to use. It's easy to meet people's needs, it's easy to meet people's expectations, and it's possible to travel abroad.ÿBritish societyÿ

ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿTrustÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Japanese market production/ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿtransformation It's time to go back to history, and it's time for people to join together, and it's time to

move on.•ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMeaningÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿThe

company is working in the middle of the country. It is the first time to move to a foreign country. It is possible to move to a

company. Positive intention.

What if they were looking for something to present? Like a visual study, I gave them the materials and did a gallop together to

present it, but there were so many students. It would be difficult to make a presentation like that. If you don't know that there are
30 people, I'm going to replace it with a report. Companies are taking measures for midterm and final exams. What about
subjects? You have to capture the midterm exam yourself. For example, last week, last week, last week. I just gave an example,
but I remember talking about Gangnam Cafe. Me, right? Why are there so many educated people in our country? People who
graduated from good universities and great people can't wear it. People who designed it and graduated from graduate school like

themselves developed it every week and did a lot of research on Rex and other things, but is the life cycle that short? Usually, it
takes six to seven years. Then it becomes a business. This phenomenon is happening to Japanese people in Tokyo or London?
All the cafes and restaurants are made of aluminum and things like that are almost 60 years old. Why do we think that all modern
content contexts have a short lifespan and are durable? Short. About that? Write your thoughts and you will be able to write them. These thoughts
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What kind of stereotype is this? Ux is this. This is design management. Next, I'm not thinking about stereotypes.
Although the class is based on some history, in some ways it's a lot of history classes. Since it is not possible to talk
about certain issues in the times, I took a lot of interest myself. I prepared about seven or eight topics given to me. I
want people to make their own choices and get a report, but in some ways, that is okay. Even though it's an easy
story, how do you look at it? Because I haven't thought about it like that. I think it's difficult. That's why we talk about
it often in class. If you have any questions, you ask questions. Isn't it difficult? It's not difficult, but they I don't think
it's even production. Let's look at an example that Jeongmyeong, who was knowledgeable, talked about last time.
Do you remember this? People not in class? No. There is a plastic house in Gangnam, Korea. If such an advanced
architecture with carbon fiber is created, who will be the people living here? Those people who are leading Korea
and have a traditional class are in front of the picture. But? Obviously, it's the same with swimming, and it's the
same with the two people. When a new housing style or design comes out, it's clearly the same in this society as
there are people who use it and actually participate. But? What is the meaning of the main class now? Daegu
company presidents and people who need it are living in these houses. Looking at the other side, all the doubts
about doing business in Korea are gone. It has grown tremendously in a short period of time. 1153 This happened.
And if you look at it, it was 53 years ago, but 70 years later, it is the world's most densely built buildings. Why are all
Izumi in Korea when they can say that they have a tradition? ?Why did so many things happen to us all at once?
The answer to that may be something like this. Completely at the level of national identity. Next, survival itself is a
problem, so in order to make a living, we must unconditionally operate on the Western part. I do this because I have
to, and it seems like the same story, this is the story I've seen. It's been going on for 60, 70 years. But anyway, over
the past 70 years, we have grown very quickly and tried to develop, so we are now economically satisfied to a
certain extent. Then, in the next step, cultural power and design must also have their own identity to create some
proactive value. It's not training for. That's the big issue. Then, if you track it, it's an upside down, something like
that. You have to accumulate something again and reorganize it, but they also come to school and take classes and
do UX. Do ui. In that case, it seems like a very forward-thinking Korean, but in some ways, it has become an identity
for a new molecule. What new things are they building from their previous designs? So, what are they doing and
how are they doing? Is there anyone who can answer with confidence when asked? But if you look at the UK or
other so-called leading countries, even if it is just a graduate school, in order to be admitted, it is necessary to create
a product or proposal. Your What is an academic methodology? You have to use that. That's the entrance itself? But
we accepted that it might be an imitation in order to grow quickly in a short period of time, but we built our own
design and our own design perspective to a certain extent. Because it's not done. In a way, if you ask a question in
a slightly crooked way, then you can't answer. You know, we have a lot of experiences like that at the Graduate
School of International Studies, but we ask and talk to people like this a lot. If we say anything, we have our own
thoughts, but once we say something in the middle, we have nothing more to say. Isn't that right? Preparing for
heaven's candidate, creating value, and history as well, memorize the deets as they did, and through him, a person's
capabilities are improved. Because it was done that way, there was no conversation or thought, either by evaluating
the ability directly or by being excellent. You can talk a lot, but if you talk about one issue, for example. I will talk
about all the questions in the post next time, and I think it will probably be received with warm ears. I mainly solved
it in graduate school. But who said what is postmodernism? How many minutes can you talk? Just driving. Who can
talk for more than one hour? Can you talk continuously for 1 hour or 2 hours? I think that's probably called cramming
education. Of course, what's wrong with that? It's good to say that. Yes, there must have been a reason for that.
There will be two sides. By the way, do you want to talk about it in class? Since the perspective is different, it is a
memory of having to create something new in the same country as your role. New things are just creating something
that others do not do, and of course, I was at a creative age, but historically, my son In context, it looks like this.
There is something like a reporter's flow, but I think it will be difficult for us to create it if we don't provide general
commentary on those things. I remember talking about that in the first session last time. We are pioneers.
Technologically, our country has developed a lot. This is it. Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, if you go to the
US, it's Best Buy, or in our case, it's like H Mart, but if you go in the middle, there's a Samsung Electronics refrigerator
with a player. When you open the door, there's a bunch of poop inside, and you always see something like this. Everyone wants to live, but the

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