AWS CloudWatch Automation and monitoring-HMSAppointment Booking System Hosting On AWS EC2

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Automation and

Booking System
Hosting on AWS
Project Overview

The AWS CloudWatch Automation and monitoring-HMS Appointment Booking System is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline and enhance the process of
scheduling medical appointments. Deployed on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 Windows Server Instance, the system leverages a WAMP server for PHP execution and
MySQL database management. The architecture ensures scalability, security, and efficient communication between patients and healthcare providers.

Patients benefit from a user-friendly interface that enables easy registration, appointment booking, and management. The system incorporates a notification mechanism to
confirm appointments and provide timely reminders. Access to medical history and prescriptions enhances patient engagement and healthcare coordination.

For healthcare providers, the system offers secure access to upcoming appointments, allowing efficient confirmation, rescheduling, or cancellation. Doctors can seamlessly
manage patient medical records and prescriptions, fostering informed and personalized healthcare delivery.

The project utilizes a technology stack comprising PHP for server-side scripting, MySQL for database management, and standard web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) for
a responsive user interface. The deployment on AWS EC2, coupled with regular security audits and updates, ensures a robust and secure healthcare platform.

The database design includes tables for patients, doctors, appointments, and, if applicable, medical history and prescriptions. The system's flow encompasses user registration,
appointment selection, and confirmation for patients, while doctors manage appointments and access patient records.

Looking forward, future enhancements include the integration of telehealth features for video consultations and compatibility with health monitoring devices.
Additionally, the development of a mobile application for iOS and Android platforms aims to further improve user accessibility and experience.
Hosting Infrastructure
AWS EC2 Windows Server Instance
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive and widely adopted cloud computing platform
provided by It offers a vast array of on-demand services and resources that enable
businesses and individuals to build, deploy, and scale applications and infrastructure.
EC2 Overview
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

▪EC2 is a core service in Amazon Web Services (AWS) offering scalable virtual servers in the cloud.

▪It provides resizable compute capacity in the form of instances, allowing users to run applications and
host workloads.
WAMP Server
WAMP for PHP and MySQL Hosting
WAMP is a software stack that combines key technologies to enable the development and hosting of
dynamic web applications on a Windows operating system. The acronym "WAMP" stands for:

▪W: Windows - The operating system on which the stack is installed.

▪A: Apache - A widely-used open-source web server software.
▪M: MySQL - A popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS).
▪P: PHP - A server-side scripting language for web development.
Wamp Server


WAMP is specifically designed to run on Windows environments, providing a user-friendly platform for web development.


Apache HTTP Server, commonly known as Apache, is a robust and highly configurable open-source web server.

It handles HTTP requests, serving as the entry point for web applications.


MySQL is a powerful relational database management system.

It provides a reliable and scalable database solution for storing and retrieving data for web applications.


PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language.

It is embedded in HTML and executed on the server, allowing the creation of dynamic and interactive web pages.
How WAMP Server Facilitates
Web Server (Apache):

▪ Role: WAMP includes the Apache HTTP Server, a robust web server.

▪ Facilitation: Apache handles HTTP requests, serving as the entry point for PHP scripts.

▪ Execution: PHP scripts are processed by the Apache server, generating dynamic content.

▪ Database Management (MySQL):

▪ Role: WAMP integrates MySQL as the relational database management system (RDBMS).

▪ Storage: MySQL stores and retrieves data, facilitating dynamic content generation.

▪ Connection: PHP scripts, executed by Apache, connect to the MySQL database to interact with stored data.

Server-Side Scripting (PHP):

▪ Role: WAMP includes PHP, a server-side scripting language.

▪ Execution: PHP scripts, embedded in HTML, are executed on the server by Apache.

▪ Dynamic Content: PHP facilitates dynamic content generation, enabling interaction with MySQL databases and producing customized responses to user requests.
Deployment Steps
Hosting on AWS EC2

EC2 Instance Setup

1. Login to AWS Console

❖Navigate to the AWS Management Console.

❖Log in to your AWS account.

2. Access EC2 Dashboard

From the AWS Console, go to the "Services" dropdown, select "EC2" under "Compute.“
Deployment Steps

Launch Instance

In the EC2 Dashboard, click the "Launch Instance" button.

Deployment Steps

Choose AMI (Amazon Machine Image)

▪Type the name of the instance in the name textbox

Deployment Steps
▪Select an AMI that includes Windows Server. Choose an appropriate version and edition.

Choose an Instance Type

Deployment Steps
Select the instance type based on your resource requirements. For Windows, a general-purpose
instance type is often suitable. Configure Instance Details

Configure settings such as the number of instances, network settings (VPC, subnet), and IAM role.

Add Storage

Specify the size and type of storage for the instance. The default settings are often suitable, but you
can adjust them as needed.

Add Tags (Optional)

Add key-value tags to help organize and identify your instances. This step is optional but can be useful
for management.
Deployment Steps
Configure Security Group

Create a new or use an existing security group. Configure inbound rules to allow necessary traffic
(e.g., RDP for Windows).

Review and Launch

Review your configuration. Click "Launch" when you're ready.

Select or Create a Key Pair

Choose an existing key pair or create a new one. This is crucial for secure access to your Windows

Launch Instances
Deployment Steps
Click "Launch Instances" to complete the process. Your EC2 instance is now being launched.

View Instances

In the EC2 Dashboard, go to "Instances" to view the status of your newly created instance.

Connect to Windows Instance:

Once the instance is running, right-click on it and select "Connect." Follow the instructions to connect
using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

Provide Credentials:

Use the username and password associated with the Windows AMI to log in to your Windows Server
Deployment Steps
WAMP Server Installation:
Download WAMP:
◦ Visit the official WAMP Server website.
◦ Download the latest version compatible with your Windows environment.

Run Installer:
◦ Double-click the downloaded installer executable.

Select Language:
◦ Choose the installation language and click "OK."

Agree to License:
◦ Read and accept the license agreement.
Configuring PHP and MySQL Settings in WAMP Server

Locate PHP Configuration:

Deployment Steps
Find the PHP configuration file (php.ini) in the WAMP installation directory.

Edit PHP Configuration

Open php.ini with a text editor.

Adjust settings such as max_execution_time, memory_limit, and post_max_size as needed.

Restart Apache

Save changes and restart the Apache server for the new PHP settings to take effect.

Access MySQL Configuration

Open the MySQL configuration file (my.ini) in the WAMP installation directory.
Edit MySQL Configuration
Deployment Steps
Modify settings like max_allowed_packet, innodb_buffer_pool_size, and key_buffer_size based on
Restart MySQL
Save changes and restart the MySQL server to apply the updated settings.
Access phpMyAdmin:
Open your browser and go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin.
Login to phpMyAdmin
Log in with your MySQL username and password.
Create Database
Create a new database named HMS using the phpMyAdmin interface.
Deployment Steps
Import SQL File
▪Click on the Import tab in phpMyAdmin.
▪Choose the HMS.sql file and execute the import.
Verify Database Creation
Confirm the HMS database and its tables are now visible in phpMyAdmin.
Update PHP Code

In your PHP code, adjust the database connection settings to match the MySQL username, password,
and database name.

Test Connection
Deployment Steps
Execute a simple PHP script to test the connection to the MySQL database.
HMS Home Page
Click on the logins button

Click on the patient login button

Create an account if you don’t have

By clicking on create account.

Login if you have credentials

Book appointment

Click on the book appointment link

Enter all necessary data and click on

Submit to book apointment

Doctor Interface
Click on logins

Clck on doctor logins

Login with your doctor


If you don’t have an

account Contact the admin

to create one
For you via the admin dashboard.

Doctor Interface

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