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Text types_directive

1. Read attentively the text and fill in the information in points 1 and 2.
2. Translate the text (it can be translated at sight) and identify the difficulties of rendering the text
(point 3).
1. General overview
*Source of text - the source of the text is a website for home appliances.

and text form - It is a type of informative text, bringing explanations about the .

Addressee (receiver of the text)- It is intended for buyers.

 Author’s intention - the author intends to inform us of how to choose the right fridge so as not to
spend a lot of electrical energy and to be compact in our home.
2. Text
 Identify the type –directiv text . of text and the informative language. – informative functiuon.
Bring at least 5 arguments.
1. Logical oll the sentences.
2. The text provide information on have to ches a po l…
3. Each provide exeonal information to achive gol. Refrigereite.
4. The etext gives aspect the follov. It givs the stips.
5. Present simple, modal verbs.
6. End the las one.
-it the present in imporativs. …
-it includes logical ……

-try to estimate..
-conditional atrance.
-the cloud information the information and reader .

 Main idea (1-sentence summary) The author wants to inform us what are the criteria to choose a
refrigerator, which will benefit us from all points of view, such as size, quality and quote light will
 Analyze the internal cohesion of the text. Underline all the words that create lexical cohesion. Use a
waiving line for all the elements that create grammatical cohesion. Circle all conjunctions. Explain
their importance in achieving text coherence and cohesion.
(If you work in electronic format, it is advisable to use colours for identifying all the elements that
create text cohesion. For instance: red for lexical cohesion; blue for the elements that create
grammatical cohesion; yellow conjunctions).
 Language level --- / register.- Formal speech
Identify and analyze elements of figurative language.
-----CFC - Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are fully or partly halogenated paraffin hydrocarbons
that contain only carbon (C), hydrogen (H), chlorine (Cl), and fluorine (F), produced
as volatile derivatives of methane, ethane, and propane. They are also commonly known by
the DuPont brand name Freon.
------R600a Isobutene Gas Hydrocarbon Natural Refrigerants Replacement For Ozone Depletion

 Determine the extra-linguistic elements necessary for text understanding - Research

methods. identification and formats of ideas.
3. Difficulties of translation:
 State the type of translation used (K. Reiss’s classification).
 State the difficulties you encountered in rendering the information.
 Explain the difficulty and the strategy applied.

Tips for buying a refrigerator

When you buy a fridge you should consider your shopping habits and the size of your household. You
should also make sure that the fridge freezer is energy efficient to avoid running up high electricity
bills. The most energy efficient fridges use less than 25% of energy compared to fridges 15 years ago.

Cooling agent - look out for environmentally friendly gases . CFC gas used to be the most common
cooling agent though it is no longer used since leaks are harmful to the ozone layer. Other gases that
do not interfere with the ozone layer are frequently used though these contribute to global warming
instead. An increasing number of manufacturers are using natural gases as cooling agents such as
Isobutene (R600A)( ). Natural gases are better from an environmental point of view since they have
no harmful effects on neither the ozone layer or on global warming.

Energy Labelling.( All fridges have to be labelled with the ratio of energy consumption in relation to
volume. Look out for Energy Efficiency ratings ranging from A to G where A is the most efficient.
Size. You should take the exact dimensions of the fridge as well as how much room you have to open
the door. Standard sizes are usually 600mm wide by 600mm deep and height can vary from 450mm to
2000mm. Space inside is usually measured in cubic feet or litres. 5 cubic feet is usually the minimum
space needed. Tall fridges usually have twice that capacity. Try to estimate how much space you need
in the fridge since any wasted space incurs unnecessary energy expenditure.

Sfaturi pentru cumpărarea unui frigider

Când cumpărați un frigider, ar trebui să luați în considerare obiceiurile dvs. de cumpărături și

dimensiunea gospodăriei dvs. De asemenea, trebuie să vă asigurați că congelatorul frigiderului este
eficient din punct de vedere energetic pentru a evita facturile mari de energie electrică. Cele mai
eficiente din punct de vedere energetic folosesc mai puțin de 25% din energie în comparație cu
frigiderele de acum 15 ani.

Agent de răcire-aveți grijă la gazele ecologice. Gazul CFC a fost cel mai frecvent agent de răcire, deși
nu mai este utilizat, deoarece scurgerile sunt dăunătoare stratului de ozon. Alte gaze care nu
interferează cu stratul de ozon sunt frecvent utilizate, deși acestea contribuie la încălzirea globală în
schimb. Un număr din ce în ce mai mare de producători utilizează gaze naturale ca agenți de răcire,
cum ar fi Izobutenul (R600A). Gazele naturale sunt mai bune din punct de vedere al mediului,
deoarece nu au efecte dăunătoare nici asupra stratului de ozon, nici asupra încălzirii globale.
Etichetarea Energetică. Toate frigiderele trebuie să fie etichetate cu raportul dintre consumul de
energie și volum. Urmariti de ratingul de eficiență energetică variind de la A la G, în cazul în care A
este cel mai eficient.

Mărimea. Ar trebui să luați dimensiunile exacte ale frigiderului, precum și cât spațiu trebuie să
deschideți ușa. Dimensiunile Standard sunt de obicei 600mm Lățime de 600mm adâncime și înălțimea
poate varia de la 450mm la 2000mm. spațiu în interior este de obicei măsurată în metri cubi sau litri. 5
metri cubi este de obicei spațiul minim necesar. Frigiderele înalte au de obicei o capacitate dublă.
Încercați să estimați cât spațiu aveți nevoie în frigider, deoarece orice spațiu irosit implică cheltuieli
inutile de energie.

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