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ANU Cy MA DAS Co PY \ iat yous ETA NT OF HHOLOGIC AL SCIENCES, FACULEY OF SCIENCE ATIMADU HELLO UNIV eS PSEA f HOLT) OLOGICAL TE CENIQUEN GCU) The Sain INSTRUCTION: ur ia thie space the question paper and the OMI answer set, and pao om Kathure (carry out thas inst A severe penalties, Use LIN jweneid to stacks the OMR t 1 Voral ponames muy be any of the following except a A) scrotal mokecukes ef stryke stranded DNA lead RNA at ingle ateanedeed 2 circular DNA molecule 1) a lines The mayor difference between fungi and plants is that funge i have an absorptive form of nutntion 18) cha now Irave a celt wall . ot eukaryotic D) are maltinucleate but not malice. fongu that is both a parasite and a xaprobe as one that A) Digests only the non-living postion of iis host's body. £1B) 2 aves off the sap within its host's body C) lives: ay a niutualistic xymbiewt on ts host VAD fies ives as a parasite but then consiimen the host after ities © seen .° Which of these is a unique charactenstic of the bacteria?’ , ++ . . +A) ‘Casual agent for many diseases. 1) Reprocton is by asexual method. a8 $C) "Most ae photosynthetic organisms. af ttn mg ad me i 4 the following techniques can be used ta investigate microorganisms? ©... ws snd isolation, — Way Fre of Microscope, C) Capture-Relesse-Recapturc. « D) Enrichment of medium. + Wag fhe flowing derrbes a predic enypoyed daring aquration metal? “ (5. 2 EA). Collecting Faceal matter from any sewreé, D)favestigating mictobiat processes to ixtate pa r = °F D36pFSuveak éiituon to produce single colonies.) Titration with am alkali to achieve 2a end point ‘The principle of selective and enrichment procedure is based on techniques that» 'A) encourage the growth of ali microbes by supplying additional Hutsicats’ © “BF permit the growth of a particular microbe. while inhibiting others + °C) encourages the growth of afew microbes by starvation. . © p) encourage competition among microbes sa tit ony the fittest sur {°F s.7-WnighS0r the following is an aunbote of a differential mediuoy? ‘ Fias ail nutrients requiced for the growth of microbes | +, 1. °B) ‘Used to differentiate between bacteria and fungi. + AC)° Contains essential vitamins for the growth of gram-negative bacteria. ‘an Used for iolation and identification of gram-negative bacteria "Fale ‘of antibiotics in medium B) use of nutjents that ensourage the grow!) “LEV edaiston of eutstaneds that affect pl of mediny tive ‘of hydrated salt to impee yi 10.:Whigh of the followipg is not nage Principles of heat sicrilization? —, » > meas "Moist heat. “Ai C) Dryheat.-. , Dy Red heat. >

4 Lak ere alt Scanned with CamScanner fee a jh of the fottowiny, statcrvents beat describes ¢¢ MA taal Jose that supports 1 nutrient medi that provides the erowih of a chosen microbe. DP) Anppgar based procedure used for tate compounds are eanily sepsarat 3A) thug layer chromatography eh repharenis, gative properties of xolutions depend solely on A) th Fb) the Jemperature and plT of the separate compounds icles and not their identity 1) thew entity and not the suber of disalved particles Ductngy ke oder forms of scientific study deals with A) indefinite observations \2 half-remembered observations thle observation D) hacy ubservations The Beat method Of hecping primary 1ss9rd is 1 es | A) daw them in you text book, -Pyfot them ina peactical book Pay Pr, Ra, Cary, lor, Rg <£) dew themin a tog book D) jot thens ina prcket lary, bh ucltof the sSquences below is correct about expenmental report writing: Title, Procedure, Results, Discussions, Conclusions and References ot D Tile, Procedure, Aims and objectives, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References and Puipoce, Objectives, Jusficaion, Materials and Methods, Result, Discussion, Conclusion Title; Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and References. "Ae ten la The fone chamber ig s mainly used for storage of mi ‘Ay wale and aikaline chemicals B) glassware and chemicals : microscopes chemicals yp defTiazardous chemicals ~ aif towing i ant abasic fr eld ge? A) Report disabilities beta te ld i has 5 [perfumes and deodorants before the trip. ©) Check weather forceast before ield rip. FB) Make sure you can read road signs, mapé and compasses. Yinch one of the listed parts is tJ mechanical and component of a microscope? : Ia ‘Base and amm/ BY Clamps and optical whe C) Revolving nose piece and fine adjustment ke sob! Fe are adjustment knob and the ul) : | ‘TH units of measurement used ia microscopy are A) Olims and Armstrong it 18) Armstrong and millimeter :" - C) Micrometer and Ohms PT Angstrian and ison The ‘otal imagnifying ewfacity of the microscope is calculated by ;. ‘ A) Image length X Objective magnification _B) Odjective magnification X ieee radius ~< Qeular magnificaiion .X Objective magnification D) Ocular nngnifieatioa X mage diameter. in purpose of fixation is 10 A) preserve material in dead-like manner -D) fix material as an artifact [amine 2 life-like form D) fix material in a brittle-like manner. : : eee One of the purposes of staining in microscopy i to ‘ , * . ‘A) remiove ¢ontrast fromimage” ", * Preeaity chemical components of interest ©) dislocaig panicular tissues and organelles” D) allow DNA, RNA and organelles to stiffen, : for peFiresh peeimens D) preserved specimens C) dcad specimens D) morbid specimens. K good mo mounts the following properties except A) clear resin dissolved in evaporating solvent Qe no similar, eligcte ¢ index to tissue being mounted C) remains clear through time ="! -» ‘ sricaliertness and quick hardening. soe ” The main ypesof Figures are”™A) cell diagrams, tissue diagrams or bar B) morphologies! diagrams, body plans, se © Tne ell diagrams, drawings and painting oF eal isgraes sppasts Sing, Ta ith of ¢fllovir, are all pot stains? A) Chloratol black, newisal od and voluidine be, senso 042 {sectioning iso A) trim blocks of embeded material 1) take rie sections and attach to ‘vide thin slic: through tissues for ‘eet abuzrvation 1) provide deal stature of ehromesone i SiGe Scanned with CamScanner z LLG ~ Light microscope is used for the study of 3} Light and opaque objects. 7 6) Translucent and translocated objects 2. + One of the fallowing is nota safety laboratory rule of - AUMADU BLLLLO UNIVERSI iV, ZARIA ar Reg. Number, snd Si; First Semester Examinations 2009/2010 Session DIOL 213: Biological Techniques (2CU) «Time Allowed: Mir 45mins INSTRUCTIONS: Writé your Registration Number in the Spaces provided in the questio, prper and the OMR answer sheet, and submit hath at the end of the examination. Failure ¢ R answer sheet carry out this will attract severe penalties. Use ITB pencil to sliule the OD he record of your own olyservations is 10 jot icm down in a d)° Practical and or los book 1, The best method of keeping ‘w/ Practical book only b) Log book only ¢) Drains board 1 fous to play'in the Yaboratory’ weAreid ‘wearing Nowing gowns 10 the laboratory "Reach | our across: fi in inNammable substances ~ rf ‘Use tose ehemicats or equipment for which you have received instructions 5 Base rules for field work require the following except a) Report pirysical disability to your lecturer in charge of field work '8) , Details of working locations. routes and tinic must be msde known fo all the objectives, potential hazards and appropriate responses to problems in the field ) pve reine deodorants and scented ercam and grease while o1 Field trips. “Thc two comnon microscopes uted ia your faboratory are ~ F Swreomiczoscope and light microscope yp¥” Compound and isin microscopes . “Elecisoa and light licroscopes d) Light and scanning microscopes '$. Stereomicroscopes is wsed for the study of OH Lisht objects) Translocated objects WFOprque objcets a) Hard objects b) Hard and opaque objects “Transparent and translucent objects . The mechanics! components of the microscope are a) Moniinator, b)_ Ocular fens, clamps and optical tube ‘stage, clamps and optical tube ) Fine focusing knobs, optical suive and condenser lenses Which of the following is incorrect about the a3 A:receives and enlarges the real image b) Use of Microscope. F ©) Capture-Release-Recapture, 4) Carichment of medium. Scanned with CamScanner $1. The function of the part labelled V include all A) supply of initial magnified image a he resolution 1B) resolving depth of fick! and optical aberrations 1D) andjusting the heapht ef image The part Labeticd Has called the a. ee ee ee $3 Winch of the following 4 the main furs the part labelted HI? #4 A) Allows for shite contre ‘Adhusts the innage height relative ta the hens. 2 ©) Additional controd Lanty For effect 4D) Allows for compensation between distances 54, The part labelled 1 is used foe i

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