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I Fucking Hate Daisies

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry
Potter/Ginny Weasley
Characters: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley,
Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Scorpius Malfoy, Fleur
Delacour, Victoire Weasley
Additional Tags: Co-workers, Hermione Granger's Birthday, turning 21, Friends to Lovers,
rape/non-con between Ron and Hermione, Fuck Ron he's an asshole, Ron
Weasley Bashing, Protective Draco Malfoy, Cheating Ron Weasley, Pining
Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy Friendship, Eventual
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Draco would kill for Hermione, Draco
Malfoy & Ginny Weasley Friendship, Draco Malfoy is Clueless About Muggle
Things, Daisies are the worst flower, Draco Malfoy in Azkaban, POV Draco
Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Smut, First
Time Blow Jobs, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Minor Fleur Delacour/Bill
Weasley, Minor Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-02-04 Words: 39,359 Chapters: 11/11
I Fucking Hate Daisies
by Sweetberber


It's Hermione's 21st Birthday!

Draco is trying to find the perfect gift for Hermione, but Ron ends up fucking up his plan.

“You are being charged with assault on an Auror, Malfoy. You broke Ron’s nose, 4 ribs, his left
hand was mangled, two fingers were broken on his right hand, not to mention he might not be able
to have children as many times as you kicked him in the groin. He had so much internal bleeding
that he almost died. This can be punishable by 10 years in Azkaban. Do you have anything to say
for yourself?”

“I should have fucking killed him.”

Ron should have known not to fuck with Draco... or the people he cares about.


This is your warning if you love Ron this is NOT the fic for you. Go find something else to read.
It does contain rape/non con between Ron and Hermione who are in a relationship at the beginning
of this fic.

However, if you love Ron bashing (or more reasons to hate Ron) and an HEA Dramione soldier on.

I have put three asterisks before and after the rape/non con Scenes. If you would like to skip those
parts (which is only in chapter one) but the act will be mentioned throughout the fic.

I own none of these characters.

All mistakes are my own.

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter Summary

Warning: This Chapter contains Rap/Non con between Hermione and Ron.
Three asterisks *** were added before and after the two scenes if you would like to skip.

Chapter Notes

Let the Ron Bashing Begin!

See the end of the chapter for more notes


September 19th, 2000

Despite her crappy week she woke up with a smile on her face. Hermione was 21.

In the wizarding world 21 didn’t really mean much, you could drink when you turned 18, but that
didn’t stop every witch or wizard drinking at 16.
She reached her hand out to his side of the bed knowing he wouldn’t, but hoping he would, be

Hermione and Ron had been dating since the war ended. A year ago, they decided to officially
move in together.

They spent every night at each other's house anyway.

Earlier that week they fought. Ron made it known he wanted to start trying for a baby. Hermione
shut that idea down without even having to think about it.

She had just gotten a promotion at the ministry that required more focus and responsibility. She
wasn’t ready to give that up just yet.

“Ron, I’m head of the research team now. You know how hard I’ve been working to get this
position. I’ve been the assistant getting tea and making copies for far too long. It’s my turn to have
my own team and that comes with more responsibilities!”

“Whatever Hermione! You never put family first.”

He started pacing.

“Didn’t care about your family when you fucking made them forget you.” He mumbled under his

But she had heard him. Sad thing was it wasn’t the first time he had said it.

Hermione knew he was upset but so was she. She was barely turning 21. She had her whole life
ahead of her still.

He turned to look at her and the face he was making looked pure evil.

“All I ask is to be the top man in your life but clearly I’m not even that.” He spat out as he threw
The Daily Prophet at her. She flinched but didn’t catch it. She knew what it said.

Ron stormed to the floo but Hermione didn’t want him to run off, so she grabbed his arm. They
needed to work out their argument. If he left, he would just come back home with flowers and an
apology like always, never solving the problem.

“Ron, wait! You are my priority! We need to talk about this.”

He yanked his arm out of her grasp making her stumble and fall to the floor.

“Tell me, Hermione, was your ice cream date good yesterday?” He sneered.
Hermione knew the headlines and photo had gotten to him. She just didn’t know how much until
the argument.

When she thought about it, it kind of made sense why he all of a sudden wanted to talk about kids.

She scrambled to her feet and grabbed the sides of his face.

“Babe… babe look at me. You know how the papers like to over exaggerate headlines. You know
we are just friends. I’ve told you that so many times already.”

He scoffed at her and backed away towards the floo again.


He quoted the headline exactly. It was like he had stared at the paper memorizing it and the photo

A smiling Hermione was helping a two-year-old Scorpius eat his ice cream while Draco Malfoy fed

It was completely innocent if you were there. Scorpius wouldn’t take the bites his dad was trying to
feed him so Hermione jumped in before he could throw a fit. Draco had started feeding her ice
cream because they were rushed for time. They had gone on her lunch break, and it was almost
time for her to go back to work.

However, if you weren’t there to know exactly what happened, it didn’t look innocent at all.

Before Hermione could say anything else, Ron left.

*** Later that night she woke up to him pawing at her. He was roughly squeezing her boobs.

She knew he was drunk. She could smell it on him.

Hermione tried to resist him, but he began begging.

“Let me be the most important man for you tonight please.” He whispered in her ear as he hovered
over her.

She did feel bad about the photo and the headline, but they really needed to talk first.

He started peppering her face with kisses distracting her as he slipped off her knickers.

She started to protest but he silenced her mouth by shoving his tongue down it.

She didn't like this Ron. The one who grasped at control.

She could finally speak when he started kissing down her neck.
“Wait, Ron…” was all she had time to say before he slammed into her.

How had she not realized he already taken his dick out?

He was rough and kept repeating over and over “You’re mine, don’t you forget.” as he held her
arms down.

She just lay there as he took what he needed to feel important from her hoping he would finish or
pass out soon.

She was lucky because he didn't take that long before came inside of her and passed out.

Hermione rolled him off of her, which was a struggle because he was nothing but dead weight. ***

She crawled out of bed, with her arms wrapped around herself and tiptoed to the bathroom. She
cast a silencing charm, made sure the door was locked and turned on the shower.

She didn’t bother turning the lights on. She didn’t want to see what she looked like. She just
stepped into the shower with scalding hot water and prayed it would help her forget.

When the shock wore off, she let out a loud sob and slid down the wall of the shower. She wrapped
her arms around her legs and cried for the man she loved more than anything. She couldn’t believe
how he just made her feel.

The next morning when Hermione woke up, he was gone before her, but he had left daisies in a
vase on the kitchen counter, no note.

Ron came back home after work, had dinner with her (silently no matter how much she tried to get
him to talk), then retired to his office leaving her by herself until it was time for bed.

The next few days went exactly the same. Wake up to fresh daisies, silent dinners and solo

He never forced her to have sex again and she didn’t tell anyone about the incident. She glamoured
her arms where he had left bruises. But for the rest of the week her friends could tell there was a
spark missing in her eyes.

Hermione shook her head out of the fog that had been the worst couple of days. She was
determined to use her birthday to turn her week around.

“Good you’re awake!”

Hermione sat up in bed surprised to see Ron standing at the door.

“Ron! What are you doing here?”

He frowned and started walking towards her.

She flinched but he didn’t seem to notice.

“I live here or did you forget.” He kissed her temple and whispered, “Happy birthday, love.”

He turned around leaving the room and called back. “Get ready! I bought muffins and we have
plans today.”

That made her heart flip. Ronald Weasley had planned something for her birthday? He never
planned anything. She excitedly got up and went to her closet.

An hour later she walked to their kitchen where Ron was already sitting at the table.

He had a plate with a blueberry muffin and a cup of tea sat in her spot. She knew the tea wouldn’t
be perfect because Ron was shit at making tea.

Hermione sat down in her spot and devoured the muffin. It tasted so familiar, but she couldn’t place
it. She took a tentative sip of the tea and was completely surprised.

“Ron, did you make this tea all by yourself?”

He shrugged his shoulders looking bashful.

Hermione grabbed his hand and squeezed.

“Thank you! It means the world to me that you took the time to learn how to make my tea.”

He nodded. “Anything for the love of my life.”

There went those flutters again.

Ron stood up and went to the kitchen. When he came back, he was holding a bouquet of daisies.

He kneeled down in front of her and handed her the bouquet.

“Err, I bought your favorite flowers and…” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I just want to say I’m
sorry. Sorry for…uhhh making this week crappy.”

Daisies and an apology.

He didn’t say sorry for anything specific just for making it a crappy week. Hermione thought he
must feel embarrassed by what he did.

She smiled at him and told him he had nothing to be sorry about.

She wanted to mean it... she really did.

Abruptly, Ron stood up “Right, we have places to be.”

He plucked the bouquet out of her hands and threw it on the counter.

Hermione stood up confused but excited that he planned a day for her.

If he was trying, so could she.

Hermione was shocked when they apparated behind Frank's bookstore.

Hermione and Draco had found the little bookstore one weekend when they were exploring muggle

She had never told Ron about it, so she didn’t know how he knew about their bookstore. Maybe it
was just a coincidence or maybe Ron had actually got ideas from Harry, she had mentioned it to

“First up a bookstore! Pick anything, it’s on me.”

“Oh Ron, you don’t have to buy me any books.”

“Nonsense, go inside and pick out a few. Just let me know when you're done, and I’ll come in and
pay.” He told her as he kissed her on the cheek.

So, he wasn’t going to go in with her. That was half the fun of it. It was why her and Draco had so
much fun browsing. But she smiled at him and went inside while he sat on a bench in front of the

As soon as she entered the shop the owner accosted her.

“Ms. Granger! The woman of the day! Happiest of Birthdays to you!”

She was stunned into silence. Yes, she and Draco had come to that shop several different times,
labeling them as frequent customers, but she didn’t think she ever mentioned her birthday.

“Why thank you Frank! But how did you know it was my birthday?” She asked after returning the
hug he had given her.

“I had a birdy tell me.” He booped her nose. “He also had a few books held back for you in case
you couldn’t decide what to get.”

Frank ushered her to the till where a stack of books sat, all first edition, wrapped in a satin silver

Hermione glanced outside at Ron whose back was to her. She was flabbergasted at the idea of him
picking out books for her.

She browsed the store but couldn’t find anything better than the 5 first editions at the till.
Just as she was headed back to the front of the shop, she heard Ron.

“Hermione, come on love it doesn’t take that long to pick out a book.”

He sounded annoyed. She had only been browsing for 30 minutes. She brushed it off as maybe he
had other things planned for them. So, she rushed to the front and told Frank she would take the
five books, but she would need to let her boyfriend know to come purchase them.

He shook his head. “He already paid for these. You enjoy your day.”

She grabbed her books and exited the store.

“Mione! I said I would pay for those books! Why didn’t you come get me?”

“Frank said you already paid for them.” She frowned.

“Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot. I’m just so excited to get to the next place!” He said as he rubbed the
back of his neck looking embarrassed.

Her face relaxed and she kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you for putting so much thought into this day for me.”

He blushed but smiled at her and grabbed her hand to take her back behind the building.

The next place they apparated to was behind the Royal Opera house.

“The ballet, Ron! But you hate the Ballet.”

He just shrugged. “It’s your birthday!”

Hermione pushed him against the wall and snogged him.

This was the man she fell in love with. She thought their relationship had been strained the last
couple of months but maybe it was because he was planning this fun filled day for her.

He gently pushed her away.

“Mione, I would love to snog you, but you know how I feel about doing it in public.” His face was
red like he was embarrassed. But he kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand.

“Come, let’s go watch Swan Lake.”

Her heart sank a little. She had promised to go watch Swan Lake with Draco.

She wouldn’t mind watching it again.

Hermione hopped he would understand that it was not every day that her boyfriend spoiled her like
he was doing.

She thought he might even be impressed with Ron putting that much effort into her day.
15 minutes into the ballet Ron was asleep.

20 more minutes she was nudging him because he was snoring.

He told her he was going to get some air. She offered to go with him, but he insisted she stay.

He never came back.

She tried to find him during the intermissions, but he was nowhere to be found. It wasn’t like she
could send a patronus after him. So, she went back and finished watching the performance.

She was worried she wouldn’t find him once the ballet was over. Luckily, she spotted him by the
exit with a smug look on his face, only he wasn’t looking at her. She tried to follow his line of
sight, but he spotted her and yelled her name.

“Mione, I’m over here!”

When she got to him, she asked where he was during intermission to which he replied with “the loo

The next place they apparated too was Hogsmeade. He took her to Honeydukes and told her he was
picking out her favorite sweets for another birthday gift.

She ended up with chocolate frogs, caldron cakes and Bertie botts every flavour beans. None of
which were her favorite, but Ron’s favorite. She didn’t correct him. She took them with a big smile
on her face.

“Alright last place.” He turned her around and put a blindfold on her. “You trust me?”

She shook her head yes because if she spoke her voice would betray her.

He walked her blindly down Hogsmeade. She tripped a few but he only let her fall once.

When he had helped her up, he mumbled under his breath about how he couldn’t believe she was
so clumsy.

Hermione heard a door open, and he walked them inside. She could hear the murmur of voices
wherever they were.

Finally, he untied the blindfold and whispered, “Happy birthday”.

Her eyes adjusted a second before a loud “Happy Birthday Hermione!” was yelled.

All of her friends were there at the three broomsticks to celebrate her.

She teared up, turned around and kissed Ron. He was the best boyfriend for pulling this off.

She turned back around and started greeting everyone.

Harry and Ginny were there, even though Ginny looked like she could go into labor any minute.

Though she would definitely not tell her that.

Nevell and Luna were both there. They explained they took a special portkey from Asia where they
were currently studying endangered plants.

All of the Weasleys were there including Fleur and Victoire who she had ice cream with once a

A few of her coworkers were there, which she greeted in kind, thanking them for spending her
birthday with her.

The bar was packed to the brim with her friends and colleagues. She went a bit misty eyed thinking
of how thoughtful Ron was for planning something like that for her. It wasn’t something he would
normally do.

Hermione peered around the bar for a certain blond head but didn’t see him.

Ron noticed, “the prick probably had something better to do than to come to a lame party.” He spit
out while downing his glass of firewhisky. He got up and went to the bar to order another.

She was having such a good day. Why did he have to say a thing like that?

Just then the door to the three broomsticks burst open. There stood in the doorway was the blonde
head she had just been looking for Draco Malfoy.

She smiled but he wasn’t looking at her. Matter of fact he looked furious.

Hermione watched as he stocked up to the bar, grabbed Ron by the shirt (who was smirking) and
whirled him around.

He shoved his finger in his face. “You are dead to me! Any chance you and I had of getting along
ceases today!” He shoved him. “Do you understand?”

Ron shrugged. “I never saw myself being friends with a death eater anyway.” He said then spit in
his face.

The whole pub went silent.

Hermione saw Harry headed towards them, but she put herself in front of Harry and grabbed
Draco’s arm that had just been raised to punch Ron.

“Draco, please. It’s my birthday.” She begged.

She watched as all the fight left him. He let go of Ron and faced Hermione.

He took a deep breath and put on a strained smile.

“You’re right. I’m sorry Hermione. Happy birthday.” He handed her a bag from Honeydukes, and a
wrapped gift. “Open that one by yourself please.” He pointed at the green wrapped gift with a satin
silver bow.
She nodded in agreement.

“I should go. I need to get back to Scorp.”

“You could have brought him, you know.”

“I would have had I… never mind. I hope you have an amazing day today.” He kissed her temple
and walked back out of the bar.

Ron put his arm around Hermione and steered her back to their table where he continued to drink.

Hermione absentmindedly played with the silver ribbon around the green wrapped gift while she
pondered what the hell had just happened.

Later that night they both drunkenly walked through the floo, Ron picked her up, threw her over his
shoulder and smacked her ass.

“I hope you’re ready for your birthday Fuck, love.”

She giggled. They hadn’t participated in that type of sex in a while, rough sex, well besides what he
had done the week prior, but she didn’t count that.

Hermione pretended like that didn’t happen.

“Babe, you don’t want to just make love to me tonight?” She asked, trying to be playful.

She didn’t mind rough sex but kind of just wanted to feel loved on her birthday.

He tossed her on the bed a bit more forcefully than she liked. All of a sudden, she tasted copper.
When she touched her tongue, sure enough it was bleeding. He had made her bite her tongue.

“Now, you’re going to critique my love making? For fucks sake Hermione!” Ron yelled at her.

He paced the room.

“Did you even notice the flowers I had scattered around trying to be romantic? But I guess that’s
not good enough for you! I’m not good enough for you!” He pointed to his chest.

It was all going wrong, Hermione was shocked. She didn’t know where he was coming from. She
stood up and went to him, tentatively touching him.

“Babe, I love you. I don't know where you get the idea that you’re not good enough! I’ve never said

Ron raked his hand through his hair. Then he looked at her with dark eyes.

“Prove it.”

“How do I do that? Just tell me what it will take for you to believe you are enough for me!” She
“Let me have you my favorite way.” He whispered in her ear and walked around her looking her up
and down. “Take your clothes off and get on all fours on the bed.” He said in a deeper tone.

It was not how she saw the ending of her birthday night going. She was supposed to put on the cute
red nightie she bought, and he was supposed to peel each piece off slowly before he dropped down
to his knees and ate her out.

Her birthday was the only day he did that. He told her no real man liked to do it, but he would give
her that experience once a year as a birthday present. Hermione had only ever been with him, so
she knew nothing different.

Instead, she was crawling on her bed naked waiting for her next instructions.

*** “Do you remember your safe word? Because we are going to try something a little different
tonight as a… present for you, love .”

Somehow, she doubted it was for her, but she nodded, then he smacked her ass.

“Verbally please, Hermione.”

“Yes, Red.” She said softly.

“Good.” He growled in her ear.

She heard him spit in his hand and when he spat again, she felt wetness land on her ass.

He rubbed his spit all the way down her slit, making sure to keep away from that bundle of nerves
that he never really knew how to play with.

“You have been a naughty girl, so you don’t get the pleasure of my fingers inside of you to get you
ready.” He growled.

Without warning he thrust his cock deep inside of her and stilled.

It hurt. She wanted to scream red right then.

The only problem was she obviously made Ron feel like he wasn’t good enough. She was afraid if
she said red, he would be even more angry.

He started thrusting in and out of her, his hands held onto her hips in a bruising grip.

“You like my cock, don’t you? It’s bigger than Malfoy’s.”

When she didn’t answer he asked again.

“I said, it’s bigger than Malfoy’s, right?” Making sure to pound into her after each word.

She was confused why he was talking about Draco?

“I haven’t seen his...”

“I said right?” He gripped her arms hard.

“Yes, I love your cock it’s bigger than Malfoy’s!” She cried. He was getting too rough. She knew
she was going to be bruised.

Hermione prayed he would just come already.

“Tell me I fuck you better then Malfoy.”

“What?” She tried to turn to look at him, but he shoved her back into the bed and kept one hand
holding her down.

“You heard me. Now repeat after me… you fuck me better then Malfoy.”

Tears started to fall from her eyes.

“Ron, I haven’t fucked Dra- Malfoy. I swear.” She pleaded with him.

“Then you have no excuse to not say it.” He growled. “You. Fuck. Me. Better. Than. Malfoy.”
Pounding into her hard after every word. “Now say it.” He spanked her.

So, she whispered it just to get it over with. Maybe he would stop.

“Oh yea, that felt good. I bet he wishes he could fuck you like I can.”

“Red” she whispered with tears falling down her face.

He was not only hurting her physically but making her say that about her friend was fucking with
her mentality.

She couldn't help but think if Draco knew he made her say that he would kill him... and a part of
her wanted him too.

He changed his pace and moved slower.

“Hermione, you're being such a good girl. Please don’t make me stop.”

She didn’t reply, she just stared at the offending flowers in her view not wanting to provoke him

“I have to be good enough for you. Better than Malfoy.” He started moving faster again.

Ron kept talking about how he was a better lover than Malfoy, better at quidditch player, better
worker, and that he knew he would be a better father then him. While constantly pounding into her
not letting up.

Hermione just lay there taking it with tears streaming down her face mouthing red over and over.

“Happy Birthday Hermione. Fuck, you’re being such a good girl for me. I’m going to come
already. I’m going to fill you up with my seed and put a baby— Fuuuuuuck.”

At the mention of a baby, he came inside her.

Hermione wanted for him to roll off of her so she could go take a bath and wash the whole day
Instead, Ron wrapped his arms around her and carefully rolled them, so they were laying on their
side with him still inside her.

He glided one hand down her body to her sex and cupped his hand over where they were still

“Gotta keep my cock warm for a minute while I make sure my seed stays inside you.”

She didn’t like it. She wanted him out of her. So, she started squirming trying to get some distance
from him. Finally, he slipped out of her. Before she could scoot away, he grabbed her wrist and held
her tightly to him with one hand. With the other hand he swiped his fingers down her legs where
his come started to drip out and shoved it back inside of her.

“There, that’s where that belongs, can’t waste any of my seed. Have to make sure you give me a
baby.” He said matter of factly. ***

She didn’t bother to remind him she was on the monthly potion.

She just lay there feeling disgusted with herself that she just let him… what? It wasn’t rape because
they were together, and she wanted to have sex with him at first. But she had definitely not
consented to what he did to her.

When his breathing was even, his hand loosened from her and he was snoring, she slipped out of
bed. She grabbed a healing potion and a calming draught from her kitchen before going into the
bathroom, locking the door and drawing herself a bath.

Hermione downed both vials and lowered herself carefully into the warm bath. She was already
aching all over.

She set a charm on the bath to stay at the perfect temperature and eventually the warmth helped her
fall asleep.

The next morning, she didn't leave the bathroom until she knew he was gone.

When she went into the kitchen there sat a fresh vase of daisies but this time with a note saying he
would be at the burrow for the rest of the week.

She hated daisies.

Chapter End Notes

We started off heavy with this chapter...

Let's be clear what Ron did was rape in my eyes, but Hermione is confused. This man that she
thought she was in love with hurt her and she is in shock by it, so it is obviously going to take
time for her to admit that she was in fact raped.

This fic is fully finished so I'll be posting a chapter a day... or maybe more.

Thanks so much for reading. Next chapter we go to Draco's POV to see what he's up to and
why he is already pissed at Ron.
Chapter Summary

Draco tries to plan the perfect gift for Hermione.

Will he succeed?

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


One month earlier

Draco had a month to figure out what to do for her birthday.

He knew he wanted to tell her he fancied her by the end of the day. To be completely honest he
kind of wished that asshole boyfriend of hers would forget her birthday so he could go behind him
and up the pieces. But the more he thought about it the worse the idea sounded. It would mean she
would be sad and upset on her birthday and he did want that. No matter how much he hated the git.

He scribbled the title “Hermione’s perfect gifts” and underlined it multiple times. He had a

That weekend they found the perfect bookstore in muggle London. It was a small quaint store. The
owner was an old man probably in his 70’s. He regaled them with stories of times long ago while
he followed them around the store.

Draco and Hermione both took turns picking up books and Frank would tell them a story about
when or where he was at when he read it. It seemed like Frank had read every book in the store,
and there were a lot of books.

In the end they left with 3 books each and promised Frank to not be strangers.

They went back the following two weekends.

After the third time visiting, Draco wrote a list of books down and went without Hermione. He
gave the list to Frank telling him of his plan to bring her there for her birthday. He asked to have the
5 books on the list behind the till waiting for her.

When Draco got back to the office he wrote down on his list:

Hermione’s Perfect Gifts

Expand her Library: Let her pick out books from Frank’s bookstore

He placed the list back inside his desk and went on with his day.

Later that week he and Hermione were in his office finishing research for the case they were

She made it so hard to concentrate because while they worked, she was always sucking on a sugar

He caught himself staring at her licking the damn things so many times and had to discreetly adjust

They were just sweets but Merlin were they lucky. Sometimes he wished he were a fucking sugar

Once they had finished, Hermione brought out her Muggle newspaper. She explained to him that it
was equivalent to The Daily Prophet. She wanted to show him how different and similar they

The photos didn’t move which was quite odd.

He was reading what she had called 'comics' that were supposed to be funny when she shrieked.

He stood up immediately wand out ready to defend her.

She giggled. “Sorry, didn’t mean to alarm you. I just noticed that Swan Lake starts playing on my
birthday! This is so exciting, Draco! I’ve never been able to catch Swan Lake at the Royal!”

“We should go.” The words were out of his mouth before he even registered he was saying them.


Well, he could take it back now, he thought.

“The weekend after your birthday. We should go. My treat! It will be sort of a late birthday present
for you.”

The smile she had on her face took his breath away. Then all of a sudden, she was hugging him and
kissing his cheeks.

“Yes! This is amazing! I’m so excited! I can’t wait!”

She grabbed her bag and left his office not even noticing how stunned she had just left Draco.

He pulled his list out and added to it.

Hermione’s Perfect Gifts

Expand her Library: Let her pick out books from Frank’s bookstore
She loves the Ballet: Tickets to Swan Lake

Loves Sweets: Buy favorite from Honeydukes

Ice cream date with Scorp?

Happy with himself and his list, he gathered the files he needed to turn in and set off to Potter’s

When he rounded the corner, he ran smack into Weasley making all his files go everywhere.

“Fuck weasel, don’t know how to watch where you're going?” Draco sneered as he gathered all the
files off of the floor.

“I could say the same of you.” He replied just standing there not even bothering to help.

After he picked everything up, he stood up and glared at him.

“Stay out of my way!” Draco growled.

He turned on his heels and headed to Potter's office again.

“Hey Malfoy, you forgot something.”

Exasperated Draco sighed and turned around. “What?” He snapped.

He was holding a paper, but Draco couldn’t tell what it was.

“Oh, never mind. It’s trash.” He balled the paper up and shoved it in his pocket.

Draco rolled his eyes and continued on with his task.

Draco decided to ask Hermione to get ice cream with him and Scorp the Friday before her birthday.
He figured the weasel was planning something on her actual birthday considering she took the
whole day off.

Draco had every Friday off.

When Astoria left him a year ago, he sat down with Potter and asked that he have every Friday and
weekend off. He wanted to be there for his son as much as he could.
What shocked Draco was how easily Potter had agreed.

Draco sat in the ice cream parlor with his two-year-old who was being well behaved until he
spotted Hermione.

“Mine! Mine! Mine!” Scorpius squealed.

“Hey, there’s my buddy.” Hermione cooed over his son. Picking him up and spinning him around in
the air.
The giggles that Scorp let out he wished he could bottle and listen to over and over again.
Draco smiled as he watched the witch, he had a crush on, give so much love to his son.

“Shall we get some ice cream?” She asked Draco holding Scorp on her hip.
“After you.” Draco gestured to the counter.

Draco was so thankful they had become great friends... Best friends even... about a year ago. They
had been coworkers for a time. She had been the only one to notice that he wasn't bothered by
Astoria leaving him. When he told her he was just focused on his son's happiness and filling his life
with positive people, she asked if she could meet him and Scorp for ice cream one day. Elated that
she wanted to be one of those people in his son's life he had quickly said yes. Thus, the start of ice
cream 'dates' with Scorp.

Draco and Hermione got apple crumble ice cream and Scorp picked bubble gum this time, probably
because it was so colorful.
Draco tried and failed to get Scorpius to eat his ice cream. He wanted his “Mine” to feed him.
Draco told her she didn’t have to, but she insisted (like always). He knew she only had a limited
amount of time for lunch and her ice cream would go to waste so he did the only logical thing he
could think of and fed her hers.

Their photo was in the paper the next day. Draco didn’t know how it slipped under their radar. They
had always gone to the same shop for ice cream yet that was the first time a photo had showed up
in the paper of them.
He would have to contact Blaise.

Draco hoped it wouldn’t be a problem for Hermione. Surly Weasley would believe her when she
told him there was nothing going on. He knew they were just friends, despite how Draco felt.

Draco visited Frank's bookshop that weekend to make sure he had procured the list of books and
was pleased to see that he had. After paying for them, Draco took out a silver bow from his pocket
and wrapped it around the books. He informed Frank that Hermione’s birthday was that next
Tuesday but unfortunately, he thought she had plans so they would be in the following Saturday to
get them.

Sunday, he had a floo call with Weaslette and found out the weasel hadn’t planned anything after
all. After telling her that her brother was a git, Draco took charge and asked her to get Potter.
Draco admitted to him he wanted to have a small get together with all of her friends for Hermione’s
birthday. He asked Potter if he would be willing to talk to their friends and Draco would talk to
their coworkers about meeting at the three broomsticks. Potter agreed and they all three settled on
6pm being the perfect time. Weaslette agreed to meet him there at 5pm to help him decorate.

Draco, Harry and Ginny had an understanding. He was friends with Hermione and wanted to be
cordial with her friends. So, they got along for her sake. Draco got a long way better with Weaslette
then he did with Potter. They both picked at each other but knew their boundaries. He might even
consider her a friend, but he would never admit that to anyone. Not even Hermione knew they had
weekly floo calls.
Draco had gone to a muggle birthday supply store and asked the clerk there to help him pick out
some decor.
He could decorate everything with magic, but Draco knew Hermione would appreciate it more the
muggle way.

Tuesday morning September 19th Draco had Mippy, the Malfoy Manor House elf (who by the way
was paid substantially well, thank you very much), make a basket of blueberry muffins for
Hermione. Muffins were basically the only thing she accepted without argument from Mippy, they
were just that good.
Draco made a thermos full of tea just like Hermione took it. He jotted a quick happy birthday note,
sealed it with his Malfoy crest wax seal and sent the package off to Hermione’s under a stasis
He would have liked to take it himself, but he knew it wouldn’t be a good idea with the weasel

Draco went into work that morning already having permission to only work half a day.
He was nervous. What would she think of him orchestrating the get together for her?
Would it give away how he felt about her?

After 12 he floo’d to Pansy’s to pick up Scorpius. She had been a saint to watch him on the days he
They all three floo’d to Malfoy Place, not to be confused with Malfoy Manor.

With his dad in Azkaban and his mom staying in their villa in France he really had no need for
something that big for just him and Scorp. So, he bought a 5-bedroom 2 story home. 3 of the 5 were
used as bedrooms the other two rooms were his office and a library/potion room. It was decorated
very sleek with lots of grays and silver metals.

Draco took Scorp to his room for a nap. If he worked it out just right, he would wake up at 3 with
plenty of time to get his grumpiness out before they had to leave for the three broomsticks.
Pansy agreed to come with just in case Scorp didn't do too well with the crowd. Plus, her, Weaslette
and Hermione actually got along pretty well.

Draco was in his room deciding what tie he wanted to wear when he heard the voice belonging to
Ginny yell from downstairs.

“In here!” He yelled out.

“Malfoy, what the fuck?!” She yelled entering his room.

He rolled his eyes not even sparing her a glance. He held up the silver to himself, then the green,
then the black. It was a tough choice. He looked good in all three of them. He smirked at himself.

“The silver, Now pay attention!”

He draped the silver around his neck and put the other two back, then turned around giving Ginevra
his undivided attention.
“How may I be of service to you on this fine day?” He asked, crossing his arms. She was cutting
into his primping time.
“Why didn’t you tell me the time changed for the get together instead of sending me this!” She
waved around a piece of parchment.
Draco shrugged, “I still have no idea what you are talking about, Ginevra.”

She rolled her eyes at him for calling her by her given name.

“We’ll let me spell it out to you, Ferret, since this clearly wasn’t from you. Everyone invited to the
get together that was supposed to be at 6 received this letter stating the time had been moved up to
4 pm.”

Draco stormed forward and snatched the letter from her. Sure, enough it said the time had changed.
To a person who didn’t know his handwriting they would have assumed it was from him. It was
very close.

“What the fuck?!” He looked up at Ginny.

“I’ll give you one guess…”
“That fucking asshole! He’s going to try and take credit for this isn’t he.” Draco said more of a
statement than a question.
“I’m sorry Malfoy, you know how my brother is.” She sighed. “I need to get back to finish getting
ready. Are you going to come still?” She asked.

Draco sat on his bed and put his head in his hands.

“I don't have time. I still have to wake Scorp, get him ready, then finish getting myself ready.”
Draco shook his head feeling so defeated.

He felt a warm hand on his shoulder and was surprised at how much it comforted him.

“I just want you to know. I’m rooting for you. Everyone but her can see how much you care about
her. You just have to tell her.”
He sighed and looked up at her. “I plan on it this Saturday. I have a whole day planned.”
She smiled at him. “Well, good luck. Sorry my brother is an asshole.”
With that she left.

He lay back on his bed staring at the ceiling feeling sorry for himself.

“So, you’re just gonna let him win?”

Draco looked at the door and there stood Pansy holding his son who was rubbing his eyes. He must
have just woken up.

“What else am I supposed to do? It’s 3:30, everyone is meeting at 4. I don’t have time to get both
him and I ready.” He answered sitting up.
“And what is wrong with what you are wearing? It’s a nice lilac button up shirt. Just go like that. At
least you will have a chance to see her on her birthday.”

Draco wiped his hand down his face. It sounded tempting.

“I’ve got Scorp. Now off with you!”

He looked up at her and she was giving him the ‘listen to me or else’ look.
Draco jumped up, kissed Pansy on the cheek and his son on the top of his head.
He went to the bathroom to check out his hair. After a quick charm it was perfect.
Draco made a quick stop in his office to retrieve a gift he had been working on for her for the past
several years.

It was a journal. Draco wrote down every instance that he was ever mean or cruel to Hermione at
the top of each page. At the bottom he had written out a unique apology for every single one.

He tied a silver bow to it before leaving for the closest apparition point. There was one more stop
he needed to make.

Once in Hogsmeade he rushed to Honeydukes. Draco bought out all of their Apple sugar quills
because he knew they were her favorite and got a few of their newer flavors so she could taste them
as well.
Bag secured, he turned to head to the three broomsticks. When he got closer, he spotted Hermione
blindfolded being guided by Ron into the pub.
That should’ve been him, was all he could think. He was livid. How dare that fucker take credit for
something he had carefully planned for her.
Draco walked to the pub but didn’t go inside. He went to the side of the building and cast a notice-
me-not on himself. He paced the length of the building trying to get control of his anger. He
couldn’t just go inside all angry he might just punch the git and that would fuck up her birthday.
When he thought he had gathered all his anger and stored it away, he decided it was time.

The door opened much more forcefully than he had intended. He didn’t really mind because he was
Draco Malfoy, king of… theatrics?
Only problem was the first person he saw was that fucking red head standing at the bar.
Without thinking, he stormed forward, grabbed him by his shirt, and turned him around.

“You are dead to me! Any chance you and I had of getting along ceases today!” He shoved a finger
in his face for emphasis.

The git had the nerve to smirk at him.

Draco shoved him. “Do you understand?”

The fucker shrugged and said “I never saw myself being friends with a death eater anyway.” then
spat at him. Fucking spat at him.
Draco reared back to punch him, but a soft hand stopped him.

“Draco, please. It’s my birthday.”

Any anger he had left the instant he heard her voice. The last thing he wanted to do was to ruin her
birthday. He let Weasley go and turned to face Hermione.
Draco couldn’t help but notice how cute she looked when she was mad. She had her arms crossed
and was tapping her food.
Draco took a deep breath to settle himself.

“You’re right. I’m sorry Hermione. Happy birthday.” He handed her the bag he just got
Honeydukes, and the wrapped journal. “Open that one by yourself please.” He pointed at the green
wrapped gift with a silver bow. He knew a few of those apologies would probably make her cry and
he didn’t want anyone to see her upset.
She nodded in agreement.

“I should go. I need to get back to Scorp.” He ran his fingers through his hair. Surly he couldn’t
stay after what he had just pulled.
“You could have brought him, you know.” She smiled at him.

If she only knew what that smile did to him.

“I would have had I… never mind. I hope you have an amazing day today.” He kissed her temple
and walked back out of the pub to the apparition point and apparated into his home.

Draco walked straight to his bar cart, poured a glass of firewhisky, drank every drop then threw the
glass against the wall.

When she wasn’t at work Wednesday, he was a little worried.

She showed up towards the end of the shift on Thursday.

She slowly walked into his office and shut the door.
By the look on her face, he had a feeling it wasn’t going to be good news.

“Missed you yesterday.” Draco said, straightening his desk up for something to do. “I was
beginning to think you were avoiding me since I ruined your birthday,” he admitted, not looking
her in the eye.
“Draco, no! You didn’t ruin anything! I was glad to see you if only for a brief second.” She replied.

He looked up at her and smiled.

“About, Saturday…” she started, and his heart dropped.

She was canceling on him.

He looked back down. “It’s ok if you have other plans. I understand.”

“What? No!” She put her hands over his stopping them from fidgeting. “I was just going to ask if
you did have something planned other than the ballet, like dinner or something, if you minded we
stayed in muggle London. I don’t think my relationship can handle another front-page photo of the
two of us.” She said, sounding so sad and defeated.

He still wasn't sure how that photo got past him and Blaise. When Blaise had looked into it all he
could find was that it was sent anonymously.

After assuring her what he had planned was in muggle London, she brightened up a bit. Hermione
thanked him profusely for the journal he gave her, telling him it was so thoughtful. She assured him
she had already forgave him long ago but cherished every word she read so far. She admitted to not
having read every single one yet because she wanted to take her time. She told him she added
several concealment charms to it and hid it where no one would be able to find it.
Draco let her know he added his own charms on it, preventing anyone from reading the true words
written on the page.
She was quiet and seemed lost in thought as they both walked to the floo. Draco noticed she wasn’t
her usual happy self.
Hermione agreed to meet him at his place Saturday morning for breakfast and set off to her flat
while Draco went to his.

Saturday morning Ginevra showed up to help Draco decorate his breakfast nook for Hermione. She
seemed to think he was going ‘too over the top’ to which he responded, “there is no such thing as
too over the top when it comes to the Malfoy’s.”
He had 5 minutes to spare when they were finished.
Ginny was going to take Scorp for a couple of hours to get some practice in before her little one
was due. Pansy would pick him up and watch him the rest of the day.
Draco kissed his son on his head and Ginny on her cheek as they walked to the floo.
She wished him luck and went back home minutes before Hermione was stepping through his floo.

“Birthday Girl!” Draco greeted her. He placed her special paper muggle birthday crown on her head
and put the plastic atrocity they considered a sash around her.

The sparkle in her eyes and smile she was giving him was worth it all.

“Draco, what’s all of this?” She gestured to her crown and sash.
“Darling, that's not everything. Follow me.” He held out his arm for her to take, which she did.

Draco led her to the breakfast nook all decked out in muggle birthday decorations.
There was a paper happy birthday banner, which they used a sticking charm to make stay on the
wall, balloons, a plastic tablecloth that looked tacky as hell to Draco but from the look on
Hermione’s face it was perfect. He even went as far as buying paper cups and plates, which even
Mippy was offended by.

“You did all this for me?” She questioned as she walked around touching every decoration he had
“I might have had some help from Weaslette. Did you know those banners don’t come with sticking
charms? How is one supposed to stick it to a wall? Oh, and don’t get me started with the balloons. I
thought I was going to pass out after the second one I blew up. Until Weaslette remembered an
inflatable charm. We tried it on them and the first few popped but once we got the aim just right It
seemed to work. Hell, it actually made them float unlike the ones I filled with my own breath.”
Draco had rambled on.

When Hermione turned around to face him. She had tears in her eyes.

“Oh no, Hermione. I wasn’t complaining, I was just…”

She cut him off by jumping into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around
his neck. She had her face buried in his chest.

“You did this for me. You did this for me.” She repeated over and over again.

He rubbed her back and kissed her temple.

“Of course I did this for you.” He chuckled. “You deserve the world.”
When he realized what he said his face went red. Sometimes his mouth spoke what his heart felt
without thinking.
He debated telling her just then exactly how he felt but he had a whole day planned. He didn’t want
to make it awkward by divulging his feelings, what if she didn’t feel the same?


“Happy Birthday, Ms. Gra-Hermione.”

Hermione jumped down and wiped at her face.

“Mippy! You called me Hermione! Thank you so much!”

She dipped a little curtsy “it’s Mippy’s birthday present to the Ms.” She grabbed Hermione’s hand
and ushered her to the table. “Come sit Ms. Hermione. Mippy made blueberry muffins. Just for

Draco and Hermione sat down at the table while Mippy served them blueberry muffins.

“Mippy wants Ms. Hermione to know it wasn’t Mippys idea to use paper plates and cups. That was
all master Draco’s idea. Mippy explained to master Draco that tea is simply too hot for paper cups.
So master Draco charmed teacups to look like paper ones.”

Draco’s ears went red. He hadn’t thought about tea being too hot for paper cups.

Hermione reached over and squeezed his hand. “It’s perfect Draco, really.”

They ate their breakfast and talked about this and that. Draco kept trying to get her to talk about her
birthday but anytime he would get close to asking her she would change the subject.
Once they were finished Draco watched as Hermione tried to explain to Mippy that she did not in
fact have to wash the paper plates. That they were a onetime use plate. Mippy didn’t understand
why someone would want to throw away their dishes when they could simply be washed.
Hermione looked to him for help but he didn’t know either, so he just shrugged.

“Fine Mippy feel free to wash away if that is what you feel is necessary.” She smiled at her.
“Oh, thank you Ms., Mippy hopes your day is as wonderful as you are.”

With a *crack* she, along with the paper plates, were gone.

“Shall we?” Draco offered his arm, she looped hers around his.
“Let’s go!”

Chapter End Notes

Was anyone sus at Ron having a whole birthday planned out for Hermione? Like he's that
smart HA!

How freaking cute is Draco having muggle decorations?!

Next Chapter we get Hermione's POV of Draco's fun filled day for her. I wonder what she will

***Unrelated to the fic but You can thank Taylor Swift for me posting this chapter tonight!
Celebrating her wins AND the announcement of her new album! Whoop! ***
Chapter Summary

Hermione finds out what Draco has planned to celebrate her birthday. Will she notice some...

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


The Saturday after her birthday

Hermione was so excited to find out what Draco had planned for her.

As soon as she saw all the decorations in the breakfast nook, she decided to herself that she would
pretend it was her actual birthday and replace the bad memories.

Although, she would have to remember to tell Draco blueberry muffins weren’t her favorite
anymore that was the only downside to the morning so far.

Hermione kept her paper birthday crown and plastics sash on as they walked to the nearest
apparition point.

When they landed in the back of Frank's bookshop, she felt sort of a deJa'Vu.

Before she could say anything, Draco grabbed her hand and excitedly drug her inside the store.

He spun around with his arms open. “Anything you want, is on me.”

It was almost word for word what Ron had said.


“Come on Hermione, I know there are several books here that you don’t get because you feel you
don’t need them. Live a little and let me help grow your library.” He kissed her temple. “I need to
go speak to Frank really quick, but I’ll catch up. Go ahead and start looking. We aren’t leaving until
you have at least 5 books in your arms.” He hollered back as he walked away towards the till.

She couldn’t help the niggling feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was supposed to be a different

She walked up and down the rows anyway, stopping here and there to glance at a book that caught
her attention until she noticed they were the same books she had stopped to look at on Tuesday as
“Well, fuck.” Draco’s voice made her jump.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. I had asked Frank to set aside some books for me but apparently
someone already picked them up.” He explained. “Frank isn’t here for me to ask who it was, but
the worker said he would be here tomorrow. No matter, we will just have to find some more.” He
said while plucking one book from the bookshelf.

The book in question had a field of daisies on the cover.

She was going to be sick.

“Do you mind if we go to the next place? I’m feeling kind of ill and would like to sit for a

“Oh no, shall we cancel and plan for a different day?”

“No, it's fine. I think I might have eaten one too many muffins for breakfast.” She forced a smile.

Truth be told she had to keep a straight face while eating those muffins. They tasted almost
identical to the ones Ron bought for her. She had been sick to her stomach the whole time.

“If you’re sure. This next place we don’t have to be at for another hour but I’m sure we can find
something to do while we wait.”

They walked back around the back of the bookstore and disparated.

When they appeared behind the royal opera house she really was going to hurl.

Hermione bent over waiting for it to come. Her arms were braced on her knees. When she gagged a
few times Draco held her hair and rubbed her back in circles. Nothing came up. She stayed in the
same position for a moment trying to gather her thoughts. She took a deep breath, stood up and
shoved Draco hand off of her.

“What is this Malfoy?”

She saw him flinch, but she didn’t care.

“What the fuck is this whole day? First blueberry muffins, then the bookstore, where you
supposedly had books picked out waiting for me, now the ballet? Next, you’re gonna tell me that
we are going to Honeydukes but oh wait I told you I wanted to stay in muggle London.”

He opened his mouth to say something several times only nothing came out. It was like she had
stunned him.

“Out with it, Malfoy!”

The expression on his face changed from confusion to anger.

“First of all, Granger, I picked our bookstore because no one else knows about it. It’s just ours.
And I did have 5 books waiting for you! All first editions! I just seen them on Sunday when I tied a
silver bow around them. I don’t know why Frank gave them to someone else when I already paid
for them. I told him they were for your birthday. Secondly! I told you last week I would take you to
see Swan Lake on the weekend of your birthday.” He stepped towards her and gently lifted her chin
to look at him.

Tears were streaming down her face.

“Third, no I wasn’t going to take you to Honeydukes. But if you recall, one of your gifts was your
favorite candy from Honeydukes. I spent a month picking out every single thing I wanted to do for
you for your birthday, If you must know.” He said in a calmer lower voice.

He wiped away tears as they fell.

Realization hit her hard.

When she thought about it none of what Ron did made sense. She had been happy on her birthday
just having his attention but in her heart, she should have known he wasn’t ever that thoughtful.

“You told Frank about my birthday?” She questioned him.

“Of course I did. I gave the old man a list of books I carefully picked out for you. But don’t worry
I’ll find them…”
She interrupted him. “Did you sent me blueberry muffins and tea on my birthday”
He frowned at her “Of course I wanted your day to start off spec…”

She kissed him.

He didn’t respond at first. She ran her tongue across the seam of his lips asking for entry. Slowly he
started kissing her back. It was as if he didn’t want to startle her. She grabbed his hair and pulled
him closer to her deepen the kiss.

“Wait.” Draco said breathlessly against her lips.

“No more waiting.” She bit his bottom lip and he moaned.

“Wa-wa-wait, Hermione.” He broke their kiss but put his forehead on hers.

“As much as I want to continue kissing you, I refuse to do it while you are with that wanker.”

She started peppering his face with kisses.

“Well, it’s a good thing he’s staying at the Burrow this weekend. So, he won’t know what we do.”
She said in a daze as she started to suck on his neck.

“No.” He said forcefully while stepping out of her touch. “Fuck! This was supposed to go
differently. Not me rejecting you!”

She smirked and started walking towards him. “Well, why are you then?”

“Because I refuse to be the death eater that shagged you while you were pissed off at your

That woke Hermione up from whatever daze she had been.

“Draco, it’s not like that.” She walked towards him only he stepped back.
“Hermione, I have too much respect for you then to take advantage of you while you and your
boyfriend are going through whatever it is you are going through.” He raked his hand through his
hair. “Fuck! I shouldn’t have even kissed you” he mumbled. Then looked back at Hermione.
“Merlin forgive me, but maybe we should continue this on a different day. I have so many feelings
involved right now that I don’t trust myself with you.”

Tears fell from her eyes. He was rejecting her probably because he could tell how disgusting she

“Hermione,” He whispered and cupped her face. “Please don’t cry. I can’t bear to see you like this.
I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, darling.” He wiped tears from her cheek.

When she wrapped her arms around him he didn’t protest. He just wrapped his arms around her and
kissed the top of her head. “You don’t know how much you mean to me. I wanted you to have the
perfect day.”

She let out a sob. This was what a relationship was supposed to feel like. She never had this… this
feeling when she was with Ron.

He continued whispering in here ear. “I’m not rejecting you Hermione. I just… you have a boy
friend. I’ll always be here for you as a friend, a best friend no matter what. Please don’t think I’m
mad at you for kissing me. It was quite a nice kiss.” He chuckled.

She hadn’t felt that safe all week. She needed to tell him. To tell someone. She hadn’t gotten any
sleep since her birthday. The minute she closed her eyes she was right back there. She had even
resulted to sleeping on the sofa.
Hermione knew that she could trust Draco. Maybe if she told him he could help her.

So, in the quietest voice she could, she told him.

“I think Ron raped me.”

He stilled.

Her head was on his chest, so she heard when his heartbeat quickened.

“What did you just say?”

He loosened his grip like he was going to back away from her, but she couldn’t let him. So, she
tightened the grip she had on him.

“I know you must be disgusted with me but please don’t let me go.” She whispered.

“I would never be disgusted with you. Are you… are you sure it’s ok for me to touch you? I mean

“I feel safe with you.”

He wrapped his arms around her tighter.

“Alright hold on tight and I’ll apparate us to St. Mungos.”

She jerked out of his arms shaking her head no.

“Draco, I can’t. It will be in the papers.” She started pacing. “This is why I didn’t tell anyone. I’ll
be the laughingstock of the wizarding world. I can see the headlines now…”

“Hermione, Hermione love. Look at me.”

She stopped and looked back at him.

He had his hand out infront of him as if he was scared to touch her.

“I will not make you do anything you don’t want to do. Let’s go to my place and I’ll get you a
calming draught. Yea?”

“You swear this isn’t a trick just to get me to go to St. Mungos?”

“Hermione, I swear, I would never make you do anything you didn’t want to do. If you want, you
can apparate us to my place. You’ve been added to my wards.”

She shook her head yes.

“Alight, may I touch you?” He asked.
She grabbed his arm and apparated them to his house.

“Have a seat on the couch. I’ll make us some tea.”

She sat down but her legs trembled as so many thoughts ran through her head like they had all
week. Why hadn’t she stopped him? She should have used wandless magic on him. Why didn’t she
scream red? She knew he had been drunk so maybe it was her fault for agreeing to have sex in the
first place… because she had agreed. He made her say the safe word aloud. This was all her fault.

She went off into a spiral of what ifs, what she could have done, should have done and blamed

She stood up. She would just use Draco’s floo to go home. Once he heard the whole story, he
wouldn’t want anything to do with her and she needed him in her life.

Before she could take a step, he was there with her cup of tea and a vial of what she assumed was
calming drought and another vial that didn’t look familiar to her.

She took the tea and sat down.

“I promise this is your everyday calming drought. I brewed it myself.”

She glanced at the other vial in his hand.

“Ah, this compared to what I believe the muggles call the next morning pill. It prevents pregnancy
after… well you know.”

She shook her head.

“I’m on the monthly potion.”

“I understand that, but according to Theo studies show that if a wizard were to rape a witch he was
in a relationship with he might have fucked with her potion. It’s just a precaution really. For peace
of mind.”

Her eyes had widened. “That’s what we fought about before the first time.” She whispered.

“Merlin, Hermione, how many times has this happened to you?”

“Twice," she said, ashamed.

“Hey hey, look at me.” He held his hands out to her. “May I touch you?”

She shook her head yes and frowned. “You have already been touching me. Why do you keep
asking me?”

He scooted closer to her and grazed the side of her face. “Because Hermione, you have a right to be
touched or not touched at any point in time. Be it your best friend, husband, or stranger. No one has
the right to touch your body except you.”

He nudged her chin, so she was looking at him in the eyes.

“Do you understand? No one has the right to touch you.”

“No, you don’t understand.” She whispered. “I said yes. I agreed to having sex.”

He shook his head. “No one has the right to touch you.”

She yanked her head out of his touch. He didn’t protest, he just put his hands in his lap.

“He’s my boyfriend. I loved him.” She yelled.

“No one has the…”

Hermione broke down crying.

“I used the safe word, Draco. He asked me what the safe words were before we started but when I
said it, he didn’t stop. Why didn't he stop?”

This time he didn’t ask for permission. He grabbed her and cradled her to him. She was grateful he
didn’t ask.

She wept into his chest asking over and over why he had hurt her like he did. Had she really been
in the wrong? Did she deserve it?

Draco cooed praises to her for being so brave to tell him and assured her she was not in the wrong
and didn’t deserve what happened to her.

He held her like that for I don’t know how long.

It was dark when she woke up. Hermione was in a bed that she was unfamiliar with. When she
looked around, she could barely make out Draco sitting in a chair his feet propped up on the corner
of the bed.

“Did you get a good sleep?” He asked.

“I guess. What time is it?”

She watched as Draco cast a tempest and the numbers 8:30 came floating up.

“Wow, looks like I slept the day away.”

“The weekend.”


“It’s 8:30 Sunday night.”

Her eyes went wide. “Sunday?! No! Harry must be worried! I usually go with them to the burrow
for Sunday roast.” She started to get out of bed.

He shook his head. “Harry knows you’re here. He doesn’t know the reason. Just that you’re here.”
Draco twirled around his wand.

“Do you wanna talk about it?” He asked.

She didn’t, but she knew she had to tell him something. He wasn’t just going to let her go back
home knowing what Ron had done to her. Hell, she didn’t know if she wanted to go back home,
back to that place.

“Did you know that you talk in your sleep?” His question broke her out of her thoughts.

There was no way… no way that she had… “wh-what did I say?” She asked nervously.

She prayed it was nothing about what Ron had done.

“Enough for me to know I’m not letting you return to that—that vial excuse for a wizard.”

Just then they heard his floo roar to life.

“Draco, what the fuck did you do?!” A man’s voice came from downstairs.

“Draco, darling, we have to get you out of here.” A female voice that sounded familiar.

“Mate, I have that portkey to my place in Italy you ask about. You can lay low there.” Another
male voice.

The three people she heard talking downstairs came barging into the room.

The light from the hallway shined right on Draco, showing that he was splattered with blood.

Hermione covered her mouth. “Oh gods, Draco, what did you do?”

She climbed off of the bed and ran towards him. She cupped his face and began moving it every
which way. He had a black eye and a busted lip. She moved to his neck but didn’t see any bruises.
She went to lift his shirt, but he stopped her.

“I’m ok. Really, I am.”

She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck squeezing him to her. He let out a hiss.
She knew he wasn’t 100 percent ok.

She sat back “what did you do?”

He picked up her arm and showed her the fingerprints that were there from Ron, purple and blue.
Her glamour had gone away.

“When I woke this morning and saw all of the bruises he left you... I lost it. I asked Mippy to alert
me as soon as you stirred and went to go find him.”

He wiped a tear that escaped Hermione's eyes.

“I’m sorry to tell you this but I found him with his tongue down another witches throat.”

“Mate you have to get going if you’re going to leave. The aurors will be here any second.” The
voice Hermione now knew to be Blaise Zabini said.

“What are they talking about? Go where?” Hermione asked frantically.

“I drug the bastard outside and beat the shit out of him. He only got a few hits in before I knocked
him out. I’m pretty sure he reported me. The whole bar saw me drag him outside. Plus, what I said
to him on your birthday. There were too many witnesses.” He caressed her cheeks and she clung to
his shirt. “Please know I chose to do this. It is not your fault.”

“MALFOY! Where the fuck are you?”

“Right on time.” Draco mumbled as he kissed the top of Hermione's head. Then he whispered a
wandless concealment charm directed at Hermione. She watched as the bruises on her arms faded

“You should let people know on your terms.” He kissed her temple and guided her out of his lap so
he could stand.

“I’m up here Potter.” Draco said right as Harry came rushing into the room pushing through Theo,
Blaise and Pansy.

Wand pointing at Draco, Harry said. “You’re coming with me Malfoy. We can do this the easy way
or the hard way.”

Hermione watched as Draco handed Harry his wand and presented him with his wrist to be bound
with magical manacles that would prevent him from doing wandless magic.

“Wait!” Was all Hermione could say but no one was paying attention to her.

“Pansy, keep Scorp with you please. And make sure she takes both vials. I assume you heard
enough of our conversation that you know what happened?”

Hermione looked back and forth between Pansy and Draco.

Pansy nodded and looked at Hermione with tears in her eyes then back at Draco.

“We will keep her safe. Scorp too.”

“I'm making a call to your solicitor as soon as you leave.” Blaise said.

All Hermione could do was watch the scene unfold.

“You are being charged with assault on an Auror, Malfoy. You broke Ron’s nose, 4 ribs, his left
hand was mangled, two fingers were broken on his right hand, not to mention he might not be able
to have children as many times as you kicked him in the groin. He had so much internal bleeding
that he almost died, Malfoy. This can be punishable by 10 years in Azkaban. Do you have anything
to say for yourself?”

“I should have fucking killed him.”

Chapter End Notes

It's out!
Draco knows and is LIVID!
He was so precious and carful with her!

What do we think he did to the weasel?

Next chapter is a Draco's POV where we rewind a little bit to see what happened while
Hermione was sleeping.
Chapter Summary

What did Draco do to Ron? Read and find out!

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


Saturday after Hermione fell asleep

Draco cradled her in his arms for 2 hours after she fell asleep crying wondering why someone she
loved would hurt her the way he did.

Draco was LIVID.

Had he not had the witch in his arms he probably would have already left to beat the shit out of that
fucking bastard.

The two hours he held her in his arms he talked himself down. He had Scorp to think about and if
he attacked the weasel and ended up in Azkaban, he would not only lose his son but Hermione as

He would just talk Hermione into telling Potter. Surely, she would tell her best friend.

He picked her up and brought her to his room. He could have taken her to a spare room, but he
needed to be near her just in case.

Draco had just tucked her in when his floo roared to life.

Fuck, what was he going to tell Pansy?

Before he could leave the room, she was bursting in it with Scorp on her hip.

“Draco, darling do you want to get… oh shit! I’m sorry.”

He pointed to the hallway and followed her out.

Draco picked up Scorp from her and kissed him on his head. He took him to his room and sat him
down on his playmat.


“Yes, master Draco?”

“I need you to look after Scorp for a bit while I have a word with Pansy.”

“Of course, master Draco! Mippy loves her young master Scorp.”

“Thank you.”

He turned around and Pansy had her arms crossed, one brow raised.

“Would you like a drink?” He asked as he passed her and went downstairs to the front room bar

“I’d like you to tell me what’s going on?”

He made them each a glass of firewhiskey and handed Pansy hers.

Draco sat down in his chair and massaged his temples.

“It’s not a story for me to tell, but I do need a favor. Can you keep Scorp this weekend? I’ll pay you
of course and if you need Mippy I’m sure she wouldn’t mind helping.”

“Draco, what’s going on?”

He shook his head and looked Pansy in the eyes.

“It’s not my story to tell.”

She narrowed her eyes at him then sat down on the couch but quickly got up because she had sat on
a vial.

When she picked it up and inspected it Draco saw her eyes widen. She looked up the stairs then
back at the vial then back at Draco.

“No, Draco.” She whispered.

Pansy sat back down. She knew what was in that vial. She had to take it for a similar reason last

“Will you help me?”

“Of course! And you know you don’t have to pay me! That my godson I’ll always take care of him.
But Draco, please don’t do anything stupid.”

“I’m not. I’ve had time to think about it. I just hope she talks to her best friend.”

Pansy gave him a sad smile.

“It’s hard telling one person much less two. If she confided in you, then she probably won’t confide
in anyone else.”

“She told me she felt safe with me.”

They were quiet for a while sipping their firewhiskey and enjoying the burn.
“I have to lie to Potter. I know they go to the weasels' moms house every Sunday. There is no way
I’m letting her do that.”

“Floo call him, tell him you had a birthday dinner and you both got food poisoning so you're taking
care of her.”

Draco nodded agreeing it was a good excuse.

Hours later Draco was sitting in a chair in his room reading a book while keeping an eye on
Hermione when he noticed her starting to get restless.

He stood up and went to sit on the side of the bed stroking her hair murmuring to her.

“You’re ok, you’re safe.”

“I haven’t seen his...”

Draco frowned at her.

“Hermione, are you awake?” He whispered.

“Yes, I love your cock it’s bigger than Malfoy’s!” She cried.

Draco’s eyes went wide.

She stared thrashing her head side to side.

“Ron, I haven’t fucked Dra- Malfoy. I swear. Don't make me say that.”

No, that fucker didn’t rape her because he thought they had sex did he? Draco thought.

“You fuck better than Malfoy.” She whispered with tears running down her face.

He needed to wake her up from her nightmare.

“Hermione, love your having a nightmare.”

“Red. Red. Red. Red. Red. Red.” She said as she started to thrashing around.

Draco crawled on the bed, scooped her in his arms, and held her tight against him. She took a deep
breath then sighed. Draco thought she must have smelled him. Hermione snuggled into his hold and
calmed down.

Draco stroked hair and whispered ‘everything is going to be ok’ over and over until he drifted off to
sleep holding her tight.

The next morning Draco woke up with Hermione still in his arms. Anytime he attempted to lay her
down on the bed she held onto him tighter.
He didn’t get the best night's sleep because anytime she would move, he woke up to make sure she
was ok. That and the memory of what she had said while she was having that nightmare haunted

He didn’t know how she could even stand to be in his arms if that fucker made her say all of that
while he raped her.

When he looked down at her he noticed the black under her eyes from lack of sleep. He brushed
her cheek with his thumb. Had she glamoured herself Saturday?

Then the next thing he noticed were the bruises on her arms in the shape of fingers. From when
Ron had apparently held her down. When she shifted, her shirt rode up and he could see similar
bruises on her sides.

Draco saw red.

He slipped out of her hold, quickly replacing himself with a pillow.

He took a quick shower then called for Mippy when he got downstairs. He explained to her he had
errands he had to run but that she needed to keep a close eye on Hermione. He wanted to be let
know as soon as she stirred.
Once Mippy agreed Draco floo’d to Blaise’s

“You’re not talking me out of this so just cut the crap and get on board I don’t have time.” Draco
said as he paced.

“Mate, what the fuck is going on?”

“You remember that photo I told you needed to keep out of the paper? Have them print it tomorrow.
I might need a portkey to your villa. I haven’t decided yet, but I’d like that as an option.”

“Draco, you’re not making any sense.”

He stopped pacing and looked his friend in the eyes.

“We protect our own.”

They stared at each other until Blaise nodded.

“I have the photo myself so I can take it personally. There are… others, should I let them go to print
as well?”

Draco nodded. “Yes, I’m done protecting that asshole. Fuck him.”

“Don’t do anything stupid mate. He’s just cheating on her. Yea it was disgusting that he did it on
her birthday but maybe once these photos are out there, she will leave him. And he will have a bad
reputation. Win win.”

If he only knew.

“Just make sure you have the portkey so I have my options. I’ll floo you once I get back home.
Don’t tell Pansy or Theo until I floo you later. Got it?”
“I hope you know what you're doing, Mate. You know you can always trust me.”

With a nod Draco disparated and landed right outside Hermione and that asshole's flat. A quick
hominem revelio showed no one was home.

Draco spent several hours trying to find the weasel. He went to several different bars, magical and
muggle, because he knew the git was an alcoholic. Just when he was about to give up and go home,
he spotted him walking down Knockturn Alley with some random witch.

He kept an eye on them and watched as they entered a new pub called Potions.

He had heard of the place. Every single drink they served included a potion. The effect of the
potion depended on the drink. Some lowered your inhibition, some increased your sex drive, they
even had some that include a small dose of truth serum. Every sip you took of that one would allow
you to answer one question truthfully.

Draco walked into the pub and sat on a stool in the furthest corner of the bar.

When the bartender asked him what he wanted to drink he ordered a firewhiskey and a truth teller.

“You do know what’s in the firewhiskey? I only ask because you look angry and I don’t want any
fighting in my pub.” The bartender asked.

“Noted and I am aware.” Draco replied rolling his eyes.

The bartender shook his head but gave Draco his drinks.

Firewhiskey came with a potion that enhanced your emotions. If you were happy, it would make
you happier however if you were mad, it would only make you angrier.

Draco watched as Ron shoved his tongue down that random witch's throat he was walking with. He
ran his hand up her leg and it disappeared. Draco shook his head and looked away.

He didn’t understand why the bloke didn’t appreciate Hermione for who she was. He was lucky to
have a witch like her. Draco would give anything for a witch like her. He would do anything to
protect her.

When he looked back at them the witch was getting up, probably to go to the loo Draco thought.

He downed his firewhiskey, picked up the other drink, and made his way across the room.

“This seat taken?” Draco asked not bothering to wait for an answer and just sitting down.

“Piss off Malfoy! I’m not in the mood to deal with you tonight.”

Draco held his hands up. “I just thought I’d buy you a drink for acting like I did on Hermione’s
Draco nudged the drink towards Ron. The git was already sloshed so Draco figured he wouldn’t
even care what drink it was.

Weasley grinned and picked up the drink. “Hermione, has you so whipped and you’re not even
dating the witch. She make you come apologize?”

“Something like that.” Draco shrugged.

He took a drink and Draco smirked. Score one for him. He would start off easy.

“Speaking of Hermione, what did you get her for her birthday? She never told me.” Draco asked.

The git had an evil smirk on his face that Draco wanted to punch right off. But there would be time
for that later.

“Funny you should ask, I stole your ideas. I actually found the list you made. Hermione’s perfect
gifts. You made it so easy for me” he laughed and took another drink.

Draco was stunned. So that was why Hermione had looked sick and had gotten mad at him. She
was having to relive her birthday she spent with the weasel. That pissed Draco off even more. “You
stole my ideas, you asshole.”

The fucker grinned. “Yep, and rescheduled your party. Made it all my idea! I knew I was the one
that was gonna get the prize that night.”

Did he actually rape her on her birthday? No, no he wouldn’t have, Draco thought.

The weasel took another sip of the drink.

“That night was the best sex of my life.”

Draco’s face went red with fury. He was clutching his wand. He hadn't even had the chance to ask
another question. The asshole was so drunk he didn't even realize the information he was giving
Draco just by talking.

“Say, have you ever had just mind-blowing rough sex? Because if not you should try it. Just take
control of the witch. Trust me they like it.”

Draco leaned forward as Ron took the last sip of his drink.

3 sips, 3 questions. He was tired of just sitting there, he needed his answers so he could get on with
the punishing.

“I need to ask you a question about sex.”

The Grin the git had on his face looked like he was amused... he wouldn't be for too long.

“Malfoy! I never thought I’d be the one to give you sex advice. Let me have it.”

He motioned for the idiot to come closer as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear what he had to

“If you’re having sex with a witch and she thinks it’s too rough so she says her safe word ‘red’ but
you continue to fuck her anyway, would you call that rape?”
Draco sat back and watched as all color drained from Weasley’s face.

He was struggling trying to not answer the question, but Draco stayed quiet and just watched him

“Yes.” He finally spit out, eyes wide that he actually answered that question.

Draco kept eye contact with him.

“Have you ever done that before? Continued to fuck a witch even though she said to stop?”

The weasel was struggling again but eventually he couldn’t hold the answer in anymore.
“Yes. But Malfoy it’s not what you think they like it. It’s sort of a game they play you see. They say
they don’t want it when they really do. ” He rushed the words out of his mouth.

Draco nodded, stood up and acted like he was about to leave but stopped and turned around. He
braced himself on the table.

“One more question Weasley…. did you Rape Hermione Granger the night of her birthday?”

Tears were falling down the weasel's face he was in so much pain as he tried not to answer. He held
his hand over his mouth as if that would stop Draco from getting his answer.

Draco ripped his hand away from his mouth, the force Draco used he knew he had broken two of
the gits fingers.

“Yes.” He whispered.

Draco grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him up from the table, knocking it over.

He was causing quite the commotion, but he didn’t care. He pulled Weasley out of the pub and
down the street into an empty alleyway.

He didn’t bother with his wand; he wanted to feel the pain he inflicted on the piece of shit.

Weasley elbowed him in the lip trying to get away, but Draco grabbed his arm and twisted it behind
his back. Then he banged Weasley’s head on the wall.
The git turned around and swung at him, but Draco was ready. He grabbed that hand and twisted
until he heard a pop. The git yelled, stomped on Draco’s foot, which distracted him enough to let
allow Weasley to punch him in the eye. Draco slammed him into the wall and punched his face in

Weasley laughed and spit blood in Draco’s face.“I fucking enjoyed it too. You should have heard

Draco threw punch after punch as Weasley laughed. He was so full of rage he blacked out.

When Draco finally came too, he was sitting on the ground down a dark alley, hands covered in
blood. He winced when he tried to get up. He had to brace himself on the wall behind him as he
carefully stood.
Once he was standing, he took note of the area around him and noticed a body lying on the ground
a few feet away from him. When he saw the red hair, he started to remember bits and pieces.

He had followed Weasley to a pub, got him to confess he raped Hermione, then he drug the bastard

He remembered being so angry at Weasley laughing that he lost control of himself. That must have
been when he blacked out.

Draco vaguely remembered Weasley fighting back but in the end, he was the one that knocked the
fucker out.

He walked over to him nudged him with his foot.

Was he even still alive?

Weasley let out a groan and rolled onto his back.

Draco spat on him and kicked him in the balls a few more for good measure.



“Master Draco! Is you ok?”

“Mippy can you take me to my place. I don’t trust myself to apparate solo.”

Mippy grabbed Draco’s hand and apparated them to his home. She shoved several vials in his hand
as soon as they were there.

“Take these so master Draco can feel better.”

“Mippy, I’m fine but how is Hermione?”

“Mippy takes good care of Ms. Ms not wake up one time.”

“Thank you. You may go.”


Draco downed the vials Mippy gave him and made a floo call to Blaise.

“Blaise!” He yelled when he saw no one in the massive sitting area.

“Fucking Hell! Draco what happened?”

“You do what I asked?”

“Yes, but why is your face covered in blood?”

“Because I almost killed Weasley, well it’s debatable if he will live after what I did to him. I guess
it depends on how quickly he is found.”
Blaise looked at him in shock, mouth opened.
“Blaise I need you to do one more thing for me, please take care of Hermione.”

Draco ended the floo call before Blaise could say anything.

He walked upstairs and plopped down in the chair beside the bed.

“It’s only a matter of time before your best friend gets here to arrest me. I know you’re sleeping,
but I just can’t go to Azkaban without confessing my love to you.” He tucked a stray curl around
her ear careful not to wake her.

“I’ve loved you for a very long time. You are so smart and kind to others that don’t deserve it. I
don’t deserve you. You’re beautiful and always smell so good. Hermione I would do anything for
you. I wish I could take away the hurt that bastard did to you, but I promise I made him hurt
worse.” He carefully kissed her forehead.

Draco stood up and moved the chair to the end of the bed. He didn’t want to scare her with the way
he looked when she woke up. If he was still there when she woke up.

He scribbled a note on a piece of parchment, got an empty vial and extracted the memory of his
night. He attached the vial to the note and put it in the top drawer of his nightstand after casting a
spell on it.

The only thing left to do was wait.

He didn’t have to wait long.

Draco sat in the interrogation room of the DMLE picking the dried blood off of his hands. He kind
of wished he would have cleaned up as soon as he got home. Too late now.

He heard a commotion outside.

“Let me in that fucking room Potter! I've seen the state Ron is in. He had to of done something. If
the ferret won’t talk to you maybe he will talk to me.”

Draco rolled his eyes. Ginevra. Trying to come to his rescue.

The door opened, when Draco looked there she stood pregnant and furious.

He smirked at her and she stormed in with Potter on her tail.

“Out Potter! I can do this by myself.” She Yelled at her husband. Draco laughed under his breath.

“You are out of your mind if you think I’m leaving you, my pregnant wife, alone with this asshole
after what he did to Ron.” Potter pointed at Draco giving him a look that said he was disgusted with

“I’m handcuffed you idiot.”

“He’s handcuffed you idiot.”

Draco and Ginny say at the same time.

After a few more words with his wife, Potter reluctantly left the room making it known he would
just be on the other side of the door.

Once he was gone Ginny slipped out her wand and cast a diagnostic spell on Draco.

He watched as she cast spells on him, quietly healing some of his wounds.

She finally cast a scourgify on him, getting rid of the caked-on blood.

“Thank you, Ginny. You didn’t have to do that.”

“Fuck you ferret. What’s going on? You have to tell me.”

Draco looked up at her and saw that she was crying.


“You should get home and take care of yourself. Aren’t you due—“


Draco closed his eyes and breathed through the pain. She had slapped him in the face after healing
him. When he opened his eyes, he was met with hers full of fury.

“What the fuck did he do?”

She bore her eyes into his. This witch was going nowhere until she got answers.

Draco tried to look away, but she grabbed his face and made him look at her.

“Tell me Draco. Help me help you. You have a son! You don’t deserve to go to Azkaban. Help me
help you…. Please.” She begged.

The tears in her eyes were breaking him.

“Ginny…” he whispered.

Draco closed his eyes not waiting to see the hurt in hers.

“It’s not my story to tell… but go to my place and talk to Hermione. The top drawer of my
nightstand has all the answers you need.”

He opened his eyes and was met with Ginny’s tears falling down her face. How he wished he could
wipe them away.

“Please… help Pansy take care of my son.”

She stood up straight and furiously wiped away her tears.

“You’re an idiot. I’m going to get you out of this.”

Draco shook his head. “Don’t force Hermione to do or say anything she doesn’t want to. It’s not
fair to her.”

“Stop refusing your solicitor and you better accept visitors, so help me Draco I will hex your balls


She took a deep breath and placed her palm on the side of his face.

Draco leaned into it.

“I’m sorry for slapping you.”

“I deserved it. Now go home and put your feet up. Please don’t stress on my account.”

When she leaned down to kiss him on the cheek Draco took that time to let Ginny know one more

“Ginny, I didn’t kill him because he is your brother but if it were anyone else… he would be dead.”
He whispered.

Ginny nodded and turned to open the door, but she paused right before she walked out.

“You are my brother too.”

Draco let a single tear fall.

Chapter End Notes

Oh Draco, hot headed Draco.

To be fair Ron deserved everything Draco did to him but now he is in trouble.

Next Chapter we go to Hermione's POV to see how she's doing. Maybe she can help.
Chapter Summary

Draco is in jail and now Hermione has to figure out what to do.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


24 hours after Draco has been arrested

When Harry left with Draco it was all a blur. Hermione didn’t know what happened and was still in
shock from admitting what happened to herself to Draco.

Pansy gave her two vials of potions and made her drink them almost immediately after he left.

She knew one must have been a calming draught because she didn’t go into panic mode.

Hermione was going to go home but Pansy insisted she stay at Draco’s. She didn’t argue because
the actual thought of going back to that place made her sick at her stomach.

She lay on Draco’s bed feeling helpless.

They couldn’t see Draco until after he saw a solicitor and he was refusing to see them.

Everyone wanted to talk to Hermione and ask her questions, including Harry. Pansy, for some
reason, was being very protective of her and wouldn’t let anyone in the room for the first 24 hours.
Pansy insisted that she rested.

She wondered if she knew.

Hermione thought about telling Harry, but she was afraid that he would take Ron’s side. They were
best friends after all. They had gotten even closer because they were assigned as partners when they
first became Aurors.

She didn’t even want to think about the whole Weasley clan. They would all definitely take Ron’s
side. He was family after all.

*Knock knock*

“May I come in?”


Hermione sat up on the bed.


Ginny walked in, opened the top drawer of Draco’s nightstand and pulled out a piece of parchment
and a vial of something.

She sat on the bed and held the items out to Hermione. She tentatively took them eyeing the vial

“I just got to see Draco. He’s agreed to talk to his solicitor now. I may have slapped him in the

“Ginny!” Hermione looked up at her shocked.

She shrugged.

“He deserved it. He was being an idiot. I did heal what wounds I could. Hermione, he wouldn’t tell
me why he did what he did but I have a feeling it was to protect you. I promised him I wouldn’t
force you to say anything.”

Hermione just sat in silence while turning the vial over and over. Ginny squeezed her hand, so
Hermione looked up at her.

“Hermione, I don’t know how much you know about our relationship, but I consider him like a
brother. Harry and I have actually been arguing the past few weeks because I told him I wanted
Draco to be the little one's Godfather.” Ginny rubbed her stomach.

“Harry isn’t as close as we are. He doesn’t understand the good person Draco is. I see the good
person he has become. So, for him to do what he did to Ron… I know Ron had to have done

Hermione didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t admit to Ginny that her own brother had raped her.
So she stayed quiet.

Ginny sighed. “He told me that note and vial would probably be the only thing that could help him.
So maybe start by reading what the note says.”
Hermione nodded. Ginny stood up and walked to the door.

“Pansy and I talked and decided to switch off taking care of Scorp. At least until we figure out
what’s going on or I go into labor. Whichever comes first. But I’ll be taking him the for the next
couple of days so if you want to see him just floo over.”

Then she left.

Hermione sat holding the note and vial. After closer inspection she knew what the vial contained, a
memory. She guessed it was probably of what happened that night.

She rubbed the vial between her fingers still not bothering to open the note.

A few moments later.

*Knock knock*

So much for Pansy keeping everyone away.

“Hermione, it’s Blaise. I need to speak to you about something. I promise it will be quick. May I
come in?”

She was hesitant. She had talked to Pansy quite a bit and they were on friendly terms but Blaise and
Theo, she hadn’t had much interaction with.

Curiosity got the best of her and she told him to come in.

He stayed standing in the doorway.

“I don’t know how much you know about what I do but one of my jobs is keeping unwanted photos
out of the press. A photo was taken this week, and I was alerted about it. When I saw who it was, I
mentioned it to Draco. He asked me to keep it out of the press. Well just before he left to do
whatever he did, he came by my place and asked me to deliver the photo to the paper. They printed
it this morning. I’m so sorry Hermione.”

He walked towards the bed and set the paper down so the front page wasn’t visible. Then turned
around and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

Hermione was nervous to look, what photo of her would Draco keep out of the papers but then turn
around and have them print?

She snatched it and turned it over.

Her eyes went wide at the moving photo.

Ron was leaning against the outside back wall of the Royal with some girl on her knees in front of
him. He had his hands on her head guiding her while she sucked his cock. It took a moment for
Hermione to realize that that was on her birthday while she was inside watching the ballet. That
was why she couldn’t find him. He was outside getting a fucking blow job... on her birthday!

Hermione looked back at the note Draco left her then promptly tore it open.


This vial contains the confession of one Ronald Weasley as to what he did to you on your Birthday.
I am so sorry, I had no idea it actually happened on your birthday. Although, it shouldn’t have
happened at all.

I’m not telling you to use it or not, that is completely up to you. I told you I wouldn’t force you to do
anything you didn’t want to do and I stand by that.

It’s why I have made this memory a onetime view only. If you call Mippy she will take you directly
to the Pensive at the manor. Once you view it, it will disappear. You don’t need to watch it over and
over again.
Or you can take it and give it to Potter to help put the Weasel behind bars. Just make sure you show
him this letter verifying that he will only be able to watch it once as well.

If you are in fact reading this, it’s because I got to tell Ginny about it. I know how she is, as soon as
I was put in a cell, she would make her husband let her see me. I probably made her think the
memory in the vial will help me but to be honest it proves that I did what I did and was

I would do it all over again for you.

Hermione, love, I told you this while you were sleeping but I’ll tell you again now…

I’m in love with you and have been for a while now. It’s why I took careful consideration when
choosing what to do for your birthday until it was ruined. You are an amazing witch Hermione
Granger. You take my breath away whenever you enter a room. I wish I could have told you this
and more under other circumstances but life is cruel.

You have a lot to think about, so I’ll end with this… I am sorry I’m not there to hold you in my arms
and whisper for you not to worry, while kissing your temple. Remember, none of this is your fault.

Yours Always, Draco

PS. Please do me this last favor, stay in my son life. He is going to need a strong witch like you if I
have to go to Azkaban like I fear I will. XX

“Pansy!” Hermione yelled with tears streaming down her face.

She burst through the door and took no time gathering Hermione in her arms when she saw her

“Did you know, Pansy.” Hermione asked between sobs.

Pansy gave her a sad smile. “That Draco is in love you? Darling everyone except you can see how
mad about you he is.”

“How could I not see? And now he’s in jail! This is all my fault. I should have never told him. It’s
my fault he might go to Azkaban. It’s all my fault.” She wept in Pansy’s arms.

“I’ll hear none of that. This isn’t your fault. You didn’t ask for it to happen to you.”

She rocked Hermione in her arms until she settled down.

“Pansy, Ron he… he…” Hermione buried her face in her hands she could say the word again, not
out loud.

“Shhhh, I know. I know.” Pansy replied.

Hermione looked up at her. “Did Draco tell you? Is that how you know?”

She shook her head. “Draco would never do that. I actually came over the day he put you in his
bed. I almost sat on a vial. When I saw what it was I put two and two together.” She sighed. “I
actually had to take that potion for a similar reason last year. That’s how I knew what it was.” She

“Oh Pansy. I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

”Likewise Hermione.”

They sat in silence for a while until Hermione gathered the courage to speak again.

”I can’t let him get away with this.”

“What do you want to do?”

She grabbed the prophet and pointed at the photo.

”Ron is obviously cheating on me. If he is doing what he did… to me… to them… I think I need to
speak up”

When Hermione first told Draco, she was worried about the papers finding out about her. After
seeing the paper, that he had been cheating on her, all she was worried about was what if what
happened to her was also happening to other witches.
Plus, if anyone deserved to be in Azkaban it was Ron not Draco.

“Do you think anything will still show if we go to St. Mungo’s? It happened on my birthday and
last Friday.”

“Yes, they do several diagnostic charms on you, make you take several potions and give blood.
Would you like me to go with you?”

“Would you? I don’t think I can go by myself. I’m guessing Ron is probably still there. Do you
think the boys would be willing to go with us. You know just in case.”

“Theo and Blaise are downstairs being guard dogs. They haven’t left since we all three arrived and
I don’t think they would let us go by ourselves if we wanted to.” She chuckled.

“Do they know?”

“Darling, we know how much Draco loves you and know he would do anything to protect you. It's
not hard to guess what happened.”

“And Harry? Does he know?”

Pansy shook her head. “Potter is blind when it comes to Weasley and Draco. If Ginny wasn’t as
close as she is to Draco, I think he would be treated worse than he is being treated now.”

Hermione sat up determined.

“We will go to St. Mungo’s, and I’ll get tested and the proper paperwork. Then we will go up to the
DMLE turn in the papers and show Harry the memory of Draco’s. Maybe it will be enough to get
him out.”

The sad smile Pansy was giving Hermione showed she thought otherwise.
“I don’t want you to get your hopes up. But Draco did attach an Auror. It’s not going to matter if he
deserved it or not Draco will be punished.”

“No! I won’t let that happen.” She wiped the tears from her face. “Now let’s go.”

They were at St. Mungo’s for 2 hours. Pansy was right. They ran several diagnostics charms over
Hermione as well as make her take several different types of potions. She gave 3 vials of blood and
had a thorough examination. They dropped any dissolutions Hermione had put on herself and took
down note after note of every bruise she had on her body including both handprints on her waist,
both arms and wrist. She even had one on her back that she didn’t know about.

As they were leaving, they passed by the Weasleys in the waiting room. Fleur came running to
Hermione giving her a hug whispering in her ear that she hoped she was ok and to floo call her if
she needed anything. The other Weasley’s stayed sat down. Hermione guessed it was because of the
glare their mother was giving them. The only Weasley missing was Ginny. Hermione had a good
idea of where she was at.

As soon as Hermione, Pansy, Blaise and Theo entered the DMLE together they were met with
sneers and whispers.

They walked all the way to Harry’s office, but he wasn’t there. His assistant informed her that he
was in a meeting and that she was free to wait in the waiting room. Hermione informed her that she
would wait in Harry’s office for his return. She took down the wards she had put up for him herself.
Then let herself and the Slytherins in.

When he didn’t arrive an hour and a half later, she conjured her patrons and sent a message to him
saying she was waiting in his office.

The door flew open 2 minutes later.

“Hermione! Are you ok?” He carefully shut the door and eyed the other 3 people in his office.

“We have been waiting an hour and a half for you, Potter, what do you think?” Pansy said crossing
her arms.

“No one told me you were here.” He snapped back.

“Looks like you need a new assistant.” Blaise mumbled.

Hermione couldn’t look Harry in his eyes. She was nervous and quite frankly was on the verge of
losing her nerve to even tell him.

She fiddled with the vial in her hand, turning it over and over. Could she go through with it?

Blaise kneeled down in front of her.

“Sweetheart, just say the word and we will go home and try another day. You have been through so
much already today. It’s ok. Draco would insist.”
A tear fell down Hermione’s face and he wiped it away.

“Do you want to go home?”

She was a coward. She couldn’t tell Harry verbally. Hell, she didn’t want to say it to anyone.

Hermione nodded.

Blaise helped her up and ushered her towards the door.

“Hermione? Are you not going to tell me what’s going on?” Harry asked.

She paused and looked at Harry. He was worried about her.

She set the paperwork, the note, and the vial on his desk.

“Ask your best friend.” She whispered.

Then she turned to Blaise, Pansy, and Theo.

“Take me home.”

Without another word they did just that.

Chapter End Notes

Who needs the Weasley’s! Hermione has a few new people to help support her.
Let's hope her paperwork is enough to help Draco.

Next chapter we go to Draco's POV and find out just how much trouble he is in.
Chapter Summary

Draco serves time in Azkaban

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


48 hours after being taken in

“So let me get this straight. You attack and auror. Beat him until he was almost dead, but he did
nothing to provoke you?”

Draco knew his solicitor was just trying to do his job, but he was wasting his fucking time.

“I didn’t say that.” Draco answered, rolling his eyes.

“I asked you if he did anything to you and you said no.”

“That’s because he didn’t do anything… to me.”

“Fucking hell! Mr. Malfoy you are not helping—“

The door burst open and there stood Potter. Eyes red, a folder of papers in one hand and a vial in
the other.

Draco sat up straighter. He knew what was in that vial. From the looks of Potter, he guessed he had
just talked to Hermione.

“Get out!” He yelled at Draco’s solicitor.

“I still have-“

“I said GET OUT!” He yelled again.

Draco had never seen Potter that angry. When his solicitor looked at him and he nodded.

“You heard the man.”

Draco kept eye contact with Potter the whole time his solicitor packed up his papers and left out of
the room slamming the door.

“Evening Potter. What brings you here today?” Draco lifted an eyebrow at him.
He threw the folder on the table and out spilled not only the note he included with the vial but
paperwork from St. Mungo’s.

That meant Hermione had went and got checked out. Good Draco thought. He scanned the paper
until he found what he was looking for. Negative. He let out a sigh of relief. The last thing he
wanted was for her to get pregnant from that horrible incident.

He looked back up at Potter who had tears running down his face not even bothering to hide them.

“So it’s true? He… he… FUCK!” Potter paced the room until he finally sat down in the chair
opposite of Draco. He wiped his hand down his face and hung his head down. “How many times?”

Draco frowned. “First of all, once is enough.”

“That’s not what I-“ Potter shook his head but Draco interrupted.

“Second, I thought you talked to her. You’ve obviously seen her if you have that vial.” Draco
pointed to the vial containing his memory.

Potter closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. “She could barely look at me. Just sat the paperwork
and the vial on my desk and left with Zabini, Nott, and Parkinson. She probably thought I would
take his side.”

“And are you? On his side?” Draco questioned, glaring at him.

Potters eyes went wide. “Fuck no! He raped my best friend, Malfoy! How could he do that to

Potter stood up and paced around the small room again. He walked to the wall Draco was facing
and braced himself on it, hands clutched into fists.

Draco could see by the rise and fall of his shoulders he was breathing heavily. He opened his mouth
to say something to the Potter but he started banging his fist on the wall. Draco decided to stay
quiet, it was what he would want someone to do for him.

Once he was done, he turned around to face Draco. Potters eyes were wet and he was still breathing

“Make you feel better?” Draco asked.

“Did almost killing him make you feel better?”

He smirked. “Probably a lot better than you feel right now.”

Potter nodded and sat back down in his chair and looked Draco dead eyes.

“Right, how the fuck are we going to get you out of this? They are already talking about 10 years in
Azkaban, Malfoy. Ron is pressing charges. Will anything in this vial help you?”

Draco shook his head. “Doubt it. That vial is to help put that fucker away so he doesn’t rape anyone
“Can you give me the gist of what’s in here? I want to save it for evidence since you fucking cast
spell on it to disappear after it’s been watched.” He frowned.

Draco shrugged. “I didn’t want Hermione to watch it over and over again obsessing over it.”

“I get it. But I need to know, let me help you. Ginny will be furious with me if our child doesn’t get
to meet their godfather for 10 years.”

Draco blinked at Potter. “What the fuck did you say?” He whispered.

“Ginny and I want you to be the godfather of our son or daughter. We’ve been arguing over it for
the past 2 weeks. She wanted you, I wanted Ron and well…”

They were quiet for a moment.

Draco finally sighed and told Potter almost everything. He still wouldn’t tell him anything
Hermione told him or about her nightmare, no matter how many times he asked.

In the end Draco told Potter if he brought a written letter from Hermione giving her consent he
would tell him everything he knew about her as well.

Before Potter left he handed Draco a piece of paper that had a lot of scribbles on it. In the center it
had an outline of Scorpius’ hand.

“Ginny wanted me to give you this. Her and Pansy decided to take turns having him until Ginny
goes into labor. He misses you.” Potter said before walking out the door and leaving Draco to stare
at the picture with tears falling down his face.

Draco was in the DMLE holding cell for 5 days before they set his trial date.

For those 5 days the only visitors he saw were Potter, Ginny, and his solicitor. Hermione wasn’t
allowed to visit because her evidence was involved in his case. The Slytherins wouldn’t leave
Hermione’s side, which Draco was very thankful for, so none of them were able to visit.

On the 5th day Harry informed him the earliest date he could get was a month away. He also
informed him that per the wizengamot rules he was only allowed to stay in the holding cell 5 days.
He would have to stay in Azkaban to wait for his trial.

What not even Potter knew was that he would have to leave immediately.

A representative for the wizengamot came in during Draco and Potter’s meeting informing them he
was there to escort Draco to Azkaban. Potter tried his best to persuade him to wait so Draco could
say goodbye to his friends but the representative wasn’t having it.

“Harry, tell my son I love him every night, please!” Draco yelled to Potter, using his first name, as
he was being drug to the lifts.

“Tell Hermione I love her too! And Ginny!”

He was shoved in the lift which made him fall to his knees.
Potter was just on the outside.

“If I don’t make it out… take care of my son, please Harry, like he was your own.”

“Draco, I’m getting you out! Damn it! Don’t lose hope!” Potter yelled as the lift went down and out
of his sight.

Those were the last words Draco heard from Harry Potter.

It was over a month. How did he know? Because he found a rusty nail on the ground, he almost
stepped on the first day, and used it to made a little line on one of the loose bricks in his cell every
time the sun rose. He was thankful for the small window.

45 days. His trial was supposed to be in a month. The last time Draco checked there was a max of
31 days to a month.

If his calculations were correct it was the middle of November.

With that realization it hit him that Harry and Ginny’s kid would have been born already. She was
due in October.

He sat down on his sorry excuse for a mattress and stared down at the wrinkled piece of parchment
that kept him from losing hope, Scorpius’ drawing. He had no communication with anyone, not the
Potter’s, not any of his friends, not Hermione, not even his solicitor. Just a tiny piece of paper with
a bunch of squiggles on it.
A tear fell from his face and landed on the paper. Lots of tears had landed on that paper in the 45
days he had been in the cell. Draco was pretty sure that piece of parchment had seen him cry more
the anyone. It was also the only thing holding him together.

Just as he started to feel sorry for himself, he heard a voice he had never heard before.

“Uhh Mr. Malfoy?”

He looked over at his cell door. It was a young wizard he had never seen.


“Hi, uh I’m new so I’m introducing myself to the inmates I’m in charge of. Apparently no one has
been in charge of you.”
He was flipping through some paperwork.
“Not sure how you slipped through the cracks but I’m here now. My name is Auror Mack. I’m 25,
fellow Slytherin. Do you have any questions for me?”

He looked up from his paperwork and smiled… smiled at Draco.

“Actually, my trial was supposed to be in a month. If I’m not mistaken I’ve been here for 45 days
give or take.”

Auror Mack looked back at his paperwork.

“50. You’ve been here 50 days. Well today would count as 51 but it’s 9am so the day is still young.
I don’t have any answers about that just yet. But I’ll definitely look into it.” He thumbed through
his papers and grabbed three envelopes. “I have a few letters here that were sent to you. Not sure
how long ago. As I said you were supposed to be assigned an Auror as soon as you got here. I’ll be
looking into that as well.”

Draco just stared at the man. He was so nice and calm, totally opposite from the other aurors who
would just pass by his cell to taunt him.

He had woken up one day when he felt water splashing on his face. It turned out that one of the
guards thought it would be funny to pee on Draco. He never slept with his face close to the door

“Do you think I could get a shower?” Draco mumbled. Taking a chance to ask since Auror Mack
had been nice and hoping he wouldn’t get hexed like he had been numerous times when he would
ask other guards.

Auror Mack looked up at him and cocked his head then peeked into his cell. “Well fuck.” He said
then took out his wand.

Draco backed up. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you.” He held his hands up, afraid he was
going to hit him with a hex or a stinging jix.

Instead, he aimed it at the far wall, with a simple swish a shower head and button appeared.

“I don’t know who you pissed off but I’m starting to think you were lost on purpose. Do you mind
me asking what you're here for? It’s redacted in all of your paperwork.”

Draco looked at the ground. “I beat shit out of an Auror until he was almost dead.”


He looked up and the Auror didn’t look afraid or mad, just curious.

“Because he raped my friend.”

They stared at each other for a moment.

“Looks like the wrong person is in jail in my opinion.”

He handed Draco the 3 letters.

“The shower works for 15 minutes a day. The water is connected to everyone’s. So if you want to
have a chance to have a hot shower my advice is to do it in the middle of the night. Make sure you
have your cup with you so you can fill it with clean water before your shower cuts off. I’ll be back
around every other day. Next time I’ll bring some parchment and something for you to write on.
Mr. Malfoy.”

“Draco, you can call me Draco.”

He nodded his head.

“Alright, nice to meet you Draco. I’ll let you know if I find anything out about your trial.”

With that the Auror was gone.

Draco couldn’t wait any longer; the first letter he opened was from Ginny. The date at the top said
October 17th.

She had her baby!

Lily Draya Potter was born October 17th at 6am. She wrote about how happy she was to meet her
little girl, loved being a mom and couldn’t wait until she could present her to her godfather.

Draco cried as he read that Ginny picked the name Draya in honor of him. She told him that she
trusted her daughter's life with him. She reminded him that he was a good person and told him to
never forget that. She told him they were fighting to get him out and they would never stop fighting
as long as she was alive.

At the very bottom of the page was a bunch of squiggles. And what he assumed was a guided
attempt at Scorp writing I love you daddy.

Draco wept and hugged the letter. He swore he could smell the scent of his son on the paper.

Once he calmed down he went to read the next letter.

It was from Potter.

He wrote about how hard he was fighting to try and visit Draco but kept getting the run around. He
knew that Draco hadn’t even gotten to see his solicitor because he was in contact with him.

He informed Draco that none of the Weasleys were on speaking terms with Ron except his mother.
And that they were all equally trying to help.

When he got to the third letter it had no name on it.


I will not disclose my identity as it needs to be private. I am but one person who believes you are
innocent. I have been trying my best to research old laws to see if any can help. I’ve been told you
weren’t allowed visitors which is a shame really. I do hope your days are passing quickly and you
keep a positive head on your shoulder. Know that a lot of people are on your side out here. I wish I
could say more but that might give me away.

Please read this letter if you ever feel lonely and know that there is someone on the outside who
cares very much about you even though you don’t know who I am.
Your pen pal

PS I was eating an apple sugar quill while I wrote this letter, I kept trying to use it instead of my
regular quill to write. For the record they don’t work the same as a regular quill even if you dip
them in an ink pot.

For the first time in two months, Draco busted out laughing.


He knew she probably just said that to let him know who the letter was from but the idea of her
dipping her sugar quill in an ink pot was the most hilarious thing he had ever heard.

He read that last line over and over and laughed so hard he started crying.

It turned out he had more than just 3 letters.

The next time Auror Mack came around, he had found a stack of letters addressed to Draco hidden
in the front office.

More letters from Potter, Ginny and his secret pen pal, who he knew was Hermione. There were
even letters from Blaise, Theo and Pansy.

Auror Mack had even brought him a few pieces of parchment and some chalk. He wasn’t allowed a
quill but the chalk would do just fine.

Draco took his time going through the letters. He opened them all and stacked them in order of the
date. He started with the oldest ones and read a letter or two a day.

They kept him entertained and got him through some of the hard times when he would think about
his son. He missed him so much and was mad at himself because of how much he was missing
seeing him grow up.

It had only been two months but going from seeing someone, your own kid, everyday to nothing
but scribbles on a paper hurt his heart.

Pansy’s letters informed him that Hermione was temporarily living in his house. She had been
reluctant to do so but Pansy had persuaded her saying the house would be empty anyways. She also
told him that her, Ginny, and Hermione were all three taking care of Scorp. No matter whose place
he was at, Hermione would show up with a book and read to him just before bed. Pansy also wrote
explaining that Hermione wasn’t able to write to him because she was a part of the investigation.
They told her if she was caught writing him she would lose her job and none of her evidence would
able to be used for him.

Blaise’s letters informed him of another side of Hermione. He let Draco know that he often stayed
the night with Hermione, in a separate room. Strictly platonic he said. He admitted he was afraid of
leaving her by herself because she still had nightmares. When he would wake up to her screams he
would rush in there and sit in a chair beside her bed and hold her hand until she calmed down.

Draco ended up breaking his hand because he had punched the wall after reading that letter. The
next time Auror Mack came around he healed him.

Theo’s letters were more informative. Him, Potter and Ginny had been working to try and get his
trial moved up but instead the wizengamot kept postponing it. He said if they could just get in front
of the court and present their case, they were sure to get him out. He also informed him that
Weasley was still waiting for his trial but was only on house arrest.

Fucking basterd.

Draco had to have his hand healed again the next time Auror Mack came around.

It was late December, Draco was doing sit up with his back facing the door when he heard Auror
Mack at his cell door.

“Happy Christmas Draco. I have a present for you.”

“Just a second Mack I’m almost done with my reps.” Draco said between breaths.

“Well, I don’t have all bloody day!” Came from a voice he hadn’t heard in months.

Draco whipped his head around and sure enough there he stood.

“Potter!” Draco jumped up wiping sweat from his brow on a towel Mack had brought him earlier in
the month.

“You ready to go home, Malfoy?”

“Don’t you fucking play with me! I’ve been in this hell hole for 169 days.”

“170 and he’s not playing. Your trial was yesterday. They didn’t need you present because they had
your memory and several people to take the stand for your character.”

Auror Mack fumbled with his wand then aimed it at the top of the door and drug it all the way
down to the ground making the door disappear.

“Now I don’t want to see you around these parts again. Alright Draco?”

Draco stepped forward and hugged the man. He couldn’t contain his emotions. So he let out a loud

He was free. Finally free.

Mack patted him on his back.

“Get out of here and go spend the rest of Christmas with your boy.”

Draco looked at Potter who was grinning at him with that lopsided grin.

He nodded. “We have some business to attend to first but yes you will see Scorp and Lily soon.
Come let’s head to my office where I have some clothes for you.”

They were allowed to take the warden's floo that was temporarily linked to Potter's office.

There he had a full change of clothes including his wand waiting for Draco. Potter left Draco alone
in his office to get dressed in private. Draco cast a quick scourgify on himself, since he had just
been exercising, and got dressed. He knocked on the door to let Potter know he was dressed and sat
down in the chair in front of his desk.

“Draco, yesterday we had your trial. You were found guilty of attempted murder on an Auror.
Which by law is punishable by 10 years in Azkaban. Certain information came to light about the
Auror in question which reduced your sentence to 5 years unless the Auror in question dropped the
charges.” Potter sighed and massaged his temples.

Draco knew this was fixing to get bad.

“Don’t get angry. We have all made peace with it and are just glad you are out.”

“Spit it out potter. He’s not doing time in Azkaban I’m assuming.”

Potter looked at him with sympathy in his eyes. And shook his head.

“No. He offered to drop the charges on you if Hermione dropped the charges on him.”

“FUCK!” Draco stood up and started pacing.

“Calm down, he's not going free. We countered the offer with him spending the same amount of
time in Azkaban as you and him being on house arrest and losing his wand for a year. He refused to
spend any amount of time in Azkaban. So he offer to be under house arrest and loss of wand for 5
years and agreed that the time you had been In Azkaban was enough. The wizengamot didn’t

Draco stopped pacing plopped back into the chair.

“For fucks sake Potter just tell me what the final verdict is.”

Potter adjusted his glasses and opened up a file with Draco’s name on it.

“After a lot of back and forth we came to these terms. 170 days spent in Azkaban, one year
probation where you will have to submit your wand for testing to make sure you haven’t used any
harmful spells. And… I fought them on this one Draco I swear I fought them but they wouldn’t
budge. They couldn’t look away from the damage you did to Ron no matter if he dropped the
charges. They were just thinking of his safety.”

Draco frowned. “Whose safety? The weasels.“

“Fuck you!” Draco stood up and pointed at Potter. “You are not taking my son away!”

Potter stood up shaking his head. “It’s not going to come to that. They have given you a year to find
a wife. They think having a witch in his life will help keep him safe.”

Draco plopped back down in his chair, Potter did the same.
Never in his life did he think his son would be taken away from him. He put his head in his hands,
shaking it.

Potter spoke up. “There’s more. Astoria caught wind of your trial. She’s agreed to take Scorpius if
you don’t follow through and get married.”

“Fuck her. She is the one who left us.” Draco seethed.

“She said she’s also willing to be the person you marry, for a price of course. Since you already
have Scorpius together.”

“Out of the question. I'd rather pay some other random witch then have her back in our lives.”
Draco growled, then he sighed.

Could the day get any worse? He was supposed to be happy about seeing his son again, not fearing
him being taken away.

“Do you have any good news for me Potter? Because this day just keeps getting worse in my

“Well, you don’t have to go back to Azkaban and surprisingly they want you to stay on the research
team. So you haven’t lost your job.”

“It’s because I’m good at what I do.”

“True, but they want you to work from home until further notice. I linked our Floo Network
together so you will be getting your assignments from me and turning them into me or Hermione.
Who has also decided to work from home.”

“How can she work from home if she's head of the research department?” Draco asked.

“She stepped down from that position not too long after her incident. It was too much stress for her.
She’s apart of the team now so she’s more than just a secretary. She can have her job back as soon
as she’s ready but we aren’t pushing her.”

Draco frowned. He knew how much that promotion meant to her. And was surprised to learn of her
stepping down.

“Any more questions?”

“What did the weasel end up with?” Draco looked up at Potter already knowing the git will have
gotten off lightly.

Potter sighed. “House arrest and wand lock for two years.”

Draco scoffed.
“Oh and he’s not allowed within 20 feet of Hermione. There was a charm put on him that has to be
renewed every year. If he happens to apparate close to her by accident he has 30 seconds to
disapparate to a location of his choice, if he refuses it gets reported. After 3 times he will be in
violation of his probation.”

Draco smirked. “Well that’s one good thing at least.”

“Now I believe you want to see your son and I have an introduction to make.”

Draco smiled at Potter and stood up.

As they made their way to Potters Floo Draco couldn’t help but feel nervous.

He was going to see his son after 3 long months away. Would he still recognize him? Would he be
upset with him for leaving?

And then other questions started to plague him. Would Hermione be there? Would she stay living at
his place?

So many questions ran through his head as they both walked through the green fire after Potter

“Malfoy Place.”

Chapter End Notes

Yes you can find out if you’re pregnant after only a few days because *MaGiC* plus we are
going to assume one of the vials Pansy gave Hermione was the “next morning” vial.

Round of applause for Auror Mack not being a dick to our Draco!

Did I make you cry? Not gonna lie I made myself cry while I was writing this chapter.

Did Ron get off too light? Yes

Will he be punished more? Maybe...

Next chapter we get Hermione's POV It's Christmas Morning and we find out what she has
Planned for Draco's Homecoming.
Chapter Summary

Its Christmas Morning!

Hermione is super excited about Draco's homecoming.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


Christmas Morning the day of Draco’s release

Hermione was beyond excited to see Darco again. She twirled around in her Emerald Green dress
in front of the mirror. It looked perfect on her. Of course it did, Pansy helped pick it out.

She added a few glamor charms to her face and hair she’d learned from the witch and was pleased
when all of her brown curls were perfect, and her cheeks had the right shade of pink.

“Mine! You ready?”

She quickly vanished the dress back on the hanger and put her Christmas Pajamas back on. After
she tied her hair up with a silver satin bow, she went downstairs where little Scorp was patiently
waiting on the bottom step.

“I am sweetie.” She said as she picked the boy up and whirled him around.

“Auntie Pansy made waffles!”

She rolled her eyes.

“Your Auntie Pansy is a liar.” She tickled him and sat him down in his chair at the breakfast table.

“I heard that, Granger.” Pansy said as she sat a plate of waffles in front of Hermione.

“What do you call these?” She wiggled the bowl of already cut up waffles in front of her before
setting them down in front of Scorp.

“Pansy just because you are serving them doesn’t mean you made them.” Hermione answered.

Pansy grabbed her own plate and sat down.

“Well, what do you call it then… wait, don't answer that.” She frowned.

“Hey, where’s my plate?” Blaise asked.

“You have feet and hands, go make your own plate.” Pansy answered.

Scorp and Theo Giggled.

Blaise huffed but got up anyway.

“You made Hermione a plate.” He grumbled on his way to the kitchen.

Hermione patted his arm and grinned at him as he walked by her. He kissed the top of her head.

She thought about how close her and Blaise had gotten the past 3 months while waiting for Draco’s

He would always offer to stay the night, so she didn’t have to sleep in the house alone. Even though
she told him he didn’t need to stay. She would often wake up from a nightmare with him holding
her hand and rubbing her cheek telling her it was going to be ok.

He never crossed the line with her. Hell, he never even slept in the same bed as her. She had offered
one time, because he looked so uncomfortable sleeping in the chair. But he insisted he was fine and
she should just go back to sleep. So she did.

“That’s because Hermione and Pansy have come to an understanding of sorts.” Theo chuckled and
interrupted her thoughts.

Hermione pointed her fork at him and glared. What did he know?

“You talking about the House elf thing? I thought that was a joke!” Blaise said as he came back
around with two plates in hand. He placed one in front of Theo and patted his cheek.

“Blaise, did you honestly think I made the food every day?” Pansy asked.

“Wait, so you all know?” Hermione went red in the face.

“That you agreed to let Mippy cook as long as Pansy served herself, you and Scorp the food? Yes,
sweetheart we know.” Theo said as he started shoveling waffles in his mouth.

“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Mippy loves to cook. Hell, she would love to do a lot more if
you let her and she has told you herself that she gets paid… a lot.” Blaise said.

Hermione shook her head but before she could say anything Blaise continued.

“What if someone came behind you at your job and wouldn’t let you work? Or did your work for
you because they thought their way was better. When you are refusing help from Mippy just think
how you would feel in her position. And don’t tell me it’s different. She loves her job and gets paid
just as you.”

She nodded to him in understanding, and they continued eating.

It wasn’t the first time her and Blaise had gotten into a debate about Mippy specifically. The first
time he had caught her talking to the elf about how much she made.

It turned out Draco paid her different salaries for all the different things she did. Cooking, cleaning,
serving, they all each had their own salary and Mippy willingly gave her the numbers.

Once Mippy had left Blaise started asking her about her pay, when she got paid, and how much
time she got off work. Hermione was taken aback by the intrusion of her privacy. She had never
had anyone question how much she made.

Once she was finished lecturing him on how improper those questions had been he told her she
needed to take her own advice and turned to walk away.

When she asked what he meant. He told her to think about what she just asked Mippy and left.

When realization hit her, she had been so embarrassed. She apologized to Mippy and Blaise later
that day.

“So what are the plans for this afternoon? Potter said they should be here around 5 that leaves us
with 8 hours.” Pansy spoke up.

“We have been decorating all month so that’s done. Mippy knows the menu, so we don’t have to
worry about that. I’ve finished my shopping, and all the presents are under the tree. How about you
guys?” Theo asked.

“I need to pick something up that is ready today and then I’ll be done with my shopping.” Blaise
answered then he put his hand over Theo’s and looked at him. “You’re more than welcome to come
with me.”

Theo didn’t seemed fazed my the action and just shrugged and said “sure”. Hermione watched as
Blaise Rolled his eyes and sighed. He removed his hand and sipped his tea.

“I have a few gifts I need to wrap at my place if you don’t mind watching Scorp, Granger.” Pansy
commented oblivious to the action as well.

Hermione put her fork down and looked at all three of her friends.

“Well, I’m nervous as hell!” Hermione shrieked.

The three Slytherins glanced at each other and smirked.

“So you’re going to give it to him?” Blaise asked.

She covered her face. “It’s already wrapped and under the tree.”

“Finished Mine!!! Present time?” Scorp interrupted. Hermione abruptly stood up, helped Scorp out
of his chair and took him to the sink to wash his hands.

Then she held his little hand as they walked to the front room and sat on the couch.
“Scorpius, sweetie, I know you are super excited about opening presents, but we have to wait a
couple more hours before it’s time. Do you think you can be a good little boy and wait a little

He had a scowl on his face and his arms were crossed. It reminded her of his father so much she
wanted to laugh. He looked like he was ready to protest when Ginny came through the floo.

“Happy Christmas everyone!!!” She shouted as she dusted off the green dust from herself.

She picked up Scorpius and whirled him around before placing him on her hip.

“Why the long face Scorpy buddy?” She asked him.

With his bottom lip trembling he replied. “Mine says no presents till later.” He looked up at her
with puppy dog eyes.

“Mine is silly. I’ve come to take you to my house for a present. Would you like to know what it



Scorp and Hermione said at the same time.

Ginny rolled her eyes at Hermione.

“Well, Scorpy, one of your presents was going to be me allowing you to help decorate Christmas
cookies! What do you say bud, you ready to help?”

He nodded his head excitedly. “Yes, auntie Gin! Bye Mine see you later!”

Scorp said as he and Ginny went through the floo to her house.

Blaise, Pansy, and Theo left soon after leaving Hermione alone.

She walked back toward the kitchen and started to clean up when she remembered Blaise’s words
from earlier.



“Happy Christmas Ms Hermione. What can Mippy do for the Ms?”

“Do you think you could clean up the table and put away the rest of breakfast for me, Mippy?”
Hermione asked, wringing her hands with worry.

But Mippys eyes sparkled, and she wore the biggest smile.

“Mippy would be honored to do so for Ms Hermione. Oh, Mippy believes this is the Happiest
Christmas ever!”
With *crack* she was off to clean.

Hermione sighed and went upstairs.

For the last month her and Draco sent so many letters to each other. Well Draco sent letters to his
anonymous pen pal.

When she finally received a letter from him late November she wept before even reading what it
said. He had been in Azkaban for 2 months already and they hadn’t heard anything back from him.

Harry tried to reassure her saying that not all guards would allow parchment and quills.

After she read the letter, she wept again for how bad he had been treated. She knew he wasn’t
telling her everything but just the things he did say were bad enough.

When Harry found out he hadn’t been assigned an Auror in the prison he was livid. Essentially it
was what got the ball rolling on Draco’s trial. That and the threat of going public with that
information is what secured his December 24th date.

Their letters back and forth were what kept her going. She had slumped into a depression and
started blaming herself when he was in Azkaban for longer than a month.

Some letters they told each other just what they meant to one another in so many words.

I have a witch at home I’ve been in love with for the longest time. I don’t deserve her but every time
I am around her I feel whole. I would give anything to see that witch again. To hold her in my arms,
to kiss her properly, to show her just how special she is to me. I feel like it would be a privilege just
to breathe the same air as her.

She hated that they had to speak to each other that way. But the rules were simple. If she got caught
personally corresponding with him. All of her evidence would not be considered for his trial. That
and she would lose her job.

So they continued on writing each other as if they were talking about another. She knew that he
knew it was her. Because at the bottom of the first letter he wrote, he told her to tell Frank he said

She told him some of the things she liked. For instance, that her favorite food was any breakfast
food, her favorite sweet was apple flavored sugar quills (which he already knew considering he
bought her a bag of them for her birthday), her favorite color was purple but green was becoming a
close second, and that she loved going on ice cream dates.

Hermione also told him things she didn’t like. She told him she loved flowers, but daisies were the
worst. She also loved muffins but hated the blueberry kind because they made her think of a bad
day. Lastly, she told him that she loved the ballet but didn’t think she would like to see Swan Lake
ever again.
Hermione lay on the bed reading the last letter he wrote to her. This particular one she had read
over and over so many times.

My beloved PenPal,

I lay here awake thinking about the witch I have at home. I wish I could write to her directly, but I
would not want to get her in trouble. Alas you are the person I have to confide in. If you don’t mind
for the rest of this letter, I am going to address it as if I were talking to her. Please let me know if
you have any pointers.


I know I am probably not worth your time but please hear me out. I can’t stop thinking about you. I
wish I knew how you felt about me. I wish our first kiss hadn’t gone the way it did, but gods do I
think of it often. Is that bad of me? I think so, considering it was also the worst day of my life.

I think of the way you felt in my arms and the taste of your mouth on mine. It was like honey. I
replay that moment in my mind so many times and try to not let the rest of the night taint that
memory. If the feeling you put behind that kiss was real, I would love to ask you to be mine.

I would take you on dates and show up with flowers and sweets on a random Tuesday because I
would be so infatuated by you.

If you were mine after we dated a few months, because that would be all I could wait, I would go to
my mother and ask for the family ring. Once I had it in hand, I would find the perfect way to ask
you to be not only my wife but to be Scorpius’ mum. He deserves a brilliant witch like you
permanently in his life. I hope I’m not scaring you away with all of this talk of the future, but it’s
been on my mind a lot.

One last thing I need you to know is that I would love to expand my family with you. A blond baby
girl with your curly hair is what I often picture.

Darling if any of this sounds good to you, please wait for me.

With all my love,


Hermione fiddled with the box in her hand. She had it under the Christmas tree but summoned it to
her when she began reading the letter again.

She opened it. There sat on a green velvet cushion was a pear-shaped emerald gem in the center of
twig vine black gold band. It was so gorgeous it took her breath away when she first saw it.
A few days before Draco’s trial Harry had caught wind of one of the punishments they were going
to throw at Draco. They wanted to take Scorpius away from him. No matter how much she, Harry
and even all three Slytherins begged Minister Shacklebolt it was out of his hands. It was completely
up to the wizengamot to vote on and if the majority ruled that would be the decision.

He did put them at ease a little saying that he would add the option of getting Married within a year.
It was the only thing he could help with.

Hermione had immediately went home picked up a sleeping Scorpius from his bed took him to her
bed and laid down with him and cried as she held him tight.

She had already been close with Scorp but the past 3 months being around him constantly they had
bonded even more.

After she cried all of the tears she had left, she sent an owl to Narcissa requesting a meeting with

The following morning, she found herself taking a portkey to France.

She was nervous but determined.

Hermione explained to Narcissa what they heard about the wizengamot trying to take Scorpius
away and the only solution Minister Shacklebolt had was to give him a year to find a bride.

Narcissa was outraged at the information but so grateful for Hermione telling her.

“Mrs. Malfoy, if all goes well, he should be out Christmas Day.”

“Please darling, I've asked you to call me Narcissa so many times.”

Hermione’s face went pink a little at the reprimand, but she nodded.

“Narcissa, I don’t want him to worry anymore then he has too. It’s Christmas he should be
celebrating but if I know him, and I like to think I do, he will be sulking at the thought of having to
find a wife so fast. Will you please read this letter he wrote me?”

Narcissa eyed the paper but took it and began to read it.

Hermione picked at her fingers as she watched Narcissa read the last letter she had received from
Draco professing his love to her.

Once she was finished, she handed the letter back to Hermione and just stared at her for a moment.

“I’ve known of my son's love for you for some time, Hermione. I assume you have a point in
showing me that letter.”

“Narcissa, I have worked with your son for several years and have become closer to him and
Scorpius over this past year. I tried to hide my feelings for him because I was in a relationship, and
it wasn’t proper.” She looked her in the eyes. “I love your grandson and believe that in a way I love
your son as well. I won’t lie and say I’m in love with him currently because I never let myself. I
never thought I had a chance to be with him. If what he is confessing in this letter is true, I don’t
want to spend another second of my life without him.”
“Dear are you asking me for the ring?”

With tears in her eyes, she nodded.

“Yes. I want to have it under the tree so when he opens it, he knows just how much I mean it when
I tell him I would marry him tomorrow. It’s more than just them taking away Scorpius. They took
Draco away from me for 170 long days. I can’t be without him for another second.”

Narcissa stood up and walked towards Hermione and hugged her. Hermione squeezed Narcissa

The two witches stayed in comfortable silence embracing each other.

“Well it looks like I have a trip to Gringotts to make.” Narcissa said as she sat back down to finish
her tea.

“I thought you said that was under the Christmas tree.”

Hermione looked up and saw Pansy standing in the doorway. She snapped the box closed.

“Not having second thoughts are we?”

“No Pansy, I’m not having second thoughts. I was just reading over the letter again.”

Pansy rolled her eyes. “You have that thing memorized.” She sighed “Are you ready? He should be
here in an hour if Potter was right on the timing.”

Hermione’s eyes widened. “An hour! I’ve been up here that long?!”

She scrambled off the bed and rushed to her closet to get her dress.

Pansy helped her into her dress and reapplied the beauty charms on her hair. Once she was finished,
she gathered up all the letters and put them back in their special box.

Hermione grabbed her silver satin bow she saved from Draco’s birthday gift for her and wrapped it
around the ring box.

When she got downstairs, she placed the gift towards the back of the tree with a disillusionment
charm on it.

Ginny who was holding a 2 month old Lily, Blaise, Theo, Pansy who was holding Scorp, and
Narcissa were already downstairs waiting.

Fleur had also come with her 2 year old daughter Victoire.

After seeing her in the hospital Fleur had reached out again telling Hermione to let her know if she
needed anything. Hermione asked if she would be willing to have a playdate with Scorpius and
Victoire. She knew the kids were the same age and figured having a new friend would take his
mind off of his father being gone. It worked.

Blaise walked up to Hermione, grabbed her hand and spun her around.

“You look positively breathtaking! If I didn’t think of you as a sister I might try and shag you.”

Hermione blushed and smacked Blaise on his chest.

“Oh shut up. If I didn’t think of you as a brother you still wouldn’t have a chance.”

Blaise grabbed his chest with one hand and put the other on his forehead in mock hurt.

“You wound me!” He said before walking away to get her a drink.

Hermione just stood there staring at the fireplace just waiting for a burst of green.

“Mine, what we waiting for?”

Hermione looked down and almost burst into tears at how handsome Scorpius looked standing
there in his mini tux.

He was frowning at her.

No one told him his father was coming home.

When Draco had gotten taken to Azkaban they all sat him down and told him that Draco had to go
away for a bit but that he would be back as soon as he could.

They all burst into tears when he asked if his dad left just like mom did. They reassured him this
was different and if he had the choice Draco would be there for him.

No matter whose house Scorp stayed at, they always told him ‘Your daddy loves you’ before he
went to sleep.

She picked him up and pointed to the fireplace.

“A present for you should be coming through the floo any second.”

His eyes went wide. “Is it Santa?”

She kissed his cheek. “It’s better than Santa.”

As if right on time the floo roared to life.

Harry stepped out first then stepped aside to let Draco through.

No one in the room spoke.

He had a smirk on his face while he scanned the room taking everyone in. When he locked eyes
with Hermione the smirk changed to a genuine smile.

“Daddy!” Scorpius yelled and wiggled out of Hermione’s hold.

Everyone held back tears as they watched father and son be reunited.

Chapter End Notes

Ohhh Scorp!
Hold your tears you will definitely need them next chapter.

Next Chapter we get Draco's POV He finally comes home! but what will he think about
Hermione's gift?
Chapter Summary

Get out your tissues, Draco's finally home!!!!

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


Christmas afternoon


Draco’s favorite word in the world. It had been too long since he had heard his son call for him.

Scorpius ran to Draco.

Draco couldn’t help but fall to his knees as his son crashed into him. He gathered Scorp in his arms.
Both father and son had tears streaming down their face.

Draco kissed Scorpius on the top of his head as he held on tight. “I missed so much son. You have
no idea.” He said as he breathed in his scent.

“Daddy don’t leave again.” Scorpius whispered to him in between sobs.

It broke Draco’s heart to hear his son say that.

“Son, I’m not anywhere.” He promised.

He was going to figure out his problem. If he had to pay some witch to marry him, he would. Draco
was determined to never be away from his son ever again.

Draco rocked him in his arms as he trembled.

“Daddy, I missed you so much. I thought you left me like mommy did.”

Scorpius’ admission speared on a whole new bout of sobs from Draco. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm
sorry.” Draco whispered into Scorpius' hair as he held on to him for dear life. “I love you so much.
Please forgive me.”

Scorpius’ arms held onto Draco tighter. “I love you too daddy.”

Both father and son completely oblivious to the people around them equally as upset as they were.
Once they both finally calmed down, he tried to get a good look at his son. He wanted to see how
much he had grown in the 3 months he was away, but Scorpius wouldn’t let go. He held on tight to
his neck.


Mippy was there handing him a handkerchief.

“Mippy is glad master Draco is back.” She patted him on his cheek.

With one free hand he wiped away his and Scorpius' tears.

Mippy took the handkerchief back.

“It’s good to be back Mippy.”

She nodded and was gone with another *crack*

Draco carefully stood up with his son and looked around the room. All eyes were wet staring at
him. He cleared his throat and tried to lighten the mood.

“Well, what did I miss?”

Everyone started talking at once.

Draco’s eyes ran over everyone until he found her. She was off to the side having a conversation
with Blaise. He couldn’t help feeling a slight bit of jealousy towards the relationship, but he knew
from Blaise’s letters he only considered Hermione as a little sister, even though they were the same




He nodded. “Sorry, Ginevra.”

Through their letters Draco found out that Ginny didn’t like to be called Weaslette. It was too close
to her family name, and she often didn’t hold the same values as they did. Plus, she was a Potter
now. He played around with the name Pottette but neither one of them liked the sound of it. She
told him she would allow him to call her Ginevra and not be mad since she was the only one
allowed to call him Ferret.

“I have someone who would like to meet you.” She said.

“Scorp dear, would like me to hold you so your daddy can meet Lily?” Pansy asked as she came to
Draco’s side.

He kissed her on the cheek and whispered. “It’s good to see you. We will talk later.”

She nodded and wiped a tear away.

Scorpius just held on tighter to his neck.
Draco shook his head at Pansy. “It’s ok. I’ve got him.”

“Hey sweetie, do you want to come with me for a bit. I promise your daddy isn’t going anywhere.”

Draco turned around and there she was. Right there within arm’s reach. They locked eyes for a
second but then she looked back Scorpius.

When Draco looked down at his son in his arms, he was looking back at him. “If you want to go
with Hermione, you can. I swear to you I’m not leaving.” He kissed his forehead.

Scorpius gave him one more squeeze then reached out for Hermione.

She smiled up at Draco and took his son out of his hands and walked away. His heart ached the
further she got away from him. Not only was she walking away but she had taken his son with her.

He took one step towards her before Ginny was back in his view.


He looked down at her.

“I would like to present you with your Goddaughter Lily Draya Potter.”

All thoughts of Hermione left when he took the delicate pink bundle from Ginny, and it was like no
one else existed in the room. Just him and the precious red headed girl in his arms.

Draco thought she would be asleep because she was only two months old, but she was wide awake
looking up at him with those big amber eyes.

“Hello, you beautiful angel.” He kissed her forehead. “I am Draco Lucius Malfoy and I swear to
you that I will take care of you. I will not let any harm come your way. I’ll buy you your first
broom if your parents don’t beat me to it.” He heard laughing but he continued.

“You will forever be welcome in my home or any home belonging to a Malfoy. I promise between
your parents and I you will want for nothing. I’ll be there for you when you are happy or sad. You
are loved, Lily Draya Potter. I swear these promises to you on my magic.”

What no one saw until Draco uttered those last words. Was that he had his wand tucked underneath
Lily as he held her, and Lily was holding Draco’s thumb on his other hand.

Strings of light wrapped around Draco and Lily's arm linking them until the light soaked into their
body disappearing from anyone’s sight but his and Lilys.
She squirmed a little but smiled at him.

“Did you just… you swore to take care of Lily on your magic. Do you know what that means?”
Potter asked.

Draco closed his eyes and cuddled Lily to him. He breathed her in, she smelt of cinnamon. He
smiled. “I’m well aware of what that means Potter. I don’t take being chosen as Godfather lightly.”

“What does that mean?” He heard Hermione ask.

“It means…” he heard Ginny sniffle and clear her throat. “He’s linked their magic. It means if
anything were to happen to Harry or I she would legally go to him. He would become her father. It
also means he consented to help bring Lily up financially.” She answered.

“It basically means he is her third Parent. Not all godparents believe in binding themselves to their
godchildren. The parents can’t even ask them to do it. It’s something the godparents choose to do
on their own. I did it for Scorp.” Pansy added.

Ginny wrapped her arms around Draco. He kissed the top of her head.

“You are amazing. Did you know that? That was the best Christmas present ever.” She admitted.

“Thanks, Malf- Draco. Thank you for caring about our daughter that much.” Potter said, patting
him on the back. “But just so we’re clear I’m buying her, her first broom.”

Draco laughed. “Noted. I’ll buy the back up.” He winked at Ginny.

Lily started squirming. Ginny took her from Draco’s arms.

“It’s time for her to eat then take a nap.” She kissed his cheek. “Floo me later or tomorrow.”

Ginny and Potter made their way to the floo saying goodbye to everyone.

Draco talked to his mom for a few minutes before she had to get back to France.

Fleur reintroduced herself (Draco admitted remembering seeing her during his fourth year) and
introduced him to her daughter Victoire. She told him that her daughter and Scorp had been having
playdates and she was hoping he would allow them to continue. Draco reassured her that both her,
Victoire and her husband were welcome in his home. After a few more words she bid him goodbye
as she had plans to go to the burrow. Draco thanked her for being there for both Scorpius and

He made a mental note to send a lovely basket to her and her family.

“I think it’s time to open presents. What do you think, Scorp?” Theo asked as he gave Draco a glass
of firewhisky and patted him on the back.

“Presents!!!” Scorp yelled as he wiggled out of Hermione’s arms and ran towards Draco.

“Alright everyone, sit down and I’ll pass them out.” Hermione said.

Draco still hadn’t had a chance to say anything to Hermione. It felt like any time he got close to her
she would get further away.

He watched as she passed out presents and then it hit him. He didn’t have any presents for anyone.
He was in Azkaban; you couldn’t do much shopping from there.

He wanted to get up and excuse himself, but his son had just crawled on his lap. There was no way
he would make him move.
It didn’t turn out as bad as he thought it was going to go. Scorp didn’t even ask who each present
was from, he just ripped them open. It wouldn’t have mattered had he asked because they only said
To Scorpius with no From on them.

Draco was so grateful for his friends.

He was even more grateful when they started opening their own presents.

“Two bottles of firewhiskey! Draco you should have!” Blaise announced.

“A book on astronomy! How did you know?” Theo boasted.

“My favorite luxury bath salts. I just ran out today!” Shrieked Pansy.

Draco smiled and shook his head.

Blaise had given him new whiskey glasses with a monogrammed D&M on them. Theo gave him a
new green tie and tie clip and Pansy had given him a pair of emerald cufflinks.

He watched as Hermione talked with Pansy about the bath salts. What a coincidence that Pansy had
bought Hermione the same exact bath salts.

Blaise sat down next to Draco and cleared his throat. “This gift was something you asked me if I
thought it was a crazy idea to give to someone who didn’t know how you felt. At the time I told
you yes but kept the design just in case one day you wanted to have it made. If you were to ask me
that same question now, I’d have a different answer.”

He handed Draco a long velvet black box.

“Don’t worry I’ve already billed you.” He whispered and got up to fill his glass.

Draco knew what was in the box. A diamond tennis bracelet with two dangling charms. One was an
emerald in the shape of a D and the other a ruby in the shape of an H.

He looked up and Hermione was staring at him.

“Seems I have a gift for you.” Draco told her.

She stood up and walked towards him.

He handed it to her when she was standing in front of him. Draco wanted to grab her and pull her
down on his lap. Scorpius was playing with a train set he got around the Christmas tree, so it was
free. Instead, he waited patiently and watched her eyes as she opened the box.

Her eyes snapped to his after she had a glance at the bracelet. “Will you put it on for me?” She
asked quietly.

Draco was surprised. He thought for sure he would have a fight on his hands. He took the bracelet
out of the box and wrapped it around her wrist. After he fastened it, he brought her hand up to his
lips and kissed it. When looked up at her face, it red but her eyes sparkled.
When he reluctantly let her hand go, she turned around and walked towards the Christmas
tree. Draco wanted to reach out to her. He wasn’t done touching her.

When she turned around, she had a small box in her hand. He hadn’t seen the box. Matter of fact
there had been nothing under the tree. He wondered if she had disillusioned it.

As she walked back to Draco she explained. “This box right here is from me to you. I want you to
notice how I didn’t oppose the gift you gave me. I didn’t comment on how It was too much or that I
thought I didn’t deserve it. Because Draco I absolutely love my gift.”

He beamed and puffed out his chest at her declaration of love for a gift he had thought of months

“I took a lot of time picking out this gift for you. I thought about what it meant to me and if it was
something I truly wanted without a doubt.” She said nervously.

He frowned at her; he didn't know what could possibly warrant this much emotion from her.

She kneeled down in front of him and set the box in his hands.

With tears in her eyes, she opened the box and said simultaneously.

“I want it, Draco. I want this with you.”

Once she had kneeled down realization hit. Draco kept eye contact with her. He didn’t dare look to
see what was in the box. He already knew.

Could she actually be saying what he thought she was saying? Could this witch that he had fancied
for so long want to tie herself to him? Could she really be the answer of his dreams?

He searched her eyes for any ounce of doubt, but he didn’t see any.

Slowly he looked down and saw the Malfoy family ring. The one he, not too long ago. admitted to
Hermione he wanted to propose to her with.

His heartbeat faster as he took the ring and set the box to the side. He inspected it between his
fingers moving it this way and that. Then he looked up at Hermione who was smiling at him. The
smile that always took his breath away. Did she really want to be his witch?

He held his other hand out to her, when she placed her hand in his he tugged her onto his lap.

Draco vaguely listened as his friend's said goodbye and Pansy said she was taking Scorp, leaving
them to have this special moment alone.

He had one arm wrapped around his her, while the other handheld his family ring.

“Hermione, love, I have waited so long for you to be in my life as my witch. I struggled as we were
coworkers. I didn’t want to cross a line into friendship until I had your trust. Once we went from
coworkers to friends I was elated. I was content to stay that way. Yet we got closer, best friends. I
watched as you loved on my son. Only in my dreams did I ever believe you could love me a
fraction of how much I saw you loved him. I hate that a fucked-up situation is bringing us together
as more than just friends.”
She started to protest but he shook his head, so she stopped.

“It was a fucked-up situation, but I swear on my life Hermione,” he looked into her eyes and held
up the ring to her. “If you would do me the honor of becoming my witch, my girlfriend, my wife,
my soulmate I will make it my mission to help you forget anything bad ever happened to you. I will
show with every breath I take how much I love you. I will protect you with every part of my being.
I can’t think of a better person to share my world with, my Scorpius. What do say Hermione Jean
Granger will you—"

“Yes!” Hermione held out her hand.

Draco chuckled. “You didn’t let me finish.” He said as he slipped the ring on her hand.

Hermione quieted him by crashing her lips to his.

The kiss was hurried. Like they couldn’t get enough of each other. Draco had his tongue in her
mouth mapping out just how it felt to be there, to be home.

Hermione pulled at Draco’s shirt untucking it. She started at the top unbuttoning it but by the time
she got to the 5th button she growled. Draco liked that, but then she broke their kiss. He didn’t have
time to pout because she ripped his shirt open flinging buttons everywhere.

“Fuck, that was hot.” He said panting trying to catch his breath.

She smirked at him. “It was in the way.”

She started kissing down his neck. Then down his chest. He was already hard from just kissing her.

His hands were in her hair caressing her curls. Gods he loved her curls.

She finally kissed back up to his mouth. Draco held her close. He didn’t want to lose the taste of
her sweet sweet mouth, the taste of honey.

She was straddling him rocking back and forth until she ground down eliciting a moan from him.

Draco started kissing and nipping her neck. Stopping to suck at a spot behind her ear and making
her moan.

“I have one more present for you.” Hermione admitted breathlessly.

“You, sitting here on my lap wearing my family ring is enough for me.” Draco replied back nipping
at her ear.

Then he kissed her lips lovingly, this time soft and gentle. He rubbed circles with his thumbs on the
sliver of bare skin he was touching as he held on to her waist.

Draco felt her fingers at his waistband unbuttoning his pants.

“Hermione.” He growled her name out in a warning against her lips.

She deepened their kiss. Her tongue caressing his. Draco was lost in that kiss until he felt her warm
hand wrap around his cock.
"Hermione.” He whispered, breaking their kiss.
She moved to kissing down his jawline as she pumped his cock ever so slowly.

“I said I had another present for you. Well technically it will be a present for me.” She said between
kissing and sucking down his neck.

Draco couldn’t believe Hermione was touching him like she was. It felt so good he could barely
concentrate on what she had said. “And where is this present - FUCK- that you have so graciously
bought for me but equally for yourself?” He asked panting in between moans.

“It’s not a present you can buy but an experience I have yet to experience.” She said as she started
stroking faster and looked up at Draco. “Will you let me?”

“Darling, I will give you the world if you let me.” He admitted, eyes glazed over because of how
amazing she was making him feel.

“Good.” She said, then she abruptly stopped stroking him. The minute her hands left his cock he
wanted to cry. She slipped off of his lap. Before Draco could protest Hermione vanished all of his

Then replacing her hands, was her warm mouth around his cock.

“Fuuuuuck!” He was not expecting that.

Draco could not believe what he was seeing, what he was feeling. He had to put his hands in her
hair just to make sure she was real.

The sight of Hermione on her knees sucking his cock was something he only saw in his dreams.

“Am I doing it right?” She asked right before she licked from the bottom of his shaft all the way to
the tip.

“Fucking hell! Her-hermione, you’re fucking perfect.”

He watched as she took him back into her mouth. When his cock bumped the back of her throat
making her gage, he almost came.

He closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip as she sucked him off. He had to hold off as long as he
could. No one besides his hand had touched him since before Astoria had Scorpius.

“Fuck Hermione. You’re doing so good.”

She stopped abruptly.

He looked down at her and she looked worried as she chewed her bottom lip.

Draco lifted her chin up to look at him.

“What’s wrong, darling?”

“Just… just don’t call me a good girl. Ok?” She asked in a meek voice.
When realization hit, his eyes went wide but he nodded then he smiled at her. “It’s ok. I loved my
present, Darling. You don’t have to-"

But he couldn’t get any more words out because she had her mouth around his cock again making
them both forget about the interruption.

Hermione had him moaning a lot of obscenities as she sucked him off.

He couldn't believe he was getting his witch and a blowjob all in the day, hell in the same fucking

“Her-her-hermione I-I-I’m going to come.”

He was trying to warn her. He didn’t want to come in her mouth if she didn’t want him to, but his
admission only made her move quicker. He couldn’t hold it back any longer.

Draco came hard with her name on his lips.

As he caught his breath Hermione crawled back into his lap. She wiped some of his come off of her
bottom lip with her thumb, looked him straight in the eyes, stuck it into her mouth and swirled her
tongue around it.

An evil smirk filled Draco’s face. “Oh, you’re gonna pay for that witch!” He growled as he grabbed
his wand and held on tight to her, then he apparated them into his room.

He was already naked, now he just needed to get her naked. He sat her down on the ground and
turned her facing away from him.

Draco kissed down her neck and moved her curls to the side so he could kiss her back. Once he got
to the zip on the dress he whispered in her ear.

“May I?”

She nodded.

He unzipped her slowly and was pleased to find that she wasn’t wearing a bra or knickers.

When the silk emerald dress pooled at her feet, he was desperate to see the front of her.

He kissed the side of her neck again and whispered. “Will you turn around and allow me to see you,

She nodded so he took a step back.

Slowly Hermione turned around. She had her arms covering her breast and was looking down as if
she were embarrassed to be seen.

Draco gently lifted her chin to meet his eyes. Then while keeping eye contact, he moved her arms

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Not with me, not ever.” He assured her.

She nodded, and then he took in every piece of her, mapping her out with his eyes.
“You are exquisite. Beautiful. I don’t deserve to look at the masterpiece that you are.”

Draco crashed his lips to hers, trying to convey just how much he meant every single word he had
said to her that night.

He gently lay her down on his bed. Not wanting to break the kiss but needing her approval, he did
anyway. “Is this, ok?” He asked.

“Yes.” She smiled and caressed the side of his face. “I want this. I want you so much it hurts.”

That was all he wanted to hear.

He kissed her lips then made his way down her neck. Licking, sucking and kissing her delectable
skin all the way to her breast. Making sure to give special attention to each by gently nipping at
them and slowly circling her nipples with his tongue.

He had her moaning and pulling on his hair as he ventured down her body kissing every single scar
he found, making a note to ask her about each one.

When he got to her navel, he slowly drug his tongue all the way around it then ventured further

“Wait.” She said hesitantly.

Draco immediately stopped and looked up at her. “Would you like me to stop?”

“No, well yes if it’s…” she covered her face.

Draco climbed back up the bed and lay beside her. “Love, we don’t have to do anything you don’t
want to do.”

She huffed in frustration. “That’s the problem! I do want you to but I just….”

“You can tell me anything.” Draco moved her hand away from her face.

She looked at him embarrassed.

“You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. I know guys don’t really like to… you know…
with your tongue… down there.”

Draco burst out laughing.

Hermione made to leave only Draco gently grabbed her and pulled her to him. Trying to stifle his

“Darling, I’m sorry I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at the absurd assumption that you think I
don’t want to ravish your pussy.”

She swatted at him. “Draco!”

“What?” He kissed her to settle her down. Then set up and looked her in the eyes. “Whoever told
you men don’t enjoy… indulging in their women was either lying to you or very inexperienced. I
happen to find the act quite enjoyable.” He waggled his eyebrows.
Draco started slithering back down Hermione’s body leaving random kisses until he was right back
where she had interrupted him.

“Now if you have no other complaints, I was just about to have my fill of Christmas pudding.”

This time without waiting for her approval he took one long slow lick of her slit.

“Oh shit! Is that what it’s—“

Draco turned whatever she was going to say into a moan when he sucked on her bundle of nerves.
The sounds he drew out of her made him want to hear more. He lapped at her center with the flat of
his tongue loving the taste of her. Knowing he would never get enough of her.

He thrust his tongue in and out of her loving the sounds she was making for him as much as he
loved how she tasted. This was his witch he was making feel good and with every lick he vowed to
make her forget she was ever hurt. Draco added one finger and then another as he continued his
assault to her with his tongue. Her sounds and squirming only egged him on.

Draco curved his fingers forward, thrusting them in and out as his tongue paid special attention to
her clit.

“Draco, right there. Don’t… stop.”

He didn’t pause to tell her that he had no plans of stopping. He quickened the pace of both his
fingers and his tongue. He could feel her flutter around him.

“Oh, gods, I've never came like this before.” She admitted, hands in his hair both pulling and
pushing him from her.

Draco circled her clit a few times then he flicked it with his tongue. He felt her clinch and then a
taste so divine.

The way she said his name as she came filled him with so many emotions. Draco lapped at her
juices not wanting any to go to waste while his finger stayed pumping into her helping her ride out
her orgasm.

She whined when his fingers left the safety of her center.

He crawled up her body and offered them to her. “Would you like to taste, so you understand why
exactly I am going to have to get my fill of you every single day?”

Her face turned red.

Draco shrugged. “More for me”

She watched him as he sucked his fingers clean. Once he was finished, she attacked his lips,
shoving her tongue in his mouth as if trying to see what they tasted like together.

After an intense snogging session Draco rolled to the side not wanting to crush her and kissed the
top of her head.

He grabbed the cover at the foot of the bed and started to cover them up.
“What are you doing? You aren’t going to fuck me?” Hermione asked in a serious tone.

He chuckled softly and snuggled her into his chest. “Darling, I would love to fuck you. But I think
we need to take it slow. I don’t want you rushing into things so quickly.”

“But I’m...”

He quieted her by giving her chaste kisses one on each corner of her mouth and then one in the

“I don’t want you to be overwhelmed and have regrets. Tell me you’re not anxious right now and
I’ll make love to you. I don’t want to just get it over with. I want to properly make love to you the
first time not just fuck.”

She snuggled into him and murmured “how did I get this lucky?”.

Draco was silent for a while as he held his witch in his arms. He couldn’t believe the day started off
with him exercising in Azkaban and ended with him in bed with Hermione Granger, his fiancée.

“I’m the lucky one.”

Chapter End Notes

I think Draco liked his gift... ALL of them.

Next chapter is the next morning in Hermione's POV

Chapter Summary

Enjoy pure smut.

You’re welcome.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


The day after Christmas

Hermione was an early riser that was why she was sat cross legged on her, no their, bed staring at
Draco Malfoy’s naked chest.

When she first woke up, she was in a bit of a panic because she felt strong arms around her. Once
she turned around and saw it was Draco she went into a different sort of panic.

She stared down at the ring on her finger and the bracelet on her wrist. Hermione Granger would
soon be Hermione Malfoy… Granger-Malfoy? She would figure that one out later.

Hermione tugged the cover down a little more then stopped when Draco stirred.

She had been doing that since she woke up. Hermione wanted to just stare at his full naked body.
So far she was halfway down his abdomen. She never noticed his six pack before. She wondered
how long he had been working out.

Finally running out of patience she ripped the covers off of him. If he woke up, well he woke up.

There it was, in all of its glory, his cock standing to attention. If she was honest, that was what she
actually wanted to get a hold of.

She wanted to have sex with him last night, but he put a stop to it saying he didn’t just want to fuck
her, he wanted to make love to her. Which was sweet, but I n truth she did kind of want to get it
over with. The last person she had been with was Ron and she wanted to forget that ever happened.

Hermione wanted to just settle herself over Draco and fuck him awake. But she wouldn’t take away
his experience of making love to her for the first time. She would save waking him up with sex for
another day.

Instead, she was going to wake him up with a blowjob.

Last night was the first blow job she had ever given, and she loved it. Draco had seemed to love it

Hermione settled herself between his legs and dipped her head down to take him all in. The moan
that came out of that man’s mouth was so erotic that she slid him all the way out of her mouth and
thrust it back in.

“Fuck!” She heard him mumble.

Hermione looked up and his eyes were still closed. Was he actually sleeping while she was sucking
his dick? Well, she was having none of that.

She bobbed and sucked quicker and then she licked from the bottom of his shaft all the way to the
tip circling around it with her tongue. Hermione hollowed her cheeks out and took him in as far as
he would go.

“Ooohh Hermione! FUCK!” Draco growled, he tried to sit up but flopped back down. She had him

Hermione grinned up at him with his dick in her mouth. She sucked one more time and let him pop

“Good morning.” She smirked and started licking his cock like it was a sugar quill. She kept eye
contact with him as she swirled her tongue around the head, eliciting the most delicious moan.

Draco grabbed her, brought her up to him crashing their lips together with a deep kiss. All teeth and
tongues. Then flipped them over so he was on top. He licked her swollen lips then kissed down her

“You sneaky witch.” He smirked down at her. “Determined to get your way are you?” He sucked
hard in her pulse point. She moaned at the idea of him marking her.

Draco held himself up with one hand and snaked his other hand down to her core where he would
find she was already wet. Before she could say anything, he slid two fingers down her slit and
made her moan when he stopped and circled her bundle of nerves.

“So wet for me already just by sucking my cock. You really want it that bad?” He growled.

He dipped two fingers inside of her then brought them up to his mouth and sucked them clean.

She whined at the loss until she felt him nudged his dick at her entrance.

Her eyes went wide and she shook her head realizing what he had said earlier.

“No! I just wanted to give you another blowjob.”

He nudged a little further.

Hermione could feel the tip of him. She ached so badly for him. It took everything for her to not
just thrust up forcing him inside her.

“Don’t lie to me, Hermione.”

“Fine, yes a part of me wanted to get it over with. To get the last time…. Anyway, I actually wanted
to wake you up with sex. But I understand that you want to make love to me for the first time. So, I
wasn’t going to push.” She admitted.

He nudged a little further.

“Stop. You don’t want to do it this way. I’m not taking that away from you.”

“I have a lifetime to make love to you. But Darling, I’m going to ask something, this will be the last
time it will be mentioned in this bed. Would you like me to fuck you so you can forget about…”

“Yes!” She shouted before she lost her nerve.

She was scared when he entered her, nervous and anxious, but she would never admit that to him.
She was scared it would bring flashbacks. That was the true reason she wanted him to just fuck her.
She didn’t want the feeling of him making love to her, soft and sweetly, to feel tainted if she had a
flash back.

The feeling of his dick dipping slowly inside of her was nothing she had felt before.
“Oh gods!” She moaned.
Once he was in deep inside of her, he stilled and starred lovingly into her eyes.

“You are safe with me, do you understand. You. Are. Safe. At any point you want to stop, please
don’t be afraid to say so.”

This man was still comforting her and making sure she was ok. He really loved her. A tear fell
down her cheek. Safe, she was safe. She felt safe with him. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her.

Hermione grabbed his face and captured his lips with hers while wiggling her hips urging him to
move. When he did all the stress and anxiety she had felt just disappeared. She felt nothing but love
radiating between the both of them.

Draco went back to kissing and sucking her neck while she moaned “more, I need more of you”
Hermione was never vocal with Ron. She was lucky if he actually made her come. Something
about feeling Draco thrust in and out of her felt so right. It kind of made her sad that she wasted 3
years having mediocre sex.

He gave her more. He thrust in and out of her faster and harder. “Fuck you feel so good.” Draco
admitted grabbing her attention as he nibbled at her ear.

Hermione grabbed a hold of his shoulders digging her nails into him as he fucked her. She had
never had sex like this before where she could actually feel her orgasm building.

Draco lifted one of her legs allowing him to go deeper.

Fuck that felt even better.
Draco captured her mouth and swallowed her moans. All you could hear were harsh breaths,
moans, and the sound of their bodies slapping together.

“You feel so tight. So good. Fuck.” He growled.

When Draco swirled his tongue around her nipple, she moaned. Hermione writhed underneath him
as he paid equal attention to both. Caressing and plucking at one while sucking and biting at the
other. She never had that much attention paid to her breast before. Her hands were in his hair
holding him to her not wanting him stop as he fucked her.

Hermione brought her other leg around the back of him and pressed him forward trying to get him
deeper. She couldn’t get enough of him. As if he knew what she needed Draco took the leg that he
had lifted, laid it on his shoulder and leaned into her further.

Hermione took in a sharp breath.

“Fuck” they both said at the same time.

Hermione clinched and fluttered around Draco’s dick, which was fully seated inside of her. She felt
so full of him. He reached down with one hand and started circling her little nub.

“Yes! Right there. Don’t stop.”

She was glad that he knew where it was and how it worked. He had proved that last night.
Hermione moaned and said his name over and over as she met him thrust for thrust.

Just when she was on the edge, she felt his thumb quicken around her clit.

Hermione felt the thread as it snapped, and her orgasm came crashing over her as she screamed
Draco’s name.

Three pumps later and she could feel Draco’s warmth empty inside of her as he moaned her name.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” Draco said out of breath.

Hermione couldn’t help the hurt she felt in her heart. She had just experienced the best sex in her
life and the first thing she heard from him was ‘I’m sorry’!

He went to move but she held on tight not wanting to lose him just yet.

“Wait, what’s wrong?” She asked looking up at him.

“I should have asked if you wanted me to come inside of you. I’m sorry.” He tried to move again
but she held on tighter.

“Will you stop trying to get away from and just look at me please?”

He sighed and looked down at her with dark eyes. He seemed to be embarrassed.
“Was that not good for you?” She asked, a little embarrassed herself.

Draco’s eyes went wide. “Darling, That was then best sex I have ever had. Why would you think

She smiled at him relieved, then tears started falling down her face. Draco kissed each one away.

“You said I’m sorry… I thought you meant…” she laughed and shook her head. “It doesn’t matter
because it was the best sex I’ve ever had too! Of course I wanted you to come inside of me, you
crazy man. I love you.” She finally admitted.
“I love you so much!” Draco admitted then crashed his lips to hers.

Hermione did love him. She didn’t know when it happened but knew with her whole heart that she
loved and he loved her back.

Draco lay half on her using her breast as pillows and caressed her stomach as they both caught their

Hermione watched as he summoned a warm washcloth then proceeded to clean her up. He
vanished it and summoned another to clean himself up.

He always took care of her, this was what love felt like.
When he was finished, he rolled them over, so she was laying on his chest.

“What a great fucking morning.” He mumbled into her hair then kissed the top of her head.

Hermione laughed. “I wasn’t intended on getting thoroughly shagged this morning but damn that
was amazing.” Hermione said as she peppered kisses on Draco’s chest.

They were both quiet for a while.

She was content to just lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.

“Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?” Draco picked up Hermione’s hand with the
engagement ring on it and held it out. “As lovely as I think this looks on you. I won’t hold you to
your answer. I know yesterday…”

Hermione kissed him so he would stop talking. He didn’t kiss her back at first until she bit at his
bottom lip. Then he relented and kissed her. When she was done with his lips, she propped herself
up on his chest to look him in the eyes.

“One hundred and fifty times.” She admitted.

Draco lifted an eyebrow at her but she didn’t say anything. He sighed. “Ok I’ll bite. What is one
hundred and fifty times?”

“It’s the number of times I have read your last letter to me. Draco, I already wanted to be with you
before we found out you had to be married to keep Scorpius. The stipulation just moved the date in
which we would have done things a little quicker. I love Scorp with all my heart and would do
anything for him. I love you. I felt it just now, with us having sex. I felt just how much you love me
and how much I love you. Yes it’s quick but please give us this chance at a life together.” She held
out her hand and stared at the beautiful ring lovingly. “I want this.” She looked back at him.
“Please don’t take it away from me.”

Draco stared at her, and she kept eye contact with him trying to show him that she was being
completely serious.

“Fine. But expect a long engagement!” Draco wrapped his arms around her holding her tight to

She giggled and snuggled him. “We have a year.”

Hermione drifted back to sleep in the warmth of her fiancée’s arms.

Chapter End Notes

The end is NEAR!

One chapter and an epilogue left!

The next chapter will be in both Hermione POV and Dracos POV

Thank you so much for all the comments and Kudos!

Thanks so much for reading!!!
Chapter Summary

We start the ending of this fic 11 months later and find out bits and pieces of Draco and
Hermione’s life along the way.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


11 months later

Hermione rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed her dress from the closet. They were going to be
late. She hated being late.

She glanced at the bathroom door and there stood her prat of a fiancé with a smug look on his face.

She threw his shirt at him, he caught it.

“We are going to be late, Love! Get dressed.” Hermione scolded him.

Draco sauntered into the room like he had all the time in the world. Making no move to put on his

“If we are late it’s your fault.” He smirked and sat on the bed completely naked.

She frowned and tried to ignore his nakedness while she stepped into her dress. She turned her back
to him and gestured for him to zip her up.

“I beg your pardon! It was not my fault!” She snapped back.

Draco zipped her up but yanked her to him so she would sit on his lap. He caressed the swell of her
belly and leaned down to kiss it.

“Darling, you were begging, a lot if I recall correctly.” He said smugly and laughed under his

Hermione bristled, got up from his lap and went to their closet to get the rest of his clothes. She
angrily grabbed the garment bag then she thrusted it at him.

“Well if you remember correctly Love, it’s your fault that this”, she pointed to her protruding belly,
“is in here.”

Draco frowned at her. “Darling, don’t call our daughter a, this.”

“It could easily be a boy! And no we are not finding out until whoever they are is ready to come
out. So stop asking.”

Draco started sulking.

Great, Hermione thought, he’s going to move a lot slower now that he’s sulking. She walked over
to him, sat back in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Love, I thought you liked surprises. We agreed to wait, we don't even have much longer.”
Hermione said as she brushed his hair back with her fingers.

“I know but it would also be nice to just know already.”

She kissed his nose. “I thought you insisted that it was a girl.” She grinned at him.

He sat up straighter. “It’s is a girl!”

“Fine, it’s a girl now. Can you put on your clothes so we aren’t late to our own wedding? I’m going
to get Scorp ready.”

Hermione headed for the door.

“Remember you’re not supposed to pick him up!”

She waved him off and went to find Scorp to get ready for their big day.

Draco wanted a long engagement so he got one. There at the beginning of their relationship the
impending marriage was often the cause of fighting between couple.

Draco would start it by telling Hermione he wasn’t good enough for her and that she deserved

Hermione got tired of the same argument over and over, so the last time he brought that up she
agreed with him and told him maybe she should see where things went with Blaise.

That argument backfired on her and ended up with Blaise in the hospital. That fight was their
biggest one. Draco slept in the guest bedroom for a week. He wouldn’t even talk to Hermione. He
was furious with her for using her friendship with his best friend against him. Hermione was mad at
him for being jealous and hurting Blaise. When Blaise got out of the hospital on the second day he
was also furious at Hermione for putting him in the middle of their argument. He told her she knew
what she was doing, she knew it would make Draco jealous. Hermione finally admitted that what
she had done was wrong.

She wrote Draco letters, since he wouldn’t talk to her, and shoved them under the guest door. On
the 7th day she offered to give him her ring back if he thought he couldn’t forgive her. After he read
that letter he heard her crying in the front room to Harry.

Draco exited the guest bedroom and stormed over to Hermione. He lifted her up and pressed her
against the wall, then crashed his lips to hers. Once he was done showing her how much he cared
with his kiss he broke away.

“Don’t you ever try to give me that ring back. Do you hear me, witch?”

“Yes! I’m so sorry.” She answered flustered.

He kissed her again. Then he lifted her up, threw her over his shoulder and started walking towards
the stairs.

“I’m fixing to fuck my fiancé Potter so I think that you should leave.”

After that fight Draco agreed to not say anything else about the marriage until October. If Hermione
still agreed to marry him by then they would get Married in November.

That didn’t mean they didn’t find other things to argue about.

In February, on Valentine’s Day, both Draco and Hermione forgot their wands downstairs in their
hast to ravish each other. Once upstairs, they remembered just as Draco was seated at Hermione’s
entrance. She insisted that she was on the monthly potion and that they didn’t need the charm as
well. She just wanted him to hurry up and fuck her.

A month later when her monthly didn’t come, Draco sat straddling her, wand aimed at her
abdomen, he cast the magical spell to find out if she were pregnant.

They both had different reactions. Her elated and ready for what the future held and him confused
and upset with himself for taking her choice to have kids later away from her.

Draco went into a deep depression for 3 days saying he was no better than Weasley. It took a lot of
talking for him to understand just how excited Hermione was. Once he was finally happy with the
outcome he jokingly blamed her for getting pregnant in the first place since she had insisted she
was on the monthly potion. That had been the wrong thing to say.

It took a whole afternoon for Draco to convince Hermione it had infact been his fault because he
should have kept his wand on him at all times.

After that they argued and bickered but never went to bed angry.

When October came around Draco didn’t even need to ask Hermione if she still wanted to marry
him because he was not letting her go.

Hermione was due the end of November so they decided to get Married the first week of November
convinced they would have enough time.
Neither one of them wanted a huge wedding but also wanted a beautiful setting. They both decided
the Malfoy Manor Gardens would be the perfect spot.

That was where Draco stood waiting on his beautiful bride.


Wedding time

Draco was nervous. He didn’t know why he was nervous. They had made love 3 times that
morning. Once after waking up, once in the shower and once after she came back to check to make
sure he was dressed. She had just looked so beautiful in the white dress she was wearing and since
he knew she wasn’t wearing any knickers, all he had to do was run his hand up her leg. He loved
Hermione being pregnant, she was always ready for him.

Draco smirked remembering their morning shags.

“You could at least wipe that smug look off your face. Everyone in attendance can already tell you
have been thoroughly shagged this morning, mate.” Blasie said in his ear as he stood beside him as
best wizard.

Theo and Mack chuckled standing behind Blaise. Draco turned and winked at them.

After Draco was released from Azkaban he had Potter get in touch with Auror Mack. He wanted to
thank him for the kindness he showed him while he was in jail. They had drinks and kept in touch.
It didn’t take long for them to end up great friends. Blaise, Theo, and Pansy all liked him as well.
Of course they did he was a Slytherin just like them.

Draco watched Fluer and Pansy as they walked down the aisle and stepped to Hermione’s side of
the beautiful arch Draco was standing in front of.

The arch was a rare tree of sorts. It was created with a variety of the Malfoy Manor flowers all
interwoven between branches and vines. Neville and Luna had done a beautiful job with the spell
work. They grew it from the ground up so it would live there forever blooming.

Ginny followed holding Lily, wand in the air emitting bubbles. She walked up to Draco and they
kissed each other on the cheek. Then she let him kiss Lily on the forehead before walking to the
other side to stand with the other girls.

Scorpius and Victoire came down the aisle holding hands. Victoire was scattering flower petals
while Scorpius held a pillow with Draco and Hermione’s wands laying on it. Their wedding rings
slipped over the wands.
Once everyone from the wedding party was in place the music swelled and everyone stood up
waiting for Hermione.

When Draco spotted her for the first in her full wedding dress, time stood still. Everyone else faded
away. The dress she had on earlier was her pre-wedding dress, the one she wore walking down the
aisle was more exquisite than anything he had ever seen. It was an off the shoulder dress that
sparked and hugged Hermione in all the right ways showing off her beautiful bump.

She smiled at him and caressed that bump all the way down the aisle.

Draco wanted to march down that aisle, pick her up and disparate out of there to go make love to
her again. Sod the wedding.

When she finally got to him, Potter put her hand in his. He hadn’t even recognized that Potter had
walked her down the aisle.

Draco heard the officiant say something. Then he felt a little tug beside him. When drug his gaze
away from Hermione and looked down his son was holding the pillow with their wands and rings
up to him.

He smiled at him and carefully grabbed them, handing hermione his wand as he held hers. They
kept their wands between them as he grabbed onto her arm and she grabbed onto his.

With his free hand he brushed a tear away from her cheek. When she did the same to him he was
surprised, he hadn’t even known he was crying.

The officiant must have said something else because Narcissa and Potter walked up to them, said
something and fiddled with their arms.

Draco felt a tightening around his wrist but he couldn’t be bothered to look down and see what
happened. The witch he was staring at was all he had eyes for. He was so transfixed on Hermione
he heard nothing but the sound of his own rapid heartbeat.

Someone nudged him in the side, he frowned and looked back.

“What?” He said frustrated that his attention was taken away from Hermione.

He heard everyone laugh.

Blaise smirked at him and pointed at the officiant. “Are you going to pay attention.”

Draco’s face went red then looked back at Hermione.

“Sorry, I was mesmerized by this beautiful creature standing in front of me.” He admitted.

Hermione blushed and he softly caressed her cheek with his thumb.

“As I said it’s time for you to recite your vows. I was told you each wrote them.” The officiant said.

“Yes sir.” He cleared his throat. His heart started beating faster. Why was he so fucking nervous all
of a sudden. He had rehearsed what he wanted to say over and over. Plus, it was Hermione, he told
her everything.
When she laid her hand on his cheek he leaned into it and let it ground him. He put his hand over
hers. Everyone else faded away. It was only Draco and Hermione, he could do this.

“Hermione, If I could go back in time I would hex myself for being such a prat to you. The first
time we met I don’t think I was ready for you. You don’t know how unbelievably grateful I am that
I got a second chance at you being in my life. Because darling, my life never felt complete until
you were in it. Now that I have you, know that I will never let you go. I promise to love you on the
good days and even more on the bad. I’ll always challenge you to show off that big beautiful brain
of yours because the world deserves to know just how smart you are. I give my whole self and my
magic to you because you are my best friend, my soulmate, my lover. I will always put you” Draco
paused to put his hand against her swollen belly. “and our beautiful family first. This I swear to you
on my magic.”

A strand of light emitted and wrapped around Draco and Hermione’s arms it stayed there paulsing.

“That was lovely. Hermione, your turn.” Draco heard the officiant say.

Draco laid his palm on the side of Hermione’s face like she did for him.

“Draco, my dear sweet Draco. Never in a million years would I have guessed we would be standing
here in front of our friend declaring our love for one another. You came into my life like a
whirlwind, fast and unexpected. You had perfect timing. Because Love, you were there when I
didn’t think I had anyone. You took care of me, picked up the pieces and made me whole again.
Draco I promise to always be there for you. To honor you every single day of my life. To always
challenge you to be your best with everyone because I have seen your best and it is magnificent.
You are my world, Draco. I give every single part of me to you because you are my best friend, my
soulmate, my lover. I promise to put you and our family first always. This I swear to you on my

A second strand of light emitted and wrapped around Hermione and Draco’s arms. When Draco
looked at their arms they were tied together he didn’t know when that had happened. With a
flourish of the officiates wand the two strands of light intertwine with each other before seeping
into their arms. Leaving a mark around their arms only the two of them will ever see.

Rings were exchanged, more words were said.

Then all of a sudden the words Draco was so desperate to hear finally came out of the officiants

“You may now-“

Were all the words Draco had to hear before he cupped Hermione’s face and captured her lips with

The taste of honey was overwhelming. He devoured her like no one was watching.

In the distance he heard yells of congratulations, clapping and whistling.

A couple hours later Draco and Hermione were sitting off to the side of the dance floor watching all
of their friends make fools of themselves.
Draco had Hermione’s feet in his lap giving her a much needed food massaging. His wife. He
smiled at her and leaned over to kiss her gently.

“Do your feet feel any better, Wife?”

She smiled back. “They feel a little better. Thanks for asking, Husband. ”

Draco growled. “I love hearing you call me husband.”

All of a sudden Hermione yanked her foot out of Draco’s hold and sat up straight grabbing at her

“Darling? Are you ok?”

She looked up at him and shook her head.

“I think it’s time.” She whispered.

Draco stood up abruptly.

“NOW!” He yelled.

She nodded.

Draco started looking everywhere frantically.“Where’s my wand I need my wand so we can

apparate there.”

Hermione carefully stood up and put her hands on his shoulders.

“Breathe, your wand is in your hand. And I told we can’t aparate we have to take the floo. Now can
you calm down enough to get me there or…”

Draco swept Hermione off her feet and rushed her across the dance floor.
“Out of the way we are going to have a baby!” Draco yelled.

They heard their family and friends hooting and hollering as Draco carried Hermione all the way to
the floo.

Before they went through, he kissed her then kissed her stomach.
“I love you both with all my heart.”

He picked up the floo powder and threw down yelling “St. Mingos”.

Before they disappeared in the green fire he heard Hermione say.

“We love you too Draco.”

The next 6 hours were a blur for Draco.

He instantly had a problem with St. Mungos after they put Hermione in her room. He demanded
they change it telling them he would pay whatever the cost.
They didn’t care.

He cared. His witch was in tears as soon as they wheeled her in that Gods damn room decorated
with daisies, of all the flowers in the world fucking daisies.
Since they refused to change her room Draco went around and changed every single Daisy into a
Rose. The healers were furious at him but it made his witch happy so he didn’t give two fucks what
they thought.

After Draco basically redecorated Hermione’s room she was happy and content for the first 2
hours. When the healer came around and asked if they needed anything, Hermione asked for ice
chips. When she came back she handed Hermione her cup of ice and handed Draco a muffin. She
told him he would need it for energy and left.

Hermione was happily eating her ice chips. Then she looked at Draco.
“So what kind of muffin did you get?”

Draco’s face paled. He couldn’t lie to her but he was also afraid to tell her.
“It doesn’t matter, I'm going to throw it in the trash.”

She scowled at him and held her hand out.

“Let me see.”

He carefully placed the blueberry muffin in her hand and watched as her face went red with furry.

She just stared at the offending muffin.

“Baby, let me throw it in the trash. The healer, she… she didn’t know.”

Hermione looked up at him, eyes filled with tears.

“First, you make me come to this gods awful room full of Daisies and now you are trying to eat a
blueberry muffin!” She threw it at him. “You are an insensitive asshole! You don’t love me!” She
yelled with tears streaming down her face.

Draco’s eyes went wide. How could she say that?

“Baby, I do love you. You are my world.”
He grabbed her hand but she yanked it out of his grasp, crossed her arms and looked away from
“I can’t even look at you right now. Leave!”

“My darling please-“

She pointed one hand toward the door.

“Hermione, love just give me chance-“

“I said OUT!” She yelled and the lights flickered.

Draco hunched over, defeated and walked toward the door. He grabbed the handle and looked back
at her. “Baby, are you sure?”

“Don’t make me say it again!”

He nodded.
“I’ll be right outside if you need me.”

He walked out the door. Leaned back against the wall and slid down it. He was already the worst
Husband ever.
The healer with the offending muffins passed by and gave him a sad look.
“Get kicked out?”

Draco nodded.

“It’s normal. She’ll probably be asking for you in a minute.” She admitted and walked on by.

What the fuck did she know. It was her fault he was in trouble, Draco thought.

A miniature stag patronus appeared, minutes later, in front of Draco.

“Draco, Scorp is with Fluer as planned he is very excited to meet his new sibling. It was all he
talked about to Lily and Victoire as they left. All the snakes, Gin and I are in the waiting room. Stay
calm for her and if she calls you names don’t take it personal. I got kicked out of the room several
times as well so don’t be surprised if you are. You got this mate.” Potter's voice trailed off then his
stag was gone.


He scrambled to his feet and went back into the room.

“Oh Draco, I’m such a terrible wife.” She cried tears falling down her face.

He ran forward and grabbed her outstretched hand then kissed her forehead.
“Shhh, no sweetheart you are the perfect wife”

5 hours into labor Draco was being called so many cuss words, words he didn’t even know. Ice
chips were being thrown at him. Had he not put their wands away, he was sure she would be hexing

“You did this to me! You forgot your bloody wand downstairs and didn’t cast the charm! What do
you have to say for yourself?”

“You look so bloody hot right now.”

Hermione chunked the whole ice bucket at his head.

After 6 hours of labor, many cuss words, and lots of things thrown at Draco, it was time to meet
their new baby.
With tears in his eyes Draco murmured praises in Hermione’s ear as they heard the first cry of their
new baby.

“Congratulations mommy and daddy, it’s a girl!” The healer said as she laid their new bundle of joy
on Hermione's chest.

“She's perfect.” Draco whispered and kissed Hermione's forehead. “Just like her mother.”
Hermione hmm’d. “I don’t know, that blonde looks just her father.”
She looked up at him tilting her lips up.
He kisses her soundly then leaned his forehead to hers.
“You did so amazing, Darling.”
Draco crawled in bed beside Hermione and held the two most precious witches in his arms.
“We should let others know.” Hermione said, stifling a yawn.
Draco took their daughter from her arms and laid her on his chest.
“Rest Hermione. They can wait a bit.”
She snuggled into him and closed her eyes.

Draco looked down at his baby girl and smiled.

“I don’t know if life can get better than this.” Draco mumbled, while he ran his thumb across her
forehead and down her rosy cheeks.
When her eyes fluttered open, she looked up at him. Draco swore he could feel just how much she
loved him by that single look.
With tears in his eyes he brought her tiny hand to his lips and kissed it.
“I love you so much. You are my world baby girl and I’ll never let anything bad happen to you. I
swear to you on my magic and my life.” Draco whispered.
Bright strings of light wrapped around each others hands and sunk into their skin linking their
magic together. She sighed and her eyes fluttered closed but her grip on his thumb was strong.

An hour and a half later, after mama had a nap and baby’s tummy was full, the room started to fill
with Draco and Hermione’s closest friends and family.
Everyone was on edge wanting to know if baby Malfoy was a girl or a boy and what their name
Draco was sitting on the edge of the bed holding his baby girl with a permanent smile plastered on
his face. He had her wrapped in a silver satin blanket not giving away her gender just yet.

“Out with it! Is it a boy or a girl?”

Pansy was the first to get frustrated.
“We are waiting on—“ Draco started.

Just then Fluer, Bill, Victoire, Lily and Scorp enter the room.
“Sorry ve, are late. Scorp vanted to draw ze picture for you.”

Scorp ran towards Draco but as soon as soon as he saw who he was holding he stopped in his
“Daddy, is that my new brother or sister?”
“It sure is buddy.”
“Sweetheart, would you like to come join us on the bed?” Hermione patted the bed beside her that
had room enough for Scorp to sit.
He nodded and slowly crawled on the bed to sit beside Hermione. He snuggled into her. “Mommy,
is it a boy or a girl?”

After spending so much time with Victoire, Scorp started asking Hermione if she were his mum.
Hermione and Draco sat him down and told him his real mum would always be Astoria even if she
weren’t in his life. But that Hermione loved him so much, as if he were her own, and if he ever
decided to call her mum she would be honored.
A month after their talk on a random Wednesday Draco and Hermione had just finished tucking
Scorpius in after reading two books, one by Hermione and one by Draco.

“Good night daddy. I love you.”

Draco leaned down and kissed the top of his head. “Good night son. I love you too.”
Hermione bent down and kissed his head next. “Goodnight sweetheart.”
“Goodnight Mommy. I love you.”
“I love you too.” She whispered back.

Hermione held it in until they got to their room. Then she sobbed in Draco’s arms. With tears in his
own eyes he caressed her face and told her just how much he loved her, how happy he was to have
witnessed that moment, and how he couldn’t wait until she was carrying their own baby. Which
only made her cry harder.

After she calmed down a bit she asked him if he had his wand.
“Of course love it’s right here.” He frowned at her.
She smiled at him with new tears in her eyes, laid back and lifted her shirt.
“I need you to check something for me.”
Draco straddled her wand in hand but was starting to panic. Was she sick?
He put on a brave face and asked “Are you ok darling?” Draco cocked his head to the side.
“Do you know the charm to cast to find out if one is pregnant?” Hermione asked.

Hermione kissed Scorpius on the head. “Your dad wants you to help reveal the baby’s gender to
Scorp looked at his dad.
“Scorp, I want you to hold my wand hand and tap the blanket. If it goes silver to pink it’s a girl if it
goes silver to blue it’s a boy. Can you do that?”
“I’m a big brother, I can do that!”
Carefully, Scorp grabbed ahold of Draco’s wand hand and ever so softly tapped the blanket.
When it turned pink everyone yelled in excitement.
“Shhhh! You’re gonna scare the baby!” Scorpius reprimanded all of the adults.
Draco quietly chuckled. “Look at you big brother, already looking out for your sister.”
Scorpius puffed out his chest looking ever so proud.

What Draco didn’t say was that before everyone came in they put a one way silencing charms on
the blanket so she wouldn’t be alarmed by all the noise.
“Would you like to hold her? I can help you.” Hermione asked Scorp.
He nodded and went to sit in Hermione’s lap.
Draco stood up, kissed his daughter on the forehead then held her out so Hermione could hold her
in Scorpius’ lap.
“Son, I’d like you to meet your new baby sister Cassiopeia Jean Malfoy, or Cassie for short.”

Everyone Ooo’d and Ahhh’d at the sight of Scorpius holding his little sister.

Cassie was passed around to meet everyone. She was such a good baby and very attentive. Eyes
open the whole time taking in all of the new people in her life.
Once everyone had met her they all said their goodbyes. Ginny and Blaise were both asked to hold
back a minute.
With only the 5 of them left Draco took Cassie and set her in Ginny’s arms once more.
“Ginny, would you do us the honor of being Cassie’s godmother?”
With tears in her eyes she nodded yes. She held her wand in one hand, Cassie hand in the other, and
with soft hushed words vowed to protect her on her magic. Strands of light circled their connected
hands before seeping into their skin.

She handed Cassie back to her dad. Then he turned to Blaise who already had tears in his eyes, now
knowing what was coming. Draco handed Cassie to him.
“Blaise, will you do Hermione and I the honor of being Cassie’s godfather?”
He cleared his throat. “I swear on my life I will take care of this little girl. I will let no harm come
to her. She will want for nothing. I feel sorry for the sods who try and date her because not only
will they have to go through you two but they will have to go through Ginny and I as well.”
They all chuckle.
“This I swear on my magic.” Blaise finished.
Just Like Ginny two strands of lights circle her hand and his until they sink into their skins. Boding
godmother and godfather to goddaughter.

With just the three of them alone they sit in perfect silence. Cassie asleep in her father’s arms.
“Now what?”
Draco smirked.“Bored already? Shall I get you a book to read, Mrs. Malfoy?”
“Hmmm, Mrs. Malfoy, I love the sound of that.”
“I love the sound of you, Mrs. Malfoy.”
He kissed her lips.
She pulled back. “Oh no. I just realized. We didn’t get to have sex on our wedding night.”
“Are you offering Mrs. Malfoy?” Draco grinned at her.
“Prat. You know we can’t.”Hermione swatted at him playfully.
“Well at least we had sex the morning of our wedding.” Draco waggled his brow remembering
yesterday's shags.
“True. 3 times.”
“Four if you count when you woke me up at 3 am all hot and bothered.”
She grinned up at him. “You know you loved it.”

“I love you, wife.”

“I love you too, husband.”

Chapter End Notes

😭 My babies!!!!

Thank you so much for reading along!

We have the epilogue left and then we say good bye to the IFHD world.
Last chapter tomorrow 2/13
Chapter Summary

Let’s take a peek 5 years later.

5 years later

Every year Draco and Hermione pack a picnic, go to the Manor gardens and walk around on their
anniversary. They bring Scorpius and his best friend Victoire and Cassie and her best friend Lily
along. Their beautiful flower arch still grows perfect blooms every November.

After seeing what an amazing job Neville and Luna did with their wedding arch, Draco made a deal
with them. He would allow them use his greenhouse to grow their exotic plants as long as they took
care of the gardens and let them harvest any ingredients they needed. Neville and Luna agreed and
went from having 50 to now over 300 exotic plants. They live a very happy life.

The Malfoy Manor was turned into a magical museum of sorts since no one used it any more. It
was filled with all of the portraits of dead family members no one wanted in their house.

Blaise was tired of sending hints to Theo so one night after drinks he walked up to him and kissed
him. Then told him to do whatever he wanted with that information and went home. Theo finally
asked Blaise to be his boyfriend the following week after the surprise finally wore off. They have
been living together for 3 years. Theo spoils Blaise daily for being so oblivious to his hints.

Pansy and Auror Mack bonded over being the only two single people in their friend group. They
often took turns volunteering to babysit the kids, sometimes deciding to watch them together. They
loved the kids so much and didn’t mind letting the parents have a night out. One night, after the
kids had gone home, they both got drunk and ended up sleeping together. A year ago Mack asked
Pansy to marry him. The wedding is this December.

Ginny and Harry had two more kids, twins. James Sirius and Albus Severus, they are two. They
both look the spitting image of Harry, unlike Lily who looks exactly like her mom. Ginny admitted
that she was officially closed for business, she didn’t care how much the boy who lived wanted
another baby.
Hermione was on good terms with most of the Weasley’s. They never got back that familial bond
they had but they always spoke to each other when they were out and about. The only pair she was
in constant contact with was Bill and Fleur. They were officially apart of their friend group.
Molly Weasley was the only one that was still rude to the Malfoy’s, but no one cared about her.

Photos of Ron with witches and sometimes wizards in compromising positions came up often in the
the Daily Prophet. He had violated his parole three times by being within 20ft of Hermione,
refusing to leave. He was a wanted man but not high on the DMLE list for them to actively seek
him out because he ‘wasn’t a threat’.

The last straw for Draco was when he found out that Ron was obsessed with saying Cassie
should’ve been his daughter. On a handful of times he was even heard saying, she was, in-fact, his
daughter and that Draco had her charmed her hair. Draco hunted the Weasel down, beat him until
he was almost dead (again), then brought him into the DMLE.

Ron was sentenced to 10 years in Azkaban and stripped of his magic indefinitely. Draco told the
head of the DMLE, who just so happened to be Harry Potter, that he found Ron already in the
condition he was in, slumped in a random alleyway.

Draco went unpunished.

Auror Mack, one of Draco’s now best friend’s, volunteered to have Ron put in his area so he could
‘watch over’ him. It has been two years since Ron was imprisoned. For some reason he had grown
an irrational fear of daisies. Auror Mack had no clue why because the only visitor Ron had was
Draco. He knew for a fact Draco would never do anything wrong to Ron… really he wouldn’t.

Hermione loved being a mother. It was her favorite thing, watching her daughter and son learn new
things every day. 6 months after Cassie was born she went back to work as the Head of the
Research Team for the DMLE. She loved her work but not as much as she loved her kids. Her and
Draco talked it over then talked Kingsley into letting them both be Heads so they could split the
work. It gave them both more time with their children while also being able to do work in a field
they loved.

Draco didn’t know what he loved most, being a dad or being married to Hermione. One thing he
did know, was that he would always protect his family. As soon as they arrived home with Cassie,
Draco and Blaise went into business together. They bought the Daily Prophet, fired all of the shady
employees, and hired ones that would comply with ONLY them. They were able to controls every
single story and photo printed. Along with limiting ANY photos printed with children, especially
not without the parent's consent. They might or might not have had a permanent photographer that
specifically tailed Ron Weasley around capturing photos of any dalliances he had. Draco nor Blaise
would not confirm or deny that accusation.

Auror Mack, with help from the head of the DMLE, helped secure Draco two yearly visitor
appointments to Azkaban, September the 19th and December the 24th. Draco would visit his best
friend, Auror Mack, who would let him into his old cell then promptly go check on other inmates
he was in charger of that day. Draco would teach the Red head who now lived in his old cell the
same lesson he taught him all those years ago. Once finished Draco would set a bouquet of daisies
in front of the git's face making sure it was the last thing he saw before he passed out from all the
Ron should have known not to fuck with people Draco cared about.
Hermione approved of this arrangement. It was actually her idea for Draco to take the daisies.

“Mommy mommy look! We found flowers!” Cassie and Lily came running, with their hands full of
flowers, towards Hermione and Draco who were stretched out on a picnic blanket.

“Thank you Angels.” Hermione smiled.

“We are supposed to pick these, right Aunt Mine? So they don’t grow anymore?” Lily asked.

“That’s right sweetheart.” Hermione booped Lily on the nose, then she did the same to Cassie as
Both girls giggled.

“Come on Cassie, let’s go make sure there isn’t anymore.”

Cassie and Lily ran off holding hands.

Draco sat up and pulled Hermione into his lap. He kissed her temple and rubbed her swollen belly.

“Oh! Draco. Feel… right here.”

Hermione brought his hand to the side of her belly. They waited a few minutes and it happened
She smiled up at him. “Did you feel that?”

Draco smiled and moved her so he could reach her belly. He put one hand on each side and kissed
her stomach.
“Hey baby Leo, I can’t wait to meet you little man. Ow-“ he chuckled. “I can’t believe my son just
kicked me in the mouth.” He said as he sat back up and moved Hermione back into his lap.

She giggled. “Your son’s going to be a trouble maker.”

Scorp and Victoire come walking up.

“Mom, we found more offending flowers.”
They both dump said flowers on the already growing pile.
“Ve go look at roses now.” Victorie grabbed Scorp by the hand and dragged him away.

“We might have to fire Nev.” Hermione sighed as she crossed her arms.

Draco chuckled, took out his wand and pointed it at the pile.

Hermione rolled her eyes at the pile of burning flowers.

“I fucking hate daisies.”

End Notes

Wow! I cant believe I just finished writing my first completed fic!

I want to thank every single one of you that read this story. I have received so many kind words on
a story I was afraid to post at first, especially with such a hard and heavy first chapter. Know that as
many tears as you shed I’ve probably shed more because I not only wrote but edited it many many
IFHD was only supposed to be a one shot. I needed a break from writing my other fic Stolen
Parents and had this idea about how Ron stole Draco’s ‘Perfect gifts for Hermione’. I was writing
in Draco’s POV then the idea of burning daisies came to me. I quickly moved to Hermione’s POV
and the story unfolded from there.

Before you go I want you to know if you have felt a fraction of hurt that Hermione felt in this fic,
you are not alone.
Please seek help if you need it.

Lastly, I’ll leave you with Draco’s words.

“No one has the right to touch your body except you.”

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