Reviewer For Oral Comm

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Oral Comm Reviewer

1st Semester (Midterms)

Functions of Communication have a habit of sharing more when we are with

our immediate family or close friends.
➢ refers to the specific purpose for which an B. Motivation Function
article is used, something exists, or a person is ➢ The energy that influences a person’s
tailored to meet his somebody else’s desires behavior in different ways in his pursuit of his
goal or objective is what we referred to as
➢ On every occasion we communicate, we Motivation.
always have a fixed purpose, which is generally
intentional, distinguishable, or recognizable, 1. Communication raises motivation. If we
and functional or designed to attain something know what, why, and how things should be
constructive. In some instances, however, our done, we gain self-confidence and reassurance
good intention produces a concomitant or to realize our tasks.
accompanying unintentional, dysfunctional
result. To evade having this inadvertent adverse 2. Communication aids us to set explicit goals
effect, we need to use clear, correct language and gives us updates or feedback on our
and be sensitive to cultural differences. progress, whether positive or negative, toward
the achievement of these goals. Additionally, it
5 Functions of Communication helps us strengthen desired behavior, rectify any
objectionable action, and persuade others as
A. Information Dissemination Function well.
➢ The most basic function of communication
1. Communication offers data and information ➢ The priest or the leader of a religious
for effective completion of tasks, answers of organization preaches to his community to
problems, and eradication of vagueness the persuade them to live a Christian way of life
three flows of information are: ➢ The teacher updates his students on their
school performance to inspire them to do better
Downward flow
➢ from superiors or elders to the subordinates C. Regulation or Control Function
in the form of directives or updates ➢ To control or regulate is to exercise
limitation or direction formally or informally.
Upward flow The expression of needs and want is a way to
➢ from the subordinates or family members to control the behavior of another person to attain
the superiors or elders in the form of feedback something or get something done (Murphy,
and reports or suggestions 2014). This materializes particularly among
family members or acquaintances.
Horizontal flow
➢ peer to peer, worker to worker, husband to ➢ The control and regulation function of
wife and vice versa, sibling to sibling, or communication is more apparent in formal
manager to manager in the form of data and organizations than in informal ones (Kamat,
reports. (Lombardo 2015) 2011). Rules, regulations, and policies in
institutions are formal home rules and
2. Through communication we get information agreements while unspoken or unwritten rules
on what is going on around us. Giving and are informal. Another kind of control, which
receiving information, directly or indirectly, includes hazing, harassment, wife/husband
includes all other functions of communication. beating, bullying, and others, though
condemned by society, happens in our midst;
3. The quantity of material we share with hence, they are our social concerns.
another person or others differs depending on
the gradation of our familiarity to each other or Examples:
to one another. As we do not share a lot of ➢ School rules and policies on attendance,
information with an unfamiliar person, but we grading, and dress codes are prescribed.
Oral Comm Reviewer
1st Semester (Midterms)

D. Emotional Expression Function Conflict

➢ Communication makes possible the release ➢ refers to strong disagreement between
or unloading of emotions, resulting in catharsis. people, groups, and so on, which results on
other angry arguments.
➢ Communicating your emotions verbally or
nonverbally (e.g., being angry, sad, or afraid) Coercion
will lighten your apprehension and help you get ➢ the process of getting something or making
out of your emotional blocking. In times like someone do something by using threats
this, you need someone “to talk to” or “a
shoulder to cry on.” Kinds of Talks or Oral Texts
➢ Emotional appeal, on the other hand, is used ➢ The functions or purposes of communication
in encouraging people to change their mind or can be effectually realized and fulfilled by using
behavior diverse kinds of oral texts or what Locke (1988)
calls “talks”.
E. Social Interaction Function
➢ Communication permits us to act and A. Small Talk
respond to the behavior of people around us. By ➢ a form of non-threatening communication
revealing our judgments and feelings, we that may be used to effect social collaboration.
prompt responses from others. This kind of talk can help realize the following
specific purposes:
➢ Communication eases social closeness to ➢ to maintain status quo
establish, maintain, and enjoy relationships with ➢ to break the ice
others. Small talk, which Locke (1998) calls ➢ to get acquainted
“social closeness and engagement,” is one of ➢ to establish relationships
the most vital purposes of human
communication (as cited in Murphy, 2014). B. Light-Control Talk
➢ the discreet use of power to get
➢ Communication also realizes our ego needs, consequences. It may be used to motivate
the need for pride and self-esteem, and our people. It has the following purposes:
social needs – the need to fit in and to be ➢ to persuade
recognized, especially by our significant others ➢ to direct
(Lombardo, 2015). Having social cliques or ➢ to seek but not force agreement
barkadas is proof of this need. The saying that ➢ to use legitimate authority
“no man is an island” explains this function.
C. Heavy Control Talk
➢ Goofman categorizes social interaction into ➢ intended to place blame and to control or
five: regulate people. This type of communication
produces defensiveness on the part of the
Exchange receiver and is infrequently, if ever, appropriate.
➢ a social process whereby social behavior is It has the following specific purposes:
exchanged for a reward which may be material ➢ to blame
or non material ➢ to attack
➢ to threaten
Competition ➢ to coerce
➢ a process by which two or more people ➢ to demand
interact and fight for a goal that only one can
win D. Search Talk
➢ another non-threatening method when you
Cooperation want to gather data or the consensus of others to
➢ a social process in which people work be able to provide information. Its specific
together to realize their common goals purposes are the following:
➢ to center on an issue
➢ to examine and clarify the issue
Oral Comm Reviewer
1st Semester (Midterms)

E. Straight Talk misinterpretation may be avoided by the

➢ good for problem solving and conflict receivers.
resolution. It may be used to facilitate emotional
expression. For catharsis, which is the act of Ethics
purging, cleansing, and unloading ideas and ➢ pertains to moral standards that need to be
emotions. It is typically done with people you considered when delivering a message. The
have a bond relationship with. The explicit audience’s background such as their age,
purposes that it hopes to attain are the gender, race, social status, and personal
following: convictions shall be given due importance for
➢ to concentrate on the here and now speaking purposes.
➢ to focus on issues ➢ As a speaker, one of the prerequisites that
➢ to share feelings you need to do is to know your audience first.
➢ to acknowledge feelings By doing so, discriminatory acts leading to
➢ to accept without judging biased judgment that may unintentionally be
committed by the speaker will be avoided.
To summarize, social interaction can be
attained through small talk; motivation of Vividness
people can be completed by means of ➢ refers to the words that make the
light-control talk; regulation and control can conversation or exchange of information lively
be realized by engaging in heavy-control talk; and vibrant. The purpose of this aspect of
information can be provided by using search communication is to simplify thoughts for the
talk; and emotional expression can be audience to easily grasp the message though the
accomplished through straight talk. use of distinctive language
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Formal Communication
➢ type of communication used in formal,
Verbal Communication ceremonial, or dignified gatherings. Here, the
➢ refers to the use of words to convey a exchange of information is controlled,
message. This type of communication can be well-thought-out, and prepared. It also
regarded as efficient and successful if the conforms to certain rules and conventions as
receiver can easily process the message defined by the goals and values of particular
delivered by the sender. groups or organizations.
Aspects you need to consider when using verbal Types of Formal Communications
communication: ➢ Meetings
➢ Interviews
Appropriateness ➢ Conferences
➢ pertains to the use of suitable language from ➢ Formal One-on-Ones
applicable to the nature of the event or context ➢ Speeches
of the situation ➢ Presentations
Brevity Informal Communication
➢ speakers frequently opt to use simple and ➢ characterized by free, casual and
precise words in delivering their message. It can spontaneous exchange between two or more
be achieved by using more direct and clear people. The exchange is a kind of interaction
words and avoiding beating around the bush. It that is unrestrained by rules and conventions. It
is saying less words is also the type of communication that occurs in
everyday life.
➢ refers to using simple yet exact words that Types of Informal Communication
directly express your thoughts and emotion. It ➢ Casual Conversations
warrants that the purpose of the message will be ➢ Gossips
delivered to the audience. Through this, ➢ Tales
communication breakdown like ➢ Family Social Communication Culture
Oral Comm Reviewer
1st Semester (Midterms)

Nonverbal Communication
➢ refers to a collaboration of movements that
does not require any spoken words in order to
convey a message. This incorporates actions
such as hand gestures, body language, facial
expressions, stance, appearance, and others to
convey a message
Commonly used in nonverbal communication:
➢ Bodily kinesthetic
- Head movements
- Eye movements
- Facial expressions
- Sitting
- Standing
- Waling
- Hand Gestures
➢ Attitude or Behavior to specific situations
➢ Manner of Dressing
➢ Tone of Voice

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