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His name

St. Agustine of
November 13,
345 AD

about me
On November 13, 354 in Tagaste, Numidia, St. Augustine was born
(now Souk Ahras, Algeria). Among the Latin Fathers of the Church,
he was a Christian theologian and bishop. By incorporating classical
ideas into Christian doctrine, Augustine developed a theological
framework that has had a significant and enduring impact. His many
written works—of which The City of God (c. 413–426) and
Confessions (c. 400) are the most significant—shaped biblical
exegesis and served as a major influence on much of the thinking of
the Middle Ages and Modern Christianity. In Roman Catholicism,
Augustine is officially acknowledged as a doctor of the church.
Details regarding the life of St. Augustine: -Augustine was born into
a Christian mother and a heathen father. -He spent a number of
years as a Manichaean before becoming a Christian. - Augustine
became Bishop of Hippo in 396 after receiving his priestly ordination
in 391. - He wrote a great deal about subjects like original sin, free
choice, grace, and the attributes of God. - Augustine passed away
at the age of 75 on August 28, 430 in Hippo Regius, which is today
Annaba, Algeria.

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