Mid Day Meal Special Assessment Format-Revised

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Mid Day Meal Special Assessment Format-revised

(For each School/SSK/MSK)

(To be submitted in hard copy by the inspecting official / HoI)

1. Name of School / Institution: ………………………………………..

2. UDISE Code: ……………………………

3. Name of District: ..................................

4. Name of Block / Municipality: ...........................

5. Name of Circle: .....................................

6. Category of institution: …………………

[Primary / Upper Primary / Secondary / Higher Secondary /SSK/MSK]

7 Total number of student enrolled (up to Class 8 )

9 Total number of meals served during last December, 23
10 Total number of meals served during last January, 24
11 Total number of meals served during last February, 24
12 Total number of meals served during last March, 24
13 Total number school days from December, 23 to March, 24
Whether the statutory notices on the notice board or wall of the
14 Yes/No
school is displayed
15 Whether quality of supplied rice is good Yes/No
16 Whether the food items are stored in hygienic condition Yes/No
17 Whether UC submitted regularly Yes/No
18 Cash balance (Bank PB is to be checked)
19 Whether Cash book is maintained properly Yes/No
20 Food grain stock in Qtls
21 Whether Food grain registrar is maintained properly Yes/No
22 Whether one month’s buffer stock (Rice) is there Yes/No
23 Whether Cook cum Helpers get honorarium regularly Yes/No
24 Whether Food Tasting Register is maintained Yes/No
25 Whether Weighing Machines is available Yes/No
Whether Mid Day Meal Programme is discussed Parent Teacher
26 Yes/No
Committee Meeting
27 When de-worming tablets were consumed last time
28 Average no. of students who consumes IFA tablets
29 No of health check-up programme done in last one year
30 Whether Hand wash is practiced before and after MDM Yes/No
31 Whether having separate pucca Dining Hall Yes/No
If no, whether sufficient Free Space is available within premises
32 Yes/No
for construction
33 If yes, whether the dining hall/space is cleaned regularly Yes/No
34 Whether having Pucca Kitchen: Yes/No
36 Condition of kitchen:
37 Whether the kitchen is cleaned regularly Yes/No
38 Whether cooking utensils are cleaned properly Yes/No
39 Whether the school has functional fire extinguisher Yes/No

40. If average number of students consuming MDM during last 7 days is less than 85
% of enrolled students, what are the probable reasons:


41. Remarks (if any):


Signature of the TIC/HM: ………………………………

Signature of the Inspecting person: ………………………………..

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