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Run Date : Dec 8, 2023 Page 1 of 1

Activity Description : Rectify/Update Employee Type (NP To PF) For Emp No/Emp Name :- 12220507458 / UDAY PASWAN

Activity Id : 050205500000038

Employee Details
Employee No : 12220507458 Employee Name : UDAY PASWAN Date of Birth : 02/02/1972 Rly Joining Date : 06/12/2005

Pan No : AWSPP0272B Pran No : 110020394312 Aadhaar No : 714176011666 Retiriedment Date : 29/02/2032

Bank Code : BARB0THAKIS Account No : 45350100018299 BillUnit No : 0502306 Service Status : SERVING (Salary)

Biodata Correction Details

Field Name Old Credential New Credential
Employee Type NP-NPS PF-PFS
PRAN No 110020394312 **********

Above Changes are Verified & Authorized By Following Users :

Level -1 User Level -2 User Level -3 User Level -4 User Level -5 User Level -6 User Level -7 User Level -8 User

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