PM POSHAN Special Campaign Programme-1

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“PM POSHAN Scheme”

(erstwhile Cooked Mid Day Meal Programme)

School Education Department
Government of West Bengal

Meeting dated: 07.04.2024

“PM POSHAN Scheme”
(erstwhile Cooked Mid Day Meal Programme)

Special Campaign Programme

(Mid Day Meal Programme) Assessment

(For each School/SSK/MSK)

A special campaign programme for sensitization of ground level officers

and staff on MDM programme, as well as Assessment of the programme
on different parameters. Based on the filled up reports, the schools will
be ranked as per performance of MDM programme.
Activity Calendar :

Sl. No Activity Date

Holding of State Level Meeting with the OC MDM, DI

1 Today
Secondary, DI Primary, DEOs (Virtual mode)

Holding of District Level Meeting with the SIs, Education

Supervisors and Samiti Education Officers, (Virtual mode) and
or other officers as will be decided by the district.
8.4.24 or
OC MDM will convene the VC under guidance of ADM
Activity Calendar :
Sl. No Activity Date
Holding of Circle Level Meetings in PHYSICAL MODE with the Schools (Block level for
the SSKs & MSKs) to discuss on the Special Campaign programme and explain the
assessment format.
1. SI will convene the Circle Level Meetings of the Govt. aided & sponsored schools.
2. Dates of institution level meeting of each School /SSK /MSK Level Meeting will be Any one
fixed (between 15.4.24 to 02.5.24) in this meeting. day
3. One official like Siksha Bandhu or Education Supervisor or any HOI of any between
neighboring school will also be tagged with each school/SSK/MSK in this meeting (one 10.4.24
Google Sheet for this purpose will be shared for monitoring of the tagging process). to
4. Samiti Ed Officer will convene the Block level meeting of the SSKs & MSKs 14.4.24
5. SI will prepare the calendar for school level meetings and tag one official like Siksha
Bandhu or Education Supervisor or a HOI of any neighboring school in this meeting
for the Govt. aided & sponsored schools.
6. Samiti Ed Officer will do the same exercise for the SSKs & MSKs.
Activity Calendar :
Sl No Activity Date
1. Tagged person will visit the school as per calendar and review of the
programme with the HoI of the concerned school on different parameters Any one
as per the prescribed Assessment Format. day
2. Assessment Format will be filled up and signed by both the HoI and the between
tagged person. 15.4.24 to
3. HoI will fill up the Google Form on spot as per the Assessment Format 02.5.24
1. SI will check the submitted Assessment Form hard copies and verify with
the Google Sheet prepared from the submitted Google Forms for each
school (LINK will be shared in due course). 20.4.24 to
2. Correct the concerned entry in the Google Sheet, if any error is detected 10.5.24
for any school.
3. Samiti Ed Officer will do the same exercise for the SSKs & MSKs.
6 Review of the Special campaign programme by the OC MDM By 20.5.24
Assessment Format :

1. Name of School / Institution : ………………………………………..

2. UDISE Code : ………………………………………..

3. Name of District : ………………………………………..

4. Name of Block / Municipality : ………………………………………..

5. Name of Circle : ………………………………………..

6. Category of institution : ………………………………………..

[Primary / Upper Primary / Secondary / Higher Secondary /SSK/MSK]
Assessment Format :
7. Total number of student enrolled (up to Class 8 ) : …………
8. Total number of meals served during last month : …………
9. Total number school days during last month : …………
10. Whether the statutory notices on the notice board or wall of the : Yes / No
school is displayed
11. Whether quality of supplied rice is good : Yes / No
12. Whether the food items are stored in hygienic condition : Yes / No
13. Whether UC submitted regularly : Yes / No
14. Cash balance (Bank PB is to be checked) : Yes / No
15. Whether Cash book is maintained properly : Yes / No
16. Food grain stock in Qtls : Yes / No
17. Whether Food grain registrar is maintained properly : Yes / No
18. Whether one month’s buffer stock (Rice) is there : Yes / No
Assessment Format :
19. Whether Cook cum Helpers get honorarium regularly : Yes/No
20. Whether Food Tasting Register is maintained : Yes/No
21. Whether Weighing Machines is available : Yes/No
22. Whether Mid Day Meal Programme is discussed Parent Teacher : Yes/No
Committee Meeting
23. When de-worming tablets were consumed last time : …………
24. Average no. of students who consumes IFA tablets : …………
25. No of health check-up programme done in last one year : …………
26. Whether Hand wash is practiced before and after MDM : Yes/No
27. Whether having separate pucca Dining Hall : Yes/No
28. If no, whether sufficient Free Space is available within premises for : Yes/No
29. If yes, whether the dining hall/space is cleaned regularly : Yes/No
30. Whether having Pucca Kitchen: : Yes/No
Assessment Format :
31. Condition of kitchen : (Very Good/Usable
/Need Repair)
32. Whether the kitchen is cleaned regularly : Yes/No
33. Whether cooking utensils are cleaned properly : Yes/No
34. Whether the school has functional fire extinguisher : Yes/No
35. If average number of students consuming MDM during last 7 days is less than
85 % of enrolled students, what are the probable reasons:
36. Remarks (if any):

Signature of the TIC/HM : ………………………………

Signature of the Inspecting person : ………………………………
Govt. of West Bengal
School Education Department
PM POSHAN Directorate

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