Rubrics LTS

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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur


Criteria Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement
Content (40%)
Demonstrates thorough
Provides accurate information Contains some inaccuracies or Contains significant inaccuracies
understanding of the topic with
but may lack depth in some lacks depth in information. or lacks substantial information.
accurate and detailed
Accuracy of Information areas.
(17%-19%) (14%-16%) (11%-13%)
The information presented is The information presented is Some information presented may Information lacks relevance to
highly relevant and directly mostly relevant to the topic. not be directly relevant to the the chosen topic.
Relevance to Topic relates to the chosen topic. topic.

(20%) (17%-19%) (14%-16%) (11%-13%)

Creativity (35%)
Demonstrates exceptional Shows creativity in presentation The presentation and content are Lacks creativity in both
creativity and originality in and content. somewhat original but may lack presentation and content.
Originality presentation and content. creativity.

(17.5%) (14.5%-16.5%) (11.5%-14.5%) (8.5%-10.5%)

Fails to engage the audience
Highly engaging and captivates Engaging and maintaining the Somewhat engaging but may
the audience's attention audience's interest throughout. lose the audience's interest at
effectively. times.
(17.5%) (14.5%-16.5%) (11.5%-14.5%)
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

Presentation (15%)
The content is well-organized
Content is organized with The organization is somewhat The content is disorganized and
with clear sections and logical
identifiable sections and flow. unclear or lacks coherence. lacks a clear structure.
Organization flow.
(6.5%-5.5%) (4.5%-3.5%) (2.5%-1.5%)
Visual elements are present but
Visually appealing with effective Generally, visually appealing with Visual elements are lacking or
may not enhance the overall
use of images, colors, and layout. some use of images and colors. detract from the presentation.
Visual Appeal presentation.
(7.5%) (6.5%-5.5%) (2.5%-1.5%)
Mechanics (10%)
Numerous spelling and
Free of spelling and grammatical Contains minor spelling and Several spelling and grammatical
grammatical errors detract from
errors. grammatical errors. errors are present.
Spelling and Grammar understanding.
(5%) (4%) (3%)
Ideas are communicated clearly Ideas are mostly clear, with an Expression is unclear or Ideas are poorly communicated
and effectively. occasional lack of clarity. confusing at times. and difficult to understand.
Clarity of Expression
(5%) (4%) (3%) (2%)

Prepared by:


LTS Instructor
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur


Criteria Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement
Content (30 points)
Reflections demonstrate deep Reflections show thoughtful
Reflections provide minimal Reflections lack depth and fail to
insight, critical thinking, and consideration of learning
Reflection Depth analysis or superficial insights analyze learning experiences
thorough analysis of learning experiences with some depth of
into learning experiences. effectively.
experiences. analysis.
Reflections consistently relate Some connections between
Reflections generally connect Reflections lack clear connections
learning experiences to course learning experiences and course
Connection to Content learning experiences to course to course content, objectives, or
content, objectives, and personal content/objectives are present
content and objectives. personal goals.
goals. but may be inconsistent.
Organization (20)
Journal entries are well- Entries are organized with The organization is somewhat
Entries are disorganized and lack
Structure organized with clear sections and identifiable sections and a unclear or lacks coherence in
a clear structure.
a logical flow of ideas. coherent flow of ideas. some sections.
Writing may be unclear or
Writing is clear, and concise, and Writing is generally clear and
verbose at times, hindering the Writing is unclear, convoluted, or
Clarity effectively communicates communicates thoughts and
communication of thoughts and difficult to follow.
thoughts and reflections. reflections adequately.
Engagement (10)
Entries demonstrate active
Entries show engagement with Engagement with learning Entries lack engagement with
engagement with learning
Thoughtfulness learning experiences and some experiences and reflection is learning experiences and
experiences and thoughtful
level of reflection. limited or sporadic. reflection.
Entries demonstrate creativity in Entries show some creativity in
Limited creativity is evident in Entries lack creativity in exploring
Creativity exploring ideas and presenting exploring ideas and presenting
entries. ideas and presenting reflections.
reflections. reflections.
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

Mechanics (10)
Writing contains minor Numerous grammatical errors
Writing is free of grammatical Several grammatical errors and
Grammar and Spelling grammatical errors and and spelling mistakes detract
errors and spelling mistakes. spelling mistakes are present.
occasional spelling mistakes. from understanding.
Entries follow formatting Entries generally follow Formatting guidelines are not Entries lack adherence to
Formatting guidelines consistently and are formatting guidelines but may consistently followed, affecting formatting guidelines and are
well-presented. have minor inconsistencies. presentation. poorly presented.

Prepared by:
LTS Instructor

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