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Bị động của động từ tường thuật:

1. People(Sub 1) say (Verb 1) that he (Sub 2) is (Verb 2) rich.

 He is said to be rich.
 It is said that he is rich.
2. People say (Verb 1) that he was (Verb 2) rich before moving to the city.
 He is said to have been rich before moving to the city.
 It is said that he was rich before moving to the city.

1. It is/ was (theo thì của V1) said (thought/ reported/ known/ believed, etc.) THAT + viết
lại câu
2. Sub 2 is/ was (are/ were) (theo thì của V1) said (thought/ reported/ known/ believed,
etc.) + TO Verb (V1 – V2 cùng thì)
3. Sub 2 is/ was (are/ were) (theo thì của V1) said (thought/ reported/ known/ believed,
etc.) + TO HAVE V3/ ed (V1 khác thì V2; V2 xảy ra trước V1)
Exercise 1:
1. It is said that many people are homeless after the floods.
 Many people are said to be homeless after the floods.
2. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall.
 The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall.
3. It was believed that he drove through the town at 90km an hour.
 He was believed to drive through the town at 90km an hour.
4. It was reported that two people had been seriously injured in the accident.
 Two people were reported to have been seriously injured in the accident.
5. It is said that three men were arrested after the explosion.
 Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion.
6. It is expected that the strike will begin tomorrow. (V1 – V2 khác thì NHƯNG V2 không xảy ra trước V1 nên
sử dụng TO V)
 The strike is expected to begin tomorrow.
7. It is said that he speaks English very well.
 He is said to speak English very well.
Exercise 2:
1. People think that he is very clever.
 It is thought that he is very clever.
 He is thought to be very clever.
2. People believe that the wanted man is living in New York. (V1 – V2 khác thì nhưng V2 không xảy ra trước V1
nên sử dụng TO V, thêm tiếp diễn thành TO BE VING)
 It is believed that the wanted man is living in NY.
 The wanted man is believed to be living in NY




- diversity/dai'və:siti/ (n ) = variety (n) sự đa dạng hóa

- diversify /dai'və:sifai/ (v): đa dạng hóa

- approval/ə'pru:vəl/ (n) ≠ disapproval (n): đồng tình, không đồng tình

- approve /ə'pru:/ (v): chấp thuận

- marry (v): cưới

- marriage (n): - married (adj): đám cưới, kết hôn

- groom (n):/ grum/ chú rể

- bride (n):/ braid/ cô dâu

- precede /pri:'si:d/ (v) = happen or exist before: đứng trước, đến trước

- determine /di'tə:min/ (v) = find out: tìm ra, quyết tâm

- attract ( v ) /ə'trækt/: hấp dẫn

- attractive (adj ) /ə'træktiv/ : lôi cuốn, hấp dẫn

- attraction ( n ) /ə'trækʃn/ : sự lôi cuốn

- physical attractiveness (n): lôi cuốn về ngoại hình

- concern (v) /kən'sə:n/ = relate to: liên quan tới

- maintain /mein'tein/ (v): duy trì

- appearance (n): /ə’piərəns/ sự xuất hiện

- confide /kən’faid/ (v): tell someone about something very secret: chia sẻ, tâm sự

- confide in someone: tin cậy

- wise (a) ≠ unwise (a):/ waiz/ khôn ngoan

- reject (v)/ri’jekt/: từ chối
-sacrifice (v): willing stop having something you want: hy sinh

- trust (n, v) /trʌst/: tin tưởng

- trustful (a) /trʌstful/: đáng tin, hay tin người

- oblige /ə'blaiʤ/ to (v): having a duty to do something: bắt buộc

- obligation ( n ) /,ɔbli'geiʃn/: sự bắt buộc

- counterpart (n) /'kauntəpɑ:t/: đối tác, bên tương tác

- (be) based on: dựa vào

- believe in tin tưởng vaò

- fall in love with s.o yêu ai

- decide + to-inf quyết định

- attitude toward thái độ đối với

Other words
Alter : /ˈɔːltər/ bàn thờ
Tray : /treɪ/ kha y
Schedule : /ˈskedʒuːl/ kế hoạch
Banqu et /ˈbæŋkwɪt/ :bữa tiệc
Ancestor : /ˈænsestər/ tổ tiên
Blessing : /ˈblesɪŋ/ ban phước
Leaf : /liːf / chiếc lá
Equivalent : từ /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/ đồng nghĩa
Strap : /stræp/ quai (nón )
Spirit : /ˈspɪrɪt/ tình thần
Materials : /məˈ tɪəriəl/ chất liệu
Shape :/ʃeɪp/ hình dạng
Size : / saɪz/ kích cở
Diameter : /daɪˈæmɪtər/ đường kính
Rib : /rɪb/ gọng, sườn
Pay attention to these phrases and Structures.

1. Phrases:
Trust in : tin tưởng
Believe in : tin tưởng
Sacrifice sth for sb/sth : hy sinh… cho
On the other hand : mặt khác
Fall in love : đem lòng yêu
Attitudes toward : thái độ đối với
Decide on : quyết định về
Agree with : đồng ý với (ai)
In fact : thật ra
Confide in : tâm sự với
Concerned with : liên quan đến
Base on : dựa vào
In public : nơi công cộng
Live under one roof : sống chung nhà
Protect sb from : bảo vệ ai khỏi
Give up : từ bỏ, thôi

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