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Phase diagram and composition optimization for magnetic shape memory

effect in Ni–Co–Mn–Sn alloys

Article in Applied Physics Letters · August 2010

DOI: 10.1063/1.3454239 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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5 authors, including:

Daoyong Cong
University of Science and Technology Beijing


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Phase diagram and composition optimization for magnetic shape memory

effect in Ni–Co–Mn–Sn alloys
D. Y. Cong,a兲 S. Roth, M. Pötschke, C. Hürrich, and L. Schultz
Institute for Metallic Materials, IFW Dresden, P.O. Box 270116, D-01171 Dresden, Germany
共Received 6 April 2010; accepted 24 May 2010; published online 13 July 2010兲
The composition dependent phase transformation and magnetic properties of the Ni50−xCoxMn39Sn11
共0 ⱕ x ⱕ 10兲 alloys were systematically investigated. Based on the obtained results, the phase
diagram of this alloy system was established. Considering the combination of large magnetization
difference across phase transformation ⌬M and small transformation entropy change ⌬S, the
optimal composition range of 5 ⱕ x ⱕ 8 for magnetic-field-induced phase transformation 共MFIPT兲
and consequently magnetic shape memory effect was figured out. Furthermore, the decrease in
martensitic transformation temperatures by magnetic fields and almost fully reversible MFIPT from
martensite to austenite were confirmed in the alloys within this composition range. © 2010
American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3454239兴

Magnetic shape memory alloys 共MSMAs兲 display a formation temperatures and transformation entropy change
shape memory effect 共SME兲 actuated by magnetic fields1–3 were determined by differential scanning calorimetry 共DSC兲
and have promising prospects for applications as actuators in the temperature range of 213–473 K, with a heating and
and sensors. According to the actuation mechanism, the cooling rate of 10 K/min. The magnetic properties and
MSMAs can be classified into two classes. The first class of MFIPT were investigated using a vibrating sample magneto-
alloys 共e.g., Ni–Mn–Ga兲 show a magnetic SME 共MSME兲 meter 共VSM兲 and a superconducting quantum interference
originating from the rearrangement of martensitic device 共SQUID兲; both the magnetization versus temperature
variants.1,2,4–8 This MSME can be up to ⬃10% 共Ref. 5兲 but 关i.e., M共T兲兴 curves and magnetization versus magnetic field
the blocking stress is quite low. Recently, the other class of 关i.e., M共H兲兴 curves were measured.
MSMAs 共e.g., Ni–Co–Mn–In and Ni–Co–Mn–Sn兲 which DSC measurements show that the martensitic transfor-
display a MSME due to the magnetic-field-induced phase mation temperature TM 关defined as 共M s + M f + As + A f 兲 / 4,
transformation 共MFIPT兲 from martensite to austenite, was where M s, M f , As, and A f are martensitic and reverse
developed.3,9–11 The high output stress level3,9 and relatively transformation start and finish temperatures兴 of the
large MSME 共Ref. 3兲 make this class of MSMAs extremely Ni50−xCoxMn39Sn11 alloys first decreases slowly when 0 ⱕ x
attractive. Among these MSMAs, the Ni–Co–Mn–In alloys ⱕ 5 and then decreases rapidly when 5 ⬍ x ⱕ 8, with x in-
are most extensively studied 共see e.g., Refs. 3 and 9兲; never- creasing, as shown in the phase diagram in Fig. 1 共DSC
theless, the Ni–Co–Mn–Sn alloys are also quite promising results of the representative alloys are displayed in the insets
for practical applications because they contain no expensive of Fig. 2兲. In the alloys with x = 9 and 10, no martensitic
elements and, particularly, considerable MSME can be ob- transformation was observed in the DSC measurement 关see
tained even in polycrystals.10 A ⬃1.0% one-way MSME and the inset of Fig. 2共c兲兴; M共T兲 measurements under a magnetic
a ⬃0.3% two-way MSME have been observed in a polycrys- field of 0.01 T were performed during cooling from 300 to
talline Ni–Co–Mn–Sn alloy.10 However, in spite of some 10 K to further study the transformation behavior of these
scattered studies,12–14 there is no systematic investigation on alloys but no phase transformation was observed. Therefore,
the composition dependent phase transformation and mag- it can be concluded that the austenite in these two alloys
netic properties of Ni–Co–Mn–Sn alloys up to now. Conse-
quently, the phase diagram of the quaternary Ni–Co–Mn–Sn
system has not been established and the optimal composition
range for MSME remains unknown. In this paper, we
report on the establishment of the phase diagram of the
Ni50−xCoxMn39Sn11 alloy system and the composition optimi-
zation for MSME in this alloy system. Such an investigation
helps to understand the correlation between composition and
materials properties and thus is of great importance to the
design of high-performance Ni–Co–Mn–Sn MSMAs.
A series of polycrystalline Ni50−xCoxMn39Sn11 共at. %,
x = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . , 10兲 rod ingots each of ⬃30 g were prepared
by induction melting under an Ar atmosphere. The ingots
were subsequently annealed at 1223 K for 6 h under an
Ar/5% H2 atmosphere for homogenization. The phase trans-
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Phase diagram of the quaternary Ni50−xCoxMn39Sn11
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: 共0 ⱕ x ⱕ 10兲 alloys. T M and TC denote the martensitic transformation tem- perature and the Curie temperature of austenite, respectively.

0003-6951/2010/97共2兲/021908/3/$30.00 97, 021908-1 © 2010 American Institute of Physics

021908-2 Cong et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 021908 共2010兲

FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 M共T兲 curves under a constant magnetic field of 0.05 or 1.9 T for the Ni49Co1Mn39Sn11 共a兲, Ni44Co6Mn39Sn11 共b兲, and Ni41Co9Mn39Sn11
共c兲 alloys. Note the different scales of the magnetization axis in 共a兲, 共b兲, and 共c兲. The insets of 共a兲, 共b兲, and 共c兲 show the DSC curves of the respective alloys.

remains stable down to 10 K. Careful microstructure obser- not saturate even in the high magnetic field of 9 T 关Fig. 3共d兲兴.
vation shows that precipitation embedded in the austenitic The M共H兲 curve shows no magnetic hysteresis 关inset of Fig.
matrix occurs in the alloys with x = 9 and 10 共but not in the 3共d兲兴 and the magnetization is low. This suggests that super-
alloys with 0 ⱕ x ⱕ 8兲. This is the main reason for the disap- paramagnetic behavior may exist in the martensite. Further
pearance of martensitic transformation in these two alloys. detailed analyses show that the M共H兲 curves at various tem-
It was further revealed by DSC measurements that the peratures 关Fig. 3共d兲兴 can be well fitted according to the modi-
transformation entropy change ⌬S of the Ni50−xCoxMn39Sn11 fied Langevin model that describes the magnetic behavior of
alloys remains almost constant 关⬃42 J / 共kg K兲兴 when 0 ⱕ x superparamagnetic clusters 共with a density N and an average
ⱕ 4 but decreases rapidly with x increasing when 4 ⬍ x ⱕ 8 moment of ␮ ¯ 兲 embedded in a paramagnetic matrix of suscep-
and reaches ⬃16 J / 共kg K兲 when x = 8. According to the tibility ␹0 : M共H兲 = N␮¯ L共s兲 + ␹0H, in which L共s兲 = coth共s兲
Clausius–Clapeyron relation in the magnetic phase diagram,3 − 1 / s is the Langevin function and s = ␮¯ ␮0H / kBT 共kB being
the decrease in T M 共⌬T M 兲 of the MSMAs induced by mag- Boltzmann constant兲. These good fittings 关Fig. 3共d兲兴 un-
netic field change 共⌬H兲 can be expressed as equivocally corroborate that the martensite indeed shows su-
perparamagnetic behavior.15,16 For the alloys in Group C, the
⌬T M ⬇ ␮0共⌬M/⌬S兲⌬H, 共1兲 M共H兲 curve of austenite is similar to that shown in Fig. 3共c兲,
indicating that the austenite is ferromagnetic.
where ⌬M is the magnetization difference between austenite The Curie temperature of austenite 共TC兲 of the alloys in
and martensite. Therefore, the combination of a large ⌬M Group B and Group C is determined from the low-field M共T兲
and a small ⌬S will lead to a large ⌬T and thus benefit the measurement 关Fig. 2共b兲兴. It should be noted that TC of the
MFIPT at a constant temperature close to As. alloys in Group A cannot be detected as it lies below T M of
According to the different characteristics of the M共T兲 these alloys 关Fig. 2共a兲兴. It is found that in the whole compo-
curves 共see curves for the representative alloys in Fig. 2兲, the sition range 5 ⱕ x ⱕ 10, TC increases almost linearly as x in-
Ni50−xCoxMn39Sn11 alloys can be classified into three groups. creases, with ⌬TC / ⌬x ⬇ 15 K, as shown in the phase dia-
The alloys in Group A 共with 0 ⱕ x ⱕ 4兲 have an austenite and
a martensite both with very low magnetization 关Fig. 2共a兲兴,
and thus a small ⌬M. In contrast, the alloys in Group B 共with
5 ⱕ x ⱕ 8兲 have an austenite with high magnetization and a
martensite with low magnetization across transformation
关Fig. 2共b兲兴, and consequently a large ⌬M. The alloys in
Group C 共with 9 ⱕ x ⱕ 10兲 have an austenite with high mag-
netization below Curie temperature 关Fig. 2共c兲兴, which re-
mains stable down to very low temperatures, as there is no
martensitic transformation in these alloys. The detailed mag-
netic properties of these three groups of alloys are analyzed
as follows. Once again the alloys whose M共T兲 curves are
shown in Fig. 2 are selected as representative alloys.
For the alloys in Group A, the M共H兲 curve for austenite
shows a linear dependence on magnetic field 关Fig. 3共a兲兴. The
magnetic susceptibility ␹ of austenite is quite low and, fur-
thermore, the 1 / ␹ versus temperature curve can be well fitted
linearly 关Fig. 3共b兲兴, indicating that the temperature depen-
dence of ␹ follows the Curie-Weiss law ␹ = C / 共T − ␪C兲 with
␪C ⬎ 0. All these results provide unambiguous evidence that
the austenite is paramagnetic. Similarly, the martensite of FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 共a兲 M共H兲 curves at 423 K for austenite and at 296 K
for martensite, and 共b兲 temperature dependence of inverse magnetic suscep-
this group of alloys is also determined to be paramagnetic tibility of austenite and martensite, of the Ni49Co1Mn39Sn11 alloy. The open
关Figs. 3共a兲 and 3共b兲兴. For the alloys in Group B, the M共H兲 symbols and solid lines in 共b兲 denote the experimental data and the Curie–
curve in Fig. 3共c兲 clearly demonstrates that the austenite Weiss fittings, respectively. 共c兲 M共H兲 curve at 370 K for austenite of the
shows a typical ferromagnetic behavior. In contrast, the Ni44Co6Mn39Sn11 alloy. 共d兲 Experimentally recorded M共H兲 curves 共open
symbols兲 at 150, 200, 250, and 310 K for martensite of the Ni44Co6Mn39Sn11
M共H兲 curve in the inset of Fig. 3共d兲 shows that the magne- alloy and the corresponding curves 共solid lines兲 fitted according to the modi-
tization of martensite first increases rapidly and then in- fied Langevin model. The inset shows a full magnetic hysteresis loop ex-
creases relatively slowly as magnetic field increases; it does perimentally recorded at 298 K, in the magnetic field range between ⫾1 T.
021908-3 Cong et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 021908 共2010兲

FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 ⌬M / ⌬S as a function of Co content x in the

Ni50−xCoxMn39Sn11 alloys.

gram in Fig. 1. The enhancement of TC by substitution of Co

for Ni could be attributed to the stronger Co–Mn exchange
interaction as compared to that between the Ni–Mn pair.17
Similar results were also found in Ni–Co–Mn–Ga alloys.17
Based on the above results on phase transformation and
magnetic properties, the phase diagram of the quaternary FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 共a兲 M共T兲 curves under constant magnetic fields of
Ni50−xCoxMn39Sn11 共0 ⱕ x ⱕ 10兲 alloys is established, as 0.05, 5, and 9 T, and 共b兲 M共H兲 curves at 150, 240, 250, 260, and 330 K, for
the Ni42Co8Mn39Sn11 alloy. The solid and open symbols in 共b兲 denote, re-
shown in Fig. 1. In order to evaluate how effectively the T M spectively, the M共H兲 curves recorded during the first and second cycles of
of the alloys can be lowered by applying a magnetic field increasing and decreasing magnetic field.
关see Eq. 共1兲兴 and to find out the optimal composition range
for MFIPT, ⌬M / ⌬S 关in Eq. 共1兲兴 as a function of x in the
Ni50−xCoxMn39Sn11 alloys is plotted in Fig. 4. Obviously, for that are crucial to the development of promising MSMAs
the alloys in Group A, ⌬M / ⌬S is very small, although it with excellent properties.
increases slightly with x increasing. In contrast, for the alloys This work is supported by DFG 共Grant No. SPP 1239兲
in Group B, ⌬M / ⌬S has a large value and, what is more, it and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Experimental
increases rapidly as x increases. Therefore, it can be con- assistance from Dr. T. G. Woodcock and A. Pöhl is greatly
cluded that the optimal composition range for MFIPT and acknowledged.
consequently MSME is 5 ⱕ x ⱕ 8.
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