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Hi everybody, I'm Camille and I do the racism part of Norman Rockwell's museum.

Norman Rockwell was born on February 3, 1894 in New York City. And died in Stockbridge on 8
November 1978. He was an american painter and illustrator. He worked for "The Saturday Evening
Post" from 1916 to 1963. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom and was member of
the national academy of Design.

Here I have 2 artworks : « The Problem We All Live With » and « New Kids In The Neighborhood».

« The Problem We All Live With » was painted in 1964. On the center of the canvas we can observe a
little black girl, Ruby Bridges. She wear a white dress and white shoes. She has copybook and a rule in
her hands : she go to school. She seems determined but a little stressed at the same time.
There are also 4 white bodyguards, they wake by his side. On their arms we see written "US
Marshall". They protect Ruby.
In the background we see tomato stains. Racist people threw tomatoes at the girl. The red color of
tomatoes and recalls the color of blood. We also see written « NIGGER » the extremely vulgar insult
used by racists. On the left, there is written « KKK » it stands for KLU KUX KLAN the white supremacist
terrorist secret society.

« New Kids In The Neighborhood» is based on the same theme : racism.

We can see 5 children : 2 blacks with a cat on the left and 3 white on the right with a doggy. White
kids seem aggressive and hostile to others and it’s the same thing for the dog.
Black children seem much nice and kind. We see a truck and furniture: blacks childs are the new
neighbors of whites childs. And even children seem racist. We can see the separation between the 2
« clans ».

Rockwell decided to illustrate the subject of racism because It was a big problem in America.He
wanted to denounce him and incite people to stop his racial segregation totally stupid.In these 2
works he exposes the consequences and the problems caused by this racism. It depicts children,
which more easily reaches viewers who put themselves in their own children's.He wants to eliminate
racism.These artworks have made us think a lot and his influence has surely helped to reduce racial

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