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Name of Company : Mundra Windtech Ltd.

Subject : Interior Works at MWL, Blade Factory Unit, Windtech Park, Mundra.

A Civil & Flooring Work 4,675,052.39 6,217,595.00 4,013,530.85 4,569,205.00 4,445,449.48 5,912,593.00 -431918.64
B Plumbing & Drainage Work 1,842,552.74 2,450,839.00 1,999,212.19 2,276,078.00 1,999,212.19 2,658,984.00 0.00
C On Site Furniture Work 6,561,161.95 8,728,890.00 7,116,085.11 8,102,113.00 7,512,246.31 9,993,169.00 -396161.20
D Ceiling Work 1,960,250.00 2,601,250.00 1,695,600.00 1,930,200.00 1,737,000.00 2,308,000.00 -41400.00
E Painting & Polishing Work 509,640.00 672,730.00 460,000.00 517,000.00 577,000.00 757,500.00 -117000.00
Ariba quote
Total Basic Amount 15,548,657.07 20,671,304.00 15,284,428.15 17,394,596.00 19,512,621.00 21.67% 16,270,907.99 21,630,246.00 -986479.84
Other Charges : - - - -
Taxes :
GST 2,798,758.27 3,720,834.72 2,751,197.07 3,131,027.28 2,928,763.44 3,893,444.28
Total Order Value 18,347,415.35 24,392,138.72 18,035,625.22 20,525,623.28 19,199,671.43 25,523,690.28 -1164046.21
5,122,646.93 2,110,167.85 5,359,338.01
24.78% 12.13% 17,394,596.00 24.78%
Mark down Mark down Mark down

Name of Company : Mundra Windtech Ltd.

Subject : Interior Works at MWL, Blade Factory Unit, Windtech Park, Mundra.


A. Civil & Flooring Work 1.1385

Demolishing brick / block work in lime or cement mortar including tile, plaster, paint, etc. manually/ by
1 mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material / debris in Sq.Mtr 200 161.46 161.46 32,292.00 184.00 36,800.00
instructed premises as per directed by the Project Manager.

Waterproofing -
Providing and Applying of waterproofing including vata using Dr. Fixit or equilent make chemical on
2 the toilet flooring and up to 1'0" high on the internal toilet walls including protection layer with CM 1:4 Sq.Mtr 320 1,453.14 1,205.57 385,781.76 1,373.00 439,360.00
and Screeding of 50mm thick PCC as directed by Project Manager.
Location : Toilet and Pantry area

Floor Tiles -
Providing and fixing 600x600x9mm thick Vitrified tile of Johnson/Somany/AGL or Equilt. make and as per
aproved shade and design in Office Floor Area With minimum thickness 9 mm and approved shade & pattern,
including backing coat of not more than 45mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand), filling &
pointing the joints with approved joint filler (Laticrete or equivalent) or white cement etc. with compaction.
3 Sq.Mtr 660 1,117.90 1,081.59 713,846.46 1,231.00 812,460.00
The work include fixing of vitrified tiles with white cement slurry, with supply include in scope of contractor.
Floor to be protected by applying of min.25 mm thick POP layer or Floor Protector sheet on floor as approved
by client to protect floor from scratches as directed by the Engineer In Charge. The scope also include removal
of POP layer on sheet as per the direction of site in charge
(Basic Rate: Rs.45/- per Sqft)

Tiles Skrting-
Providing, fixing 100 mm wide skirting in office area Finishing will be Flush to Wall.
(1:4 Cem Mortar) of of Johnson/Somany/AGL or Equilt. make and as per aproved shade and design as
described above, finishes as per drawing with groove as per recommended spacer. Rate to include for
4 chipping of Plaster TO Match with walls. making 6-8 mm groove above skirtting To Flush with Walls, R.Mtr. 290 115.16 115.16 33,395.56 131.00 37,990.00
finishing , curing, cutting, wastages , etc complete as directed by the Engineer In Charge.
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own. (No Extra
charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).
(Basic Rate: Rs.45/- per Sqft)

Granite Flooring-
Providing and laying the flooring with best quality one side polish Granite slab as per selection in Entrance,
foyer, Reception,passage in approved shade having uniform colour and shade and not less 18mm thick of,
machine cut as approved machine high pre-polished ,set in C.M. 1:4, topped with approved grey cement
slurry and / or paste (for surface contact of the bottom of the stone slab) as per approved pattern / design
including finishing the joints with approved colour pigment cement, Rate shall include for preparation of base
5 surface and finished surface, applying buffing of the joints and liquid shine polish to make an even surface. Sq.Mtr 410 3,527.43 3,393.15 1,391,193.37 3,863.00 1,583,830.00
Floor Shall be protected by applying of min.25 mm thick POP layer or Floor Protector sheet on floor to
protect floor from scratches and Damages. The scope also include removal of POP layer or Floor Protector
sheet as per the direction of site in charge
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own. (No Extra
charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).
(Basic rate of Granite Stone shall be Rs.200/- per Sqft)

Granite Skrting-
Providing and laying the flooring with best quality polish Granite slab as per selection in Entrance, foyer,
Reception,passage and dispensary in 75mm skirting approved having uniform colour and shade machine cut
as approved machine high pre-polished ,set in C.M. 1:6, topped with approved grey cement slurry and / or
paste (for surface contact of the bottom of the stone slab) as per approved pattern / design including finishing
the joints with approved colour pigment cement, cutting edge chamfering and polishing nice rough medium
6 acid wash and mirror polish as per manufacturers specifications and as directed. Rate shall include for R.Mtr. 305 365.08 356.88 108,847.05 406.00 123,830.00
preparation of base surface and finished surfacen walls as per drawing including making jari and finishing the
same. Rate to include for chipping of Plaster TO Match with walls. making 6-8 mm groove above skirtting To
Flush with Walls, finishing , curing, cutting, wastages , etc complete as directed by the Engineer In Charge.
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own. (No Extra
charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).
(Basic rate of Granite Stone shall be Rs.200/- per Sqft)

Toilet Floor Tiles-

Providing and fixing 300x300x9/600x600x9 mm thick Vitrified Tile of Johnson/Somany/AGL or Equilt.
make and as per aproved shade and design in toilets floor minimum thickness 9 mm and approved shade &
pattern, including backing coat cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand), filling & pointing the joints with
7 Sq.Mtr 145 1,117.90 1,081.59 156,829.91 1,231.00 178,495.00
approved joint filler (Laticrete or equivalent) etc. with proper slope and comp. Floor to be protected by
providing min. 25 mm thick layer of POP on sheet to protect floor from scratches and remove the same as
directed by the Engineer In Charge.
(Basic Rate: Rs.45/- per Sqft)

Dado Tiles-
Providing, fixing 300x600x9mm thick Vitrified Tile Dedo of Johnson/Somany/AGL or Equilt. make and as
per aproved shade and design in toilet dado upto a height of 2400mm, including backin coat of minimum
8 Sq.Mtr 550 1,113.65 904.49 497,467.02 1,030.00 566,500.00
20mm thick cement mortar 1:4, filling and pointing the joints withapproved joint filler(laticrete or equivalent)
etc. complete finished as per drawing and as directed by the Engineer In Charge.
(Basic Rate: Rs.45/- per Sqft)

Providing and Fixing Floor Protector sheet on Floor to Protect Flooring from Breaking, Falling Objects And
9 Sq.Mtr 100 139.93 139.93 13,993.20 159.00 15,900.00
Others.( 3mm MDF sheet cover)

Granite Platefrom
P&F of Sandwitch wash basin Counter / Pantry platforms, with nacessary approved stone for bottom &
vertical support while, top and side visible support with approved shade of granite ., complete with required
cememt mortar, granite facia, bottom 75 mm base finished with approved stone and granite skirting set in with
grey cement mortar of 1 : 4 and topped with slurry and / or paste as per approved pattern / design including
10 finishing the joints with approved colour pigment cement R.Mtr. 50 9,840.00 6,637.81 331,890.42 7,557.00 377,850.00

Note:- (a) Allow for necessary holes and/or cutouts of any shape to house sinks, etc (b) Allow for Exposed
edges machine cut & machine polished showing uniform thickness (c) Allow for rounding off the edges
wherever, called for wash basin.
(Basic rate of Granite Stone shall be Rs.200/- per Sqft)

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Name of Company : Mundra Windtech Ltd.

Subject : Interior Works at MWL, Blade Factory Unit, Windtech Park, Mundra.


Provind & laying of Polished granite all side jambs for widow and doors having uniform colour and
shade machine cut as approved machine high pre-polished ,set in C.M. 1:6, topped with approved grey
cement slurry and / or paste (for surface contact of the bottom of the stone slab) as per approved
pattern / design including finishing the joints with approved colour pigment cement, cutting edge
chamfering and polishing nice rough medium acid wash and mirror polish as per manufacturers
specifications and as directed.

11 Notes:- (a) Allow for exposed edges machine cut & machine polished showing uniform thickness. (b) R.Mtr. 130 1,059.82 1,293.08 168,100.80 1,472.00 191,360.00
Allow for rounding off the edges, wherever called for. (c) Allow For Making Katras at every Junction of
Vertical and Horizontal Members. (d) UOM Is Sqmtr (Which is includes Length x Width (Offset in
Two Jambs) and Katra on joints in Windows all side wherever require as per design and drawing.

(Only Cement shall be supplied as free issue item to the contractor by the purchaser at the purchaser’s
(Basic rate of Granite Stone shall be Rs.200/- per Sqft)

Urinal Pardi-
Providing & fixing average 15 to 18 mm thick both side polished (mirror finish) granite of size 1200 x
600mm vertical partitions for urinals, including necessary machine-cut edges (uniform thickness) rounded
edges, with second side polishing and necessary detailing . Cement joints, groove in wall for fixing and
12 pointing as specified with polishing, curing, mopping as directed upto the satisfaction of the Architect & Nos 34 3,558.04 2,938.04 99,893.31 3,345.00 113,730.00
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own. (No Extra
charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).
(Basic rate of Granite Stone shall be Rs.200/- per Sqft)
13 Providing Services for Manpwer
Mason Days 50 900.00 900.00 45,000.00 1,025.00 51,250.00
Labor Days 50 700.00 700.00 35,000.00 797.00 39,850.00

A. Total Amount For Civil & Flooring Work 4,013,530.85 4,569,205.00

Discount - -
A. Total Amount For Civil & Flooring Work After Discount 4,013,530.85 4,569,205.00

B. Plumbing & Drainage Work


Note : For make of sanitary fixtures & fittings refer list of approved makes as given in technical specifications.
These makes / models are for identification only & final make/ model to be supplied by the Contractor shall be
as directed by the Architect/Owner/Project Manager.


Providing and fixing wash down wall mounting EWC-P of approved shade, conforming to Pattern 2 of IS:
2556 (Part -II), with SWR Selfit Soil PVC pipe and plug bend as per specifications; glazed vitreous / Cloured
European Water Closet with dual flush type half and full flush tank ,grouting the CI chair in side the
1.1 Nos 22 13,472.50 13,472.50 296,395.00 15,338.00 337,436.00
floor/wall, rubber gaskets, connecting PVC 110mm dia soil pipe with PVC coupling, nuts, mounting cistern
on WC., and solid verity heavy duty plastic seat cover as per IS-2548, of approved make; cutting and making
jari work etc. complete.

LTR & 2.16 LTR. FLUSH ).

Providing and fixing IVORY glazed vitreous Wash Basin Under Counter basin, size 560 mm x 400 mm., with
supporting M.S. or C.I. Brackets, 1 no, 32 mm CP Bottle trap with extension piece to wall flange with rubber
1.2 Nos 17 5,195.16 5,195.16 88,317.72 5,915.00 100,555.00
adopter for waste connection and waste coupling.; with rack bolt fittings.

UNDER COUNTER: OVAL : Ivory - S2030103

BOTTLE TRAP : (With Internal Partition)(JAQUAR, ALLIED -769L MAKE )

Providing and fixing central hole basin Pillar cock, with required braided pipes from basin pillar tap to angular
1.3 Nos 17 1,834.75 1,834.75 31,190.75 2,089.00 35,513.00
stop cock etc complete.
- -
- -
Providing & fixing of Flush Valve Auto operation cock with wall Flange 32mm with lever knob complete in
1.4 Nos 22 3,728.39 3,728.39 82,024.58 4,245.00 93,390.00
all respects including cutting and making good the walls etc.
- -
Providing & fixing in position best Indian make toilet recessed type paper holder complete in all respects
1.5 Nos 22 1,021.19 1,021.19 22,466.18 1,163.00 25,586.00
including cutting and making good the walls etc.

Providing & fixing in position 15 mm C.P. brass bib cocks of best quality (as approved by the Engineer-in-
1.6 Nos 22 1,136.02 1,136.02 24,992.44 1,293.00 28,446.00

Providing & fixing 15mm C.P. brass angle valve with C.P. copper connecting pipe 450 mm long and nuts,
1.7 Nos 42 935.16 935.16 39,276.72 1,065.00 44,730.00
washer and brass flange complete, including cutting and making good the wall where required.

Providing & fixing stainless steel sink, R.S. or C.I. Painted brackets painted, 40mm dia. C.P. waste, C.P. brass
1.8 Bottle Trap, strainer with necessary C.P. brass unions complete including painting the fittings and cutting and Nos 1 9,989.41 9,989.41 9,989.41 11,373.00 11,373.00
making good the walls wherever required, with CP sink cock with raised "J" shaped swinging spout.



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Name of Company : Mundra Windtech Ltd.

Subject : Interior Works at MWL, Blade Factory Unit, Windtech Park, Mundra.


Providing & fixing IVORY vitreous china flat back urinal of size 390 x 375 x 590 mm as per IS-2556 (Part-
1.9 2 ) with C.I. hangers and 15mm dia. C.P. spreader,32mm dia CP bottle trap and pipe to wall with C.P. flange Nos 31 7,694.16 7,694.16 238,518.96 8,760.00 271,560.00
complete including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required

FLAT BACK LARGE URINAL : (CERA MAKE) *5004 Urinal Flat Back - Normal 390 x 375 x 590 mm
BOTTLE TRAP : (With Internal Partition)(JAQUAR, ALLIED -769L MAKE )

Providing & fixing of concealed stop cock with wall flange and complete., for the following sizes. ( For Inside
Toilet Master Valve Use )
1.10.1 15mm dia. (JAQUAR, CONTINENTAL - CON-083FTK) Nos 0 995.00 995.00 - 1,133.00 -
1.10.2 20mm dia. (JAQUAR, CONTINENTAL - CON-089FTK) Nos 0 1,390.00 1,390.00 - 1,583.00 -
1.10.3 25mm dia. (JAQUAR, CONTINENTAL - CON-1081A) Nos 10 2,714.83 2,714.83 27,148.30 3,091.00 30,910.00
1.10.4 32mm dia. (Crown, Prince, Flamingo, Plumber, Aqual Make) Nos 2 1,450.00 1,450.00 2,900.00 1,651.00 3,302.00
- -
- -
Providing & fixing of Hand Shower (Health Faucet), with 8mm Dia,1Rmt Long pvc Tube and Wall Hook
1.11 Nos 22 1,365.68 1,365.68 30,044.96 1,555.00 34,210.00
accessories to complete the item.
- -
Providing & fixing of wall mixer 3 in 1 system with provision for both telephone shower and overhead shower
1.12 Nos 2 8,911.59 8,911.59 17,823.18 10,146.00 20,292.00
complete with bend pipe.
Providing & Fixing stainless steel recessed type soap dish of approved make. Including providing & fixing
1.13 Nos 6 497.03 497.03 2,982.19 566.00 3,396.00
screws, washers, cutting & making good the walls.
- -
Providing & fixing C.P. brass liquid soap container of best quality. (JAQUAR, CONTINENTAL ACN-1135N
1.14 Nos 6 1,135.05 1,135.05 6,810.30 1,292.00 7,752.00
- -
Providing & fixing C.P. brass air purifier fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass screws complete. (JAQUAR,
1.15 Nos 6 200.00 200.00 1,200.00 228.00 1,368.00
- -
- -

Providing fixing, testing and commissioning in position 3 RmtSWR PVC PIPE TYPE-B(6Kg/cm2.) self fit
pipe comforming to IS:13592 including all fittings such as bends, junctions, inspection doors, offests, cowl,
2.1 - -
access pieces/plugs etc. jointing with PVC Adhesive joints including cutting holes in walls and making good
the same. (Inside TOILET + VERTICAL drops) (Supreme/ Finolex/ Astral Makes)

2.1.1 160 mm dia. Rmt 0 1,650.00 1,650.00 - 1,879.00 -
2.1.2 110 mm dia. Rmt 100 985.80 985.80 98,580.00 1,122.00 112,200.00
2.1.3 75 mm dia. ( Vent Pipe ) Rmt 50 776.55 776.55 38,827.50 884.00 44,200.00
- -

Providing fixing, testing and commissioning in position 3 RmtSWR PVC PIPE TYPE-B(6Kg/cm2.) self
fit pipe comforming to IS:13592 including all fittings such as bends, junctions, inspection doors, offests,
2.2 - -
cowl, access pieces/plugs etc. jointing with PVC Adhesive joints including cutting holes in walls and
making good the same. (INSIDE TOILET+ VERTICAL DROPS ) (Supreme/ Finolex/Astral Makes)

2.2.1 160 mm dia. Rmt 0 1,510.00 1,510.00 - 1,719.00 -
2.2.2 110 mm dia. Rmt 100 1,013.70 1,013.70 101,370.00 1,154.00 115,400.00
2.2.3 75 mm dia. ( Vent Pipe ) Rmt 50 799.80 799.80 39,990.00 911.00 45,550.00
- -

Providing & fixing PVC Floor Trap OR multi floor trap of 75mm dia diameter, with necessary distance piece
2.3 of 75mm dia pipe and 150x150mm grating,( CHILLY -3 CCTSC-156 150X150 3-Pes.) making necessary - -
SLAB /WALLholes and cutting walls, etc complete. (Supreme/ Finolex/ Prince/ Astral Makes)

2.3.1 110mm x 75mm Nos. 10 3,150.00 3,150.00 31,500.00 3,586.00 35,860.00

2.3.2 110mm x 50mm Nos. 10 3,450.00 3,450.00 34,500.00 3,928.00 39,280.00
2.3.3 110mm x 110mm Nos. 10 3,900.00 3,900.00 39,000.00 4,440.00 44,400.00
- -

Providing and fixing PVC Pipe ISI marked brand as per IS:4985 (6 kg.) complete with PVC Fittings &
2.4 clamps & hinges including cutting and making good the walls & ceiling for waste pipes, connections & - -
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.(Supreme/ Finolex/ Prince/ Astral Makes)

2.4.1 50 mm nominal bore (For Soil Water : Wash out , AC.Drain) Rmt 50 540.00 540.00 27,000.00 615.00 30,750.00
2.4.2 40mm nominal bore (For Waste Water : Wash out) Rmt 25 410.00 410.00 10,250.00 467.00 11,675.00

Making and finishing core cutting upto 150mm deep of suitable pipe size, properly finishing as per site eng.
2.5 - -
Incharge slab & Beams where ever req.
2.5.1 15 to 50mm size Nos. 5 750.00 750.00 3,750.00 854.00 4,270.00
2.5.2 75mm to 100mm size Nos. 5 1,800.00 1,800.00 9,000.00 2,049.00 10,245.00
2.5.3 150mm size Nos. 5 3,700.00 3,700.00 18,500.00 4,212.00 21,060.00
2.5.4 200mm size Nos. 5 5,800.00 5,800.00 29,000.00 6,603.00 33,015.00
- -
- -

Constructing masonry inspection/manhole Chamber inside with 75 second class designation brick work in
cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement :5 fine sand) for drainge, with FRP surface heavy duty chamber cover with RCC
top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement:2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) necessary
excavation foundation concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 fine sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size)
3.1 - -
and inside and outside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement :3 coarse sand) 12mm thick finished with
a floating coat of neat cement complete including using waterproofing compound as per standard design FRP.
foot rests including fixing in 20 x 20 x 10 cm cement concrete blocks 1:3:6 (1 cement :3 coarse sand :6
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size): ( Sewerage drain chamber)

3.1.1 600 x 600 mm size 0 to 1.0mtr depth Nos. 8 22,320.00 22,320.00 178,560.00 25,411.00 203,288.00
- -
Providing and fixing square mouth PVC gully trap grade `A’ complete with FRP. grating brick masonry
chamber with first class bricks and water tight double seal FRP Light Duty cover with frame of 300 x 300
3.2 - -
mm internal size. The weight of cover to be not less than 4.5 kg and frame to be not less than 2.70 kg. as per
standard design.
(Note: Cost shall include dewatering & water proofing of chambers as directed at site). - -

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Name of Company : Mundra Windtech Ltd.

Subject : Interior Works at MWL, Blade Factory Unit, Windtech Park, Mundra.

3.2.1 450 x 450 mm chamber with 160 x 110 mm size `P’ trap. Nos. 8 10,695.00 10,695.00 85,560.00 12,176.00 97,408.00
- -

Making bypass connection of gully Trap to external sewage chamber/manhole line from building sewer to
Existing Masterplan Manhole , including bracking them in a systematic way with suitable excavation,
dewatering, dismantling of the RCC or masonry wall or pipe line, passing the plumbing swear line in the
3.3 existing structure either through masonry or CC and providing suitable "Y" tee to the connect to existing pipe Job 8 8,500.00 8,500.00 68,000.00 9,677.00 77,416.00
line, Reconstructions of dismantled existing structure according to the original one to bring to the working
conditions tasting etc. comp., work to be done in the prasions of Masterplan Eng. or any concern authority
including all cost.

- -

Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC-SDR-11 ) pipes, having thermal stability for hot
& cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threated fittings including fixing the pipe with clamps
4.1 at 1.00m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cemetnt and testing of - -
joints complete as per direction of engineeer in charge. For Internal & External Cold & Hot Water Supply
and Terrace Piping Work.(Astral/Ashirwad/Supreme/Eq.)

4.1.1 15 mm dia Rmt 10 350.00 350.00 3,500.00 398.00 3,980.00

4.1.2 20 mm dia Rmt 50 435.00 435.00 21,750.00 495.00 24,750.00
4.1.3 25 mm dia Rmt 80 520.80 520.80 41,664.00 593.00 47,440.00
4.1.4 32 mm dia Rmt 50 706.80 706.80 35,340.00 805.00 40,250.00
4.1.5 40 mm dia Rmt 50 860.25 860.25 43,012.50 979.00 48,950.00
4.1.6 50 mm dia Rmt 50 1,334.55 1,334.55 66,727.50 1,519.00 75,950.00
4.1.7 75 mm dia Rmt 0 2,185.00 2,185.00 - 2,488.00 -
- -
Supply, instalation, testing & commissioning of gunmetal, male or female threaded isolation control valve
4.2 (Wheel Valve), confirming to IS 778, PN 1.0, with necessary specials, union, nipples etc., to complete the job. - -
( Zoloto/ Audco/ R.B.)
4.2.1 15mm dia Nos. 0 950.00 950.00 - 1,082.00 -
4.2.2 20mm dia. Nos. 0 1,250.00 1,250.00 - 1,423.00 -
4.2.3 25mm dia. Nos. 5 1,500.00 1,500.00 7,500.00 1,708.00 8,540.00
4.2.4 32mm dia. Nos. 2 2,250.00 2,250.00 4,500.00 2,562.00 5,124.00
4.2.5 40mm dia. Nos. 2 2,900.00 2,900.00 5,800.00 3,302.00 6,604.00
4.2.6 50mm dia. Nos. 0 5,200.00 5,200.00 - 5,920.00 -
4.2.7 75mm dia. Nos. 0 9,800.00 9,800.00 - 11,157.00 -
- -
Supplying, fitting & fixing Non return valve Brass withe (Spring type Dual plate type) as per API 594/598 ,
4.3 - -
tested to 10 kg/ etc. complete. ( Zoloto/ Audco/ R.B./ Spirex)
4.3.1 25mm dia. Nos. 1 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 2,049.00 2,049.00
4.3.2 32mm dia. Nos. 1 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 3,131.00 3,131.00
4.3.3 40mm dia. Nos. 0 4,300.00 4,300.00 - 4,896.00 -
4.3.4 50mm dia. Nos. 0 6,700.00 6,700.00 - 7,628.00 -
- -
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 25 mm dia. air release valve. ( Zoloto/ Audco/ R.B./
5 Nos. 7 4,200.00 4,200.00 29,400.00 4,782.00 33,474.00

B. Total Amount For Plumbing & Drainage Work 1,999,212.19 2,276,078.00

Discount - -
B. Total Amount For Plumbing & Drainage Work After Discount 1,999,212.19 2,276,078.00

C. On Site Furniture Work

Laminate Finish Partition-

P/F of new full height and low height solid partition with 2.5" x 1.5" x 1.5-1.7mm thick framing in
1 Aluminium pipe section at approx.2'-0" c/c both ways treated and 12 mm commercial ply on both side Sqft 2800 450.32 439.79 1,231,406.16 501.00 1,402,800.00
complete with 1.0 mm laminate of max Rs. 1500/- per sheet on both side including etc, complete with all
material hardware, labor etc as per approved design and drg.

MDF Finish Partition-

P/F of new full height and low height solid partition with 2.5" x 1.5" x 1.5-1.7mm thick framing in
2 Aluminium pipe section at approx.2'-0" c/c both ways treated and 8 mm commercial ply & 4mm MDF Sqft 2550 349.87 339.34 865,311.68 386.00 984,300.00
on both side Colour Finish including etc, complete with all material hardware, labor etc as per
approved design and drg.

Glass Partition-
P/F of full height (i.e. 8' ht) glass partition with glass height of 8' as per design shown and approved with
inserting of c- channel or 2 "x 1/2" thick wooden patti to hold the 12 mm toughned glass in floor, side and top
3 from the suspended wooden partition. The rates of melemine polish to all expose wooden members as per Sqft 1000 450.00 450.00 450,000.00 512.00 512,000.00
apporved shade , but excluding measurement of partition above ceiling.
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own.
(No Extra charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).

Above Ceiling Partition Framing-

4 P/F of partition with 2" X 1.5" x (1.5mm) thick frames only above ceiling level Aluminium scetion to support Sqft 5350 152.42 145.71 779,537.05 166.00 888,100.00
the below full height solid partition, including neccessory material, hardware, labor complete with all respect

Toilet Flush Doors-

P/F of toilet and outer laminated soliid flush door with 5" x 2.5" ghana teak wood frame and 35 mm thick
flush door with max 8' height as per specifications, having both side 1.0 mm appproved shade of laminate of
max. Rs. 1500/- per sheet. The door edges should be finishded with 40x6 mm wooden beeding patti. The
5 work should include all types of hardware such as Baby Latch & 4 nos of hinges and Handle, Door closure. Sqft 350 1,323.67 1,288.49 450,970.48 1,467.00 513,450.00
All Hardware should be make of OZON make etc. melemine polish, complete as per approved drawing and
design with all respect. Measurement should be taken frame o/o including fixing
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own.
(No Extra charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).

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Name of Company : Mundra Windtech Ltd.

Subject : Interior Works at MWL, Blade Factory Unit, Windtech Park, Mundra.


Partition Doors-
P/F of laminated soliid flush door made from 35 mm thick flush door in glass slit with max 8' height as per
specifications, With Provide Glass Slit and having both side 1.0 mm appproved shade of laminate of max. Rs.
1500/- per sheet. The door edges should be finishded with 40x6 mm wooden beeding patti. The work should
6 include all types of hardware such as Mortise lock, floor spring, 18" size H - handle, Door closure. All Sqft 342 897.52 735.33 251,481.77 837.00 286,254.00
Hardware should be make of corsa/OZON/DORMA etc. melemine polish, complete as per approved drawing
and design with all respect. Measurement should be taken frame o/o including fixing .
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own.
(No Extra charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).

Flush Doors-
P/F of 35 mm thick solid flush door with 5" x 2.5" ghana teak wood frame and glass slit with amx. 8' height,
with providing of glass slit and having both side 1.0 mm appproved shade of laminate of max. Rs. 1500/- per
sheet. The work work include fixing of 40x6 mm teak wood beeding patti around edges of the shutters with
7 melemine polish, including all types of hardware such as Mortise lock, Floor Spring, 18" size H - handle, Sqft 645 1,363.38 1,314.26 847,695.65 1,496.00 964,920.00
Door closure. All Hardware should be make of corsa/OZON/Dorma etc. melemine polish, complete as per
approved drawing and design with all respect. Measurement should be taken frame o/o including fixing.
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own.
(No Extra charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).

Glass Doors-
P/F of glass door of max height upto 2400 mm of 12 mm thick toughened glass including all types of
hardware and fixtures such as floor spring, patch fittings, 18"/24" handle, locks of ozone/Dorma/corsa make,
8 Sqft 368 850.00 800.00 294,400.00 911.00 335,248.00
labor etc. complete in all respect.
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own.
(No Extra charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).

P & F of platform shutters below pantry platform made from 3" x 1.5" wooden frame around vertical
support as per design with having and facia as well as shutters made from 18 mm commercial plywood
and finish with 1.5" beeding patti around shutter edges complete with 1mm outside and .8mm inside
9 laminate of approved design on outside and all hardware fittings and fixture inclusive of labor, Sqft 170 1,050.00 900.00 153,000.00 1,025.00 174,250.00
melemine/lequor polish from inside. selft as per requirment 2 no.
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own.
(No Extra charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).

Basin Patta of 32mm thk. Made from 18mm +12 mm commercial ply with one side 1.0mm thk laminate
both side of approved shade & other side melamine polish finish. The job shall include all material,
labour, hardwires, melamine polish..etc complete. & job shall complete as per given specification &
10 Rft 145 400.00 408.47 59,227.96 465.00 67,425.00
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own.
(No Extra charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).

P/F of 5 mm bathroom mirror of modiguard/saint gobain make fixed with back 12mm plywood fix on
11 Sqft 170 305.72 305.72 51,972.37 348.00 59,160.00
wall and painted on backside with black japan including all material and labor etc. complete

P/F of Wooden panneling on the wall of TRANING ROOM with Using 2x1.5" 1.5 - 1.7mm thick
aluminum pipe at 24" C to C framing Double framing (To maintain inside Space for Raceway and
12 Display Stand) above which finish with ISI mark 18 mm commercial ply as per approved design and Sqft 100 554.99 554.99 55,498.63 632.00 63,200.00
Drawing to accommodate TV/projector screen, camera etc complete with laminate finish (Cost upto Rs.
1500/-) Approved Shed including all material, hardware, labor.

P/F of panneling on Internal Wall shade M.S structure with Using 2x1.5" 1.5 - 1.7mm thick aluminum pipe at
24" C to C framing and 12mm Cement sheet.Alluminium framing above which finish with ISI mark 12 mm
13 Sqft 1500 281.10 224.48 336,715.03 256.00 384,000.00
cement sheet as per approved design and Drawing complete Paint finish of Approved Shed including all
material, hardware, labor.

Providing and fixing of trap door with Paint finish of approved Shade for AC units with help of necessary
14 wooden section supported from ceiling and 19 mm blockboard for shutters including pest control treatment to Sqft 100 525.00 472.03 47,203.34 537.00 53,700.00
all wooden members and all necessary hardwares, lock, labor etc complete as per approved design

P/F of soft board as per approved design including all necessary material and approved shade of cloth
at required places
15 Sqft 205 325.00 290.00 59,450.00 330.00 67,650.00
12mm soft Board backing 8mm plywood corner with edge beading patti with approved polish finish.
Basic rate of Fabric- 200/- mtr.

16 Providing Service for fixing of Photo Frames including required hardwares Nos 70 400.00 400.00 28,000.00 455.00 31,850.00
Junction box cut outs made from 18mm commercial ply framing. job shall include all material, labour,
17 Nos 150 300.00 300.00 45,000.00 342.00 51,300.00
hardwires, melamine polish..etc complete. & job shall complete as per given specification & sizes

Reception Table-
Providing & Fixing of Reception table & Rear storage made of 25mm thick top & 18mm thick body
(For Storage: Shelves, Shutters & back panel shall be made of 18mm thick) of ISI marked plywood,
18 Nos 1 112,000.00 112,000.00 112,000.00 127,512.00 127,512.00
finish with corean top as per approved shade and corean front, other part of reception table and rear
storage shall be made in laminate finish of approved shade, complete with all require
hardware, material & labor etc.

Wooden Skrting-
Providing, making of architrave patta made from 4" x 1.5" ghana teak wood sections and fixed in perfect line,
19 Rft 780 450.00 400.00 312,000.00 455.00 354,900.00
level and plumb on openings as directed complete with melemine polish, hardware, labor & as per approved
design and drg.

Door Jams-
Providing & fixing of Door Jams for openings with approved make of commercial plywood & finish with
20 Sqft 100 182.10 182.10 18,210.00 207.00 20,700.00
1.0mm thk laminate of Rs.1500/- per piece of approved shade complete with all necessary
material, labour, hardware as per approved design and drg

Wooden Ceiliing-
Provoding and fixing of wooden false ceiling with necessary support from rcc slab of required size with
21 Sqft 250 543.70 543.70 135,925.00 619.00 154,750.00
framing and 8 mm commercial ply finish with teak vineer/laminate as the case may be as per approved design
including all necessary hardware, melemine polish , labor etc. complete in all respect.

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Name of Company : Mundra Windtech Ltd.

Subject : Interior Works at MWL, Blade Factory Unit, Windtech Park, Mundra.


Cola Cabinate-
P/F of cola cabinate shutters made form 3" x 1 1/2" teak wood frame and 19 mm comercial
plywood/blockboard with necessary size of teak wood beeding patti around shutter upto max. 3' height and
22 above that covered with panneling of 12 mm ply and framing upto ceiling level and depth upto 24" The work Sqft 200 1,500.00 1,500.00 300,000.00 1,708.00 341,600.00
should include providing of necessary shelves of 18 mm commerical plywood at regular intervals and
hardware such as magnet, lock, handles etc with inside lequor polish and outer side with approved shade of
laminate, melemine polish as required, labor etc. complete as directed.

Aluminium Window-
P/F Alluminium Anodized window of tubuler type of Hindalco / jindal make using model no; 20829 @
789 gm / Rm. For two track window shutter with 6mm thick non Toughened Glass (Saint gobian or
equivalent make) as per architect confirmation IS : 733 & IS ; 1285 fixed with rawal plug and screws
23 with necessary fixing clips or with fastener with top - bottom & sides with EPDM - gasket etc.. All Sqft 280 350.00 350.00 98,000.00 398.00 111,440.00
section shall be smooth, rust free metered & jointed with cleat angle for alluminium bedding sections
for s.s. screws with nylone rollers with ball bearing with silicon sealent for gap filling any also with
concealed lock - handle for locking arrngements.
Appx. Size : 8 ft (w) x 5 ft (h)

24 As per above all aluminium sections but the window shall be fixed. Sqft 200 315.00 315.00 63,000.00 359.00 71,800.00

Aluminium Ventilators-
P/F Alluminium Anodized Ventilators make of tubuler type of Hindalco / jindal make using model no;
20829 @ 789 gm / Rm. with aluminium lovvers & glass slit with provision of Exhaust fan as per
approved drawing & design as per architect confirmation IS : 733 & IS ; 1285 fixed with rawal plug
25 Sqft 36 280.00 280.00 10,080.00 319.00 11,484.00
and screws with necessary fixing clips or with fastener with top - bottom & sides with EPDM - gasket
etc.. All section shall be smooth, rust free metered & jointed with cleat angle for alluminium bedding
sections for s.s. screws with nylone rollers with ball bearing with silicon sealent for gap filling.
Appx. Size : 10 ft (l) x 8 ft (h)

Aluminium Sliding Doors (Mannual)

Providing and fixing of Aluminium Folding door (3 door) with 12mm thick Pre Lam board (Laminate
shade as per selection by Project manager).
Panel Door Size 1000mm Wide X 2440 mm.
Aluminium sections of Jindal make Section No - 21056, Wall Thk - 1.51mm,
Weight kg/m - 0.717 for ACP Borders and Section No - 20922, Wall Thk - 1.40mm, Weight Kg/mtr -
26 0.925 for Lock rail. Anodized of approved colour Sqft 160 375.00 375.00 60,000.00 427.00 68,320.00
and Shade. complete as directed by Project Manager.
Hardware :
Suitable EPDM Gasket or advised / approved sample, Stainless steel premium 12 nos of hinges of 100
mm x 25mm, Tower bolt of 200mm on each door, 300 mm D type aluminum Handle with dead Lock.
Stainless Steel Screws as per requirement.
Appx. Size : 10 ft (l) x 8 ft (h)

C. Total Amount For Fixed Furniture Work 7,116,085.11 8,102,113.00

Discount - -
C. Total Amount For Fixed Furniture Work After Discount 7,116,085.11 8,102,113.00

D. False Ceiling Work

P/F Plain False ceiling suspended at specified for all height including scafolding as required for double or
more height as per site condition as per design in India gypsum boards in office passages, general areas,
cabins, conference, meeting etc. at max 11’0” from finish floor level heights as per drgs. & details, with 24
swg. GI framework approx. 2'-0" c/c both ways & suspended from R.C.C.slab in plumb, line and level,
1A framework to be fixed with 1/2" thk. IGB sheetssize 4’ x 6’ and finished smooth with pure tape, POP powder, Sqft 2700 85.00 80.00 216,000.00 91.00 245,700.00
rate to include for all drops, adequate supports for cornices & lighting coves, and extra framework for spot
light fixtures, A.C. grills, speakers, etc., complete, all as per drgs. & details as directed (rate for vertical drops
shall be paid at the same rate as for flat false ceiling).
(Rates shall be inclusive of all gala cutting like Light Fixtures, Grills & Cassette AC Machines)

1B Gypsum Ceiling Patta Rft 0 200.00 120.00 - 137.00 -

Providing and applying POP smooth punning to walls, columns of average 1/2" thickness, including necessary
tools tackels and scafolding for any height if required, scraping and removing old punning from existing walls
2 where required, punning in proper plumb, line and level ready to receive paint, complete as per drawings and Sqft 9300 25.00 22.00 204,600.00 25.00 232,500.00
details or as directed by designer.
(No Extra charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).

Providing and making 1/4” x 1/4” size grooves / edges (kopras), round edges (golias) in POP in perfect line,
3 Rft 1000 10.00 10.00 10,000.00 11.00 11,000.00
level and plumb etc. complete as per drawings and details or as directed by designer.

Page 7 of 316

Name of Company : Mundra Windtech Ltd.

Subject : Interior Works at MWL, Blade Factory Unit, Windtech Park, Mundra.


Providing & Fixing of Armstrong Mineral Fibre Acoustical

Suspended Ceiling System with DUNE (BEVELLED TEGULAR)
Make: Armstrong The tiles should have Humidity Resistance
(RH) of 99%, NRC Upto 0.5, Light Reflectance >85%, Thermal
Conductivity k = 0.052- 0.057 w/m K, Colour White, Fire
Performance Class 0/Class1 (BS 476 Part 6&7) in module size
of 600 X 600 X 16 mm with Bio Block coating on the face of the
tile, suitable for Green Building application, with Recycled
content of 63%. The grid should be of “Armstrong” make with 15
mm wide T SUPRAFINE - section flanges colour white having
rotary stitching on all T sections i.e. the Main Runner, 1200 mm
& 600 mm Cross Tees with a web height of 38 mm and a load
carrying capacity of 14.0 Kgs/M2. The T Sections have a
Galvanizing of 90 grams per M2 & passed through 72 hrs of Salt
test. The Tile & Grid system used together should carry a 15
year warrantee.
4 Sqft 11000 115.00 115.00 1,265,000.00 131.00 1,441,000.00
INSTALLATION: To comprise main runner
spaced at 1200mm centres securely fixed to the structural soffit
using Armstrong suspension system (specifications below) at
1200mm maximum centre. The First/Last Armstrong suspension
system at the end of each main runner should not be greater
than 450mm from the adjacent wall. Flush fitting 1200mm long
cross tees to be interlocked between main runners at 600mm
centre to form 1200 x 600 mm module. Cut cross tees longer
than 600mm require independent support. 600 x 600mm module
to be formed by fitting 600mm long flush fitting cross tees
centrally between the 1200 mm cross tees. Perimeter trim to be
Armstrong wall angles of size 3000x19x19mm, secured to walls
at 450 mm maximum centres. Armstrong SUSPENSION
SYSTEM accessories manufactured and supplied by Armstrong
World Industries consisting of M6 Anchor Fasteners with Vertical
Hangers made of Galvanised steel of size 26 x 26 x 25 x 1.2mm

D. Total Amount For False Ceiling Work 1,695,600.00 1,930,200.00

Discount - -
D. Total Amount For False Ceiling Work After Discount 1,695,600.00 1,930,200.00

E. Painting Work

Providing and applying in Colour 3 in 1 Plastic paint of approved brand and shade to internal wall surfaces,
partitions at all heights, to give an even shade, including first scrubbing of old surface with wire brush to
remove foreign particulars, Filling in all holes / crackes with lambi & thoroughly brushing the surface free
from foreign matter, sandpapering smooth, filling in all holes & cracks, applying 3 coat of birla putti & make
1 smooth even surface ready for further plaster paint application. Two coat of cement primer. Sqft 20000 22.00 17.00 340,000.00 19.00 380,000.00
complete with necessary H-Frame scaffoldingat all levels as per Safety Standereds., material, labor, tools,
tackles and following site safety standards.
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own. (No Extra
charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).

Providing and applying in Plastic paint for approved brand and shade in ceiling surfaces of all heights,
including thoroughly brushing the surface free from foreign matter, sandpapering smooth, filling in all holes &
cracks, applying lambi / palti and rubbing down the surface, one coat of cement primer, rate to include for all
tools, labour, necessary scaffolding for double height or any height as reqd., complete as directed.
2 Sqft 3500 19.00 17.00 59,500.00 19.00 66,500.00
complete with necessary H-Frame scaffoldingat all levels, material, labor, tools, tackles and following site
safety standards.
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own. (No Extra
charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).

Do - as above but with Providing and applying TEXTURE surface as directed internal Walls (TEXTURE
3 Sqft 200 150.00 100.00 20,000.00 120.00 24,000.00
4 Do as above but Providing and applying Enamel paint as directed above for all surfaces. Sqft 1500 27.00 27.00 40,500.00 31.00 46,500.00
5 Melamine Polish Sqft 0 75.00 65.00 - 74.00 -
Melamine Polish Patti
6 Sqft 0 150.00 104.96 - 119.00 -
(Upto 0'' to 2'' Cornish,Moulding ,Dhar or Patti.)

E. Total Amount For Painting Work 460,000.00 517,000.00

Discount - -
E. Total Amount For Painting Work After Discount 460,000.00 517,000.00

Total Basic Amount (A+B+C+D+E) 15,284,428.15 17,394,596.00

Other Charges : - -
Taxes :
GST 2,751,197.07 3,131,027.28
Total Order Value 18,035,625.22 20,525,623.28
Specifications :

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Name of Company : Mundra Windtech Ltd.

Subject : Interior Works at MWL, Blade Factory Unit, Windtech Park, Mundra.

Terms & Conditions :
GST shall be paid at actuals, as GST shall be paid at actuals, as
per the rates specified in the Price per the rates specified in the Price
Schedule set out in Price Section. Schedule set out in Price Section.
BOCW Cess, if applicable, shall BOCW Cess, if applicable, shall
be directly paid by the Employer. be directly paid by the Employer.
1 Taxes & Duties
GST on require services will be GST on require services will be
charged extra @ 18%, but charged extra @ 18%, but
exempted due to notified SEZ exempted due to notified SEZ
area. area.

Work shall be completed within 4 Work shall be completed within 4

months from the date of order months from the date of order
award to vendor. award to vendor.

timelines are subject to timely timelines are subject to timely

drawing approval & clearance drawing approval & clearance
2 Completion date
from project manager for from project manager for
procurement & major site front procurement & major site front
release. If it is delayed for the release. If it is delayed for the
reasons not attributable to vendor, reasons not attributable to vendor,
completion schedule shall be completion schedule shall be
extended accordingly directly. extended accordingly directly.
3 Other Charges: No No
Contractor has to submit all the Contractor has to submit all the
Original Guarantee / Warrantee Original Guarantee / Warrantee
Certificate for the used material to Certificate for the used material to
the client. the client.
4 Warranty / Guarantee / DLP
12 Months DLP from the date of 12 Months DLP from the date of
successful completion of work at successful completion of work at
site. site.
5 Discount No No
0.5% of the SO Price (along with 0.5% of the SO Price (along with
applicable GST), for each applicable GST), for each
completed week of delay or part completed week of delay or part
6 Liquidated damages thereof, subject to a maximum of thereof, subject to a maximum of
5% of the SO Price. 5% of the SO Price.

15 days allowed as grace period. 15 days allowed as grace period.

The Contractors shall submit the The Contractors shall submit the
Advance Payment Bank Advance Payment Bank
Guarantee in the form provided Guarantee in the form provided
'Format of Advance Payment 'Format of Advance Payment
Bank Guarantee’, for an amount Bank Guarantee’, for an amount
equal to 20% of the SO Price, and equal to 20% of the SO Price, and
which shall be valid and which shall be valid and
maintained in full force and effect maintained in full force and effect
till the date of Completion as per till the date of Completion as per
the Completion Schedule, with a the Completion Schedule, with a
claim period of one month beyond claim period of one month beyond
such validity. such validity.
7 Bank Guarantee (ABG/PBG)
The Contractor shall submit the The Contractor shall submit the
Performance Bank Guarantee, in Performance Bank Guarantee, in
the form provided in ‘Format of the form provided in ‘Format of
Performance Bank Guarantee’, for Performance Bank Guarantee’, for
an amount equal to 5% of the an amount equal to 5% of the
Basic Price, which shall remain Basic Price, which shall remain
valid and effective till the expiry valid and effective till the expiry
of the Defect Liability Period, of the Defect Liability Period,
with a claim period of one month with a claim period of one month
from the expiry of the Defect from the expiry of the Defect
Liability Period. Liability Period.

20% payment shall be paid as an 20% payment shall be paid as an

initial advance within 15 days initial advance within 15 days
from the date of receipt of from the date of receipt of
following documents: following documents:
(a)Request Letter; (b)Advance (a)Request Letter; (b)Advance
Payment Bank Guarantee (Valid Payment Bank Guarantee (Valid
till completion of project); till completion of project);
Progressive payments shall be Progressive payments shall be
processed against monthly RA processed against monthly RA
bills. From each R.A bill 20% bills. From each R.A bill 20%
amount will be deducted, out of amount will be deducted, out of
which 15% amount will be which 15% amount will be
released along with final bill & released along with final bill &
5% will be released after 5% will be released after
completion of defect liability completion of defect liability
period or on submission of PBG, period or on submission of PBG,
valid till DLP. In case the valid till DLP. In case the
mobilization advance has been mobilization advance has been
paid, 100% advance payment will paid, 100% advance payment will
be recover from initial 2 RA Bills. be recover from initial 2 RA Bills.
(Maximum 4 RA Bills are (Maximum 4 RA Bills are
allowed) allowed)
following documents require: following documents require:
(a)invoice: one (1) set of original (a)invoice: one (1) set of original
with approved measurement sheet with approved measurement sheet

Payment against final bill will be Payment against final bill will be
8 Payment Terms paid within 30 days after paid within 30 days after
successful completion of work at successful completion of work at
site & submission of approved bill site & submission of approved bill
& job completion certificate. out & job completion certificate. out
of this final invoice 5% amount of this final invoice 5% amount
will be deducted and will be will be deducted and will be
released after completion of DLP released after completion of DLP
or on submission of PBG, valid or on submission of PBG, valid
till DLP. till DLP.
following documents require: following documents require:
(a) one (1) set of original invoice (a) one (1) set of original invoice
with approved measurement sheet with approved measurement sheet
(b) Work completion certificate (b) Work completion certificate
(c) Performance Bank Guarantee; (c) Performance Bank Guarantee;

Page 9 of 316
8 Payment Terms


Name of Company : Mundra Windtech Ltd.

Subject : Interior Works at MWL, Blade Factory Unit, Windtech Park, Mundra.

5% amount will be deducted from 5% amount will be deducted from
each bill & will be released after each bill & will be released after
completion of DLP or will be completion of DLP or will be
released within 30 days after released within 30 days after
successful completion of work at successful completion of work at
site & submission of performance site & submission of performance
bank guarantee from a bank guarantee from a
nationalized bank, for the like nationalized bank, for the like
amount, valid till DLP period with amount, valid till DLP period with
approved request letter and job approved request letter and job
completion certificate. The bank completion certificate. The bank
guarantee shall cover all liabilities guarantee shall cover all liabilities
mention it general terms and mention it general terms and
conditions. conditions.

** Contractor has to quote for RO items also
** Contractor has to refer all drawings before quoting & also stick with drawing detils only while execution
** Contractor has to Clear all garbage & debris on regular interval & dump out of the plant premises as per the instruction of site incharge.
(No separate charges will be paid for it in terms of labour / tractor trip)
** Contractor has to confirm all material like hardware, plywood, wood, stone, tiles, paint, etc. from client, before use.
** Contractor has to stick with the final shade / color selection by Client. If there will be any issue in availibility, Contractor has to inform client in advance
** Contractor has to arrrange necessary sacffolding at site by his own
** Contractor's labours & engineers have to fulfill all safety norms instructed by our safety team
** Contractor is bound to follow all GCC given with tender

Page 10 of 316


providing & Laying average 18 mm thk. Marble in floor (book match) of required size and design/pattern as per dr
1:4 bedding of 50mm thk (avg) including applying of 4.4 kg/sqm cement slurry, jointing & pointing with 0.6 kg /sqm
scope also includes selecting and sorting of Marble to have uniform shade and cutting to the required sizes. The ra
consumables, e.g., pigment, white Cement & Back coat with appropriate make, sand etc. Cladding : with Mechan
cutting, curing complete, edge moulding for flooring, etc. as directed by the Project Manager. Rate shall be inclusi
on back side of Italian Marble slab. Only laid area of marble will be measurable and wastage of Marble will be in th
Protection of Italian Marble flooring till handover in the scope of Contractor.
(Basic rates of Italian marble Rs.400/- per sq ft)
(Entry lobby & Service entry lobby & North +South lift lobby (Ground floor) (Approved Make -Millennium Marble

ITALIAN MARBLE WORK WITH WHITE CEMENT( M1) Specification as per above 13.1 .
13.1.1 (Basic rates of Italian marble Rs.400/- per sq ft)
(Entry lobby & Service entry lobby & North +South lift lobby (Ground floor) (Approved Make -Millennium Marble


Area 100
Thickness 1.97
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 0% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

White cement for mortar Bags
White cement for slurry 4.4 kgs / sqm Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt
Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt (Bedding Material with mortar, white cement &
sealer coat)
Marble Smt
Wastage 14%
Sealer coat Smt
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt
3mm spacers Nos
floor protection - mtl. + labour Smt
floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Smt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 2.5%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for Marble Floor - Plain Smt
Labour for Marble Floor - Pattern Smt
Labour for Marble Polish - Floor Smt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft


ITALIAN MARBLE WORK WITH WHITE CEMENT( M2) Specification as per above 13.1 .
(Basic rates of Italian marble Rs.400/- per sq ft)
(Entry lobby & Service entry lobby & North +South lift lobby (Ground floor) (Approved Make -Millennium Marble
(Detail: AD-CT-FL-30)

Providing and Laying of Italian marble ( M2 ) (1st floor to 12th floor) (All Floors Entry lobby & Service entry lobby)
(Detail: FD 10)


Area 100
Thickness 1.97
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 0% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

White cement for mortar Bags
White cement for slurry 4.4 kgs / sqm Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt
Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt (Bedding Material with mortar, white cement &
sealer coat)
Marble Smt
Wastage 14%
Sealer coat Smt
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt
3mm spacers Nos
floor protection - mtl. + labour Smt
floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Smt

Transport, Loading, Unloading & Mtl Handling from First to Twelth Floors 5%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for Marble Floor - Plain Smt
Labour for Marble Floor - Pattern Smt
Labour for Marble Polish - Floor Smt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft


Wall Cladding Italian Marble

ITALIAN MARBLE WORK WITH WHITE CEMENT(M1 & M2) -wall cladding Providing and laying average 18 mm thk.
design/pattern as per drawings and as per specification with C.M 1:4 bedding of 30mm thk (avg) including applyin
pointing with 0.6 kg /sqm cement and matching pigment . The scope also includes selecting and sorting of Italian M
to the required sizes. The rate shall be inclusive of labour, all consumables, e.g., pigment, white Cement, sand etc
as directed by the Project Manager. Rate shall be inclusive of applying Waterproofing chemical coat on back side o
marble will be measurable and wastage of Marble will be in the scope of Contractor.
100 micron plastic covering for protection.
(Basic rates of Italian marble Rs.400/- per sq ft) ( All Floors Entry lobby & Service entry lobby) (Approved Make -M
(Detail: AD-CT-PA-70)

ITALIAN MARBLE WORK WITH WHITE CEMENT(M1) - Specification as per above 13.4
13.4.1 (Basic rates of Italian marble Rs.400/- per sq ft) ( All Floors Entry lobby & Service entry lobby) (Approved Make -M
(Detail: PD 1)


Area 100
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 0% for cement slurry cft
1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft
White cement for mortar Bags
White cement for slurry 4.4 kgs / sqm Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt
Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt (Bedding Material with mortar, white cement &
sealer coat)
Marble Smt
Wastage 14%
Sealer coat Smt
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt
3mm spacers Nos
Scaffolding Smt
cladding protection - mtl. + labour (with plastic sheet) Smt

Transport, Loading, Unloading & Mtl Handling from First to Twelth Floors 5%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for Marble Cladding - Plain Smt
Labour for Marble Cladding - Pattern Smt
Labour for Marble Cladding / Wall Polish Smt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft


Wall Cladding Italian Marble

ITALIAN MARBLE WORK WITH WHITE CEMENT(M1 & M2) -wall cladding Providing and laying average 18 mm thk.
design/pattern as per drawings and as per specification with C.M 1:4 bedding of 30mm thk (avg) including applyin
pointing with 0.6 kg /sqm cement and matching pigment . The scope also includes selecting and sorting of Italian M
to the required sizes. The rate shall be inclusive of labour, all consumables, e.g., pigment, white Cement, sand etc
as directed by the Project Manager. Rate shall be inclusive of applying Waterproofing chemical coat on back side o
marble will be measurable and wastage of Marble will be in the scope of Contractor.
100 micron plastic covering for protection.
(Basic rates of Italian marble Rs.400/- per sq ft) ( All Floors Entry lobby & Service entry lobby) (Approved Make -M
(Detail: AD-CT-PA-70)
ITALIAN MARBLE WORK WITH WHITE CEMENT(M2) -Specification as per above 13.4.
13.4.2 (Basic rates of Italian marble Rs.400/- per sq ft)(ground floor)
(Detail: PD 1)


Area 100
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 0% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

White cement for mortar Bags
White cement for slurry 4.4 kgs / sqm Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt
Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt (Bedding Material with mortar, white cement &
sealer coat)
Marble Smt
Wastage 14%
Sealer coat Smt
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt
3mm spacers Nos
Scaffolding Smt
cladding protection - mtl. + labour (with plastic sheet) Smt
Transport, Loading, Unloading 2.5%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for Marble Cladding - Plain Smt
Labour for Marble Cladding - Pattern Smt
Labour for Marble Cladding / Wall Polish Smt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft
13.1.2 Providing and Laying of Italian Marble Skirting up to 100 mm height( M1) including edge polishing (Detail: FD 1, FD
Providing and Laying of Italian Marble Skirting up to 100 mm height( M2)
(Detail: FD 2, FD2a)
Area 1.08
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags
White cement Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Marble - Rmt
Wastage 14%
Sealer coat Sft
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 2.5%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for laying of marble skirting Rmt
Labour for marble skirting polish Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


13.1.3 Providing & Laying Italian Marble (M1) upto 150mm wide Patta / Patti in floor. Specification as per above 13.1

13.2.3 Providing & Laying Italian Marble (M2) upto 150mm wide Patta / Patti in floor. Specification as per above 13.1
Area 1.61
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags
White cement Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Marble - Rmt
Wastage 14%
Sealer coat Sft
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 2.5%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for laying of marble patta - 150 mm Rmt
Labour for marble patta polish - 150 mm Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


Providing anf fixing Avg 200mm Width Italian marble skerting in required Size and design/pattern as per drawings
19 including applying of 4.4 kg/sqm cemnt slurry, jointing 8- pointing with 0.6 kg /sqm cement and matching pigmen
sorting of granite I marble to have uniform shade and cutting to the required sizes. The rate shall be inclusive of la
Cement, sand etc .. machinery cost. cutting, curing complete, for flooring, etc. as directed by the Project Manager


Area 2.15
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags
White cement Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Marble - Rmt
Wastage 14%
Sealer coat Sft
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 2%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for laying of marble ledge - 200 mm Rmt
Labour for marble edge molding & its polishing Rmt
Labour for marble ledge polish - 200 mm Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


lift Door Jamb/Border in 18mm thick marble as per selection Up to 300mm wide Specification as per above 13.4.
(Detail: AD-CT-LL-121 To ,123A)


Area 3.23
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags
White cement Bags
Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Marble - Rmt
Wastage 14%
Sealer coat Sft
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 2.5%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for laying of marble jamb - 300 mm Rmt
Labour for marble edge molding & its polishing Rmt
Labour for marble edge chamfering & it's polishing - 3 x 3mm to 6 x 6mm
(both edge & chamfered portion polishing)
Labour for marble jamb polish - 300 mm Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


ITALIAN MARBLE WORK -wall cladding Providing and laying average 20 mm thk. pre polished Marble in wall of req
drawings and as per specification 20 mm thk. pre polished Marble in floor of required size and design/pattern as p
C.M 1:4 bedding of 40mm thk (avg) including applying of 4.4 kg/sqm cemnt slurry, jointing & pointing with 0.6 kg
scope also includes selecting and sorting of granite / marble to have uniform shade and cutting to the required siz
15 consumables, e.g., pigment, Grey Cement, sand etc., machinery cost. cutting, curing complete, for flooring, etc. as
shall be inclusive of applying Waterproofing chemical coat on back side of Italian stone slab.Only laid area of marb
Marble will be in the scope of Contractor.
100 micron plastic covering for protection.
(Basic rates of italian marble Rs.400/- per sq ft) ( All walls of lift lobby) & (ground floor)

As per Item No.15

Marble Bend / Patta / Patti / Drop / Bend etc. ( up to 100mm wide) etc. completed as per Specification


Area 1.08
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft
1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft
Cement Bags Bags
White cement Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Marble - Rmt
Wastage 14%
Sealer coat Sft
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 2%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for fixing of Marble Bend / Patta / Patti / Drop / Bend etc. ( up to
100mm wide)
Labour for marble patta polish - 100 mm Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


As per above item 13.5

Marble Bend / Patta / Patti / Drop / Bend etc. ( up to 200mm wide) etc. completed as per Specification


Area 2.15
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags
White cement Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt
Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Marble - Rmt
Wastage 15%
Sealer coat Sft
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for fixing of Marble Bend / Patta / Patti / Drop / Bend etc. (100mm
to 200 wide) etc
Labour for marble patta polish - 200 mm Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


As per above item 13.5

Marble Bend / Patta / Patti / Drop / Bend etc. (200mm to 300 wide) etc. completed as per Specification


Area 3.23
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags
White cement Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Marble - Rmt
Wastage 15%
Sealer coat Sft
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for fixing of Marble Bend / Patta / Patti / Drop / Bend etc. (200mm
to 300 wide) etc
Labour for marble patta polish - 300 mm Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


Granite (upstand )
Providing and fixing Pre-Polished 18mm thick Granite skirting in required Size and design/pattern as per drawings
including applying of 4.4 kg/sqm cement slurry, jointing 8- pointing with 0.6 kg /sqm cement and matching pigme
13.9 sorting of granite to have uniform shade and cutting to the required sizes. The rate shall be inclusive of Dimond / C
consumables. e.g., pigment. Grey Cement, sand etc .. machinery cost. cutting, curing complete, for flooring, etc. a
Upstand Wall ) (Approved Make -Merigold Granite & equivalent)
(Detail: FD 1,1a,1b,1c,1d,1e, 2,2a,2b )


Area 2.69
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Granite Rmt
Wastage 15%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for laying of granite - upto 250 mm Rmt
Labour for granite edge chamfering & it's polishing - 3 x 3mm to 6 x 6mm
(both edge & chamfered portion polishing) Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


17.00 Granite

Granite skirting Basement (Up to 100 mm height) (in lift lobby basement area)
Providing and fixing polished granite of 18mm thick approved quality, pattern and colour for flush / projected skir
levelling in the desired line, backing of 20 mm thk. cement mortar in proportion 1:3, square cut top edge or cham
cement float, machine cutting, levelling, jointing, filling the joints with neat cement or pigment mixed with cemen
as directed by Project Manager.
Basic Rate of Granite Rs 150 per sq ft
(Detail: AD-CT-FL-UB-15B, AD-CT-LB-13B & AD-CT-LL-18B)


Area 1.08
Thickness 0.79
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 3 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Granite Rmt
Wastage 12%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for laying of granite skirting - 100 mm Rmt
Labour for granite edge chamfering & it's polishing - 3 x 3mm to 6 x 6mm
(both edge & chamfered portion polishing) Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft



Providing & Fixing granite Skirting on cement slurry / Height Up to 150mm & width up to 300mm (First floor dinin
17.2 (Basic rates of Granite Rs.150/- per sq ft)
(approved make -Kajaria & Equivalent)
(Detail: FD - 1c & 6)


Area 3.23
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Granite Rmt
Wastage 12%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for granite treads with 3 grooves - 300 to 350 mm Rmt
Labour for granite edge molding & its polishing Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft

18mm thick granite Top upto 400mm wide

Service counter in Typical Breakout Pantry -
Providing and laying 18mm thick granite stone of an approved quality including Application with Chemical/Adhes
Treatment ,machine cutting, dressing, levelling, 45 degree edge jointing, filling the joints with neat /Pigment, mac
20 moulding, etc complete. All complete as directed by site in charge/Architect.
(Base rate of GRANITE Stone Rs. 150/- per sqft)
Note: Structure considered as half height partition in partition annexure
(Detail: AD-CT-PT-29)

20.1 18mm thick granite Top upto 400mm wide

Area 3.77
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Chemical/Adhesive/Keralastic T/Araldite/ Bond-It Treatment sft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Granite Rmt
Wastage 12%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for fixing granite top upto 400 mm wide Rmt
Labour for granite edge molding & its polishing Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft

Granite side patta upto 75mm height

Service counter in Typical Breakout Pantry -
Providing and laying 18mm thick granite stone of an approved quality including Application with Chemical/Adhes
Treatment ,machine cutting, dressing, levelling, 45 degree edge jointing, filling the joints with neat /Pigment, mac
20.00 moulding, etc complete. All complete as directed by site in charge/Architect.
(Base rate of GRANITE Stone Rs. 150/- per sqft)
Note: Structure considered as half height partition in partition annexure
(Detail: AD-CT-PT-29)

20.20 Granite side patta upto 75mm height

Area 0.81
Thickness 0.79
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 3 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Chemical/Adhesive/Keralastic T/Araldite/ Bond-It Treatment sft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Granite Rmt
Wastage 12%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for laying of granite skirting - 75 to 100 mm Rmt
Labour for granite edge chamfering & it's polishing - 3 x 3mm to 6 x 6mm
(both edge & chamfered portion polishing) Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft

Kota Flooring: 600 mm x 450 mm
Providing & Laying average 20mm thick kota stone in flooring of approved shade and design / pattern as per draw
40mm thick (average) base mortar of mix 1:4 (cement : coarse sand) finished with flush pointing with cement mix
inclusive of cement, coarse sand, pigment, labour, machinery, rubbing, cleaning and curing etc. complete as per d
directed by the project Manager.
(FLOORING FOR KITCHEN ) (basement to 2nd floor) (Basement technical area, kitchen area , garbage room area)
Basic Rate For Kota Rs. 40/- per SFT)
(Detail: AD-CT-FL-50)


Area 100
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt
Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt (Bedding Material with mortar, white cement &
sealer coat)
Kota Smt
Wastage 22%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt
3mm spacers Nos
floor protection - mtl. + labour Smt
floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Smt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for Kota Floor Smt
Labour for Kota Floor Polish Smt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft
As per Above item 16.1
16.1.1. Kota Skirting ( Up to 100 mm Height)
(Detail: AD-CT-FL-58D)
Area 1.08
Thickness 1.18
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 0 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 3%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Kota Rmt
Wastage 22%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for laying of kota skirting Rmt
Labour for kota skirting polish Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


14.1 VT1 (on Slab) ( Gr floor to Second floor)
Providing & fixing in position Vitrified Tiles in floor 1200mm x 600 mm x 9mm thick size as per pattern shown in th
cement slurry at 3.3 kg/sqm over a average 40mm, thick cement mortar bedding in proportion 1:4 cm and laid to
spacer fill with epoxy grout of laticrete or equivalent make. Finishing should be done with flush pointing in white c
including curing, Grouting etc. The rate shall be inclusive of all material + Tile, labour, machinery cost etc complete
directed by Project Manager.
(Basic rates of Vitrified Tiles Rs.60/- per sq ft)
(Dining area 1st floor , Enstooled & Women. toilet Passage, Breakout Area & Pantry Area(3rd To 12th floor ),3rd to
Recreation Area & Breakout passage area.
(Approved make - Kajaria & Equivalent)
(Detail: AD-CT-FL-50)


Area 100
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt
Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt
Tile - Floor Smt
Wastage 5%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt
3mm spacers Nos
floor protection - mtl. + labour Smt
floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Smt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for laying of tile on floor Smt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft

As per Above item 14.1

VT2 Vitrified Tile Flooring 600mm x 600mm - 1st Quality
Ground -12th floor UPS Room, Battery Room ,Electrical room & AHU & Access control, Janitor Stores)
(Basic rates of Vitrified Tiles Rs. 80/- per sq ft)
(Approved make -Kajaria & Equivalent)
(Detail: AD-CT-FL-50- 58)


Area 100
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt
Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt
Tile - Floor Smt
Wastage 5%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt
3mm spacers Nos
floor protection - mtl. + labour Smt
floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Smt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for laying of tile on floor Smt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft
BVT3 Vitrified Tile Flooring 600mm x 600mm - 1st Quality
providing & Laying in position Vitrified Tiles in floor 600mmx600 mm size as per pattern shown in the drawing and
at 3.3 kg/sqm FLOORING : 40mm thick cement mortar bedding in proportion 1:4 cm and laid to proper slope an
a average
pointing in white cement and matching pigment with residue including curing, grouting etc. The rate shall be inclu
14.3 cost ,cutting etc complete as per Drawing / Specification /as per Architect & as directed by Project Manager.
(Basic rates of Vitrified Tiles Rs.55/- per sq ft)
(approved make -Kajaria & Equivalent)
(Basement service lift lobby & passage area)
As per Above
(Detail: item 14.2 AD-CT-LB-13B)
BVT3 Vitrified Tile Flooring 600mm x 600mm - 1st Quality
14.3.1 (Basement service lift lobby & passage area)
(Basic rates of Vitrified Tiles Rs. 55/- per sq ft)
(Approved make -Kajaria & Equivalent)


Area 100
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt
Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt
Tile - Floor Smt
Wastage 5%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt
3mm spacers Nos
floor protection - mtl. + labour Smt
floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Smt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for laying of tile on floor Smt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft

14.13 2nd quality Vitrified tiles -

Vitrified Tile Flooring 600mm x 600mm -2nd quality
providing & Laying in Vitrified Tiles in floor 600mmx600 mm size as per pattern shown in the drawing and as per s
kg/sqm over a average 40mm, thick cement mortar bedding in proportion 1:4 cm and laid to proper slope and lev
pointing in white cement and matching pigment with residue including curing ,Grouting etc. The rate shall be inclu
0 machinery cost etc complete as per Drawing / Specification /as per Architect & as directed by Project Manager.
(Basic rates of Vitrified Tiles Rs.30/- per sq ft)
(Ground & Second Floor) (Below carpet )
(approved make -Kajaria & Equivalent)
(Detail: AD-CT-FL-50- 58)
Area 100
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt
Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt
Tile - Floor Smt
Wastage 5%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt
3mm spacers Nos
floor protection - mtl. + labour Smt
floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Smt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for laying of tile on floor - SECOND QUALITY Smt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft
As per Above item 14.2
Vitrified Tile Dado 600mm x 600mm (KVT1-Basement)
14.4 (Basic rates of Vitrified Tiles Rs.55/- per sq ft)
(approved make -Kajaria & Equivalent)
(Detail: AD-CT-FL-50- 58)

As per Above item 14.7

14.7.3 VT5 Vitrified Tile Dado 600 mm x 600 mm
Panty & Hand wash area etc.

As per Above item 14.8

BVT1 Vitrified Tile 600mm x 600mm - 1st Quality
Vitrified Tile Dado 600 mm x 600 mm
(Detail: AD-CT-FL-50- 58)
As per Above item 14.8.
BVT2 Vitrified Tile Dado 600 mm x 300 mm
14.9 (Basic rates of Vitrified Tiles Rs.55/- per sq ft)
Toilet etc.
(Detail: AD-CT-FL-50- 58,AD-CT-FL-UB-15B, AD-CT-LB-13B)
Area 100
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt
Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt
Tile Smt
Wastage 5%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 4mm wide spacer) Smt
4mm spacers Nos
Scaffolding Smt
cladding protection - mtl. + labour (with plastic sheet) Smt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for laying of tile on wall Smt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft


As per Above item 14.11.

BVT6Vitrified Tile Dado 1200mmx600mm
Lift Lobby & Mezzanine lift lobby etc.
(Detail: AD-CT-FL-UB-15B, AD-CT-LB-13B)


Area 100
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt
Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt
Tile Smt
Wastage 5%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 4mm wide spacer) Smt
4mm spacers Nos
Scaffolding Smt
cladding protection - mtl. + labour (with plastic sheet) Smt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for laying of tile on wall Smt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft


14.1.2 Skirting (up to 100mm in height)


Area 1.08
Thickness 1.18
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Tile Rmt
Wastage 5%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for laying of tile skirting on wall Rmt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


As per Above item 14.1
Vitrified Tile Skirting Up to 100mm height (VT2)
(Basic rates of Vitrified Tiles Rs.80/- per sq ft)
(approved make -Kajaria & Equivalent)


Area 1.08
Thickness 1.18
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Tile Rmt
Wastage 5%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for laying of tile skirting on wall Rmt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


As per Above item 14.2

Vitrified Tile Skirting upto 100mm height
14.3.2 (VT2 & BVT3 -3rd floor to 12th floor & Basement service loft lobby & passage)
(Basic rates of Vitrified Tiles Rs.55/- per sq ft)
(approved make -Kajaria & Equivalent)

As per Above item 14.7

14.7.2 (Basic rates of Vitrified Tiles Rs. 55/- per sq ft)
(Skirting upto 100 mm in height)


Area 1.08
Thickness 1.18
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Tile Rmt
Wastage 5%
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 3%
Material Rate Per Smt
Labour for laying of tile skirting on wall Rmt
Labour Rate Per Smt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft


Toilet Wash Basin Counter

Providing and constructing counters 600 mm wide and 750 mm high fabricated from Italian marble 19mm thk top
Edge and corner molding etc. all complete with cutout in the slab for fixing/ cutting the Tap/ basin/ sink. (Includin
per sq ft) ( Toilet)

A Kadappa Stone Works In Above Counter :
1.00 Top 1,500.00

B Cement Mortar

C Marble Stone Works In Above Counter :

Marble Stone :
1.00 Top 1,500.00
2.00 Front Facia 1,500.00
3.00 Side Facia 600.00

D Araldite + Adhesive + Joint Filler (Grout)

E Labour :
1.00 Labour - Kadappa Stone Fixing
2.00 Labour - Marble Stone Pasting
3.00 Labour - Marble Stone Polishing
4.00 Labour - Molding & Polishing OR Patta Fixing & Polishing
5.00 Labour - Chamfering & Grooving
6.00 Labour - Sink Slots & their edges molding & polishing

F Transport & Handling :

Total Cost : Stone Works

Total Cost : Stone Works
Total Cost : Stone Works


Counter / Platform in the pantry area

Providing and constructing counters 600 mm wide and 750 mm high fabricated from granite top based fixed on 19
29 fixed for water to be added along pantry counter. The Rate shall inclusive of vertical support/Partition of Kota Sto
Moulding, beading/lipping. Edge and corner molding etc. all complete with cutout in the slab for fixing the Tap/ ba

A Kadappa Stone Works In Above Counter :
1.00 Top 2,100.00
2.00 Vertical 750.00

B Cement Mortar :
For top - 25 mm thick mortar
For base - 55mm thick mortar
C Stone :
1.00 Top 2,100.00
2.00 Front Facia 2,100.00
3.00 Side 600.00
4.00 Skirting 2,100.00

D Araldite + Adhesive + Joint Filler (Grout)+Cement

E Labour :
1.00 Fixing Granite Counter With Kaddapa / Marble Base- inclusive of all finished complete in all respect

F Transport & Handling :

Total Cost : Stone Works

Total Cost : Stone Works
Total Cost : Stone Works


17.1 Counter in the pantry area/Hand wash Area

Providing and constructing counters 600 mm wide and 750 mm high fabricated from granite top and edge vertica
mm height to be fixed for prevention of splashing of water to be added along pantry counter. The Rate shall inclus
up to 75mm.(Design similar to Kitchen Platform)
Moulding, beading/lipping. Edge and corner moulding , double polishing etc. all complete with Cutout in the slab f
(Basic rates of Granite Rs.150/- per sq ft)
(Detail: AD-CT-TT-28 & AD-CT-29F)

A Kota Stone Works In Above Counter :
1.00 Top 2,100.00
2.00 Vertical 750.00

B Cement Mortar - Material Only :

For top - 50 mm thick mortar
For base - 75mm thick mortar

C Stone :
1.00 Top 2,100.00
2.00 Front Facia 2,100.00
3.00 Side 600.00
4.00 Skirting 2,100.00

E Araldite + Adhesive + Joint Filler (Grout) + Cement

F Labour :
Fixing of Wash Basin Counter (Kadappa & Granite)- Inclusive of all finish
complete in all respect
2.00 Labour for granite edge molding & its polishing
3.00 Labour for sink slot & its edges molding & polishing complete

G Transport & Handling :

Total Cost : Stone Works

Total Cost : Stone Works
Total Cost : Stone Works


Counter in hand wash area in ground floor

Providing and constructing counters 600 mm wide and 750 mm high fabricated from Granite 19mm thk top based
Cantilever type and necessary Iron/Metal support shall be provided from Masonry Wall. Granite Patta of up to 100
Edge and corner molding etc. all complete with cutout in the slab for fixing/ cutting the Tap/ basin/ sink. (Includin
(Basic rates of Italian marble Rs234/- per sq ft) (VIP Toilet)

A Kadappa Stone Works In Above Counter :
1.00 Top 2,100.00

B Cement Mortar :
For top - 55mm thick mortar

C Stone :
1.00 Top 2,100.00
2.00 Front Facia 2,100.00
D MS Brackets

E Anchor bolts for fixing MS brackets

F Araldite + Adhesive + Joint Filler (Grout)+Cement

G Labour :
1.00 Fixing of Wash Basin Counter (Kadappa & Granite)- Inclusive of all finish complete in all respect

H Transport & Handling :

Total Cost : Stone Works

Total Cost : Stone Works
Total Cost : Stone Works


Toilet Wash Basin Counter

Providing and constructing counters 600 mm wide and 750 mm high fabricated from Italian marble 19mm thk top
beading/lipping. Edge and corner molding etc. all complete with cutout in the slab for fixing/ cutting the Tap/ basi
marble Rs.400/- per sq ft) (VIP Toilet)

A Kadappa Stone Works In Above Counter :
1.00 Top 2,100.00

B Cement Mortar :
For top - 55mm thick mortar

C Stone :
1.00 Top 2,100.00
2.00 Front Facia 2,100.00

D MS Brackets

E Anchor bolts for fixing MS brackets

F Araldite + Adhesive + Joint Filler (Grout)+Cement

G Labour :
1.00 Fixing of Wash Basin Counter (Kadappa & Granite)- Inclusive of all finish complete in all respect

H Transport & Handling :

Total Cost : Stone Works

Total Cost : Stone Works
Total Cost : Stone Works


1.00 Feature & curved wall
1.10 150 mm Thick Double Stud Gypsum Dry Wall Partition & Baffle Wall

Providing and Fixing Double / Single Layer of 12.5mm Regular Plasterboard to either side of Double C-STUD 50 m
placed at 300 mm max C/C with Galvalume Coating AZ150. Stud to be friction fitted to Bottom Track of 52mm x 0.
Deflection Head Track of 52mm x 0.70 bmt. Bottom track and Top deflection head tracks to be fixed to existing sla
40 anchors spaced at 610 mm ctc. All openings and penetrations to be sealed using sealant, Stud cavity filled with
insulation of 50mm x 48 kg/m3 density. Boards finished with Jointing compound with perforated paper tape and o
as required.
Stud and Track must conform to AS1397/IS 15961 2012: Min Yield strength of 300 mpa; Min tensile strength of 3
class AZ 150. Dry Wall System to be designed to meet design pressure of ultimate 0.30 kPa and serviceability 0.20
to be limited to L/240. Studs to have 25 mm Bell mouthed service holes starting at 150 mm from the end of the st
600 mm centre up to a maximum of five holes in any one length for cabling. -
For Baffle Wall, there should be cross bracing support on either side of wall on alternate vertical fixed with anchor
slab.The Rate shall include providing necessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level & Height etc. com
drawing and as directed by the Project Manager.
(Detail No: AD-CT-PA-77)

Stud shall be provided in case of baffle wall / above door opening location
5.Gypsum edges / corners to be protected with Corner Angles /Edge Beading etc.
P & F Double
6.Noggin C-STUD
Channel shall50bemm X 0.70@
provided bmt Partition
every as per
1200 mm above specification including light cove of Marine Ply / F
Grade at floor level including TW/MDF Beading of appropriate size on edge and Template of 19mm Marine Ply to
slab level to maintain proper Curve & Plumb etc. completed as per drawing / as directed by Architect & Project M

1.1.1 Main Specification Same as Item no.1.1

Rate of Gypsum / Rockwool / SS Skirting / Paint etc. will be paid seperately under respective specific Items.

Single Measurement of Front Elevational Area shall be considered for the Payment.
50MM x 0.70 mm thk GI Frame Rft
Ply + Wood Sft
Hardware - screw, rawal plugs, nails, etc. Sft

Wastage 5% 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material cost sft
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft
Labour for glass wool Sft
Frame Work : Full / Low Height Total Labour&inBaffle
Partition SFT / Suspended Wall
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT
Providing and Fixing Double / Single Layer of 12.5mm Regular Plasterboard to either side of C-STUD 50 mm X 0.
415 mm max C/C with Galvalume Coating AZ150 . Stud to be friction fitted to Bottom Track of 52mm x 0.70bmt an
Head Track of 52mm x 0.70 bmt. Bottom track and Top deflection head tracks to be fixed to existing slab with M6
spaced at 610 mm ctc. All openings and penetrations to be sealed using sealant, Stud cavity filled with Rockwool i
Rate x 48include
GI FRAME kg/m3for
WORK -density.
SINGLE Boards finishedWORK
STUD FRAME with Jointing
: compound with perforated paper tape and other accesso
1. andThick
Making Track
and Singlemust conform
finishing Stud cuttoouts
theGypsum AS1397/IS
Dry Wall 15961
to house 2012: Min
AC Ducts,AC Yield
grills, strength
Diffusers, of 300 mpa;
electrical Minand
fixtures tensile strength
fittings etc. asofper
1.20 class AZ 150. Drybe Wall System to be/item
designed to Partition
meet design pressure
2. extra /shall
Low Height
paid Partition
for above Dog Legged
no.1 & Baffle Wall of ultimateWall
/ Hanging 0.30-P4,P5,
kPa andP6, serviceability 0.20
to be limited
3. Treated area to inL/240. Studsonly
Elevation to have
bemm Bell mouthed
measured service holes starting at 150 mm from the end of the st
for payments.
600 mm centre up to a maximum of five holes in any one length for cabling. - 4. Extra cross bracing
For Baffle
Stud shall Wall,
be providedthere should
in casebeofcross
bafflebracing supportdoor
wall / above on either
opening side of wall on alternate vertical fixed with anchor
slab. The Rate
5.Gypsum edges shall includetoproviding
/ corners necessary
be protected staging Angles
with Corner / Scaffolding, all lead and
/Edge Beading etc. lift, at all level & Height etc. com
6.Noggin Work
and :asFull
Channel Height
directed / Low
shall be Height
the Project
provided @Partition/
every 1200 Baffle
mm Wall / Hanging Wall etc.
7.Necessary Cross bracing shall be provided at Baffle walls for proper alignment.
P & F Single
8.Floor C-STUD
Marking 50 mm
/ Setting OutX Points
shallPartition Partition
be carried as per above
w.r.t.Partition Layoutspecification. Necessary Floor Marking / S
by the Contractor
BOARD be -carried
9.Dog-LeggedUSGBORAL out by
Partition the Contractor asMullion
per Partition
towards Facade to be Layout.
considered under this Item - No Extra claim for measuremen
considered. Unit
GI FRAME Gypsum / -Rockwool
FRAME etc. will be
WORK : paid seperately under respective specific Items.
50MM x 0.70 mm thk GI Frame Rft
Ply + Wood Sft
Hardware - screw, rawal plugs, nails, etc. Sft

Wastage 5% 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material cost sft
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft
Labour for glass wool Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT
Frame Work : Full Height Partition including Baffle Wall
P & F C-Stud of 50mm Partition as per above specification. Necessary Floor Marking / Setting Out Points shall be c
1.10 Contractor as per Partition Layout.

Rate of Gypsum / Rockwool / Plywood etc. will be paid seperately under respective specific Items.


50MM thk GI Frame Sft

48kg density rock wool Sft
40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft
Screw Sft
Accoustic sealants Labour + material ( 5mmx12mm) 580mm can for both

Wastage 5% 10%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 2%
A Material cost sft
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft
Labour for glass wool Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT

Frame Work : Full Height Partition & Baffle Wall

P & F C-Stud of 50mm Partition as per above specification.
5.10 Rate shall inclusive of addtional Ply/Alu pipe frame for Light Cove at Skirting Level & Teakwood Beading etc. comp
drawing / as directed by Architect & Project Manager.

Main Specification Same as Item no.1

(Partition on ground floor)

Rate of Gypsum / Rockwool / SS Skirting / Paint etc. will be paid seperately under respective specific Items.

50MM thk GI Frame Sft

48kg density rock wool Sft
40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft
Screw Sft
Accoustic sealants Labour + material ( 5mmx12mm) 580mm can for both
Wastage 5% 10%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 2%
A Material cost sft
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft
Labour for glass wool Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


Providing & Fixing Single 12.5mm Thick Standard Gypsum Board on one side of C-Stud Partition including Taping &
layer. The boards should be fixed in staggered manner on one another. Gypsum edges / corners to be protected w
Angles /Edge Beading etc. completed as per Plan / Details / Drawings / Manufacturer's Specification and as direct

Rate of C-Stud Partition / Aluminum Frame etc. will be paid separately under respective specific Items.

Providing & Fixing Single 12.5mm Thick Standard Gypsum Board on one side of C-Stud Partition including Taping &
layer. The boards should be fixed in staggered manner on one another. Gypsum edges / corners to be protected w
Angles /Edge Beading etc. completed as per Plan / Details / Drawings / Manufacturer's Specification and as direct

Rate of C-Stud Partition / Aluminum Frame etc. will be paid separately under respective specific Items.


12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft

Joint tape Sft
Screw Sft
GI-EDGE BEEDING 12.5x25x12x0.5x2440mm /Or GI-ANGLE BEED 2440 Rft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material cost sft
Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) Sft
Sub-Contract - Primer Coat - Material + Labour Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


Providing & Fixing 2 Layers of 12.5mm Thick Standard Gypsum Board on one side of C-Stud Partition including Tap
each layer. The boards should be fixed in staggered manner on one another The boards should be fixed in stagge
one another. Gypsum edges / corners to be protected with Metal Corner Angles /Edge Beading etc. completed as
/ Drawings / Manufacturer's Specification and as directed by Project Manager.

Rate of C-Stud Partition / Aluminum Frame etc. will be paid separately under respective specific Items.

Providing & Fixing 2 Layers of 12.5mm Thick Standard Gypsum Board on one side of C-Stud Partition including Tap
each layer. The boards should be fixed in staggered manner on one another The boards should be fixed in stagge
one another. Gypsum edges / corners to be protected with Metal Corner Angles /Edge Beading etc. completed as
/ Drawings / Manufacturer's Specification and as directed by Project Manager.

Rate of C-Stud Partition / Aluminum Frame etc. will be paid separately under respective specific Items.


12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft

Joint tape Sft
Screw Sft
GI-EDGE BEEDING 12.5x25x12x0.5x2440mm /Or GI-ANGLE BEED 2440 Rft

Wastage 5% 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material cost sft
Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) Sft
Sub-Contract - Primer Coat - Material + Labour Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


Providing & Fixing 10mm Thick Hilux Calcium Silicate Board using SS Screws on Drywall Partition / C-Stud Frame /
Wall including Taping & Joiting on each layer. The boards should be fixed in staggered manner on one another. Th
to be protected with Metal Corner Angles /Edge Beading etc. completed as per Plan / Details / Drawings / Manuf
Specification and as directed by Project Manager.

Rate of C-Stud Partition / Aluminum Frame etc. will be paid seperately under respective specific Items.


10mm thk Hilux Calcium Silicate Board Sft

Joint tape Sft
Screw Sft
GI-EDGE BEEDING 12.5x25x12x0.5x2440mm /Or GI-ANGLE BEED 2440 Rft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material cost sft
Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) Sft
Sub-Contract - Primer Coat - Material + Labour Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


Providing & fixing of 50mm thick Rockwool insulation with density of 48kg/m3 as per above specification using sel
hold Rockwool in place etc. completed as per drawing and as directed by Project Manager.

Providing & fixing of 50mm thick Rockwool insulation with density of 48kg/m3 as per above specification using sel
hold Rockwool in place etc. completed as per drawing and as directed by Project Manager.


48kg density rock wool Sft

40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 11%
A Material cost sft
Labour for rock wool Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


Glass Wool above Ceiling for Acoustic Purpose (Roll or Slab form)
Providing & Placing Glasswool of 25mm x 24 kg/m3 in Tissue Finish Packed in Vinyle Paper / OR Equivalent Mater
Quality - properly sealed with Tape / Adhesive etc. completed as per manufacturer's standard. Glasswool shall be
Gypsum Ceiling for acousting purpose etc. completed as per Drawing / As instructed by Archtect & Project Manag

Glass Wool above Ceiling for Acoustic Purpose (Roll or Slab form)
Providing & Placing Glass wool of 25mm x 24 kg/m3 in Tissue Finish Packed in Vinyl Paper / OR Equivalent Materia
3.00 Quality - properly sealed with Tape / Adhesive etc. completed as per manufacturer's standard. Glass wool shall be
Gypsum Ceiling for accosting purpose etc. completed as per Drawing / As instructed by Architect & Project Manag
False Ceiling)

Glass wool Density : Density 24 Kg/M3 - 25 mm Thick - Plain Sft
40 GSM fibre glass tissue / R.P Tissue Paper Sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 11%
A Material cost sft
Labour for glass wool Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT

100mm Thick Gypsum Board Dry Wall Partition & Baffle Wall - REFER TO SHEET AD-GS-PA-45
Providing and Fixing Double / Single Layer of 12.5mm Regular Plasterboard to either side of C-STUD 50 mm X 0.70
415 mm max C/C. Stud to be friction fitted to Bottom Track of 72mm x 0.70bmt and top Deflection Head Track of
bmt.Bottom track and Top deflection head tracks to be fixed to existing slab with M6 x 40 anchors spaced at 610 m
openings and penetrations to be sealed using sealant, Stud cavity filled with Rockwool insulation of 50mm x 48 kg
Boards finished with Jointing compound with perforated paper tape and other accessories as required. Stud and T
conform to AS1397/IS 15961 2012: Min Yield strength of 300 mpa; Min tensile strength of 340 mPa. Coating class
System to be designed to meet design pressure of ultimate 0.30 kPa and serviceability 0.20 kPa, Deflection to be l
Studs to have 25 mm Bell mouthed service holes starting at 150 mm from the end of the stud and spaced at 600 m
a maximum of five holes in any one length for cabling.For Baffle Wall, there should be cross bracing support on eit
on alternate vertical fixed with anchor fastener with slab.MAKE- FRAMING - USGBORAL/WESTERN

Rate shall include for :1. Making and finishing the cut outs to house AC Ducts,AC grills, Diffusers, electrical fixtures
as per details2. No extra shall be paid for above item no.13. Treated area in Elevation only shall be measured for p
Extra cross bracing / support of Stud shall be provided in case of baffle wall / above door opening location 5.Gypsu
corners to be protected with Corner Angles /Edge Beading etc. 6.Noggin Channel of 0.50bmt shall be provided @


50MM thk GI Frame Sft

wooden support Sft
12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft
48kg density rock wool Sft
40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft
Joint tape Sft
Screw Sft
Accoustic sealants Labour + material ( 5mmx12mm) 580mm can for both
Wastage 5% 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 2%
A Material cost sft
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft
Labour for glass wool Sft
Labour for gy board fixing Sft
Sub-Contract - Primer Coat - Material + Labour Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT

7.00 Frame Work : Baffle WallP & F C-Stud of 50mm Partition as per above specification - REF. TO SHEET AD-GS-PA-645


50MM thk GI Frame Sft

48kg density rock wool Sft
40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft
Screw Sft
Accoustic sealants Labour + material ( 5mmx12mm) 580mm can for both

Wastage 5% 4%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 1%
A Material cost sft
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft
Labour for glass wool Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT

21.00 Curved Wall

frame work -REFER TO SHEET AD-GS-PA-45

Providing and fixing framework of C-STUD 50 mm X 0.70 bmt placed at415mm max C/C. Stud to be friction fitted t
A of 72mm x 0.70bmt and top Deflection Head Track of 72mm x 0.70 bmt.Bottom track and Top deflection head tra
existing slab with M6 x 40 anchors spaced at 610 mm ctc. All openings and penetrations to be sealed using sealan
filled with Rockwool insulation of 50mm x 48 kg/m3 density.

50MM thk GI Frame Sft
48kg density rock wool Sft
40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft
Screw Sft
Accoustic sealants Labour + material ( 5mmx12mm) 580mm can for both

Wastage 5% 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 2%
A Material cost sft
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft
Labour for glass wool Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT

21.00 Curved Wall

12.5mm Gypsum Board partiton (Double layer) - REFER TO SHEET AD-GS-PA-45

Providing & Fixing 2 Layers of 12.5mm Thick Standard Gypsum Board on one side of C-Stud Partition including Tap
B each layer. The boards should be fixed in staggered manner on one another.Etc. completed as per Plan /Details
/Drawings/Manufacturer's Specification and as directed by Project Manager.
(Detail No: PD4, PD5a, PD5b,PD5c,PD6a, PD6b, PD7, PD13,PD14, PD18, PD19)

12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft
Screw Sft

Wastage 5% 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 2%
A Material cost sft
Labour for gy board fixing Sft
Sub-Contract - Primer Coat - Material + Labour Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT

Pre-laminated Panel made out of of 18mm thick prelaminated board duly edge binded. The
panel will be fitted to framework with the help of hooks.

18 mm Prelaminated Particle Board Sft
18 mm Prelaminated MDF Board - BSL - Interior Grade Sft
PVC Edge Bending Tape (PVC EBT) - 22 x 0.80 mm Rft
EBT Glue Rft
Screw & Hooks for Panel Hanging Sft

Wastage 10.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 5.00%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for prelaminated partcle / MDF board cutting, edge bending &
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT

Wall Paper Finished Panel made out of 17mm thick MDF board finished in wall paper. The
1.1.3 panel will be fitted to framework with the help of hooks.(The basic rate of the wall paper
considered is Rs. 1500/- per meter).
17mm MDF - Exterior Grade Sft
Wall Paper Sft
Screw & Hooks for Panel Hanging Sft

Wastage 5.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 1.00%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for wall paper fixing (Including Fevicol / Adhesive) Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT

Paint Finished Panel made out of 17mm thick MDF board finished with primer and paint.
The panel will be fitted to framework with the help of hooks.

17mm MDF - Exterior Grade Sft
Screw & Hooks for Panel Hanging Sft
Wastage 5.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Lustre Paint SC Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT

Veneer Finished Panel made out of ply with veneer and finished in melamine. The panel will
1.1.5 be fitted to framework with the help of hooks. (The basic rate of the veneer considered is Rs.
100/- per meter).
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
Veneer Sft
Glossy / Matt Melamine Polishing Sft
Fevicol + Abro Tape for Veneer Pasting Sft
Screw & Hooks for Panel Hanging Sft

Wastage 5.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for veneer fixing Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


4mm thick Veneer of approved Make on Plywood surface.

Providing and fixing in proper line and level 4mm Thick Veneer of approved make, shade & color on partition / pan
of approved adhesives. Veneer comprising of 0.5mm Thick top Core Surface & 3.5mm Thick Base Ply back. Veneer
c the surface in such a manner that there will be no uneven, Undulation on Veneer surface. Avoid Bubble, damage e
necessary grove, Work Also Including of All Lead & Lift, at All Levels & Height, Transportation, etc. completed as p
Specification, Instruction of Architect and Site In-Charge.

Rate of Marine Ply Panelling / Partition / Polishing etc. will be paid separately under respective specific Items.

Veneer Sft
Glossy / Matt Melamine Polishing Sft
Fevicol + Abro Tape for Veneer Pasting Sft

Wastage 5.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for veneer fixing Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


1mm Laminate of Approved Make on Plywood etc. completed as per Drawing & as directed by the Project Manag

Providing and fixing in proper line and level 1mm Thick Laminate of approved make, shade & color on partition / p
means of approved adhesives. Laminate should be fix on the surface in such a manner that there will be no uneve
Laminate surface. Avoid Bubble, damage edge, approved necessary grove, Work Also Including of All Lead & Lift, a
Height, Transportation, etc. completed as per detail Drawing, Specification, Instruction of Architect and Site In-Ch

Rate of Marine Ply Panelling / Partition etc. will be paid separately under respective specific Items.

Laminate Sft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft

Wastage 5.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for laminate fixing Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT

Fabric Panelling

P/F of soft board as per approved design including all necessary material and approved shade of cloth at required
1.1.2 12mm soft Board backing 8mm plywood corner with edge beading patti with approved polish finish.
Basic rate of Fabric- 200/- mtr.

- Unit
12 mm Sitatex Pin Board Sft
8mm commercial ply Sft
12 mm Particle Board Sft
Foam - 5 mm Sft
Foam - 6 mm Sft
Foam - 10 mm Sft
Fabric Sft
Speb Adhesive Or Fevicol + Abro Tape + Stapler Pins Sft
Screw & Hooks for Panel Hanging Sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft
Labour for mdf / particle board / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for foam fixing (before fabric wrapping) Sft
Labour for fabric wrapping on plywood / mdf / accoustic panel / soft
board / particle board
Labour Soft Board with Fabric Sft
Supply of gripper + Labour for gripper work + fixing of foam, plywood / mdf
& fabric wrapping
Total Labour - Per SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per SfT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per SmT

3.00 Fabric Panelling

Providing & Fixing Fabric Panelling made of 12mm MDF of Exterior Grade with 5mm EVA/Rubber Foam covered
approved shade & color and to be fixed on Partition/Plywood/Wall etc. completed as per drawing & as directed b
3.10 Manager. The Groove / Spacing with adjacent member should be equal and uniform. The Rate shall include mec
Fabric Panels to existing Ply Panelling / Wall by means of Z-Clip / Hook etc completed as per Architect.
Basic rate Rs.200/- per sqft

- Unit
12 mm Sitatex Pin Board Sft
12 mm MDF - Exterior Grade Sft
Foam - 5 mm Sft
Foam - 10 mm Sft
Fabric Sft
Speb Adhesive Or Fevicol + Abro Tape + Stapler Pins Sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 2%
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for foam fixing (before fabric wrapping) Sft

Labour for fabric wrapping on plywood / mdf / accoustic panel / soft board Sft
Supply of gripper + Labour for gripper work + fixing of foam, plywood / mdf
& fabric wrapping
Total Labour - Per SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per SMT

Aluminium Pipe Framing for Ply Panelling / Cladding / Partitions - wherever it is Applicable as per Architect's draw
directed by Project Manager.

Providing and fixing of Aluminium Box Pipe Section of 38mmX38mmx1.7mm thick @ 415mm c/c max.connecting
1.4.1 35x35x2mm "L" angle using SS Screws / Sheet Metal Screws of Best Quality for Panelling / Partition with necessar
screws /Fasteners etc. Completed as per Drawing & direction of Project Manager.

- Unit
Aluminium frame work - 38 x 38 x 1.7mm @ 415 mm c/c Kgs
415 mm c/c
Aluminium pipe total length
Length after sharing above length by left, right, up & down frame grids
Shared length divided by c/c square feet
End pipe adjustment + Back support 74.19
Lemgth per square feet for given grid
Hardware for aluminium frame work
Alu L Angle - 35 x 35 x 2mm nos/sft
Screw - SS screw / sheet metal screw nos/sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft
Labour for aluminium frame work Sft
Total Labour - Per SFT Sft
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt

Aluminium Box Pipe Section of 50mmX50mmX2mm thick @ 600mm c/c max. connecting with 35x35x2mm "L" an
1.4.2 Screws / Sheet Metal Screws of Best Quality for Panelling / Partition with necessary hardwares / screws /Fastener
as per Drawing & direction of Project Manager.

- Unit
Aluminium frame work - 50 x 50 x 2mm @ 600 mm c/c Kgs
600 mm c/c
Aluminium pipe total length
Length after sharing above length by left, right, up & down frame grids
Shared length divided by c/c square feet
End pipe adjustment + Back support 69.37
Lemgth per square feet for given grid

Hardware for aluminium frame work

Alu L Angle - 35 x 35 x 2mm nos/sft
Screw - SS screw / sheet metal screw nos/sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft
Labour for aluminium frame work Sft
Total Labour - Per SFT Sft
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt

Wooden Cladding( logo on it)

Providing & Fixing of wooden cladding in waiting area fixing with the Full length track galvanised steel channelfast
18.00 450mm, filled or packed with the 50mm thk. glass wool 48 kg /m3 packing for sound absorption, connect 4 mm ve
over 19 mm thick Marine ply with 4 mm chamfered with edges with grove as per architectural design etc complet


50MM thk GI Frame Sft

wooden support Sft
48kg density rock wool Sft
40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft
Screw Sft
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
Veneer Sft
Glossy / Matt Melamine Polishing Sft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft

Wastage 5% 10%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 2%
A Material cost sft
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft
Labour for glass wool Sft
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for veneer fixing with grooves Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT

5.10 Mirror (Detail No: AD-CT-TT-20-27)

Providing and Fixing Vanity Mirror with 19mm Thick Marine Grade Ply Confirming to ( IS-710), fix on the wall, App
Paint on Back Side of Ply with Saint Gobain or equivalent make 6mm Mirror with Silicon adhesive at all level & Hei
Completed as per detail drawing & Specification and approved by Project Manger.
(Toilet, Hand wash, Changing room & Pantry)

Rate Analysis For - 1200 x 1400 x 100 mm : Sft
Seasoned Meranti Wood Framework - 1.5" x 1.5" Cft
19 mm plywood BWP - front panel for mirror fixing Sft
19 mm plywood BWP - for boxing Sft
19 mm plywood BWP - for boxing Sft
6mm thick mirror Sft
PVC protective film over glass Sft
Mirror Edge Polishing (CEP) Rft
Mirror bevelled edges - 25 x 25 mm Rft
3m tape + silicon + abro tape sft
Edge sealing with silicone Rft
Black Japan (mtl. + labour) sft
Hardware sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.
Labour for wood frame work Sft
Labour for plywood fixing (i.e. boxing making) Sft
Labour for mirror fixing Sft
Total Labour - Per No.
Total Labour & Material + Labour - Per No.
Total Labour & Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total Labour & Material + Labour - Per SMT


Mirror item with light cove behind (VIP toilets)

Providing and fixing of 6 mm thick mirror applied on 12 mm ply with framework with led strip back lighting

Rate Analysis For - 1200 x 1400 x 100 mm : Sft
Seasoned Meranti Wood Framework - 1.5" x 1.5" Cft
19 mm plywood BWP - front panel for mirror fixing Sft
19 mm plywood BWP - for boxing Sft
19 mm plywood BWP - for boxing Sft
6mm thick mirror Sft
PVC protective film over glass Sft
Mirror Edge Polishing (CEP) Rft
Mirror bevelled edges - 25 x 25 mm Rft
3m tape + silicon + abro tape sft
Edge sealing with silicone Rft
Black Japan (mtl. + labour) sft
LED Power Supply / Transformer No.
Wires Rft
Hardware sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 2%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.
Labour for wood frame work Sft
Labour for plywood fixing (i.e. boxing making) Sft
Labour for mirror fixing Sft
Laboue for electrical work No.
Total Labour - Per No.
Total Labour & Material + Labour - Per No.
Total Labour & Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total Labour & Material + Labour - Per SMT

Black painted Glass Fixing on board.

1.1.6 Black painted Glass Fixing on board.

8mm thick back painted glass Sft
3m tape + silicon Sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft
Labour for back painted glass fixing Sft
Total Labour - Per SFT Sft
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt

Providing & Fixing 12mm Marine Ply (IS 710) of various sizes (450mm x 300mm / 450mm x 450mm / 600mm x 600
Ceiling Framing for MEP / IT / Security Devices.The Rate shall include providing necessary staging / Scaffolding, all
all level & Height etc. complete as per drawing and as directed by the Project Manager.
Rate of Ceiling Frame / Gypsum etc. will be paid seperately under respective specific Items.

12 mm plywood BWP Sft
Screw for ply fixing Sft
AC Threaded Rod 8mm x 1000 mm - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Anchor Fastener M8 x 35/40mm - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Nut M8 - MS Zinc Plated Nos
MS Z Bracket - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Screw for above bracket fixing Nos

Wastage 5.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Extra Labour for threaded rod ceiling anchor to be clubbed with above ply
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


Providing & Fixing 19mm Marine Ply (IS 710) of various sizes (450mm x 300mm / 450mm x 450mm / 600mm x 600
Ceiling Framing for MEP / IT / Security Devices.The Rate shall be inclusive of staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift,
Height etc. complete as per drawing and as directed by the Project Manager.
Rate shall be inclusive of providing necessary addtional hanger of 8 mm Dia Threaded Rod with Hilti Anchor Fasten
wherever required as directed by Project Manager.
Rate of Ceiling Frame / Gypsum etc. will be paid seperately under respective specific Items.

19 mm plywood BWP Sft
Screw for ply fixing Sft
AC Threaded Rod 8mm x 1000 mm - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Anchor Fastener M8 x 35/40mm - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Nut M8 - MS Zinc Plated Nos
MS Z Bracket - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Screw for above bracket fixing Nos

Wastage 5.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Extra Labour for threaded rod ceiling anchor to be clubbed with above ply
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


1.80 Providing and fixing 19 mm thk plyboard to be suspended with 10mm threaded road above ceiling for decorative
Rate Analysis for 600 x 600 mm size : Sft
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
Screw for ply fixing Sft
AC Threaded Rod 8mm x 1000 mm - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Anchor Fastener M8 x 35/40mm - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Nut M8 - MS Zinc Plated Nos
MS Z Bracket - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Screw for above bracket fixing Nos

Wastage 5.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Extra Labour for threaded rod ceiling anchor to be clubbed with above ply
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


Providing & Fixing 19mm thick Marine Ply of Grade 710 over existing MS Box Pipe (Item 19.1) with 1mm Laminate
approved make/shade etc. completed as per details in drawing and as instructed by Project Manager..
Note : Require necessary scafolding at Double / Triple Height, Jali,Railing as per Safety norms in contractor's scope
paid extra for this.
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
Screw Sft
Laminate Sft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft

Wastage 5.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for laminate fixing Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


Providing & Fixing 19mm thick Marine Ply of Grade 710 over existing MS Box Pipe (Item 19.1) with 12.5mm Gypsu
11.20 with Taping & Jointing including Metal Corner Beading / Edge Beading etc. completed as per details in drawing an
by Project Manager.

19 mm plywood BWP Sft
12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft
Joint tape Sft
Screw Sft
GI-EDGE BEEDING 12.5x25x12x0.5x2440mm /Or GI-ANGLE BEED 2440 Rft

Wastage 5.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT



Providing and fixing boxing work in dining area with 12.5 mm gypsum board with framework of 50 x 50 mm pipe o
distance.Finishesh with the 1mm laminate with black colour paint as per architectural design etc complete.
(Detail No: CD8)

Aluminium frame works 50 x 50 mm Kgs.
Hardware for aluminium frame work Sft
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
Laminate Sft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft

Wastage 7.5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 2%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for aluminium frame work Sft
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for laminate fixing Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


Door Shutter for boxing / partition for sliding folding door.

Providing & Fixing of Door Shutter to accomodate Sliding Folding Door at one location. Main Frame made of 50mm
cladded with 9mm Marine Ply on both side using SS Screws / Sheet Metal Screws of Best Quality.Door Edge shall b
1/2" Teak wood beading with necessary Hardware : Hinges / Handle /Magnet / Lock etc. Completed as per Archit
Material Sepcification & as directed by Project Manager.
(Laminate / Veneer Finish shall be measured seperately and paid under seperate respective Item)

Aluminium frame works 50 x 25 x 2 mm Kgs.
Hardware for aluminium frame work + Miscellaneous nails / screws Sft
9 mm plywood BWP Sft
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft
beading polish Rft
Laminate Sft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
Hinges, handle, magnet & lock Sft

Wastage 5.0%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 2%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for aluminium frame work Sft
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for beading Rft
Labour for hardware fixing Sft
Labour for laminate fixing Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT
Curved Wall - P8 (1st to 3rd floor) - Free Stannding (One End Free Partitions)

Providing & Fixing Free Standing Partition Made of GI Square Hollow Pipe. Main Frame / Vertical Members shall b
120mmX60mmX4mm and for Inter-connections - Pipe of size 50mmX25mmX2mm shall be used alongwith necess
The Main Frame Stands on Floor fixed with 8mm Thick MS Plate anchored with Hilti Anchor of approved Make Fas
Floor. All Frame Structure shall have Welded connections. Additional pips of suitable size shall be used to make Lig
The Frame shall be cladded with 12mm Marine Ply OR 6mmX2 layer Flexible Plywood of Marine grade IS710 on bo
following 12.5mm Thick Standard Gypsum Board on both the Side. The Rate shall be inclusive of making light cove
as shown in the Drawing etc. completed with necessary TW Beading / Metal Edge Beading / Corner etc. complete
Architect's drawing and as directed by Project Manager.
The Contractor shall require to prepare Shop Drawing for prior approval from Architect's / before execution.
Rockwool & SS Skirting shall be considered under seperate Items for Payment.

Rate analysis for 1200 x 2400 mm size :
Curve Ratio
Main Frame 120 x 60 x 4 mm pipe total length
Base Plate 300 x 300 x 8 mm
Inter connections 50 x 20 x 2 mm pipe total length
MS Frame 120 x 60 x 4 mm Kgs.
Base Plate 300 x 300 x 8 mm Kgs.
MS Frame 50 x 20 x 2 mm Kgs.
12 mm plywood BWP Sft
12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft
Screw Sft
Hilti anchor fastener Nos

Wastage 5.0%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 2%
A Total Material Per No
A Total Material Per Sft
Labour for fabrication & fixing MS frame work (including red oxide primer
coat with mtl on MS frame)
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for gy board fixing Sft
B Total Labour Per No
B Total Labour Per Sft
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


Steps in Hub Room
Providing & Fixing Main frame of Aluminium box section of 50x50x2mm @ 300mm c/c as per Design/drawing clad
thick Ply of IS 710 Marine Grade using necessary screws/hardwares/anchor fasteners etc. completed as per Archi
Project Manager.
Measurement will be considered in Area - Sq.Mt. finished area.
(Detail No: FD 6)

Aluminium frame works 50 x 50 x 2 mm Kgs.
Hardware for aluminium frame work Sft
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
Laminate Sft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft

Wastage 10.0%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Total Material in SFT
Labour for aluminium frame work Sft
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft
Labour for laminate fixing Sft
Total Labour in SFT
Total Labour in Material + Labour In SMT


3.00 FLUSH DOOR (Detail No: AD-CT-DD-37)

Providing & fixing in position 40 mm thick Wooden Single shutter Flush Door with 1 mm thick laminate on both sid
40mm lipping patti with Teak wood on all edges. Rate is inclusive of s.s.fixtures & fittings, such as Stainless Steel P
TYPE) Back to back Fixing 25 mm Dia X220 C/C 300 O/A, SSM+SSP(903.11.460) SS Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both
bolts, mortise locking arrangement, DCL 35 ,Concealed Cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold ope
as per vendor details, Mortise Cylinder dead Lock case, 55 mm Backset,24 mm Forend (911.22.551) EURO profile T
Cylinder with key operation, 450 x 600mm aluminum ventilation grill powder coated,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both
Melamine polish , Ball Bering Butt Hinge, SS304,SSS,4"X3"X3 MM -2BB, Square corner, with timber door screw(92
architect's detailed drg. And design complete and as approved by Project Manager.

a Single shutter Flush Door- D9 (T.W Frame 100 X60 MM Both side with melamine polish) (1500 mm x 2100 mm)
b Single shutter Flush Door- D9A (T.W Frame 100 X60 MM Both side with melamine polish) (900X2100)
c Single shutter Flush Door with Louvers - D9B (T.W Frame 100 X60 MM Both side with melamine polish) (900 mm
Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 900
Door Frame : 60
Wood for door frame Cft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft
Foam for fixing door frame Rft
Door :
40 mm thk flush door Sft
Laminate Sft
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft
beading polish Rft
Vision panel Nos
Door Hardware :
DCL 35, concealed cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4, slide
track arm, hold open, fire rated, CE
H Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 220 C/C 300 O/A
Max. Door Thickness - 55mm, SSM + SSP
Mortise Cylinder Dead Lockcase, 55Mm Backset, 24Mm Forend Nos
Euro Profile Thumb Turn Cylinder With Key, 31.5+31.5 =
63Mm, Non-Masterkeyed
Escutcheon For The Lever Handle, SSM Pair

Tower Bolt Nos

Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


3.00 FLUSH DOOR (Detail No: AD-CT-DD-37)
Providing & fixing in position 40 mm thick Wooden Single shutter Flush Door with 1 mm thick laminate on both sid
40mm lipping patti with Teak wood on all edges. Rate is inclusive of s.s.fixtures & fittings, such as Stainless Steel P
TYPE) Back to back Fixing 25 mm Dia X220 C/C 300 O/A, SSM+SSP(903.11.460) SS Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both
bolts, mortise locking arrangement, DCL 35 ,Concealed Cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold ope
as per vendor details, Mortise Cylinder dead Lock case, 55 mm Backset,24 mm Forend (911.22.551) EURO profile T
Cylinder with key operation, 450 x 600mm aluminum ventilation grill powder coated,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both
Melamine polish , Ball Bering Butt Hinge, SS304,SSS,4"X3"X3 MM -2BB, Square corner, with timber door screw(92
architect's detailed drg. And design complete and as approved by Project Manager.

a Single shutter Flush Door with Louvers - D6 (T.W Frame 100 x 60 MM Both side with melamine polish) (900 mm x
b Single shutter Flush Door with Louvers - D6A (T.W Frame 100 x 60 MM Both side with melamine polish) (900 mm
j Single shutter Flush Door with Louvers - D9B (T.W Frame 100 X60 MM Both side with melamine polish) (900 mm
Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 900
Door Frame : 60
Wood for door frame Cft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft
Foam for fixing door frame Rft
Door :
40 mm thk flush door Sft
Laminate Sft
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft
beading polish Rft
Vision panel Nos
Door Hardware :
DCL 35, concealed cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4, slide
track arm, hold open, fire rated, CE
H Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 220 C/C 300 O/A
Max. Door Thickness - 55mm, SSM + SSP
Mortise Cylinder Dead Lockcase, 55Mm Backset, 24Mm Forend Nos
Euro Profile Thumb Turn Cylinder With Key, 31.5+31.5 =
63Mm, Non-Masterkeyed
Escutcheon For The Lever Handle, SSM Pair

Tower Bolt Nos

Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


3.00 FLUSH DOOR (Detail No: AD-CT-DD-37)

Providing & fixing in position 40 mm thick Wooden Single shutter Flush Door with 1 mm thick laminate on both sid
40mm lipping patti with Teak wood on all edges. Rate is inclusive of s.s.fixtures & fittings, such as Stainless Steel P
TYPE) Back to back Fixing 25 mm Dia X220 C/C 300 O/A, SSM+SSP(903.11.460) SS Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both
bolts, mortise locking arrangement, DCL 35 ,Concealed Cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold ope
as per vendor details, Mortise Cylinder dead Lock case, 55 mm Backset,24 mm Forend (911.22.551) EURO profile T
Cylinder with key operation, 450 x 600mm aluminum ventilation grill powder coated,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both
Melamine polish , Ball Bering Butt Hinge, SS304,SSS,4"X3"X3 MM -2BB, Square corner, with timber door screw(92
architect's detailed drg. And design complete and as approved by Project Manager.

c Single shutter Flush Door with Louvers - BD4 (T.W Frame 100 X60 MM Both side with melamine polish) (750 mm x
Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 750
Door Frame : 60
Wood for door frame Cft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft
Foam for fixing door frame Rft
Door :
40 mm thk flush door Sft
Laminate Sft
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft
beading polish Rft
Vision panel Nos
Door Hardware :
DCL 35, concealed cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4, slide
track arm, hold open, fire rated, CE
H Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 220 C/C 300 O/A
Max. Door Thickness - 55mm, SSM + SSP
Mortise Cylinder Dead Lockcase, 55Mm Backset, 24Mm Forend Nos
Euro Profile Thumb Turn Cylinder With Key, 31.5+31.5 =
63Mm, Non-Masterkeyed
Escutcheon For The Lever Handle, SSM Pair
Tower Bolt Nos
Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


3.00 FLUSH DOOR (Detail No: AD-CT-DD-37)

Providing & fixing in position 40 mm thick Wooden Single shutter Flush Door with 1 mm thick laminate on both sid
40mm lipping patti with Teak wood on all edges. Rate is inclusive of s.s.fixtures & fittings, such as Stainless Steel P
TYPE) Back to back Fixing 25 mm Dia X220 C/C 300 O/A, SSM+SSP(903.11.460) SS Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both
bolts, mortise locking arrangement, DCL 35 ,Concealed Cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold ope
as per vendor details, Mortise Cylinder dead Lock case, 55 mm Backset,24 mm Forend (911.22.551) EURO profile T
Cylinder with key operation, 450 x 600mm aluminum ventilation grill powder coated,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both
Melamine polish , Ball Bering Butt Hinge, SS304,SSS,4"X3"X3 MM -2BB, Square corner, with timber door screw(92
architect's detailed drg. And design complete and as approved by Project Manager.

d single shutter two way flush door - D7 (T.W Frame 100 x 60 MM Both side with melamine polish) (1200X2400)
Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 1200
Door Frame : 60
Wood for door frame Cft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft
Foam for fixing door frame Rft
Door :
40 mm thk flush door Sft
Laminate Sft
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft
beading polish Rft
Vision panel Nos
Door Hardware :
FS 2104 Double Action Floor Spring with 90° Hold Open and SS Cover plate,
Size 4 (Without accessories), Max. door leaf weight 120kg ,SS Matt,For door PC
widths 1000-1200mm

Double Action accessories for Floor Spring suitable for Timber doors SET

Mortise Cylinder Dead Lockcase, 55Mm Backset, 24Mm Forend, SSM PC

Euro Profile Thumb Turn Cylinder With Key, 31.5+31.5 = 63Mm, Non-
Masterkeyed, SN
Escutcheon For The Lever Handle, SSM PR
H Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 220 C/C 300 O/A
Max. Door Thickness - 55mm, SSM + SSP
Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 300Mm C/C
Max. Door Thickness - 105mm, SSM

Tower Bolt Nos

Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


3.00 FLUSH DOOR (Detail No: AD-CT-DD-37)

Providing & fixing in position 40 mm thick Wooden Single shutter Flush Door with 1 mm thick laminate on both sid
40mm lipping patti with Teak wood on all edges. Rate is inclusive of s.s.fixtures & fittings, such as Stainless Steel P
TYPE) Back to back Fixing 25 mm Dia X220 C/C 300 O/A, SSM+SSP(903.11.460) SS Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both
bolts, mortise locking arrangement, DCL 35 ,Concealed Cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold ope
as per vendor details, Mortise Cylinder dead Lock case, 55 mm Backset,24 mm Forend (911.22.551) EURO profile T
Cylinder with key operation, 450 x 600mm aluminum ventilation grill powder coated,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both
Melamine polish , Ball Bering Butt Hinge, SS304,SSS,4"X3"X3 MM -2BB, Square corner, with timber door screw(92
architect's detailed drg. And design complete and as approved by Project Manager.
e single shutter two way flush door - D7A (T.W Frame 100 x 60 MM Both side with melamine polish) (1200X2100)
Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 1200
Door Frame : 60
Wood for door frame Cft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft
Foam for fixing door frame Rft
Door :
40 mm thk flush door Sft
Laminate Sft
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft
beading polish Rft
Vision panel Nos

Door Hardware :
FS 2104 Double Action Floor Spring with 90° Hold Open and SS Cover plate,
Size 4 (Without accessories), Max. door leaf weight 120kg ,SS Matt,For door PC
widths 1000-1200mm

Double Action accessories for Floor Spring suitable for Timber doors SET

Mortise Cylinder Dead Lockcase, 55Mm Backset, 24Mm Forend, SSM PC

Euro Profile Thumb Turn Cylinder With Key, 31.5+31.5 = 63Mm, Non-
Masterkeyed, SN
Escutcheon For The Lever Handle, SSM PR
H Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 220 C/C 300 O/A
Max. Door Thickness - 55mm, SSM + SSP
Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 300Mm C/C
Max. Door Thickness - 105mm, SSM

Tower Bolt Nos

Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


3.00 FLUSH DOOR (Detail No: AD-CT-DD-37)

Providing & fixing in position 40 mm thick Wooden Single shutter Flush Door with 1 mm thick laminate on both sid
40mm lipping patti with Teak wood on all edges. Rate is inclusive of s.s.fixtures & fittings, such as Stainless Steel P
TYPE) Back to back Fixing 25 mm Dia X220 C/C 300 O/A, SSM+SSP(903.11.460) SS Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both
bolts, mortise locking arrangement, DCL 35 ,Concealed Cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold ope
as per vendor details, Mortise Cylinder dead Lock case, 55 mm Backset,24 mm Forend (911.22.551) EURO profile T
Cylinder with key operation, 450 x 600mm aluminum ventilation grill powder coated,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both
Melamine polish , Ball Bering Butt Hinge, SS304,SSS,4"X3"X3 MM -2BB, Square corner, with timber door screw(92
architect's detailed drg. And design complete and as approved by Project Manager.

f single shutter two way flush door - BD5 (T.W Frame 100 x 60 MM Both side with melamine polish) (900X2100)
Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 900
Door Frame : 60
Wood for door frame Cft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft
Foam for fixing door frame Rft
Door :
40 mm thk flush door Sft
Laminate Sft
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft
beading polish Rft
Vision panel Nos

Door Hardware :
FS 2104 Double Action Floor Spring with 90° Hold Open and SS Cover plate,
Size 4 (Without accessories), Max. door leaf weight 120kg ,SS Matt,For door PC
widths 1000-1200mm

Double Action accessories for Floor Spring suitable for Timber doors SET

Mortise Cylinder Dead Lockcase, 55Mm Backset, 24Mm Forend, SSM PC

Euro Profile Thumb Turn Cylinder With Key, 31.5+31.5 = 63Mm, Non-
Masterkeyed, SN
Escutcheon For The Lever Handle, SSM PR
H Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 220 C/C 300 O/A
Max. Door Thickness - 55mm, SSM + SSP
Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 300Mm C/C
Max. Door Thickness - 105mm, SSM
Tower Bolt Nos
Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


Providing & fixing of in position 40 mm thick 1st quality water proof Single shutter Flush Door with 1.5mm thick l
sides with 12x35mm lipping patti on all egdes. Rate is inclusive of s.s.fixtures & fittings, such as handles on both si
9.00 locking arrangement,, door stopper of make 450 x 150mm aluminum ventilation grill powder coated, as per archit
drg.and design complete. (Detail No: PD10)
Hardware to be followed from the Hardware Annexure attached.

9.20 Flush door -D5 (900 x 2400) with 125 mm x60 mm teak wood frame (Toilet door)

Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 900
Door Frame : 60
Wood for door frame Cft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft
Foam for fixing door frame Rft
Door :
40 mm thk flush door Sft
Laminate Sft
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft
beading polish Rft
Vision panel Nos
Mortise Cylinder Lockcase 55Mm BS, 72Mm CN, 24Mm SQ FR Nos
Tower Bolt Nos
Door Closer - Surface Mounted (Open) Nos
DC 85 concealed door closer - Doorset Make Nos
Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


Providing,DOOR (Provisional
making and fixingItem)
of 55mm thick Single leaf ply door using of 50mm x 25mm x2mm thick aluminium bo
C/C) and 12mm BWP marine
ply (IS710 grade) on both side including fixing Teak Lipping (50mm x19mm) all-around with two faces Veneer of 3.
approved Make with required fitting such as Concealed Door closer, Mortise Lock, Solid Wooden Handle, Stopper,
necessary fitting Hafele make as specified in drawings, including cost of labour etc. complete in
all respect. The Veneer surface shall have Groove finished with Melamine Polish as per approved shade/finish by A
make of Flush Door is Green Club Doors or equivalent with Termite and Borer Proof. The Door shutter shall be pro
vertically as well as horizontally with the finished floor according to specification and
recommendations etc. complete as per drawing and as directed by the Project Manager.
Hardware as per Annexure Unit
Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 900
Door Frame : 60
Wood for door frame Cft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft
Foam for fixing door frame Rft
Door :
50mm x 25mm x2mm thick aluminium box pipe (400mm C/C) Kgs
50mm x 25mm x2mm thick aluminium box pipe (400mm C/C) Kgs
40 mm thk flush door Sft
12mm Marine Ply (IS 710) - As per below given make, specs & warranty Sft
Veneer Sft
PU Polish - Veneer (Material + Labour) - Door Sft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Sft
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft
beading polish Rft
Vision panel Nos

Door Hardware :
DCL 35, concealed cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4, slide
track arm, hold open, fire rated, CE
H Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 220 C/C 300 O/A
Max. Door Thickness - 55mm, SSM + SSP
Mortise Cylinder Dead Lockcase, 55Mm Backset, 24Mm Forend Nos
Euro Profile Thumb Turn Cylinder With Key, 31.5+31.5 =
63Mm, Non-Masterkeyed
Escutcheon For The Lever Handle, SSM Pair

Tower Bolt Nos

Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


single shutter flush door - D10 (900X2400) (4th floor board room)
Providing & fixing 100 mm x60 mm teak wood frame in position 40 mm thick wooden Single shutter Flush Door w
12.00 veneer & 1/8th Grooves on both sides with 12x35mm lipping patti on all egdes. Rate is inclusive of s.s.fixtures & fi
handles on both sides, tower bolts, locking arrangement,, door stopper of make 450 x 150mm aluminum ventilati
coated, as per architect's detailed drg.and design complete.Hardware to be followed from the Hardware Annexur

Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 900
Door Frame : 60
Wood for door frame Cft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft
Foam for fixing door frame Rft
Door :
40 mm thk flush door Sft
Veneer Sft
PU Polish - Veneer (Material + Labour) - Door Sft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Sft
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft
beading polish Rft
Vision panel Nos
Mortise Cylinder Lockcase 55Mm BS, 72Mm CN, 24Mm SQ FR Nos
Pull Handle - 1200mm Pair
Tower Bolt Nos
Door Closer - Surface Mounted (Open) Nos
DC 85 concealed door closer - Doorset Make Nos
Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


2 hours Fire Rated Door with vision panel - D3(1000X2400) providing and fixing Single shutter 2 hours fire rating co
IS :3614 (part 2),BS 476 (Parts 20 & 22 ),ISO 834; 45 mm Thick fully flush ,double skin door shell with lock seam joi
made from 1.25 mm Thick galvanized steel sheet including door frame made from 1.6mm thick galvanized steel sh
double rebate profile of size 143 mm x57 mm as per manufactures instruction.door frames and shutter primed wi
phosphate stoving primer and fiished with polyurethane aliphatic grade or epoxy paint including ironmongery cco
stainless steel ball bearing butt hinges 3 mm thick fixed flush to the frame and shutter ,full width horizontal handl
bar )concealed flush bolts,door closers, others standards fixtures and fasteners etc .complete for the following cle
Hardware to be followed from the Hardware Annexure attached.
Hardware to be followed from the Hardware Annexure attached.
(service room)

Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 1000
Door Frame : 60
Wood for door frame Cft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft
Foam for fixing door frame Rft
Door :
40 mm thk flush door (2 hours fira rated door) Sft
Veneer Sft
PU Polish - Veneer (Material + Labour) - Door Sft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Sft
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft
beading polish Rft
Vision panel - 200 X 600 mm (fire rated glass vision panel) Nos
Mortise Cylinder Lockcase 55Mm BS, 72Mm CN, 24Mm SQ FR Nos
Tower Bolt Nos
Door Closer - Surface Mounted (Open) Nos
DC 85 concealed door closer - Doorset Make Nos
Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft
Intumescent Fire Seals Rft
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT

Gypsum Plaster - Revised Rate Analysis - R0

1.00 Thick (mm) mm
2.00 Bag Price (Ex- Delhi) Rs./25 Kg Bag
3.00 GSt @ 5% Rs./Bag
4.00 Local Freight Rs./Bag
5.00 Subtotal Price Rs./Bag
6.00 Coverage per Bag Sqft./Bag
7.00 Material Cost Rs./Sqft.
8.00 Labour Rate Rs./Sqft.
9.00 Bond It Application only on RCC Rs./Sqft.
10.00 Fiber Mesh Application only on junctions Rs./Sqft.
11.00 Contractor's Margin @ 10% Rs./Sqft.
12.00 Final Apply Supply Cost Rs./Sqft.
13.00 Cost Per Sqm

Note : Overheads, Lifting & Shifting charges, PF, ESI to be added as actuals

15.00 Material Lift/Hoist
Water & Electricity
Labour Hutment
All applicable taxes

16.00 Final Apply Supply Cost Rs./Sqft.

17.00 Final Apply Supply Cost Per Sqm Rs./Sqm

6.2 Gypsum Punning

Providing and applying of POP Punning upto average 12 mm thick to make surface smooth and levelled and as
directed by the Project Manager. POP powder of Gyproc Xpert (Gypsum stucco plast of premium fine quality suita
for plastered walls and ceilings) or its equivalent approved POP material as per the manufacturer`s detailed
specifications etc. The rate shall include providing of necessary staging/scaffolding, cleaning of floor from fall off P
material shall be done by the Contractor. The job shall include hacking the existing surface for proper bond and a
include making groove as per drawings and directed by Project Manger.
(i) Surface treated area only shall be measured for payments. No extra payment shall be paid for making groove (
lobby area, executive toilet, columns, service room )

Gypsum Plaster - Revised Rate Analysis - R0

1.00 Thick (mm) mm
Bag Price (Ex- Ahmedabad) Preksha Marketing - 18.05.2022-Inclusive GST -
2.00 Rs./20 Kg Bag
Gyproc X-Pert
3.00 GSt @ 5% Rs./Bag
4.00 Local Freight @ 3% Rs./Bag
5.00 Subtotal Price Rs./Bag
6.00 Coverage per Bag Sqft./Bag
7.00 Material Cost Rs./Sqft.
8.00 Labour Rate Rs./Sqft.
9.00 Bond It Application only on RCC Rs./Sqft.
10.00 Fiber Mesh Application only on junctions Rs./Sqft.
11.00 Contractor's Margin @ 10% Rs./Sqft.
12.00 Final Apply Supply Cost Rs./Sqft.
13.00 Cost Per Sqm

Note : Overheads, Lifting & Shifting charges, PF, ESI to be added as actuals

15.00 Material Lift/Hoist
Water & Electricity
Labour Hutment
All applicable taxes

16.00 Final Apply Supply Cost Rs./Sqft.

17.00 Final Apply Supply Cost Per Sqm Rs./Sqm


Providing and fixing D-01 at Single Leaf Lift Lobby Entrance ( Size 1200mm x 2400mm) & (900x 2400). Door shutte
12mm Thick Toughen Glass(extra clear Glass ), approved necessary hardware as per schedule. Work including of fi
alignment of floor spring, Fixing All Kind of patch fittings & Handle, Template, Hole and gala cutting in glass, CEP, B
protection film on glass etc. Work Also Including of All Lead & Lift, at All Levels & Height, Transportation, etc. com
detail Drawing, Specification, Instruction of Architect and Site In-Charge.
Floor Spring - 90kg
Top, Bottom Patch / Pivot SS Brush Finish
Lock Patch - SS Brush Finish
"H" Shaped Handle SS Brush Finish
Hardware to be followed from the Hardware Annexure attached.

Providing anf fixing of Toughened Glass (Extra clear Glass) with Patch Fitting Doorsingle Leaf (1200X2400) (D1)
(Lobby door)
Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 1200
Door :
12 mm thick toughned extra clear glass Sft
Khacha / hole Nos.
Top Pivot - Ozone Make Nos

Ozone Make - FS-9400 - Heavy Duty Double

Cylinder Floor Spring
• Maximum door weight 150Kg.
• Maximum door width 1100mm Nos
• Installation dimension: Length306mm, Width-108mm, Height40mm We
have ss cover for Floor
Spring width only

OPF-2 Top Patch • Variable pivot

point of 55 or 65mm • With SS 304•Finish: SSS

OPF-3 Bottom Patch • Variable

pivot point of 55 or 65mm• With SS
304 cover• Finish: SSS

OPL-1 Corner Patch Lock with

Strike Plate • With Euro profile
cylinder and strike plate • Dead
bolt projection of 15mm (single

OGH-55-25mm x450mm-H Type

Pull Handle 450mm back to back
fixing for glass, wood and metal Nos
doors in satin stainless steel.
Length = 450mm, 25mm dia, -FinishSSS, 304 Grade;

Pull Handle - 1200 mm Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Glass Openable Door Fixing Nos
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


Providing and fixing D-01 at Single Leaf Lift Lobby Entrance ( Size 1200mm x 2400mm) & (900x 2400). Door shutte
12mm Thick Toughen Glass(extra clear Glass ), approved necessary hardware as per schedule. Work including of fi
alignment of floor spring, Fixing All Kind of patch fittings & Handle, Template, Hole and gala cutting in glass, CEP, B
protection film on glass etc. Work Also Including of All Lead & Lift, at All Levels & Height, Transportation, etc. com
detail Drawing, Specification, Instruction of Architect and Site In-Charge.
Floor Spring - 90kg
Top, Bottom Patch / Pivot SS Brush Finish
Lock Patch - SS Brush Finish
"H" Shaped Handle SS Brush Finish
Hardware to be followed from the Hardware Annexure attached.

Providing and fixing of Toughened Glass (Extra clear Glass) Door - D2(900X2400) (Cabins/ Rooms)
(Detail No: PD14)
Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 900
Door :
12 mm thick toughned extra clear glass Sft
Khacha / hole Nos.
Top Pivot - Ozone Make Nos

Ozone Make - FS-9400 - Heavy Duty Double

Cylinder Floor Spring
• Maximum door weight 150Kg.
• Maximum door width 1100mm Nos
• Installation dimension: Length306mm, Width-108mm, Height40mm We
have ss cover for Floor
Spring width only

OPF-2 Top Patch • Variable pivot

point of 55 or 65mm • With SS 304•Finish: SSS

OPF-3 Bottom Patch • Variable

pivot point of 55 or 65mm• With SS
304 cover• Finish: SSS

OPL-1 Corner Patch Lock with

Strike Plate • With Euro profile
cylinder and strike plate • Dead
bolt projection of 15mm (single
OGH-55-25mm x450mm-H Type
Pull Handle 450mm back to back
fixing for glass, wood and metal Nos
doors in satin stainless steel.
Length = 450mm, 25mm dia, -FinishSSS, 304 Grade;

Pull Handle - 1200 mm Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Glass Openable Door Fixing Nos
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


2 way single shutter glass door -D12 ( 1000X2400) (kithcen)

15.0 Providing & fixing 12 mm thk Single Leaf two way toughened & Lamintaed With Clear glass door with top & bottom
Floor spring, Door stoppers. Bottom locks and all required accessories (1 x 2.40mtr) (KITCHEN )

Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 1000
Door :
12 mm thick toughned glass Sft
Khacha / hole Nos.
Top Pivot - Ozone Make Nos

Ozone Make - FS-9400 - Heavy Duty Double

Cylinder Floor Spring
• Maximum door weight 150Kg.
• Maximum door width 1100mm Nos
• Installation dimension: Length306mm, Width-108mm, Height40mm We
have ss cover for Floor
Spring width only

OPF-2 Top Patch • Variable pivot

point of 55 or 65mm • With SS 304•Finish: SSS

OPF-3 Bottom Patch • Variable

pivot point of 55 or 65mm• With SS
304 cover• Finish: SSS
OPL-1 Corner Patch Lock with
Strike Plate • With Euro profile
cylinder and strike plate • Dead
bolt projection of 15mm (single

OGH-55-25mm x450mm-H Type

Pull Handle 450mm back to back
fixing for glass, wood and metal Nos
doors in satin stainless steel.
Length = 450mm, 25mm dia, -FinishSSS, 304 Grade;

Pull Handle - 1200 mm Nos

Wastage sft
Miscellaneous Hardware sft
A Material cost sft
Transportation on A
B transport, loading and unloding
C Total A+B
Labour - Glass Openable Door Fixing Nos
Total Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per No
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT


3. Concierge Side Table (BU3A) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67D)

SITC of table size 1800mm X 400mm X ht 650mm
Providing and fixing Plywood framework for the table. Skin to be clad in marine ply 19mm thick of brand as menti
finished in veneer 4m thick on the outside and on the inside with laminate 1mm thick as approved by the architec
The table top to be 4mm veneer over 19mm marine ply as per approved by architect. Details as per the drawings.
Set of drawer’s of size width 500 mm X ht 650mm to be made in marine ply 19mm thick. Each drawer to be of ht 1
finish outside and inside wiht 1mm thick approved Laminate finish with necessary harware fittings.The drawer fra
7.40 12 mm inward tapering finger grooves on top edge of ply.
All hardware for drawer in Haffle. Channels soft close type tele runner type.
Cove light provision to be made as per the detail drawings and as per architect approval.
Groove details of 4mm on veneer to be followed as per the drawings.
The makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned herewith
Veneer to be VP1
Laminate to be LP2
Marble to be M2

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 400.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 382.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 382.00
4.00 Vertcal 362.00
5.00 Shelf 362.00
6.00 Shutter 450.00
7.00 Dr. Front 191.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 116.67
9.00 Dr. Back 116.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 1,800.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 350.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Veneer :
1.00 Top Panel 400.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 382.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 382.00
4.00 Vertcal 362.00
5.00 Shelf 362.00
6.00 Shutter 450.00
7.00 Dr. Front 191.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 116.67
9.00 Dr. Back 116.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,800.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 350.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'


E Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 400.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 382.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 382.00
4.00 Vertcal 362.00
5.00 Shelf 362.00
6.00 Shutter 450.00
7.00 Dr. Front 191.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 116.67
9.00 Dr. Back 116.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,800.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 350.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White

10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,800.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 350.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 400.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 382.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 382.00
4.00 Vertcal 362.00
5.00 Shelf 362.00
6.00 Shutter 450.00
7.00 Dr. Front 191.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 116.67
9.00 Dr. Back 116.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
11.00 Back Panel 1,800.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges - Soft Close
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


service Counter -Conference room (BU13) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67M)

SITC of Counter size 2100mm X 750mm X Height 750mm as per site condition and available lenth.
Providing and fixing Conter top in 19 mm thk marble. The Shutter in 19 mm thk marine ply finished with 4 mm thk
Finish with Teak wood Beading side as per selection. The makes for the above furniture to be followed as mention
7.13 (329.05619)& Hafele -Full Crank Duomatic Counceal Hinges+2mm Mounting plate (329.05609) as per architect ap
of ply . 12 mm slits for ventilation on side shutter as per drawing detail.
Marble to be M2
Veneer to be VP1
Laminate to be LP2

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 712.00
6.00 Shutter 525.00
7.00 Dr. Front 225.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 150.00
9.00 Dr. Back 150.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 2,100.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 700.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Veneer :
1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 712.00
6.00 Shutter 525.00
7.00 Dr. Front 225.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 150.00
9.00 Dr. Back 150.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 2,100.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 700.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'


E Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 712.00
6.00 Shutter 525.00
7.00 Dr. Front 225.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 150.00
9.00 Dr. Back 150.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 2,100.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 700.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White

10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 2,100.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 712.00
6.00 Shutter 525.00
7.00 Dr. Front 225.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 150.00
9.00 Dr. Back 150.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
11.00 Back Panel 2,100.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges - Soft Close
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


14 Expereience Lounge TV unit (BU14) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67N)

SITC of storage of size 4000mm X depth 450mm x 600mm height as per site condition and available length.
Providing and fixing Console unit in 19mm marine ply with Veneer 4mm thick on the outside & inside 1mm thick
per mentioned in the drawing. The shelves to be made in 19mm marine ply with 1mm Lamnate both sides with PV
concealed haffelle shelf support 70 x 11 and door hinges of full crank duomatic conceal 2mm mounting plate. Skir
finger grooves on top edge of ply. All hardware for drawer in Haffelle as approved by architect.
Veneer to be (VP1)
Laminate to be (LP2)

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 400.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 4,000.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Veneer :
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 400.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,200.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'


E Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 400.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 2,800.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White

10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 2,800.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 400.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
11.00 Back Panel 2,800.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges - Soft Close
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


TV Lounge console storage unit (BU23)(Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67Y) 9th Floor TV Lounge
SITC of storage of size 3000mm (L) x 600mm (H) x 450mm (D) as per site condition and available length.
Providing and fixing Console unit in 19mm marine ply with Veneer 4mm thick on the outside & inside 1mm thick
per mentioned in the drawing. The shelves to be made in 19mm marine ply with 1mm Lamnate both sides with PV
concealed haffelle shelf support 70 x 11 and door hinges of full crank duomatic conceal 2mm mounting plate. Skir
finger grooves on top edge of ply. All hardware for drawer in Haffelle as approved by architect.
Veneer to be (VP1)
Laminate to be (LP2)

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 450.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 3,000.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Veneer :
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 450.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,200.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'


E Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 450.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,800.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White

10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,800.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 450.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
11.00 Back Panel 1,800.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges - Soft Close
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


15. TV Lounge Front Unit (BU15) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67O)

SITC of storage of size 2700mm X depth 450mm x 600mm height as per site condition and available length.
Providing and fixing Console unit in 19mm marine ply with Veneer 4mm thick on the outside & inside 1mm thick
per mentioned in the drawing. The shelves to be made in 19mm marine ply with 1mm Lamnate both sides with PV
concealed haffelle shelf support 70 x 11 and door hinges of full crank duomatic conceal 2mm mounting plate. Skir
finger grooves on top edge of ply. All hardware for drawer in Haffelle as approved by architect.
Veneer to be (VP1)
Laminate to be (LP2)

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 425.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 2,700.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Veneer :
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 425.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,000.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'


E Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 425.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,700.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White

10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,700.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 432.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 412.00
5.00 Shelf 412.00
6.00 Shutter 425.00
7.00 Dr. Front 175.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 100.00
9.00 Dr. Back 100.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
11.00 Back Panel 1,700.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges - Soft Close
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


TV Lounge back Unit (BU15A) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67P)

SITC of storage of size 1500mm X 750mm X depth 750mm
Providing and fixing framework in 19mm marine ply with Veneer 4mm thick on the outside & 1mm thcik Laminat
as per mentioned in the drawing. The Shutter in 19 mm thk marine ply finished with veneer. Set of drawer’s of siz
of ht 150mm and Depth 750mm. The drawer framework to be marine ply with 4mm venner finish and teak wood
tapering finger grooves on top edge of ply . Refer drawing . The shelves to be in the framework of 19mm marine p
approved by architect. Skirting to be in 75mm finished in veneer 4mm thick.
The makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned here with .
Veneer to be (VP1)
Laminate to be (LP2)

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 687.00
6.00 Shutter 500.00
7.00 Dr. Front 150.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 95.00
9.00 Dr. Back 95.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 1,500.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 600.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Veneer :
1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 687.00
6.00 Shutter 500.00
7.00 Dr. Front 150.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 95.00
9.00 Dr. Back 95.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,500.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 600.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'


E Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 687.00
6.00 Shutter 500.00
7.00 Dr. Front 150.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 90.00
9.00 Dr. Back 95.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,500.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 600.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White

10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,500.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 600.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 687.00
6.00 Shutter 500.00
7.00 Dr. Front 150.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 95.00
9.00 Dr. Back 95.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
11.00 Back Panel 1,500.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges - Soft Close
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


TV Lounge back unit (BU15B) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67Q)

SITC of storage of size 4000mm X 750mm X depth 750mm
Providing and fixing framework in 19mm marine ply with Veneer 4mm thick on the outside & 1mm thcik Laminat
as per mentioned in the drawing. The Shutter in 19 mm thk marine ply finished with veneer. Set of drawer’s of siz
of ht 150mm and Depth 750mm. The drawer framework to be marine ply with 4mm venner finish and teak wood
tapering finger grooves on top edge of ply . Refer drawing . The shelves to be in the framework of 19mm marine p
approved by architect. Skirting to be in 75mm finished in veneer 4mm thick.
The makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned here with .
Veneer to be (VP1)
Laminate to be (LP2)

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 687.00
6.00 Shutter 500.00
7.00 Dr. Front 150.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 95.00
9.00 Dr. Back 95.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 4,000.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 600.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Veneer :
1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 687.00
6.00 Shutter 500.00
7.00 Dr. Front 150.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 95.00
9.00 Dr. Back 95.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 4,000.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 600.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'


E Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 687.00
6.00 Shutter 500.00
7.00 Dr. Front 150.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 90.00
9.00 Dr. Back 95.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 4,000.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 600.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White

10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 4,000.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 600.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 750.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 732.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 732.00
4.00 Vertcal 712.00
5.00 Shelf 687.00
6.00 Shutter 500.00
7.00 Dr. Front 150.00
8.00 Dr. Sides 95.00
9.00 Dr. Back 95.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
11.00 Back Panel 4,000.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges - Soft Close
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


5. Pigeon Box storage CMR room (BU5) (Refer sheet no -AD-CT-FF-67E)

SITC of storage of size 4775 mm X 2400 mm x 450mm
7.5 Providing and fixing framework in 19mm Marine ply finished in laminate 1mm thick inside with dhar patti in lamin
in laminate as per detail drawings and approved by Project Manger. A skirting of 75mm to be provided finished in
Laminate to be LP1

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 450.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 430.00
5.00 Shelf 4,775.00
6.00 Shutter 1,591.67
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 9 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 4,775.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 450.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 430.00
5.00 Shelf 4,775.00
6.00 Shutter 1,591.67
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 4,775.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 450.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 430.00
5.00 Shelf 4,775.00
6.00 Shutter 1,591.67
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 4,775.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 450.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 450.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 432.00
4.00 Vertcal 430.00
7.00 Shelf 4,775.00
8.00 Shutter 1,591.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
11.00 Back Panel 4,775.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle - ROUND RAIL BAR HANDLE HAFALE (101.20.078)
10.00 Shelf Support - CONCEALED SHELF SUPPORT 76X11 (283.39.015)
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :

6.Gents Toilet Storage Unit (BU6) (Refer Sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67F)
SITC of Counter size 1730mm X 600 mm X Height 350mm as per site condition and available lenth.
Providing and fixing of the Shutter in 19 mm thk marine ply finished with 1 mm thk laminate ( LP6) on outsides an
The makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned herewith. Hafele-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hin
Hinges + 2mm Mounting plate (329.05609) as per architect approved material. Shutters to have 12 mm inward ta
Laminate to be LP5, LP6

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 432.50

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 1,730.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 432.50
1.00 Back Panel 1,730.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 432.50
1.00 Back Panel 1,730.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
8.00 Shutter 432.50
11.00 Back Panel 1,730.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Shelf Support - CONCEALED SHELF SUPPORT 76X11 (283.39.015)
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


7.Phy.cha/Exc toilet Storage Unit (BU7) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67G)

SITC of Counter size 1200mm X 600mm X Height 350mm as per site condition and available lenth.
Providing and fixing of the Shutter in 19 mm thk marine ply finished with 1 mm thk laminate ( LP6) on outsides an
The makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned herewith. Hafele-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hin
Hinges + 2mm Mounting plate (329.05609) as per architect approved material. Shutters to have 12 mm inward ta
Laminate to be LP5, LP6
A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 600.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 1,200.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 600.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,200.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 600.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,200.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
8.00 Shutter 600.00
11.00 Back Panel 1,200.00
G Hardware & Adhesive :
1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Shelf Support - CONCEALED SHELF SUPPORT 76X11 (283.39.015)
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


8.Gents Toilet 1 Storage Unit (BU8) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67H)

SITC of Counter size 2260mm X 600 mm X Height 350mm as per site condition and available lenth.
Providing and fixing of the Shutter in 19 mm thk marine ply finished with 1 mm thk laminate ( LP6) on outsides an
The makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned herewith. Hafele-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hin
Hinges + 2mm Mounting plate (329.05609) as per architect approved material. Shutters to have 12 mm inward ta
Laminate to be LP5, LP6

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 565.00
Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 2,260.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 565.00
1.00 Back Panel 2,260.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 565.00
1.00 Back Panel 2,260.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
8.00 Shutter 565.00
11.00 Back Panel 2,260.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Shelf Support - CONCEALED SHELF SUPPORT 76X11 (283.39.015)
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


9.Women toilet 1 Storage Unit (BU9) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67I)

SITC of Counter size 1155 mm X 600mm X Height 350mm as per site condition and available lenth.
Providing and fixing of the Shutter in 19 mm thk marine ply finished with 1 mm thk laminate ( LP6) on outsides an
The makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned herewith. Hafele-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hin
Hinges + 2mm Mounting plate (329.05609) as per architect approved material. Shutters to have 12 mm inward ta
Laminate to be LP5, LP6

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 577.50

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 1,155.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 577.50
1.00 Back Panel 1,155.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 577.50
1.00 Back Panel 1,155.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
8.00 Shutter 577.50
11.00 Back Panel 1,155.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Shelf Support - CONCEALED SHELF SUPPORT 76X11 (283.39.015)
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


11.Toilet -2 Exc.toilet Storage Unit (BU11) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67K)

SITC of Counter size 1450 mm X 600mm X Height 350mm as per site condition and available lenth.
Providing and fixing of the Shutter in 19 mm thk marine ply finished with 1 mm thk laminate ( LP6) on outsides an
The makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned herewith. Hafele-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hin
Hinges + 2mm Mounting plate (329.05609) as per architect approved material. Shutters to have 12 mm inward ta
Laminate to be LP5, LP6

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 483.33

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 1,450.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 483.33
1.00 Back Panel 1,450.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 483.33
1.00 Back Panel 1,450.00
Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
8.00 Shutter 483.33
11.00 Back Panel 1,450.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Shelf Support - CONCEALED SHELF SUPPORT 76X11 (283.39.015)
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :

12.Toilet -2 Exc.toilet Storage Unit (BU12) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67L)
SITC of Counter size 1350 mm X 600mm X Height 350mm as per site condition and available lenth.
Providing and fixing of the Shutter in 19 mm thk marine ply finished with 1 mm thk laminate ( LP6) on outsides an
The makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned herewith. Hafele-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hin
Hinges + 2mm Mounting plate (329.05609) as per architect approved material. Shutters to have 12 mm inward ta
Laminate to be LP5, LP6

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 450.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 1,350.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 450.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,350.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 450.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,350.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
8.00 Shutter 450.00
11.00 Back Panel 1,350.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Shelf Support - CONCEALED SHELF SUPPORT 76X11 (283.39.015)
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :

Gents Toilet 2 Storage Unit (BU18) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67S)
SITC of Counter size 1730mm X 600mm X Height 350mm as per site condition and available lenth.
Providing and fixing of the Shutter in 19 mm thk marine ply finished with 1 mm thk laminate ( LP6) on outsides an
The makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned herewith. Hafele-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hin
Hinges + 2mm Mounting plate (329.05609) as per architect approved material. Shutters to have 12 mm inward ta
Laminate to be LP5, LP6

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 502.50

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 2,010.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 502.50
1.00 Back Panel 2,010.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
5.00 Shutter 502.50
1.00 Back Panel 2,010.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 562.00
8.00 Shutter 502.50
11.00 Back Panel 2,010.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Shelf Support - CONCEALED SHELF SUPPORT 76X11 (283.39.015)
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


5.20 Over Head Cabinet (Pantry & Kitchen Area ) (Detail No: AD-CT-PT-29)

Providing & fixing of 300mm Deep overhead storage shutter above kitchen platform in 19 mm thick marine ply o
shelves, fixing of S.S. screw for fixing on back ply, Edge finished with PVC REHAU Edge Beading (1mm/2mm thick),
approved by architect etc.(Front elevational area shall be measured for Measurement for Payment).
(Hardwares : Dorma / Hefele / Equivalent)..( Pantry & recreational area)

A 18 mm Plywood BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 300.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 300.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 300.00
4.00 Vertcal 300.00
5.00 Shelf - 1 300.00
6.00 Shelf - 2 300.00
7.00 Shutter 500.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Plywood BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 2,000.00
Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 300.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 300.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 300.00
4.00 Vertcal 300.00
5.00 Shelf - 1 300.00
6.00 Shelf - 2 300.00
7.00 Shutter 500.00
1.00 Back Panel 2,000.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 300.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 300.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 300.00
4.00 Vertcal 300.00
5.00 Shelf - 1 300.00
6.00 Shelf - 2 300.00
7.00 Shutter 500.00
1.00 Back Panel 2,000.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

G PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 300.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 300.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 300.00
4.00 Vertcal 300.00
5.00 Shelf - 1 300.00
6.00 Shelf - 2 300.00
7.00 Shutter 500.00

H Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel - 350mm
13.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


5.30 Under counter shutter (Detail No: AD-CT-PT-29)

Providing & fixing of under counter shutter for kitchen platform in 19 mm thick marine ply of Marine 710 Grade o
a Edge Beading (1mm/2mm thick), including necessary shelves and solid TW Frame & SS Screws as per approved sa
Accessories, fasteners, screw, adhesive, tools and tackles for all heights, levels etc. and complete as per approved

A 18 mm Plywood BWP :
1.00 Top Patta 65.00
2.00 Bottom Patta 65.00
3.00 Side Patta (Rh/Lh) 65.00
4.00 Vertcal Patta 65.00
5.00 Shelf - 1 65.00
6.00 Shelf - 2 65.00
7.00 Shutter 480.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Plywood BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 2,400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F Laminate :
1.00 Top Patta 65.00
2.00 Bottom Patta 65.00
3.00 Side Patta (Rh/Lh) 65.00
4.00 Vertcal Patta 65.00
5.00 Shelf - 1 65.00
6.00 Shelf - 2 65.00
7.00 Shutter 480.00
1.00 Back Panel 2,400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Patta 65.00
2.00 Bottom Patta 65.00
3.00 Side Patta (Rh/Lh) 65.00
4.00 Vertcal Patta 65.00
5.00 Shelf - 1 65.00
6.00 Shelf - 2 65.00
7.00 Shutter 480.00
1.00 Back Panel 2,400.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

G PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Patta 65.00
2.00 Bottom Patta 65.00
3.00 Side Patta (Rh/Lh) 65.00
4.00 Vertcal Patta 65.00
5.00 Shelf - 1 65.00
6.00 Shelf - 2 65.00
7.00 Shutter 480.00

H Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle - Alu Profile Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel - 350mm
13.00 Miscellaneous Hardware
Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


Drawers Cabinets @ Pantry Counter

Providing and fixing of under counter sliding drawers, 4 nos. made from 19 mm thick marine ply of B.W.P. grade
fixing on back ply, edge finished with PVC REHAU Edge Beading (1mm/2mm thick), including Heavy Sliding Channe
approved by Architect etc. complete.
(Hardwares : Dorma / Hefele / Equivalent)
(Front elevation area will be considered for payment)

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 580.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 580.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 580.00
4.00 Vertcal 555.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 196.67
9.00 Dr. Back 196.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 1,200.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 500.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 580.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 580.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 580.00
4.00 Vertcal 555.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 196.67
9.00 Dr. Back 196.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,200.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 500.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 580.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 580.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 580.00
4.00 Vertcal 555.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 196.67
9.00 Dr. Back 196.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,200.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 500.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 580.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 580.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 580.00
4.00 Vertcal 555.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 196.67
9.00 Dr. Back 196.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00
11.00 Back Panel 1,200.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges - Soft Close
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel - 500mm
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


Janitor Closet (BU20) (400 mm x 650 mm x 2400 mm Height) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67U)
Providing & Fixing Storege cabinate wtih shutters made from 19 mm marine ply finished with 1 mm laminate finis
7.20 19 mm marine ply finished with 1 mm thk laminate (LP5) on both sides mounted with Hafale -concealed shelf sup
laminate finish (LP6) & 12 mm slits for ventilation on outer framework both side Finish with PVC Beading side as p
Laminate to be LP6

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 400.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 400.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 400.00
4.00 Vertcal 400.00
5.00 Shelf 610.00
6.00 Shutter 325.00
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 9 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 650.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 400.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 400.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 400.00
4.00 Vertcal 400.00
5.00 Shelf 610.00
6.00 Shutter 325.00
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 650.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 400.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 400.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 400.00
4.00 Vertcal 400.00
5.00 Shelf 610.00
6.00 Shutter 325.00
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 650.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 400.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 400.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 400.00
4.00 Vertcal 400.00
7.00 Shelf 610.00
8.00 Shutter 325.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
11.00 Back Panel 650.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle - ROUND RAIL BAR HANDLE HAFALE (101.20.078)
10.00 Shelf Support - CONCEALED SHELF SUPPORT 76X11 (283.39.015)
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware
Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


Janitor Closet-(BU21)(1350 mm x 600 mm x 2400 mm Height) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67W)

Providing & Fixing Storege cabinate wtih shutters made from 19 mm marine ply finished with 1 mm laminate finis
7.2 19 mm marine ply finished with 1 mm thk laminate (LP5) on both sides mounted with Hafale -concealed shelf sup
laminate finish (LP6) & 12 mm slits for ventilation on outer framework both side Finish with PVC Beading side as p
Laminate to be LP6

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 550.00
5.00 Shelf 900.00
6.00 Shutter 450.00
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 9 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 1,350.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 550.00
5.00 Shelf 900.00
6.00 Shutter 450.00
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,350.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 550.00
5.00 Shelf 900.00
6.00 Shutter 450.00
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,350.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 550.00
7.00 Shelf 900.00
8.00 Shutter 450.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
11.00 Back Panel 1,350.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle - ROUND RAIL BAR HANDLE HAFALE (101.20.078)
10.00 Shelf Support - CONCEALED SHELF SUPPORT 76X11 (283.39.015)
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


Distribution Panel Unit-(BU22)(2100 mm X600 mm X 2100 Ht) (Refer sheet no - AD-CT-FF-67X)

Providing & Fixing Panel unit made from 19 mm marine ply with 1 mm laminate finish (LP3) on the outside and (LP
with 1 mm thk laminate (LP3). Make 12 mm slits for ventilation on outer shutter as per details drawing and appro
Laminate to be LP3

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 550.00
5.00 Shelf 1,400.00
6.00 Shutter 525.00
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 18 mm Ply BWP :

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 550.00
5.00 Shelf 1,400.00
6.00 Shutter 525.00
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 550.00
5.00 Shelf 1,400.00
6.00 Shutter 525.00
7.00 Skirting - Width 75.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 582.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 582.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 582.00
4.00 Vertcal 550.00
7.00 Shelf 1,400.00
8.00 Shutter 525.00
10.00 Skirting - Width 75.00
11.00 Back Panel - HEAVY BACK PANEL AS SHOWN IN DRAWING 2,100.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle - ROUND RAIL BAR HANDLE HAFALE (101.20.078)
10.00 Shelf Support - CONCEALED SHELF SUPPORT 76X11 (283.39.015)
11.00 Sliding Folding Mechanism - For four shutters
12.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


18.0 Under counter storage ( pantry /kitchen area )

Providing & fixing of under counter shutter for kitchen platform in 19 mm thick marine ply of B.W.P. grade of app
Beading (1mm/2mm thick),with necessary solid TW Frame & SS Screws as per approved sample. Its include soft cl
for all heights, levels etc. and complete as per approved shop drawing and as directed by the Project Manager.
(Hardwares : Dorma / Hefele / Equivalent)

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Patta 75.00
2.00 Bottom Patta 75.00
3.00 Side Patta 75.00
4.00 Shutter 425.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Patta 75.00
2.00 Bottom Patta 75.00
3.00 Side Patta 75.00
4.00 Shutter 425.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Patta 75.00
2.00 Bottom Patta 75.00
3.00 Side Patta 75.00
4.00 Shutter 425.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Patta 75.00
2.00 Bottom Patta 75.00
3.00 Side Patta 75.00
4.00 Shutter 425.00
G Hardware & Adhesive :
1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 Hinges - Soft Close
4.00 Handle
5.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


Drawers Cabinets @ Pantry Counter

Providing and fixing of under counter sliding drawers in 19 mm thick marine ply of B.W.P. grade of approved mak
18.2 finished with PVC REHAU Edge Beading (1mm/2mm thick), including Heavy Sliding Channel of Hafele make
(Hardwares : Dorma / Hefele / Equivalent)
(Front elevation area will be considered for payment)

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 600.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 600.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 600.00
4.00 Vertcal 600.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 196.67
9.00 Dr. Back 196.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 1,200.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 500.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 600.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 600.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 600.00
4.00 Vertcal 600.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 196.67
9.00 Dr. Back 196.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,200.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 500.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 600.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 600.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 600.00
4.00 Vertcal 600.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 196.67
9.00 Dr. Back 196.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,200.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 500.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 600.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 600.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 600.00
4.00 Vertcal 600.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 196.67
9.00 Dr. Back 196.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00
11.00 Back Panel 1,200.00
G Hardware & Adhesive :
1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges - Soft Close
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel - 500mm
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


VIP TOILET - Under counter Storage

21.0 Providing & fixing of under counter shutter for kitchen platform in 19 mm thick marine ply of B.W.P. grade of app
ply, Fixed with Hinges as per as Hardware make list & neccessary handle as approved by arthitect etc.
(Front elevational area shall be measured for Measurement for Payment).

A 18 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 600.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 600.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 600.00
4.00 Vertcal 600.00
5.00 Shelf 600.00
6.00 Shutter 475.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 191.67
9.00 Dr. Back 191.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

B 12 mm Ply BWP :
1.00 Back Panel 1,900.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 450.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

C Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 600.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 600.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 600.00
4.00 Vertcal 600.00
5.00 Shelf 600.00
6.00 Shutter 475.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 191.67
9.00 Dr. Back 191.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,900.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 450.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

E Laminate : 0.60 mm Balancing White
1.00 Top Panel 600.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 600.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 600.00
4.00 Vertcal 600.00
5.00 Shelf 600.00
6.00 Shutter 475.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 191.67
9.00 Dr. Back 191.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00
1.00 Back Panel 1,900.00
2.00 Drawer Bottom 450.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F PVC Edge Bending Tape (EBT) & Wooden Lipping :

1.00 Top Panel 600.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 600.00
3.00 Side (Rh/Lh) 600.00
4.00 Vertcal 600.00
5.00 Shelf 600.00
6.00 Shutter 475.00
7.00 Dr. Front 266.67
8.00 Dr. Sides 191.67
9.00 Dr. Back 191.67
10.00 Skirting - Width 50.00
11.00 Back Panel 1,900.00

G Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 EBT Glue
3.00 KD Fitting Set
4.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm
5.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco
6.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco
7.00 Hinges - Soft Close
8.00 Lock
9.00 Handle
10.00 Drawer Channel - 450mm
11.00 Miscellaneous Hardware

Material Cost
Factory Conversion - (Labour + EFL Overhead & Profit)
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :

Free Standing Counter at Pantry (Detail No: AD-CT-PT-29)

1.30 Free Standing Counter at Pantry (Detail No: AD-CT-PT-29)
Providing & Fixing 1.2Mtr ht Free Standing Counter from finished floor level with Counter top having width up to 4
50mmx50mmx4mm at 600mm C/C and for Inter-connections & top will be made of 25mm x 25mm x 4mm MS Pip
fixed with 8mm Thick MS Plate anchored with Hilti Anchor of approved Make Fasteners to the Floor. All Frame Str
redoxide primer. The Frame shall be cladded with 19mm Marine Ply of Marine grade IS710 on top (without lamina
1.3.1 per Architect's drawing and as directed by Project Manager.

Front Elevation area shall be measured for Paymet.

Top granite finish shall be considered as a seperate line item and measure seperately for Payment.
A 18 mm Plywood BWP :
1.00 Top Panel 310.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 310.00
3.00 Side Patta (Rh/Lh) 100.00
4.00 Front & Back Facia 4,200.00
5.00 Side Top Patta 48.00
6.00 Front Top Patta 48.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F Laminate :
1.00 Top Panel 310.00
2.00 Bottom Panel 310.00
3.00 Side Patta (Rh/Lh) 100.00
4.00 Front & Back Facia 4,200.00
5.00 Side Top Patta 48.00
6.00 Front Top Patta 48.00

Wastage as per 8' x 4'

F MS Pipe : X size
1.00 MS Pipe 50 x 50 x 4 mm 200.00
2.00 MS Pipe 50 x 50 x 4 mm 200.00
3.00 MS Pipe 25 x 25 x 4 mm 100.00
4.00 MS Pipe 25 x 25 x 4 mm 100.00
5.00 MS Bottom Plate 8 mm thick 150.00
6.00 MS Gussets 8 mm thick 150.00

H Hardware & Adhesive :

1.00 Fevicol & Araldite
2.00 Hilti Anchor Fasteners
3.00 Miscellaneous Hardware
Material Cost
Labour for MS Frame Fabrication / Making
Labour for ply work
Labour for laminate work
Total Cost :
Total Cost :
Total Cost :


Veneer Light cove

Providing & Fixing Wooden ceiling cove Made of Aluminum Box Section of 38mmX38mmX1.7mm @ 400mm C/C o
box pipes shall be connected with 3mm Thick aluminum angle Cleat. The Frame shall be suspennded with True Sl
Aluminum box pipe of similar size / 10mm Threaded Rod with 50mm Deep Anchor Fastner of approved make (Hilti
1.60 12mm Marine Grade of IS 710 Ply shall be fixed on Alu Box Frame and 4mm Veneer of approved shade & Make sh
The Rate shall include providing necessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level & Height etc. complete
as directed by the Project Manager (Veneer Basic Rate Rs.120/- per Sqft)
The Rate of Malamine Polish shall be considered under seperate line items.
(Detail No: AD-CT-RCP-87 TO 87C)

1.6.1 Light Cove - Size Upto 450mm(w) x 150mm(h) (Detail No: CD 17 / Detail - A)
Rate Analysis For : 450 x 150mm Size - Veneer Finish : W
50 450

Hardwood Cft
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Hardware for alu. Framework Sft
GI frame work section - 35 x 35mm - For support with ceiling Rft

12 mm plywood BWP Sft

Veneer Sft
Screw for ply fixing Sft
Edge Lipping Rft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
Melamine Polish Sft
Miscellaneous Hardware 3%
Wastage 7%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.
Labour - Light Cove Veneer Finish - Making & Fixing - 450 x 150mm Rft
Total Labour - Per No.
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RMT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RFT


Veneer Light cove

Providing & Fixing Wooden ceiling cove Made of Aluminum Box Section of 38mmX38mmX1.7mm @ 400mm C/C o
box pipes shall be connected with 3mm Thick aluminum angle Cleat. The Frame shall be suspennded with True Sl
Aluminum box pipe of similar size / 10mm Threaded Rod with 50mm Deep Anchor Fastner of approved make (Hilti
1.60 12mm Marine Grade of IS 710 Ply shall be fixed on Alu Box Frame and 4mm Veneer of approved shade & Make sh
The Rate shall include providing necessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level & Height etc. complete
as directed by the Project Manager (Veneer Basic Rate Rs.120/- per Sqft)
The Rate of Malamine Polish shall be considered under seperate line items.
(Detail No: AD-CT-RCP-87 TO 87C)

1.6.2 Light Cove - Size Above 450mm upto 600mm(w) x 150mm(h) (Detail No: CD 1,2 / Detail - A )
Rate Analysis For : 600 x 150mm Size - Veneer Finish : W
50 600

Hardwood Cft
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Hardware for alu. Framework Sft
GI frame work section - 35 x 35mm - For support with ceiling Rft

12 mm plywood BWP Sft

Veneer Sft
Screw for ply fixing Sft
Edge Lipping Rft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
Melamine Polish Sft
Miscellaneous Hardware 3%

Wastage 7%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.
Labour - Light Cove Veneer Finish - Making & Fixing - 600 x 150mm Rft
Total Labour - Per No.
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RMT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RFT


Pelmets (Ply+ Gypsum)

Providing & Fixing "L" shaped pelmet of width 200mm in aligned with Façade to accommodate curtain made from
Aluminium Frame work 38 x 38 x 1.7mm sections @ 415 c/c + 19mm marine ply of IS710 Grade + 12.5mm Standar
9.1 shall be Fixed in proper line and level. Frame connecting with Alu angle cleat suspended from True Slab using app
Anchor or equivalent Fasteners. Necessary cross bracing / Support shall be provided for line & level. The Rate shal
providing necessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level & Height etc. completed as per Plan /Details /
Manufacturer's Specification and as directed by Project Manager.
(Detail No: CD5, CD5A, CD14a (Detail C))

9.1.1 Above 600 to 1000 mm depth


Pelmet Rate Analysis For : 200 x 600 to 1000mm Size - Ply + Gypsum : 200

Hardwood Cft
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Hardware for alu. Framework Sft
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft
Joint tape Sft
Screw for ply & board fixing Sft
Edge Lipping Rft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
Miscellaneous Hardware 3%

Wastage 7%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.
Labour - Pelmet Ply + Gypsum Board Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 600 to
Total Labour - Per No.
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RMT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RFT

Pelmets (Ply+ Gypsum)

Providing & Fixing "L" shaped pelmet of width 200mm in aligned with Façade to accommodate curtain made from
Aluminium Frame work 38 x 38 x 1.7mm sections @ 415 c/c + 19mm marine ply of IS710 Grade + 12.5mm Standar
9.1 shall be Fixed in proper line and level. Frame connecting with Alu angle cleat suspended from True Slab using app
Anchor or equivalent Fasteners. Necessary cross bracing / Support shall be provided for line & level. The Rate shal
providing necessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level & Height etc. completed as per Plan /Details /
Manufacturer's Specification and as directed by Project Manager.
(Detail No: CD5, CD5A, CD14a (Detail C))

9.1.2 Above 300 to 600 mm depth

Pelmet Rate Analysis For : 200 x 300 to 600mm Size - Ply + Gypsum : 200

Hardwood Cft
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Hardware for alu. Framework Sft
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft
Joint tape Sft
Screw for ply & board fixing Sft
Edge Lipping Rft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
Miscellaneous Hardware 3%

Wastage 7%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.
Labour - Pelmet Ply + Gypsum Board Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 300 to
Total Labour - Per No.
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RMT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RFT


Pelmets (Ply+ Gypsum)

Providing & Fixing "L" shaped pelmet of width 200mm in aligned with Façade to accommodate curtain made from
Aluminium Frame work 38 x 38 x 1.7mm sections @ 415 c/c + 19mm marine ply of IS710 Grade + 12.5mm Standar
9.1 shall be Fixed in proper line and level. Frame connecting with Alu angle cleat suspended from True Slab using app
Anchor or equivalent Fasteners. Necessary cross bracing / Support shall be provided for line & level. The Rate shal
providing necessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level & Height etc. completed as per Plan /Details /
Manufacturer's Specification and as directed by Project Manager.
(Detail No: CD5, CD5A, CD14a (Detail C))

9.1.3 Up to 300 mm depth

Pelmet Rate Analysis For : 200 x upto 300 mm Size - Ply + Gypsum : 200

Hardwood Cft
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Hardware for alu. Framework Sft
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft
Joint tape Sft
Screw for ply & board fixing Sft
Edge Lipping Rft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
Miscellaneous Hardware 3%

Wastage 7%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.
Labour - Pelmet Ply + Gypsum Board Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x upto
Total Labour - Per No.
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RMT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RFT

Pelmets (Alu Frame + Ply + Laminate)

Providing & Fixing "L and U " shaped pelmet of Avg.width 200mm in aligned with Façade to accommodate curtain
frame work of Aluminium Frame work 38 x 38 x 1.7mm sections @ 415 c/c + 19mm marine ply of IS710 Grade + 1
approved Laminate shall be Fixed in proper line and level. Frame connecting with Alu angle cleat suspended from
approved Hilti / Anchor or equivalent Fastenrs. Necessary cross bracing / Support shall be provided for line & leve
include providing necessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level & Height etc. completed as per Plan /
Drawings / Manufacturer's Specification and as directed by Project Manager.

9.2.1 L - Shape - Avg Size 200 mm (W) x 300mm (H) (Detail No: CD4 & CD14B (Detail E))
Pelmet Rate Analysis For : 200 x 300mm Size - Laminate Finish : 200

Hardwood Cft
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Hardware for alu. Framework Sft
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
Laminate Sft
Screw for ply fixing Sft
Edge Lipping Rft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
Miscellaneous Hardware 3%

Wastage 7%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.
Labour - Pelmet Laminate Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 300mm Rft
Total Labour - Per No.
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RMT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RFT


Pelmets (Alu Frame + Ply + Veneer) Avg Size 200 mm (W) x 300mm (H)

Providing & Fixing "L" shaped pelmet of width 200mm in aligned with Façade to accommodate curtain made from
Aluminium Frame work 38 x 38 x 1.7mm sections @ 415 c/c + 19mm marine ply of IS710 Grade + 4 mm thick appr
9.30 shall be Fixed in proper line and level. Frame connecting with Alu angle cleat suspended from True Slab using app
Anchor or equivalent Fastenrs. Necessary cross bracing / Support shall be provided for line & level.The Rate shall i
necessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level & Height etc. completed as per Plan /Details / Drawings
Manufacturer's Specification and as directed by Project Manager.
(Detail No: CD17 (Detail J))
Pelmet Rate Analysis For : 200 x 300mm Size - Veneer Finish : 200

Hardwood Cft
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Hardware for alu. Framework Sft
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
Veneer Sft
Screw for ply fixing Sft
Edge Lipping Rft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
Melamine Polish Sft
Miscellaneous Hardware 3%

Wastage 7%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.
Labour - Pelmet Vneeer Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 300mm Rft
Total Labour - Per No.
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RMT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RFT


Pelmets (Alu Frame + Ply + Laminate)

Providing & Fixing "L and U " shaped pelmet of Avg.width 200mm in aligned with Façade to accommodate curtain
frame work of Aluminium Frame work 38 x 38 x 1.7mm sections @ 415 c/c + 19mm marine ply of IS710 Grade + 1
approved Laminate shall be Fixed in proper line and level. Frame connecting with Alu angle cleat suspended from
approved Hilti / Anchor or equivalent Fastenrs. Necessary cross bracing / Support shall be provided for line & leve
include providing necessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level & Height etc. completed as per Plan /
Drawings / Manufacturer's Specification and as directed by Project Manager.

9.2.2 U - Shape - Avg Size 200 mm (W) x 300mm (H) (Detail No: CD14 (Detail H))
Pelmet Rate Analysis For : 200 x 300mm Size - Laminate Finish : W
200 200

Hardwood Cft
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Hardware for alu. Framework Sft
19 mm plywood BWP Sft
Laminate Sft
Screw for ply fixing Sft
Edge Lipping Rft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
Painting - Material + Labour (For internal surfaces) Sft
Painting - Material + Labour (For internal surfaces) Sft
Miscellaneous Hardware 3%

Wastage 7%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.

Labour - Pelmet Laminate Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 300mm - U Shape Rft

Total Labour - Per No.

Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RMT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RFT


Gypsum Bulkhead all along Facade - Avg Size : 700 mm (W) x 300 mm (H) - "L" Shape (Adjacent to Pelmet)
Same as Item No 1.1 (Detail No: CD 21 (Detail K))
Pelmet Rate Analysis For : 200 x 300 to 600mm Size - Ply + Gypsum : 700

Hardwood Cft
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Alu Framework - 38 x 38 x 1.7 mm Kgs
Hardware for alu. Framework Sft
12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft
Joint tape Sft
Screw for board fixing Sft
Miscellaneous Hardware 3%

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.
Labour - Bulkhead L-Shape - Gypsum Board Finish - Making & Fixing - 300 x
700 mm
Total Labour - Per No.
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RMT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RFT
10.0 Facia with Internal Glazing at Atrium Area

Gypsum Facia
Providing and fixing 12.5 mm thk gypsum board panelling over based frame made up of Aluminium Box Pipe Secti
38mm x 1.7mm thick @ 415mm B/W, C/C max. connecting with 35 x 35 x 2mm "L" angle using SS Screws / Sheet M
Best Quality for Panelling / Partition fixed with Hilti or equivalent Fasteners on walls / slabs/ beam including TW M
appropriate size at Glazing Horizontal Mullion at Upstand finished with necessary hardwares. Gypsum Board shall
Taping & Jointing Compound with Metal Corner beading/ Edge beading finish etc. completed as per Architect's D
direction of Project Manager.

Note : Require necessary scafolding at Double / Triple Height, Jali, Railing with Safety Precautions in the contracto
shall not be paid extra for this.
Elevation area shall be considered for measurement.
(Detail No: CD 7, 7B,12 detail F)

- Unit
Aluminium frame work - 50 x 25 x 2mm @ 415 mm c/c Kgs
415 mm c/c
Aluminium pipe total length
Length after sharing above length by left, right, up & down frame grids
Shared length divided by c/c square feet
Extra for end pipe & support
Lemgth per square feet for given grid
Hardware for aluminium frame work Sft

12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft

Joint tape Sft
Screw Sft
GI-EDGE BEEDING 12.5x25x12x0.5x2440mm /Or GI-ANGLE BEED 2440 Rft
Extra for scaffolding Sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft
Labour for aluminium frame work Sft
Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) Sft
Labour premium for double / triple height Sft
Total Labour - Per SFT Sft
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt
10.0 Facia with Internal Glazing at Atrium Area

Laminate Facia
Providing and fixing 12 mm thk Marine Ply with 1mm thick approved laminate over based frame made up of Alum
Section of 38mm x 38mm x 1.7mm thick @ 415mm B/W,C/C max. connecting with 35 x 35 x 2mm "L" angle using
Metal Screws of Best Quality for Panelling / Partition fixed with Hilti or equivalent Fasteners on walls / slabs/ beam
necessary hardwares completed as per Drawing & direction of Project Manager. Necessary TW Members / Lamina
10.2 adjacent to Facade Mulliion shall be provided as per direction of Project Manager.

Note : Require necessary scafolding at Double / Triple Height, Jali, Railing with Safety Precautions in the contracto
shall not be paid extra for this.
Elevation area shall be considered for measurement.
(Detail No: CD 8 & CD14B detail G)

- Unit
Aluminium frame work - 38 x 38 x 1.7mm @ 415 mm c/c Kgs
415 mm c/c
Aluminium pipe total length
Length after sharing above length by left, right, up & down frame grids
Shared length divided by c/c square feet
Extra for end pipe & support
Lemgth per square feet for given grid
Hardware for aluminium frame work Sft

12 mm plywood BWP Sft

Laminate Sft
Screw for ply fixing Sft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
Edge Lipping Rft
Extra for scaffolding Sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft
Labour for aluminium frame work Sft
Labour for laminate fixing Sft
Labour premium for double / triple height Sft
Total Labour - Per SFT Sft
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt

5.00 Trap Door
Trap Door (For IDU Ductable Units) Door shall be made of Aluminium Box Pipe of 50mmX25mmX2mm with one si
other side 6mm ply of 710 Grade + 1mm Laminate fixed on both side of shutters including teak wood beading on e
Frame around Doors shall be of Alu Pipes / C-Studs and Marine Ply with Necessary Alu pipe supports from True Sla
5.10 Cleat & Anchor Fasteners of approved make. Job shall be inclusive of necessary hardwares i.e. Heavy butt hinges,
chain,magnet.The Rate shall include providing necessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level & Height
as per Dwg & as directed by the Project Manager.
(Detail No: CD / 5B)

Rate Analysis for given size of Trap Door: 700
GI CEILING SECTION 3660MM - 0.55 mm - For outer framework Rft
Aluminium frame work - 50 x 25 x 2mm - For door internal framework Kgs
Hardware for aluminium frame work Sft

9mm Marine Ply (IS 710) - As per below given make, specs & warranty Sft
6mm Marine Ply (IS 710) - As per below given make, specs & warranty Sft
Laminate Sft
Bal. white laminate Sft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
wooden beading 50 x 6mm Rft

AC Threaded Rod 6-8mm x 1000 mm - MS Zinc Plated Nos

Anchor Fastener M6-M8 x 30/35mm - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Nut M8 - MS Zinc Plated Nos
MS Z Bracket - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Screw for above bracket fixing Nos
Hinges Nos
Allen key lock Nos
Safety Chain set pair Pair
Miscellaneous screw / Nails for GI framework, plywood, bracket, hinges,
lock & chain fixing

Wastage 5.00%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00%
A Total Material Per No.
Labour for making & fixing of trap door with complete outer & inner
framework - complete finished
Sub Contract - Painting - Edge Beading Rft
Total Labour Per No.
Total Material + Labour Per No
Total Material + Labour Per Sft
Total Material + Labour Per Smt


(Detail No: CD11 - DETAIL I)

Light Trough / Service Trough -Detail CD11 - size : 200mm (Wide) X 50mm (Deep)

Providing and fixing boxing work using 19mm Marine Ply of Grade IS710, including 1mm Laminate of Black Color fi
The Ply boxing shall be fixed with Galvalume Ceiling Section/C-Stud Sections suspended with Anchor Fastener for
with True Slab fixing of approved make (Fischer/hilti) etc. complete as per drawing and as directed by the Projec

It also include marking of all types of MEP Services / IT Devices on the Box / Light Trough and Cutting them as per
Coordinated Drawing and as directed by Project Manager. Necessary additional cross support/bracing shall be pro
Light Trough in true line & level.The Rate shall include providing necessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at

Rate Analysis For : 200 x 50 X 50 mm Size - Ply + Laminate : W
50 200

Hardwood Cft
GI C-Stud 48 x 0.55 mm Rft
GI C-Stud 48 x 0.55 mm Rft

19mm Marine Ply (IS 710) - As per below given make, specs & warranty Sft
Laminate Sft
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft
PVC Edge Lipping - 22 x 0.50 or 0.80 mm Rft

AC Threaded Rod 8mm x 1000 mm - MS Zinc Plated (For two pieces of

450mm rod)
Anchor Fastener M8 x 35/40mm - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Nut M8 - MS Zinc Plated Nos
MS Z Bracket - MS Zinc Plated Nos
Screw for above bracket fixing Nos

Miscellaneous screw / Nails for GI framework, plywood, bracket, etc fixing Sft

Wastage 5%
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3%
A Material Cost - Per No. No.

Labour - Light Trough Laminate Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 50 x 50mm Rft

Total Labour - Per No.

Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RMT
Total Labour in Material + Labour - Per RFT
Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 900
Door Frame : 100
Wood for door frame Cft
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft
Fixing Rft

Provind & laying of Polished granite all side jambs for widow and doors having uniform colour and shade machine
polished ,set in C.M. 1:6, topped with approved grey cement slurry and / or paste (for surface contact of the bott
pattern / design including finishing the joints with approved colour pigment cement, cutting edge chamfering and
and mirror polish as per manufacturers specifications and as directed.

Notes:- (a) Allow for exposed edges machine cut & machine polished showing uniform thickness. (b) Allow for rou
Allow For Making Katras at every Junction of Vertical and Horizontal Members. (d) UOM Is Sqmtr (Which is include
Katra on joints in Windows all side wherever require as per design and drawing.

(Only Cement
be supplied as :free issue item to the contractor by the purchaser at the purchaser’s stores.)
Area rate of Granite Stone shall be Rs.200/- per Sqft) 3.23
Thickness 1.57
Wet Volume cft
Dry Volume cft
Mix Ratio - 1 : 6 1
Volume of Cement cft
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft

Cement Bags Bags
White cement Bags

Volume of Sand cft

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt

Wastage 5%
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt
Granite Rmt
Wastage 12%
Sealer coat Sft
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt
Transport, Loading & Unloading 2.5%
Material Rate Per Rmt
Labour for laying of granite jamb -300 mm Rmt
Labour for granite edge molding & its polishing Rmt
Labour for granite edge chamfering & it's polishing - 3 x 3mm to 6 x 6mm
(both edge & chamfered portion polishing)
Labour for granite jamb polish - 300 mm Rmt
Labour Rate Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft

8x5 ft
Aluminium track 7.9268292683
Aluminium frame for panel 10.975609756
6mm clear glass 40
Lock hardware etc

Wastage transport etc

Fixing cost 40

10x8 ft
Aluminium track 10.975609756
Aluminium frame for panel 20.64
12mm prelam 80
Lock hardware etc

Wastage transport etc

Fixing cost 80
size and design/pattern as per drawings and as per specifications , with C.M
inting & pointing with 0.6 kg /sqm cement and matching pigment . The
tting to the required sizes. The rate shall be inclusive of labour, all
and etc. Cladding : with Mechanical Anchor Fastener etc., machinery cost.
ct Manager. Rate shall be inclusive of applying Waterproofing chemical coat
nd wastage of Marble will be in the scope of Contractor.

roved Make -Millennium Marble & equivalent)

3.1 .

roved Make -Millennium Marble & equivalent) (Detail: AD-CT-FL-30)

inch 50.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

3.56 750.00 2,669.36
0.82 750.00 613.15

17.45 25.00 436.35

100 3,718.87
1 37.19
1 400.30

412.31 38.30
1 10.77 400.00 4,306.00
1 10.76 20.00 215.28
1 10.76 2.00 21.53
0 10.76 15.00 -
0 2.00 2.50 -
0 10.76 5.00 - Protection separate line item
0 10.76 12.00 - Protection separate line item
5,696.90 529.26
1 10.76 70.00 753.48
0 10.76 100.00 -
0 10.76 35.00 - Polishing separate line item
753.48 70.00

3.1 .

roved Make -Millennium Marble & equivalent)

ntry lobby & Service entry lobby) Specification as per above 13.1 (Flooring)

inch 50.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

3.56 750.00 2,669.36
0.82 750.00 613.15

17.45 25.00 436.35

100 3,718.87
1 37.19
1 400.30

412.31 38.30
1 10.77 400.00 4,306.00
1 10.76 20.00 215.28
1 10.76 2.00 21.53
0 10.76 15.00 -
0 2.00 2.50 -
0 10.76 5.00 - Protection separate line item
0 10.76 12.00 - Protection separate line item

5,835.85 542.16
1 10.76 70.00 753.48
0 10.76 100.00 -
0 10.76 35.00 - Polishing separate line item
753.48 70.00

g and laying average 18 mm thk. Italian Marble in wall of required size and
30mm thk (avg) including applying of 4.4 kg/sqm cement slurry, jointing &
s selecting and sorting of Italian Marble to have uniform shade and cutting
pigment, white Cement, sand etc., machinery cost. cutting, curing complete
ofing chemical coat on back side of Italian Marble slab. Only laid area of

entry lobby) (Approved Make -Millennium Marble & equivalent)

entry lobby) (Approved Make -Millennium Marble & equivalent)

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5
2.85 750.00 2,135.49
0.82 750.00 613.15

13.96 25.00 349.08

100 3,097.73
1 30.98
1 333.44

343.44 31.91
1 10.77 400.00 4,306.00
1 10.76 20.00 215.28
1 10.76 2.00 21.53
0 10.76 15.00 -
0 2.00 2.50 -
0 10.77 10.00 -
1 10.76 5.00 53.82

5,820.06 540.70
1 10.76 80.00 861.12
0 10.76 100.00 -
0 10.76 70.00 - Polishing separate line item
861.12 80.00

g and laying average 18 mm thk. Italian Marble in wall of required size and
30mm thk (avg) including applying of 4.4 kg/sqm cement slurry, jointing &
s selecting and sorting of Italian Marble to have uniform shade and cutting
pigment, white Cement, sand etc., machinery cost. cutting, curing complete
ofing chemical coat on back side of Italian Marble slab. Only laid area of

entry lobby) (Approved Make -Millennium Marble & equivalent)


inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

2.85 750.00 2,135.49
0.82 750.00 613.15

13.96 25.00 349.08

100 3,097.73
1 30.98
1 333.44

343.44 31.91
1 10.77 400.00 4,306.00
1 10.76 20.00 215.28
1 10.76 2.00 21.53
0 10.76 15.00 -
0 2.00 2.50 -
0 10.77 10.00 -
1 10.76 5.00 53.82
5,681.48 527.82
1 10.76 80.00 861.12
0 10.76 100.00 -
0 10.76 70.00 - Polishing separate line item
861.12 80.00
g edge polishing (Detail: FD 1, FD1a)

sft 100 1000

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.04 300.00 11.03
0.02 750.00 16.15

0.15 25.00 3.76

1.00 30.94
31.86 9.71
0.3333 3.28 400.00 437.33 133.33
1.08 20.00 21.53
1.00 1.08 2.00 2.15
567.96 173.16
1.00 3.28 30.00 98.40
- 3.28 35.00 - Polishing separate line item

ecification as per above 13.1

ecification as per above 13.1

sft 150 1000

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.06 300.00 16.55
0.03 750.00 24.22

0.23 25.00 5.64

1.00 46.41
47.80 14.57
0.5000 3.28 400.00 656.00 200.00
1.61 20.00 32.29
1.00 1.61 2.00 3.23
851.94 259.74
1.00 3.28 40.00 131.20
- 3.28 40.00 - Polishing separate line item

d design/pattern as per drawings and as per specifications , with C.M 1:4

m cement and matching pigment . The scope also includes selecting and
s. The rate shall be inclusive of labour, all consumables. e.g., pigment. Grey
directed by the Project Manager.(For Upstand Wall )

sft 200 1000

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.07 300.00 22.07
0.04 750.00 32.29

0.30 25.00 7.51

1.00 61.87
63.73 19.43
0.6667 3.28 400.00 874.67 266.67
2.15 20.00 43.06
1.00 2.15 2.00 4.31
1,110.43 338.55
1.00 3.28 60.00 196.80
1.40 3.28 35.00 160.72
- 3.28 61.25 - Polishing separate line item

Specification as per above 13.4.

sft 300 1000

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.11 300.00 33.10
0.06 750.00 48.44
0.45 25.00 11.27

1.00 92.81
95.59 29.14
1.0000 3.28 400.00 1,312.00 400.00
3.23 20.00 64.58
1.00 3.23 2.00 6.46
1,703.87 519.47
1.00 3.28 80.00 262.40
1.00 3.28 35.00 114.80

1.00 3.28 20.00 65.60

- 3.28 70.00 - Polishing separate line item


pre polished Marble in wall of required size and design/pattern as per

uired size and design/pattern as per drawings and as per specifications , with
y, jointing & pointing with 0.6 kg /sqm cement and matching pigment . The
de and cutting to the required sizes. The rate shall be inclusive of labour, all
ng complete, for flooring, etc. as directed by the Project Manager. Rate
stone slab.Only laid area of marble will be measurable and wastage of


d as per Specification

sft 100 1000

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5
0.04 300.00 11.03
0.02 750.00 16.15

0.15 25.00 3.76

1.00 30.94
31.86 9.71
0.3333 3.28 400.00 437.33 133.33
1.08 20.00 21.53
1.00 1.08 2.00 2.15
555.22 169.27
1.00 3.28 30.00 98.40

- 3.28 35.00 - Polishing separate line item


d as per Specification

sft 200 1000

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.07 300.00 22.07
0.04 750.00 32.29

0.30 25.00 7.51

1.00 61.87
64.97 19.81
0.6667 3.28 400.00 874.67 266.67
2.15 20.00 43.06
1.00 2.15 2.00 4.31
1,151.74 351.14
1.00 3.28 55.00 180.40

- 3.28 52.50 - Polishing separate line item


ed as per Specification

sft 300 1000

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.11 300.00 33.10
0.06 750.00 48.44

0.45 25.00 11.27

1.00 92.81
97.45 29.71
1.0000 3.28 400.00 1,312.00 400.00
3.23 20.00 64.58
1.00 3.23 2.00 6.46
1,727.61 526.71
1.00 3.28 80.00 262.40

- 3.28 70.00 - Polishing separate line item


d design/pattern as per drawings and as per specifications , with C.M 1:4

qm cement and matching pigment . The scope also includes selecting and
te shall be inclusive of Dimond / Chamfer Cut, Edge polishing, labour, all
ring complete, for flooring, etc. as directed by the Project Manager.(For

sft 250 1000

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.09 300.00 27.58

0.38 25.00 9.39

1.00 36.98
38.83 11.84
0.8333 3.28 200.00 546.67 166.67
1.00 2.69 1.00 2.69
690.29 210.45
1.00 3.28 60.00 196.80
2.50 3.28 20.00 164.00

d colour for flush / projected skirting including preparing the surface and
1:3, square cut top edge or chamfered top edge in cement mortar 1:3,
nt or pigment mixed with cement, polishing, finishing, curing etc complete

sft 100 1000

inch 20.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
3 4

0.02 300.00 6.90

0.07 25.00 1.76

1.00 8.66
9.09 2.77
0.3333 3.28 200.00 218.67 66.67
1.00 1.08 1.00 1.08
262.73 80.10
1.00 3.28 30.00 98.40

1.00 3.28 15.00 49.20


th up to 300mm (First floor dining area side drop skirting)

sft 300 1000

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.11 300.00 33.10

0.45 25.00 11.27

1.00 44.37
45.70 13.93
1.0000 3.28 200.00 656.00 200.00
1.00 3.23 1.00 3.23
807.16 246.09
1.00 3.28 77.00 252.56
1.00 3.28 35.00 114.80
Application with Chemical/Adhesive/Keralastic T/Araldite/ Bond-It
e joints with neat /Pigment, machine polishing at site, curing, finishing, edge

sft 350 1000

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.13 300.00

0.53 25.00

3.77 60.00 226.04

1.00 226.04
237.34 72.36
1.1667 3.28 200.00 765.33 233.33
1.00 3.77 1.00 3.77
1,131.23 344.89
1.00 3.28 80.00 262.40
2.08 3.28 35.00 239.17
Application with Chemical/Adhesive/Keralastic T/Araldite/ Bond-It
e joints with neat /Pigment, machine polishing at site, curing, finishing, edge

sft 75 1000
inch 20.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
3 4

0.02 300.00

0.05 25.00

0.81 60.00 48.44

1.00 48.44
50.86 15.51
0.2500 3.28 200.00 164.00 50.00
1.00 0.81 1.00 0.81
242.41 73.90
1.00 3.28 30.00 98.40

- 3.28 20.00 -
and design / pattern as per drawings and as per specifications laid over
h flush pointing with cement mixed with matching pigment. The rate shall be
and curing etc. complete as per design, drawings, specifications and as

chen area , garbage room area)

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

3.42 300.00 1,025.04

13.96 25.00 349.08

100 1,374.12
1 13.74
1 147.91

152.35 14.15
1 10.77 40.00 430.60
1 10.76 - -
0 10.76 15.00 -
0 2.00 2.50 -
0 10.76 5.00 - Protection separate line item
0 10.76 12.00 - Protection separate line item
698.01 64.85
1 10.76 32.00 344.45
0 10.76 18.00 - Polishing separate line item
344.45 32.00
sft 100 1000
inch 30.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.03 300.00 8.28

0.11 25.00 2.82

1.00 11.09
11.43 3.48
0.3333 3.28 40.00 43.73 13.33
1.00 1.08 - -
66.72 20.34
1.00 3.28 16.00 52.48
- 3.28 12.00 - Polishing separate line item
ck size as per pattern shown in the drawing and as per specifications. set in
in proportion 1:4 cm and laid to proper slope and level with 3mm x 3mm
one with flush pointing in white cement and matching pigment with residue
our, machinery cost etc complete as per Drawing, Specification and

try Area(3rd To 12th floor ),3rd to 12th floors Janitor Closet ,1St Floor

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

3.42 300.00 1,025.04

13.96 25.00 349.08

100 1,374.12
1 13.74
1 147.91
155.31 14.43
1 10.76 60.00 645.84
0 10.76 2.00 - Grouting separate line item
0 10.76 15.00 - Grouting separate line item
0 2.00 2.50 - Spacer & grouting separate line item
0 10.76 5.00 - Protection separate line item
0 10.76 12.00 - Protection separate line item
858.44 79.75
1 10.76 25.00 269.10
ntrol, Janitor Stores)

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

3.42 300.00 1,025.04

13.96 25.00 349.08

100 1,374.12
1 13.74
1 147.91
155.31 14.43
1 10.77 80.00 861.20
0 10.76 2.00 - Grouting separate line item
0 10.76 15.00 - Grouting separate line item
0 2.00 2.50 - Spacer & grouting separate line item
0 10.76 5.00 - Protection separate line item
0 10.76 12.00 - Protection separate line item
1,091.35 101.39
1 10.77 25.00 269.13
attern shown in the drawing and as per specifications. set in cement slurry
1:4 cm and laid to proper slope and level. Finishing should be done with flush
outing etc. The rate shall be inclusive of all material+ Tile, labour. machinery
rected by Project Manager.

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

3.42 300.00 1,025.04

13.96 25.00 349.08

100 1,374.12
1 13.74
1 147.91
155.31 14.43
1 10.77 55.00 592.08
0 10.76 2.00 - Grouting separate line item
0 10.76 15.00 - Grouting separate line item
0 2.00 2.50 - Spacer & grouting separate line item
0 10.76 5.00 - Protection separate line item
0 10.76 12.00 - Protection separate line item
800.29 74.35
1 10.77 25.00 269.13
hown in the drawing and as per specifications. set in cement slurry at 3.3
and laid to proper slope and level. Finishing should be done with flush
outing etc. The rate shall be inclusive of all material + Tile, labour.
s directed by Project Manager.

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

3.42 300.00 1,025.04

13.96 25.00 349.08

100 1,374.12
1 13.74
1 147.91
155.31 14.43
1 10.77 30.00 322.95
1 10.76 1.00 10.76 Grouting separate line item
0 10.76 15.00 - Grouting separate line item
0 2.00 2.50 - Spacer & grouting separate line item
0 10.76 5.00 - Protection separate line item
0 10.76 12.00 - Protection separate line item
520.32 48.34
1 10.77 22.00 236.83
inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

3.42 300.00 1,025.04

13.96 25.00 349.08

100 1,374.12
1 13.74
1 147.91
155.31 14.43
1 10.76 55.00 592.02
0 10.76 2.00 -
0 10.76 15.00 -
0 2.00 2.50 -
0 10.77 6.00 -
0 10.76 5.00 -
800.23 74.34
1 10.76 27.00 290.63

inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

3.42 300.00 1,025.04

13.96 25.00 349.08

100 1,374.12
1 13.74
1 147.91
155.31 14.43
1 10.77 60.00 645.90
0 10.76 2.00 -
0 10.76 15.00 -
0 2.00 2.50 -
0 10.77 6.00 -
0 10.76 5.00 -
858.51 79.76
1 10.77 27.00 290.66

sft 100 1000

inch 30.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.03 300.00 8.28

0.11 25.00 2.82

1.00 11.09
11.65 3.55
0.3333 3.28 60.00 65.60
0 1.08 2.00 -
82.94 25.29
1 3.28 13.00 42.64
sft 100 1000
inch 30.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.03 300.00 8.28

0.11 25.00 2.82

1.00 11.09
11.65 3.55
0.3333 3.28 80.00 87.47
0 1.08 2.00 -
106.59 32.50
1 3.28 13.00 42.64
sft 100 1000
inch 30.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
4 5

0.03 300.00 8.28

0.11 25.00 2.82

1.00 11.09
11.65 3.55
0.3333 3.28 55.00 60.13
0 1.08 2.00 -
77.03 23.49
1 3.28 13.00 42.64

om Italian marble 19mm thk top based fixed on 19 mm thk kadappa on cement mortars. Moulding, beading/lipping.
ng the Tap/ basin/ sink. (Including Marble Counter Partition as per Requirement)(Basic rates of Italian marble Rs.400/-

Depth Facia Plan Area 1.00 Nos.

600.00 55.00 9.69 Sq. Feet 0.90 sq. meter

650.00 1.00 10.49

Wastage : 15% 1.57 12.07 Sq. Feet 40.00 482.77

12.07 Sq. Feet 25.00 301.73

650.00 1.00 10.49
55.00 1.00 0.89 5.00 Molding
55.00 1.00 0.36 2.00 Molding
11.74 7.00
Wastage : 15% 1.76 13.50 Sq. Feet 400.00 5,399.55

13.50 sq. Feet 25.00 337.47

12.07 sq. Feet 40.00 482.77

13.50 sq. Feet 80.00 1,079.91
13.50 sq. Feet 70.00 944.92
7.00 r. Feet 35.00 245.00
- r. Feet 20.00 -
1.00 nos. 450.00 450.00

2.00% 194.48

Per nos. 9,918.59

Per sq. ft. 1,023.85
Per sq. mtr. 11,020.74
Per r. mtr. 6,612.39

om granite top based fixed on 19 mm thk kadappa / kota on cement mortars. Granite patta of 100 mm height to be
tical support/Partition of Kota Stone & horizontal Floor bedding with Skirting up to 75mm.(Design similar to Kitchen

t in the slab for fixing the Tap/ basin/ sink. (Basic rates of Granite Rs.234/- per sq ft) (Pantry)

Depth Facia Plan Area 1.00 Nos.

600.00 750.00 13.56 Sq. Feet 1.26 sq. meter

650.00 1.00 14.69

600.00 2.00 9.69
Wastage : 15% 3.66 28.04 Sq. Feet 40.00 1,121.50

13.56 Sq. Feet 12.50 169.53

13.56 Sq. Feet 27.50 372.97
650.00 1.00 14.69
100.00 1.00 2.26 7.00 Molding
775.00 1.00 5.01 2.00 Molding
75.00 1.00 1.70
23.65 9.00
Wastage : 12% 2.84 26.49 Sq. Feet 234.00 6,199.21

26.49 sq. Feet 20.00 529.85

plete in all respect 7.00 r. feet 650.00 4,550.00

2.00% 258.86

Per nos. 13,201.92

Per sq. ft. 973.41
Per sq. mtr. 10,477.80
Per r. mtr. 6,286.63

om granite top and edge vertical of 1200mm ht., fixed on 20 mm thk kota on cement mortars. Granite patta of 100
ntry counter. The Rate shall inclusive of vertical support/Partition of Kota Stone & horizontal Floor bedding with Skirting

omplete with Cutout in the slab for fixing the Tap/ basin/ sink.

Depth Facia Plan Area 1.00 Nos.

600.00 750.00 13.56 Sq. Feet 1.26 sq. meter

650.00 1.00 14.69

600.00 2.00 9.69
Wastage : 35% 8.53 32.91 Sq. Feet 40.00 1,316.54

13.56 Sq. Feet 25.00 339.06

13.56 Sq. Feet 37.50 508.59

650.00 1.00 14.69

100.00 1.00 2.26 7.00 Molding
775.00 2.00 10.01 4.00 Molding
75.00 1.00 1.70
28.66 11.00
Wastage : 12% 3.44 32.10 Sq. Feet 200.00 6,419.65

53.04 sq. Feet 20.00 1,060.79

7.00 r. feet 680.00 4,760.00

11.00 sq. Feet 35.00 385.00

1.00 no 600.00 600.00

3.00% 461.69

Per nos. 15,851.33

Per sq. ft. 1,168.76
Per sq. mtr. 12,580.53
Per r. mtr. 7,548.25

om Granite 19mm thk top based fixed on 19 mm thk kadappa / kota on cement mortars. The counter shall be
y Wall. Granite Patta of up to 100mm wide shall be provided at edge / front of Counter. Moulding, beading/lipping.
ng the Tap/ basin/ sink. (Including Marble Counter Partition as per Requirement)

Depth Facia Plan Area 1.00 Nos.

600.00 100.00 13.56 Sq. Feet 1.26 sq. meter

650.00 1.00 14.69

Wastage : 15% 2.20 16.90 Sq. Feet 40.00 675.87

13.56 Sq. Feet 27.50 372.97

650.00 1.00 14.69

100.00 1.00 2.26 7.00 Molding
16.95 7.00
Wastage : 12% 2.03 18.99 Sq. Feet 234.00 4,443.12

3.00 nos 400.00 1,200.00

6.00 nos 40.00 240.00

18.99 sq. Feet 10.00 189.88

e in all respect 7.00 r. feet 650.00 4,550.00

2.00% 233.44

Per nos. 11,905.28

Per sq. ft. 877.81
Per sq. mtr. 9,448.71
Per r. mtr. 5,669.18

om Italian marble 19mm thk top based fixed on 19 mm thk kadappa / kota on cement mortars. Moulding,
b for fixing/ cutting the Tap/ basin/ sink. (Including Marble Counter Partition as per Requirement)(Basic rates of Italian

Depth Facia Plan Area 1.00 Nos.

600.00 100.00 13.56 Sq. Feet 1.26 sq. meter

650.00 1.00 14.69

Wastage : 15% 2.20 16.90 Sq. Feet 40.00 675.87

13.56 Sq. Feet 27.50 372.97

650.00 1.00 14.69

100.00 1.00 2.26 7.00 Molding
16.95 7.00
Wastage : 12% 2.03 18.99 Sq. Feet 400.00 7,595.08

3.00 nos 400.00 1,200.00

6.00 nos 40.00 240.00

18.99 sq. Feet 10.00 189.88

e in all respect 7.00 r. feet 650.00 4,550.00

2.00% 296.48

Per nos. 15,120.27

Per sq. ft. 1,114.86
Per sq. mtr. 12,000.32
Per r. mtr. 7,200.13

ther side of Double C-STUD 50 mm X 0.70 bmt

ed to Bottom Track of 52mm x 0.70bmt and top
d tracks to be fixed to existing slab with M6 x
ng sealant, Stud cavity filled with Rockwool
with perforated paper tape and other accessories

00 mpa; Min tensile strength of 340 mPa. Coating

e 0.30 kPa and serviceability 0.20 kPa, Deflection
at 150 mm from the end of the stud and spaced at

ternate vertical fixed with anchor fastener with

lift, at all level & Height etc. complete as per


luding light cove of Marine Ply / Flexi Ply of IS710

Template of 19mm Marine Ply to fix at floor &
irected by Architect & Project Manager.

respective specific Items.

Qty Rate Amout Length Length Sft Total Length
3000 3000 96.88 66000
4.47 29.92 133.70 1 300 300 300 300
2.00 15.00 30.00 2 300 300 300 300
2.00 2.00 4.00 3 300 300 300 300
4 300 300 300 300
167.70 5 300 300 300 300
8.39 6 300 300 300 300
5.03 7 300 300 300 300
181.12 8 300 300 300 300
2.00 8.00 16.00 9 300 300 300 300
- 2.00 - 10 300 300 300 300
16.00 1 2 3 4
ther side of C-STUD 50 mm X 0.70 bmt placed at
ttom Track of 52mm x 0.70bmt and top Deflection
be fixed to existing slab with M6 x 40 anchors
Stud cavity filled with Rockwool insulation of
ed paper tape and other accessories as required.
calmpa; Minand
fixtures tensile strength
fittings etc. asofper
340 mPa. Coating
kPa andP6, serviceability 0.20 kPa, Deflection
at 150 mm from the end of the stud and spaced at
4. Extra cross bracing / support of
ternate vertical fixed with anchor fastener with
lift, at all level & Height etc. complete as per

tion. Necessary Floor Marking / Setting Out Points

- No Extra claim for measurement / Payment
Qty Rate Amout Length Length Sft Total Length
ve specific Items. 2905 2905 90.84 46480
1.68 29.92 50.21 1 415 415 415 415
1.00 8.00 8.00 2 415 415 415 415
1.00 2.00 2.00 3 415 415 415 415
4 415 415 415 415
60.21 5 415 415 415 415
3.01 6 415 415 415 415
1.81 7 415 415 415 415
65.03 1 2 3 4
1.00 8.00 8.00
- 2.00 -
ng / Setting Out Points shall be carried out by the

ve specific Items.

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 2.99 2.99

- 13.47 -
- 1.49 -
1.00 2.00 2.00

0.40 13.72

1.00 8.00 8.00
- 2.00 -

l & Teakwood Beading etc. completed as per

respective specific Items.

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 2.99 2.99

- 13.47 -
- 1.49 -
1.00 2.00 2.00

0.40 13.72
1.00 8.00 8.00
- 2.00 -

-Stud Partition including Taping & Jointing on each

edges / corners to be protected with Metal Corner
urer's Specification and as directed by Project

pective specific Items.

-Stud Partition including Taping & Jointing on each

edges / corners to be protected with Metal Corner
urer's Specification and as directed by Project

pective specific Items.

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 14.17 14.17

1.00 1.23 1.23
1.00 0.70 0.70
0.18 14.51 2.61
1.00 10.00 10.00
- 7.00 -
of C-Stud Partition including Taping & Jointing on
boards should be fixed in staggered manner on
/Edge Beading etc. completed as per Plan / Details

pective specific Items.

of C-Stud Partition including Taping & Jointing on

boards should be fixed in staggered manner on
/Edge Beading etc. completed as per Plan / Details

pective specific Items.

Qty Rate Amout

2.00 14.17 28.33

1.00 1.23 1.23
2.00 0.70 1.40
0.18 14.51 2.61
2.00 10.00 20.00
- 7.00 -
56.26 605.60

rywall Partition / C-Stud Frame / Aluminm Frame /

ered manner on one another. The edges / corners
Plan / Details / Drawings / Manufacturer's

pective specific Items.

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 43.00 43.00

1.00 1.23 1.23
1.00 0.70 0.70
0.18 14.51 2.61
1.00 10.00 10.00
- 7.00 -

per above specification using self sticking pin to


per above specification using self sticking pin to


Qty Rate Amout

1.00 13.47 13.47

2.00 1.49 2.97
1.81 Transport is high due to high volume nature of rockwool.
1.00 2.00 2.00

nyle Paper / OR Equivalent Material of approved

er's standard. Glasswool shall be placed over
ted by Archtect & Project Manager.

yl Paper / OR Equivalent Material of approved

er's standard. Glass wool shall be placed over
ted by Architect & Project Manager. (in All Type

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 9.01 9.01
2.00 1.49 2.97
1.32 Transport is high due to high volume nature of rockwool.
1.00 2.00 2.00

her side of C-STUD 50 mm X 0.70 bmt placed at
nd top Deflection Head Track of 72mm x 0.70
M6 x 40 anchors spaced at 610 mm ctc. All
wool insulation of 50mm x 48 kg/m3 density.
cessories as required. Stud and Track must
rength of 340 mPa. Coating class AZ 150. Dry Wall
bility 0.20 kPa, Deflection to be limited to L/240.
d of the stud and spaced at 600 mm centre up to
d be cross bracing support on either side of wall

grills, Diffusers, electrical fixtures and fittings etc.

tion only shall be measured for payments. 4.
ve door opening location 5.Gypsum edges /
of 0.50bmt shall be provided @ every 1200 mm

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 2.99 2.99

0.01 850.00 5.25
4.00 14.17 56.67
1.00 13.47 13.47
2.00 1.49 2.97
2.00 1.23 2.46
1.60 2.00 3.20

0.40 13.72 5.49

1.00 8.00 8.00
1.00 2.00 2.00
4.00 10.00 40.00
- 7.00 -


Qty Rate Amout

1.00 2.99 2.99

- 13.47 -
- 1.49 -
- 2.00 -

- 13.72 -

1.00 8.00 8.00
- 2.00 -

ax C/C. Stud to be friction fitted to Bottom Track

rack and Top deflection head tracks to be fixed to
rations to be sealed using sealant, Stud cavity

Qty Rate Amout

1.17 2.99 3.50
1.17 13.47 15.76
2.34 1.49 3.48
0.70 2.00 1.40

0.70 13.72 9.63

1.17 8.00 9.36
1.17 2.00 2.34

of C-Stud Partition including Taping & Joiting on

completed as per Plan /Details

Qty Rate Amout

2.34 14.17 33.15
1.17 2.00 2.34
2.34 10.00 23.40
- 7.00 -

inded. The

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 55.00 55.00
- 69.32 -
1.00 8.00 8.00
1.00 1.50 1.50
1.00 25.00 25.00
4.48 Transport is high due to raw mtl delivery as well as to & fro handling of board for cuttin
- 20.00 -

1.00 35.00 35.00


aper. The
ll paper

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 58.07 58.07
1.00 150.00 150.00
1.00 25.00 25.00
1.00 20.00 20.00
1.00 10.00 10.00

d paint.

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 58.07 58.07
1.00 25.00 25.00
1.00 20.00 20.00
1.00 22.00 22.00

e panel will
idered is Rs.

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 85.00 85.00
1.00 180.00 180.00
- 65.00 - Polishing is not considered & to be paid separately under painting BOQ.
1.00 8.00 8.00
1.00 25.00 25.00
1.00 20.00 20.00
1.00 30.00 30.00

e, shade & color on partition / panelling by means

5mm Thick Base Ply back. Veneer should be fix on
surface. Avoid Bubble, damage edge, approved
nsportation, etc. completed as per detail Drawing,

der respective specific Items.

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 180.00 180.00
- 65.00 - Polishing is not considered & to be paid separately under painting BOQ.
1.00 8.00 8.00
1.00 30.00 30.00

as directed by the Project Manager.

ke, shade & color on partition / panelling by

anner that there will be no uneven, Undulation on
Also Including of All Lead & Lift, at All Levels &
uction of Architect and Site In-Charge.

ve specific Items.

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 46.88 46.88
1.00 8.00 8.00
1.00 25.00 25.00

roved shade of cloth at required places

roved polish finish.

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 45.00 45.00
1.00 38.00 38.00
- 24.00 -
- 6.00 -
1.05 8.00 8.40
- 12.00 -
1.33 13.55 18.02
1.00 8.00 8.00
1.00 25.00 25.00
- 20.00 -
- 5.00 -

- 25.00 -

45.00 -

1.00 175.00 175.00


mm EVA/Rubber Foam covered with Fabric of

ed as per drawing & as directed by the Project
form. The Rate shall include mechanism of fixing
eted as per Architect.

Qty Rate Amout

- 45.00 -
1.05 44.04 46.24
1.05 6.00 6.30
- 12.00 -
1.12 13.55 15.18
1.50 8.00 12.00
1.00 20.00 20.00
1.00 10.00 10.00

1.00 25.00 25.00

- 175.00 -


pplicable as per Architect's drawing and as

k @ 415mm c/c max.connecting with

anelling / Partition with necessary hardwares /

Qty Rate Amout

0.38 290.00 109.65 Length Length Sft Total Length
1.85 2905 2905 90.84 46480
1,660.00 1 415 415 415 415
830.00 2 415 415 415 415
447.72 3 415 415 415 415
94.20 4 415 415 415 415
541.92 5 415 415 415 415
- 6 415 415 415 415
2.16 4.60 9.93 7 415 415 415 415
8.63 0.70 6.04
1.00 30.00 30.00

nnecting with 35x35x2mm "L" angle using SS

ary hardwares / screws /Fasteners etc. Completed

Qty Rate Amout

0.43 290.00 124.98 Length Length Sft Total Length
3.88 3000 3000 96.88 36000
2,400.00 1 600 600 600 600
1,200.00 2 600 600 600 600
309.67 3 600 600 600 600
89.37 4 600 600 600 600
399.04 5 600 600 600 600

1.03 4.60 4.75
4.13 0.70 2.89
1.00 30.00 30.00

rack galvanised steel channelfastened at c/c

und absorption, connect 4 mm veneer panneling
architectural design etc complete. (Ground floor

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 2.99 2.99

- 850.00 -
1.00 13.47 13.47
2.00 1.49 2.97
1.60 2.00 3.20
1.00 85.00 85.00
1.00 180.00 180.00
- 65.00 - To be paid separtely
1.00 8.00 8.00
1.00 8.00 8.00
1.00 2.00 2.00
1.00 20.00 20.00
1.00 35.00 35.00

g to ( IS-710), fix on the wall, Apply Black Japan

Silicon adhesive at all level & Height etc.

Qty Rate Amout

18.08 24.89 -
- 1,400.00 - 0.58
18.08 85.00 1,537.10
4.00 85.00
6.22 85.00
18.08 105.00 1,898.77
18.08 10.00 180.84
18.00 10.00 180.00
- 27.00 -
18.08 30.00 542.51
- 10.00 -
24.89 5.00 124.44
18.08 3.00 54.25
- 35.00 - 18.08
18.08 20.00 361.67
18.08 40.00 723.34

with led strip back lighting

Qty Rate Amout

18.64 24.89 -
- 1,400.00 - 0.58
18.64 85.00 1,584.40
4.00 85.00 340.00
6.22 85.00 528.89
18.64 105.00 1,957.20
18.64 10.00 186.40
18.00 10.00 180.00
- 27.00 -
18.64 30.00 559.20
- 10.00 -
24.89 10.00 248.89
18.00 40.00 720.00
1.00 1,150.00 1,150.00
18.00 10.00 180.00
18.64 10.00 186.40
- 35.00 - 18.64
28.86 25.00 721.56
18.64 40.00 745.60
1.00 350.00 350.00
1,817.16 97.48688603

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 355.35 355.35
1.00 30.00 30.00
1.00 40.00 40.00
450mm x 450mm / 600mm x 600mm, etc.) on
ecessary staging / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at
cific Items.

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 61.50 61.50
1.00 1.00 1.00
0.67 35.00 23.33
0.67 23.00 15.33
1.33 0.64 0.85
0.67 13.50 9.00
1.33 0.60 0.80
1.00 20.00 20.00

1.00 10.00 10.00


450mm x 450mm / 600mm x 600mm, etc.) on

ing / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level &

aded Rod with Hilti Anchor Fasteners in slab

cific Items.

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 85.00 85.00
1.00 1.00 1.00
0.67 35.00 23.33
0.67 23.00 15.33
1.33 0.64 0.85
0.67 13.50 9.00
1.33 0.60 0.80
1.00 20.00 20.00

1.00 10.00 10.00


oad above ceiling for decorative lights.

Qty Rate Amout
4.00 85.00 340.00
4.00 1.00 4.00
4.00 35.00 140.00
4.00 23.00 92.00
8.00 0.64 5.08
4.00 13.50 54.00
8.00 0.60 4.80
4.00 20.00 80.00

4.00 10.00 40.00


e (Item 19.1) with 1mm Laminate Finish of

by Project Manager..

afety norms in contractor's scope and shall not be

Qty Rate Amout
1.00 85.00 85.00
1.00 1.00 1.00
1.00 46.88 46.88
1.00 8.00 8.00
1.00 20.00 20.00
1.00 25.00 25.00

e (Item 19.1) with 12.5mm Gypsum Board finish

eted as per details in drawing and as instructed

Qty Rate Amout

1.00 85.00 85.00
1.00 14.17 14.17
1.00 1.23 1.23
1.00 2.00 2.00
0.33 14.51 4.79
1.00 20.00 20.00
1.00 11.50 11.50

framework of 50 x 50 mm pipe of 450 mm c/c

tural design etc complete.

Qty Rate Amout

0.39 290.00 112.75
1.00 15.00 15.00
1.00 85.00 85.00
1.00 34.38 34.38
1.00 8.00 8.00
1.00 30.00 30.00
1.00 20.00 20.00
1.00 25.00 25.00

ation. Main Frame made of 50mmX25mmx2mm

of Best Quality.Door Edge shall be finished with
ock etc. Completed as per Architect's Drawing /

respective Item)

Qty Rate Amout

0.36 290.00 105.71
1.00 15.00 15.00
2.00 57.13 114.25
1.00 25.00 25.00
- 15.00 -
- 34.38 -
- 8.00 -
1.00 222.67 222.67
1.00 30.00 30.00
2.00 20.00 40.00
1.00 15.00 15.00
1.00 15.00 15.00
- 25.00 -
rame / Vertical Members shall be of
m shall be used alongwith necessary angles / flat.
ilti Anchor of approved Make Fasteners to the
able size shall be used to make Light Cove .
wood of Marine grade IS710 on both the Side
be inclusive of making light cove at skirting level
e Beading / Corner etc. completed as per

hitect's / before execution.

Qty Rate Amout


79.46 59.00 4,687.85
13.24 59.00 781.31
15.45 59.00 911.53
74.88 61.50 4,605.12
74.88 14.17 1,060.80
74.88 2.00 149.76
8.00 250.00 2,000.00

79.46 40.00 3,178.21

74.88 20.00 1,497.60

74.88 10.00 748.80
m c/c as per Design/drawing cladded with 19mm
ners etc. completed as per Architect's design &

Qty Rate Amout

0.57 290.00 164.43 21 21
1.00 64.00 64.00 Alu. Feet 42
1.25 85.00 106.25 Ply Sft 24
- 34.38 - 1.75
- 8.00 - 525
1.00 30.00 30.00
1.25 25.00 31.25
- 25.00 -

h 1 mm thick laminate on both sides with 10 x

& fittings, such as Stainless Steel Pull Handle ( H
Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both sides, tower
EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold open, fire rated, CE
rend (911.22.551) EURO profile Thumb Turn
ted,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both Side With
rner, with timber door screw(926.32.160)as per

polish) (1500 mm x 2100 mm)

e polish) (900X2100)
with melamine polish) (900 mm x 2100 mm)
Qty Rate Amout
2,100.00 20.34 Sft
100.00 17.00 Rft
1.94 3,000.00 5,815.10 Tufwud 07.06.22 13,265.00
17.00 57.20 972.40 972.40
17.00 30.00 510.00 510.00
20.34 162.50 3,305.89
64.00 46.88 3,000.00 400.00
22.00 25.00 550.00
22.00 15.00 330.00 ??
- 800.00 - -340.00
Hafele Code
4.00 255.00 1,020.00 926.32.160 1,020.00

1.00 10,266.00 10,266.00 931.46.239 10,266.00

1.00 912.50 912.50 903.11.460 912.50

1.00 635.00 635.00 911.22.551 635.00

1.00 760.00 760.00 916.96.306 760.00

1.00 195.00 195.00 903.99.664 195.00

1.00 600.00 600.00 600.00

- 45.00 -
- 800.00 -
28,871.90 29,195.90
5% 1,443.59
1% 288.72 288.72
30,604.21 29,484.62
3.00% 918.13 137.72
918.13 137.72
31,522.34 29,622.34
1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,000.00
17.00 115.00 1,955.00 1,000.00
5,455.00 2,000.00
36,977.34 31,622.34
1,817.61 1,554.38
19,564.73 16,731.40
h 1 mm thick laminate on both sides with 10 x
& fittings, such as Stainless Steel Pull Handle ( H
Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both sides, tower
EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold open, fire rated, CE
rend (911.22.551) EURO profile Thumb Turn
ted,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both Side With
rner, with timber door screw(926.32.160)as per

ith melamine polish) (900 mm x 2400 mm)

with melamine polish) (900 mm x 2400 mm)
with melamine polish) (900 mm x 2400 mm)
Qty Rate Amout
2,400.00 23.25 Sft
100.00 19.00 Rft
2.16 3,000.00 6,479.69 Tufwud 07.06.22 16,484.00
19.00 57.20 1,086.80
19.00 30.00 570.00 570.00

23.25 162.50 3,778.16

64.00 46.88 3,000.00 400.00
24.20 25.00 605.00
24.20 15.00 363.00 363.00
- 800.00 - Hinge minus -340.00
Hafele Code
4.00 255.00 1,020.00 926.32.160 1,020.00

1.00 10,266.00 10,266.00 931.46.239 10,266.00

1.00 912.50 912.50 903.11.460 912.50

1.00 635.00 635.00 911.22.551 635.00

1.00 760.00 760.00 916.96.306 760.00

1.00 195.00 195.00 903.99.664 195.00

1.00 600.00 600.00 600.00

- 45.00 -
1.00 800.00 800.00
31,071.15 31,865.50
5% 1,553.56
1% 310.71 155.36
32,935.42 32,020.86
3.00% 988.06 unloading & handling 148.21
988.06 148.21
33,923.48 32,169.07
1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 door installation 1,000.00
19.00 115.00 2,185.00 frame installation 1,000.00
5,685.00 2,000.00
39,608.48 34,169.07
1,703.57 1,469.62
18,337.26 15,819.01

h 1 mm thick laminate on both sides with 10 x

& fittings, such as Stainless Steel Pull Handle ( H
Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both sides, tower
EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold open, fire rated, CE
rend (911.22.551) EURO profile Thumb Turn
ted,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both Side With
rner, with timber door screw(926.32.160)as per

with melamine polish) (750 mm x 2400 mm)

Qty Rate Amout
2,400.00 19.38 Sft
100.00 18.50 Rft
2.10 3,000.00 6,313.54 Tufwud 07.06.22 15,807.00
18.50 57.20 1,058.20
18.50 30.00 555.00 555.00

19.38 162.50 3,148.47

64.00 46.88 3,000.00 400.00
23.10 25.00 577.50
23.10 15.00 346.50 346.50
- 800.00 - Hinge minus -340.00
Hafele Code
4.00 255.00 1,020.00 926.32.160 1,020.00

1.00 10,266.00 10,266.00 931.46.239 10,266.00

1.00 912.50 912.50 903.11.460 912.50

1.00 635.00 635.00 911.22.551 635.00

1.00 760.00 760.00 916.96.306 760.00

1.00 195.00 195.00 903.99.664 195.00

1.00 600.00 600.00 600.00
- 45.00 -
1.00 800.00 800.00
30,187.71 31,157.00
5% 1,509.39
1% 301.88 150.94
31,998.97 31,307.94
3.00% 959.97 unloading & handling 144.00
959.97 144.00
32,958.94 31,451.93
1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 door installation 1,000.00
18.50 115.00 2,127.50 frame installation 1,000.00
5,627.50 2,000.00
38,586.44 33,451.93
1,991.54 1,726.53
21,436.91 18,584.41

h 1 mm thick laminate on both sides with 10 x

& fittings, such as Stainless Steel Pull Handle ( H
Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both sides, tower
EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold open, fire rated, CE
rend (911.22.551) EURO profile Thumb Turn
ted,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both Side With
rner, with timber door screw(926.32.160)as per

melamine polish) (1200X2400)

Qty Rate Amout
2,400.00 31.00 Sft
100.00 20.00 Rft
2.27 3,000.00 6,811.98 Tufwud 07.06.22 15,086.00
20.00 57.20 1,144.00
20.00 30.00 600.00 600.00

31.00 162.50 5,037.55

64.00 46.88 3,000.00 400.00
26.40 25.00 660.00
26.40 15.00 396.00 396.00
- 800.00 -
Hafele Code Hinge minus -340.00
1.00 5,022.50 5,022.50 932.79.040 5,022.50

1.00 547.50 547.50 932.79.090 547.50

1.00 635.00 635.00 911.22.551 635.00

1.00 760.00 760.00 916.96.306 760.00

1.00 195.00 195.00 903.99.664 195.00

1.00 912.50 912.50 903.11.460 912.50

- 1,975.00 - 903.00.370 -

1.00 600.00 600.00 600.00

- 45.00 -
- 800.00 -
26,322.03 24,814.50
5% 1,316.10
1% 263.22 131.61
27,901.35 24,946.11
3.00% 837.04 unloading & handling 125.56
837.04 125.56
28,738.39 25,071.67
1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 door installation 1,000.00
20.00 115.00 2,300.00 frame installation 1,000.00
5,800.00 2,000.00
34,538.39 27,071.67
1,114.13 873.27
11,992.50 9,399.88

h 1 mm thick laminate on both sides with 10 x

& fittings, such as Stainless Steel Pull Handle ( H
Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both sides, tower
EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold open, fire rated, CE
rend (911.22.551) EURO profile Thumb Turn
ted,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both Side With
rner, with timber door screw(926.32.160)as per
melamine polish) (1200X2100)
Qty Rate Amout
2,100.00 27.13 Sft
100.00 18.00 Rft
2.05 3,000.00 6,147.40 Tufwud 07.06.22 15,086.00
18.00 57.20 1,029.60
18.00 30.00 540.00 540.00

27.13 162.50 4,407.86

64.00 46.88 3,000.00 400.00
24.20 25.00 605.00
24.20 15.00 363.00 -2,237.00
- 800.00 -

Hafele Code Hinge minus -340.00

1.00 5,022.50 5,022.50 932.79.040 5,022.50

1.00 547.50 547.50 932.79.090 547.50

1.00 635.00 635.00 911.22.551 635.00

1.00 760.00 760.00 916.96.306 760.00

1.00 195.00 195.00 903.99.664 195.00

1.00 912.50 912.50 903.11.460 912.50

- 1,975.00 - 903.00.370 -

1.00 600.00 600.00 600.00

- 45.00 -
- 800.00 -
24,765.35 22,121.50
5% 1,238.27
1% 247.65 123.83
26,251.28 22,245.33
3.00% 787.54 unloading & handling 118.13
787.54 118.13
27,038.81 22,363.46
1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 door installation 1,000.00
18.00 115.00 2,070.00 frame installation 1,000.00
5,570.00 2,000.00
32,608.81 24,363.46
1,202.16 898.18
12,940.01 9,668.04

h 1 mm thick laminate on both sides with 10 x

& fittings, such as Stainless Steel Pull Handle ( H
Grade-304 (22 mm Dia ) on both sides, tower
EN 2-4 slide Track arm, Hold open, fire rated, CE
rend (911.22.551) EURO profile Thumb Turn
ted,100X60 mm T.W Frame Both Side With
rner, with timber door screw(926.32.160)as per

melamine polish) (900X2100)

Qty Rate Amout
2,100.00 20.34 Sft
100.00 17.00 Rft
1.94 3,000.00 5,815.10 Tufwud 07.06.22 13,265.00
17.00 57.20 972.40
17.00 30.00 510.00 510.00

20.34 162.50 3,305.89

64.00 46.88 3,000.00 400.00
22.00 25.00 550.00
22.00 15.00 330.00 -2,270.00
- 800.00 -

Hafele Code Hinge minus -340.00

1.00 5,022.50 5,022.50 932.79.040 5,022.50

1.00 547.50 547.50 932.79.090 547.50

1.00 635.00 635.00 911.22.551 635.00

1.00 760.00 760.00 916.96.306 760.00

1.00 195.00 195.00 903.99.664 195.00

1.00 912.50 912.50 903.11.460 912.50

- 1,975.00 - 903.00.370 -
1.00 600.00 600.00 600.00
- 45.00 -
- 800.00 -
23,155.90 20,237.50
5% 1,157.79
1% 231.56 115.78
24,545.25 20,353.28
3.00% 736.36 unloading & handling 110.45
736.36 110.45
25,281.61 20,463.73
1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 door installation 1,000.00
17.00 115.00 1,955.00 frame installation 1,000.00
5,455.00 2,000.00
30,736.61 22,463.73
1,510.85 1,104.20
16,262.76 11,885.57

er Flush Door with 1.5mm thick laminate on both

ttings, such as handles on both sides, tower bolts,
grill powder coated, as per architect's detailed

Qty Rate Amout

2,400.00 23.25 Sft
125.00 19.00 Rft
2.59 3,000.00 7,775.63
19.00 63.70 1,210.30
19.00 30.00 570.00

23.25 142.19 3,305.89

64.00 46.88 3,000.00
24.20 25.00 605.00
24.20 15.00 363.00
- 800.00 - Hafele Code

4.00 255.00 1,020.00 926.32.160

- 1,341.60 - 499.30.003
1.00 663.00 663.00 911.02.783

1.00 551.20 551.20 916.96.016

2.00 793.00 1,586.00 903.92.556

1.00 182.00 182.00 937.55.140

- 600.00 -
- 2,300.00 -
1.00 3,650.85 3,650.85
24.20 45.00
1.00 800.00 800.00
2% 505.66
1% 252.83
2.00% 520.83
1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00
19.00 115.00 2,185.00

25mm x2mm thick aluminium box pipe (400mm

ound with two faces Veneer of 3.5mm Thick of

, Solid Wooden Handle, Stopper, Hinge & other
c. complete in
as per approved shade/finish by Architect. The
oof. The Door shutter shall be properly aligned
Qty Rate Amout
2,400.00 23.25 Sft
100.00 19.00 Rft
2.16 3,000.00
19.00 57.20
19.00 30.00

5.83 290.00 1,691.28

5.10 290.00 1,479.87
23.25 142.19
46.50 61.50 2,859.78
64.00 180.00 11,520.00
46.50 110.00
46.50 65.00 3,022.53
24.20 25.00 605.00
24.20 15.00 363.00
- 800.00 - Hafele Code

Hafele Code
4.00 255.00 1,020.00 926.32.160

1.00 10,266.00 10,266.00 931.46.239

1.00 912.50 912.50 903.11.460

1.00 635.00 635.00 911.22.551

1.00 760.00 760.00 916.96.306

1.00 195.00 195.00 903.99.664

1.00 600.00 600.00

- 45.00 -
- 800.00 -
3% 1,077.90
1% 359.30
2.00% 747.34
1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00
19.00 115.00

oden Single shutter Flush Door with 1.5mm thick

ate is inclusive of s.s.fixtures & fittings, such as
450 x 150mm aluminum ventilation grill powder
wed from the Hardware Annexure attached.

Qty Rate Amout

2,400.00 23.25 Sft
100.00 19.00 Rft
2.16 3,000.00 6,479.69
19.00 57.20 1,086.80
19.00 30.00 570.00

23.25 142.19 3,305.89

64.00 180.00 11,520.00
46.50 110.00
46.50 65.00 3,022.53
24.20 25.00 605.00
24.20 15.00 363.00
- 800.00 - Hafele Code

4.00 255.00 1,020.00 926.32.160

- 1,341.60 - 499.30.003
1.00 663.00 663.00 911.02.783

1.00 551.20 551.20 916.96.016

2.00 793.00 903.92.556

1.00 4,800.00 4,800.00

1.00 182.00 182.00 937.55.140

- 600.00 -
- 2,300.00 -
1.00 3,650.85 3,650.85
24.20 45.00
- 800.00 -
2% 756.40
1% 378.20
2.00% 779.09
1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00
19.00 115.00 2,185.00
ngle shutter 2 hours fire rating conforming to
skin door shell with lock seam joint at stile edges
m 1.6mm thick galvanized steel sheet formed to
or frames and shutter primed with zinc
paint including ironmongery cconsisting of
hutter ,full width horizontal handles(panic
tc .complete for the following clear opening sizes.

Qty Rate Amout

2,400.00 25.83 Sft
120.00 19.33 Rft
2.55 3,000.00
19.33 62.40
19.33 30.00

25.83 400.00 10,333.44

64.00 180.00 11,520.00
51.67 110.00
51.67 65.00 3,358.37
24.93 25.00 623.33
24.93 15.00 374.00
1.00 3,696.00 3,696.00 Hafele Code

4.00 330.00 1,320.00

- 1,341.60 - 499.30.003
1.00 663.00 663.00 911.02.783

1.00 551.20 551.20 916.96.016

2.00 793.00 1,586.00 903.92.556

1.00 182.00 182.00 937.55.140

- 600.00 -
- 2,300.00 -
1.00 3,650.85 3,650.85
24.93 45.00
24.93 45.00 1,122.00
- 800.00 -
3.00% 1,169.41
1% 389.80
2.00% 810.79
1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00
19.33 115.00

mm mm
12.00 8.00
230.00 230.00

230.00 230.00
20.00 30.00
11.50 7.67
12.00 12.00
1.50 1.50
1.00 1.00
2.45 2.07 Contractor margin changed from 15 to 10%
26.95 22.73
290.09 244.70

0% 0%

3% 3%

0.81 0.68
27.76 23.42
298.79 252.04
e smooth and levelled and as
plast of premium fine quality suitable
he manufacturer`s detailed
g, cleaning of floor from fall off POP
ng surface for proper bond and also

shall be paid for making groove (Lift

mm mm
12.00 8.00

157.14 157.14

4.71 4.71
161.86 161.86
16.00 24.00
10.12 6.74
12.00 12.00
1.50 1.50
1.00 1.00
- - Contractor margin changed from 15 to 0%
23.12 19.74
248.82 212.52

0% 0%

3% 3%

0.69 0.59
23.81 20.34
256.29 218.90
mm) & (900x 2400). Door shutter made up of
per schedule. Work including of fixing and
e and gala cutting in glass, CEP, Both side
Height, Transportation, etc. completed as per

single Leaf (1200X2400) (D1)

Qty Rate Amout

2,400.00 32.00 Sft

33.60 227.61 7,647.71

5.00 100.00 500.00
1.00 240.00 240.00 Ozone

1.00 5,995.00 5,995.00 Ozone

1.00 1,072.50 1,072.50 Ozone

1.00 1,072.50 1,072.50 Ozone

1.00 1,677.50 1,677.50 Ozone

- 1,265.00 - Ozone

1.00 4,200.00 4,200.00

2% 448.10
2% 448.10
3.00% 699.04
1.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

mm) & (900x 2400). Door shutter made up of

per schedule. Work including of fixing and
e and gala cutting in glass, CEP, Both side
Height, Transportation, etc. completed as per

(Cabins/ Rooms)

Qty Rate Amout

2,400.00 24.00 Sft

25.20 227.61 5,735.79

5.00 100.00 500.00
1.00 240.00 240.00 Ozone

1.00 5,995.00 5,995.00 Ozone

1.00 1,072.50 1,072.50 Ozone

1.00 1,072.50 1,072.50 Ozone

1.00 1,677.50 1,677.50 Ozone

- 1,265.00 - Ozone

1.00 4,200.00 4,200.00

1% 204.93
1% 204.93
1.00% 209.03
1.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Clear glass door with top & bottom patch fittings.

tr) (KITCHEN )

Qty Rate Amout

2,400.00 26.67 Sft

28.00 227.61 6,373.10

5.00 100.00 500.00
1.00 240.00 240.00 Ozone

1.00 5,995.00 5,995.00 Ozone

1.00 1,072.50 1,072.50 Ozone

1.00 1,072.50 1,072.50 Ozone

1.00 1,677.50 1,677.50 Ozone

- 1,265.00 - Ozone

1.00 4,800.00 4,800.00

3% 651.92
2% 434.61
3.00% 684.51
1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00

ly 19mm thick of brand as mentioned by Architect. The facia made in marine ply to be 19mm thick. The ply to be
thick as approved by the architect. The veneer to befinished in melamine polish.
tect. Details as per the drawings.
m thick. Each drawer to be of ht 150mm and width 450mm. The drawer framework to be marine ply with 4mm venner
y harware fittings.The drawer framework to be marine ply and teak wood where required. Shutters & Drawers to have


Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

400.00 650.00 19.05 12.59 Sq. Feet 17.33 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

1,800.00 1.00 7.75
1,800.00 1.00 7.40
650.00 2.00 5.35
575.00 2.00 4.48
900.00 1.50 5.26
575.00 3.00 8.36
450.00 3.00 2.79
350.00 6.00 2.64
375.00 3.00 1.41
1,800.00 2.00 2.91
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 7.25 55.59 Sq. Feet 85.00 4,724.77

575.00 1.00 11.14

375.00 3.00 4.24
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 2.31 17.69 Sq. Feet 61.50 1,087.68

1,800.00 1.00 7.75 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

1,800.00 1.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
650.00 2.00 5.35 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
575.00 2.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
900.00 1.50 BSL - Approved shade laminate
575.00 3.00 8.36 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
450.00 3.00 2.79 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
350.00 6.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
375.00 3.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,800.00 1.00 1.45 Veneer + Balancing white laminate
575.00 1.00 OSL
375.00 3.00 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.85 29.54 Sq. Feet 180.00 5,317.70

25.69 Sq. Feet 55.00 1,412.91

1,800.00 1.00 7.75 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

1,800.00 1.00 14.80 BSL - Approved shade laminate
650.00 2.00 5.35 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
575.00 2.00 8.96 BSL - Approved shade laminate
900.00 1.50 10.52 BSL - Approved shade laminate
575.00 3.00 8.36 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
450.00 3.00 2.79 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
350.00 6.00 5.27 BSL - Approved shade laminate
375.00 3.00 2.83 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,800.00 - - Veneer + Balancing white laminate
575.00 1.00 11.14 OSL
375.00 3.00 4.24 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 12.30 94.30 Sq. Feet 46.88 4,420.35

1,800.00 3.00 4.36 Veneer + Balancing white laminate

575.00 1.00 11.14 OSL
375.00 3.00 4.24 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 2.96 22.70 Sq. Feet 13.00 295.09

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x Veneer EBT -

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : 30 x 0.80 mm
1,800.00 0.80 1.00 4.40
1,800.00 0.80 1.00 4.36
650.00 0.80 2.00 4.13
575.00 0.80 2.00 3.75
900.00 0.80 1.50 3.79
575.00 0.80 3.00 6.15
450.00 0.80 3.00 3.85
350.00 0.80 6.00 5.60
375.00 0.80 3.00 2.95
1,800.00 0.80 2.00 7.50
575.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 179.60
16.08 - 30.39 15.14 -
Wastage 0.15 18.50 - 34.95 35.00 1,223.28

123.84 sq. Feet 4.38 541.82

53.45 1.50 80.17
24.00 Sets 9.00 216.00
36.00 nos. 0.80 28.80
14.00 nos. 5.78 80.85
14.00 nos. 4.19 58.66
6.00 nos. 128.00 768.00
2.00 nos. 93.00 186.00
6.00 nos. 85.00 510.00
3.00 pairs 600.00 1,800.00
0.00% -

5% 1,146.58
5% 1,146.58
67% 15,287.79
2% 810.25
Per nos. 41,322.89
Per sq. ft. 3,281.19
Per sq. mtr. 35,318.71

d available lenth.
marine ply finished with 4 mm thk veneer ( VP1) on outsides and Laminate 1mm thick (LP2) inside with dhar Patti (Edge)
niture to be followed as mentioned herewith.Hafele-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hinges + 2 mm mounting plate
e (329.05609) as per architect approved material .Shutters to have 12 mm inward tapering finger grooves on top edge

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

750.00 750.00 19.05 16.95 Sq. Feet 43.75 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

2,100.00 1.00 16.95
2,100.00 1.00 16.55
750.00 2.00 11.82
675.00 1.00 5.17
1,050.00 2.00 16.09
675.00 4.00 15.26
525.00 - -
700.00 - -
450.00 - -
2,100.00 2.00 3.39
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 12.79 98.02 Sq. Feet 85.00 8,331.70

675.00 1.00 15.26

450.00 - -
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 2.29 17.55 Sq. Feet 61.50 1,079.12

2,100.00 1.00 MARBLE + Approved shade laminate

2,100.00 1.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 2.00 11.82 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
675.00 1.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,050.00 2.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
675.00 4.00 15.26 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
525.00 - - Veneer + Approved shade laminate
700.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
450.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,100.00 1.00 1.70 Veneer + Balancing white laminate
675.00 1.00 OSL
450.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 4.32 33.09 Sq. Feet 180.00 5,955.84

28.77 Sq. Feet 55.00 1,582.47

2,100.00 1.00 16.95 MARBLE + Approved shade laminate

2,100.00 1.00 33.09 BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 2.00 11.82 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
675.00 1.00 10.35 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,050.00 2.00 32.19 BSL - Approved shade laminate
675.00 4.00 15.26 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
525.00 - - Veneer + Approved shade laminate
700.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
450.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,100.00 - - Veneer + Balancing white laminate
675.00 1.00 15.26 OSL
450.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 20.24 155.15 Sq. Feet 46.88 7,272.81

2,100.00 3.00 5.09 Veneer + Balancing white laminate

675.00 1.00 15.26 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.05 23.40 Sq. Feet 13.00 304.14

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x Veneer EBT -

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : 30 x 0.80 mm
2,100.00 0.80 1.00 5.70
2,100.00 0.80 1.00 5.66
750.00 0.80 2.00 5.93
675.00 0.80 1.00 2.77
1,050.00 0.80 2.00 7.05
675.00 0.80 4.00 9.60
525.00 0.80 - -
700.00 0.80 - -
450.00 0.80 - -
2,100.00 0.80 2.00 8.70
675.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 109.68
9.82 - 35.59 15.14 -
Wastage 0.15 11.30 - 40.93 35.00 1,432.58

188.24 sq. Feet 4.38 823.56

52.23 1.50 78.34
36.00 Sets 9.00 324.00
54.00 nos. 0.80 43.20
10.00 nos. 5.78 57.75
10.00 nos. 4.19 41.90
8.00 nos. 128.00 1,024.00
2.00 nos. 93.00 186.00
6.00 nos. 85.00 510.00
- pairs 600.00 -
0.00% -

5% 1,457.85
5% 1,457.85
67% 19,438.05
2% 1,030.22
Per nos. 52,541.06
Per sq. ft. 3,099.16
Per sq. mtr. 33,359.40

ition and available length.

the outside & inside 1mm thick Laminate finish with teak wood dhar patti on edge with melamine polish on veneer as
1mm Lamnate both sides with PVC edge finish as per architect approved material. The shelves to be supported on
onceal 2mm mounting plate. Skirting to be in 75mm x 4mm veneer finished. Shutters to have 12 mm inward tapering
d by architect.

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

450.00 600.00 19.05 25.83 Sq. Feet 40.00 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

4,000.00 1.00 19.38
4,000.00 1.00 18.60
600.00 4.00 11.16
525.00 3.00 6.98
1,200.00 1.00 5.32
525.00 6.00 13.56
400.00 - -
400.00 - -
325.00 - -
4,000.00 2.00 6.46
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 12.22 93.68 Sq. Feet 85.00 7,963.01

525.00 1.00 22.60

325.00 - -
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.39 26.00 Sq. Feet 61.50 1,598.70

4,000.00 1.00 19.38 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

4,000.00 1.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
600.00 4.00 11.16 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
525.00 3.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,200.00 1.00 10.64 BSL - Veneer
525.00 6.00 13.56 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
400.00 - - Veneer + Approved shade laminate
400.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
325.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
4,000.00 1.00 3.23 Veneer + Balancing white laminate
1,425.00 1.00 18.41
325.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 11.46 87.83 Sq. Feet 180.00 15,810.05

76.38 Sq. Feet 55.00 4,200.74

4,000.00 1.00 19.38 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

4,000.00 1.00 37.20 BSL - Approved shade laminate
600.00 4.00 11.16 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
525.00 3.00 13.97 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,200.00 1.00 10.64 BSL - Approved shade laminate
525.00 6.00 13.56 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
400.00 - - Veneer + Approved shade laminate
400.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
325.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
4,000.00 - - Veneer + Balancing white laminate
525.00 1.00 15.82 OSL
325.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 18.26 139.99 Sq. Feet 46.88 6,562.24

4,000.00 3.00 9.69 Veneer + Balancing white laminate

525.00 1.00 15.82 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.83 29.34 Sq. Feet 13.00 381.38

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x Veneer EBT -

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : 30 x 0.80 mm
4,000.00 0.80 1.00 8.90
4,000.00 0.80 1.00 8.86
600.00 0.80 4.00 8.26
525.00 0.80 3.00 5.62
1,200.00 0.80 1.00 3.22
525.00 0.80 6.00 11.10
400.00 0.80 - -
400.00 0.80 - -
325.00 0.80 - -
4,000.00 0.80 2.00 16.30
525.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 98.78
8.85 - 53.42 15.14 -
Wastage 0.15 10.17 - 61.43 35.00 2,150.16

227.83 sq. Feet 4.38 996.75

71.61 1.50 107.41
40.00 Sets 9.00 360.00
60.00 nos. 0.80 48.00
20.00 nos. 5.78 115.50
20.00 nos. 4.19 83.80
12.00 nos. 128.00 1,536.00
- nos. 93.00 -
- nos. 85.00 -
- pairs 600.00 -
0.00% -

5% 2,100.63
5% 2,100.63
67% 28,008.34
1% 742.22
Per nos. 74,964.32
Per sq. ft. 2,901.81
Per sq. mtr. 31,235.13

TV Lounge
n and available length.
the outside & inside 1mm thick Laminate finish with teak wood dhar patti on edge with melamine polish on veneer as
1mm Lamnate both sides with PVC edge finish as per architect approved material. The shelves to be supported on
onceal 2mm mounting plate. Skirting to be in 75mm x 4mm veneer finished. Shutters to have 12 mm inward tapering
d by architect.

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

450.00 600.00 19.05 19.38 Sq. Feet 30.00 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

3,000.00 1.00 14.53
3,000.00 1.00 13.95
600.00 4.00 11.16
525.00 1.00 2.33
1,200.00 1.00 5.32
525.00 4.00 10.17
450.00 - -
400.00 - -
375.00 - -
3,000.00 2.00 4.84
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 9.35 71.65 Sq. Feet 85.00 6,090.55

525.00 1.00 16.95

375.00 - -
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 2.54 19.50 Sq. Feet 61.50 1,199.02

3,000.00 1.00 14.53 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

3,000.00 1.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
600.00 4.00 11.16 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
525.00 1.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,200.00 1.00 10.64 BSL - Veneer
525.00 4.00 10.17 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
450.00 - - Veneer + Approved shade laminate
400.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
375.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
3,000.00 1.00 2.42 Veneer + Balancing white laminate
1,425.00 1.00 18.41
375.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 10.10 77.44 Sq. Feet 180.00 13,938.40

67.34 Sq. Feet 55.00 3,703.44

3,000.00 1.00 14.53 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

3,000.00 1.00 27.90 BSL - Approved shade laminate
600.00 4.00 11.16 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
525.00 1.00 4.66 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,200.00 1.00 10.64 BSL - Approved shade laminate
525.00 4.00 10.17 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
450.00 - - Veneer + Approved shade laminate
400.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
375.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
3,000.00 - - Veneer + Balancing white laminate
525.00 1.00 10.17 OSL
375.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 13.39 102.62 Sq. Feet 46.88 4,810.36

3,000.00 3.00 7.27 Veneer + Balancing white laminate

525.00 1.00 10.17 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 2.62 20.05 Sq. Feet 13.00 260.69

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x Veneer EBT -

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : 30 x 0.80 mm
3,000.00 0.80 1.00 6.90
3,000.00 0.80 1.00 6.86
600.00 0.80 4.00 8.26
525.00 0.80 1.00 1.87
1,200.00 0.80 1.00 3.22
525.00 0.80 4.00 7.80
450.00 0.80 - -
400.00 0.80 - -
375.00 0.80 - -
3,000.00 0.80 2.00 12.30
525.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 56.93
5.10 - 42.12 15.14 -
Wastage 0.15 5.86 - 48.44 35.00 1,695.33

180.06 sq. Feet 4.38 787.75

54.30 1.50 81.45
30.00 Sets 9.00 270.00
45.00 nos. 0.80 36.00
14.00 nos. 5.78 80.85
14.00 nos. 4.19 58.66
8.00 nos. 128.00 1,024.00
- nos. 93.00 -
- nos. 85.00 -
- pairs 600.00 -
0.00% -

5% 1,704.67
5% 1,704.67
67% 22,728.96
1% 602.32
Per nos. 60,834.06
Per sq. ft. 3,139.79
Per sq. mtr. 33,796.70

ition and available length.

the outside & inside 1mm thick Laminate finish with teak wood dhar patti on edge with melamine polish on veneer as
1mm Lamnate both sides with PVC edge finish as per architect approved material. The shelves to be supported on
onceal 2mm mounting plate. Skirting to be in 75mm x 4mm veneer finished. Shutters to have 12 mm inward tapering
d by architect.

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

450.00 600.00 19.05 17.44 Sq. Feet 27.00 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

2,700.00 1.00 13.08
2,700.00 1.00 12.56
600.00 4.00 11.16
525.00 1.00 2.33
1,000.00 1.00 4.43
525.00 4.00 9.61
425.00 - -
400.00 - -
350.00 - -
2,700.00 2.00 4.36
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 8.63 66.15 Sq. Feet 85.00 5,622.86

525.00 1.00 15.26

350.00 - -
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 2.29 17.55 Sq. Feet 61.50 1,079.12

2,700.00 1.00 13.08 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

2,700.00 1.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
600.00 4.00 11.16 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
525.00 1.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,000.00 1.00 8.87 BSL - Veneer
525.00 4.00 9.61 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
425.00 - - Veneer + Approved shade laminate
400.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
350.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,700.00 1.00 2.18 Veneer + Balancing white laminate
1,425.00 1.00 15.34
350.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 9.03 69.27 Sq. Feet 180.00 12,468.27

60.23 Sq. Feet 55.00 3,312.83

2,700.00 1.00 13.08 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

2,700.00 1.00 25.11 BSL - Approved shade laminate
600.00 4.00 11.16 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
525.00 1.00 4.66 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,000.00 1.00 8.87 BSL - Approved shade laminate
525.00 4.00 9.61 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
425.00 - - Veneer + Approved shade laminate
400.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
350.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,700.00 - - Veneer + Balancing white laminate
525.00 1.00 9.61 OSL
350.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 12.31 94.40 Sq. Feet 46.88 4,425.08

2,700.00 3.00 6.54 Veneer + Balancing white laminate

525.00 1.00 9.61 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 2.42 18.57 Sq. Feet 13.00 241.38

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x Veneer EBT -

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : 30 x 0.80 mm
2,700.00 0.80 1.00 6.30
2,700.00 0.80 1.00 6.26
600.00 0.80 4.00 8.26
525.00 0.80 1.00 1.87
1,000.00 0.80 1.00 2.82
525.00 0.80 4.00 7.60
425.00 0.80 - -
400.00 0.80 - -
350.00 0.80 - -
2,700.00 0.80 2.00 11.10
525.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 52.46
4.70 - 39.52 15.14 -
Wastage 0.15 5.40 - 45.45 35.00 1,590.68

163.67 sq. Feet 4.38 716.06

50.85 1.50 76.28
34.00 Sets 9.00 306.00
51.00 nos. 0.80 40.80
14.00 nos. 5.78 80.85
14.00 nos. 4.19 58.66
8.00 nos. 128.00 1,024.00
- nos. 93.00 -
- nos. 85.00 -
- pairs 600.00 -
0.00% -

5% 1,554.77
5% 1,554.77
67% 20,730.21
1% 549.35
Per nos. 55,484.41
Per sq. ft. 3,181.87
Per sq. mtr. 34,249.63

he outside & 1mm thcik Laminate finish inside (LP2) with dhar patti made from teakwood on edge with polish veneer
ith veneer. Set of drawer’s of size width 500 mm X ht 750mm to be made in marine ply 19mm thick. Each drawer to be
mm venner finish and teak wood with melamine polish where required .Shutters & Drawers to have 12 mm inward
he framework of 19mm marine ply and as per architect approved material. All hardware for drawer in Haffelle as

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

750.00 750.00 19.05 12.11 Sq. Feet 31.25 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

1,500.00 1.00 12.11
1,500.00 1.00 11.82
750.00 2.00 11.82
675.00 1.00 5.17
375.00 1.50 4.16
525.00 3.00 8.48
500.00 3.00 2.42
600.00 6.00 3.68
425.00 3.00 1.30
1,500.00 2.00 2.42
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 9.51 72.89 Sq. Feet 85.00 6,195.94

675.00 1.00 10.90

425.00 3.00 8.23
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 2.87 22.00 Sq. Feet 61.50 1,353.18

1,500.00 1.00 12.11 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

1,500.00 1.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 2.00 11.82 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
675.00 1.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
375.00 1.50 BSL - Approved shade laminate
525.00 3.00 8.48 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
500.00 3.00 2.42 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
600.00 6.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
425.00 3.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,500.00 1.00 1.21 Veneer + Balancing white laminate
675.00 1.00 OSL
425.00 3.00 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 5.41 41.44 Sq. Feet 180.00 7,459.84

36.04 Sq. Feet 55.00 1,982.08

1,500.00 1.00 12.11 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

1,500.00 1.00 23.64 BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 2.00 11.82 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
675.00 1.00 10.35 BSL - Approved shade laminate
375.00 1.50 8.32 BSL - Approved shade laminate
525.00 3.00 8.48 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
500.00 3.00 2.42 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
600.00 6.00 6.98 BSL - Approved shade laminate
425.00 3.00 2.61 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,500.00 - - Veneer + Balancing white laminate
675.00 1.00 10.90 OSL
425.00 3.00 8.23 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 15.88 121.72 Sq. Feet 46.88 5,705.76

1,500.00 3.00 3.63 Veneer + Balancing white laminate

675.00 1.00 10.90 OSL
425.00 3.00 8.23 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.41 26.18 Sq. Feet 13.00 340.35

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x Veneer EBT -

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : 30 x 0.80 mm
1,500.00 0.80 1.00 4.50
1,500.00 0.80 1.00 4.46
750.00 0.80 2.00 5.93
675.00 0.80 1.00 2.77
375.00 0.80 1.50 3.19
525.00 0.80 3.00 6.15
500.00 0.80 3.00 3.90
600.00 0.80 6.00 8.34
425.00 0.80 3.00 3.12
1,500.00 0.80 2.00 6.30
675.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 194.52
17.42 - 31.24 15.14 -
Wastage 0.15 20.03 - 35.93 35.00 1,257.49

163.17 sq. Feet 4.38 713.85

55.96 1.50 83.94
32.00 Sets 9.00 288.00
48.00 nos. 0.80 38.40
8.00 nos. 5.78 46.20
8.00 nos. 4.19 33.52
6.00 nos. 128.00 768.00
- nos. 93.00 -
- nos. 85.00 -
3.00 pairs 600.00 1,800.00
0.15% 42.39

5% 1,415.17
5% 1,415.17
67% 18,868.98
2% 1,000.06
Per nos. 51,002.85
Per sq. ft. 4,211.80
Per sq. mtr. 45,335.86

he outside & 1mm thcik Laminate finish inside (LP2) with dhar patti made from teakwood on edge with polish veneer
ith veneer. Set of drawer’s of size width 500 mm X ht 750mm to be made in marine ply 19mm thick. Each drawer to be
mm venner finish and teak wood with melamine polish where required .Shutters & Drawers to have 12 mm inward
he framework of 19mm marine ply and as per architect approved material. All hardware for drawer in Haffelle as

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

750.00 750.00 19.05 32.29 Sq. Feet 83.33 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

4,000.00 1.00 32.29
4,000.00 1.00 31.52
750.00 4.00 23.64
675.00 3.00 15.52
1,000.00 4.00 29.58
525.00 8.00 22.60
500.00 8.00 6.46
600.00 16.00 9.82
425.00 8.00 3.48
4,000.00 2.00 6.46
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 27.20 208.56 Sq. Feet 85.00 17,727.99

675.00 1.00 29.06

425.00 8.00 21.96
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 7.65 58.67 Sq. Feet 61.50 3,608.49

4,000.00 1.00 32.29 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

4,000.00 1.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 4.00 23.64 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
675.00 3.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,000.00 4.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
525.00 8.00 22.60 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
500.00 8.00 6.46 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
600.00 16.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
425.00 8.00 BSL - Approved shade laminate
4,000.00 1.00 3.23 Veneer + Balancing white laminate
675.00 1.00 OSL
425.00 8.00 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 13.23 101.46 Sq. Feet 180.00 18,261.90

88.22 Sq. Feet 55.00 4,852.20

4,000.00 1.00 32.29 Veneer + Approved shade laminate

4,000.00 1.00 63.03 BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 4.00 23.64 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
675.00 3.00 31.04 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,000.00 4.00 59.16 BSL - Approved shade laminate
525.00 8.00 22.60 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
500.00 8.00 6.46 Veneer + Approved shade laminate
600.00 16.00 18.60 BSL - Approved shade laminate
425.00 8.00 6.95 BSL - Approved shade laminate
4,000.00 - - Veneer + Balancing white laminate
675.00 1.00 29.06 OSL
425.00 8.00 21.96 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 47.22 362.02 Sq. Feet 46.88 16,969.67

4,000.00 3.00 9.69 Veneer + Balancing white laminate

675.00 1.00 29.06 OSL
425.00 8.00 21.96 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 9.11 69.82 Sq. Feet 13.00 907.60

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x Veneer EBT -

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : 30 x 0.80 mm
4,000.00 0.80 1.00 9.50
4,000.00 0.80 1.00 9.46
750.00 0.80 4.00 11.86
675.00 0.80 3.00 8.32
1,000.00 0.80 4.00 13.50
525.00 0.80 8.00 16.40
500.00 0.80 8.00 10.40
600.00 0.80 16.00 22.24
425.00 0.80 8.00 8.32
4,000.00 0.80 2.00 16.30
675.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 584.88
52.38 - 73.92 15.14 -
Wastage 0.15 60.23 - 85.01 35.00 2,975.28

463.47 sq. Feet 4.38 2,027.70

145.24 1.50 217.86
42.00 Sets 9.00 378.00
63.00 nos. 0.80 50.40
14.00 nos. 5.78 80.85
14.00 nos. 4.19 58.66
16.00 nos. 128.00 2,048.00
- nos. 93.00 -
- nos. 85.00 -
8.00 pairs 600.00 4,800.00
0.15% 113.32

5% 3,783.14
5% 3,783.14
67% 50,441.86
2% 2,673.42
Per nos. 136,344.36
Per sq. ft. 4,222.23
Per sq. mtr. 45,448.12

ick inside with dhar patti in laminate 1mm thick as per mentioned in the drawing. All exposed surfaces to be finished
75mm to be provided finished in laminate.

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

450.00 2,400.00 19.05 123.36 Sq. Feet 191.00 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

4,775.00 1.00 23.13
4,775.00 1.00 23.13
2,400.00 4.00 44.64
2,325.00 14.00 150.66
430.00 6.00 132.61
2,325.00 - -
4,775.00 2.00 7.71
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 57.28 439.15 Sq. Feet 85.00 37,328.17

2,325.00 1.00 119.50 OSL

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 17.93 137.43 Sq. Feet 49.00 6,733.86

4,775.00 1.00 23.13 OSL

4,775.00 1.00 23.13 OSL
2,400.00 4.00 89.28 BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,325.00 14.00 301.32 BSL - Approved shade laminate
430.00 6.00 265.21 BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,325.00 - -
4,775.00 2.00 7.71 OSL
2,325.00 1.00 119.50 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 124.39 953.67 Sq. Feet 46.88 44,703.39
4,775.00 1.00 23.13 OSL
4,775.00 1.00 23.13 OSL
2,400.00 4.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,325.00 14.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
430.00 6.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,325.00 - -
4,775.00 2.00 7.71 OSL
2,325.00 1.00 119.50 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 26.02 199.49 Sq. Feet 13.00 2,593.36

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
4,775.00 0.80 1.00 10.45
4,775.00 0.80 1.00 10.45
2,400.00 0.80 4.00 22.66
2,325.00 0.80 14.00 77.14
430.00 0.80 6.00 62.46
2,325.00 0.80 - -
4,775.00 0.80 2.00 19.40
2,325.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 2,261.84
202.56 - - 15.14 -
Wastage 0.15 232.94 - - 22.00 -

1,153.16 sq. Feet 4.38 5,045.08

232.94 1.50 349.41
98.00 Sets 9.00 882.00
147.00 nos. 0.80 117.60
18.00 nos. 5.78 103.95
18.00 nos. 4.19 75.42
- nos. 128.00 -

- nos. 93.00 -
- nos. 170.00 -
- nos. 9.00 -
0.25% 250.49

5% 5,022.23
5% 5,022.23
67% 66,963.04
2% 3,549.04
Per nos. 181,001.11
Per sq. ft. 1,467.31
Per sq. mtr. 15,794.16

d available lenth.
hk laminate ( LP6) on outsides and (LP5) On inside with dhar Patti (Edge) Finish with PVC Beading side as per selection.
-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hinges + 2 mm mounting plate (329.05619)& Hafele - Half Crank Duomatic Counceal
hutters to have 12 mm inward tapering finger grooves on bottom edge of ply .

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 350.00 19.05 6.52 Sq. Feet 13.46 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

1,730.00 1.00 10.84
1,730.00 1.00 10.84
350.00 2.00 4.39
314.00 1.00 1.90
350.00 4.00 6.52
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 5.17 39.65 Sq. Feet 85.00 3,370.23

350.00 1.00 6.52 OSL

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 0.98 7.50 Sq. Feet 61.50 460.96

1,730.00 1.00 10.84 OSL

1,730.00 1.00 10.84 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 1.00 1.90 OSL
350.00 4.00 6.52 OSL
350.00 1.00 - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 5.17 39.65 Sq. Feet 46.88 1,858.58

1,730.00 1.00 10.84 OSL

1,730.00 1.00 10.84 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 1.00 1.90 OSL
350.00 4.00 6.52 OSL
350.00 1.00 13.04 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 7.13 54.64 Sq. Feet 13.00 710.32
EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00
W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
1,730.00 0.80 1.00 4.62
1,730.00 0.80 1.00 4.62
350.00 0.80 2.00 3.73
314.00 0.80 1.00 1.75
350.00 0.80 4.00 6.26
350.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 164.46
14.73 6.26 - 15.14 108.99
Wastage 0.15 16.94 7.20 - 22.00 -

94.29 sq. Feet 4.38 412.52

24.14 1.50 36.20
12.00 Sets 9.00 108.00
18.00 nos. 0.80 14.40
- nos. 5.78 -
- nos. 4.19 -
8.00 nos. 128.00 1,024.00

- nos. 93.00 -
4.00 nos. 85.00 340.00
- nos. 9.00 -
0.50% 43.04

5% 432.59
5% 432.59
67% 5,767.81
2% 305.69
Per nos. 15,590.38
Per sq. ft. 2,392.04
Per sq. mtr. 25,747.95

d available lenth.
hk laminate ( LP6) on outsides and (LP5) On inside with dhar Patti (Edge) Finish with PVC Beading side as per selection.
-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hinges + 2 mm mounting plate (329.05619)& Hafele - Half Crank Duomatic Counceal
hutters to have 12 mm inward tapering finger grooves on bottom edge of ply.
Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.
600.00 350.00 19.05 4.52 Sq. Feet 9.33 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

1,200.00 1.00 7.52
1,200.00 1.00 7.52
350.00 2.00 4.39
314.00 - -
350.00 2.00 4.52
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.59 27.53 Sq. Feet 85.00 2,340.26

350.00 1.00 4.52 OSL

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 0.68 5.20 Sq. Feet 61.50 319.74

1,200.00 1.00 7.52 OSL

1,200.00 1.00 7.52 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 - - OSL
350.00 2.00 4.52 OSL
350.00 1.00 - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.59 27.53 Sq. Feet 46.88 1,290.59

1,200.00 1.00 7.52 OSL

1,200.00 1.00 7.52 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 - - OSL
350.00 2.00 4.52 OSL
350.00 1.00 9.04 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 4.95 37.93 Sq. Feet 13.00 493.10

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
1,200.00 0.80 1.00 3.56
1,200.00 0.80 1.00 3.56
350.00 0.80 2.00 3.73
314.00 0.80 - -
350.00 0.80 2.00 3.80
350.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 121.22
10.86 3.80 - 15.14 66.16
Wastage 0.15 12.48 4.37 - 22.00 -

65.46 sq. Feet 4.38 286.40

16.85 1.50 25.28
12.00 Sets 9.00 108.00
18.00 nos. 0.80 14.40
- nos. 5.78 -
- nos. 4.19 -
4.00 nos. 128.00 512.00

- nos. 93.00 -
2.00 nos. 85.00 170.00
- nos. 9.00 -
0.50% 28.74

5% 288.79
5% 288.79
67% 3,850.59
2% 204.08
Per nos. 10,408.15
Per sq. ft. 2,302.24
Per sq. mtr. 24,781.30

d available lenth.
hk laminate ( LP6) on outsides and (LP5) On inside with dhar Patti (Edge) Finish with PVC Beading side as per selection.
-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hinges + 2 mm mounting plate (329.05619)& Hafele - Half Crank Duomatic Counceal
hutters to have 12 mm inward tapering finger grooves on bottom edge of ply .

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 350.00 19.05 8.51 Sq. Feet 17.58 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

2,260.00 1.00 14.16
2,260.00 1.00 14.16
350.00 2.00 4.39
314.00 3.00 5.70
350.00 4.00 8.51
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 7.04 53.95 Sq. Feet 85.00 4,585.87

350.00 1.00 8.51 OSL

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 1.28 9.79 Sq. Feet 61.50 602.18

2,260.00 1.00 14.16 OSL

2,260.00 1.00 14.16 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 3.00 5.70 OSL
350.00 4.00 8.51 OSL
350.00 1.00 - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 7.04 53.95 Sq. Feet 46.88 2,528.97

2,260.00 1.00 14.16 OSL

2,260.00 1.00 14.16 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 3.00 5.70 OSL
350.00 4.00 8.51 OSL
350.00 1.00 17.03 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 9.59 73.53 Sq. Feet 13.00 955.95

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
2,260.00 0.80 1.00 5.68
2,260.00 0.80 1.00 5.68
350.00 0.80 2.00 3.73
314.00 0.80 3.00 5.26
350.00 0.80 4.00 7.32
350.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 227.26
20.35 7.32 - 15.14 127.45
Wastage 0.15 23.40 8.42 - 22.00 -

127.49 sq. Feet 4.38 557.75

31.82 1.50 47.73
12.00 Sets 9.00 108.00
18.00 nos. 0.80 14.40
- nos. 5.78 -
- nos. 4.19 -
8.00 nos. 128.00 1,024.00
- nos. 93.00 -
4.00 nos. 85.00 340.00
- nos. 9.00 -
0.50% 55.60

5% 558.76
5% 558.76
67% 7,450.11
2% 394.86
Per nos. 20,137.64
Per sq. ft. 2,365.15
Per sq. mtr. 25,458.45

d available lenth.
hk laminate ( LP6) on outsides and (LP5) On inside with dhar Patti (Edge) Finish with PVC Beading side as per selection.
-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hinges + 2 mm mounting plate (329.05619)& Hafele - Half Crank Duomatic Counceal
hutters to have 12 mm inward tapering finger grooves on bottom edge of ply .

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 350.00 19.05 4.35 Sq. Feet 8.98 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

1,155.00 1.00 7.24
1,155.00 1.00 7.24
350.00 2.00 4.39
314.00 1.00 1.90
350.00 2.00 4.35
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.77 28.87 Sq. Feet 85.00 2,454.25

350.00 1.00 4.35 OSL

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 0.65 5.00 Sq. Feet 61.50 307.75

1,155.00 1.00 7.24 OSL

1,155.00 1.00 7.24 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 1.00 1.90 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.35 OSL
350.00 1.00 - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.77 28.87 Sq. Feet 46.88 1,353.45

1,155.00 1.00 7.24 OSL

1,155.00 1.00 7.24 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 1.00 1.90 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.35 OSL
350.00 1.00 8.70 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 5.07 38.88 Sq. Feet 13.00 505.46

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
1,155.00 0.80 1.00 3.47
1,155.00 0.80 1.00 3.47
350.00 0.80 2.00 3.73
314.00 0.80 1.00 1.75
350.00 0.80 2.00 3.71
350.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 138.78
12.43 3.71 - 15.14 64.59
Wastage 0.15 14.29 4.27 - 22.00 -

67.76 sq. Feet 4.38 296.43

18.56 1.50 27.84
12.00 Sets 9.00 108.00
18.00 nos. 0.80 14.40
- nos. 5.78 -
- nos. 4.19 -
4.00 nos. 128.00 512.00

- nos. 93.00 -
2.00 nos. 85.00 170.00
- nos. 9.00 -
0.50% 29.76

5% 299.14
5% 299.14
67% 3,988.48
2% 211.39
Per nos. 10,780.85
Per sq. ft. 2,477.59
Per sq. mtr. 26,668.77

d available lenth.
hk laminate ( LP6) on outsides and (LP5) On inside with dhar Patti (Edge) Finish with PVC Beading side as per selection.
-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hinges + 2 mm mounting plate (329.05619)& Hafele - Half Crank Duomatic Counceal
hutters to have 12 mm inward tapering finger grooves on bottom edge of ply .

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 350.00 19.05 5.46 Sq. Feet 11.28 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

1,450.00 1.00 9.08
1,450.00 1.00 9.08
350.00 2.00 4.39
314.00 1.00 1.90
350.00 3.00 5.46
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 4.49 34.40 Sq. Feet 85.00 2,924.19

350.00 1.00 5.46 OSL

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 0.82 6.28 Sq. Feet 61.50 386.35

1,450.00 1.00 9.08 OSL

1,450.00 1.00 9.08 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 1.00 1.90 OSL
350.00 3.00 5.46 OSL
350.00 1.00 - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 4.49 34.40 Sq. Feet 46.88 1,612.60

1,450.00 1.00 9.08 OSL

1,450.00 1.00 9.08 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 1.00 1.90 OSL
350.00 3.00 5.46 OSL
350.00 1.00 10.93 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 6.13 46.97 Sq. Feet 13.00 610.56

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
1,450.00 0.80 1.00 4.06
1,450.00 0.80 1.00 4.06
350.00 0.80 2.00 3.73
314.00 0.80 1.00 1.75
350.00 0.80 3.00 5.00
350.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 151.95
13.61 5.00 - 15.14 87.06
Wastage 0.15 15.65 5.75 - 22.00 -

81.37 sq. Feet 4.38 355.99

21.40 1.50 32.10
12.00 Sets 9.00 108.00
18.00 nos. 0.80 14.40
- nos. 5.78 -
- nos. 4.19 -
6.00 nos. 128.00 768.00

- nos. 93.00 -
3.00 nos. 85.00 255.00
- nos. 9.00 -
0.50% 36.53

5% 367.14
5% 367.14
67% 4,895.16
2% 259.44
Per nos. 13,231.61
Per sq. ft. 2,422.16
Per sq. mtr. 26,072.13
nd available lenth.
hk laminate ( LP6) on outsides and (LP5) On inside with dhar Patti (Edge) Finish with PVC Beading side as per selection.
-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hinges + 2 mm mounting plate (329.05619)& Hafele - Half Crank Duomatic Counceal
hutters to have 12 mm inward tapering finger grooves on bottom edge of ply .

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 350.00 19.05 5.09 Sq. Feet 10.50 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

1,350.00 1.00 8.46
1,350.00 1.00 8.46
350.00 2.00 4.39
314.00 1.00 1.90
350.00 3.00 5.09
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 4.24 32.53 Sq. Feet 85.00 2,764.89

350.00 1.00 5.09 OSL

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 0.76 5.85 Sq. Feet 61.50 359.71

1,350.00 1.00 8.46 OSL

1,350.00 1.00 8.46 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 1.00 1.90 OSL
350.00 3.00 5.09 OSL
350.00 1.00 - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 4.24 32.53 Sq. Feet 46.88 1,524.75

1,350.00 1.00 8.46 OSL

1,350.00 1.00 8.46 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 1.00 1.90 OSL
350.00 3.00 5.09 OSL
350.00 1.00 10.17 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 5.77 44.23 Sq. Feet 13.00 574.94

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
1,350.00 0.80 1.00 3.86
1,350.00 0.80 1.00 3.86
350.00 0.80 2.00 3.73
314.00 0.80 1.00 1.75
350.00 0.80 3.00 4.80
350.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 147.49
13.21 4.80 - 15.14 83.57
Wastage 0.15 15.19 5.52 - 22.00 -

76.75 sq. Feet 4.38 335.80

20.71 1.50 31.06
12.00 Sets 9.00 108.00
18.00 nos. 0.80 14.40
- nos. 5.78 -
- nos. 4.19 -
6.00 nos. 128.00 768.00

- nos. 93.00 -
3.00 nos. 85.00 255.00
- nos. 9.00 -
0.50% 34.84

5% 350.12
5% 350.12
67% 4,668.30
2% 247.42
Per nos. 12,618.41
Per sq. ft. 2,481.01
Per sq. mtr. 26,705.62

d available lenth.
hk laminate ( LP6) on outsides and (LP5) On inside with dhar Patti (Edge) Finish with PVC Beading side as per selection.
-Half Crank Duomatic Conceal hinges + 2 mm mounting plate (329.05619)& Hafele - Half Crank Duomatic Counceal
hutters to have 12 mm inward tapering finger grooves on bottom edge of ply .

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 350.00 19.05 7.57 Sq. Feet 15.63 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

2,010.00 1.00 12.59
2,010.00 1.00 12.59
350.00 2.00 4.39
314.00 1.00 1.90
350.00 4.00 7.57
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 5.86 44.90 Sq. Feet 85.00 3,816.27

350.00 1.00 7.57 OSL

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 1.14 8.71 Sq. Feet 61.50 535.56

2,010.00 1.00 12.59 OSL

2,010.00 1.00 12.59 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 1.00 1.90 OSL
350.00 4.00 7.57 OSL
350.00 1.00 - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 5.86 44.90 Sq. Feet 46.88 2,104.56

2,010.00 1.00 12.59 OSL

2,010.00 1.00 12.59 OSL
350.00 2.00 4.39 OSL
314.00 1.00 1.90 OSL
350.00 4.00 7.57 OSL
350.00 1.00 15.14 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 8.13 62.31 Sq. Feet 13.00 810.08

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
2,010.00 0.80 1.00 5.18
2,010.00 0.80 1.00 5.18
350.00 0.80 2.00 3.73
314.00 0.80 1.00 1.75
350.00 0.80 4.00 6.82
350.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 176.97
15.85 6.82 - 15.14 118.74
Wastage 0.15 18.23 7.84 - 22.00 -

107.21 sq. Feet 4.38 469.05

26.07 1.50 39.10
12.00 Sets 9.00 108.00
18.00 nos. 0.80 14.40
- nos. 5.78 -
- nos. 4.19 -
8.00 nos. 128.00 1,024.00

- nos. 93.00 -
4.00 nos. 85.00 340.00
- nos. 9.00 -
0.50% 47.78

5% 480.23
5% 480.23
67% 6,403.01
2% 339.36
Per nos. 17,307.34
Per sq. ft. 2,285.56
Per sq. mtr. 24,601.77

orm in 19 mm thick marine ply of B.W.P. grade of approved make with both side laminate 1mm thick, with necessary
Edge Beading (1mm/2mm thick), Fixed with Auto Hinges as per as Hardware make list & necessary handle & lock as
ment for Payment).

Depth Height 1.00 Nos.

300.00 1,235.00 26.59 Sq. Feet 27.44 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

2,000.00 1.00 6.46 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
2,000.00 1.00 6.46 OSL
1,235.00 2.00 7.98 OSL
1,235.00 2.00 7.98 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
1,000.00 4.00 12.92 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
500.00 - - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
1,235.00 4.00 26.59 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 10.26 78.63 Sq. Feet 85.00 6,683.45

1,235.00 1.00 26.59 BSL - Balancing White Laminate

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.99 30.58 Sq. Feet 61.50 1,880.37

2,000.00 1.00 BSL - Balancing White Laminate

2,000.00 1.00 6.46 OSL
1,235.00 2.00 7.98 OSL
1,235.00 2.00 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
1,000.00 4.00 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
500.00 - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
1,235.00 4.00 26.59 OSL
1,235.00 1.00 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 6.15 47.17 Sq. Feet 46.88 2,211.32

2,000.00 1.00 12.92 BSL - Balancing White Laminate

2,000.00 1.00 6.46 OSL
1,235.00 2.00 7.98 OSL
1,235.00 2.00 15.95 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
1,000.00 4.00 25.83 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
500.00 - - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
1,235.00 4.00 26.59 OSL
1,235.00 1.00 53.17 BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 22.33 171.23 Sq. Feet 13.00 2,226.03

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x
Veneer EBT
W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm :
2,000.00 0.80 1.00 4.60
2,000.00 0.80 1.00 4.60
1,235.00 0.80 2.00 6.14
1,235.00 0.80 2.00 6.14
1,000.00 0.80 4.00 10.40
500.00 0.80 - -
1,235.00 2.00 4.00 13.88 9.71 355.99
31.88 13.88 - 15.14 241.66
Wastage 0.15 36.66 15.96 - 35.00 -

218.41 sq. Feet 4.38 955.54

52.62 1.50 78.94
28.00 sets 9.00 252.00
42.00 nos. 0.80 33.60
- nos. 5.78 -
- nos. 4.19 -
12.00 nos. 128.00 1,536.00
- nos. 93.00 -
- nos. 85.00 -
- pairs 300.00 -
1.5% 246.82

5% 835.09
5% 835.09
67% 11,134.48
2% 590.13
Per nos. 30,096.51
Per sq. ft. 1,132.00
Per sq. mtr. 12,184.82

marine ply of Marine 710 Grade of approved make with both side laminate 1mm thick , edge finished with PVC REHAU
e & SS Screws as per approved sample. Its include soft closing cabinet shutter system, profile handles, locks, tower bolt,
c. and complete as per approved shop drawing and as directed by the Project Manager. ( Pantry & recreational area)

Depth Height 1.00 Nos.

65.00 750.00 19.38 Sq. Feet 4.33 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

2,400.00 1.00 1.68 BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,400.00 1.00 1.68 BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 2.00 1.05 BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 2.00 1.05 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,200.00 - - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
600.00 - - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
750.00 5.00 19.38 BSL - Approved shade laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.72 28.56 Sq. Feet 85.00 2,427.38

750.00 - - BSL - Balancing White Laminate

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 - - Sq. Feet 61.50 -

2,400.00 1.00 3.36 BSL - Approved shade laminate

2,400.00 1.00 3.36 BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 2.00 2.10 BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 2.00 2.10 BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,200.00 - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
600.00 - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
750.00 5.00 38.75 BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 7.45 57.11 Sq. Feet 46.88 2,677.26

2,400.00 1.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate

2,400.00 1.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 2.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 2.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
1,200.00 - - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
600.00 - - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
750.00 5.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
750.00 - - BSL - Balancing White Laminate
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 - - Sq. Feet 13.00 -

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x
Veneer EBT
W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm :
2,400.00 0.80 1.00 4.93
2,400.00 0.80 1.00 4.93
750.00 0.80 2.00 3.26
750.00 0.80 2.00 3.26
1,200.00 0.80 - -
600.00 0.80 - -
750.00 2.00 5.00 12.30 9.71 182.91
16.38 12.30 - 15.14 214.16
Wastage 0.15 18.84 14.15 - 35.00 -

57.11 sq. Feet 4.38 249.88

32.98 1.50 49.47
16.00 sets 9.00 144.00
24.00 nos. 0.80 19.20
- nos. 5.78 -
- nos. 4.19 -
10.00 nos. 128.00 1,280.00
- nos. 93.00 -
5.00 nos. 170.00 850.00
- pairs 300.00 -
1.0% 80.94
5% 408.76
5% 408.76
67% 5,450.13
2% 288.86
Per nos. 14,731.70
Per sq. ft. 760.34
Per sq. mtr. 8,184.28

thick marine ply of B.W.P. grade 710 of approved make with both side laminate 1mm thick , fixing of S.S. screw for
), including Heavy Sliding Channel of Hafele make etc.including neccessary SS Screws / profile handle / locks as

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 850.00 19.05 10.98 Sq. Feet 22.67 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

1,200.00 1.00 7.49
1,200.00 1.00 7.49
850.00 2.00 10.61
810.00 1.00 4.84
600.00 6.00 10.33
500.00 12.00 12.70
525.00 6.00 6.67
1,200.00 - - Granite skirting is there
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 9.02 69.16 Sq. Feet 85.00 5,878.59

800.00 1.00 10.33

525.00 6.00 16.95
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 4.09 31.38 Sq. Feet 61.50 1,929.85

1,200.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White

1,200.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
850.00 2.00 10.61 OSL
810.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
600.00 6.00 10.33 OSL
500.00 12.00 BSL Balancing White
525.00 6.00 BSL Balancing White
1,200.00 - - OSL
800.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
525.00 6.00 BSL Balancing White
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.14 24.09 Sq. Feet 46.88 1,129.16

1,200.00 1.00 14.98 BSL Balancing White

1,200.00 1.00 14.98 BSL Balancing White
850.00 2.00 10.61 OSL
810.00 1.00 9.68 BSL Balancing White
600.00 6.00 10.33 OSL
500.00 12.00 25.40 BSL Balancing White
525.00 6.00 13.34 BSL Balancing White
1,200.00 - - OSL
800.00 1.00 20.67 BSL Balancing White
525.00 6.00 33.91 BSL Balancing White
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 23.09 176.99 Sq. Feet 13.00 2,300.88

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
1,200.00 0.80 1.00 3.56
1,200.00 0.80 1.00 3.56
850.00 0.80 2.00 5.72
810.00 0.80 1.00 2.73
600.00 0.80 6.00 10.40
500.00 0.80 12.00 16.72
525.00 0.80 6.00 8.66
1,200.00 0.80 - -
800.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 457.27
40.95 10.40 - 15.14 181.07
Wastage 0.15 47.09 11.96 - 22.00 -

201.08 sq. Feet 4.38 879.72

59.05 1.50 88.58
26.00 Sets 9.00 234.00
39.00 nos. 0.80 31.20
8.00 nos. 5.78 46.20
8.00 nos. 4.19 33.52
- nos. 128.00 -
- nos. 93.00 -
- nos. 85.00 -
6.00 pairs 600.00 3,600.00
0% -

5% 839.50
5% 839.50
67% 11,193.36
2% 593.25
Per nos. 30,255.66
Per sq. ft. 2,755.70
Per sq. mtr. 29,662.41

finished with 1 mm laminate finish (LP6) on the outside and (LP6) on the inside with PVC Beading on edge & Shelves in
with Hafale -concealed shelf support 76 X 11 (283.39.015) .Outside Skirting in 19 mm marine ply finished with 1mm
Finish with PVC Beading side as per selectionThe makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned herewith.

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

400.00 2,400.00 19.05 16.79 Sq. Feet 23.11 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

650.00 1.00 2.80
650.00 1.00 2.80
2,400.00 2.00 20.67
2,400.00 - -
325.00 2.00 4.27
2,325.00 2.00 16.27
650.00 2.00 1.05
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 7.18 55.03 Sq. Feet 85.00 4,677.21

2,325.00 1.00 16.27 BSL Balancing White

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 2.44 18.71 Sq. Feet 49.00 916.65

650.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White

650.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
2,400.00 2.00 20.67 OSL
2,400.00 - BSL Balancing White
325.00 2.00 BSL Balancing White
2,325.00 2.00 16.27 OSL
650.00 2.00 1.05 OSL
2,325.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 5.70 43.68 Sq. Feet 46.88 2,047.55

650.00 1.00 5.60 BSL Balancing White

650.00 1.00 5.60 BSL Balancing White
2,400.00 2.00 20.67 OSL
2,400.00 - - BSL Balancing White
325.00 2.00 8.54 BSL Balancing White
2,325.00 2.00 16.27 OSL
650.00 2.00 1.05 OSL
2,325.00 1.00 32.53 BSL Balancing White
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 13.54 103.79 Sq. Feet 13.00 1,349.21

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
650.00 0.80 1.00 2.10
650.00 0.80 1.00 2.10
2,400.00 0.80 2.00 11.20
2,400.00 0.80 - -
325.00 0.80 2.00 3.74
2,325.00 0.80 2.00 10.60
650.00 0.80 2.00 2.90
2,325.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 246.11
22.04 10.60 - 15.14 184.56
Wastage 0.15 25.35 12.19 - 22.00 -

147.47 sq. Feet 4.38 645.16

37.54 1.50 56.30
16.00 Sets 9.00 144.00
24.00 nos. 0.80 19.20
8.00 nos. 5.78 46.20
8.00 nos. 4.19 33.52
8.00 nos. 128.00 1,024.00

- nos. 93.00 -
2.00 nos. 170.00 340.00
8.00 nos. 9.00 72.00
1% 118.02
5% 595.98
5% 595.98
67% 7,946.46
2% 421.16
Per nos. 21,479.27
Per sq. ft. 1,279.15
Per sq. mtr. 13,768.76

finished with 1 mm laminate finish (LP6) on the outside and (LP6) on the inside with PVC Beading on edge & Shelves in
with Hafale -concealed shelf support 76 X 11 (283.39.015) .Outside Skirting in 19 mm marine ply finished with 1mm
Finish with PVC Beading side as per selectionThe makes for the above furniture to be followed as mentioned herewith.

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 2,400.00 19.05 34.88 Sq. Feet 72.00 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

1,350.00 1.00 8.46
1,350.00 1.00 8.46
2,400.00 2.00 30.07
2,325.00 1.00 13.76
550.00 4.00 21.31
2,325.00 3.00 33.79
1,350.00 2.00 2.18
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 17.70 135.73 Sq. Feet 85.00 11,537.16

2,325.00 1.00 33.79 BSL Balancing White

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 5.07 38.85 Sq. Feet 49.00 1,903.81

1,350.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White

1,350.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
2,400.00 2.00 30.07 OSL
2,325.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
550.00 4.00 BSL Balancing White
2,325.00 3.00 33.79 OSL
1,350.00 2.00 2.18 OSL
2,325.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 9.91 75.94 Sq. Feet 46.88 3,559.73

1,350.00 1.00 16.91 BSL Balancing White

1,350.00 1.00 16.91 BSL Balancing White
2,400.00 2.00 30.07 OSL
2,325.00 1.00 27.53 BSL Balancing White
550.00 4.00 42.63 BSL Balancing White
2,325.00 3.00 33.79 OSL
1,350.00 2.00 2.18 OSL
2,325.00 1.00 67.57 BSL Balancing White
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 35.64 273.23 Sq. Feet 13.00 3,551.97

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
1,350.00 0.80 1.00 3.86
1,350.00 0.80 1.00 3.86
2,400.00 0.80 2.00 11.93
2,325.00 0.80 1.00 5.75
550.00 0.80 4.00 11.60
2,325.00 0.80 3.00 16.65
1,350.00 0.80 2.00 5.70
2,325.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 476.88
42.71 16.65 - 15.14 289.89
Wastage 0.15 49.11 19.15 - 22.00 -

349.17 sq. Feet 4.38 1,527.62

68.26 1.50 102.39
24.00 Sets 9.00 216.00
36.00 nos. 0.80 28.80
10.00 nos. 5.78 57.75
10.00 nos. 4.19 41.90
12.00 nos. 128.00 1,536.00

- nos. 93.00 -
3.00 nos. 170.00 510.00
16.00 nos. 9.00 144.00
0.25% 63.71

5% 1,277.38
5% 1,277.38
67% 17,031.74
2% 902.68
Per nos. 46,036.79
Per sq. ft. 1,320.04
Per sq. mtr. 14,208.89

finish (LP3) on the outside and (LP3) on the inside with PVC Beading on edge & Shelves in 19 mm marine ply finished
as per details drawing and approved by Proejct Manager.

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 2,100.00 19.05 47.47 Sq. Feet 98.00 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

2,100.00 1.00 13.16
2,100.00 1.00 13.16
2,100.00 2.00 26.31
2,025.00 - -
550.00 - -
2,025.00 4.00 45.77
2,100.00 2.00 3.39
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 15.27 117.06 Sq. Feet 85.00 9,949.74

2,025.00 1.00 45.77 OSL

Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 6.87 52.64 Sq. Feet 85.00 4,474.40

2,100.00 1.00 13.16 OSL

2,100.00 1.00 13.16 OSL
2,100.00 2.00 26.31 OSL
2,025.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
550.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,025.00 4.00 45.77 BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,100.00 2.00 3.39 OSL
2,025.00 1.00 45.77 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 22.13 169.70 Sq. Feet 46.88 7,954.49
2,100.00 1.00 13.16 OSL
2,100.00 1.00 13.16 OSL
2,100.00 2.00 26.31 OSL
2,025.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
550.00 - - BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,025.00 4.00 - BSL - Approved shade laminate
2,100.00 2.00 3.39 OSL
2,025.00 1.00 45.77 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 15.27 117.06 Sq. Feet 13.00 1,521.72

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
2,100.00 0.80 1.00 5.36
2,100.00 0.80 1.00 5.36
2,100.00 0.80 2.00 10.73
2,025.00 0.80 - -
550.00 0.80 - -
2,025.00 0.80 4.00 20.40
2,100.00 0.80 2.00 8.70
2,025.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 336.74
30.16 20.40 - 15.14 355.18
Wastage 0.15 34.68 23.46 - 22.00 -

286.75 sq. Feet 4.38 1,254.54

58.14 1.50 87.21
26.00 Sets 9.00 234.00
39.00 nos. 0.80 31.20
12.00 nos. 5.78 69.30
12.00 nos. 4.19 50.28
- nos. 128.00 -

- nos. 93.00 -
4.00 nos. 170.00 680.00
- nos. 9.00 -
1.00 Sets 9,500.00 9,500.00
1.00% 364.99

5% 1,843.19
5% 1,843.19
67% 24,575.86
2% 1,302.52
Per nos. 66,428.55
Per sq. ft. 1,399.40
Per sq. mtr. 15,063.16

marine ply of B.W.P. grade of approved make with both side laminate 1mm thick , edge finished with PVC REHAU Edge
proved sample. Its include soft closing cabinet shutter system, Accessories, fasteners, screw, adhesive, tools and tackles
ected by the Project Manager.

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 850.00 19.05 7.78 Sq. Feet 16.06 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

850.00 1.00 0.69
850.00 1.00 0.69
850.00 2.00 1.37
800.00 2.00 7.32
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 1.51 11.57 Sq. Feet 85.00 983.79

850.00 1.00 0.69 OSL

850.00 1.00 0.69 OSL
850.00 2.00 1.37 OSL
800.00 2.00 7.32 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 1.51 11.57 Sq. Feet 46.88 542.53

850.00 1.00 0.69 OSL

850.00 1.00 0.69 OSL
850.00 2.00 1.37 OSL
800.00 2.00 7.32 OSL
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 1.51 11.57 Sq. Feet 13.00 150.46

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
850.00 0.80 1.00 1.85
850.00 0.80 1.00 1.85
850.00 0.80 2.00 3.70
800.00 0.80 2.00 4.90 9.71 82.63
7.40 4.90 - 15.14 85.31
Wastage 0.15 8.51 5.64 - 22.00 -

23.15 sq. Feet 4.38 101.27

14.15 1.50 21.22
4.00 nos. 128.00 512.00
5.00 nos. 85.00 425.00
1% 29.04

5% 146.66
5% 146.66
67% 1,955.51
2% 103.64
Per nos. 5,285.73
Per sq. ft. 679.66
Per sq. mtr. 7,315.90

of B.W.P. grade of approved make with both side laminate 1mm thick , fixing of S.S. screw for fixing on back ply, edge
g Channel of Hafele make etc.including neccessary SS Screws / handle / locks as approved by Architect etc. complete.

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 850.00 19.05 10.98 Sq. Feet 22.67 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

1,200.00 1.00 7.75
1,200.00 1.00 7.75
850.00 2.00 10.98
850.00 1.00 5.49
600.00 6.00 10.33
500.00 12.00 12.70
525.00 6.00 6.67
1,200.00 2.00 1.29
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 9.44 72.41 Sq. Feet 85.00 6,154.73
800.00 1.00 10.33
525.00 6.00 16.95
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 4.09 31.38 Sq. Feet 61.50 1,929.85

1,200.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White

1,200.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
850.00 2.00 10.98 OSL
850.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
600.00 6.00 10.33 OSL
500.00 12.00 BSL Balancing White
525.00 6.00 BSL Balancing White
1,200.00 2.00 1.29 OSL
800.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
525.00 6.00 BSL Balancing White
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 3.39 26.00 Sq. Feet 46.88 1,218.52

1,200.00 1.00 15.50 BSL Balancing White

1,200.00 1.00 15.50 BSL Balancing White
850.00 2.00 10.98 OSL
850.00 1.00 10.98 BSL Balancing White
600.00 6.00 10.33 OSL
500.00 12.00 25.40 BSL Balancing White
525.00 6.00 13.34 BSL Balancing White
1,200.00 2.00 1.29 OSL
800.00 1.00 20.67 BSL Balancing White
525.00 6.00 33.91 BSL Balancing White
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 23.68 181.58 Sq. Feet 13.00 2,360.56

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
1,200.00 0.80 1.00 3.60
1,200.00 0.80 1.00 3.60
850.00 0.80 2.00 5.80
850.00 0.80 1.00 2.90
600.00 0.80 6.00 10.40
500.00 0.80 12.00 16.72
525.00 0.80 6.00 8.66
1,200.00 0.80 2.00 5.00
800.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 516.79
46.28 10.40 - 15.14 181.07
Wastage 0.15 53.22 11.96 - 22.00 -
207.58 sq. Feet 4.38 908.15
65.18 1.50 97.77
26.00 Sets 9.00 234.00
39.00 nos. 0.80 31.20
8.00 nos. 5.78 46.20
8.00 nos. 4.19 33.52
- nos. 256.00 -
- nos. 93.00 -
- nos. 85.00 -
6.00 pairs 600.00 3,600.00
1% 173.12

5% 874.27
5% 874.27
67% 11,657.00
2% 617.82
Per nos. 31,508.86
Per sq. ft. 2,869.85
Per sq. mtr. 30,891.04

marine ply of B.W.P. grade of approved make with both side laminate 1mm thick , fixing of S.S. screw for fixing on back
oved by arthitect etc.

Depth Height Panel Thk. 1.00 Nos.

600.00 850.00 19.05 17.38 Sq. Feet 35.89 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

1,900.00 1.00 12.27
1,900.00 1.00 12.27
850.00 2.00 10.98
850.00 2.00 10.98
950.00 1.00 6.14
800.00 4.00 16.36
475.00 - -
450.00 - -
400.00 - -
1,900.00 2.00 2.05
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 10.66 81.70 Sq. Feet 85.00 6,944.39

800.00 1.00 16.36

400.00 - -
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 2.45 18.82 Sq. Feet 61.50 1,157.15

1,900.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White

1,900.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
850.00 2.00 10.98 OSL
850.00 2.00 BSL Balancing White
950.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
800.00 4.00 16.36 OSL
475.00 - - OSL
450.00 - - BSL Balancing White
400.00 - - BSL Balancing White
1,900.00 2.00 2.05 OSL
800.00 1.00 BSL Balancing White
400.00 - - BSL Balancing White
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 4.41 33.79 Sq. Feet 46.88 1,584.07

1,900.00 1.00 24.54 BSL Balancing White

1,900.00 1.00 24.54 BSL Balancing White
850.00 2.00 10.98 OSL
850.00 2.00 21.96 BSL Balancing White
950.00 1.00 12.27 BSL Balancing White
800.00 4.00 16.36 OSL
475.00 - - OSL
450.00 - - BSL Balancing White
400.00 - - BSL Balancing White
1,900.00 2.00 2.05 OSL
800.00 1.00 32.72 BSL Balancing White
400.00 - - BSL Balancing White
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 0.15 21.81 167.23 Sq. Feet 13.00 2,174.05

EBT - 22 x EBT - 22 x EBT - 30 x 2.00

W Qty.(Nos.) 0.80 mm : 2.00 mm : mm :
1,900.00 0.80 1.00 5.00
1,900.00 0.80 1.00 5.00
850.00 0.80 2.00 5.80
850.00 0.80 2.00 5.80
950.00 0.80 1.00 3.10
800.00 0.80 4.00 10.20
475.00 0.80 - -
450.00 0.80 - -
400.00 0.80 - -
1,900.00 0.80 2.00 7.80
800.00 0.80 1.00 9.71 362.91
32.50 10.20 - 15.14 177.59
Wastage 0.15 37.38 11.73 - 22.00 -

201.03 sq. Feet 4.38 879.50

49.11 1.50 73.66
28.00 Sets 9.00 252.00
42.00 nos. 0.80 33.60
14.00 nos. 5.78 80.85
14.00 nos. 4.19 58.66
8.00 nos. 128.00 1,024.00
- nos. 93.00 -
- nos. 85.00 -
- pairs 600.00 -
1% 148.02

5% 747.52
5% 747.52
67% 9,966.98
2% 528.25
Per nos. 26,940.74
Per sq. ft. 1,549.76
Per sq. mtr. 16,681.58
Counter top having width up to 400mm made of MS Square Hollow Pipe. Main Frame / Vertical Members shall be of
of 25mm x 25mm x 4mm MS Pipe shall be used alongwith necessary angles / flat. The Main Frame Stands on Floor
teners to the Floor. All Frame Structure shall have Welded connections. All Framings shall be finishes with 2 coat of
ade IS710 on top (without laminate) and both the Side finish with 1mm thich laminate of approved finish, completed as

tely for Payment.

Depth Height 1.00 Nos.
350.00 1,200.00 54.25 Sq. Feet 65.33 cft

W Thk Qty.(Nos.) Qty. Shade

4,200.00 1.00 14.01 Raw
4,200.00 1.00 14.01 OSR
1,200.00 2.00 2.58 OSR
1,200.00 2.00 108.50 OSR
310.00 2.00 0.32 Raw
4,160.00 2.00 4.30 Raw
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 10.00% 14.37 158.11 Sq. Feet 85.00 13,439.03

4,200.00 1.00 Raw

4,200.00 1.00 14.01 OSR
1,200.00 2.00 2.58 OSR
1,200.00 2.00 108.50 OSR
310.00 2.00 Raw
4,160.00 2.00 Raw
Wastage as per 8' x 4' 10.00% 12.51 137.61 Sq. Feet 46.88 6,450.43

L Thk Qty.(Nos.) Kgs.

4,200.00 4.00 3.00 79.23
1,200.00 4.00 8.00 60.36
4,200.00 4.00 2.00 26.41
350.00 4.00 8.00 8.80
150.00 8.00 8.00 11.32
150.00 8.00 8.00 11.32
Wastage 10.00% 19.74 217.19 kgs 65.00 14,117.19

137.61 sq. Feet 4.38 602.04

16.00 nos 300.00 4,800.00
1.5% 591.13
217.19 kgs 50.00 10,859.38
158.11 sq. Feet 30.00 4,743.19
137.61 sq. Feet 35.00 4,816.32
5% 1,999.99
5% 1,999.99
Per nos. 64,418.69
Per sq. ft. 1,187.43
Per sq. mtr. 12,781.49

X38mmX1.7mm @ 400mm C/C on bothways. The

hall be suspennded with True Slab using
or Fastner of approved make (Hilti / Fischer). The
er of approved shade & Make shall be applied on

t all level & Height etc. completed as per Dwg &

Qty Rate Amout

D L Rmt
150 2075 2.075
0.12 850.00
4.34 290.00 1,259.49
2.09 290.00 606.98
13.40 25.00 335.03
7.50 26.67 200.00

14.52 61.50 892.85

14.52 180.00 2,613.23
14.52 0.70 10.16
- 10.00 -
14.52 8.00 116.14
- 65.00 - Polishing to be paid separately
6.81 270.00 1,838.09

X38mmX1.7mm @ 400mm C/C on bothways. The

hall be suspennded with True Slab using
or Fastner of approved make (Hilti / Fischer). The
er of approved shade & Make shall be applied on

t all level & Height etc. completed as per Dwg &

Detail - A )
Qty Rate Amout
D L Rmt
150 2075 2.075
0.12 850.00
4.34 290.00 1,259.49
2.62 290.00 758.73
16.75 25.00 418.79
7.50 26.67 200.00

17.87 61.50 1,098.90

17.87 180.00 3,216.28
17.87 0.70 12.51
- 10.00 -
17.87 8.00 142.95
- 65.00 - Polishing to be paid separately
6.81 320.00 2,178.48

accommodate curtain made from frame work of

of IS710 Grade + 12.5mm Standard Gypsum Board
pended from True Slab using approved Hilti /
ded for line & level. The Rate shall include
. completed as per Plan /Details / Drawings /

Qty Rate Amout

D L Rmt

1000 2075 2.075

0.12 850.00
5.79 290.00 1,679.32
4.88 290.00 1,416.29
26.80 25.00 670.06
26.80 85.00 2,278.20
26.80 14.17 379.70
26.80 1.23 32.97
53.60 0.70 37.52
- 10.00 -
- 8.00 -

6.81 420.00 2,859.25

accommodate curtain made from frame work of
of IS710 Grade + 12.5mm Standard Gypsum Board
pended from True Slab using approved Hilti /
ded for line & level. The Rate shall include
. completed as per Plan /Details / Drawings /

Qty Rate Amout

D L Rmt
600 2075 2.075
0.12 850.00
4.34 290.00 1,259.49
3.49 290.00 1,011.64
17.87 25.00 446.71
17.87 85.00 1,518.80
17.87 14.17 253.13
17.87 1.23 21.98
35.74 0.70 25.02
- 10.00 -
- 8.00 -

6.81 280.00 1,906.17

accommodate curtain made from frame work of
of IS710 Grade + 12.5mm Standard Gypsum Board
pended from True Slab using approved Hilti /
ded for line & level. The Rate shall include
. completed as per Plan /Details / Drawings /

Qty Rate Amout

D L Rmt
300 2075 2.075
0.12 850.00
4.34 290.00 1,259.49
2.44 290.00 708.15
11.17 25.00 279.19
11.17 85.00 949.25
11.17 14.17 158.21
11.17 1.23 13.74
22.34 0.70 15.63
- 10.00 -
- 8.00 -

6.81 175.00 1,191.35

Façade to accommodate curtain made from
mm marine ply of IS710 Grade + 1 mm thick
Alu angle cleat suspended from True Slab using
shall be provided for line & level.The Rate shall
ight etc. completed as per Plan /Details /

Qty Rate Amout
D L Rmt
300 2075 2.075
0.12 850.00
4.34 290.00 1,259.49
2.44 290.00 708.15
11.17 25.00 279.19
11.17 85.00 949.25
11.17 46.88 523.48
11.17 0.70 7.82
- 10.00 -
11.17 8.00 89.34
6.81 200.00 1,361.55

accommodate curtain made from frame work of

of IS710 Grade + 4 mm thick approved Veneer
pended from True Slab using approved Hilti /
ed for line & level.The Rate shall include providing
ed as per Plan /Details / Drawings /
Qty Rate Amout
D L Rmt
300 2075 2.075
0.12 850.00
4.34 290.00 1,259.49
2.44 290.00 708.15
11.17 25.00 279.19
11.17 85.00 949.25
11.17 180.00 2,010.18
11.17 0.70 7.82
- 10.00 -
11.17 8.00 89.34
- 65.00 - Polishing to be paid separately
6.81 225.00 1,531.74

Façade to accommodate curtain made from

mm marine ply of IS710 Grade + 1 mm thick
Alu angle cleat suspended from True Slab using
shall be provided for line & level.The Rate shall
ight etc. completed as per Plan /Details /

Qty Rate Amout

D L Rmt
300 2075 2.075
0.12 850.00
4.34 290.00 1,259.49
2.44 290.00 708.15
11.17 25.00 279.19
15.63 85.00 1,328.95
15.63 46.88 732.88
11.17 0.70 7.82
- 10.00 -
15.63 8.00 125.08
- 16.00 -
- 16.00 -

6.81 210.00 1,429.63


ape (Adjacent to Pelmet)

Qty Rate Amout

D L Rmt
300 2075 2.075
0.12 850.00
2.90 290.00 839.66
3.49 290.00 1,011.64
22.34 25.00 558.38
22.34 14.17 316.42
22.34 1.23 27.47
22.34 0.70 15.63

6.81 140.00 953.08

e up of Aluminium Box Pipe Section of 38mm x
L" angle using SS Screws / Sheet Metal Screws of
alls / slabs/ beam including TW Member of
hardwares. Gypsum Board shall be finished with
. completed as per Architect's Drawing &

fety Precautions in the contractor's scope and

Qty Rate Amout

0.41 290.00 118.91
1.00 25.00 25.00
Rough calculation for extar for end pipe & support
1.00 14.17 14.17 3048
1.00 1.23 1.23 7.3445783
1.00 0.70 0.70 3320 3 9960
0.33 14.51 4.79 830 9 7470
To be considered in indirect costs 17430
164.80 29.661278 587.63482
1.00 30.00 30.00
1.00 11.50 11.50
30.0% 12.45
er based frame made up of Aluminium Box Pipe
h 35 x 35 x 2mm "L" angle using SS Screws / Sheet
t Fasteners on walls / slabs/ beam etc. with
Necessary TW Members / Laminate Patta at top

fety Precautions in the contractor's scope and

Qty Rate Amout

0.41 290.00 118.91
1.00 25.00 25.00
Rough calculation for extar for end pipe & support
1.05 61.50 64.58 3048
1.05 46.88 49.22 7.3445783
1.05 0.70 0.74 3320 3 9960
1.05 8.00 8.40 830 9 7470
0.75 10.00 7.50
To be considered in indirect costs 17430
274.34 29.661278 587.63482
1.00 30.00 30.00
1.00 25.00 25.00
30.0% 16.50
50mmX25mmX2mm with one side 9mm ply and
ncluding teak wood beading on edges. The Main
y Alu pipe supports from True Slab using Angle
hardwares i.e. Heavy butt hinges, allen key, safety
lead and lift, at all level & Height etc. completed

Qty Rate Amout

700 0.49 5.27
9.33 26.67 248.89
2.27 290.00 657.72
5.27 15.00 79.12

5.27 49.00 258.44

5.27 40.00 210.97
5.27 46.88 247.24
5.27 13.00 68.57
10.55 8.00 84.39
9.80 20.00 196.00

4.00 35.00 140.00

4.00 23.00 92.00
8.00 0.64 5.08
4.00 13.50 54.00
- 0.60 -
2.00 160.00 320.00
1.00 175.00 175.00
1.00 155.00 155.00

5.27 7.00 36.92


5.27 225.00 1,186.73

9.80 9.00 88.20
g 1mm Laminate of Black Color fixing on Plywood.
pended with Anchor Fastener for proper hanging
ing and as directed by the Project Manager.

Trough and Cutting them as per MEP

ross support/bracing shall be provided to keep
g / Scaffolding, all lead and lift, at all level & Heig

Qty Rate Amout

D L Rmt
50 2075 2.075
0.12 850.00
27.22 30.83 839.41
4.92 30.83 151.70

6.70 85.00 569.55

6.70 46.88 314.09
6.70 8.00 53.60
7.49 4.57 34.24

4.00 35.00 140.00

8.00 23.00 184.00

16.00 0.64 10.16
8.00 13.50 108.00
- 0.60 -

6.70 5.00 33.50


6.81 125.00 850.97

2,400.00 23.25 Sft
38.00 19.00 Rft
1.77 3,000.00 5,297.91
19.00 61.88 1,175.72
19.00 115.00 2,185.00

niform colour and shade machine cut as approved machine high pre-
e (for surface contact of the bottom of the stone slab) as per approved
ent, cutting edge chamfering and polishing nice rough medium acid wash

iform thickness. (b) Allow for rounding off the edges, wherever called for. (c)
d) UOM Is Sqmtr (Which is includes Length x Width (Offset in Two Jambs) and

ser at the purchaser’s stores.)

sft 300 1000
inch 40.00 mm
Nos Qty Rate Amount
6 7

0.08 300.00 23.64
0.06 750.00 48.44

0.48 25.00 12.08

1.00 84.16
88.37 26.94
1.0000 3.28 200.00 656.00 200.00
- 20.00 -
1.00 3.23 2.00 6.46
850.28 259.23
1.00 3.28 80.00 262.40
1.00 3.28 35.00 114.80

1.00 3.28 20.00 65.60

- 3.28 70.00 -

Weight per Total weight Rate/ kg

0.789 6.25426829 290.00 1,813.74
0.789 8.6597561 290.00 2,511.33
80.00 3,200.00
75 3,000.00

Weight per Total weight Rate/ kg

0.925 10.152439 310.00 3,147.26
0.925 19.092 310.00 5,918.52
50.00 4,000.00
75 6,000.00
Length / Sft
300 300 300 300 300 300
300 300 300 300 300 300
300 300 300 300 300 300
300 300 300 300 300 300
300 300 300 300 300 300
300 300 300 300 300 300
300 300 300 300 300 300
300 300 300 300 300 300
300 300 300 300 300 300
300 300 300 300 300 300
5 6 7 8 9 10

Length / Sft
415 415 415
415 415 415
415 415 415
415 415 415
415 415 415
415 415 415
415 415 415
5 6 7
ro handling of board for cutting & edge bending to processing factory.
painting BOQ.
painting BOQ.
Length / Sft 2% extra L angle SS Screw L angle/sft screw per sft
511.68 521.92 196 784 2.16 8.63
415 415 415
415 415 415
415 415 415
415 415 415
415 415 415
415 415 415
415 415 415

Length / Sft 2% extra L angle SS Screw L angle/sft screw per sft
371.61 379.04 100 400 1.03 4.13
600 69.37


Area 100 sft
Thickness 0.20 inch 5.00 mm
Unit Nos Qty Rate Amount
Wet Volume cft 1.64
Dry Volume cft 2.18
Mix Ratio - 1 : 0 1 0 1
Volume of Cement cft 2.18
Cement 5% for cement slurry cft 2.29

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft 1.23

Cement Bags Bags 1.87 300.00 560.57

Volume of Sand cft - 25.00 -

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft 100 560.57

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft 1 5.61
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt 1 60.34
Wastage 5% 3.02
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt 63.36 5.89

ABCD Smt 0 10.76 - -

Transport, Loading & Unloading 3% 1.90
Material Rate Per Smt 65.26 6.06
Labour Smt 1 10.76 - -
Labour Rate Per Smt -
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt 65.26
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft 6.06



Area 100 sft
Thickness 0.39 inch 10.00 mm
Unit Nos Qty Rate Amount
Wet Volume cft 3.28
Dry Volume cft 4.36
Mix Ratio - 1 : 6 1 4 5
Volume of Cement cft 0.87
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft 1.05

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft 1.23

Cement Bags Bags 0.85 300.00 256.26

Volume of Sand cft 3.49 45.00 157.09

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft 100 413.35

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft 1 4.13
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt 1 44.49
Wastage 5% 2.22
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt 46.72 4.34

ABCD Smt 0 10.76 - -

Transport, Loading & Unloading 3% 1.40
Material Rate Per Smt 48.12 4.47
Labour Smt 1 10.76 - -
Labour Rate Per Smt -
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt 48.12
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft 4.47


7 Antiskid Toilet Flooring
Providing & Laying 600 x 600 mm Antiskid Vitirified tiles for flooring approved make and approved sample in pattern as per detail drawings upto 25mm thk
bed of 1:4 cement mortar including surface preparation giving necessary slopes cleaning joints and grouting them with neat white cement pest with
pigmented additives to match shade of the tile etc. complete.


Area 100 sft
Thickness 0.98 inch 25.00 mm
Unit Nos Qty Rate Amount
Wet Volume cft 8.20
Dry Volume cft 10.91
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1 4 5
Volume of Cement cft 2.18
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft 2.62

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft 1.23

Cement Bags Bags 2.14 300.00 640.65

Volume of Sand cft 8.73 25.00 218.18

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft 100 858.82
Total - Rs. Per sft Sft 1 8.59
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt 1 92.44
Wastage 5% 4.62
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt 97.07 9.02
Tile Smt 1 10.76 80.00 861.12
Wastage 5% 43.06
Joint filling white cement material + labour (without spacer) Smt 1 10.76 2.00 21.53
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt 0 10.76 15.00 -
3mm spacers Nos 0 2.00 2.50 -
floor protection - mtl. + labour Smt 0 10.76 5.00 -
floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Smt 0 10.76 12.00 -
Transport, Loading & Unloading 0% -
Material Rate Per Smt 1,022.77 95.02
Labour for laying of tile on floor Smt 1 10.76 25.00 269.10
Labour Rate Per Smt 269.10
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt 1,291.87
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft 120.02


8 Daddo Tile

Providing & Laying 600 x 600 mm /300X 300mm toilet tiles for daddo approved make and approved sample in pattern as per detail drawings including
cement , cleaning joints and grouting them with neat white cement pest with pigmented additives to match shade of the tile etc. complete.


Area 100 sft
Thickness 0.47 inch 12.00 mm
Unit Nos Qty Rate Amount
Wet Volume cft 3.94
Dry Volume cft 5.24
Mix Ratio - 1 : 0 1 0 1
Volume of Cement cft 5.24
Cement 0% for cement slurry cft 5.24

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft 1.23

Cement Bags Bags 4.27 300.00 1,281.29

Volume of Sand cft - 25.00 -

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft 100 1,281.29

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft 1 12.81
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt 1 137.92
Wastage 5% 6.90
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt 144.81 13.45
Tile Smt 1 10.76 80.00 861.12
Wastage 5% 43.06
Joint filling white cement material + labour (without spacer) Smt 1 10.76 2.00 21.53
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 4mm wide spacer) Smt 0 10.76 15.00 -
4mm spacers Nos 0 2.00 2.50 -
Scaffolding Smt 0 10.77 6.00 -
cladding protection - mtl. + labour (with plastic sheet) Smt 0 10.76 5.00 -
Transport, Loading & Unloading 0% -
Material Rate Per Smt 1,070.52 99.45
Labour for laying of tile on wall Smt 1 10.76 27.00 290.63
Labour Rate Per Smt 290.63
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt 1,361.15
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft 126.45


Dado Tiles-
Providing, fixing 300x600x9mm thick Vitrified Tile Dedo of Johnson/Somany/AGL or Equilt. make and as per aproved shade and design in toilet dado upto a
8 height of 2400mm, including backin coat of minimum 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4, filling and pointing the joints withapproved joint filler(laticrete or
equivalent) etc. complete finished as per drawing and as directed by the Engineer In Charge.
(Basic Rate: Rs.45/- per Sqft)


Area 100 sft
Thickness 0.79 inch 20.00 mm
Unit Nos Qty Rate Amount
Wet Volume cft 6.56
Dry Volume cft 8.73
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1 4 5
Volume of Cement cft 1.75
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft 2.09

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft 1.23

Cement Bags Bags 1.71 300.00 512.52

Volume of Sand cft 6.98 25.00 174.54

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft 100 687.06
Total - Rs. Per sft Sft 1 6.87
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt 1 73.95
Wastage 5% 3.70
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt 77.65 7.21
Tile Smt 1 10.76 45.00 484.38
Wastage 5% 24.22
Joint filling white cement material + labour (without spacer) Smt 1 10.76 2.00 21.53
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 4mm wide spacer) Smt 0 10.76 15.00 -
4mm spacers Nos 0 2.00 2.50 -
Scaffolding Smt 0 10.77 6.00 -
cladding protection - mtl. + labour (with plastic sheet) Smt 0 10.76 5.00 -
Transport, Loading & Unloading 1% 6.08
Material Rate Per Smt 613.86 57.03
Labour for laying of tile on wall Smt 1 10.76 27.00 290.63
Labour Rate Per Smt 290.63
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt 904.49
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft 84.03


5.01 Reception
Floor Tiles Vitrified
- Tile Flooring (1200X600)
Providing and fixing 600x600x9mm thick Vitrified tile of Johnson/Somany/AGL or Equilt. make and as per aproved shade and design in Office Floor Area
With minimum thickness 9 mm and approved shade & pattern, including backing coat of not more than 45mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse
sand), filling & pointing the joints with approved joint filler (Laticrete or equivalent) or white cement etc. with compaction. The work include fixing of
vitrified tiles with white cement slurry, with supply include in scope of contractor. Floor to be protected by applying of min.25 mm thick POP layer or Floor
Protector sheet on floor as approved by client to protect floor from scratches as directed by the Engineer In Charge. The scope also include removal of POP
layer on sheet as per the direction of site in charge
(Basic Rate: Rs.45/- per Sqft)
Area 100 sft
Thickness 1.77 inch 45.00 mm
Unit Nos Qty Rate Amount
Wet Volume cft 14.76
Dry Volume cft 19.64
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1 4 5
Volume of Cement cft 3.93
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft 4.71

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft 1.23

Cement Bags Bags 3.84 300.00 1,153.16

Volume of Sand cft 15.71 25.00 392.72

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft 100 1,545.88

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft 1 15.46
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt 1 166.40
Wastage 5% 8.32
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt 174.72 16.23
Tile Smt 1 10.76 - -
Wastage 5% -
Joint filling white cement material + labour (without spacer) Smt 0 10.76 2.00 -
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 2mm wide spacer) Smt 0 10.76 10.00 -
2mm spacers Nos 0 2.00 2.50 -
floor protection - mtl. + labour Smt 0 10.76 5.00 -
floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Smt 1 10.76 12.00 129.17
Transport, Loading & Unloading 0% -
Material Rate Per Smt 303.89 28.23
Labour for laying of tile on floor Smt 1 10.76 25.00 269.10
Labour Rate Per Smt 269.10
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt 572.99
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft 53.23

Tiles Skrting-
Providing, fixingSKIRTING
FLOOR - TILES 100 mm wide
- 100"skirting
: in office area Finishing will be Flush to Wall.
(1:4 Cem Mortar) of of Johnson/Somany/AGL or Equilt. make and as per aproved shade and design as described above, finishes as per drawing with groove
as per recommended spacer. Rate to include for chipping of Plaster TO Match with walls. making 6-8 mm groove above skirtting To Flush with Walls,
finishing , curing, cutting, wastages , etc complete as directed by the Engineer In Charge.
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own. (No Extra charge or housekeeping labour will provide for
Area Rate: Rs.45/- per Sqft) 1.08 sft 100 1000
Thickness 0.47 inch 12.00 mm
Unit Nos Qty Rate Amount
Wet Volume cft 0.04
Dry Volume cft 0.06
Mix Ratio - 1 : 0 1 0 1
Volume of Cement cft 0.06
Cement 0% for cement slurry cft 0.06

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft 1.23

Cement Bags Bags 0.05 300.00 13.79

Volume of Sand cft - 25.00 -

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt 1.00 13.79

Wastage 5% 0.69
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt 14.48 4.42
Tile Rmt 0.3333 3.28 - -
Wastage 5% -
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Rmt 1 1.08 2.00 2.15
Transport, Loading & Unloading 0% -
Material Rate Per Smt 16.63 5.07
Labour for laying of tile skirting on wall Rmt 1 3.28 13.00 42.64
Labour for POP groove 5mm Rmt 1 3.28 5.00 16.40
Labour Rate Per Smt 59.04
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt 75.67
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft 23.07


basic rate of 40 psft.

Vitrified Tiles 600 x 600 fixed on floor with sand and mortar bed of standard specs, finished in line level to take wooden flooring ,vinyl flooring, ESD etc.
( one uniform color, second quality is also fine.)


Area 100 sft
Thickness 0.98 inch 25.00 mm
Unit Nos Qty Rate Amount
Wet Volume cft 8.20
Dry Volume cft 10.91
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1 4 5
Volume of Cement cft 2.18
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft 2.62

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft 1.23

Cement Bags Bags 2.14 300.00 640.65

Volume of Sand cft 8.73 25.00 218.18

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft 100 858.82

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft 1 8.59
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt 1 92.44
Wastage 5% 4.62
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt 97.07 9.02
Tile Smt 1 10.76 40.00 430.56
Wastage 5% 21.53
Joint filling white cement material + labour (without spacer) Smt 1 10.76 2.00 21.53
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt 0 10.76 15.00 -
3mm spacers Nos 0 2.00 2.50 -
floor protection - mtl. + labour Smt 0 10.76 5.00 -
floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Smt 0 10.76 12.00 -
Transport, Loading & Unloading 0% -
Material Rate Per Smt 570.68 53.02
Labour for laying of tile on floor Smt 1 10.76 25.00 269.10
Labour Rate Per Smt 269.10
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt 839.78
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft 78.02

5.06 Granite Flooring for Passage

Providing and Fixing of 20 mm thick Granite , leather finish top,of aproved shade, cut to size on site to match the design detail and profile and joints
finished in epoxy grout. Note : Passage width of 1800 mm. and curved design.

Basic Rate of Granite Slab 200 psft.

Area 100 sft
Thickness 1.77 inch 45.00 mm
Unit Nos Qty Rate Amount
Wet Volume cft 14.76
Dry Volume cft 19.64
Mix Ratio - 1 : 4 1 4 5
Volume of Cement cft 3.93
Cement 20% for cement slurry cft 4.71

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft 1.23

Cement Bags Bags 3.84 300.00 1,153.16

Volume of Sand cft 15.71 25.00 392.72

Total - Rs. For 100 sft Sft 100 1,545.88

Total - Rs. Per sft Sft 1 15.46
Total - Rs. Per Smt Smt 1 166.40
Wastage 5% 8.32
Cost of mortar for 1 Smt 174.72 16.23
Granite Finished Smt 1 10.76 200.00 2,152.80
Wastage 10% 215.28
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Smt 1 10.76 2.00 21.53
Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Smt 0 10.76 15.00 -
3mm spacers Nos 0 2.00 2.50 -
floor protection - mtl. + labour Smt 0 10.76 5.00 -
floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Smt 1 10.76 12.00 129.17
Transport, Loading & Unloading 0% -
Material Rate Per Smt 2,693.49 250.23
Labour for Granite Floor Smt 1 10.76 65.00 699.66
Labour Rate Per Smt 699.66
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Smt 3,393.15
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Sft 315.23

5.06a do as above

Granite Skirting of 75 mm high, along the wall pheriphery to match the floor, flushed to the wall and groove finished in 5 mm POP groove.


Area 0.81 sft 75 1000
Thickness 0.47 inch 12.00 mm
Unit Nos Qty Rate Amount
Wet Volume cft 0.03
Dry Volume cft 0.04
Mix Ratio - 1 : 0 1 0 1
Volume of Cement cft 0.04
Cement 0% for cement slurry cft 0.04

1 Bag cement = 1.226 cft cft 1.23

Cement Bags Bags 0.03 300.00 10.34

Volume of Sand cft - 25.00 -

Total - Rs. For 1 Rmt Rmt 1.00 10.34

Wastage 5% 0.52
Cost of mortar for 1 Rmt 10.86 3.31
Granite Rmt 0.2500 3.28 200.00 164.00 50.00
Wastage 10% 16.40
Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour Rmt 1.00 0.81 2.00 1.61
Transport, Loading & Unloading 0% -
Material Rate Per Rmt 192.88 58.80
Labour for laying of granite skirting - 75 mm Rmt 1.00 3.28 30.00 98.40
Labour for granite edge chamfering & it's polishing - 3 x 3mm to 6 x 6mm
(both edge & chamfered portion polishing) Rmt 1.00 3.28 15.00 49.20
Labour for POP groove 5mm Rmt 1.00 3.28 5.00 16.40
Labour Rate Per Rmt 164.00
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rmt 356.88
TOTAL Material + Labour Per Rft 108.80

13.00 Mirror Panelling

Providing & Panelling formed of marine ply boxing finished with 6mm thick float full height mirror of approved make edge polished
and without any defects, waves etc.,Mirror fixed with 3M tape & approved 3M adhesives with L pro on all four sides finished with
approved paint as per details. Modiguard float mirror shall be considered.

Unit Qty Rate Amout

Rate Analysis For - 1200 x 1400 x 100 mm : Sft 18.08 24.89 -
Seasoned Meranti Wood Framework - 1.5" x 1.5" Cft - 1,400.00 - 0.58
12 mm plywood BWP - front panel for mirror fixing Sft 18.08 61.50 1,112.14
12 mm plywood BWP - for boxing Sft 4.00 -
12 mm plywood BWP - for boxing Sft 6.22 -
6mm thick mirror Sft 18.08 105.00 1,898.77
PVC protective film over glass Sft 18.08 10.00 180.84
Mirror Edge Polishing (CEP) Rft - 10.00 - 18.00
Mirror bevelled edges - 25 x 25 mm Rft - 27.00 -
3m tape + silicon + abro tape sft 18.08 30.00 542.51
Edge sealing with silicone Rft - 10.00 -
L Pro on Edges (Bottomline) - 15mm max size available Rft 18.00 -
Black Japan (mtl. + labour) sft 24.89 5.00 124.44
Hardware, Adhesive & Abro Tape for L Profile Fixing sft 18.08 10.00 180.84
Wastage 5% 201.98
Loading + Transport +Unloading 5% 201.98
A Material Cost - Per No. No. 4,443.48
Fixing Mirror for Toilet on Stud Sft - 45.00 -
Fixing Mirror for Toilet with Ply Backing Sft 18.08 60.00 1,085.01
Fixing Mirror for Toilet with Ply Boxing Sft 75.00 -
Total Labour - Per No. 1,085.01
Total Labour & Material + Labour - Per No. 5,528.49
Total Labour & Material + Labour - Per SFT 305.72
Total Labour & Material + Labour - Per SMT 3,290.77


Width Depth Facia Plan Area 1.00 Nos.
900.00 600.00 300.00 5.81 Sq. Feet 0.54 sq. meter
A Kadappa Stone Works In Above Counter :
1.00 Top 900.00 650.00 1.00 6.30
Wastage : 12% 0.76 7.05 Sq. Feet 40.00 282.10

B Cement Mortar 7.05 Sq. Feet 25.00 176.31

C Marble / Granite Stone Works In Above Counter :

Marble / Granite Stone :
1.00 Top 900.00 650.00 1.00 6.30
2.00 Front Facia 900.00 300.00 1.00 2.91 3.00 Molding
3.00 Side Facia 600.00 300.00 - - - Molding
4.00 Back Splash 900.00 100.00 1.00 0.97
5.00 Side Splash 600.00 100.00 2.00 1.29
11.46 3.00
Wastage : 12% 1.38 12.84 Sq. Feet 200.00 2,567.86

D Araldite + Adhesive + Joint Filler (Grout) 11.46 sq. Feet 25.00 286.59

E Labour :
1.00 Fixing Granite Counter With Kaddapa / Granite Base- inclusive of all finished complete in all respect 3.00 r. feet 635.00 1,905.00

E Labour :
1.00 Labour - Kadappa Stone Fixing 7.05 sq. Feet 40.00 - -
2.00 Labour - Marble Stone Pasting 12.84 sq. Feet 80.00 - -
3.00 Labour - Marble Stone Polishing 12.84 sq. Feet 70.00 - -
4.00 Labour - Molding & Polishing OR Patta Fixing & Polishing 3.00 r. Feet 35.00 - -
5.00 Labour - Chamfering & Grooving - r. Feet 20.00 - -
6.00 Labour - Sink Slots & their edges molding & polishing 1.00 nos. 450.00 450.00 450.00

F Transport & Handling : 5.00% 283.39

Total Cost : Stone Works Per nos. 5,951.26

Total Cost : Stone Works Per sq. ft. 1,023.87
Total Cost : Stone Works Per sq. mtr. 11,020.95


Width Depth Facia / Height Plan Area 1.00 Nos.

2,100.00 600.00 750.00 13.56 Sq. Feet 1.26 sq. meter
A Kadappa Stone Works In Above Counter :
1.00 Top 2,100.00 650.00 1.00 14.69
2.00 Vertical 750.00 600.00 2.00 9.69
Wastage : 15% 3.66 28.04 Sq. Feet 40.00 1,121.50

B Cement Mortar :
For top - 25 mm thick mortar 13.56 Sq. Feet 12.50 169.53
For base - 55mm thick mortar 13.56 Sq. Feet 27.50 372.97

C Stone :
1.00 Top 2,100.00 650.00 1.00 14.69
2.00 Front Facia 2,100.00 100.00 1.00 2.26 7.00 Molding
3.00 Side 600.00 775.00 2.00 10.01 4.00 Molding
4.00 Skirting 2,100.00 75.00 1.00 1.70
28.66 11.00
Wastage : 12% 3.44 32.10 Sq. Feet 200.00 6,419.65

D Araldite + Adhesive + Joint Filler (Grout) + Cement 32.10 sq. Feet 20.00 641.96

E Labour :
1.00 Fixing Granite Counter With Kaddapa / Marble Base- inclusive of all finished complete in all respect 7.00 r. feet 650.00 4,550.00

F Transport & Handling : 5.00% 663.78

Total Cost : Stone Works Per nos. 13,939.40

Total Cost : Stone Works Per sq. ft. 1,027.79
Total Cost : Stone Works Per sq. mtr. 11,063.11

Unit Qty Rate Amout

Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 900 2,400.00 23.25 Sft
Door Frame : 63.5 127.00 19.00 Rft
Wood for door frame Cft 2.42 3,000.00 7,265.31 Tufwud 07.06.22 16,484.00
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft 19.00 66.04 1,254.76
Foam for fixing door frame Rft 19.00 30.00 570.00 570.00
Door :
35 mm thk flush door Sft 23.25 142.19 3,305.89
Laminate Sft 64.00 46.88 3,000.00 400.00
Fevicol Sft 46.50 8.00 372.00
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft 24.20 25.00 605.00
beading polish Rft 24.20 15.00 363.00 363.00
Vision panel Nos - 800.00 - Hinge minus -340.00
Door Hardware : Hafele Code
Ozone Make - OZ-BHF-2BB-Z 4x3x3MM SSS - Ball Bearing Hinges Nos 4.00 207.84 831.36
Nos - 255.00 - 926.32.160 -
DCL 35, concealed cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4, slide
Nos - 10,266.00 - 931.46.239 -
track arm, hold open, fire rated, CE
Door Closer Nos 1.00 1,900.00 1,900.00
H Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 220 C/C 300 O/A
Pair 1.00 912.50 912.50 903.11.460 912.50
Max. Door Thickness - 55mm, SSM + SSP
Mortise Cylinder Dead Lockcase, 55Mm Backset, 24Mm Forend Nos 1.00 635.00 635.00 911.22.551 635.00
Euro Profile Thumb Turn Cylinder With Key, 31.5+31.5 =
Nos 1.00 760.00 760.00 916.96.306 760.00
63Mm, Non-Masterkeyed
Escutcheon For The Lever Handle, SSM Pair 1.00 195.00 195.00 903.99.664 195.00

Tower Bolt Nos - 600.00 - -

Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft - 45.00 -
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos 1.00 800.00 800.00
22,769.83 19,979.50
Wastage sft 2% 455.40
Miscellaneous Hardware sft 0.5% 113.85 56.92
A Material cost sft 23,339.07 20,036.42
Transportation on A 4.00% 933.56 unloading & handling 140.03
B transport, loading and unloding 933.56 140.03
C Total A+B 24,272.63 20,176.46
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos 1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 door installation 3,500.00
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft 19.00 115.00 2,185.00 frame installation
Total Labour - Per No 5,685.00 3,500.00
Total - Material + Labour - Per No 29,957.63 23,676.46 20,867.57
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT 1,288.49 1,018.33 897.52
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT 13,869.27 10,961.32 9,660.91


Unit Qty Rate Amout

Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 900 2,400.00 23.25 Sft
Door Frame : 60 100.00 19.00 Rft
Wood for door frame Cft 2.16 3,000.00 Tufwud 07.06.22 16,484.00
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft 19.00 57.20
Foam for fixing door frame Rft 19.00 30.00 -
Aluminium Door Frame - 50 x 50 mm - Otic Make Nos 1.00 7,980.00 7,980.00
Door :
35 mm thk flush door Sft 23.25 142.19 3,305.89
Laminate Sft 64.00 46.88 3,000.00 400.00
Fevicol Sft 46.50 8.00 372.00
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft 24.20 25.00 605.00
beading polish Rft 24.20 15.00 363.00 363.00
Vision panel Nos 1.00 800.00 800.00 Hinge minus -340.00
Door Hardware : Hafele Code
Nos 4.00 255.00 1,020.00 926.32.160 1,020.00
DCL 35, concealed cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4, slide
Nos - 10,266.00 - 931.46.239 -
track arm, hold open, fire rated, CE
Door Closer - Open Type - Standard Arm (Exposed Type) Nos 1.00 5,133.00 5,133.00
H Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 220 C/C 300 O/A
Pair 1.00 912.50 912.50 903.11.460 912.50
Max. Door Thickness - 55mm, SSM + SSP
Mortise Cylinder Dead Lockcase, 55Mm Backset, 24Mm Forend Nos 1.00 635.00 635.00 911.22.551 635.00
Euro Profile Thumb Turn Cylinder With Key, 31.5+31.5 =
Nos 1.00 760.00 760.00 916.96.306 760.00
63Mm, Non-Masterkeyed
Escutcheon For The Lever Handle, SSM Pair 1.00 195.00 195.00 903.99.664 195.00

Tower Bolt Nos - 600.00 - -

Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft 19.00 45.00 855.00
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos - 800.00 -
25,936.40 20,429.50
Wastage sft 5% 1,296.82
Miscellaneous Hardware sft 0.5% 129.68 64.84
A Material cost sft 27,362.90 20,494.34
Transportation on A 5.00% 1,368.14 unloading & handling 205.22
B transport, loading and unloding 1,368.14 205.22
C Total A+B 28,731.04 20,699.56
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos 1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 door installation 1,000.00
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft 19.00 115.00 frame installation 1,000.00
Labour - Aluminium Door Frame Fixing Nos 1.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
Total Labour - Per No 4,500.00 2,000.00
Total - Material + Labour - Per No 33,231.04 22,699.56
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT 1,429.28 976.32
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT 15,384.74 10,509.06


Partition Doors-
P/F of laminated soliid flush door made from 35 mm thick flush door in glass slit with max 8' height as per specifications, With
Provide Glass Slit and having both side 1.0 mm appproved shade of laminate of max. Rs. 1500/- per sheet. The door edges should
be finishded with 40x6 mm wooden beeding patti. The work should include all types of hardware such as Mortise lock, floor spring,
18" size H - handle, Door closure. All Hardware should be make of corsa/OZON/DORMA etc. melemine polish, complete as per
approved drawing and design with all respect. Measurement should be taken frame o/o including fixing .
Contractor has to Clear all garbage and debris day by day and dump out of the plant by his own.
(No Extra charge or housekeeping labour will provide for the same).

Unit Qty Rate Amout

Rate Analysis For : SINGLE LEAF 1200 2,400.00 31.00 Sft
Door Frame : 60 100.00 20.00 Rft
Wood for door frame Cft 2.27 3,000.00 Tufwud 07.06.22 15,086.00
Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame Rft 20.00 57.20
Foam for fixing door frame Rft 20.00 30.00 -
Door :
35 mm thk flush door Sft 31.00 142.19 4,407.86
Laminate Sft 64.00 46.88 3,000.00 400.00
wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft 26.40 25.00 660.00
beading polish Rft 26.40 15.00 396.00 396.00
Vision panel Nos 1.00 800.00 800.00
Door Hardware : Hafele Code inge minus -340.00
FS 2104 Double Action Floor Spring with 90° Hold Open and SS Cover
plate, Size 4 (Without accessories), Max. door leaf weight 120kg ,SS PC 1.00 5,022.50 5,022.50 932.79.040 5,022.50
Matt,For door widths 1000-1200mm

Double Action accessories for Floor Spring suitable for Timber doors SET 1.00 547.50 547.50 932.79.090 547.50

Mortise Cylinder Dead Lockcase, 55Mm Backset, 24Mm Forend, SSM PC 1.00 635.00 635.00 911.22.551 635.00

Euro Profile Thumb Turn Cylinder With Key, 31.5+31.5 = 63Mm, Non-
PC 1.00 760.00 760.00 916.96.306 760.00
Masterkeyed, SN
Escutcheon For The Lever Handle, SSM PR 1.00 195.00 195.00 903.99.664 195.00
H Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 220 C/C 300 O/A
PR 1.00 912.50 912.50 903.11.460 912.50
Max. Door Thickness - 55mm, SSM + SSP
Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 300Mm C/C
PR - 1,975.00 - 903.00.370 -
Max. Door Thickness - 105mm, SSM

Tower Bolt Nos - 600.00 - -

Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft - 45.00 -
Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos - 800.00 -
17,336.36 23,614.50
Wastage sft 5% 866.82
Miscellaneous Hardware sft 1% 173.36 86.68
A Material cost sft 18,376.54 23,701.18
Transportation on A 5.00% 918.83 unloading & handling 137.82
B transport, loading and unloding 918.83 137.82
C Total A+B 19,295.37 23,839.01
Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing Nos 1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 door installation 1,000.00
Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft 20.00 115.00 frame installation 1,000.00
Total Labour - Per No 3,500.00 2,000.00
Total - Material + Labour - Per No 22,795.37 25,839.01
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT 735.33 833.51
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT 7,915.06 8,971.88
Fabric Panelling

Unit Qty Rate Amout

12 mm Sitatex Pin Board / Soft Board Sft 1.05 45.00 47.25
12 mm MDF - Exterior Grade Sft - 44.04 -
Foam - 5 mm Sft - 6.00 -
Foam - 10 mm Sft - 12.00 -
Fabric Sft 1.33 13.55 18.02
Speb Adhesive Or Fevicol + Abro Tape + Stapler Pins Sft 1.25 8.00 10.00
Wastage 5% 3.76
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3% 2.26
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft 81.29
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft - 20.00 -
Labour for foam fixing (before fabric wrapping) Sft - 10.00 -
Labour for fabric wrapping on plywood / mdf / accoustic panel / soft
Sft - 25.00 -
Supply of gripper + Labour for gripper work + fixing of foam, plywood /
Sft 1.00 175.00 175.00
mdf & fabric wrapping
Total Labour - Per SFT 175.00
Total Material + Labour - Per SFT 256.29
Total Material + Labour - Per SMT 2,758.74


Unit Qty Rate Amout

12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft 1.00 14.17 14.17

Joint tape Sft 1.00 1.23 1.23
Screw Sft 1.00 0.70 0.70
GI-EDGE BEEDING 12.5x25x12x0.5x2440mm /Or GI-ANGLE BEED 2440 Rft 0.18 14.51 2.61
Wastage 10% 1.87
Loading + Transport +Unloading 5% 0.94
A Material cost sft 21.52
Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) Sft 1.00 10.00 10.00
Sub-Contract - Primer Coat - Material + Labour Sft - 7.00 -
Total Labour in SFT 10.00
Total Material + Labour In SFT 31.52
Total Material + Labour In SMT 339.23

Black painted Glass Fixing on board.

8.05 Glass Board

Providing and fixing of Glass cladding formed of 6mm thick Coloured Lacquer Glass (Saint Gobain make) cladded with manufacturer
specified Saint Gobain make approved adhesive to existing partition/ paneling as per detail/shown in drawing and as directed by

Unit Qty Rate Amout

Rate Analysis for 750 x 1200 mm Sft 10.00
6mm thick back painted glass Sft 10.00 230.00 2,300.00
3m tape + silicon Sft 10.00 30.00 300.00
Hat Section Rft 5.00 27.22 136.11
Miscellaneous hardware 5.0% 136.81
Wastage 10% 287.29
Loading + Transport +Unloading 5% 143.65
A Material Cost - Per No No 3,303.85
Labour for back painted glass fixing Sft 10.00 40.00 400.00
Labour for Hat section fixing Rft 5.00 10.00 50.00
Total Labour - Per No No 450.00
Total - Material + Labour - Per No No 3,753.85
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft 375.38
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt 4,040.64

Black painted Glass Fixing on board.

8.07 Glass Board
Cabin area

Providing and fixing of Glass cladding formed of 6mm thick Coloured Lacquer Glass (Saint Gobain make) cladded with manufacturer
specified Saint Gobain make approved adhesive to existing partition/ paneling as per detail/shown in drawing and as directed by

Unit Qty Rate Amout

Rate Analysis for 750 x 1200 mm Sft 10.00
6mm thick back painted glass Sft 10.00 230.00 2,300.00
3m tape + silicon Sft 10.00 30.00 300.00
Hat section / Other aluminium section Rft 13.00 27.22 353.88
Miscellaneous hardware 5.0% 147.69
Wastage 10% 310.16
Loading + Transport +Unloading 5% 155.08
A Material Cost - Per No No 3,566.81
Labour for back painted glass fixing Sft 10.00 40.00 400.00
Labour for Hat section fixing Rft 13.00 10.00 130.00
Total Labour - Per No No 530.00
Total - Material + Labour - Per No No 4,096.81
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft 409.68
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt 4,409.80

Black painted Glass Fixing on board.

10.04 Back Painted Glass
Back drop
Providing and fixing 6 mm thk Back Painted glass with silicon and 3m tape as per design .
Unit Qty Rate Amout
Rate Analysis for 750 x 1200 mm Sft 10.00
6mm thick back painted glass Sft 10.00 230.00 2,300.00
3m tape + silicon Sft 10.00 30.00 300.00
Hat Section Rft 5.00 27.22 136.11
Miscellaneous hardware 15.0% 410.42
Wastage 15% 471.98
Loading + Transport +Unloading 5% 157.33
A Material Cost - Per No No 3,775.83
Labour for back painted glass fixing Sft 10.00 50.00 500.00
Labour for Hat section fixing Rft 5.00 10.00 50.00
Total Labour - Per No No 550.00
Total - Material + Labour - Per No No 4,325.83
Total - Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft 432.58
Total - Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt 4,656.32

P/F of new full height and low height solid partition with 2.5" x 1.5" x 1.5-1.7mm thick framing in Aluminium pipe section at
approx.2'-0" c/c both ways treated and 12 mm commercial ply on both side complete with 1.0 mm laminate of max Rs. 1500/-

Providing and fixing Aluminum Framing on Back drop made in 50x50 mm thk aluminum pipe with 600x600 mm grid with l clip finish
by 12 mm thk Plywood as per design .

Unit Qty Rate Amout

Aluminium frame work - 2.5" x 1.5" x 1.5 to 1.70 mm @ 600 mm c/c Kgs 0.33 290.00 95.23 Length Length Sft Total Length
600 mm c/c 3.88 3000 3000 96.88 36000
Aluminium pipe total length 2,400.00 1 600 600 600 600
Length after sharing above length by left, right, up & down frame grids 1,200.00 2 600 600 600 600
Shared length divided by c/c square feet 309.67 3 600 600 600 600
End pipe adjustment + Back support 69.37 89.37 4 600 600 600 600
Lemgth per square feet for given grid 399.04 5 600 600 600 600

Hardware for aluminium frame work -

Alu L Angle - 35 x 35 x 2mm - for framework nos/sft 1.03 4.60 4.75
Screw - SS screw / sheet metal screw for framework nos/sft 5.16 0.70 3.61
12 mm plywood commercial Sft 2.00 43.00 86.00
Laminate Sft 2.00 46.88 93.75
Screw for ply fixing Sft 2.00 2.00 4.00
Fevicol Sft 2.00 4.38 8.75
Wastage 5% 14.80
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3% 8.88
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft 319.79
Labour for aluminium frame work Sft 1.00 30.00 30.00
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft 2.00 20.00 40.00
Labour for laminate fixing Sft 2.00 25.00 50.00
Total Labour - Per SFT Sft 120.00
Total Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft 439.79
Total Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt 4,733.88

11.12 0
MDF Finish Partition-
P/F of new full height and low height solid partition with 2.5" x 1.5" x 1.5-1.7mm thick framing in Aluminium pipe section at
approx.2'-0" c/c both ways treated and 8 mm commercial ply & 4mm MDF on both side Colour Finish including etc, complete with
all material hardware, labor etc as per approved design and drg.
Unit Qty Rate Amout
Aluminium frame work - 2.5" x 1.5" x 1.5 to 1.70 mm @ 600 mm c/c Kgs 0.33 290.00 95.23 Length Length Sft Total Length
600 mm c/c 3.88 3000 3000 96.88 36000
Aluminium pipe total length 2,400.00 1 600 600 600 600
Length after sharing above length by left, right, up & down frame grids 1,200.00 2 600 600 600 600
Shared length divided by c/c square feet 309.67 3 600 600 600 600
End pipe adjustment + Back support 69.37 89.37 4 600 600 600 600
Lemgth per square feet for given grid 399.04 5 600 600 600 600

Hardware for aluminium frame work -

Alu L Angle - 35 x 35 x 2mm - for framework nos/sft 1.03 4.60 4.75
Screw - SS screw / sheet metal screw for framework nos/sft 5.16 0.70 3.61
8 mm plywood commercial Sft 2.00 38.00 76.00
4mm MDF Sft 2.00 10.00 20.00
Screw for ply fixing Sft 2.00 2.00 4.00
Fevicol Sft 2.00 4.38 8.75
Wastage 5% 10.62
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3% 6.37
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft 229.34
Labour for aluminium frame work Sft 1.00 30.00 30.00
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft 4.00 20.00 80.00
Labour for laminate fixing Sft - 25.00 -
Total Labour - Per SFT Sft 110.00
Total Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft 339.34
Total Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt 3,652.63

P/F of panneling on Internal Wall shade M.S structure with Using 2x1.5" 1.5 - 1.7mm thick aluminum pipe at 24" C to C framing
13.00 and 12mm Cement sheet.Alluminium framing above which finish with ISI mark 12 mm cement sheet as per approved design and
Drawing complete Paint finish of Approved Shed including all material, hardware, labor.

Unit Qty Rate Amout

Aluminium frame work - 2.5" x 1.5" x 1.70 mm @ 600 mm c/c Kgs 0.37 290.00 107.93 Length Length Sft Total Length
600 mm c/c 3.88 3000 3000 96.88 36000
Aluminium pipe total length 2,400.00 1 600 600 600 600
Length after sharing above length by left, right, up & down frame grids 1,200.00 2 600 600 600 600
Shared length divided by c/c square feet 309.67 3 600 600 600 600
End pipe adjustment + Back support 69.37 89.37 4 600 600 600 600
Lemgth per square feet for given grid 399.04 5 600 600 600 600

Hardware for aluminium frame work -

Alu L Angle - 35 x 35 x 2mm - for framework nos/sft 1.03 4.60 4.75
Screw - SS screw / sheet metal screw for framework nos/sft 5.16 0.70 3.61
Bison Board - 12mm Sft 1.00 35.62 35.62
Other Screw Sft 1.00 5.00 5.00
Wastage 5% 7.85
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3% 4.71
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft 169.48
Labour for aluminium frame work Sft 1.00 30.00 30.00
Labour for bison board fixing - 12mm Sft 1.00 25.00 25.00
Total Labour - Per SFT Sft 55.00
Total Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft 224.48
Total Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt 2,416.27

P/F of Wooden panneling on the wall of TRANING ROOM with Using 2x1.5" 1.5 - 1.7mm thick aluminum pipe at 24" C to C framing
Double framing (To maintain inside Space for Raceway and Display Stand) above which finish with ISI mark 18 mm commercial ply
as per approved design and Drawing to accommodate TV/projector screen, camera etc complete with laminate finish (Cost upto
Rs. 1500/-) Approved Shed including all material, hardware, labor.

Unit Qty Rate Amout

Twin Aluminium frame work - 2.5" x 1.5" x 1.70 mm @ 600 mm c/c Kgs 0.37 290.00 215.86 Length Length Sft Total Length
600 mm c/c 3.88 3000 3000 96.88 36000
Aluminium pipe total length 2,400.00 1 600 600 600 600
Length after sharing above length by left, right, up & down frame grids 1,200.00 2 600 600 600 600
Shared length divided by c/c square feet 309.67 3 600 600 600 600
End pipe adjustment + Back support 69.37 89.37 4 600 600 600 600
Lemgth per square feet for given grid 399.04 5 600 600 600 600

Hardware for aluminium frame work -

Alu L Angle - 35 x 35 x 2mm - for framework nos/sft 1.03 4.60 9.51
Screw - SS screw / sheet metal screw for framework nos/sft 5.16 0.70 7.23
18 mm plywood commercial Sft 1.00 54.00 54.00
Laminate Sft 1.00 46.88 46.88
Screw for ply fixing Sft 1.00 2.00 2.00
Fevicol Sft 1.00 4.38 4.38
Wastage 5% 16.99
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3% 10.20
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft 367.03
Labour for TWIN aluminium frame work Sft 2.00 30.00 60.00
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft 1.00 20.00 20.00
Labour for laminate fixing Sft 1.00 25.00 25.00
Total Labour - Per SFT Sft 105.00
Total Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft 472.03
Total Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt 5,080.97


Unit Qty Rate Amout

Aluminium frame work - 2" x 1.5" x 1.5mm @ 600 mm c/c Kgs 0.32 290.00 93.77 Length Length Sft Total Length
600 mm c/c 3.88 3000 3000 96.88 36000
Aluminium pipe total length 2,400.00 1 600 600 600 600
Length after sharing above length by left, right, up & down frame grids 1,200.00 2 600 600 600 600
Shared length divided by c/c square feet 309.67 3 600 600 600 600
End pipe adjustment + Back support 69.37 139.37 4 600 600 600 600
Lemgth per square feet for given grid 449.04 5 600 600 600 600

Hardware for aluminium frame work -

Alu L Angle - 35 x 35 x 2mm - for framework nos/sft 1.03 4.60 4.75
Screw - SS screw / sheet metal screw for framework nos/sft 5.16 0.70 3.61
Other screw sft 1.00 5.00 5.00
Wastage 5% 5.36
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3% 3.21
A Material Cost - Per SFT Sft 115.71
Labour for aluminium frame work Sft 1.00 30.00 30.00
Total Labour - Per SFT Sft 30.00
Total Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft 145.71
Total Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt 1,568.40


Unit Qty Rate Amout

18 mm plywood commercial Sft 1.00 54.00 54.00
Veneer Sft 1.00 180.00 180.00
Melamine Polishing Sft 1.00 65.00 65.00
Fevicol + Abro Tape for Veneer Pasting Sft 1.00 8.00 8.00
Screw Sft 1.00 2.00 2.00
Wastage 5.00% 15.45
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00% 9.27
A Total Material in SFT 333.72
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft 1.00 20.00 20.00
Labour for veneer fixing Sft 1.00 30.00 30.00
Total Labour in SFT 50.00
Total Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft 383.72
Total Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt 4,130.36


Unit Qty Rate Amout

18 mm plywood commercial Sft 1.00 54.00 54.00
Screw Sft 1.00 2.00 2.00
Laminate Sft 1.00 46.88 46.88
Fevicol + Abro Tape Sft 1.00 8.00 8.00
Wastage 5.00% 5.54
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3.00% 3.33
A Total Material in SFT 119.75
Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft 1.00 20.00 20.00
Labour for laminate fixing Sft 1.00 25.00 25.00
Total Labour in SFT 45.00
Total Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft 164.75
Total Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt 1,773.32


Unit Qty Rate Amout

48kg density rock wool Sft 1.00 13.47 13.47

40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft 2.00 1.49 2.97
Wastage 5% 0.82
Loading + Transport +Unloading 11% 1.81 Transport is high due to high volume nature of rockwool.
A Material cost sft 19.07
Labour for rock wool Sft 1.00 2.00 2.00
Total Labour in SFT 2.00
Total Material + Labour - Per SFT Sft 21.07
Total Material + Labour - Per SMT Smt 226.85

Single Skinned Gypsum Partition 75 mm Thk:

7.01 Single Skinned Gypsum Partition 75 mm Thk

Providing and fixing Single layer of 12.5mm thick tapered edge Gypsum-board cladding over GI framework screws fixed with dry
wall screw of 25mm/ 35mm @ 300mm c/c with staggered joints to avoid through joints including filling & finishing the joint with
proprietary Jointing compound, Joint Paper tape and two coats of Drywall Top Coat as per manufacturer's recommendation/
specification. Joints to be sand papered to achieve a smooth and seamless finish. Two coats of gyp board primer to be applied to
finished surfaces and then smoothened using chalk putty as directed. Including above ceiling partition.
(Height to be considered 12'0")

Unit Qty Rate Amout Width Height Sft Total Length

GI FRAME WORK - SINGLE STUD FRAME WORK : 2400 2750 71.04 28150
50MM x 0.50 mm thk GI Frame Rft 1.30 29.92 38.88 1 600 600 600 600
64kg density rock wool Sft - 17.96 - 2 600 600 600 600
40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft - 1.49 - 3 600 600 600 600
Ply + Wood Sft 1.00 5.00 5.00 4 600 600 600 600
Hardware - screw, rawal plugs, nails, etc. Sft 1.00 2.00 2.00 5 600 600 600 600
1 2 3 4
12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft 2.00 14.17 28.33
Joint tape Sft 2.00 1.23 2.46
Ply for skirting Sft - 43.00 - 0.05
Screw Sft 2.00 0.70 1.40
GI-EDGE BEEDING 12.5x25x12x0.5x2440mm /Or GI-ANGLE BEED 2440 Rft 0.22 14.51 3.19

Wastage 5% 5% 4.06
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3% 2.44
A Material cost sft 87.77
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft 1.00 8.00 8.00
Labour for rock / glass wool Sft - 2.00 -
Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) Sft 2.00 10.00 20.00
Sub-Contract - Primer Coat - Material + Labour Sft 2.00 7.00 14.00
Total Labour in SFT 42.00
Total Material + Labour In SFT 129.77
Total Material + Labour In SMT 1,396.84

DOUBLE Skinned Gypsum Partition 100 mm Thk

- DOUBLE Skinned Gypsum Partition 100 mm Thk

Providing and fixing Double layer of 12.5mm thick tapered edge Gypsum-board cladding over GI framework screws fixed with dry
wall screw of 25mm/ 35mm @ 300mm c/c with staggered joints to avoid through joints including filling & finishing the joint with
proprietary Jointing compound, Joint Paper tape and two coats of Drywall Top Coat as per manufacturer's recommendation/
specification. Joints to be sand papered to achieve a smooth and seamless finish. Two coats of gyp board primer to be applied to
finished surfaces and then smoothened using chalk putty as directed. Including above ceiling partition.
(Height to be considered 12'0")

Unit Qty Rate Amout Width Height Sft Total Length

GI FRAME WORK - SINGLE STUD FRAME WORK : 2400 2750 71.04 28150
50MM x 0.50 mm thk GI Frame Rft 1.30 29.92 38.88 1 600 600 600 600
64kg density rock wool Sft - 17.96 - 2 600 600 600 600
40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft - 1.49 - 3 600 600 600 600
Ply + Wood Sft 1.00 5.00 5.00 4 600 600 600 600
Hardware - screw, rawal plugs, nails, etc. Sft 1.00 2.00 2.00 5 600 600 600 600
1 2 3 4
12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft 4.00 14.17 56.67
Joint tape Sft 2.00 1.23 2.46
Ply for skirting Sft - 43.00 - 0.05
Screw Sft 4.00 0.70 2.80
GI-EDGE BEEDING 12.5x25x12x0.5x2440mm /Or GI-ANGLE BEED 2440 Rft 0.22 14.51 3.19

Wastage 5% 5% 5.55
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3% 3.33
A Material cost sft 119.88
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft 1.00 8.00 8.00
Labour for rock / glass wool Sft - 2.00 -
Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) Sft 2.00 10.00 20.00
Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) -
Sft 2.00 8.00 16.00
Without finishing
Sub-Contract - Primer Coat - Material + Labour Sft 2.00 7.00 14.00
Total Labour in SFT 58.00
Total Material + Labour In SFT 177.88
Total Material + Labour In SMT 1,914.72

Single Skinned Gypsum Partition 75 mm Thk:

- -


Unit Qty Rate Amout Width Height Sft Total Length

GI FRAME WORK - SINGLE STUD FRAME WORK : 2400 2750 71.04 28150
50MM x 0.50 mm thk GI Frame Rft 1.30 29.92 38.88 1 600 600 600 600
64kg density rock wool Sft - 17.96 - 2 600 600 600 600
40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft - 1.49 - 3 600 600 600 600
Ply + Wood Sft 1.00 5.00 5.00 4 600 600 600 600
Hardware - screw, rawal plugs, nails, etc. Sft 1.00 2.00 2.00 5 600 600 600 600
1 2 3 4
12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft 1.00 14.17 14.17
Joint tape Sft 1.00 1.23 1.23
Ply for skirting Sft 0.05 43.00 1.97 0.05
Screw Sft 1.00 0.70 0.70
GI-EDGE BEEDING 12.5x25x12x0.5x2440mm /Or GI-ANGLE BEED 2440 Rft 0.11 14.51 1.60

Wastage 5% 5% 3.28
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3% 1.97
A Material cost sft 70.79
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft 1.00 8.00 8.00
Labour for rock / glass wool Sft - 2.00 -
Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) Sft 1.00 10.00 10.00
Sub-Contract - Primer Coat - Material + Labour Sft - 7.00 -
Total Labour in SFT 18.00
Total Material + Labour In SFT 88.79
Total Material + Labour In SMT 955.73

AIR TIGHT PARTITIONS (FOR AC RETURN AIR) - 12.5mm thick Gypsum Board
7.07 AIR TIGHT PARTITIONS (FOR AC RETURN AIR) - 12.5mm thick Gypsum Board

Providing and fixing of air tight partition formed of 48mm Gypsteel Ultra / GypSerra C stud (0.5mm thick having one flange of
34mm and another flange of 36mm made of GI Steel). Studs are placed at 600mm centre to centre in 50mm Gypsteel Ultra /
GypSerra ceiling channel (0.5mm thick have equal flanges of 32mm made of GI steel). ceiling channel are anchored to the true
ceiling slab using suitable anchor fasteners at 600mm c/c in zigzag manner. Stud & ceiling channel are crimped together by using
crimping tool. 48mm Gypsteel Ultra / GypSerra noggin channel (0.5mm thick having two flanges of 40mm each) has to be provided
at the horizontal joints of the two boards screw fixed to the studs using metal to metal flat head screws. To have extra GI bracing
wherever required as per details. Also to have an additional 19mm thick ply supports / Rigid salwood frames (wherever required)
as spacer at the false ceiling level and as sub frames for doors and glazed openings as per details or as per architects instruction.
Framework to be cladded on both sides with single layer of 12.5mm thick gypsum board as per details. Gypsum surface to be
finished with putty, primer and one coat of acrylic emulsion paint of approved shade.

Unit Qty Rate Amout Width Height Sft Total Length

GI FRAME WORK - SINGLE STUD FRAME WORK : 2400 2750 71.04 28150
50MM x 0.50 mm thk GI Frame Rft 1.30 29.92 38.88 1 600 600 600 600
64kg density rock wool Sft - 17.96 - 2 600 600 600 600
40 GSM fibre glass tissue Sft - 1.49 - 3 600 600 600 600
Ply + Wood Sft 1.00 10.00 10.00 4 600 600 600 600
Hardware - screw, rawal plugs, nails, etc. Sft 1.00 2.00 2.00 5 600 600 600 600
1 2 3 4
12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft 2.00 14.17 28.33
Joint tape Sft 2.00 1.23 2.46
Ply for skirting Sft - 43.00 - 0.05
Screw Sft 2.00 0.70 1.40
GI-EDGE BEEDING 12.5x25x12x0.5x2440mm /Or GI-ANGLE BEED 2440 Rft 0.22 14.51 3.19

Wastage 5% 5% 4.31
Loading + Transport +Unloading 3% 2.59
A Material cost sft 93.17
Labour for GI framing - 50mm Sft 1.00 8.00 8.00
Labour for rock / glass wool Sft - 2.00 -
Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) Sft 2.00 10.00 20.00
Sub-Contract - Acrylic Emulsion Paint - Material + Labour Sft 2.00 17.00 34.00
Total Labour in SFT 62.00
Total Material + Labour In SFT 155.17
Total Material + Labour In SMT 1,670.25
Length / Sft 2% extra L angle SS Screw L angle/sftscrew per sft
371.61 379.04 100 500 1.03 5.16
600 69.37
Length / Sft 2% extra L angle SS Screw L angle/sftscrew per sft
371.61 379.04 100 500 1.03 5.16
600 69.37

Length / Sft 2% extra L angle SS Screw L angle/sftscrew per sft
371.61 379.04 100 500 1.03 5.16
600 69.37

Length / Sft 2% extra L angle SS Screw L angle/sftscrew per sft
371.61 379.04 100 500 1.03 5.16
600 69.37
Length / Sft 2% extra L angle SS Screw L angle/sftscrew per sft
371.61 379.04 100 500 1.03 5.16
600 69.37
Length / Sft

Length / Sft
Length / Sft

Length / Sft
Sr. No. Description UOM Rate (Rs.)
1.00 GI Stud + Chanel 50mm x 0.70 mm thk Rft 29.92 0.50 mm USG - Santosh Padhy - 19.05.22
2.00 GI Stud + Chanel 70mm Nos 36.00 0.50 mm USG - Santosh Padhy - 19.05.22
3.00 wooden support Cft 850.00

4.00 12.5mm thk GYPSUM BOARD Sft 14.17 USG - Santosh Padhy - 07.06.22

5.00 12.5mm thk FIRELINE BOARD Sft 24.79 0.50 mm USG - Santosh Padhy - 19.05.22
5.00 15mm thk FIRELINE BOARD Sft 30.83 0.50 mm USG - Santosh Padhy - 19.05.22
6.00 12.50mm thk HABITO BOARD Sft 63.00
6.00 10mm thk Hilux Calcium Silicate Board Sft 43.00
HD Gajra Bros - Kanchan - 18.05.2022 +
7.00 Glass wool Density : Density 24 Kg/M3 - 25 mm Thick - Plain Sft 9.01
Transport from Bhiwandi to site
HD Gajra Bros - Kanchan - 18.05.2022 +
7.00 Rock wool Density : 48 Kg/m3 - 50 mm Thick Sft 13.47
Transport from Bhiwandi to site
HD Gajra Bros - Kanchan - 18.05.2022 +
8.00 40 GSM fibre glass tissue / R.P Tissue Paper Sft 1.49
Transport from Bhiwandi to site
9.00 Joint tape Sft 1.23
10.00 Screw Sft / Pkt. 2.00
11.00 Accoustic sealent 580ML Rs. 720/- Can ( per can covered only 9.5Rmt ) sft 13.72
12.00 Bison Board - 12mm sft 35.62
13.00 Bison Board - 18mm Sft 53.49


1.00 Salwood - For 50 x 50mm Frame Cft 850.00
2.00 6 mm plywood commercial Sft 30.50 Vinit Enterprises - Kitply - 02.06.2022
2.00 8 mm plywood commercial Sft 38.00 Vinit Enterprises - Kitply - 02.06.2022
3.00 12 mm plywood commercial Sft 43.00 Vinit Enterprises - Kitply - 02.06.2022
4.00 18 mm plywood commercial Sft 54.00 Vinit Enterprises - Kitply - 02.06.2022
5.00 8 mm plywood BWR Sft 32.00
6.00 12 mm plywood BWR Sft 45.00
7.00 18 mm plywood BWR Sft 75.00
8.00 6mm Marine Ply (IS 710) - As per below given make, specs & warranty Sft 40.00 Vinit Enterprises - Kitply - 02.06.2022
8.00 8 mm plywood BWP Sft 49.00
8.00 9mm Marine Ply (IS 710) - As per below given make, specs & warranty Sft 49.00 Vinit Enterprises - Kitply - 02.06.2022
9.00 12mm Marine Ply (IS 710) - As per below given make, specs & warranty Sft 61.50 Vinit Enterprises - Kitply - 02.06.2022
10.00 19mm Marine Ply (IS 710) - As per below given make, specs & warranty Sft 85.00 Vinit Enterprises - Kitply - 02.06.2022
11.00 18 mm MDF - Exterior Grade Sft 64.13
12.00 18 mm MDF - Interior Grade Sft 49.33
12.00 17 mm MDF - Exterior Grade Sft 58.07
12.00 17 mm MDF - Interior Grade Sft 44.67 Green Panel - Rahul Jain - 23.05.2022
(40% discount on MRP + Freight + Loading
13.00 12 mm MDF - Exterior Grade Sft 44.04 + Unloading + Taxes
14.00 12 mm MDF - Interior Grade Sft 33.88
13.00 11 mm MDF - Exterior Grade Sft 39.41
14.00 11 mm MDF - Interior Grade Sft 30.32
15.00 20mm thk. CNC CAM routed flutted pattern MDF (ready made) Sft 160.00
16.00 20 mm MDF - Exterior Grade Sft 58.00
17.00 20 mm MDF - Interior Grade Sft 42.00
18.00 18 mm Prelaminated Particle Board Sft 55.00 Rate assumed
19.00 18 mm Prelaminated MDF Board - BSL - Exterior Grade Sft 84.126 Green Panel - Rahul Jain - 23.05.2022
(40% discount on MRP + Freight + Loading
19.00 18 mm Prelaminated MDF Board - BSL - Interior Grade Sft 69.324 + Unloading + Taxes
20.00 12 mm Sitatex Pin Board Sft 45.00
21.00 Laminate - Approved Shade 0.80 / 1 mm - Type 1 Sft 46.88
22.00 Laminate - Approved Shade 0.80 / 1 mm - Type 2 Sft 30.00
23.00 Balancing White Laminate - 0.60 / 0.70 mm Sft 13.00
24.00 Veneer Sft 180.00
24.00 Veneer Sft 175.00 Client Basic Rate 175/Sft
25.00 Cork Panel (Atco-Dekwall-Wikanders TA05001 Varnished, Bamboo Toscana) Sft 150.00
26.00 12mm thk FELT PANEL Sft 90.00

Client Basic Rate Rs 28,370/Sheet - 1100

27.00 Acoustic Board Sft 871.29 x 2750 mm sheet size as per revert on
query by client on 24092020


1.00 3m tape + silicon sft 30.00
2.00 Fevicol + Abro Tape sft 8.00


1.00 6mm thk clear thoughend glass with dhar polish Sft 80.00
2.00 8mm thk clear thoughend glass with dhar polish Sft 100.00
3.00 10mm thk thoughend glass with dhar polish Sft 110.00
4.00 6mm thick back painted glass Sft 230.00
5.00 8mm thick back painted glass Sft 355.35
6.00 12mm thick back painted glass Sft 335.00
7.00 6mm thk lequered glass Planilaque and pastel series Sft 290.00
8.00 6mm thk Mirror with dhar polish Sft 105.00 Client Basic Rate 1050/smt
9.00 8mm thk Mirror with dhar polish Sft 120.00
10.00 12mm thk thoughend EXTRA CLEAR glass with dhar polish Sft 227.61
11.00 Khacha / hole Nos 100.00
12.00 Designer Glass - saint gobain - item 1.05d Sft 450.00
13.00 6mm Thick Bronze Mirror Sft 139.35 Client Basic Rate 1500/smt
14.00 Mirror bevelled edges - 3 x 3 mm Rft 15.00 Only bevelled edges charges
15.00 Mirror bevelled edges - 25 x 25 mm Rft 27.00 Only bevelled edges charges
16.00 Mirror bevelled edges - 35 x 35 mm Rft 35.00 Only bevelled edges charges
17.00 6mm Thick Ultraviolet Flute Glass Sft 150.00


1.00 Cement Bag 300.00
2.00 Sand Cft 25.00
3.00 White Cement Bag 750.00
4.00 Joint filling epoxy grout material + labour (without spacer) Sft 2.00
5.00 Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 5mm wide spacer) Sft 15.00
6.00 Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 3mm wide spacer) Sft 15.00
7.00 Joint epoxy grout material + labour (for 2mm wide spacer) Sft 10.00
8.00 5mm spacers Nos 3.50
9.00 3mm spacers Nos 2.50
10.00 floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene sheet) Sft 5.00
11.00 floor protection - mtl. + labour (polythene & POP overlay sheet) Sft 12.00 Including removing
12.00 Tile - 1 Sft 195.00 Client Basic Rate 195/sft
13.00 Tile - 2 Sft 120.00 Client Basic Rate 120/sft
14.00 Tile - 3 Sft 40.00 Client Basic Rate 40/sft
15.00 Granite - 1 Sft 200.00
16.00 Granite - 2 Sft 180.00
Client Basic Rate Pre Polished - Rs 400/
17.00 Marble - 1 Sft 400.00
Pre Polished Marble w/o Reeding- Rs
18.00 Marble - 2 Sft 3,000.00
3000/ Sft
19.00 Black Marble Sft 500.00 Client Basic Rate 500/Sft
20.00 Carara Marble - Stone Sft 300.00
21.00 Marble for Gent's & Ladies Toilet - Vanity Counter Sft 300.00
22.00 Sealer coat for marble / granite Sft 20.00
23.00 Kota Sft 40.00 Client Basic Rate

1.00 12 mm Thick Acrylic Solid Surface (Corian) - Type 1 Sft 464.51 Client Basic Rate 5000/Smt
2.00 6 mm Thick Acrylic Solid Surface (Corian) - Type 2 Sft 464.51 Client Basic Rate 5000/Smt
3.00 Corian Joint Filler (50 Gms. Tube) Nos 450.00
4.00 Silicon + Adhesive + Corian Joint Filler Sft 44.72


1.00 Fabric Sft 13.55 For fabric cladding. BR fabric 200/rmt

For fabric & leatherite cladding - Client

2.00 Fabric & Leatherite Sft 131.53
Basic Rate Rs.1699 / Meter
3.00 Wall Paper Sft 150.00
4.00 Roller Blind Sft 102.00


1.00 PVC EBT - 22 x 0.80 mm Rmt 9.71
2.00 PVC EBT - 22 x 2.00 mm Rmt 15.14
3.00 PVC EBT - 30 x 2.00 mm Rmt 22.00
4.00 PVC EBT - 45 x 2.00 mm Rmt 55.00
5.00 Veneer EBT - 30 x 0.80 mm (Turakhia Make) Rmt 35.00
6.00 Fevicol & Araldite Sft 4.38
7.00 EBT Glue Rmt 1.50
8.00 KD Fitting Set Set 9.00
9.00 Wooden Dowel - 8 x 40 mm Nos 0.80
10.00 Leveller / Plinth Screw - M6 x 24 mm - Ebco Nos 5.78
11.00 Metal Insert - M6 x 13 mm - Ebco Nos 4.19
12.00 Hinges Soft Close Nos 128.00
13.00 Multipurpose Lock Nos 93.00
14.00 Handle Nos 85.00
15.00 Maxi Connector Set 35.00


1.00 Teak Wood for Door Frame Cft 3,000.00
1.00 Seasoned Red Meranti Wood For Framework - 25 x 50 mm Finished Size Cft 1,400.00
2.00 Polishing (Material + Labour) - Door Frame 75 x 50 mm Rft 45.50
3.00 Polishing (Material + Labour) - Molding / Architarve Around Door Frame 45 x 12mm Rft 35.00
4.00 Duco Painting (Material + Labour) - Door Frame 50 x 105 mm (Sub-contract) Rft 125.00
5.00 Spray Enamel Painting (Material + Labour) - Door Frame 50 x 105 mm (Sub-contract) Rft 75.00
6.00 Foam for fixing door frame Rft 30.00
7.00 Flush Door - 32mm thick Sft 130.00
8.00 Duco Painting (Material + Labour) - Door Sft 125.00
9.00 wooden beading 50mmx2mm Rft 25.00
10.00 beading polish Rft 15.00
11.00 Vision panel Nos 800.00
Ozone Make - OZ-BHF-2BB-Z 4x3x3MM SSS Nos 207.84 Ozone


12.00 Nos 255.00 926.32.160
DCL 35, concealed cam efficient door closer, EN 2-4, slide
13.00 Nos 10,266.00 931.46.239
track arm, hold open, fire rated, CE
H Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 220 C/C 300 O/A
14.00 Pair 912.50 903.11.460
Max. Door Thickness - 55mm, SSM + SSP
15.00 Mortise Cylinder Dead Lockcase, 55Mm Backset, 24Mm Forend Nos 635.00 911.22.551
Euro Profile Thumb Turn Cylinder With Key, 31.5+31.5 =
16.00 Nos 760.00 916.96.306
63Mm, Non-Masterkeyed
17.00 Escutcheon For The Lever Handle, SSM Pair 195.00 903.99.664

FS 2104 Double Action Floor Spring with 90° Hold Open and SS Cover plate, Size 4 (Without
No 5,022.50 932.79.040
accessories), Max. door leaf weight 120kg ,SS Matt,For door widths 1000-1200mm

Double Action accessories for Floor Spring suitable for Timber doors Set 547.50 932.79.090
Pull Handle Back To Back Fixing 25Mm Dia X 300Mm C/C
Pair 1,975.00 903.00.370
Max. Door Thickness - 105mm, SSM

13.00 DIY78, WITH HOLD OPEN ARM, SIZE2/3/4, FOR UPTO 80KG Nos 1,341.60 499.30.003
14.00 Mortise Cylinder Lockcase 55Mm BS, 72Mm CN, 24Mm SQ FR Nos 663.00 911.02.783

15.00 EURO PROFILE DOUBLE CYLINDER, 35.5+35.5 = 71MM, NON-MASTERKEYED, MATT NICKEL Nos 551.20 916.96.016


16.00 Nos 793.00 903.92.556
17.00 Nos 182.00 937.55.140
FOR 937.53.100)
18.00 Tower Bolt Nos 600.00
19.00 Door Closer - Open Type - Standard Arm (Exposed Type) Nos 2,300.00 Hafele Make
20.00 Lock - Indicator Bolt Nos 870.00
Channel: Top Hung Sliding channel of Dorma make ( Model : Dorma - SLM 80 Sliding Door
21.00 System for Timber Door, 3 Metre Length SLM 80 Accessories - 1 Set, SLM Track, 3 mts length - 1 Set 6,600.00 Dorma (For Wooden Sliding Flush Door)
No )

Lock: Dorma ML11 Mortise sliding door lock with 50mm backset, coin operation outside, thumb
22.00 Nos 2,520.00 Dorma (For Wooden Sliding Flush Door)
turn inside integrated with the Flush pull – Oval / Round. Finish: Satin Stainless Steel.

23.00 Louvers - Aluminium Powder Coated Nos 800.00

Glass Sliding Door Hardware Set (Single Leaf) - Sliding top channel, bottomail, top / bottom
24.00 Nos 15,200.00
fittings, handle & lock - Ozone

25.00 Floor Spring Nos 9,200.00 Hafele

26.00 Top Pivot Nos 603.90 Hafele
27.00 Top Patch Nos 2,100.35 Hafele
28.00 Bottom Patch Nos 2,100.35 Hafele
29.00 Glass Door Lock Nos 2,635.50 Hafele
30.00 Door Stopper - Type 1 Nos 350.00 Hafele
31.00 Door Stopper - Type 2 Nos 350.00 Hafele
32.00 Pull Handle - 300 mm Pair 1,300.00 Hafele
33.00 Pull Handle - 350 mm Pair 1,600.00 Hafele
34.00 Pull Handle - 450 mm Pair 2,400.00 Hafele
35.00 Pull Handle - 600 mm Pair 2,880.00 Hafele
36.00 Rubber Acoustic Door Seals Rft 45.00 Hafele
37.00 Overpanel patch fitting with pivot insert dia. 15 mm with fixing palte Nos 2,712.35 Hafele
38.00 Patch fitting for overpanel and sidelight with pivot insert dia. 15 mm Nos 3,460.35 Hafele
39.00 Connector for overpanel & sidelight Nos 2,062.95 Hafele
40.00 Screw on fitting Nos 1,458.00 Hafele
41.00 Corner fitting Nos 1,458.00 Hafele

1.00 Aluminium frame works 25 x 50 mm Kg 290.00
2.00 Aluminium frame works 70 x 35 mm Kg 290.00
3.00 Aluminium Door Frame (Supply & Fixing) Rft 605.26

1.00 MS Pipe Kgs. 55.00
2.00 MS Plate Kgs. 50.00
3.00 Black Metal Inset Rft 131.76 Wall paper panelling Inserts
4.00 Black Metal Inset - 50 x 75 mm Rft 202.99 Veneer panelling Inserts
5.00 AC Threaded Rod 6-8mm x 1000 mm - MS Zinc Plated Nos 35.00
6.00 Nut M8 - MS Zinc Plated Nos 0.64
7.00 Anchor Fastener M6-M8 x 30/35mm - MS Zinc Plated OR Drop In Anchor M 6 x 25 mm Nos 23.00
8.00 MS Z Bracket - MS Zinc Plated Nos 13.50
9.00 Chemical Fasteners Nos 70.00
1.00 L shape 200mm front wide X 20mm side X 1.5mm thk. brushed bronze sheet Rmt 2,900.00 Client Basic Rate 2900/Rmt
2.00 C shape 270mm front wide X 20mm side X 1.5mm thk.brushed bronze sheet Rmt 4,600.00 Client Basic Rate 4600/Rmt
3.00 Araldite + Abro Tape (For Fixing of SS Sheet) Sft 15.00
4.00 SS Sheet 0.80 mm Thick - For Planter Inside Cladding Kgs 250.00 For Planter Inside Cladding
5.00 Stainless Steel (SS 316) Marble Fixing Anchors Nos 90.00 For marble dry cladding
6.00 SS "L Angle" - 22.5 x 22.5 x 1.6 mm rft 105.41


1.00 Labour for GI framing - 50 / 72mm Sft 8.00
2.00 Labour for rock / glass wool Sft 2.00
3.00 Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) - With finishing Sft 10.00
4.00 Labour for gy board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) - Without finishing Sft 8.00
4.00 Labour for fireline board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) - 12.5 mm Sft 10.00
4.00 Labour for fireline board fixing (including corner / edge beading fixing) - 15 mm Sft 12.00
5.00 Labour for habito board fixing Sft 10.00
6.00 Labour for Felt Panel Fixing Sft 30.00
7.00 Sub-Contract - Primer Coat - Material + Labour Sft 7.00 On gypsum partitions
8.00 Sub-Contract - Dulux Acrylic Emulsion Paint - Material + Labour Sft 17.00 On gypsum partitions

1.00 Labour for aluminium frame work Sft 30.00
2.00 Labour for salwood frame work Sft 35.00
3.00 Labour for plywood frame work Sft 30.00
4.00 Labour for aluminium frame work curve type Sft 40.00
5.00 Labour for above partition aluminium frame work Sft 35.00

1.00 Labour for mdf / plywood fixing Sft 20.00
1.00 Labour for mdf / plywood patta fixing - 150 mm Sft 13.00
2.00 Labour for prelaminated partcle / MDF board cutting, edge bending & fixing Sft 35.00
2.00 Labour for laminate fixing Sft 25.00
3.00 Labour for veneer fixing Sft 30.00
4.00 Labour for mirror fixing Sft 40.00
5.00 Labour for glass fixing Sft 40.00
6.00 Labour for back painted glass fixing Sft 40.00
7.00 Labour for bison board fixing - 12mm Sft 25.00
8.00 Labour for acoustic panel - plain (w/o fabric) Sft 30.00
9.00 Labour for acoustic panel - pattern (w/o fabric) Sft 45.00
10.00 Labour for acoustic panel + fabric wrapping Sft 55.00
11.00 Labour for fabric wrapping on plywood / mdf / accoustic panel / soft board / particle board Sft 25.00
12.00 Labour Soft Board with Fabric Sft 35.00
13.00 Labour for SS L Angle Fixing Rft 20.00 Writing Board

13.00 Labour - Pelmet Laminate Finish - Making & Fixing - 150 x 150mm Rft 125.00 ATGL work order rate
14.00 Labour - Pelmet Laminate Finish - Making & Fixing - 150 x 200mm Rft 150.00 ATGL work order rate
15.00 Labour - Pelmet Laminate Finish - Making & Fixing - 150 x 300mm Rft 175.00 ATGL work order rate
16.00 Labour - Pelmet Laminate Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 200mm Rft 175.00
Labour - Pelmet Laminate Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 300mm Rft 200.00
Labour - Pelmet Vneeer Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 300mm Rft 225.00
17.00 Labour - Pelmet Laminate Finish - Making & Fixing - 300 x 300mm Rft 250.00
Labour - Pelmet Laminate Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 300mm - U Shape Rft 210.00
Labour - Pelmet Ply + Gypsum Board Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 600 to 1000mm Rft 420.00
Labour - Pelmet Ply + Gypsum Board Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 300 to 600mm Rft 280.00
Labour - Pelmet Ply + Gypsum Board Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x upto 300mm Rft 175.00

Labour - Light Cove Veneer Finish - Making & Fixing - 450 x 150mm Rft 270.00
Labour - Light Cove Veneer Finish - Making & Fixing - 600 x 150mm Rft 320.00
Labour - Light Trough Laminate Finish - Making & Fixing - 200 x 50 x 50mm Rft 125.00

18.00 Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing No 3,500.00

19.00 Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing (With Vision Panel) No 4,000.00
20.00 Labour - Flush Door Making & Fixing (With Louvers) No 4,000.00
21.00 Labour - Sliding Flush Door Making & Fixing (With Louvers) No 4,000.00
22.00 Labour - Door Frame Making & Fixing Rft 115.00
23.00 Labour - Molding or Architrave Making & Fixing Around Door Frame Rft 50.00
24.00 Labour - For Fixing Client Supplied Access Control No 500.00
25.00 Labour - Glass Sliding Door Fixing No 2,000.00
26.00 Labour - Glass Openable Door Fixing No 2,000.00
27.00 Labour for MDF Skirting fixing - 100 mm Rft 20.00


1.00 Labour for wall paper fixing (Including Fevicol / Adhesive) Sft 10.00
2.00 Labour for foam fixing (before fabric wrapping) Sft 10.00

3.00 Supply of gripper + Labour for gripper work + fixing of foam, plywood / mdf & fabric wrapping Sft 175.00

1.00 Labour for tile fixing - floor Sft 25.00
2.00 Labour for tile fixing - wall Sft 27.00
3.00 Labour for tile fixing - wall (with V groove) Sft 35.00
4.00 Labour for laying of tile skirting Sft 13.00
5.00 Labour for Granite Floor - Plain Sft 65.00
6.00 Labour for Granite Floor - Pattern Sft 80.00
7.00 Labour for Granite Cladding - Wall Sft 65.00
8.00 Labour for Granite Cladding - Wall - Pattern Sft 85.00
9.00 Labour for laying of granite skirting - ROOMS Rft 30.00
10.00 Labour for laying of granite skirting - STAIRCASE Rft 35.00
11.00 Labour for edge chamfering & it's polishing - 3 x 3mm Rft 20.00
12.00 Labour for granite edge molding & its polishing Rft 35.00
Labour for granite edge chamfering & it's polishing - 3 x 3mm to 6 x 6mm (both edge &
chamfered portion polishing) Rft 20.00

13.00 Labour for granite treads with 3 grooves - 300 to 350 mm Sft 77.00 Rs.60/ Sft without grooves
14.00 Labour for granite risers - 150 to 175 mm Sft 65.00
15.00 Labour for fixing of granite on plywood / bison board, etc. Sft 75.00
16.00 Labour for Marble Floor - Plain Sft 70.00
17.00 Labour for Marble Floor - Pattern Sft 100.00
18.00 Labour for Marble Floor - Inlay Flooring Sft 125.00
19.00 Labour for laying of marble skirting - 50 to 100 mm Rft 30.00
20.00 Labour for Marble Floor Polish Sft 35.00
21.00 Labour for Marble Skirting Polish Rft 35.00
22.00 Labour for Marble Cladding - Plain Sft 80.00
23.00 Labour for Marble Cladding - Pattern Sft 100.00
24.00 Labour for Marble Dry Cladding - With Grooves & Drilling for Anchors Sft 110.00
25.00 Labour for Marble Reeding / Ribbing Rft 50.00
26.00 Labour for Marble Cladding / Wall Polish Sft 70.00
27.00 Labour for Marble Reed / Rib Polish Rft 35.00
28.00 Labour for laying of floor marble patta - 150 mm Rft 40.00
29.00 Labour for fixing of marble jamb - 300 mm Rft 80.00
30.00 Labour for fixing of Marble Bend / Patta / Patti / Drop / Bend etc. ( up to 100mm wide) Rft 30.00
31.00 Labour for fixing of Marble Bend / Patta / Patti / Drop / Bend etc. (100mm to 200 wide) etc Rft 55.00
32.00 Labour for fixing of Marble Bend / Patta / Patti / Drop / Bend etc. (200mm to 300 wide) etc Rft 80.00
33.00 Labour for marble edge molding & its polishing Rft 35.00
Labour for marble edge chamfering & it's polishing - 3 x 3mm to 6 x 6mm (both edge &
34.00 chamfered portion polishing) Rft 20.00


35.00 Labour for Kota Floor Sft 32.00
36.00 Labour for Kota Skirting Sft 16.00
37.00 Labour for Kota Floor Polish Sft 18.00
38.00 Labour for Kota Wall Polish Sft 25.00
39.00 Labour for Kota Skirting Polish Rft 12.00
40.00 Labour for Kota treads with 3 grooves - 300mm Sft 42.00
41.00 Labour for Kota risers - 150mm Sft 40.00
42.00 Labour for Corian Works Sft 150.00

1.00 Melamine Polishing (Material + Labour) Sft 65.00
2.00 French Polishing (Material + Labour) Sft 25.00
3.00 PU Poilishing (Material + Labour) Sft 110.00
4.00 Paiting - Spray Applied Automotive Paint On Fluted MDF Panels (Material + Labour) Sft 80.00
5.00 Paiting - Spray Applied Automotive Paint On Ply Edges (Material + Labour) Rft 10.00
6.00 Pest Control (Material + Labour) Sft 3.00
7.00 Anti Termite (Material + Labour) Sft 3.00

1.00 Scaffolding Sft 10.00 For marble cladding works

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