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UNIT – 5

1. Brief about MYCIN expert system.

2. Write short notes on fuzzy based expert system.
3. What is the importance of Dendral Expert System?
4. Mention the components and interfaces of expert systems.
5. Mention some characteristics of Expert Systems.
6. How Meta knowledge is represented in rule based expert systems?
7. Give an example for rule base of a simple vehicle recognizer.
8. List few applications of Expert Systems.
9. Compare and contrast benefits and disadvantages of Expert Systems.
10.What is meant by Defuzzification ?
11. What are some applications of NLP?
12. Explain about information retrieval, information extraction, machine
translation, document summarization
13. Explain in detail about sentiment analysis
14. What is business intelligence?
15. Explain the concept of cloud computing
16.What is business analytics?
17.What is operational business intelligence?

1. Explain the architecture of Expert Systems.
2. Write about Rule - based Expert Systems.
3. Sketch the working of a Frame based Expert System with suitable
example. List the guidelines for building the system.
4. Illustrate with a case study and list of questions that can be answered
through business analytics and intelligence.
5. Given an overview of MYCIN.
6. Explain the various levels of NLP.
7. Construct a Parse Tree for the sentence given below.
I drive a car to my college.
8. Illustrate the various steps involved in NLP Pipeline with suitable
9. Explain the business intelligence levels in detail.
10.(a) Differentiate Normal Neural Network and CNN.
(b)Brief the two components of CNN.
10. Explain the architecture of CNN.
11. Brief the purpose of following operations in CNN
(a) Pooling
12.With the help of a neat diagram explain how CNN with convolutional
and pooling layer works works , given the following details . Input of shape
32 X 32, stride = 2, Max pool size = 5X5.
13. Explain the following.
(a) Difference between syntactic and semantics analysis
(b)Difference between Information retrieval and Information Extraction

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