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Ed 2022-2024
Assignment 2 : Multiple Intelligences-
Howard Gardner
CC3 :- Learning and Teaching

Name : Kavita Dsouza Martyres

Roll no.: 19
Title of Assignment : Multiple Intelligence
Proffesor in charge: Mr.Nitin Jain
Date of submission: 21/08/2023

I want to first thank my college Principal,Dr. Megha Gokhe

Ma’am for her leadership and encouragement every step of the
I want to thank all the Trustees of TSCER for access to superior
resources and fantastic facilities.
I want to specially thank my professor incharge,Mr. Nitin Jain.
He has provided invaluable insights and constant support and to
ensure understanding of subject and completion of assignment .
Lastly ,I want to thank and acknowledge all my professors at
TSCER, student teacher colleagues, my family and most
importantly to Almighty God for favours received.


Sr.No. Particulars Page No. Signature Remarks

1 Meaning and 4

2 Howard 5
3 Test Analysis 6
4 Result of Test 17
5 Description of 18
6 Conclusion 20
7 References 20

Meaning and Definition of Multiple Intelligence Test:
Concept of Multiple Intelligence theory:
In 1983,Harvard University professor Howard Gardner began his book ,
Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences with some simple but
powerful questions: Are talented chess players, violinists, and athletes
"intelligent" in their respective disciplines? Why are these and other abilities not
accounted for on traditional IQ tests? Why is the term intelligence limited to
such a narrow range of human endeavors?
From these questions emerged multiple-intelligences theory.
Stated simply, it challenges psychology's definition of intelligence as a general
ability that can be measured by a single IQ score.
Instead, MI theory describes “eight intelligences”, that people use to solve
problems and create products relevant to the societies in which they live.
MI theory asserts that individuals who have a high level of aptitude in one
intelligence do not necessarily have a similar aptitude in another intelligence.
For example, a young person who demonstrates an impressive level of musical
intelligence may be far less skilled when it comes to bodily-kinaesthetic or
logical-mathematical intelligence. Perhaps that seems obvious, but it's important
to recognize that this notion stands in sharp contrast to the traditional (and still
dominant) view of intelligence as a general ability that can be measured along a
single scale and summarized by a single number.
The multiple intelligences quiz consists of questions that you can answer
quickly. You should pay attention to the multiple intelligence test questions and
choose the best options to describe you.
When you complete the multiple intelligence assessment, you will learn about
your skills and which intelligence types (such as mathematical
intelligence, musical intelligence, naturalistic intelligence, or emotional
intelligence) these skills belong to, instead of a score from the Stanford Binet IQ

About the Psychologist who created the MI test :

Howard Gardner

Howard Earl Gardner (born July 11, 1943) is an American developmental

psychologist and the John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Research Professor of
Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of
Education at Harvard University. He was a founding member of Harvard
Project Zero in 1967 and held leadership roles at that research center from 1972
to 2023. Since 1995, he has been the co-director of The Good Project.
Gardner has written hundreds of research articles and over thirty books that have
been translated into over thirty languages. He is best known for his theory of
multiple intelligences, as outlined in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
Contribution of the Test :
Multiple intelligences theory can help teachers see cognitive abilities in a way
that better aligns with science than traditional intelligence tests. Even four- and
five-year-olds display strengths and weaknesses within different types of
intelligence that function independently.
Teachers understand how students are intelligent as well as how intelligent they
are. Knowing which students have the potential for strong interpersonal
intelligence, for example, will help create opportunities where the strength can
be fostered in others

Analysis of the Test :

Results of Test :

My strongest intelligences as per test were Linguistic and Existential

Description of the Multiple Intelligence of the Test :

It helps identify intelligence capacities in 9 kinds of different parameters which

are described below:
1) Spatial Intelligence : This kind of intelligence deals with spatial
judgement and the ability to visualize with the mind’s eye.A spatial
person is good with puzzles.
Careers that suit these individuals are Engineers,Architects,Artist and
2) Logical-Mathematical : People high on this intelligence have a high
aptitude and preference for solving numerical complex number.They are
good at logic,abstraction,ciritcal thinking,numbers , reasoning and
scientific thinking.
Careers that suit such a person could be
Mathematician,Scientist,Engineering,Computer Programmers etc
3) Interpersonal : Such people like the company of people,are extroverted
but more than that they care for the feelings of others.They are able to
empathize and also motivate with others.Careers best suiting such
individuals include teachers,politicians,leaders,managers.
4) Intrapersonal:Such a person is very well aware of his own strengths and
weakness.They are able to effectively self regulate emotions and bouce
back from setbacks through intrinsic motivation.They will be best as
psychologists and philosophers.
5) Musical : In this category ,the individual shows high incilination towards
music and can easily pickup a false note.They are good at composing
music and singing.There is a strong auditory component to this and such
learners learn best with audio learning aids and lecture method.
6) Body-kinaesthetic : Such individuals have a better sense and control of
body movements for purpose.They have fluid movements which are well
timed and they are able to with practise turn them into reflexes.Such
individuals excel at sports,can be a soldier,actor,stage performer,surgeon.
7) Linguistic : Such individuals have an affinity for vocabulary,words and
language.They may easily be able to learn different languages and are
good at reading,writing,comprehension,telling stories and memorizing
words and dates.They could be translators,authors,teachers and learn best
by listening,reading and taking notes.They also like to debate and discuss.
8) Naturalistic :This area has to do with nurturing and to connecting to
one’s nautral surroundings.Such people enjoy outdoor activities like
gardening ,trekking,star gazing,etc.They are good at classifying different

species of plant,animals and rocks and can apply such information to
become farmers,botantist,zoologist etc.
9) Existential : Such folks like to contemplate questions beyond sensory
data such as infinite and infinitesimal.Careers or callings that suit those
with this intelligence include priests,cosmologist,philosophers etc.


The Multiple Intelligence was an interesting and easy to take test. One has to
simply read the question carefully and pick a suitable answer.
In my case, linguistic intelligence was identified as being higher than the others.
Personally I can attest to this finding and corroborate it since I am always keen
to learn new words and am a quick reader.
Through this test I now have the resources required to identify the strengths of
different students in my class and have a better understanding of my own
I would use this information to tailor my teaching and also my own learning’s to
best suit the teaching learning environment.
This test is a valuable resource tool to any teacher and also helps us see that
some intelligences are linked to each other while in some cases a single
intelligence may be much more dominant.

References :

Thank You


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