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Chap 1: Fundemental Management Skills

- Define the four functions of management process : Planning - Organizing - Leading -

Controlling (POLC). How are they related to one another? Give examples to demonstrate your
- How many levels of managers? Which fundemental skilsl are important to each level of
- Identify several of the important skills that help managers succeed. Give an example of each.
How might the importance of different skills vary by level and area within an organization?
- What are skills that we need to prepare before graduating?

Chap 2: Organizational culture not social culture, geographic culture

What elements of organizational culture? - regulations, logo, uniform, etc
What is the external environment? How many kinds of external envirionmant? Providing
elements of each types. Give examples to demonstrate your idea.
What is internal environment? What are elements of internal environment?

Chap 3:
- What is planning process? How many types of planning are there? Give example to
demonstrate your ideas?
How many steps are there? Give exemples
-Discuss the components of strategy and the types of strategic alternatives
- How many steps are there? Give exemples

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