Writing 7 - Independent Task

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Many students choose to study abroad for various reasons such as a better quality of education

or more career opportunities. Studying abroad is a big step in the life of every student who has taken
this decision. It is an entirely new and different experience which has many positive but also some
negative aspects.

To begin with, the time a student spends in a foreign country gives him the opportunity to get to
know different cultures and interact with international students from all over the world. This
experience is certainly very enriching because it makes a person more open-minded and helps him
understand people from different nationalities better. Also, one learns many new things because he
interacts with students from various cultural backgrounds. For example, if one studies abroad, there
might be people who come from various places around the world in his class and each one has
something to share about his unique country and culture.

Moreover, when living and studying abroad one learns how to build character and deal with
obstacles and problems more successfully. An international student learns how to live entirely on his
own and how to build new relationships. The experience makes him more independent and
adaptable to changes. He also has the amazing opportunity to start a new life and find new friends.
For instance, if one did not like the way of life in his own country, he receives the chance to start a
new one in a different place.

However, international students might face some big difficulties when studying abroad. One may
experience the so called cultural stress in the beginning because it usually takes time to get used to
living in a different country among foreigners. Also, he may miss his family and friends too much
which will make him sad and miserable.

In conclusion, studying abroad is certainly very enriching experience because it gives one the
opportunity to get to know people from all over the world and it also makes him more independent
and adaptable. There might be some difficulties in the beginning but they can be overcome with

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