Мельниченко Людмила Валеріївна Lesson 9

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Unit 4

Exercise 1
1. Before a trial commences lawyers submit legalbriefs to a court. These briefs specify
a party's legal position and give reasons why the courtshould decide in its favor.
2. The losing party can try to appeal their case witha court of appeals.
Exercise 2
1. F
2. T
3. T
Exercise 3
1. A
2. B
3. A
Exercise 4
1 briefs
2 dismissed
3 merit brief
4 legal position
5 unbiased
6 advocacy group
Exercise 5
There are 5 main types of briefs. Legal briefs state aparty's legal position and are given to
the court before a trial begins. Trial briefs are used by attorneysto help them argue their case
after a trial starts. Meritbriefs are impartial descriptions of a case based on evidence and
decide if a case will be heard in court.Amicus briefs are filed by people not directly involvedin
the case, such as advocacy groups. Lastly.appellate briefs are used in appeals cases and
theyexplain why the previous decision was wrong.
Exercise 6
Exercise 7
1 trial
2 to prepare
3 important
4 legal briefs
5 officials
6 left to file

Exercise 52
4. He's going to clean a car.
5. He's cleaning a car.
6. He has cleaned a car.
7. She is going to wash the dog.
8. She is washing the dog.
9. She has washed the dog.
10. She is going to buy some flowers.
11. She is buying some flowers.
12. She has bought some flowers.
Exercise 53
2. Will
3. Is going to
4. Is going to
5. Are going to
6. Will
7. Will
8. Will
9. Are going to
10. Will
11. Will
12. Is going to
Exercise 54
2. Will
3. Will
4. Are going to
5. Will
6. Are going to
7. Is going to
8. Will

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