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Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. exam B. academic C. vocational D. hands-on
2. A. leaver B. teacher C. speaking D. research
3. A. degree B. provide C. graduate D. doctorate
4. A. pursue B. student C. university D. institution
5. A. chemist B. bachelor C. mechanic D. architect
1. A. entrance B. technical C. mechanic D. secondary
2. A. business B. studying C. culture D. adult
3. A. several B. practice C. calendar D. scholarship
4. A. spend B. campus C. decision D. counsellor
5. A. semester B. benefit C. opportunity D. qualification
1. A. regret B. formal C. manage D. chapter
2. A. salary B. sensible C. chemical D. impatient
3. A. quality B. practical C. systemic D. physical
4. A. biology B. education C. professional D. apprenticeship
5. A. accommodation B. qualification C. independently D. experimentally
1. A. teen B. seer C. seek D. esteem
2. A. trust B. self-study C. lucky D. duty
3. A. parents B. requires C. achieves D. materials
4. A. become B. subject C. dependent D. remember
5. A. honest B. household C. healthy D. housekeeping
1. A. look B. food C. good D. cooker
2. A. many B. study C. identify D. separately
3. A. decisive B. creative C. confident D. critical
4. A. motivated B. expected C. dedicated D. organized
5. A. decision B. difficult C. responsible D. independent
1. A. succeed B. remove C. measure D. affect
2. A. reliable B. permission C. financial D. housekeeper
3. A. emotional B. relationship C. achievement D. management
4. A. sufficiency B. adventurous C. application D. experiment
5. A. habitually B. confidential C. observatory D. reluctantly

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. A ________ is a person who has just left school.
A. trainer B. student C. school-leaver D. businessman
2. Mai wants to go to ________ after leaving school.
A. education B. vocation C. university D. practice
3. You need to have a university ________ if you want to work at that company.
A. degree B. report C. scholarship D. experience
4. It is not easy at all to get a good job without any ________ qualifications.
A. great B. social C. vocational D. academic
5. At the ________ level, you can join three-year or four-year colleges.
A. primary B. secondary C. postgraduate D. undergraduate
6. St Andrews and Cambridge universities are internationally respected ________.
A. qualifications B. institutions C. courses D. links
7. John was in the third year of his ________ as a car mechanic.
A. apprenticeship B. requirement C. pre-universify D. academic year
8. Higher education ________ students academic degrees, and professional qualifications.
A. helps B. awards C. educates D. prepares
9. College or university students have more career ________ than students from vocational schools.
A. topics B. degrees C. options D. principles
10. A university is an institution of ________ education and research, which grants academic degrees at
all levels in a variety of subjects.
A. early B. higher C. technical D. vocational
1. He was accused of _________ confidential company documents.
A. steal B. stole C. have stolen D. having stolen
2. I will never forget _________ a short vacation in Hoi An Ancient Town last year.
A. have spent B. being spent C. having spent D. spent
3. ________ the evening meal, we decided to go for a walk.
A. Having eaten B. Having been eaten C. To eat D. Have eaten
4. Having been told about the dangers of chemical fertilizers, the farmers _________ to bio-fertilizers.
A. turned B. have turned C. having turned D. being turned
5. They object to him _________ private calls on the office phone.
A. having been made B. having made C. have made D. made
6. ________ to the workshop by the director, he could hardly refuse.
A. Being invited B. To invite C. Having invited D. Having been invited
7. The students in Grade 11A were praised for _________ the most trees in the schoolyard.
A. having planted B. have planted C. planted D. plant
8. ________ in the event yesterday was an amazing experience for me.
A. To participate B. Being participated C. Having participated D. Have participated
9. ________ the documents, she couldn’t answer the chairman’s questions.
A. Having not read B. Not having read C. Haven’t read D. Haven’t been read
10. Not having finished the final test, my brother couldn’t _________ the university that he wished.
A. entered B. enter C. having entered D. to enter
1. These books are compulsory reading for students _________ architecture.
A. of B. in C. on D. with
2. Universities must better prepare students for their _________ careers.
A. professional B. profession C. professor D. professors
3. My parents want me to pursue _________ at a college or university after I leave school.
A. vocation B. education C. graduation D. qualification
4. The leading universities in Viet Nam enroll undergraduate and _________ international students every
A. degree B. graduate C. diploma D. part-time job
5. She _________ sacrifices so that her younger sister could have a good education.
A. did B. lent C. made D. provided
6. Linda wants to get _________ advertising or public relations.
A. up B. on C. into D. down
7. Any pupil caught _________ was made to stand at the front of the class.
A. misbehave B. misbehaved C. misbehaviour D. misbehaving
8. She was awarded the People’s Artist, the highest _________ of the country’s film industry.
A. honor B. honors C. honorable D. honorable
9. The difference _________ higher and further education can be a common cause of confusion.
A. among B. within C. between D. of
10. Some universities in the United States offer different _________ to international students to help to
cover tuition fees and living costs.
A. courses B. accommodations C. equipments D. scholarships
1. She is a very _________ girl. She won’t let anyone look down on her.
A. self-assured B. self-reliant C. self-aware D. self-respecting
2. Nam is truly a _________ friend. He will always be with me and never let me down.
A. reliable B. determined C. self-confident D. self-esteemed
3. Effective _________ skills help you break each project down into the achievable tasks.
A. timeline B. time-keeping C. time-consuming D. time-management
4. Tom decided to find a part-time job because he didn’t want to be financially _________ on his parents.
A. decisive B. dependent C. independent D. reliable
5. I really admire his ability to _________ decisions so quickly.
A. have B. make C. solve D. carry out
6. To _________ these problems, you must be well-prepared.
A. get into B. cope with C. carry out D. relax
7. It’s her _________ to ensure the project finishes on time.
A. freedom B. decision C. responsibility D. management
8. Many teenagers _________ heavily on their parents, so they cannot live independently.
A. rely B. decide C. admire D. remind
9. He is _________. He always tries to find solutions to his problems and seldom needs help from others.
A. dependable B. undependable C. self-reliant D. well-informed
10. Now that our children are more _________, we have more time for ourselves.
A. independent B. advantageous C. self-esteemed D. motivated
1. An independent person is ________ of doing things by himself.
A. capable B. capably C. capability D. capabilities
2. It isn’t ________ for him to take charge of the financial burden on his family.
A. mind B. easy C. boring D. expensive
3. She has a very ________ attitude towards work. She doesn’t need to be reminded about her duties.
A. responsible B. irresponsible C. dependent D. self-confident
4. Self-study can be a challenge if you do not find the material interesting or if you find it difficult to stay
A. motivation B. motivating C. motivate D. motivated
5. We based our decision ________ the facts in the report.
A. to B. on C. from D. through
6. She is too young to get involved ________ a romantic relationship now.
A. for B. with C. at D. in
7. They had an ________ life, so they can decide everything on their own.
A. independent B. interesting C. determined D. dependent
8. An example of ________ is when a child doesn’t need anyone to remind him of what to do.
A. self-esteem B. self-educated C. self-discipline D. self-employment
9. In case of emergency, you have to act very ________.
A. decide B. decisive C. decisively D. decision
10. Her parents are very old, so they rely ________ her to do their shopping and cooking.
A. towards B. at C. to D. on
1. Marie Curie discovered radium and polonium.
____________ who discovered radium and polonium.
A. It is Marie Curie B. It was Marie Curie
C. She was Marie Curie D. It was Marie Curie that
2. This doctor will examine your grandma.
____________ who will examine your grandma.
A. He is the doctor B. It is the doctor that
C. It is this doctor D. It was this doctor
3. I lost my keys yesterday morning.
____________ I lost my keys.
A. That was yesterday morning B. It is yesterday morning when
C. It is yesterday morning that D. It was yesterday morning that
4. Self-study helps you to progress at your own pace.
____________ self-study helps you to progress.
A. It was at your own pace who B. It is at your own pace who
C. It was at your own pace that D. It is at your own pace that
5. Dinh Tien Hoang built the Hoa Lu Ancient Capital.
____________ who built the Hoa Lu Ancient Capital.
A. It was Dinh Tien Hoang B. He was Dinh Tien Hoang
C. It is Dinh Tien Hoang D. That was Dinh Tien Hoang
6. Scientists found some strange paintings on the walls of the cave.
____________ that scientists found some strange paintings.
A. It was on the walls of the cave B. It is on the walls of the cave
C. On the walls of the cave D. That was on the walls of the cave
7. Maya took care of me when I was in hospital.
____________ Maya took care of when I was in hospital.
A. It was me who B. It is me who C. It is me that D. I was who
8. Students can download free materials in many subjects from the Internet.
____________ students can download from the Internet.
A. It is free materials in many subjects who
B. It was free materials in many subjects who
C. It is free materials in many subjects that
D. It was free materials in many subjects that
9. Nam took these photographs in his grandfather’s countryside.
____________ that Nam took in his grandfather’s countryside.
A. They are the photographs B. It was these photographs
C. It is these photographs D. These photographs were
10. Michael Jackson composed and sang the song “Heal the world”.
____________ composed and sang the song “Heal the world”.
A. It was Michael Jackson B. It is Michael Jackson who
C. It was Michael Jackson who D. He was Michael Jackson who

Choose the word which is closest in meaning to the underlined word of the following sentences.
1. He hopes to get a career in the entertainment industry.
A. job B. degree C. campus D. unemployment
2. A Bachelor’s degree is usually compulsory for higher-level positions.
A. required B. optional C. academic D. avoidable
3. There’s accommodation for about five hundred students on campus.
A. university B. institution C. information D. residence
4. Dr. Miles was a distinguished scholar of Russian history.
A. weak B. outstanding C. handsome D. indistinct
5. Educational experts think that young people should either continue their studies at a college or
university or go to a vocational school.
A. give up B. go on C. stop D. improve
6. The college now has a counsellor to help students with both personal and work problems.
A. doctor B. adviser C. engineer D. school-leaver
7. They will participate in workshops and get hands-on experience leading classes.
A. integral B. technical C. practical D. theoretical
8. Some students look quite nervous probably because they haven’t studied for the final exam.
A. lesson B. subject C. test D. experiment
9. Academic courses should teach practical skills in addition to critical thinking.
A. further B. besides C. what’s more D. furthermore
10. The majority of Vietnamese students consider the American education the best in the world.
A. A few B. The least of C. A smaller number of D. A great number of
1. In order to have a great essay, you should look for useful information from reliable sources.
A. mean B. confident C. dependable D. independent
2. I think family plays an important role in establishing children’s self-assuredness.
A. confidence B. self-assuredness C. self-reliance D. self-respect
3. All students are revising carefully, for the final test is approaching soon.
A. going fast B. reaching fast C. coming near D. getting near
4. Parents can teach their teen to strive to achieve positive outcomes.
A. try B. abandon C. decide D. fulfill
5. I’m totally exhausted after having finished successive assignments in only a week.
A. jobs B. works C. exercises D. problems
6. You must believe in your abilities and have confidence in yourself to succeed.
A. trust B. decision C. uncertainty D. wish
7. She has been taught self-reliance from an early age, so she is very independent now.
A. dependence B. responsibility C. reliability D. independence
8. At last, Mai made a determined effort to get a scholarship for studying in Singapore.
A. serious B. tenacious C. necessary D. unresolved
9. The prom is permitted providing that everyone behaves responsibly.
A. honestly B. imperfectly C. sensitively D. sensibly
10. Those who have strong interpersonal skills are able to get on well with most types of people.
A. incorporate B. motivate C. separate D. contribute

Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the underlined word of the following sentences.
1. Art and music are optional subjects at our school.
A. elective B. permissive C. compulsory D. inessential
2. His lawyers have decided not to proceed with the case.
A. begin B. cease C. go on D. continue
3. Some economists think that full employment in Europe is an unattainable goal.
A. achievable B. honorable C. unreachable D. impossible
4. Although she didn’t have any academic qualifications, she had a lot of practical experience.
A. real B. applied C. impressive D. impractical
5. Students with bachelor’s degrees can pursue postgraduate education to get master’s or doctoral
A. run after B. give up C. accompany D. preserve
6. Higher education is for people who want formal learning in order to get an academic degree.
A. legal B. official C. informal D. authentic
7. More and more young people are leaving rural areas to find employment in the cities.
A. work B. profession C. advertisement D. unemployment
8. She received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country’s highest civilian honor.
A. low B. high C. best D. lowest
9. He worked part-time at a bookshop when he was in university.
A. full-time B. half a day C. break time D. pre-university
10. Only a minority of students got the maximum score in this exam.
A. majority B. very few C. less D. some
1. It’s impossible for us to guess what will happen.
A. unfeasible B. possible C. forgettable D. manageable
2. Don’t bring your umbrella with you. It’s unnecessary.
A. necessary B. decisive C. unimportant D. independent
3. Time-management skills are not difficult to develop.
A. hard B. easy C. confident D. complex
4. Susan made a great effort to accomplish all homework before the deadline but it was in vain.
A. helpful B. useless C. ineffective D. worthless
5. I think teenage girls are less self-confident than their male peers.
A. sure B. assured C. self-reliant D. unconfident
6. If you want to be a good leader, overcoming these challenges is essential.
A. overwhelming B. controlling C. conquering D. surrendering
7. He is an admirable boy as he isn’t influenced by other people’s opinions when making decision to do
A. solved B. impacted C. assigned D. unaffected
8. It is important for children to learn self-sufficiency, develop high self- esteem and be motivated from
early on in life.
A. happy B. unconfident C. unmotivated D. activated
9. Jack is a very well-informed person because he has a lot of knowledge about current topics and
particular situations.
A. bad-informed B. badly-informed C. ill-informed D. perfectly-informed
10. At first, he was reluctant to help us. However, after persuading for a long time, he agreed to play the
guitar at our tea-shop.
A. hesitate B. willing C. eager D. keen

Circle the underlined part A, B, C, or D that needs correction.

1. She will be their first choice on secretary position.
2. He regretted not having study hard when he was in university.
3. Have misunderstood the question caused him to give the wrong answer.
4. Having heard that the caves were danger, I didn’t want to go there.
5. She was a philosopher major at an Ivy League college.
6. Farming is not an attract career option for many young people.
7. Will you intend to study abroad after graduation from high school?
8. University students usually have an advantage than students from vocational schools.
9. Have passed the preliminary round, the candidates were interviewed directly by the director.
10. Academic courses help us develop analytical skills, critical thinking and knowledge for higher
educational at a university or college.
1. Creative thinking is all about develop innovative solutions to problems.
2. Conversation skills are very importance for teens to develop relationships.
3. Knowing how to handle an emergency is also a basic live skill to learn.
4. It’s possible for us to submit the project on time as it’s really difficult.
5. Have good time management skills means you can use your time wisely.
6. It is Bill Gates who has donated a big sum on money to several charities.
7. It is only by hard work who you will succeed.
8. It was my brother who text her anytime and anywhere.
9. It wasn’t until she entered college that she began to live independent.
10. Being independent means you are able to take care of yourself, and you don’t have to rely in anyone

Supply the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. You can go to a ________________________ school to learn skills for a particular job. (vocation)
2. ‘The university is renowned throughout the world for its ___________________ excellence. (academy)
3. Will you intend to study abroad after ________________________ from high school? (graduate)
4. Many young people find it hard to get a job _______________________ after graduation. (immediate)
5. Australia is the destination of choice because Australian ________________________ are recognized
across the world. (qualify)
6. Nancy is interested in pursuing ________________________ studies for bachelor’s degrees. (graduate)
7. Further education is basically ________________________ below degree level for people above
school age. (educate)
8. A doctoral degree, also called a ________________________ or PhD, is the highest university degree.
9. Vocational courses provide us with practical skills, training and qualifications to _________________
in a particular job. (success)
10. Many teachers encourage students to ________________________ with others to learn and enhance
each other’s knowledge. (collaboration)
1. It’s the money-management app that taught me how to be ____________________ with money.
2. In spite of poverty and dreadful conditions, they still manage to keep their ____________________.
3. Lisa is ____________________ to become a famous actress so everyone knows her. (determination)
4. He is not only good at ____________________ but also well-informed about everything around the
world. (learn)
5. Being ____________________ is a vital skill for people who want to take more control of their lives
and reach their goal on their own. (independently)
6. He believes his reforms will restore ____________________ in the financial markets. (confident)
7. You will be taught ____________________, creative skills, workshop skills, animal care skills, and
professional skills. (cook)
8. These skills are ____________________ not only in job-hunting, but also in many other aspects of life.
9. ____________________ skills help us to balance our time between study, leisure, and work. (Time-
10. General ____________________ skills are part of being independent and responsible. (housekeeper)

Complete the sentences using perfect gerund form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I remember (read) ________________________ this book.
2. He denied (peek) ________________________ at my profile.
3. She forgot (discuss) ________________________ that problem at the last meeting.
4. They regretted (not participate) ________________________ in the Job Fair last week.
5. (Prepare) ________________________ well for the competition made them very confident.
6. Nam was proud of (win) ________________________ the first place at the Olympia competition.
7. They apologized for (cause) ________________________ us many troubles.
8. Mary insisted on (give) ________________________ the keys to John.
9. (Be) ________________________ a volunteer at the charity has helped me a lot with my career.
10. (Attend) ________________________ the training course has helped us to have the necessary skills
of a leader.
1. (Have done / Having done) __________________ a lot of homework, I went to bed.
2. (Writing / Having written) __________________ the report, Mai felt relieved.
3. (Having photocopied / Photocopying) __________________ all the papers already, Sarah put them
back in the file.
4. (Not having had / Having not had) __________________ money to pay her tuition, she dropped out.
5. (Having failed / To having failed) __________________ the university entrance exams made him
decide to go to a vocational school.
6. (Received / Having received) _________________ the university degree, Janet started looking for job.
7. (Having learned / Having been learned) __________________ lots of practical skills, Thomas applied
for the position of regional manager.
8. (Not having trained / Not having been trained) __________________ officially made her not confident
in herself.
9. (Having finished / Having finish) __________________ the course excellently, she received the
school’s honorary degree.
10. (Graduated / Having graduated) __________________ with a journalism degree, she applied for a job
at a local newspaper office.
1. (It is / It was) ________________ Sarah who told the director about the problem.
2. It was Tom’s bad behavior (who / that) ________________ made her sad.
3. Money is needed, but (it is / it was) ________________ friendship that is really important.
4. It was my close friend (who / which) ________________ came up with a fantastic idea for the trip.
5. It is by being good listeners that teenagers (can have / could have) ________________ interactive skills
with others.
6. It was Thomas Edison who (invents / invented) ________________ the light bulb.
7. It is in France that my family (is / was) ________________ going to spend the holidays.
8. It was my mom who (taught / teaches) ________________ me how to make pancakes.
9. It was the shimmering lanterns in Hoi An Ancient Town (where / that) _______________ attracted us.
10. It was (in / on) _______________ the library that he taught me how to use the time-management app.

Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
One of the main aims of the Singapore’s education system is to help students to discover their
talents and develop a passion for learning.
During secondary education, which lasts four to five years, students have opportunities to take
various courses, build their strengths and develop their talents in both academic and non-academic areas.
For example, after passing standardized examinations, students can enroll on courses in specialized
independent schools such as NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, Singapore Sports School,
School of the Arts, or School of Science and Technology. They can further their study and interests at
junior colleges and polytechnics through direct admission. These are flexible ways that allow students to sưu tầm
continue their education journey at a post-secondary institution.
After leaving secondary school, students can pursue either pre-university education or technical
education. A pre-university course provides students with essential skills and knowledge for higher
education. They can realize their potential through a wide range of subjects from academic areas such as
Humanities, Arts, Languages, Mathematics, and Science. Alternatively, technical education, through
collaboration with companies and other organizations, can equip students with professional, technical
skills and working experience. They can select engineering, technical, business or service skills areas to
prepare themselves for their work environment.

If students want to pursue higher education, they can do that at one of the four publicly-funded
local universities with degree programmes. All of them have global partnerships with leading universities
and educational institutions overseas to ensure the best quality and future for the graduates.

1. One of the important targets of Singapore’s education is to help students _________.

A. to improve their English B. to discover their talents
C. to develop a passion for learning D. Both B & C.
2. Secondary education in Singapore lasts from _________.
A. 4 to 5 months B. 4 to 5 years C. 3 to 5 years D. 4 to 6 years
3. The word “opportunities” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A. talents B. chances C. courses D. qualifications
4. Secondary education helps students to build up their strengths and develop their talents _________.
A. in a lot of different courses B. in only academic areas
C. in only non-academic areas D. in both academic and non-academic areas
5. Students who passed _________ examinations can enroll on special courses in secondary education.
A. higher B. specialized C. standardized D. independent
6. Secondary school leavers can choose _________ education or technical education.
A. universal B. pre-university C. postgraduate D. professional
7. The phrase “a wide range of” in the third paragraph is opposite in meaning to _________.
A. a series of B. a large number of C. too many D. very few
8. There are _________ local universities with degree programmes for higher education.
A. four B. five C. one D. many
One way of training for your future occupation in Germany is by pursuing a dual (1) _______
training programme. Such programmes offer plenty of opportunity for on-the-job training and work
experience. Programmes usually last between two and three and a half years and comprise (2) _______ as
well as practical elements. You will spend one or two days a week, or several weeks at once, at a
vocational school (3) _______ you will acquire the theoretical knowledge that you will need in your
future occupation. The rest of the time will (4) _______ at a company. There you get to apply your newly
acquired knowledge (5) _______ practice, for example by learning to operate machinery. You will get to
know what your company does, learn how (6) _______ operates and find out if you can see yourself
working there after completing your training.
This (7) _______ of theory and practice gives you a real head start into your job: by the time you
have completed your training, you will not only have the required technical knowledge, but you will also
have (8) _______ experience in your job. There are around 350 officially recognized training programmes
in Germany, so chances are good that one of them will (9) _______ your interests and talents. You can
find out which one that might be by visiting one of the jobs and vocational training fairs which are
organized in many German cities at different times in the year.
Employment prospects for students who have completed a dual vocational training programme are
very good. This is one of the (10) _______ why this kind of training is very popular with young Germans:
around two thirds of all students leaving school go on to start a vocational training programme.

1. A. optional B. educational C. vocational D. compulsory

2. A. theory B. theoretical C. theoretically D. theoretician
3. A. what B. where C. why D. when
4. A. spend B. be spent C. have spent D. being spent
5. A. in B. on C. within D. belong
6. A. it B. he C. company D. they
7. A. occupation B. qualification C. combination D. communication
8. A. cultural B. restricted C. academic D. hands-on
9. A. suit B. reply C. solve D. require
10. A. effects B. means C. results D. reasons
British further education qualifications are respected by employers and academics worldwide.
There are two main types: academic courses, and vocational and professional courses. Academic courses
help you prepare for higher education at a university or college. They aim to develop your analytical
skills, critical thinking and knowledge. Vocational and professional courses give you the skills and
qualifications you need to enter and succeed in your chosen career. They offer technical training and
skills for the workplace.
British further education providers invest heavily in facilities from libraries, computer centres and
science laboratories to sports centres, theatres and arts studios. Class sizes are restricted to ensure that you
have access to equipment and enough time to talk to your tutors and lecturers.
British qualifications are a great boost to your cv and to your earnings. Employers are increasingly
looking for graduates with multicultural experience. Moreover, British colleges and universities have
strong links with industry many courses are designed in partnership with, and taught by, industry
professionals. Many include the option of a year in industry or a work placement, giving you real
professional experience.
English is widely regarded as the language of business. Studying in the UK helps you learn
language quickly, through your studies, friends and everyday life. If you need any additional support,
there are lots of English language classes across the UK.
The UK is a truly multicultural society, with a wonderful mix of people from many different
backgrounds. As a student, you’ll get to know people from all over the world and be inspired by many
cultures. Many colleges have international offices and advisers to ensure you feel welcome and are
supported throughout your time in British further education.

___________ 1. There are two main types of further education systems in Britain.
___________ 2. Academic courses help you develop your analytical skills, critical thinking and
___________ 3. Vocational and professional courses provide you with technical training and skills for the
___________ 4. There are very few facilities available to students when studying at UK colleges and
___________ 5. Students don’t have enough time to talk to their tutors and lecturers because of the
limited class sizes.
___________ 6. British further education can give students both multicultural experience and real
professional experience.
___________ 7. If you study in the UK, your English will be improved quickly.
___________ 8. You can be supported at any time by people from many different backgrounds.

One of the most important learning skills you can help your child to develop is to become an
independent learner. Children who are more independent learners tend to have more self-confidence and
have a greater sense that they are in control of their learning. Encouraging independent learning can
happen from a young age, but it can be hard for parents who are not trained teachers to know when they
are giving too much help and when they are not giving enough. If you regularly help your child with their
homework, there are a few simple steps you can take to help your child become more independent
- Help your child to answer the first question or two in an activity then allow them to do the next
ones by themselves. Encourage them to get the answer themselves, but if they are struggling it may help
them to point out how you would find the answer.
- Negotiate a time limit on how long they think it will take them to finish the rest of the activity to
help them stay focused on their work. Perhaps even set a timer on your phone and encourage them to
‘race’ the clock. The time limit should be reasonable so that children can complete the activity with neat

- If your child is used to your presence when they complete their homework, gradually move away
from them over a period of time. Helping them to start their homework and then moving to sit nearby but
not with them while they finished can give them the comfort of you being there but encourage them to
complete the work by themselves. Over time you can put more distance between you until they are able to
work alone while you are able to get on with other things you might need to do.
- Set aside time with your child after they has finished their homework. You could play a game
together or read a story. It’s a good reward for having finished their work by themselves.

1. According to the writer’s view, becoming an independent learner is ________.

A. an important learning skill for a child B. a great sense in control of learning
C. a self-confidence in life D. not necessary
2. Why it is hard for parents to know when they are giving too much help and when they are not giving
A. Because they are not trained teachers.
B. Because they regularly help their children with their homework
C. Because they don’t encourage their children to learn independently
D. Because they always encourage their children to learn independently.
3. The word “you” in the second paragraph refers to ________.
A. questions B. answers C. parents D. children
4. What is the aim of limiting time?
A. To help children finish the rest of the activity.
B. To help children stay focused on their work.
C. To set a timer on children’s phone.
D. To encourage children to “race” the clock.
5. Which of the following statement is NOT true about paragraph 4?
A. Encourage children to complete the homework by themselves.
B. Sit nearby but not with children while they are doing homework.
C. Put more distance between parents and children until children are able to work alone.
D. Gradually approach children and help them with their homework.
6. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Reward your child for having completed homework on their own.
B. Take time to play with your child.
C. Help your parents to become independent workers.
D. Help your child to become an independent learner.

People are unable to be independent for a variety of reasons, with fear at the forefront: the fear of
being alone, the fear of rejection and the fear of the future. As we get older, we need to learn how to make
the best decisions that allow us to live our lives the way we want to. Developing into an autonomous
person can be one of the most worthwhile outcomes we can strive for ourselves.
Having the ability to be happy regardless of being in a relationship is an amazing attribute. People
continue to wallow in detrimental relationships because they are scared of being on their own. Instead,
they should relish in it and spend this time focusing on making themselves better people.
There is no reason to base your life decisions on relationships with people. All relationships end at some
point or another, it’s reality. There is nothing you can do to change or affect that. The only thing you can
do is change your perception of relationships. Instead of expecting them to make you happy by being in
your life and providing enjoyment, appreciate the time spent and enjoyment since you know it will be
Make decisions by and for yourself, and do what you want and learn from your own mistakes.
1. People are unable to be independent because they are afraid of being alone, afraid of being rejected,
and _________ about the future.
A. excited B. scared C. exciting D. scaring
2. Making the best decisions helps us _________.
A. to live our lives the way we wish B. to live our lives the way our parents want to
C. to do things that we don’t like D. to develop essential life skills
3. The word “autonomous” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A. dependent B. dependable C. reliable D. self-determined
4. The word “detrimental” in the second paragraph is opposite in meaning to _________.
A. harmful B. dangerous C. decisive D. beneficial
5. You can’t do anything to change _________.
A. your life decisions B. your perception of relationships
C. the end of a relationship D. the beginning of a relationship

Rewrite the following sentences

1. After she asked her mother’s permission, she went out for dinner with John.
2. He had drunk too much alcohol, so he couldn’t drive home himself.
3. Because Mary had practiced a lot, she won the first prize in the fashion competition.
4. She had lost the key, so she couldn’t enter the house.
5. Linda had not slept for two days, so she wasn’t able to concentrate.
6. After my mother had done all the housework, she watched films on YouTube.
7. Because he has not been selected as club president, he was so sad.
8. After they finished their training, they are now fully qualified doctors.
1. Establishing these good habits helped her keep healthy and happy.
It was establishing _____________________________________________________________________
2. She needs to learn how to use money wisely.
It is how to use ________________________________________________________________________
3. Phong is the best decision-maker in my class.
It is Phong ___________________________________________________________________________
4. Students should learn skills to write CVs and submit applications at the school-leaving age.
It is at _______________________________________________________________________________
5. These courses are for students with additional learning needs.
It is these courses ______________________________________________________________________
6. The organizers arranged tours of the fashion capital of Paris for potential candidates.
It was the organizers ___________________________________________________________________
7. An important part of being an adult is becoming more independent from your parents.
It is becoming _________________________________________________________________________
8. Good time management skills will help us to reduce stress in our lives.
It is good time ________________________________________________________________________
1. I reminded you to enroll the course. I remember that.
2. She missed the important meeting yesterday. That made her so sad.
3. You shared a lot of helpful information. We thank you so much for that.
4. He was proud because he had been chosen as a class monitor.
5. Tom had spent too much time on the parties. He regretted that.
6. They had spent a lot of time together. That has made them more and more bonded.
7. Our group had finished the project on time. We got 3 days off.
8. He hadn’t performed excellently in the competition. That made him blamed.
1. My sister encouraged me to go to college.
2. Money management helps children to learn how to invest later.
3. Linda called her mom to inform about her good results in the exam.
4. She started to study abroad in the USA in 2020.
5. John learned good manners from his parents at an early age.
6. Mai is going to spend her summer vacation in Nha Trang.
7. I bought two new English books with my pocket money.
8. Mr. Long helped me to improve my pronunciation.
9. Children should learn problem-solving skills at an early age.
10. They are going to publish a book on wildlife in Africa.
1. He stole their money. He was accused of that.
A. He was accused of stealing their money.
B. He was accused of having stolen their money.
C. Have stolen their money, he was accused of that.
D. Stealing their money was accused by him.
2. Christopher forgot to return the book to the library. He apologized for that.
A. Forgetting to return the book to the library, Christopher apologized for that.
B. Christopher has to apologize for having forgotten to return the book to the library.
C. Christopher apologized for having forgotten to return the book to the library.
D. Christopher apologized for having returned the book to the library.
3. She saw his behavior to the poor. Therefore, she didn’t love him anymore.
A. She saw his behavior to the poor after she didn’t love him anymore.
B. Having seen his behavior to the poor, she didn’t love him anymore.
C. She didn’t love him anymore, so she didn’t see his behavior to the poor.
D. Seeing his behavior to the poor, she didn’t love him anymore.
4. He had fallen from the horse back. After that, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.
A. Had fallen from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.
B. Before having fallen from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.
C. After he had been taken to hospital and had an operation, he fell from the horse back.
D. Having fallen from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.
5. He has become his own boss for a long time. He is hard to accept orders from another.
A. He is hard to accept having become his own boss for a long time.
B. He is hard to accept orders from another, so he has become his own boss for a long time.
C. Having become his own boss for a long time, he is hard to accept orders from another.
D. After he had accepted orders from another, he became his own boss for a long time.

Reorder the words and phrases to make meaningful sentences.

1. ability / have / loneliness / should / the / Teens / to / with / cope /.
2. aware / good / strengths / of / It / is / to / be / your / and / a / weaknesses / idea /.
3. him / I / like / opinions / influenced / he / by / isn’t / because / other / people’s /.
4. to / Self-study / the / of / refers / studying / without / help / others / from / any / process /.
5. quickly / decisions / so / makes / She / and / everybody / her / ability / admires / decisive / .
6. are / students / very / the / well-informed / about / All / changes / in / exams / coming /.
7. need / You / be / and / flexible / willing / to / to / schedule / activities, / work, / time / for / and social
engagements /.
8. her / tasks / always / completes / on / Jane / time, / and / needs / to / be / never / reminded / about / and /
schoolwork / assignments / other /.

1. teach / your teen / how / make decisions / be / big step / prepare / them / independence/.
2. be / responsible / your own time management / be / important part / become an adult /.
3. Teens / feel / more confident / if / they / can / handle / everything / their own /.
4. cope with / loneliness / be / very important skill / needed independent living skills / for teens /.
5. learn / be responsible / money / as a teen / can / set you on / right track / financial / for life /.
6. parents / can / encourage / independence / their teen, / while / also keep / them / safe and supported /.
7. cook / be / also / practical and important life skill / all children / should / learn /.
8. you / need / learn / how / manage your time / if / you / want / study well / and / enjoy / your valuable
free time /.


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