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JOB TITLE / AIM: Installation of I Beam for Laundry Area


SUPERVISOR/ JSA LEADER: Mr. Zahid Masood SCRIBE: Abdullah Khan ,Masood Memon & Asad Nadeem
PARTICIPANTS: Agha Saeed, Abdul Rehman, Hajji Bashir, Gulzar, Bruce Boxshall

Attach copies of any relevant documentation/ drawings.

Part 2: Job Safety Analysis
Job Steps: List the main sequential steps. each step should accomplish a specific component of the task.

1. Relocation of fencing
2. Mobilisation and positioning of crane, lifting gear and personnel
3. Relocation of I beams to position adjacent to laundry area by lifting
4. Relocation of crane to position to enable lifting of I beams into position on Laundry roof
5. Demobilisation

Alternatives Considered: What are other possible means of achieving the job outcome?

- Crane lifting is only realistic alternative for this work.

Now undertake the JSA and record in the table below. Use prompts on JSA Prompt Sheet and Hazard Checklist PA-HSEC-02-040-
Part 3: Contingency Plans. Standard PPE,S :
1. First aid kit must be present at the area and the HSE personnel is the first response in case of emergency
2. Emergency egress points must be prepared and accessible prior to work commencing

Part 4: Review. After the job has been completed, JSA leader should note: any hazards, which were identified in the original JSA?
Any practices that need to be captured in the OMS? List action items, changes, and transfer any changes to the Change Management

File: 10.30
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of (Use Hazard Checklist)
1 Relocation of fencing Slip, Trip and fall 1. Clear and the Barricade the area.
2. No hurrying.
3. Orientation of work area prior to the start of the job (To
be covered in tool box meeting)
Hand injury 1. Gloves to be worn at all times

2 Mobilization of workers & Operation of mobile crane 1. An equipment checklist shall be completed by the
equipment operator piror moving the equipment. Any defects
leakage or unusual sounds must be logged and
reported to the E&P Supervisor. Seatbelt must be worn
at all times.
2. Crane operated by competent, authorised, license
3 Relocation of I beams to Personnel accessing area where 1. Employ a minimum of four area watchmen and
position adjacent to there is potential for harm barricade area with red tape.
laundry area by lifting 2. Ensure that crane swing zone area clear of all persons
and secured for the duration of the work
Crane topples over 1. Before lifting the outriggers should be fully extended.
2. Operator to use the leveller in the crane to confirm that
the crane is level.
3. Lift plan to be checked prior to lift
Lifting lugs fail 1. Check design on lifting lugs – load test if necessary

Dropped load onto personnel 1. Ensure no parallel works or SIMOPS during lifting
resulting in injury operations within an area defined by the maximum
boom length extension. This includes personnel
located in adjacent buildings if necessary
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of (Use Hazard Checklist)
2. Ensure rigging plan is provided and properly
coordinated to the rigging supervisor.
3. Unauthorised person shall not involved in the job, shall
not come to closure to the area.
4. Ensure presence of mind during lifting activity.
5. Only the certified operator shall operate the crane. A
copy of the daily checklist should be in the crane all the
rigging gears should be certified. The operator must
have his load chart to confirm his allowable distance of
load to crane. Operator must not try to over ride any of
the crane safety alerts.
6. A load test shall be performed as part of as pre-start
exercise to check lifting lugs.
7. Ensure lifting gears are certified, and crane is working
within its required safety margin. All lifts will be as per
lift plan.
8. Entire swing zone will be demarked and no one will be
in the zone while lift is in progress.
9. The use of tag lines will be required as to separate
riggers from load and to control the load. Shock loading
is prohibited
10. Each day before being used, the sling and all
fastenings and attachments shall be inspected for
damage and defects by a competent person
designated DEL.
11. Additional inspections shall be performed during sling
use as often as necessary to assure the safety of the
Incompetent riggers/Operator 1. Only authorized and qualified personnel to be used on

Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of (Use Hazard Checklist)
Load swings out of control 1. Ensure a minimum of two tag lines are secured to load
for each lift of I beam
2. Work not to be undertaken in windy conditions as
assessed by any member of the work supervisory team
Failure of rigging 1. All rigging gear that will be used will be certified and
colour coded. They also will be inspected by the rigging
supervisor prior use.
Damage to buried services by 1. A check must be completed to ensure that outriggers
crane are not positioned over buried services
4 Relocation of crane to Personal injury (general) while 1. Ensure secure and approved scaffolding is used as
position to enable lifting of removing lifting slings from platform for workers to remove slings from load once
I beams into position on placed I beams. positioned
Laundry roof
Hand injury while removing lifting 1. Tag lines will be used to minimize riggers contact with
slings from placed I beams load and controlling of suspended load.
(pinch points) 2. All riggers and installation technicians will be using
gloves. When the load is being lifted and offloaded all
body parts will be away from stationary object and
suspended load.
3. Hands or fingers shall not be placed between the sling
and it’s load while the sling is being tightened around
the load

Dropped load onto personnel 1. Ensure no parallel works or SIMOPS during lifting
resulting in injury operations within an area defined by the maximum
boom length extension. This includes personnel
located in adjacent buildings if necessary
2. Ensure rigging plan is provided and properly coordinate
to the rigging supervisor.

Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of (Use Hazard Checklist)
3. Unauthorised person shall not involved in the job, shall
not come to closure to the area.
4. Ensure standby vehicle available at area at the all
5. Ensure presence of mind during lifting activity.
6. Only certify operator for crane. A copy of the daily
checklist should be in the crane all the rigging gears
should be certified. The operator must have his load
chart to confirm his allowable distance of load to crane.
Operator must not try to over ride any of the crane
safety alerts
7. Ensure lifting gears are certified, and crane is working
within its required safety margin. All lifts will be as per
lift plan. Entire swing zone will be demarked and no
one will be in the zone while lift is in progress. The use
of tag lines will be required as to separate riggers from
load and to control the load. Shock loading is prohibited
8. Each day before being used, the sling and all
fastenings and attachments shall be inspected for
damage and defects by a competent person
designated DEL.
9. Additional inspections shall be performed during sling
use as often as necessary to assure the safety of the
Damage to underground 1. Ensure crane outriggers are not positioned over buried
services services
2. Evacuate and cordon off all persons within the radius of
the crane and boom maximum lifting extent – this
includes personnel in existing Accommodation block,
kitchen, toilets, etc. as necessary. Arrange work times

Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of (Use Hazard Checklist)
so as to ensure minimum disruption to both Operations
and project work activities.
Crane topples over 1. Before lifting the outriggers should be fully extended.
The operator will use the leveller in the crane to confirm
that the crane is level.
2. Lift plan to be checked prior to lift
Unauthorised access to 1. Ensure fencing is maintained in secure position at all
Operations area times
5 Demobilisation Elevated area left unsecured and 1. Ensure that area left safe and sound eliminating
untidy materials that are not required at elevated area after
finishing the shift.
2. After performed such activity keep good house

6 General hazards Heat Stress/Exhaustion 1. Ensure potable water/sufficient shelter is available in

throughout job each area where workers are doing the job. First aid kit
available at site.
Exposure of workers to various 1. Ensure workers are complying with the min. PPE req.
hazard like hand injury, eye Safety shoes, helmet, safety glass, dust mask,
Failure to effectively respond in a 1. Radio to be assigned to work site at all times.
timely manner in event of an 2. A first aider will be at the area at all times with first aid
emergency kit.
Unskilled workers working on 1. Ensure Contractors technicians are complying with the
scaffold min. PPE req. Safety shoes, helmet, safety glass, dust
Poor house keeping creating a 1. Keep good house keeping
tripping hazard 2. Remind all persons at pre-start toolbox talk.

Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of (Use Hazard Checklist)
Unacceptable response time in 1. Ensure emergency exits from Projects area are clear
the event of an emergency prior to commencement of the work.
Area not properly barricaded 1. BHPB supervisor shall be present throughout the
Loose Clothing 1. No loose clothing/scarf shall be worn at site

Back injury 1. no manual handling to be used on job

Exposure of workers to various 1. Ensure workers are complying with the min. PPE req.
hazard like hand injury, eye Safety shoes, helmet, safety glass, dust mask,

Poor visibility 1. work only to proceed during daylight hours.


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