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Proposed Tools for Work Related Learning Handbook

1. Introduction
As per the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) General Academic Regulations, Work
Related Learning (WRL) is mandatory for all students enrolled for all undergraduate
and some postgraduate programmes. The Regulations require students to get
attached at relevant institutions during their respective WRL level of study, for
periods that vary according to programmes. The WRL component is therefore an
integral part of the degree programmes at the UZ and must be fulfilled for the
degrees to be awarded. This training module is a joint undertaking in manpower
development between the UZ and institutions of training approved by the University
through respective Faculties.

The WRL component is anticipated to provide an enabling platform for a productive

linkage between the UZ and its critical partners as part of Education 5.0 teaching
and learning environment. The purpose of WRL is to produce practical-oriented
graduates whose knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and ethics are consistent with
job-related expectations and requirements in the community, commerce and
industry. In addition, it also links in-school training with on-the-job training that
provides the students with the opportunity to align themselves with practical
application of theoretical training and 21st century skills. WRL affords an opportunity
to community, industry and commerce to contribute to the quality and relevance of
UZ training, and where necessary, make suggestions for improvement, thereby
influencing human capital development in the country. To ensure that this obtains,
there is need for Quality Assurance (QA) tools that help in guiding the various WRL
stakeholders in monitoring the processes and procedures involved.

This package of QA tools is an integral part deriving from the UZ work related
learning standard operating procedures (Standard Operating Procedures: Work
Related Learning). The overall purpose of this package is to provide a framework
and implementation guidelines for the various Faculties, introducing an internal
quality assurance system for WRL. The aim is to provide a reference point to ensure
that student attachment practices lead to the development of the required
professionalism in the local, regional and international contexts. The tools set out
benchmarks for WRL processes that contribute to the identification of areas for
improvement, thus enabling evidence-based and action-based institutional action,
with a view to improving existing practices. There are tools that are applied across
Faculties, and others that are Faculty and/or discipline specific. However, all these
tools fall in one or more of the following categories:

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1.1. Pre-placement;
1.2. Placement;
1.3. Monitoring/supervision;
1.4. Assessment;
1.5. WRL report;
1.6. WRL portfolio of evidence;
1.7. Weighting of WRL components.

Below are the WRL tools for use by Faculties.

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2. Category 1: Pre-placement

2.1. Request for Placement

Work Related Learning Placement Request

Faculty of -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Department of ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Addressee -----------------------------------------------------------

Dear Sir/Madam
THE DEPARTMENT OF ------------------------------------------------------------------- *(delete inapplicable)

Student Name: --------------------------------------------------------------------

Registration Number: ------------------------------------------------------------
Degree Programme: -------------------------------------------------------------
In line with University of Zimbabwe (UZ) General Academic Regulations for degree
programmes in the Faculty of --------------------------------------------------------------, Work Related
Learning (WRL) is mandatory for all students. The Regulations for the above-mentioned
programme require that students complete at least ----------- weeks/months of WRL before
proceeding to their final year of study. The WRL period will be undertaken during
--------------------------------- period(s). The objectives of the WRL are to:
1. Provide students with practical experience in the application of theoretical
knowledge gained in their undergraduate or postgraduate education.
2. Encourage the development of personal skills, including problem solving,
written and oral communication, contributing to team or group environment,
negotiating and time management.
3. Provide students with practical knowledge and understanding of practices in
their respective degree programmes.

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The Department kindly requests that your organisation considers engaging our student for
WRL. We are confident that the student will be able to perform the assigned tasks and meet
the expectations of your organisation. During the WRL period, the student is expected to
cover all areas in their field of study.
Basic guidelines have been developed by the Department to facilitate smooth
implementation of the WRL processes and procedures. These are briefly explained below.
For the Host Institution:
It is important that the student is encouraged to thoroughly familiarise himself/herself with
his/her working environment. In particular, the student should be afforded an opportunity to
observe the proceedings at appropriate activities, which could enhance his/her
understanding of the field of study. Host institutions are also requested to assign a
supervisor to the student during the period of attachment.
The student should write a report and submit it to the Department of
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- at the end of
the WRL period. The report should highlight the duties that the student undertook,
achievements and problems encountered, if any. Prior to its submission, it is expected that
the host supervisor will scrutinise and endorse the report. The Department also appeals to
your organisation to allow students on WRL to use your facilities such as canteens, staff
buses, amongst others.
For the student:
The student is expected to report for work on a full-time basis during the WRL period and
should be given responsibilities that match the organisation’s expectations as well as the
student’s level of qualification/current studies. Where possible, the student should be
exposed to a variety of types of work rather than be confined to narrowly based specialist
tasks. In addition, the student should fulfil the following requirements:
1. Produce an official letter from the Department of
----------------------------------------------------------------- requesting for their WRL
2. Fill indemnity forms to protect the host organisation from unforeseen events
that could cause harm to the student.
3. Conduct himself/herself professionally during the entire period of attachment.
4. Comply with the regulations and code of conduct of the host organisation,
observe confidentiality and secrecy clauses where these are in force.

The Department would be very grateful if your organisation could host our student for WRL
during the period --------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Yours faithfully

Chairperson of the Department of ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Dean’s endorsement: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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2.2. Work Related Learning Programme Plan

Work Related Learning Programme Plan

Faculty: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Department: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of student: ---------------------------------------------- Reg. Number: ---------------------

Name of Host Institution: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

(This schedule outlines the proposed programme of training that the student will follow during his/
her period of WRL).

Month Scheduled Activities












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***Details vary according to requirements peculiar to a Faculty.
[This form should be sent to the WRL Coordinator, Department of ____________________, Faculty
of ____________________________, University of Zimbabwe within 2 weeks of a student
successfully securing placement. Any change of details should be immediately communicated to the
WRL Coordinator].

--------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Name of Host Institution Representative Signature

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3. Category 2: Placement

3.1. Work Related Learning Placement Confirmation

Confirmation of Work Related Learning Placement

This is to confirm that the under-mentioned student has successfully been attached
to the under-mentioned institution for Work Related Learning exposure.

Name of Student: --------------------------------------------- Reg. Number: --------------------

Degree Programme: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Duration of Attachment: From -------------------------------- to --------------------------------


Home Address:
Home Phone Number: ------------------------ Mobile Number: ----------------------------------
Email Address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name and Address:
Contact Person: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Designation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Telephone Number: ---------------------------------- Mobile Number: ---------------------------
Email address: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[This form should be sent to the Work Related Learning Programme Coordinator, Department of
____________________, Faculty of ____________________________, University of Zimbabwe
within 2 weeks of a student successfully securing placement. Any change of details should be
immediately communicated to the Work Related Learning Programme Coordinator].

--------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Name of Host Institution Representative Signature

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Date stamp

3.2 Student Orientation

Work Related Learning Placement Student Orientation Checklist

Name of student: ------------------------------------------ Reg. Number: ------------------

Host Institution: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Please date the items below when they occur and inform the WRL Coordinator of any items not
covered within one week of the start of the attachment period. *Complete where applicable
according to Faculty expectations).

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Item Date done
Introduction to key staff members and their roles explained
Location of facilities such as rest rooms, canteen, etc.
Tea/coffee and lunch arrangements
Transport arrangements (if applicable)
Dress code
Code of conduct
Policies and regulations
Work space
Duty arrangements
Schedule of meetings
First meeting with host supervisor
Health and Safety
Emergency procedures
Safety policy received or location known
First aid arrangements such as location of first aid box, names
of first aiders, etc.
Fire procedures and location of fire extinguishers
Accident reporting and location of accident book
Manual handling procedures
Safety regulations
Instruction on equipment and their use


Student: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Date: ------------------------------

Host Supervisor: ----------------------------------------------------- Date: ------------------------------

WRL Coordinator: --------------------------------------------------- Date: ------------------------------

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4. Category 3: Monitoring/Supervision (Formative)

There will be four distinct levels of monitoring/supervision:

a. Introspection/reflection by the student;
b. Day-to-day supervision by the host supervisor;
c. Regular monitoring/supervision by academic supervisors from the University; and
d. Determination of number and frequency of visits by the WRL Coordinator.

4.1. Record of Work Done

Student Record of Work Done under Work Related Learning

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Faculty: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Department: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Student: --------------------------------------- Reg. Number: ----------------------
Name of Host Institution: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

(To be completed by the student)

Week Week ending Introspection and reflective comments on work
(date) covered
Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


Student: --------------------------------------------------------- Date: ------------------------------------

Host Supervisor: --------------------------------------------- Date: ------------------------------------

4.2. Host Monitoring/Supervision

Host Monitoring/Supervision Form

Name of Student: --------------------------------------- Reg. Number: -------------------------------

Name of Host Institution: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Host Supervisor: -------------------------------------- Designation -----------------------
Visit Number: --------- Date of visit: ---------------------------- Time: -----------------------------

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(You are encouraged to discuss your observations with the student in a positive and objective
manner, just as you would review job performance with your employees/colleagues. You are
provided with 10 criteria in the table below upon which to base your assessment of the student
and award him/her the appropriate scores).

Attributes and/or Competences Possible Actual

Score Score
Organises work well/work attitude/work ethics 5
Completes assigned tasks on time/punctual at 5
Initiative/resourcefulness 5
Adapts to working conditions 5
Ability to get along with others at work 5
Follows up on assignments 5
Ability to communicate with superiors 5
Ability to apply theory into practice 10
Ability to judge or take decisions 10
Interest and knowledge/skill/content mastery 30
(Level of interest and enthusiasm towards work;
Level of content/knowledge gained; Skill and its
Logbook/Scheme Book (Neatness, up-to-date, 15
Total Score 100
Additional comments:

Student: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: ----------------------

Host Assessor: -------------------------------------------------------------- Date: ----------------------

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4.3. Academic Monitoring/Supervision

Academic Monitoring/Supervision Form

Faculty: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Department: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Student: --------------------------------------------- Reg. Number: ----------------------
Name of Host Institution: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Academic Supervisor: ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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Visit Number: ---------- Nature of visit: -------Physical/Virtual/Online (delete inapplicable)
Date of visit: ----------------------------------------- Time: -----------------------------------------------

Attributes and/or Competences Possible Actual

Score Score
Organises work well/ work attitude 5
Completes assigned tasks on time/punctual at work 5
Initiative/resourcefulness 5
Adapts to working conditions 5
Ability to get along with others at work 5
Follows up on assignments 5
Ability to communicate with superiors 5
Ability to apply theory into practice 10
Ability to judge or take decisions 10
Interest and knowledge/skill/content mastery (Level 30
of interest and enthusiasm towards work; Level of
content/knowledge gained; Skill and its application)
Logbook/Scheme Book (Neatness, up-to-date, 15
Total score 100
Additional comments:

Student: --------------------------------------------------------- Date: ------------------------------------

Academic Supervisor: -------------------------------------- Date: ------------------------------------

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4.4. Determination of Number and Frequency of WRL Visits/Evaluations

Number and Frequency of WRL Visits/Evaluations Form

Faculty: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Department: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Student: --------------------------------------------- Reg. Number: ----------------------
Name of Host Institution: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Page | 15
Nature of Visit Planned Date Actual Date of Host/Academic
of Visit Visit Visit



Student: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: ----------------------------

WRL Coordinator: ------------------------------------------------------ Date: ---------------------------

5. Category 4: Assessment (Summative)

5.1. Host Assessment

Host Assessment Form

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Name of Student: --------------------------------------- Reg. Number: -----------------------------
Name of Host Institution: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Host Assessor: ------------------------------------ Designation --------------------------
Date of assessment: ----------------------------------------- Time: ------------------------------------

(You are encouraged to discuss your responses with the student in a positive and objective
manner, just as you would review job performance with your employees/colleagues. You are
provided with 10 criteria in the table below upon which to base your assessment of the student
and award him/her the appropriate grade. This assessment form may be replaced by a
Faculty/Department/Discipline specific tool. Please cite the tool on this form in the space below).

Attributes and/or Competences Possible Actual

Score Score
Organises work well/ work attitude 5
Completes assigned tasks on time/punctual at 5
Initiative/resourcefulness 5
Adapts to working conditions 5
Ability to get along with others at work 5
Follows up on assignments 5
Ability to communicate with superiors 5
Ability to apply theory into practice 10
Ability to judge or take decisions 10
Interest and knowledge/skill/content mastery 30
(Level of interest and enthusiasm towards work;
Level of content/knowledge gained; Skill and its
Logbook/Scheme Book (Neatness, up-to-date, 15
Total Score 100
Additional comments:

Student: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: ----------------------

Host Assessor: -------------------------------------------------------------- Date: ------------------------

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5.2. Academic Assessment

Academic Assessment Form

Faculty: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Department: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Name of Student: --------------------------------------------- Reg. Number: -------------------------
Name of Host Institution: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Academic Assessor: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Visit Number: ---------- Nature of visit: -------Physical/Virtual/Online (delete inapplicable)
Date of visit: ----------------------------------------- Time: -----------------------------------------------

Attributes and/or Competences Possible Actual

Score Score
Organises work well/ work attitude 5
Completes assigned tasks on time/punctual at 5
Initiative/resourcefulness 5
Adapts to working conditions 5
Ability to get along with others at work 5
Follows up on assignments 5
Ability to communicate with superiors 5
Ability to apply theory into practice 10
Ability to judge or take decisions 10
Interest and knowledge/skill/content mastery 30
(Level of interest and enthusiasm towards work;
Level of content/knowledge gained; Skill and its
Logbook/Scheme Book (Neatness, up-to-date, 15
Total Score 100
Additional comments:

Student: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: ----------------------------

Academic Assessor: --------------------------------------------------- Date: --------------------------

WRL Coordinator: ------------------------------------------------------- Date: ---------------------------

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6. Category 5: WRL report

Work Related Learning Report Assessment Form

Faculty: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Department: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Page | 20
Name of Student: ------------------------------------------------ Reg. Number: ---------------------
Name of Assessor: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Moderator: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Criteria Possible Actual
Score Score
Executive Summary 5
Introduction/Appreciation of host institution’s functionality and 10
objectives of the Work Related Learning (WRL) programme
Description of all aspects of training during WRL 20
Scholarly account on scientific content of the theory involved in all 30
aspects of the attachment experience:
(a) Knowledge of methods, materials, processes, etc. in the work
(b) Appreciation of relevant information, skills, operations,
procedures, processes, etc
Impact of the WRL knowledge exhibited by student and 10
appreciation of practical application of theory learnt
Conclusions 5
Recommendations 5
Language and punctuation 5
Structure, layout and quality of presentation (Typed, Arial 12, 1.5 10
Total 100
Overall comment:

Student: ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: ------------------------------------
Assessor: ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: ----------------------------------
Moderator: --------------------------------------------------------- Date: ----------------------------------
WRL Coordinator: ----------------------------------------------- Date: ----------------------------------
7. Category 6: WRL portfolio of evidence

Work Related Learning Portfolio of Evidence Assessment Form (Checklist)

Faculty: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Page | 21
Department: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of Student: ------------------------------------------------ Reg. Number: ---------------------------

Name of Assessor: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of Moderator:

Aspect Score Remarks

Possible Actual
Table of Contents 5
About the student in relation 10
to work related learning
Copies of the following entries: 35
a. Work Related Learning
Placement Request
b. Work Related Learning
Programme Plan
c. Work Related Learning
Placement Confirmation
d. Work Related Learning
Placement Student
Orientation Checklist
e. Student Record of Work
Done Under Work Related
f. Record of work done
g. Host Monitoring/Supervision
h. Academic
i. Host assessment
j. Academic assessment
Summary of reflections 30
Conclusion 20

Total Score 100

Student: ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: ------------------------------------

Assessor: ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: ----------------------------------

Moderator: --------------------------------------------------------- Date: ----------------------------------

WRL Coordinator: ----------------------------------------------- Date: ----------------------------------

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8. Category 7: Weighting of WRL Components

Work Related Learning Final Grading

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Faculty: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Department: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of Student: ------------------------------------------------ Reg. Number: ---------------------------

Name of WRL Coordinator: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Component Weighting (%) Actual Mark

Host Supervision 10

Academic Supervision 10

Host Assessment 15

Academic Assessment 35

WRL Report 15

WRL Portfolio 15

Total 100


WRL Coordinator: -------------------------------------------------------- Date: ---------------------

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