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Thu, Apr 04, 2024 3:10PM • 9:36

boundary, china, binaries, india, countries, people, differences, economic, resolved, geopolitics, border,
forum, nuclear suppliers group, defined, delhi, society, sweden, issue, world, book

And then take over. And then it will be left open to me for whatever y'all want to ask. Is it not possible
for me to separate the process and myself from what the contents of the book and what it represents?
It's a part of what I am different of mine. Exploration, my vision, and I would say my vocation Business
Journalism and what drives me in general. You don't have to be a journalist, by definition, you can be
Elijah, whether you're an economic philosophy or whatever. So and what drew me both as our vision
and mission was, so they defined the story. Every story under the sun has been for nothing. It's how
you handle it. How do you perceive it? What perspective we have put it into, how will you tell them? So
when I went to China, China has been done to that. Well, now in India by Indian writers and doctors,
there's no magic wand that hundreds if not 1000s. But still everything is trends on the English language
or German or artistic. But I said there must be a way that I can redefine the telling of stories from China
or in India, and also for the Chinese reader who wants to know how an Indian says them or tell the
truth. And whenever they are telling a story, beginning with our epics in terms of good and evil, it is
always through binaries that large sections of the people in India and China and elsewhere in the world
to form ideas and develop an understanding of other countries and it is no different in the case of India
and China and the binary that's what they get conditioned is no right and wrong or that bad. Leave out
in the court less a believer. And then of course there are binary. We are a democracy they are a
dictatorship. They are a free country, they are controlled country. They are open market economy they
are controlled. Beyond all this territory of society, politics, culture, civilizations, values and ethos that
remains to be explored and told about you cannot go and I think it all comes together day one right after
you write that up. Okay company geography something is geopolitics something is culture, something
of society, and continuous. As I say that's the florists or companies about economics something is
about politics, but Renu it it is not a category that you actually write this. So, my writing in this book, the
content of this book, is broad brushstrokes of knowledge. And briefly, I can say that there are thought
takes on all the big issues and subjects all the big boys on between India and China, between India and
China, not only as neighbors for creating gangs China in other forums like next I'm joined by
cooperation organizations, the United Nations and other multilateral multilateral forum, the sides, the
various contests between the two countries in the world such as the Nuclear Suppliers Group and so
on. So you have thought, what brings these two countries together? And what are the issues that keep
them apart? No, there is no meeting point. And broadly in Mike, my book focuses more on the common
interests. Rather than the differences, because broadly, I would divide the relationship with any
constraint, specifically with neighbors and China into two categories. One is other differences more
than common and this I think, can be a defining point and men can overcome all the binaries. On the

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differences greater than the common is, once you say for instance, with China, what is it says Oh,
boundary. Once you get stuck on that you will never cross the boundary of the violence, because the
boundaries will always be there. You just said they will have our leadership, their leaders or the
conditions outside what are the global interests? Which other countries are involved? What are they
pursuing through forcing these countries and also the sections within these countries to different
positions, all these things? There can be so many views on these two, there can be no single and there
is no single book. Similarly, it can capture an entire spectrum of views on the gamut of India, between
them, as well as the world of what constitutes they have many relationships that may be a threat of
failure. So I have focused on certain concepts of these which and I have brought a certain perspective
to it. And guess I have built for me to to be provocative, because to bait us think in new ways, like one
of the thing that really surprised about it not many people are writing about it not being mentioned very
much in my book. Well, there are something called Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar, where you had
people on the boundaries of all these four camps, and you had areas there where they would, and I
worked in sitcom Central University can talk for a lecture and for a number of countries who have done
the foreign minister, papers in Delhi, that we want these on the periphery and progress and
development of the center, which means you're looking at different on the borders of India on the
periphery, as okay, they have to maintain for people to progress at the center. But what about the
headlines? What is it that they want, and people who have backed their life, they will find that the
people on the borders of Myanmar India and China where they meet, they're more than common in
terms of their habits, their lifestyle, their food, their reasons, they're off there. And then there is between
people in Delhi and Beijing or Ramon and that the differences between these capitals are more than
the commonalities between the people who share particular territory. Somehow they that whole forum
has got buried under his belt and Road Initiative. Why I mentioned this boundaries, we don't have to
necessarily think whether it has to be this side of that side. boundaries can also arise about binaries,
and this have been done in more advanced societies I wanted in quotation marks at once, not only in
economic terms, but also in terms of that. I can tell you, in Europe, for instance, we have a solution
between Sweden and Finland. How they resolve now if you land at Copenhagen airport and you take a
metro from that you can decide to go this way. You go to Copenhagen, it goes the other way you go to
Malmo in Sweden, and many of you will travel to these places. You will see how the economics, politics
and geopolitics and financial policies of this country are centered around these kinds of new boundaries
that need not be captured stones are being defined by fences. And some years ago, there was a
meeting between Putin and the Japanese Prime Minister Abbey and there was an old issue I don't
know how many of you know that technically, World War Two between Russia or the Soviet Union or
Russia or whatever, and Japan will contract over to have this issue of Northern California, which has
not yet resolved. So one of the things that discussed about which I wrote a piece I don't know if it is
there, I don't recall if I mentioned is that they've decided on joint development of the border. And I have
seen joined over the front of the border in some parts of Central Asia, where China has gone to
Caracas And what is it that goes in production on China? It is very different to different markets. When I
went to the custom there, it is not all this central ideas been around without soil without any effort to
fight US Customs customs are the tabs and therefore this vegetable that like anyway. Then they put it
on a path. bases have these filters of these barriers, what they shall process and what they should
believe and accordingly define the boundary. I don't think the boundary problem will be ever resolved in
my lifetime on this slide. But I will definitely commend all of you to think that there can be more in

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common between India and US neighbors including China and the boundary may not be the defining
barrier. We will make an attempt to advise about the virus

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