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Appendix 2

No Sign Description and Icon Index Symbol
1. ✓
A pair of hands
holding soap then
releasing foam. This
means that we often
wash our hands with
soap to avoid
2. 3 hands pointing ✓
each, eyes, nose,
mouth. What follows
in this figure means
that we are
monitoring the eyes,
nose, and mouth too
often. because these
parts are vulnerable
to the entry of
3. Two circles depicting ✓
appearance with
hands covering their
mouths and one
covering their
mouths using a cloth.
Which in the
following figure
explains that when
you cough, Cover
your mouth with
your arm or cover
your mouth with a
handkerchief so that
people around you
are not
contaminated with
the pain you are
4. There are seven ✓
signs that describe
like humans, Then
stand to give each
other a distance.
Then next in this
picture tells the
public to always
keep a distance from
each person. Where
we know that this
virus is very easy to
spread even just by
touching people who
have been
5. In the picture beside ✓
there is a house
containing a person.
Interpret if it is not
important to leave
the house and it is
better to stay at
home, work at home,
exercise at home.
take care of people
who are at home,
especially children
and the elderly

6. Then in the picture ✓

beside there are two
signs that describe a
person. One is like a
Doctor, the other is
like a sick person. Its
mean that if you feel
fever, difficulty
breathing or
shortness of breath
immediately go to
the hospital for
further check.
8. A man wearing a red ✓
shirt, with dark skin
was coughing and
covering his mouth
wearing a cloth. In
this picture, it
explains that the
initial symptoms that
often occur when
contaminated by a
virus are coughing
and difficulty
breathing, so it is
important to bring
gloves and wear a
mask anywhere and
9. In the following ✓
picture depicts a
cute girl who is sick
with a flushed face
and is lying on the
bed. It means staying
at home, working at
home and getting
enough rest are
things that must be
done now. so that
children who are at
home are not easily
contaminated with
the virus.

10. In one picture but ✓

describes two
different events. The
first a man and
women are making a
vaccine or drug for a
virus that is
currently happening.
Then the second
describes two men
who are, a doctor
who is examining a
patient. Then in this
picture explains that
for now doctors and
other scientists are
trying to create a
vaccine for everyone
in the world.
In this picture, it ✓
11. describes the first
two instances of a
boy wearing a green
sweater coughing
and covering his
mouth wearing his
arm. Then the
second seen two
people queuing at a
clinic sitting next to
each other. in the
explanation above
that what must be
done to help others
and yourself during
a pandemic is to
maintain health by
one of them covering
the mouth when
coughing and
keeping a distance
from one another.
12. In the next picture ✓
there is a picture of a
hexagon star
surrounded by 7
medical or health
related objects.
In this picture means
that every day there
will be new things
and learn new
13. Then in this image ✓
there is an inverted
light sign in which
there is a human
brain surrounded by
7 medical or health
related objects.
Interpreting that
understanding and
trying new things to
find a vaccine is
done every day.
14. In this picture there ✓
is a man wearing a
blue coat holding his
hands up and there
is a hot air balloon
above his head inside
there is a large
question mark. The
explanation above
means that every
day scientists think
about vaccines
15. In the picture there ✓
are five colored
liquids, a laptop, and
several sheets of
paper and paper
board. interpreting
the same as the
previous explanation
that thinking about a
vaccine for everyone,
understanding, and
experimenting about
the findings that are
made to prevent the
spread of the Covid-
19 virus
16. In the picture beside, ✓
it explains that there
are 3 medical-
related objects and
lights, a pair of
hands is typing on
the keyboard. means
that every time the
development of
science continues.
17. In this picture ✓
describes 3 different
events. First, a pair
of hands were
washing their hands
in the running tap
water, then a woman
was coughing and
covering her mouth
with a handkerchief,
then six people stood
to distance the
others. In this
picture, it explains
that now what we
need to do is wash
our hands with soap
and running water
to avoid viruses on
objects around us,
and cover our
mouths when
coughing with an
arm or a
handkerchief to
protect people
around us with the
virus we experience,
then keep distance
between others to
protect ourselves
and protect others.
18. The next picture ✓
shows a man
wearing a blue shirt
with his head open,
then on top of the
head there are 7
objects. This means
that we have to be
open-minded and
accept the changes,
new facts and
suggestions that are
happening today.
19. The last picture ✓
depicts 1 animal and
6 humans of various
ages, ethnicities and
languages standing
and keeping their
distance. in this
picture, it explains
that the virus attacks
various groups from
young to old and
various nations,
races and tribes.
Even animals can be
contaminated too.

Bandar Lampung, 2021



Nip. 198910312015032002

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