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Task management is a fundamental aspect

of personal and professional productivity.
The To-Do List project, implemented in the
C language, addresses this need by
providing a robust platform for organizing
tasks efficiently. This report explores the
key features, significance, and
implementation details of this project .

Key Features
1. Task Management Users can easily add, edit, an
delete tasks, ensuring a flexible and adaptive task
management experience.
2. Priority Assignment The ability to assign priority
levels to tasks allows users to focus on high-priorit
activities, enhancing overall productivity.
3. Deadline Tracking Task deadlines are
systematically tracked, and users receive
notifications for approaching deadlines, aiding in
timely task completion .

4. User-Friendly Interface An intuitive design

ensures ease of use, catering to a wide range of
users with varying technical expertise.
5. Editing Capability Users have the flexibility to
modify task details, adapting to changing
requirements and ensuring accurate task
The To-Do List project holds significance for
individuals seeking an efficient and organized
approach to managing tasks. This application
benefits professionals, students, and anyone
aiming to enhance their time management
skills. By providing a user-friendly interface
and robust task management features, the
project contributes to increased productivity
in various aspects of life.
c lnguge

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// Define task structure

struct Task {
char name[50];
char deadline[20];
int priority;
int completed;

// Function to add a new task

void addTask(struct Task tasks[], int taskCount) {
// Implementation code for adding a task

// Function to edit an existing task

void editTask(struct Task tasks[], int taskCount) {
// Implementation code for editing a task

// Function to display the to-do list

void displayTasks(struct Task tasks[], int taskCount) {
// Implementation code for displaying tasks

// Main function
int main() {
// Implementation code for the main function
return 0;

1. Task Complete Project Report
Deadline 2023-12-10
Priority High
Status Not Completed

2. Task Review To-Do List Code

Deadline 2023-12-05
Priority Medium
Status Completed

... (other tasks)

This implementation serves as a foundation, and it can be

customized based on specific project requirements and
additional functionalities.

Feel free to expand and modify the code as needed for your

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