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Brazil st., Greenheights subd., Brgy. Conception Uno, Marikina City



A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for

Purposive Communication

Baraga, Jomely T.

Brioso, Allaine Joy A.

Camba, Caren

Galutan, Miguel 1 S.

Hangor, Marry Gieal T.

Lorenzo, Marvin G.

Placido, Abygail B.

Samson, Lara Carmela G.

Serrano, Kenneth C.

Sienes, Bhart F.


Brazil st., Greenheights subd., Brgy. Conception Uno, Marikina City



Has been prepared and submitted by Jomely T. Baraga, Allaine Joy A. Brioso, Caren Camba, Miguel
1S. Galutan, Marry Gieal T. Hangor, Marvin G. Lorenzo, Abygail B. Placido, Lara Carmela G.
Samson, Kenneth C. Serrano and Bhart F. Sienes and has been examined and is recommended for
approval and acceptance for Research Paper




This research is wholeheartedly dedicated to the following person who made this research project

First of all, we want dedicate this study to almighty GOD who gave us strength and knowledge in our
everyday lives.

To our parents and friends who tirelessly supports us to complete our research properly.

To our dearest Purposive Communication professor Ms. Bea Patrizia Santos for constant source of
knowledge and inspiration.

And lastly, to our great leader Abygail B. Placido for her patience, knowledge, hard work and devotion
to this study and being a good leader of the group.


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After sharing time and effort, the researchers are now riding on the fruits of their labors. They believe that
remembering the people who helped them climb will also help them if they ever fall at their feet. From
the bottom of their hearts, the researchers would like to thank person who gave their helping hand to
finish this work.

Ms. Bea Patrizia Santos, our Purposive Communication professor who answers our concerning questions
is highly appreciated.

We cannot end this without this without thanking our family whose consistent encouragement, love and
courage will always inspire us.


Juvenile delinquency is an act of committing criminal acts by a young person, especially the one below
the age at which ordinary criminal prosecution is possible. To those who engage criminal acts at a very
young age are more likely to survive or to reproduce. Individual qualities that may lead to delinquency
are examined, with a concentration on I.Q. and scholastic accomplishment, physical features and
limitations, physiological characteristics, hyperactivity, personality traits, and biological factors.

In relation, the researchers aim to investigate the problems of what derive the youths to commit crime and
if there are significant differences based on the demographic profile which includes name (optional), age,
gender preferences, life status and education. The researchers would like to aim for the solution to this
problem since it is very controversial these days in modern era. The related literature and studies of past
researchers will be use by the researchers to emphasize the conducted study pertaining to the topic.




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Teens are prone in making mistakes that may lead them on committing crimes for the reason that
they are still not fully in their control. There’s a lot of factors that can lead one young person to commit
crimes without any boundaries. One of the greatest factors is the environment that they are living in. In
recent years, the juvenile justice field has adopted an approach from the public health arena in an attempt
to understand the causes of delinquency and work toward its prevention (Farrington, 2000; Moore, 1995).
For example, the medical community’s efforts to prevent cancer and heart disease have successfully
targeted risk factors (Farrington, 2000). To evaluate a patient’s risk of suffering a heart attack, a doctor
commonly asks for the patient’s medical history, family history, diet, weight, and exercise level because
each of these variables has an effect on the patient’s cardiac health. After this risk assessment, the doctor
may suggest ways for the patient to reduce his or her risk factors. Similarly, if a youth possesses certain
risk factors, research indicates that these factors will increase his or her chance of becoming a delinquent.
A risk assessment may aid in determining the type of intervention that will best suit the youth’s needs and
decrease his or her risk of offending. Farrington (2000) calls this recent movement toward the public
health model the “risk factor paradigm,” the basic idea of which is to “identify the key risk factors for
offending and tool prevention methods designed to counteract them” (Farrington, 2000:1).

Family characteristics such as poor parenting skills, family size, home discord, child
maltreatment, and antisocial parents are risk factors linked to juvenile delinquency (Derzon and Lipsey,
2000; Wasserman and Seracini, 2001). Juvenile delinquency is a big problem in the Philippines. The
number of juvenile delinquencies in the Philippines in 2017 increased from 10,388 to 11,228 in 2018.
Where many minors were arrested for committing a crime.

Background of the Study

Juvenile delinquency is defined as engagement in illegal behavior or activities by a minor kid,

usually between the ages of 10 and 17. Juvenile delinquency is also referred to as "juvenile offending,"
and each state has its own judicial system in place to deal with minors who violate the law. It is
interesting to observe what can lead to juvenile delinquency, how we can prevent this enlarging issue that
can also be alarming to everyone, what is important for the rehabilitation of juveniles and what programs
are being implemented in this concern.

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The Philippine government appears to have downplayed the seriousness of the country's juvenile
delinquency problem. This neglect has resulted to an increase in juvenile-related crimes, raising serious
concerns about the government's socio-political, economic, and security plans. Filipino children who
reach the age of nine may be as good - or as terrible - as adults under the current system of dealing with
juvenile criminals, in which many are charged and tried as adults.

The elements that contribute to crime are complicated. It consists of psychological and social
conditions that interact with one another to produce certain behavior. This applies on what kind of family
instability, disorganization, substance abuse and violence they experience and what kind of life they have
reflects on what psychological behavior they have. Weston (2012) states that the psychological problems
may arise resulting in adolescent behavior.

Children in puberty are more likely to have behavioral issues, which leads to an increase in
psychological conflicts and, as a result, an increase in the vulnerability to perform crimes. Pubertal
development causes a variety of psychological confusions. (Mendle et al., 2007)

Extreme poverty and lack of opportunity to attend school are one of the most known reasons of
juvenile delinquency based on studies. The agenda for the urban poor was relatively straightforward:
land, shelter, employment, and job security. As it turned out subsequently, all of the community-based
programs under the urban basic services program were excellent approaches to preventing juvenile
delinquency and keeping children out of the juvenile court system. (Cristina S. Blanc et al.)


Juvenile delinquency is a big problem in our society today, even in the past year's juvenile delinquency is
a big problem. It's a problem that needs to be prevented or solved, it is a serious issue that can negatively
affect society, it can affect the community, family, and individuals. Children from an early age are prone
to juvenile delinquency if the child is raised in an unhealthy environment. Thanks to the parents and great
parenting, a child who grows in a healthy family environment rarely develops delinquent behavior, since
children didn't experience unhealthy situations.

Families need to have a positive view of life and society. Parents and older siblings need to show their
children the positive values, norms, and standards of society so that they can behave correctly in society.
Not just a family but also friends of the children can greatly affect its behavior, childhood friendship is
vital to the healthy development of the child. If the child interacts with good behavior friends, then a child
will also develop good behavior.

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Peer relationships can also contribute negatively to the social development of a child. It is very important
to know if a child is developing delinquent behavior at an early age so that we can correct it.

We can prevent juvenile delinquency, or we can prevent them to develop delinquent behavior by
providing them a safe environment, provide them with some assistance to break unhealthy habits,
counseling, and educational opportunities.

Program by the government and community involvement etc. The purpose of this study is to give advice
and also to inform guardians, parents, friends, and teachers that a child's behavior depends on how their
environment is if it's a healthy or unhealthy environment.

Juvenile delinquency is a big problem today in our generation that needed to prevent This study will give
answers to the following questions:
1. What is the profile and status of the participants regarding the?
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender preferences
1.3 Life Status
1.4 Education
2. What are the causes why they committed a crime?
3. What are the impacts on its victims?
4. What government program may help them?


The significance of the study that the researchers conducted is to know the factors derive the youths
to commit crimes and lessen juvenile delinquency. It is important to the researchers to contribute and
develop knowledge in field and further study. The researcher’s study aims to explore juvenile
delinquency to provide information to help people understand the motives of juveniles. It is also to
facilitate and improve mental health care for a group of underserved youth.

This research will benefit both researchers and future researchers as this research can contribute and
generate new research that will be reviewed and beneficial to both parties. It's also a great approach for
future researchers to understand the significance of their study. This study will be able to provide an
information to progress and develop by utilizing the data acquired.

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This research will also benefit parents as a useful tool for preventing juvenile delinquency. It also
aims to assist parents in resolving issues with their children by identifying areas where they lack guidance
and encouraging to pay more attention to their children, as parenting styles have a significant impact on a
child's decision to engage in delinquent behavior.

The community will definitely benefit from this study as it will identify and understand the factors
that lead to youth committing crimes in order to develop successful methods for implementing evidence-
based treatment and prevention approaches in service delivery. It also aids in the facilitation and
promotion of efficient communication with juveniles while being punished.

The juveniles will benefit from this study as well, as it will provide education through offering
relevant information and skills-based training as a key component of successful rehabilitation, as well as
positive engagement in meaningful activities.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Review of Related Literature

Belton M Fleisher

Journal of Political Economy 71 (6), 543-555, 2015

According to Fleisher (2015), The effect of unemployment on juvenile delinquency,

Understanding the connection among juvenile delinquency and labor market conditions is critical from
the standpoint of public policy. If, for example, delinquency rates rise in tandem with unemployment,
public actions aimed at reducing surplus aggregate labor supply will offer advantages in addition to those
typically claimed. We'd also like to know if policies aimed at making it easier for young people to enter
the labor field, as well as policies aimed at speeding up the geographic and industry redistribution of
structurally unemployed workers, are likely to reduce delinquency. In short, in addition to the
consequences produced by the loss of resources associated with protracted unemployment, the speed with
which equilibrium conditions in the labor market are attained may have significant implications for social

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Rolf Loeber, David P Farrington

Development and psychopathology 12 (4), 737-762, 2000

Base on Farrington (2000), Young children who commit crime: Epidemiology, developmental
origins, risk factors, early interventions, and policy implications, Delinquency that begins before the age
of 13 raises the probability of subsequent major, violent, and chronic offending by a factor of 2–3. Also,
compared to juveniles who begin violating later in life, child delinquents have longer delinquent careers.
The report of the Study Group on Very Young Offenders of the Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, chaired by Rolf Loeber and David P. Farrington, is summarized in this article.
The Study Group, which included 16 scholars and 23 coauthors, spent two years producing a report,
doing comprehensive secondary data analysis, and authoring chapters on several subject areas. The report
is a state-of-the-art review of child delinquents' developmental backgrounds. The paper also outlines the
risk and protective factors that influence that development in the individual, family, peer group, school,
and area. Finally, the report reaffirms the importance of applicable preventive and remedial interventions
in the juvenile judicial system, families, peer groups, schools, and neighborhoods, as well as arguing for
better integration of services for juvenile delinquents. Juvenile justice, child welfare, and mental health
agencies are given policy recommendations to improve their methods of dealing with juvenile

Based on the Statement of Zigler (2000), Early childhood intervention: a promising preventative for
juvenile delinquency. Programs aimed at reducing or preventing adolescent criminality have largely
failed. To make isolated treatment procedures effective, the risk factors that make a child prone to
delinquency appear to be anchored in too many systems, including the individual, the family, and
community networks. Surprisingly, longitudinal studies of some early childhood intervention programs
suggest that they may aid in the prevention of future criminality. These programs use an ecological
approach to child development by seeking to increase total social competence across the various systems
that affect children. Not engaging in criminal activity is one measure of competence that is linked to
others, such as academic and interpersonal achievement. More evidence is needed from evaluators to
corroborate this unexpected benefit of comprehensive therapies.

Family-based approaches to juvenile delinquency: A review of the literature

W Jeff Hinton, Carl Sheperis, Pat Sims

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The family journal 11 (2), 167-173, 2003

According to Sims, Sheperis and Hinton (2003). Family-based approaches to juvenile

delinquency: A review of the literature Because of the growing impact of juvenile criminality on society,
the focus has shifted to the efficacy of offender treatment programs. With this population, traditional
treatment procedures have failed to yield good results. As a result, many scholars are increasingly
advocating for more systemic approaches to offender treatment that concentrate on issues that exist at
several levels (e.g., school, family, peers, culture, and socioeconomic level). Action-oriented,
multifaceted, preventive and remedial, culturally sensitive, systemic in nature, and comprehensive
approaches, which employ direct and indirect client and community services, tend to be action-oriented,
multifaceted, preventive and remedial, culturally sensitive, systemic in nature, and comprehensive. This
article looks at the reasons that contribute to delinquency (such as developmental challenges, gender
issues, and environmental concerns) as well as features of effective delinquency treatment strategies (e.g.,
multisystemic therapy, functional family therapy, behavioral parent training, and family skills training).
The goal of this study is to equip readers with the knowledge they need to effectively address the issues of
therapeutic intervention in the juvenile justice system.

The family and juvenile delinquency

Walter R Gove, Robert D Crutchfield

Sociological Quarterly 23 (3), 301-319, 2016

Base on Gove (2016), The impact of several "family variables" on the etiology of juvenile
delinquency is investigated in this research. These data are unusual in that they are based on reports from
parents on their child's behavior, the nature of the child's home life, and parental perceptions of their
relationship with the child. The impact of the family and delinquency literature on control theory's
understanding of the relevance of a child's attachment to the family as a factor of delinquency is assessed.
The study examined at variables that indicated is family structure, poor parental qualities, household

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characteristics, and parent-child relationships. The attachment variable was discovered to be the most
powerful predictor of delinquency, and it aids in the "interpretation" of the impacts of other variables that
are highly associated to delinquency. It was discovered that the characteristics that predict male
delinquency differ from those that predict female delinquency. Boys' misbehavior is more highly
predicted by variables measuring parentchild interaction and parental control, whereas girls' misbehavior
is more strongly predicted by variables assessing parentchild interaction and parental control.

Effect of single parent family on child delinquency

Archana Singh, UV Kiran

Int J Sci Re 3 (9), 866-8, 2014

According to Singh (2014), The purpose of this review is to show how family structure affects adolescent
criminality. The family's lack of communication and structure may be one of the reasons why the
youngster is more inclined to participate in delinquent behavior. Child behavior is influenced by patterns
of family behavior, decision-making, and family structure. Single mother families, single father families,
and step families are examples of two-parent households. The data imply that family structure does play a
role in juvenile misbehavior, both adversely and positively.

Family transitions and juvenile delinquency

Ryan D Schroeder, Aurea K Osgood, Michael J Oghia

Sociological inquiry 80 (4), 579-604, 2010

Based on the Study of Schroeder (2010), Children from non-intact homes have higher rates of
juvenile delinquency than children from intact homes, according to a large body of research. This is partly
due to weaker parental control and supervision in non-intact homes. The impact of changes in family
structure on delinquent behavior among individual teenagers over time has not been thoroughly examined
in the literature. We examine the effect of changes in family structure on changes in delinquent offending
between waves using the first and third waves of the National Youth Study, as well as the intermediary
process of changes in family time and parental attachment. Although previous study has shown that
teenagers from broken households are more delinquent than those from intact homes, the process of

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family disintegration is not linked to increased offending. Family formation through marriage or
cohabitation, on the other hand, is linked to an increase in offending. A portion of the family formation
effect on delinquency is accounted for by changes in family time and parental attachment, and prior
parental attachment and juvenile offending strongly condition the effect of family formation on offending.


Children and juvenile delinquency are considered as one of the problems and concerns of different
countries. This phenomenon has a growing trend in our country as one of the youngest countries in the
world. This study aims at investigating the factors affecting juvenile delinquency. This research is a cross
- sectional study performed on 250 subjects including 200 male juvenile delinquents and 50 female
juvenile delinquents aged 9 - 18 years and sentenced in juvenile institution and tribunals responsible with
addressing the children’s offenses in Tehran. The data collection tool was an information form completed
through interviews and studying the records of the subjects. SPSS software for data analysis and
frequency distribution tables and chi-square test were used. In this study, 62% of young people aged 17-
18 years were studied among which 80% is male and 20% female. Besides, 48% of them were educated
at guidance school level and 50.8% of them did not live with their parents. The crimes committed in order
of frequency were: Theft, evil-doing, drugs, mischief, mayhem and 40.8% of them were addicted.
Moreover, gender and education level as well as occupation and education level of their mothers were
significantly associated with delinquency (P<0.05). Additionally, no significant relationship was observed
among the marital status, place of residence, family size, birth order, educational backwardness,
performing religious duties, education level, fathers’ job, level of income and criminal background of
their family members. A significant correlation was observed between the separation from family and
addiction, with delinquency type, as well as addiction of families with the addiction of the juveniles
(P<0.05). In this study, various demographic, social and familial factors, such as education, occupation,
separation from family and drug addiction have turned out to be influential on the development of
juvenile delinquency.

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Researchers present an empirical study to study the effects of different factors on juvenile delinquency.
The investigation distributes 100 questionnaires among people who are involved with crime and analyzes
their feedbacks. There are five hypotheses in our survey and we look to see whether family conditions,
religion, economic conditions, media and physical and psychological characteristics play important role
on juvenile delinquency in Iranian society. The results shows that while family conditions, physical and
psychological characteristics play important role on juvenile delinquency, other factors do not statistically
have any impact on juvenile delinquency. The study suggests that a better family condition could help
reduce juvenile delinquency and people could guide their children through better consultations.

The Department of Juvenile Justice monitors the number of youth and arrests for delinquent offenses that
were identified as occurring on school grounds, a school bus (or bus stop) or at an official school event.
This information is generally provided to the Department by law enforcement as part of the delinquency
intake process and is recorded in the Department's Juvenile Justice Information System (JJIS).

When a minor commits a crime, it is addressed differently in the court system. Special courts and judges
are set up for handling juvenile delinquency cases. This is done to protect the minors from the harsh
realities of adult court and sentencing. It is the belief of the legal system that minors who commit crimes
are not completely aware of their actions. They believe the thought and decision-making process of a
minor is not fully developed and the court wishes to approach these cases in a different manner. In many
circumstances, a minor can overcome the crime that was committed and go on to lead an adult life that is
crime-free. It is only under special circumstances that the court will allow a minor to be tried as an adult
because the system prefers rehabilitating minors instead of punishment. The author suggests that
individual problems of juveniles need to be studied, as well as their social and institutional environment.
He focuses on the inner-city environment faced by boys by discussing the behavior, attitudes, and social
relations of 80 boys growing up in an impoverished area of Liverpool. He contends that the urban
environment is characterized by poverty, neglect and exploitation, and behavioral tendencies culturally
transmitted from generation to generation.

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According to (Steve Jones, 2018) youth crime equally known as juvenile delinquency is the
participation in criminal activities by minors who have not attained the age of majority. Consequently,
such behavior remains informed by various factors some of which can be alluded to as the cause of
criminal actions (Goldson & Muncie, 2015). Common youth crimes include, for instance, underage
drinking and smoking, taking drugs, according to (Maseko, 2009) Drugs is one of the greatly influence
some youth get in the crime due to rebellion against parental authority and this confirms Dentler (1967)
assertion that addiction to narcotics destroys the moral fibre of the addict; therefore, their character
deteriorates and habits become evil. which are primary status offenses, violent crimes for instance
robbery with violence and property crimes like burglary or theft. Despite the propensity of such crimes,
little is known as to why young people turn to criminal tendencies. Subsequently, numerous theories have
been postulated to explain the causes and core reasons as to why young people engage in youth crime.
This some of the reasons that are most common for a minor to turn to juvenile delinquency include school
problems, substance abuse home life/personal, peer pressure.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

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There are three different levels by which a better understanding about a juvenile delinquency can
be made, such as individual level, micro social level, and macro social level. At the individual level it
focuses on the personality traits, intelligence, routine activities of adolescents, and characteristics of
individual either innate or learned. At micro social level, delinquency is a micro aspect and criminologists
stressed on the relationship ties, associations with the delinquent friends and the social process by which
an individual becomes the kind of people who commit delinquent acts, especially the delinquent peer
group influence at this level. In the macro social level, the societal characteristics such as social class,
social cohesiveness and social disorganization of neighborhood is used to explain delinquency

According to Strain theory, (Agnew, 1992), people engage in crimes as they experience strain or stress,
they become upset, and they sometimes engage in crime as a result. They may 9 engage in crime to
reduce or escape from the strain they are experiencing. For example, they may engage in violence to end
harassment from others, they may steal to reduce financial problems, or they may run away from home to
escape abusive parents. They may also engage in crime to seek revenge against those who have wronged
them. And they may engage in the crime of illicit drug use to make themselves feel better. Two general
categories of strain that contribute to crime are described :(1) others prevent you from achieving your
goals, and (2) others take things you value or present you with negative or noxious stimuli. While strain
may result from the failure to achieve a variety of goals, the failure to achieve three related goals: money,
status/respect, and—for adolescents—autonomy from adults, may lead to crime.

Social disorganization theory (Shaw and McKay, 1942; 1969) seeks to explain community
differences in crime rates. The theory identifies the characteristics of communities with high crime rates
and draws on social control theory to explain why these characteristics contribute to crime.

Social disorganization undermines or hinders informal social controls within the community and
neighborhood, thus allowing high rates of crime to occur. Therefore, the absence or breakdown of social
control is a key component behind the concept of social disorganization.

According to Social learning theory (Bandura, 1977), juveniles learn to engage in crime in the same way
they learn to engage in conforming behavior: through association with or exposure to others. Primary or
intimate groups like the family and peer group have an especially large impact on what we learn. In fact,

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association with delinquent friends is the best predictor of delinquency other than prior delinquency.
However, one does not have to be in direct contact with others to learn from them; for example, one may
learn to engage in violence from observation of others in the media

Theoretical insights throws light into the fact that more than any biological factor, social and
psychological factors are predominant in creating the deviant behavior as a child tries to imitate and
inculcate what his/her environment shows them.



Research Design

Qualitative Research Design. This approach is used to gather information on the participants' beliefs,
attitudes, and thoughts about a particular issue. The study necessitates observing the truth of people's
social lives and reflecting on activities that have significance for the people involved. The findings of this
study are descriptive, meaning that the researchers were able to explain the information gathered about
the chosen subject. In addition, the studies mainly collected data are from previous related literatures. On

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the other hand, secondary data was gathered from similar research studies, online web sources, and
scientific articles.

This study’s design is Case Study which the researchers are going to examine the respondents’ ideas of
why youths nowadays are committing crimes. The primary aim of this design is to fully comprehend
youths’, perceptions, experiences and situations when involved in the said problem associated in the
juvenile delinquency. Through this research design, the researchers will be able to describe the
participants’ narratives and understand their lived experiences, also to produce in-depth description about
the phenomenon they are experiencing.

Research Locale

This study will take place in Marikina City, and the researchers will aim to collect data from local
youths. They selected this location because children, teenagers, and young adults may be seen in
Marikina, and this is where the researchers are nearest. This place is ideal for their data gathering, and
they expect reliable findings for their study from this place.


Since the type of this Qualitative Research is Case Study, the researchers will no longer be
needing respondents for their data collection because their primary sources of information are from
previous literatures, researches, and articles. They will, nevertheless, gather reliable, authentic, and exact
facts that will be appropriate for this study, as well as assist them in focusing their aims and SOP for the
benefit of this case.


These instruments are used by the researchers to prevent physical contact when they are in the midst of a
pandemic. Google and Google Scholar are both user-friendly and simple-to-use tools that are included
with your Google account for free. They prefer it because it allows researchers to get data from prior
studies, which will be their major source of data. the studies mainly collected data are from previous
related literatures. On the other hand, secondary data was gathered from similar research studies from
other helpful sites, online web sources, and scientific articles. They primarily utilize Messenger since it is
incredibly accessible and everyone has one as a communication tool which is why they utilize it to
transfer data from one individual to another.

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Researchers will also use smartphones with a reliable internet connection to avoid possible
misunderstanding and time-consuming scenarios that might happen during the collection of data and
information, and they will also use laptops which will help them to take notes in an easy and fast way.

Research Citation
Fleisher, B. M. (2015). The Effect of Unemployment on Juvenile Delinquency. Journal of Political
Economy, 71(6), 543-555.

Loeber, R., Farrington, D. P. (2000). Young children who commit crime: Epidemiology, development
origins, risk factors, early inventions, and political implications. Development and Psychopathology,
12(4), 737-762.

Ziegler, E. F., Taussig C., Black, K. (1992). Early childhood intervention: A promising preventive for
juvenile delinquency. American Psychologist, 47(8), 997-1006.

Hinton, W. J., Sheperis, C., Sims, P. (2003). Family-based approaches to juvenile delinquency: A review
of the literature. The family journal, 11(2), 167-173.

Gove, W. R., Crutchfield, R. D. (2016). The family and juvenile delinquency. The sociological quarterly,
23(3), 301-319.

Singh, A., Kiran, U. V. (2014). Effect of single-parent family on child delinquency. International Journal
of Science and Research, 3(9), 866-868.

Schroeder, R. D., Osgood, A. K., Oghia, M. J. (2010). Family transitions and juvenile delinquency.
Sociological Inquiry, 80(4), 579-604.

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Juvenile Crime and Parenting Education. (2017, Oct 25).


Leukefeld et al. (2017). The Benefits of Community and Juvenile Justice Involvement in Organizational
Research. J Juv Justice, (1)6, 112-124.

Young, S., Greer, B., Church, R. (2017). Juvenile delinquency, welfare, justice and therapeutic
interventions: a global perspective. BJPsych Bull, (1)41, 21-29.

Carey, B. (2016). Agnew’s General Strain Theory: Context, Synopsis, and Application. Capital Scholars
Honors Program, 4, 1-15.

Community Correlates of Rural Youth Violence. (2003, May). Social Disorganization and Rural
Communities. Google.

McLeod, S. A. (2016,). Bandura - social learning theory. Simply Psychology.

JP. (2018, July 9). Juvenile Delinquency: What Makes Teenager Commit a Crime?. Google.

Omboto, J. O., Ondiek G. O., Odera, O., Ayugi M. E. (2013). Factors Influencing Youth Crime and
Juvenile Delinquency. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 1(2), 18-20.

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