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1) Which of the following is NOT a common element of Romanticism?

(A) Emphasis on individualism and the power of emotion

(B) Celebration of nature and its beauty and mystery
(C) Fascination with the exotic, supernatural, and unknown
(D) Focus on reason, logic, and social order

2) Who among these writers was not a Romanticist?

A)John Keats
B)William Wordsworth
C)Samuel Taylor Colridge
D)Thomas Gray

3) What are some common elements of Naturalism?

A. Idealization of human nature and focus on the beauty of the natural world
B. Exploration of the subconscious and the influence of dreams
C. Belief in free will and the power of individual choice
D. Objective observation of society and the impact of external forces on human behavior

4) What is Antanaclasis?
A)A literary device in which a word or phrase is repeated within a sentence, but the word or phrase means
something different each time it appears.
B)A literary device in which a phrase is repeated, but with the order of words reversed.
C) A rhetorical device in which a speaker expresses uncertainty or doubt—often pretended uncertainty or
doubt—about something, usually as a way of proving a point.
D) A figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses someone (or something) that is not present or
cannot respond in reality.

5) What literary device involves attributing human emotions or characteristics to non-human things?

(A) Litotes (B) Metaphor (C) Pathetic Fallacy (D) Hamartia

6) Which of the following words is NOT an example of onomatopoeia?

(A) Meow (B) Ding-dong (C) Exquisite (D) Sizzle

7) Which scenario best demonstrates dramatic irony?

(A) A character unknowingly receives a gift from their secret admirer.

(B) A detective correctly deduces the killer's identity before revealing it to everyone else. (C) A villain
gloats about their evil plan, unaware that the hero is listening in secret.
(D) Two characters have a deep conversation, unaware they are actually related.

8) Who pioneered plastic theatre?

(A) Bertolt Brecht
(B) George Bernard Shaw
(C) Tennessee Williams
(D) Eugene O'Neill
9) What is the main function of postcolonial criticism ?

A. To represent the relationship between colonizers and the colonized

B. To draw attention to the positive effects of colonization on literature
C. To explain why there are few examples of successful non-Western literature
D. To show the ways in which most Western literature is superior
E. All of the above answers are correct

10) How does New Historicism differ from traditional historicism ?

A. New Historicism rejects the idea that history is neutral.

B. New Historicism does not make strict delineations between literary and non-literary texts.
C. New Historicism takes a particular interest in marginalized peoples.
D. All of the above answers are correct.

11) How does literary theory resemble the practice of philosophy as it was developed by Plato and
Aristotle ?

A. Literary theory engages with theoretical rather than real-world issues.

B. Literary theory asks fundamental questions about literary interpretation, and at the same time builds
specific systems of literary interpretation.
C. Literary theory relies totally on speculation rather than history.
D. All of the above answers are correct.

12) What is New Historicism ?

A. A theory that sees history as a form of writing and discourse

B. A theory that abandons the idea of history as an imitation of events
C. A theory that regards history as a series of narratives
D. All of the above answers are correct.

13) What is a a stanza of 3 lines called?

1. Tetrameter
2. Triplet
3. Terset
4. Triarch
14) What is iambic pentameter?
A) A poetic meter consisting of nine syllables per line, with alternating stressed, stressed and unstressed
B) A poetic meter consisting of ten syllables per line, with alternating stressed and unstressed syllables
C) A poetic meter consisting of eight syllables per line, with alternating stressed, unstressed, unstressed
and stressed syllables
D) A poetic meter consisting of eight syllables per line, with alternating stressed and unstressed syllables
15) What is John Donne regarded most highly as:
A)Romantic poet
B)Metaphysical poet
C)Divine love poet
D)Victorian poet

16 What is the primary focus of New Criticism?

(a) Social and historical context of the text

(b) Author's biographical information
(c) Internal structure and symbolism of the text
(d) Reader's interpretation and response

17. Which theory emphasizes the power structures and ideologies embedded within texts?

(a) Psychoanalysis (b) Formalism (c) Marxism (d) New Historicism

18) Within a dense and layered poem, the speaker describes feeling an "ocean of sorrow" churning within
them. This description primarily functions as a:

(a) Zeugma: Combining two separate actions ("feeling" and "churning") with one object ("ocean of
(b) Metonymy: Substituting the "ocean of sorrow" for the speaker's internal state.
(c) Hyperbole: Exaggerating the depth and intensity of the speaker's sadness.
(d) Symbolism: The "ocean of sorrow" representing a complex emotional landscape beyond literal
interpretation. (e) Oxymoron: Juxtaposing the vastness of an "ocean" with the intimate experience of

19) What is the main concern of Postcolonial Theory?

(a) The relationship between language and thought

(b) The impact of colonialism on literature and culture
(c) The unconscious motivations of characters
(d) Exploring whether colonialism was justified or not

20) What is the key concept of Psychoanalysis in literature?

(a) The author's intended meaning
(b) The influence of historical context
(c) The unconscious desires and conflicts of characters
(d) The reader's personal interpretation

21) What is the primary focus of Reader-Response Theory?

(a) Analyzing the text's internal structure

(b) Examining the author's biography
(c) Exploring the reader's active role in creating meaning
(d) Identifying universal themes and symbols

22) What is the main concern of Structuralism?

(a) The author's emotional state

(b) The historical context of the text
(c) The underlying structures and patterns of meaning
(d) The reader's subjective experience

23) What theory focuses on the relationship between language and power?

(a) Marxism (b) Feminism (c) Postcolonialism (d) All of the above

24) What is the main critique of New Criticism?

(a) It ignores the author's intention.

(b) It neglects the historical context.
(c) It overemphasizes form over content.
(d) It focuses too much on reader interpretation.

25) Which device highlights specific details and sensory descriptions to evoke a particular setting or

(a) Symbolism (b) Local color (c) Epizeuxis (d) Envoi

26) What term describes the use of silence or pauses to create emphasis or suspense?

(a) Cinquain (b) Diacope (c) Aposiopesis (d) Asyndeton

27) In a poem, the line "The wind moaned like a banshee through the skeletal branches" employs which
of the following devices MOST predominantly?

(a) Metaphor (b) Simile (c) Personification (d) Metonymy

28) In the phrase "He was consumed by an inferno of passion," the primary function of "inferno" is to

(a) Sensory imagery (b) Symbolism (c) Hyperbole (d) Euphemism

29) The repeated use of the phrase "blood will have blood" throughout a play serves as a(n):

(a) Leitmotif (b) Motif (c) Foreshadowing (d) Refrain

30) In the sentence "He felt the weight of the world on his shoulders," the literary device used is:

(a) Synecdoche (b) Metonymy (c) Metaphor (d) Personification

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