W#1 (SST6) - 3rd Term

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[Social Studies] (Class 6)

Name: ______________________________
Q#1: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

1. Settlement is a place where people live and carry out _______.

a. Activities b. Hobbies
2. Relief in settlement refers to people who normally choose to live _______.
a. with difficulties b. Easily
3. Normally, river deltas are always the most populated regions in the _______.
a. World b. Desert
4. Water is a source of _______.
a. Fuel b. Life
5. Early human settlements were always near to _______.
a. Water / river b. Mountains
6. Areas that have a moderate climate are always preferred by _______.
a. Animals b. Humans
7. Economic factor (jobs/business) is important for _______.
a. Human settlement b. Agricultural growth
8. Rural and urban are two types of _______.
a. Environment b. Settlement
9. Population is usually small in _______ area.
a. Urban b. Rural
10. Mostly (only) basic services are available in rural areas such as _______.
a. Post office, shops b. Shopping malls, theaters

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[Social Studies] (Class 6)

Q#2: State whether the following statement is true or false:

1. Settlement is a place where people live and carry out there activities. (T/F) _

2. Relief in settlement refers to people those who normally choose to live in a

difficult situation. (T/F) ____

3. River deltas are most populated regions in the world. (T/F) ____

4. Water is not a source of life. (T/F) ____

5. Early human settlements were always far from water / river. (T/F) ____

6. The land in CBD is less expensive. (T/F) ____

7. The buildings in CBD are very short. (T/F) ____

8. CBD located outside the city. (T/F) ____

9. At night, CBD is filled with people. (T/F) ____

10. The land is very expensive in suburbs. (T/F) ____

11. In cities, some expensive luxury housing has replaced the old houses. (T/F)


12. Redevelopment attract more people. (T/F) ____

13. Nucleated settlement pattern are clustered together usually at the meeting

point of transport routes. (T/F) ____

14. Human settlement varies in size from small villages to small towns and

cities. (T/F) ____

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[Social Studies] (Class 6)

Q#3: Match the following:

1. a.Nucleated Settlement

2. b.Dispersed Settlement

3. c.Linear Settlement

Q#4: Answer the following questions:

1. What is meant by settlement pattern?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________


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